Exp 6 Lab Sheet

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Experiment 6: Compound and Mixture

At the end of the experiment, the students will be able to:

1. Differentiate between a compound and a mixture;

2. Describe what happens for each step in the procedure; and
3. Classify each chemical system in the experiment as compound or mixture




Ferrous Sulfide released white It undergo chemical change
fumes that turned into yellow due to the combustion. When COMPOUND
ones. Later on, the purple we burn ferrous sulfide (FeS),
flames appeared. After the iron in ferrous sulfide
burning, it turned to black and reacts with oxygen in the air.
it hardened. Also, it released So with this reaction, it forms
unpleasant smell just like a iron oxide (Fe2O3) and sulfur
firecracker. Lastly, the dioxide (SO2).
magnetic properties of iron
filings disappeared.

A mixture of iron and sulfur has It only alters the form or
a color of black-yellow. It's appearance of iron and sulfur MIXTURE
appearance was grainy to mixture. There is no significant
powdery and you can still change in chemical (Heterogeneous)
distinguish iron and sulfur. composition.

The compound (ferrous sulfide) From rock solid form to
possessed a black powdery powdery form. We just add a MIXTURE
appearance due to the force (pounding) to change its
pounding of compound. And appearance but it’s still a (Heterogeneous)
the smell is still like a compound.
firecracker or a sulfurous smell.

When we placed a magnet over The attraction of iron filings to
the mixture of iron and sulfur, the magnet indicates a MIXTURE
the black particles (iron filings) separation based on magnetic
are the ones which is attracted properties, and no new (Heterogeneous)
to the magnet and yellow substances are formed.
particles (sulfur) remained in
the watch glass.

The magnetic properties of iron It shows physical change
disappeared so when we put because it only change its COMPOUND
magnet over the ferrous magnetic behaviour without
sulfide, it leads to no attraction changing its chemical
at all. composition.

a. Unburned FeS b. Unburned FeS
The mixture and HCl shows no the absence of a reaction MIXTURE
reaction has appeared also shows physical change unlike
they didn't mix properly. the burned ferrous sulfide. (Heterogeneous)

c. Burned FeS d. Burned FeS
When we added few drops of The formation of bubbles COMPOUND
dilute HCl and the burned indicates chemical change due
ferrous sulfide and we shaked to the involvement of release
it, some tiny bubbles appeared. of a gas suggesting a chemical
reaction has occurred.

a. Burned FeS a. Burned FeS

Burned ferrous sulfide and No reaction occurred so it B. MIXTURE

copper sulfate (CuSO4) shows shows physical change.
no reaction. (Heterogeneous)
b. Unburned FeS
b. Unburned FeS
The observed increase in
When copper sulfate and temperature and color change
ferrous sulfide are combined, it indicates chemical change. It
causes an increase in involve a chemical reaction
temperature. We used our between copper sulfate
sense of touch to feel its (CuSO4) and ferrous sulfide
temperature. In addition to (FeS) leading to information of
that, the color of copper sulfate new compounds.
(CuSO4) which is blue turned
into green.


1. What is a mixture? A compound?

 A mixture is a combination of two or more substances where each retains its
own chemical properties. In experiment, examples of mixtures include solutions
and combinations that don’t undergo a chemical reaction. A compound, on the
other hand, is formed when two or more elements chemically combine in fixed
ratios. In this experiment, ferrous sulfide (FeS) is an example of a compound
because iron (Fe) and sulfur (S) where chemically combined together.
2. Describe the specific differences between a mixture and a compound based on the
 The specific differences between mixture and compound is their content (what
are they made of) and what change will occur to them. Mixture refers to the
combination of substances where each component retains its distinct chemical
properties. It also lacks effects chemical composition or ratio just like the
solutions of ferrous sulfide (FeS) + dilute hydrochloric acid (HCl), ferrous sulfide
(FeS) + copper sulfate (CuSO4), and iron (Fe) + sulfur (S). The mixture undergo
physical change because it doesn’t involved any formation of new substances.
Compound is made up of two or more elements through the process of
chemical combination, and unlike mixture, it exhibits a specific and fixed
chemical composition with defined ratios. Example, ferrous sulfide (FeS), it
highlighted the characteristics of a compound that are chemically bonded with
two elements. Compounds undergo chemical change because it forms a new
substances when they’re combined together.

3. What type of change occurs in the formation of a compound and a mixture?

 In the context of our experiment, mixtures undergo physical changes,
characterized by the changes in their physical state or appearance. These
changes do not involve a modification in the chemical composition of the
individual substances within the mixture. Examples include processes like mixing
and pounding, where the substances retain their original chemical properties
despite the observable transformations. While on compounds, it undergo
chemical changes, marked by the formation or breaking of chemical bonds. This
results in the creation of new substances with distinct chemical properties. The
example of ferrous sulfide (FeS) illustrates this concept, as the reaction with
dilute hydrochloric acid led to the formation of bubbles, indicating a chemical
In simple words, mixtures exhibit physical changes without changing the
composition of their components, while compounds undergo chemical changes
involving the transformation of elements to new substances.

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