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The aim of this report is to describe the situation of two of the most important
ways of advertising in Spain: TV and the sponsorship of sports.
Undoubtedly, TV is the most important mass media. An advertisement
broadcasted at prirne time can grab the people's attention in a way absolutely
unthinkable for any other form of publicity Nevertheless, the high price of this
kind of advertising is an inconvenience that prevents companies from offering
their products through TV. Moreover, the interruption of the programs with the
best audience rating by an advertisement usually annoyes the viewers who,
frequently, switch channel until the end of the break.
Nowadays, sport is one of the preferred pastimes of people. Consequently, the
sponsorship of sports events or even the existence of teams with commercial
names, like it happens in cycling, is a very profitable way of advertising.
However, something to take into account is the great rivality and hatred around
the world of sport; the presence of a brand's name in a football team shirt may
be free advertising for the competitors among the rival team supporters.
Since the high cost of a TV commercial is a considerable problem, a good
solution could be the making of shorter adverts. The saving would be
significant without affecting the effectiveness. In fact, the most resounding
successes in the last years have been achieved by marketing campaigns whose
adverts lasted few seconds. As far as the sporting world is concerned, the key
point is probably the carefulness at the time of choosing the event or team to
sponsor. This decision can led either to a huge success or to a total failure.

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