Emotional Intelligence - Sheet1

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Emotional Intelligence

Understanding our own emotions and recognizing them in others is vital. Emotional intelligence allows us to navigate relationships with em
6. Cultivating Curiosity
Curiosity fuels connection. Ask questions, explore diverse perspectives, and seek common ground. When we approach conversations with g
7. Vulnerability and Trust
True connection requires vulnerability. It’s the courage to share our fears, hopes, and imperfections. When we trust others with our authentic
4. The Art of Storytelling
Stories bind us. They evoke emotions, ignite imagination, and create shared experiences. Whether around a campfire or in a boardroom, stor
relationships with empathy, compassion, and adaptability. It’s the bridge between logic and heart.

h conversations with genuine curiosity, we uncover hidden gems—the stories, dreams, and passions that make us uniquely human.

hers with our authentic selves, we invite them to do the same. Trust becomes the fertile soil where relationships grow.

or in a boardroom, storytelling connects hearts and minds. Learn to tell your story authentically, and watch connections flourish.

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