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EX1- Christmas, Easter, Halloween, Valentine’s day, Mothers and Fathers day
EX3- T,T,F-in the weeks before,F-celtic,T,T,F-germany
EX4-Valentine, Christmas. B) Fašiang
EX5-consumers, profit, design, manifacture, retailer, commercial, industry, trend

Ex. 1 str.47

Str. 48, 49 EX

Ex2- b

Because English is seen as the


language of international
communication and shows that you
are part of the
modern global community.
2 Because their product names or
slogans may mean
something different in other
3 No, because they changed the
name before launching
it in Germany.
4 Because ‘body bag’ is used in
English to refer to a bag
that is used for taking away dead
5 Languages which are very
different from English.
6 That their slogans can’t be
translated perfectly.
7 When a campaign has been very
successful in a market
Because English is seen as the
language of international
communication and shows that you
are part of the
modern global community.
2 Because their product names or
slogans may mean
something different in other
3 No, because they changed the
name before launching
it in Germany.
4 Because ‘body bag’ is used in
English to refer to a bag
that is used for taking away dead
5 Languages which are very
different from English.
6 That their slogans can’t be
translated perfectly.
7 When a campaign has been very
successful in a market
Because English is seen as the
language of international
communication and shows that you
are part of the
modern global community.
2 Because their product names or
slogans may mean
something different in other
3 No, because they changed the
name before launching
it in Germany.
4 Because ‘body bag’ is used in
English to refer to a bag
that is used for taking away dead
5 Languages which are very
different from English.
6 That their slogans can’t be
translated perfectly.
7 When a campaign has been very
successful in a market
Because English is seen as the
language of international
communication and shows that you
are part of the
modern global community.
2 Because their product names or
slogans may mean
something different in other
3 No, because they changed the
name before launching
it in Germany.
4 Because ‘body bag’ is used in
English to refer to a bag
that is used for taking away dead
5 Languages which are very
different from English.
6 That their slogans can’t be
translated perfectly.
7 When a campaign has been very
successful in a market
Because English is seen as the
language of international
communication and shows that you
are part of the
modern global community.
2 Because their product names or
slogans may mean
something different in other
3 No, because they changed the
name before launching
it in Germany.
4 Because ‘body bag’ is used in
English to refer to a bag
that is used for taking away dead
5 Languages which are very
different from English.
6 That their slogans can’t be
translated perfectly.
7 When a campaign has been very
successful in a market.
Because English is seen as the
language of international
communication and shows that you
are part of the
modern global community.
2 Because their product names or
slogans may mean
something different in other
3 No, because they changed the
name before launching
it in Germany.
4 Because ‘body bag’ is used in
English to refer to a bag
that is used for taking away dead
5 Languages which are very
different from English.
6 That their slogans can’t be
translated perfectly.
7 When a campaign has been very
successful in a market.
Because English is seen as the
language of international
communication and shows that you
are part of the
modern global community.
2 Because their product names or
slogans may mean
something different in other
3 No, because they changed the
name before launching
it in Germany.
4 Because ‘body bag’ is used in
English to refer to a bag
that is used for taking away dead
5 Languages which are very
different from English.
6 That their slogans can’t be
translated perfectly.
7 When a campaign has been very
successful in a marke
a. English as language of international communication shows you a path to modern
b. Their products names or slogant mean difrent thinks in other languages.
c. No, they changed it before they went to Germany.
d. In English it means bag for taking dead bodies.
e. Languages which are very different from English.
f. Their slogans cant bee translated perfectly
g. When a campaign has been very successful in a market.

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