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On Day 1 of duty at WU-P Hospital, the nursing team, assigned to the PM shift, cared for

Danilo,. Zulueta M., a 41-year-old male with various symptoms including right upper quadrant
pain, swelling of both feet, hepatitis B, fever, abdominal pain, and acute gastritis. The team
diligently performed tasks such as observing IV line removal, recording vital signs and IV fluid
intake, addressing patient care concerns, and assisting with procedures like NGT feeding and bed
making. They adhered to safety protocols, engaged with staff nurses, and practiced infection
control measures.

On the second day of duty at Wesleyan University-Philippines Hospital, the nursing student
arrived promptly at 2 PM and ensured all equipment and supplies were in order. Patient
assignments were delegated, and vital signs were taken meticulously, followed by administrative
tasks including visits to the Emergency Room and Billing and Phil health window. The student
remained vigilant for emergent situations and conducted procedures such as IV removal and
observed blood glucose testing. They assisted classmates with vital signs and were assigned a
new patient later in the shift, taking their vital signs and reporting to the nursing station. The day
concluded with organizing belongings and waiting until the shift's end.

On the third day of hospital duty at Wesleyan University-Philippines Hospital, the nursing
student, assigned to Room 314 with patient Princess Given Bernabe, a 3-year-old female, arrived
promptly at 2:40 PM. They immersed themselves in their tasks, focusing on patient well-being.
They meticulously arranged and prepared equipment, assessed vital signs diligently, and
monitored IV fluid infusions and intake/output. Additionally, they assisted with medication
retrieval from the pharmacy and prioritized hygiene protocols. Reflecting on their experiences,
they expressed gratitude for the guidance of nurses and classmates, noting personal growth and
commitment to nursing principles.

On the fourth day of duty at Wesleyan University-Philippines Hospital, the nursing student,
assigned to Room 313 with patient Felix Johnson Mariano, a 9-month-old male with fever,
arrived promptly at 2:40 PM. They prepared for their shift and diligently monitored Felix’s vital
signs at 4:00 PM, 7:00 PM, and 10:30 PM, ensuring accuracy and timeliness in recording. They
also tracked Felix’s progress and assisted classmates during break time. Additionally, they
fetched medications from the pharmacy and participated in a quiz. Prioritizing hygiene and
infection control, they conducted thorough hand washing before ending the shift. Reflecting on
their experiences, they expressed gratitude for the guidance of nurses and classmates, noting
personal growth and commitment to nursing principles.
On the fifth day of duty as a student nurse at Wesleyan University-Philippines Hospital, stationed
on the third floor, the nursing student encountered Lucita Aspiras, a 78-year-old female patient
with respiratory symptoms. They arrived punctually at 2:30 PM, organized their equipment, and
engaged with their patient with care and professionalism. Throughout the shift, they diligently
performed tasks including vital signs assessment, intake and output monitoring, CBG testing,
and medication administration. They emphasized hand washing protocols for infection control.
Reflecting on their experiences, they expressed gratitude for their learning opportunities and
were eager to apply their newfound knowledge in future endeavors. Additionally, they
participated in a quiz on drug computation.

On the sixth and final day of duty at Wesleyan University-Philippines Hospital, the nursing
student arrived early at 2:30 PM for their 5:00 PM shift, feeling a mix of excitement and sadness.
Assigned to Room 313 with patient Lucita Aspiras Baguio, a 78-year-old female with respiratory
symptoms, they ensured everything was in order before beginning their duties. They interviewed
the patient to establish rapport and conducted vital signs assessments, noting fluid intake/output
and assisting with CBG tests. They also retrieved medications, addressed administrative matters,
and assisted with NGT feeding. After dinner, they conducted a final round of vital sign checks
before reviewing and completing narrative reports. With their duties completed, they engaged in
thorough hand washing before marking the end of their shift and bidding farewell to the hospital.

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