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The 5 big

flaws that
I see with

At Beloved Brands, our Marketing Training teaches how

the best marketers use brand analytics, strategic thinking,
brand positioning, brand plans, and marketing execution
The 5 big flaws
that I see with
Creative Briefs
1. Too many objectives
2. Not enough good stuff about
your consumer target
3. Way too many messages
4. Mandatories tangle up the brief
5. Tone words are kinda cliche.

At Beloved Brands, our Marketing Training teaches how

the best marketers use brand analytics, strategic thinking,
brand positioning, brand plans, and marketing execution
1. Too many objectives
wreck the brief
The bad creative brief

• A bad brief simultaneously tries to accomplish too many

things—purpose, trial, share, competitive, superiority, build
bond, and in uence friends. With 6 objectives above, your
brief is a mess. You will confuse your agency and cause spin.
• Narrow your brief to one word. This is a ‘Z’ brief. This should
be a ‘trial’ brief.
• Multiple objectives? Create a separate project, possibly a
di erent creative team, and write another brief.

At Beloved Brands, our Marketing Training teaches how

the best marketers use brand analytics, strategic thinking,
brand positioning, brand plans, and marketing execution
1. Too many objectives
wreck the brief
The smart creative brief

✓ The smart creative brief starts with one very clear objective
that should come from your brand plan.
✓ What is the PROGRAM? Who is the main target, and what
underlying ACCELERATOR will make this work? And what is
the expected performance RESULT?
✓ This simple objective will “attract new consumers using our
‘guilt-free’ positioning.” I prefer to leave out the ‘share gain’ as
it could complicate/confuse the objective.

At Beloved Brands, our Marketing Training teaches how

the best marketers use brand analytics, strategic thinking,
brand positioning, brand plans, and marketing execution
1. Too many objectives
wreck the brief
Do your homework on the strategy

1. What is the program you are investing in?

2. Who is the main target and what is the accelerator
that will explain how it pays back?
3. What is the performance result you want?

At Beloved Brands, our Marketing Training teaches how

the best marketers use brand analytics, strategic thinking,
brand positioning, brand plans, and marketing execution
2. Not enough good stuff
about your consumer
Creative brief GRA
Why are we advertising
The bad creative brief
Use our brand purpose to drive trial from mainstream cookie
consumers, with a competitive attack on mainstream cookies,
to get consumers to think our cookie is the best and build a
bond with early adopters, and influence their friends.

About our consumer About our brand

Our target Main message
18-65, new consumers, current consumers,
employees, & retailers. They shop at food, drug,
mass, club. They eat 14.7 cookies/month. Primary
Gray’s are the modern cookie, with
only 100 calories and less than 2g o
started the company and is a well-k
shopper makes decision to try. Potential for kids to
use. Back to school timing could work. Support points
Gray’s cookies are recommended b
pharmacist. Plenty of before & after
Business Problem our consumer testimonials to life. O
Gray’s market share is relatively small, held back by
Gray’s to Dad’s. Gray’s have been
low awareness, trial, and loyalty. Usage not on par
since 1993. All natural. Highest fibe
with mainstream cookies.
Brand Idea
Consumer Insights Everyone loves Grays. Premium Co
Gray’s product taste drives high trial (50%) taste. Most preferred, highest fiber,
compared to other launches (32%). Consumers only recommend. At your grocery store.
eat 9.4 times per month compared to 18.3 times for
the category leaders. Mandatories
Avoid humor as a sarcastic tone wi
target/subject. Preference is for rea
What does our consumer think now? supported by before and after, usin
• There are way too many numbers and no conclusions or
Gray’s has 35% awareness, 9% penetration. Over
425 say they like the taste. Consumers eat
Must show 90-day guarantee. Show

insights. Your creative experts

mainstream cookies 13.4x will gain
per month, butno value from statistics
first five seconds. Use celebrity spo
pharmacy. Add AMA seal for autho
without meaningful insight.
consumers only use 3.6x per month.

What do we want consumers to do? Our ask

• If we want to create
We want marketing
to get consumers execution that makes the
to THINK Gray’s are
consumer think,unique,
“This FEEL isthey
forcanme,” then and
stay in control, weTRY
have toMedia
Gray’s to see if they like them. The, once they LOVE
Choices to explore
that we know our consumer
the taste, INFLUENCE andothers tohow
try. to connect.TV, 30, 15, 5. Newspaper, maga
Need separate display header fo
Tone we take with our consumers using Facebook, Instagram, Tw
Optimistic, smart, down-to-earth, trusted, popular YouTube, and open to any new
yet friendly. have.

At Beloved Brands, our Marketing Training teaches how

the best marketers use brand analytics, strategic thinking,
brand positioning, brand plans, and marketing execution

beloved brands
2. Not enough good stuff
about your consumer
The smart creative brief

✓ The smart creative

brief uses a
combination of
pro ling, behaviors,
and psychographics.
Tell the story of your
target, and try to link
how your brand ts
into their life.
✓ Use our moment of
accelerated needs,
consumer enemy,
and consumer
insights tool to add
life to our target.

At Beloved Brands, our Marketing Training teaches how

the best marketers use brand analytics, strategic thinking,
brand positioning, brand plans, and marketing execution
2. Not enough good stuff
about your consumer
Do your homework on the target

1. De ne your target market

2. Layer in the moments of accelerated needs
3. Add the consumer enemy
4. Add in the consumer insight

At Beloved Brands, our Marketing Training teaches how

the best marketers use brand analytics, strategic thinking,
brand positioning, brand plans, and marketing execution
rief GRAY’S
3. Way too many Cookies
instream cookie
nstream cookies,
est and build a

About badbrand
creative brief

Main message

Brand Book
Gray’s are the modern cookie, with the benefit of being
only 100 calories and less than 2g of fat. Emily Gray
started the company and is a well-known influencer.
kids to
Support points
Gray’s cookies are recommended by doctors and
pharmacist. Plenty of before & after photos, bringing
our consumer testimonials to life. Over 70% prefer
back by
Gray’s to Dad’s. Gray’s have been made in America
on par
since 1993. All natural. Highest fiber count.

Brand Idea
• TheEveryone
bad briefloves
tries Grays.
to communicate too many
Premium Cookies messages
with great at the
same time,
taste. which
Most will create
preferred, a cluttered
highest mess with the
fiber, doctors
ers only creative. Spin around
recommend. At yourand around,
grocery never able to gure out
mes for what you want. The bad brief throws out random claims that
have nothing to do with the main message.
Avoid humor as a sarcastic tone will not work with
target/subject. Preference is for real testimonials,
ow? supported by before and after, using our celebrity.
. Over Must show 90-day guarantee. Show brand name in
At Beloved Brands, our Marketing Training teaches how
first fivethe
best Use celebrity
marketers use spokesperson.
brand analytics, Set in thinking,
strategic a
ray’s pharmacy. brandAdd AMA seal
positioning, for authority.
brand plans, and marketing execution

o? Our ask
3. Way too many
The bad creative brief has 8
di erent support points

• If you don’t narrow your message, the creative will, and

then you’ll be picking your strategy based on how your
agency delivered. Not good. That allows a creative team
with 2 weeks of experience on your brand to pick your
• Do your job! You need to control the strategy and give
some freedom on execution!!!

At Beloved Brands, our Marketing Training teaches how

the best marketers use brand analytics, strategic thinking,
brand positioning, brand plans, and marketing execution
ief GRAY’S
g to get
3. Way too many Cookies
ove them
ased share. messages
About our brand
The smart creative brief
Main message

er it
Brand Book
With Gray’s Cookies, you can do what you
want and stop feeling guilty over eating a
damn cookie.

atch Support points

Grays Cookies matched the market leaders
on taste, but only has 100 calories and 2g of
carbs. In a 12-week study, consumers using
Gray’s once a night lost 5 lbs.

Brand Idea
✓ The Gray’s
smart brief
areabove narrows
the best down
tasting yet to one main message
building on the brand idea of “stop feeling guilty.”
to pleasure so you can stay in control of your
✓ The health
smart brief
mind.focuses on two clear support points
supporting your main message.
Brand Assets
Story of our New England family recipe, our
? At Beloved Brands, our Marketing Training teaches how
signature stack
the best of beautiful
marketers cookies,
use brand analytics,and
strategic thinking,
tagline “More
brand Cookie.
positioning, Less
brand Guilt.”
plans, and marketing execution
Support points
Gray’s cookies are recommended by doctors and

4. Mandatories
pharmacist. Plenty of before & after photos, bringing
our consumer testimonials to life. Over 70% prefer
k by
Gray’s to Dad’s. Gray’s have been made in America
tangle up the brief
since 1993. All natural. Highest fiber count.

Brand Idea
Everyone loves Grays. Premium Cookies with great
taste. MostThe badhighest
preferred, creative
only recommend. At your grocery store.
Avoid humor as a sarcastic tone will not work with
target/subject. Preference is for real testimonials,
? supported by before and after, using our celebrity.
ver Must show 90-day guarantee. Show brand name in
first five seconds. Use celebrity spokesperson. Set in a
s pharmacy. Add AMA seal for authority.

Our ask
• The bad brief is a laundry list of mandatories that
is designed to control the creative outcome. This
list creates a tangled mess that restricts your
OVE Media Choices to explore
creative team. I often nd new objectives hidden
30, 15, 5. Newspaper,
almost magazine back cover.
secret scriptkillers.
Need separate display header for Walmart. Digital
I’ve seen
using everyInstagram,
Facebook, one of these in aExplore
Twitter. real brief.
ar YouTube, and open to any new media choices you
At Beloved Brands, our Marketing Training teaches how
the best marketers use brand analytics, strategic thinking,
brand positioning, brand plans, and marketing execution
Main message
Brand Book
With Gray’s Cookies, you can do what you

4. Mandatories
ever it want and stop feeling guilty over eating a
and damn cookie.

Support points
up the brief
Grays Cookies matched the market leaders
on taste, but only has 100 calories and 2g of
The bad creative brief
carbs. In a 12-week study, consumers using
Gray’s once a night lost 5 lbs.

Brand Idea
ts Gray’s are the best tasting yet guilt-free
in to pleasure so you can stay in control of your
oo health and mind.
I feel
Brand Assets
Story of our New England family recipe, our
signature stack of beautiful cookies, and
tagline “More Cookie. Less Guilt.”
e yet
✓ The smart brief looks to build creative and strategic assets.
d Our ask
Stay con dent that you have written such a great brief that
you do not need to control the creative outcome.
✓ I know it might sound crazy, but if you write a damn good
? brief, you might
Media not needto
Choices mandatories.
explore Try it.
he Main creative will be 30 sec TV ad,
supported by event signage and in-store
display. Carry idea into digital, social
media and build
At Beloved a microsite
Brands, our Marketing Training teaches how
the best marketers use brand analytics, strategic thinking,
brand positioning, brand plans, and marketing execution
With creative experts,
Marketers do the opposite
of what they should do

Marketers should control

the strategy, yet I see them
give up so much freedom
that they leave the creative
team confused.

Marketers should allow

creative freedom in the
execution, yet I see that
they try to control the
outcome, leading to a
stifled creative team.
5. Tone words are
kinda cliche
The bad creative brief

• The bad brief uses these random words that are all
over the emotional map.
• Someone in 1975 must have written these words on
a creative brief, which have been used on 90% of
briefs since—the same meaningless words.

Go check your brief. If you are using these

words, then you are kinda cliche.

At Beloved Brands, our Marketing Training teaches how

the best marketers use brand analytics, strategic thinking,
brand positioning, brand plans, and marketing execution
5. Tone words are
kinda cliche
The smart creative brief

Caregiver Creator

✓ The smart brief
Everyman Structure
Innocent uses words that t
up to the chosen
Freedom Sage
Knowledge archetype from
Impact the work we do
Lover Explorer
Take risks
Achievement with building out
Hero Magician
the brand idea

At Beloved Brands, our Marketing Training teaches how

the best marketers use brand analytics, strategic thinking,
brand positioning, brand plans, and marketing execution
5. Tone words are
kinda cliche
Do your homework on tone
✓ The smart brief uses words that t up to the
chosen personality archetype from the work we do
with building out the brand idea

At Beloved Brands, our Marketing Training teaches how

the best marketers use brand analytics, strategic thinking,
brand positioning, brand plans, and marketing execution
The 13 questions we
use on a creative brief
1. What is the role of communications?
2. How do we de ne our target?
3. Moments of accelerated needs?
4. What is our target’s enemy?
5. What insights do we know that can help us
connect with our target?
6. What does our target think now?
7. What do we want our target to think, see, do,
or feel?
8. What is our main message?
9. Support points?
10. What is the brand idea?
11. What are the brand’s assets we can build
12. What is the tone of voice?
13. What media choices to explore?
Our brief template

Creative brief
Why are we advertising
Communicate Gray’s new “guilt-free” positioning to a growing “proactive preventer” target who live a
low-carb keto life to attract and tempt them to try Gray’s

About our consumer About our brand

Our target Main message
Proactive Preventer cookie lovers who crave a With Gray’s Cookies, you can do what you
healthy life, suburban working women, 35-40, want and stop feeling guilty over eating a
who are willing to do whatever it takes to stay damn cookie.
healthy. They run, work out, and eat right. They
want to make smarter food choices—they read
Support points
ingredient labels, track their intake, and make Grays Cookies matched the market leaders
necessary daily adjustments. Food can be a bit of on taste, but only has 100 calories and 2g of
a stress reliever and escape. Their needs include carbs. In a 12-week study, consumers using
great-tasting food, satisfying cravings, healthy Gray’s once a night lost 5 lbs.
choices, physical health, and maintaining weight. Brand Idea
Moment of accelerated needs Gray’s are the best tasting yet guilt-free
pleasure so you can stay in control of your
40th birthday, going on vacation, spring coming,
health and mind.
New Year’s resolution, tighter clothing.
Consumer’s enemy Brand Assets
Story of our New England family recipe, our
Temptation and guilt when they cheat.
signature stack of beautiful cookies, and
Consumer Insights tagline “More Cookie. Less Guilt.”
“I have tremendous willpower. I work out and
watch what I eat. But once I give in to the
The tone we take with consumers
temptation of sweet or dessert, I fear it can mess Enabling, supportive, helping hand, wise
with my motivation and ruin all my hard work.”
What does our target think now?
Our ask
While Gray’s has achieved a small growing base
of brand fans, most consumers remain unfamiliar Media Choices to explore
and have yet to try Gray’s. Those few who love it Main creative will be 30 sec TV ad,
say it is “equally good on health and taste.” supported by event signage and in-store
display. Carry idea into digital, social
What do we want consumers to do?
media and build a microsite
TRY Grays, and we know the great taste will win
them over once they do.
“Beloved Brands is the best marketing
training that I’ve ever attended”
It is time to invest in our marketing training to make your team
smarter so they produce better work and drive stronger results.

“The best marketing training course I’ve ever attended”

Beloved Brands Marketing Training
• Comprehensive Marketing Skill Development: We train marketing teams in
analytics, strategic thinking, brandin
Invest plans,
yourbrand positioning,
people today and smart execution. We
ensure marketing execution decisions with creative advertising, media, in-store, and
product innovation must generate a market impact and performance result.

• Practical Learning Approach: Our Marketing Training o ers hands-on, practical tools
and methodologies that marketers can apply directly to their work, ensuring newly
acquired skills are integrated into their daily routines for maximum impact.

• Tailored Training Programs: We provide specialized training tailored to di erent

business models, including Consumer, B2B, and Healthcare brands, focusing on
unique challenges and opportunities to foster brand growth and leadership. Marketers
learn best when they can see examples that look like the brand they are working on.

It’s time to invest in your marketing team

We designed our Marketing Training program
around the 5 pain points that marketing team
leaders see with their marketing talent

1 When your marketers do not analyze deeply enough, they will write or
speak with random opinions rather than a reality of what’s happening.
Our Marketing Training teaches how the best marketers use analytical skills to create a deep-dive
business review with conclusions about what’s going on with the marketplace, consumers, channels,
competitors, and the brand. The analysis discovers the brand’s unique underlying situation and sets up
the strategy. Marketers must identify the growth accelerators that will make their investments move
faster, inhibitors that will hold them back, opportunities to take advantage of, and threats to avoid.

2 When you see your marketers jump straight to tactics, you know they
are missing the underlying issues holding the brand back.
Learn how the best marketers use strategic thinking to understand your brand’s unique circumstances.
Our Strategic ThinkBox helps marketers ask challenging questions about 1) the brand’s core strength,
2) the consumer bond the brand has built, 3) the competitive dynamic, and 4) the business situation.

3 If your marketers make the mistake of trying to be everything to

anyone, you will see a brand that ends up being nothing to everyone.
Our training will teach your team how the best marketers use conceptual thinking to create the ideal
consumer pro le using moments of accelerated needs, underlying consumer insights, and enemies
that torment them. They build the brand positioning with functional and emotional bene ts, then use an
organizing brand idea to steer everyone who works on the brand.

When your marketers try to do too many things in their plan, every
4 idea lacks enough resources to make the impact they expect.
Learn how the best marketers use planning skills to write a strategic plan that de nes how to invest
their limited resources to build capabilities that drive growth. They establish a vision, purpose, values,
and goals that de ne a better future. And they nd key issues of what’s in the way with detailed
strategies and execution plans to guide everyone who works on the team.

When marketing execution is not aligned with a strategy, every team

5 works in silos, the consumers see a disjointed and confused brand.
Our training will teach how the best marketers use instinctual thinking to help make decisions on any
execution that goes to the market. Our Marketing PlayBox helps de ne what your execution must play
within 1) focuses on the target, 2) ts with the brand, 3) delivers the main message, and 4) stays on
strategy. They will write smart, emotional, creative briefs that inspire experts to deliver their best work.
They will make smart decisions on advertising, innovation, and in-store marketing.
Use brand funnels to look beneath the
surface and see the health of the brand
B Absolute
Ratio Scores Brand Plan GRAY’S

The guilt free pleasure

Brand Vision: Be first ‘healthy cookie’ to generate craving, popularity and sales of a mainstream cookie. $100 Million by 2030.

93% Awareness Analysis Issues and Strategies Execution Plans

Strategic Do you feel guilty when you stick your hand in the
P&L forecast
• Sales
Key Issues Advertising
• Drive awareness and trial of Gray’s. Target

Marketing Pl
$30,385 1.What’s the priority choice for growth: find new
(87 / 93 = 94%) 94% cookie jar? Wouldn’t it be great if you could just sneak a
• Gross Margin $17,148 users or drive usage frequency among “Proactive Preventers”, suburban working
• GM % 56% loyalists? women, 35-40. Main Message of “guilt-free

87% cookie without worry that you have gone off your diet? • Marketing Budget $8,850 2.Where should the investment/resources focus snacking, so you can stay in control of your

ThinkBox Gray’s Cookies are the best tasting yet
guilt free pleasure so you can stay in
control of your health.
• Contribution Margin
• CM%

• Taste drives high conversion of Trial to

and deployment be to drive our awareness and
share needs for Gray’s?
3.How will we defend Gray’s against the
proposed Q1 2014 ‘healthy cookie’ launches
from Pepperidge Farms and Nabisco?
health.” Media uses 30/15-second TV,
specialty health magazines, health event
signage, digital, and social media.
• Drive trial with in-store sampling at grocery,
82% Consider • Strong Listings in Food Channels
• Exceptional brand health scores among
1.Continue to attract new users to Gray’s
Costco, health food stores and event sampling

Core Strength
at fitness, yoga, women’s networking, new

1 2.Focus investment on driving awareness and

Early Adopters. Highly Beloved Brand moms.
That’s because Gray’s is low in fat and calories, yet among niche. trial with new consumers and building a Distribution
77% still tastes great. In blind taste tests, Gray’s cookies

Inhibitors presence at retail. • Support Q4 retail blitz with message focused

63% Purchase matched the market leaders on taste, but has only • Low familiar yet to turn our sales into loyalty 3.Build defence plan against new entrants to on holding shelf space during the competitive

• Awareness held back due to weak Creative. defends with consumers and at store level. launches. Q2 specialty blitz to grow
100 calories, with 2g of fat and 3g of sugar. In a
2 12-week study, consumers using Gray’s once a
• Low distribution at specialty stores. Poor
• Increase penetration from 10% to 12%,
distribution at key specialty stores.
25% night as a dessert lost 10 pounds. • Low Purchase Frequency among most loyal.
specifically up from 15% to 20% with the core
target. Monitor usage frequency among the
• Launch two new flavours in Q4, improved
taste for 2025, convenience pack for 2026.
Use ratios and compare to other brands,
• Launch of Mainstream cookie brands most loyal to ensure it stays steady. Explore popup cookie shoppe for 2027.
3 (Pepperidge Farms and Nabisco). • Increase awareness from 33% to 42%, Competitive Defence Plan

Try Gray’s Cookies and find GRAY’S

• De-listing 2 weakest skus weakened our in-
store presence
specifically up from 45% to 50% within the core
target. Drive trial from 15% to 20%. Close
• Pre-launch sales blitz to close distribution
gaps. At launch, TV advertising, heavy

so you can discover

2% gaps
Loyalthat need fixing 4 Situation your way to stay healthy GRAY’S
Protein Ice Cream
• Legal challenge to taste claims
• R&D has 5 new flavors in development.
• Sales Broker gains at Specialty Stores
distribution from 62% to 72%.
• Hold dollar share during competitive launches.
Grow 11% post launch gaining up to 1.2%
share. Target zero losses at shelf.
merchandising, locking up key ad dates,
BOGO. print, coupons, in-store sampling.
• Sales story focuses on "any new healthy
cookies should displace under-performing and
• Use social media to convert loyal following. declining unhealthy cookies.”


1 Brand 2 Strategic 3 Brand 4 Brand 5 Marketing

Aware Familiar Consider Purchase Repeat Loyal
94% 94% 77% 25% 12%
93 87 82 63 16 2

Analytics Thinking Positioning Plans Execution

98% 88% 86% 48% 63%
Devon’s 98 96 85 73 35 20
Gap -4% + 6% -9% -23% -51%

Ratio Analyzing the

Gaps biggest gaps
(-4 = 94-98)
How the best marketers think,
Belovedplan, execute
Brands andTraining
Marketing analyze
The guilt free pleasure
2 Strategic 3 Brand
Do you feel guilty when you stick your hand in the
cookie jar? Wouldn’t it be great if you could just sneak a
cookie without worry that you have gone off your diet?

ThinkBox Gray’s Cookies are the best tasting yet

Thinking Positioning
guilt free pleasure so you can stay in
control of your health.

Core Strength
That’s because Gray’s is low in fat and calories, yet
1 still tastes great. In blind taste tests, Gray’s cookies
matched the market leaders on taste, but has only
100 calories, with 2g of fat and 3g of sugar. In a
2 Consumer 12-week study, consumers using Gray’s once a
night as a dessert lost 10 pounds.

3 Competitor Try Gray’s Cookies and find GRAY’S

4 Situation
your way to stay healthy GRAY’S
Protein Ice Cream

Use brand funnels to look beneath the

surface and see the health of the brand Brand Plan GRAY’S

Brand Vision: Be first ‘healthy cookie’ to generate craving, popularity and sales of a mainstream cookie. $100 Million by 2030.
Analysis Issues and Strategies Execution Plans
B Absolute P&L forecast Key Issues Advertising
• Sales 1.What’s the priority choice for growth: find new • Drive awareness and trial of Gray’s. Target
Ratio Scores • Gross Margin
$17,148 users or drive usage frequency among “Proactive Preventers”, suburban working
• GM % 56% loyalists? women, 35-40. Main Message of “guilt-free
Scores • Marketing Budget $8,850 2.Where should the investment/resources focus snacking, so you can stay in control of your
• Contribution Margin $6,949 and deployment be to drive our awareness and health.” Media uses 30/15-second TV,
• CM% 23% share needs for Gray’s? specialty health magazines, health event
93% Awareness Drivers 3.How will we defend Gray’s against the signage, digital, and social media.
• Taste drives high conversion of Trial to proposed Q1 2014 ‘healthy cookie’ launches Sampling
Purchase from Pepperidge Farms and Nabisco? • Drive trial with in-store sampling at grocery,
(87 / 93 = 94%) 94% • Strong Listings in Food Channels Strategies Costco, health food stores and event sampling
• Exceptional brand health scores among 1.Continue to attract new users to Gray’s at fitness, yoga, women’s networking, new

Fits brand
87% Familiar Early Adopters. Highly Beloved Brand 2.Focus investment on driving awareness and moms.
among niche. trial with new consumers and building a Distribution
Inhibitors presence at retail. • Support Q4 retail blitz with message focused
94% • Low familiar yet to turn our sales into loyalty 3.Build defence plan against new entrants to on holding shelf space during the competitive
• Awareness held back due to weak Creative. defends with consumers and at store level. launches. Q2 specialty blitz to grow
82% Consider • Low distribution at specialty stores. Poor Goals distribution at key specialty stores.
coverage. • Increase penetration from 10% to 12%, Innovation
• Low Purchase Frequency among most loyal. specifically up from 15% to 20% with the core • Launch two new flavours in Q4, improved
77% Risks target. Monitor usage frequency among the taste for 2025, convenience pack for 2026.
63% Purchase • Launch of Mainstream cookie brands
(Pepperidge Farms and Nabisco).
most loyal to ensure it stays steady.
• Increase awareness from 33% to 42%,
Explore popup cookie shoppe for 2027.
Competitive Defence Plan
• De-listing 2 weakest skus weakened our in- specifically up from 45% to 50% within the core • Pre-launch sales blitz to close distribution
store presence target. Drive trial from 15% to 20%. Close gaps. At launch, TV advertising, heavy

• Legal challenge to taste claims distribution from 62% to 72%. merchandising, locking up key ad dates,

Marketing P
Use ratios and compare to other brands,
Repeat Opportunities • Hold dollar share during competitive launches. BOGO. print, coupons, in-store sampling.
• R&D has 5 new flavors in development. Grow 11% post launch gaining up to 1.2% • Sales story focuses on "any new healthy
• Sales Broker gains at Specialty Stores share. Target zero losses at shelf. cookies should displace under-performing and

so you can discover

2% gaps
Loyalthat need fixing on target
• Use social media to convert loyal following. declining unhealthy cookies.”

1 Brand ! 4 Brand
C Message






message Plan
98% 88% 86% 48% 63%
98 96 85 73 35 20
Gap -4% + 6% -9% -23% -51% X
Executes stra
Ratio Analyzing the
Gaps biggest gaps

5 Marketing
(-4 = 94-98)


Day Strategic Thinking and Day Brand Positioning

1 Brand Analytics 2 to define a brand
Strategic Thinking Defining the consumer target
• How you think and decide. • Defining consumer needs.
• Elements of strategic thinking. • Consumer insights and their enemy.
Using our Strategic ThinkBox • Building a consumer profile.
• Brand’s core strength. Building the brand positioning
• Consumer strategy. • Functional benefits.
• Competitive strategy. • Emotional benefits.
• Situation strategy. • Features and claims.
Deep-dive business review • Final brand positioning statement.
• Elements of analytics Defining the brand idea
• 64 best analytical questions • Brand Idea map to touchpoints.
• Finding the brand’s key issues. • Brand concepts, credo, story.

Day Building a Plan that Day Decision-making on

3 everyone can follow 4 Marketing Execution
Building the strategy Creative development process.
• Vision, purpose, values. • Marketing PlayBox.
• Analytical summary and key issues. • Writing the Creative Brief.
• Organizing brand strategy statements. Advertising decision-making
Execution Plans • Understanding Ads that get attention,
• Brand communications plans. brand link, communicate, and stick.
• Innovation plans. • Using our Creative Checklist.
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Brand planning process. Innovation decision-making
• Rough draft of plan. • Innovation planning
• Structuring the plan presentation. • Innovation process
• Building each strategic slide. • Using our Innovation Checklist
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Category growthfrequency
purchase and Gray’s(2.2
growth coming
boxes fromvs.
per year thenorm
Brand Vision: First ‘healthy cookie’ to generate the craving, popularity and sales of a mainstream cookie. $100 Million brand by 2030. but facing poor performance in the East.
of 7.3) even among the most loyal early adopters.
Analysis Strategy Execution Drivers Inhibitors
P&L forecast Key Issues Advertising • Taste drives a high conversion of trial to • Awareness among mainstream target 10 Boxes per year
Sales $30,385 1. What’s the priority choice for growth: find Use awareness to drive trial of the new Grays.
Gross Margin $17,148 new users or drive usage frequency among Target “Proactive Preventers”. Suburban working purchase (65% vs. norm of 50%). (20%) held back due to weak advertising 7.5 9.3
GM % 56% loyalists? women, 35-40.Main Message of “great tasting
• Strong listings has driven strong scores. Low attention scores and brand 5
7.3 • Gray’s is under-developed
• Gray’s is under-developed ononusage
Marketing Budget $8,850 2. Where should the investment/resources cookie without the guilt, so you can stay in control 5.6
Contribution Margin $6,949 focus and deployment be to drive our of your health”. Media includes 15 second TV, distribution in food channels (95%) link scores. 2.5 usage frequency,
frequency, vs.
vs. the the category
category norm and vs.
CM% 23% awareness and share needs for Gray’s? specialty health magazines, event signage, digital
3. How will we defend Gray’s against the and social media
• Exceptional brand health scores among • Low distribution at specialty stores at only 0
and the
the nearest If we could
Drivers early adopters (“Proactive Preventers”) 16%. Poor sales coverage. Dad's Gray's Devon's Norm
• Taste drives a high conversion of Trial to
proposed Q1 2014 ‘healthy cookie’ launches
Sampling match theIf norm,
competitor. we could
we could triplethe
match our
from Pepperidge Farms and Nabisco?
Purchase Drive trial with In-store sampling at grocery, making it a highly beloved brand among • Low purchase frequency (2.2 boxes/yr vs. business.
• Strong Listings in Food Channels Strategies Costco, health food stores and event sampling at
the niche. 7.3 norm) even among most loyal.
norm, we could triple our business.
• Exceptional brand health scores among Early 1. Continue to attract new users to Gray’s fitness, yoga, women’s networking, new moms.
Adopters. Highly Beloved Brand among niche. 2. Focus investment on driving awareness and Usage Frequency • Even amongst the most loyal consumers,
trial with new consumers and building a Distribution
Opportunities Risks most use it as a treat (4x per year) rather
• Low familiar yet to turn our sales into loyalty
presence at retail. Support Q4 retail blitz with message focused on
holding shelf space during the competitive 13% • Eventhan
amongst the most
a usual brand. . loyal
• Awareness held back due to weak Advertising
3. Build defence plan against new entrants that
launches. Q2 specialty blitz to grow distribution at • R&D has 5 new flavors in development. • Mainstream cookie brands could enter the
• Low distribution at specialty stores. Poor
defends with consumers and at store level.
key specialty stores. Could launch Peanut Butter in Q4 of 2013 ‘health’ segment through R&D or 38% weekly consumers, most use it as a treat
Goals monthly
• Increase penetration from 10% to 12%, Innovation (top 15% in test), Chocolate Chips in Q2 acquisition. Rumors that Pepperidge 25%
4x per year
(4x per year) rather than a usual
Risks Launch 2 new flavors in Q4/15 & Q4/16.
• Launch of Mainstream cookie brands
specifically up from 15% to 20% with the core
target. Monitor usage frequency among the Explore diet claims. of 2014 (top 50%) Farms will launch in Q1. 1x per year brand.
(Pepperidge Farms and Nabisco). most loyal to ensure it stays steady.
Competitive Attack Plan
• Sales broker could specifically target • De-listing of our 2 weakest skus because 25%
• De-listing 2 weakest skus weakened our in- • Increase awareness from 33% to 42%,
store presence specifically up from 45% to 50% within the Pre Launch sales blitz to shore up all distribution specialty stores, which are in high growth of POS thresholds, could weaken our in-
• Legal Challenge to tastes claims gaps. At launch, heavy merchandising, locking up
core target. Drive trial from 15% to 20%.
key ad dates, BOGO. TV, print, coupons, in-store (+15%/year) store presence.
Focus for sales is to close distribution gaps
• R&D has 5 new flavors in development. going from 62% to 72%. sampling. Use sales story that any new
“healthy” cookies should displace under-
• Use social media to convert strong loyal • Legal Challenge to “tastes as good as Leverage
Continue theatbrand
to look drivinglove among loyalists
trial, because to drive
the great taste drives
• Sales Broker create gains at Specialty Stores • Hold dollar share during competitive launch. following into mainstream mass appeal your favorite cookie”.
• Explore social media to convert loyal
Continue to grow 11% post launch gaining up
to 1.2% share. Target zero losses at shelf.
performing and declining unhealthy cookies.
frequency by creating
high conversion a routine.
to purchase.

beloved brands beloved brands beloved brands

1-page Brand Plan Summary Analysis Consumer Review

Consumer Target Profile Brand Positioning Statement Brand Positioning ladder

Target Pro-Active Preventer Cookie Lovers

Target Suburban working women, 35-40, who are willing to do whatever it takes to stay healthy. They
Description run, workout and eat right. For many, food can be a bit of a stress-reliever and escape. To Healthy proactive preventers who want to do
(Target) more for their health, working moms, 35-40
Their needs Great tasting food, satisfy craving, healthy choices, maintain weight.
years old.
Their enemy Guilt, failure, out of control diet, temptation.
2 Gray’s is The healthy cookie option
Insights that • “I have tremendous will-power. I work out 3x a week, watch what I eat to maintain my figure.
tell their story But we all have weaknesses and cookies are mine. I wish they were less bad for you.”
• “I read labels of everything I eat. I stick to 1500 calories per day, and will find my own ways
to achieve that balance.” 3 That is the Guilt-free cookie to help you stay in control
What do they I have only recently heard of Gray’s Cookies. I’ve tried them a few times and did like them. I (Benefit) of your health
think now? wouldn’t say I use them all the time.
How are they Most have been influenced by friends who have tried. Those who are buying, still do so less
buying? frequently than their normal favorite cookies. The household has yet to adopt the product. The • In blind taste tests, Gray’s matched the
mom uses it when she’s trying to diet. That’s leaders on taste, but has only 100 calories
4 and 3g of net carbs.
We want • See: Get noticed so consumers are aware of Gray’s, see it on shelf, see actual product. because
them to • Think: Gray’s might be a healthy alternative to my favorite cookies. (Support Points) • In a 12-week study, consumers using Gray’s
think/feel/do • Do: Try Grays to see if they like the great taste. once a night as a dessert were able to lose 5-
• Feel: Feel more in control with Gray’s as part of their routine and feel less guilt. 10 lbs.
• Whisper: Tell their friends they love Gray’s and share the success they are having.

beloved brands beloved brands beloved brands

Target Pro le Brand Positioning Consumer Bene ts

Gray’s winning brand concept

Brand Concept layout
Brand Idea Map Brand Strategy Roadmap

Consumer Guilt
The free
guilt pleasure
free pleasure with Gray’sCookies
with Gray’s Cookies Vision
Be the first ‘healthy cookie’ to generate the craving, popularity and sales of a mainstream cookie. $100Million by 2030.
We want to help people re-discover the lost secret that the most amazing tasting food is made of natural ingredients.
The best Values Consumer first, great taste, healthy, natural ingredients, fast-to-market, family owned.
tasting yet guilt
free pleasure so GRAY’S •DoDoyouyou
jar? Wouldn’t
when you stickyou
it be ifgreat
it be great
if you
you could
hand your
in the hand
cookie in the cookie
sneak ajust sneak a cookie
Brand Idea: Grays are the best tasting yet guilt free pleasure so you can stay in control
you can stay in Cookies without worry that you have gone off your diet? Brand Promise Brand Story Innovation Purchase Moment Consumer Experience
control of your without worry that you have gone off your diet? Take control of your Real life stories that We never sacrifice Interrupt purchase We hope your
weight by replacing your show women living on taste, you won’t routine to set up weight loss results
Gray’s Cookies
Cookies are arethe thebestbest tasting
tastingyet yet
guilt free pleasure favorite snack with
“All the pleasure, but
none of the guilt.”
have to sacrifice
your cookie.
Grays as the better
empowers you to
stay in control.
so you
guilt can
free stay in control
pleasure so youofcan your health.
stay in
control of your health. Goals $100 Million brand by 2020, become a mainstream brand, increase usage, longer term penetration gains.
• That’s because Gray’s is low in fat and calories, yet still Key Issues 1. How do we tighten the bond with our most loyal brand lovers?

Brand Brand Innovation Purchase Happy tastes

That’s great.Gray’s
because In blind
is lowtaste
in fattests, Gray’s yet
and calories, cookies
still matched the 2. How do we balance driving penetration and usage frequency?
3. How will we defend Gray’s leadership position in the Healthy Cookie segment?
Promise Story Ideas Moment Experiences market
tastes leaders
great. In blindon
tests,but hascookies
Gray’s only 100 calories, with 2g
matched 4. How do we leverage “guilt free” idea across new food categories
fat and leaders
3g ofonsugar.
taste, but
In ahas only 100 calories,
12-week with
study, consumers using
2g of fat and 3g of sugar. In a 12-week study, consumers Strategies Build community Become alternative to Leader of healthy Explore entering
Take control of your Real life stories that We never sacrifice Interrupt purchase We hope your
weight by replacing show women living on taste, you won’t routine to set up weight loss results Gray’s
using once
Gray’s oncea anight
night as
as aa dessert
10 10 pounds.
pounds. of Brand Lovers mainstream cookies cookie segment new food categories
your favorite snack “All the pleasure, but have to sacrifice Grays as the better empowers you to
with Grays. none of the guilt.” your cookie. alternative. stay in control.

Try Gray’s
Try Gray’sCookies andfind
Cookies and find GRAY’S
• Social Media to connect
brand lovers
• Drive penetration using
advertising & nutritionist PR
• Dominate every shelf
• Attack competitive
• Build “guilt free” idea
• Innovation focused on
your way to stay healthy Tactics • Surprise and delight • Continue to attract new entries new segments
and Media
and Retail
Culture and
your way to stay healthy Cookies program to most loyal
• Geographic expansion
users to Gray’s
• New flavor launches
• Leverage influence of
brand lovers
• Early trial with brand

beloved brands beloved brands beloved brands

Brand Idea Map Brand Concept Strategy Roadmap

Graham Robertson is one of the
voices of today's brand leaders
As a former VP of Marketing, I bring my real-world
experience to our marketing training to ensure that
every model, tool, and process can be used on the job.
I designed our marketing training program around the
ve pain points expressed by marketing team leaders.
They want their marketing people to be smarter with
brand analytics, strategic thinking, brand positioning,
strategic planning, and marketing execution.
My goal is to ensure that marketers make smarter
decisions, produce better work, and deliver stronger
growth on the brand they work on. The greatest
moments are when I can see improvements during a
breakout exercise in our marketing training sessions.
It's been a privilege to enrich the skills of marketing
teams for the NFL, National Geographic, Dr Pepper,
Honda, the Mayo Clinic, Slack, Hershey’s, Miller Beer,
and Shell. I love it when clients tell me it's “the best
marketing training they’ve ever attended.”

Throughout my marketing career, I led some of the world's most beloved brands at General
Mills, Coke, P zer, and Johnson & Johnson, rising up to VP of Marketing. My passion for
brand management drove growth and earned many awards, such as Marketing Magazine's
Marketer of the Year and four prestigious Ef e Advertising Awards.
My bestselling book, Beloved Brands, is the playbook for how to build a brand that
consumers will love. Our readers tell us they reach for Beloved Brands a few times each
week as a reference to set their brand up for success. The reviews are overwhelmingly
positive, with over 85% of online reviewers giving it a 5-star rating.
In 2021, I was ranked one of the top ten CMOs by The Silicon Review, and in 2023, I was
recognized as one of the most inspirational leaders in business by Tycoon Magazine.

Ready to elevate your marketing team? Let's build a marketing

training program to unlock your team's full potential.

Ready to elevate your marketing team?

Let's build a marketing training program
to unlock your team's full potential.

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