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Andre Phoenix Zapata

Blood Types quiz

1. ​What blood type is known as the “universal donor”? *
A. Type A
B. Type B
C. Type AB
D. Type O
2. What blood type is known as the “universal recipient”? *
A. Type A
B. Type B
C. Type AB
D. Type O
3​. A patient needs 2 units of packed red blood cells. The patient is typed and
cross matched. The patient has A+ blood. As the nurse you know the patient can
receive what type of blood? Select all that apply: *
A. A-
B. O-
C. O+
D. A+
E. AB-
F. AB+
G. B+
4. ​A donor has AB- blood. Which patient or patients below can receive this type
of blood safely? ​*
A. A patient with O- blood.
B. A patient with A- blood
C. A patient with B- blood
D. A patient with AB- blood.
5. ​You’re educating a group of outpatients about ABO blood typing and
compatibility. Which statement is INCORRECT? *
A. A person with B- blood can donate to people with either B- or AB- blood.
B. A person with B- blood can receive blood from donors with O- and B- blood.
C. A person with O- blood can donate to every blood type regardless of the RH
D. A person with AB+ blood can only donate to other people with either AB+ or
AB- blood.
6. ​A person is O+. Select all the donor blood types this person could receive
blood from: *
A. AB+
B. AB-
C. O+
D. O-
E. A-
F. A+
G. B-
H. B+
7. ​True or False: Agglutination can occur when Type A blood is given to a person
with Type O blood. *
A. True
B. False

8. ​A 26-year-old female is 27 weeks pregnant with her second child. The woman
is A-. As the nurse you know that: *
A. If the patient was A+ she would need to receive RhoGAM.
B. The patient will need to receive RhoGAM during this visit to prevent
hemolytic disease of the newborn.
C. The baby will need to receive RhoGAM after it’s born.
D. Since the mother is A- the baby can be Rh positive, which could lead to an
immune attack on the mother's body.
9. ​True or False: Patients who are Rh positive can only receive Rh positive blood,
while patients who are Rh negative can only receive blood from donors who are
Rh negative. *
10. ​Your patient is scheduled for surgery and is ordered to be typed and cross
matched. The lab result shows your patient has B- blood. What type of blood
can the patient receive during surgery, if needed? *
A. B-
B. B+
C. A-
D. A+
E. O+
F. O-
G. AB+
H. AB-

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