Chapter 3.1 Thermochemistry

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General Chemistry 2
Sweet Angelikate L. Villaruel, LPT
CS-BPS Faculty
q The Nature of Energy and Types of
q Energy Changes in Chemical
q Introduction to Thermodynamics
■ To understand the nature of and different
types of energy.

■ To learn that thermochemistry is part of a

broader subject called thermodynamics.

■ To calculate the change in internal energy

and work done.
■ Forest fire—an undesirable
exothermic reaction. The models
show some simple combustion
products: carbon monoxide,
carbon dioxide, water, and nitric
oxide. The last compound
represents nitrogen- containing
■ Every chemical reaction obeys
two fundamental laws: the law of
conservation of mass and the law
of conservation of energy.
©Chang, Chemistry (10th ed)
The Nature of Energy and Types of
■ Energy is usually defined as the capacity to do
■ All forms of energy are capable of doing work
(that is, of exerting a force over a distance), but
not all of them are equally relevant to chemistry.
■ Chemists define work as directed energy change
resulting from a process.
The Nature of Energy and Types of
1. Kinetic energy is the energy produced by a moving object
2. Radiant energy, or solar energy, comes from the sun and is
Earth’s primary energy source.
3. Thermal energy is the energy associated with the random
motion of atoms and molecules.
4. Chemical energy is stored within the structural units of
chemical substances; its quantity is determined by the type and
arrangement of constituent atoms.
5. Potential energy is energy available by virtue of an object’s
The Nature of Energy and Types of
■ Law of conservation of energy: the total quantity of energy in
the universe is assumed constant.
■ All forms of energy can be converted (at least in principle) from
one form to another.

As the water falls over the dam,

its potential energy is converted
to kinetic energy. Use of this
energy to generate electricity is
called hydroelectric power.
©Chang, Chemistry (10th ed)
Energy Changes in Chemical
■ Almost all chemical reactions absorb or produce (release)
energy, generally in the form of heat.
■ Heat is the transfer of thermal energy between two bodies that
are at different temperatures.
■ Thermochemistry is the study of heat change in chemical
■ To analyze energy changes associated with chemical reactions
we must first define the system, or the specific part of the
universe that is of interest to us.
■ The surroundings are the rest of the universe outside the
Energy Changes in Chemical
Three types of systems
1. An open system can exchange mass and energy, usually in the
form of heat with its surroundings.
2. A closed system allows the transfer of energy (heat) but not
3. Isolated system does not allow the transfer of either mass or
Energy Changes in Chemical
Three systems represented by
water in a flask: (a) an open
system, which allows the
exchange of both energy and
mass with surroundings; (b) a
closed system, which allows the
exchange of energy but not
mass; and (c) an isolated
system, which allows neither
energy nor mass to be
exchanged (here the flask is
enclosed by a vacuum jacket).
Energy Changes in Chemical
■ Exothermic process, which is any process that gives off heat—
that is, transfers thermal energy to the surroundings.

■ An endothermic process, in which heat has to be supplied to

the system (that is, to HgO) by the surroundings
Energy Changes in Chemical Reactions

©Chang, Chemistry (10th ed)

©Chang, Chemistry (10th ed)

Exothermic process: The Hindenburg disaster. Endothermic process: On heating, HgO
The Hindenburg, a German airship filled with decomposes to give Hg and O2.
hydrogen gas, was destroyed in a spectacular
fire at Lakehurst, New Jersey, in 1937.
Energy Changes in Chemical Reactions

©Chang, Chemistry (10th ed)

(a) An exothermic process. (b) An endothermic process. Parts (a) and (b) are not drawn to the same
scale; that is, the heat released in the formation of H2O from H2 and O2 is not equal to the heat
absorbed in the decomposition of HgO.
Introduction to Thermodynamics
■ Thermochemistry is part of a broader subject called
thermodynamics, which is the scientific study of the interconversion
of heat and other kinds of energy.
■ The laws of thermodynamics provide useful guidelines for
understanding the energetics and directions of processes.
■ In thermodynamics, we study changes in the state of a system, which
is defined by the values of all relevant macroscopic properties, for
example, composition, energy, temperature, pressure, and volume.
■ Energy, pressure, volume, and temperature are said to be state
functions—properties that are determined by the state of the system,
regardless of how that condition was achieved.
Introduction to Thermodynamics
Laws of Thermodynamics
1. First law of thermodynamics
Based on the law of conservation of energy, states that energy
can be converted from one form to another, but cannot be
created or destroyed.
2. Second Law of Thermodynamics
Heat can flow spontaneously from a hot object to a cold
object; heat will not flow spontaneously from a cold object to a
hot object.
Introduction to Thermodynamics
Laws of Thermodynamics
3. Third Law of Thermodynamics
No device is possible whose sole effect is to transform a given
amount of heat completely into work.
4. Zeroth law of Thermodynamics
It states that if two systems are in thermal equilibrium with a
third system, then they are in thermal equilibrium with each
Introduction to Thermodynamics

The change in the internal energy, ∆E, of a system is the sum of the heat
exchange q between the system and the surroundings and the work done w on
(or by) the system.
The sign conventions for q and w are as follows:
■ q is positive for an endothermic process and negative for an exothermic
process; and
■ w is positive for work done on the system by the surroundings and negative
for work done by the system on the surroundings.
Introduction to Thermodynamics

where ∆V, the change in volume, is given by Vf - Vi. The minus sign in
equation takes care of the sign convention for w. For gas expansion (work done
by the system), ∆V > 0, so -P∆V is a negative quantity. For gas compression
(work done on the system), ∆V < 0, and -P∆V is a positive quantity.

1 L.atm = 101.3 J
Introduction to Thermodynamics
1. The work done when a gas is compressed in a cylinder like that shown in
figure is 462 J. During this process, there is a heat transfer of 128 J from the
gas to the surroundings. Calculate the energy change for this process.
2. A certain gas expands in volume from 2.0 L to 6.0 L at constant
temperature. Calculate the work done by the gas if it expands (a) against a
vacuum and (b) against a constant pressure of 1.2 atm.
Chang, Raymond. Chemistry, 10th ed. Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill, 1998. Houghton Mifflin, 2002.

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