Portfolio I-A5

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To obtain certification in ISO 27001, I decided to enroll in the course offered by CertiProf.

course lasted two months, with two-hour classes each day. After completing the course, I had three
months to take the exam that gave me proof of certification. For two months , I procrastinated and
distracted myself with social media and movies, putting off the necessary preparation for the exam.
However, with only 10 days left before the deadline, I decided to study intensely without sleeping
to take the exam. I woke up sleepy to go to work and my body and mind were tired from studying
so much. I finally successfully passed the exam and obtained official recognition as a certified
professional in information security.
This achievement has allowed me to acquire new skills and knowledge in computer security,
improving my work performance and providing greater value to my company. Despite the
challenges I faced due to my procrastination, certification in ISO 27001 has opened new
opportunities for professional growth. I am proud to have achieved this accomplishment and I am
motivated to continue learning and growing in my career.
I thank CertiProf for offering a high-quality course that successfully prepared me for the ISO
27001 certification exam.

Part II:
To achieve my goals, rewards play an important role to motivate me. The promise of a reward at
the end of a challenging task keeps me focused and determined to overcome any obstacle that
stands in my way. It serves as a tangible reminder of the benefits that await me when I have
achieved what I set out to do. I usually reward myself with things that match the goal I'm working
toward. For example, if my goal is to complete a project at work, I could treat myself to a nice
dinner or a short vacation once the project is complete.
These rewards serve as an incentive to stay on track and motivate me to achieve the desired result.
One of the main benefits of rewards is that they increase my morale and self-confidence. Knowing
that there is a reward waiting for me at the end of a difficult task can be a powerful motivator to
keep going even when the going gets tough. It also gives me a sense of accomplishment and
satisfaction when I reach my goal and receive the reward I promised myself.
While rewards can be a great motivator, there is a danger in relying too much on external
incentives. In some cases, constantly seeking rewards for completing tasks can decrease intrinsic
motivation and the satisfaction that comes from achieving a goal. It is important to find a balance
between using rewards as motivation and satisfaction in the process of working towards my goals.

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