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Present Simple is used when talking about:

general time, situations which take place and time right now. *I do like banana

Present Continuous is used when talking about a longer/extended period in the

present. The action is not finished. *I am doing my homework at the moment.*

Present Perfect is used when talking about experience. An action that took place in
the past but it's being spoken about at the moment. *I have done some plays in

Present Perfect Continuous is used when talking about a past action that recently
stopped. *I am tired because I have been running*


Past Simple is used when talking about a general event (for example) that took place
in the past. It doesn't matter when exactly. *I did that thing cops accuse me of*

Past Continuous is used when talking about a prolonged action that happened in the
past. *I was doing my homework when the doorbell rang.*

Past Perfect is used when talking about an action that happened before an another
action also in the past. When you emphasise the sequence of these actions. *The
train left at 9am. We arrived at 9:15am. When we arrived the train had already left.*

Past Perfect Continuous is used when talking about longer actions in the past.
(Again emphasising the sequence of said actions). *He started waiting at 9am. I
arrived at 11am. When I arrived he had been waiting for two hours.*


Future Simple is used when talking about an action that will happen in the future. * I
will go for a jog tomorrow.*

Future Continuous is used when talking about an action that will happen in the future
that is going to take a longer time. *I will be doing my homework tomorrow.*

Future Perfect is used when talking about actions that will happen in the future but
(as in Past Perfect) you emphasise the sequence. (I like to think of it as a prediction).
*The train will leave the station at 9am. You will arrive at the station at 9:15am. When
you arrive the train will have left.*

Future Perfect Continuous is used when talking about longer actions extending up to
some specific event or time in the future. *He starts waiting at 9am. I am late and
cannot arrive before 10am. He will have been waiting for an hour by the time I meet

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