Iste Standards

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ISTE Standards states that a student should be an Empowered Learner, Digital Citizen,

Knowledge Constructor, Innovative Designer, Computational Thinker, Creative Communicator,

and Global Collaborator.

I graduated from high school about two years ago and I feel like I learned a lot of things as a
high school student, but not compared to my two years of university. I believe that I developed
the skills to be a great learner and a creative communicator because of the fine arts courses I
took throughout my high school career. I enjoy learning, and I got to enjoy flexing my creative
muscles and working with my favorite thing ever (theater.) Of course, I’ve been learning about
how to be a proper digital citizen since I was really young as the internet was really booming
and the uncertainty of how things last was really scary back then. I still hold those lessons dear
to me, especially with how crazy social media is nowadays.

Secondary schools often talk about learning styles and that sometimes we all learn more
effectively by using our individual learning styles, but we never really do that. I feel as if
secondary school in general doesn’t focus on creativity or innovation, but rather logic, reasoning
and other academic abilities. As a college student with an arts major, I see how high school
really failed me by making me choose to be creative or be ahead academically. As a college
student going into education, I feel as if a whole new world has opened up to me. I get to fully
flesh my creativity, which aids me with almost all of my classes. The more education classes I
take, the more I feel equipped to be a good knowledge constructor as well as a global

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