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As technology advances, economic activities develop rapidly.

Along with that is

the development of big cities; people move and live closer together. This results in
a number of benefits and drawbacks to living in a big city.
On the plus side, when in the big cities, you will be exposed to the most advanced
technology. Experience good services such as health care, education, and
entertainment at the best level. Above all, a big city will be an opportunity for
personal development for many individuals, especially students and working
people. For individuals who want to develop themselves, the big city will be the
perfect place for that.On the negative side, you will have to deal with extremely
bad air quality and even very bad air pollution. Next is the problem of noise
pollution; you will constantly have to hear noises from different places, which will
be a real stress after a long day at work. There are also social problems such as
accidents and theft, and especially young people easily fall into these bad habits.
Many things are unavailable to the homeless, including water, food, and shelter.

In short, life in a big city has many advantages but also many disadvantages.

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