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An internship report is a summary of your internship experience that many employers require to

complete your time at their organization. The internship report is important because it informs your
educator of the lessons and skills you learned and the opportunities you had to apply those skills.

Your internship report includes relevant details about your intern experience. Structure of the Internship
Report includes:

Title Page:
Include the title of the report, your name, the name of your educational institution, the name of the
company where you interned, and the dates of your internship.

Express gratitude to those who supported you during your internship, including your supervisor,
colleagues, and anyone else who played a significant role.

Table of Contents:
Provide a clear and organized list of the report's sections and subsections.

Executive Summary:
Summarize the key points of your internship report, including the purpose of the internship, your main
responsibilities, and major achievements.

Introduce the company/organization where you interned.
Provide background information on the company, its mission, and its industry.

Internship Objectives:
Outline the specific goals and objectives you set for yourself at the beginning of the internship.

Scope of Work:
Detail your responsibilities and tasks during the internship.
Discuss any projects you worked on and the skills you gained.

Learning Experience:
Reflect on what you learned during the internship, both in terms of technical skills and personal
Provide examples to illustrate your points.

Provide any recommendations you may have for improving the internship program or suggestions for
future interns.

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