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Network & Information Security

Practical No. 1: Install and configure any antivirus software and setup
operating system updates.
I Practical significance
Antivirus programs help prevent viruses and spyware from infecting a computer and
therefore areone of the essential software programs each computer should have running
at all times. There are thousands of viruses and spyware on the Internet, and any one of
them can cause damage to personal files or the computer's operating system. Windows
Updates allow for fixes to known flaws in Microsoftproducts and operating systems. The fixes,
known as patches, are modifications to software and hardware to help improve performance,
reliability, and security.

II Relevant Program Outcome (POs)

PO1 – Basic Knowledge
PO2 – Discipline knowledge
PO3 – Experiments and practice
PO4 – Life-long learning

III Competency and practical Skills

“Understand about the antivirus software and windows updates”
This practical is expected to develop the following skills:
1. Maintain network and information security of an organization.
2. We have to download any antivirus software to all pc.

3. We have to start windows daily updates.

4. We have to maintain security of an organization.

IV Relevant Course Outcome(s)

a. Identify risks related to Computer security and Information hazard in various situations.
b. Apply user identification and authentication methods.
c. Apply cryptographic algorithms and protocols to maintain Computer Security.
d. Apply measures to prevent attacks on network using firewall.
e. Maintain secured networks and describe Information Security Compliance standards.

V Practical outcomes

Install and configure any antivirus software and setup operating system updates.

VI Relevant Affective Domain Related Outcomes

a. Follow precautionary measures
b. Demonstrate working as a leader / a team member
c. Follow ethical practices

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By Prof.R.H.Rathod, Comp.Engg. Deptt., Dr.Panjabrao Deshmukh Polytechnic, Amravati

VII Minimum Theoretical Background
Antivirus software is a type of program designed and developed to protect computers from
malware like viruses, computer worms, spyware, botnets, rootkits, key loggers and such.
Antivirus programs function to scan, detect and remove viruses from your computer. If
your computer does not have an antivirus program installed and running, we highly
recommend you install one today. Follow the steps below for help on how to install and
update an antivirus program on your computer. WindowsUpdates allow for fixes to known
flaws in Microsoft products and operating systems. The fixes, known as patches, are
modifications to software and hardware to help improve performance, reliability, and

VIII Work situation

a. Faculty must form a group of students.
b. Faculty will demonstrate the use of antivirus and windows updates.

IX Resources required (Additional)

SN Instrument/Object Specification Quantity Remarks

01 Desktop PC Processor i3 1 / group Yes

02 Software Antivirus 1 / group Yes

X Precaution to be followed
1. Handle computer system and peripherals with care.
2. Follow safety precautions.
3. Use software properly.
4. Switch off computer system after completing task.

XI Procedure

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By Prof.R.H.Rathod, Comp.Engg. Deptt., Dr.Panjabrao Deshmukh Polytechnic, Amravati

Network & Information Security

1. Understand the need for an antivirus program. Windows is the most virus-prone
operating system (OS) out of the three major OSes. It has the most users and the weakest
built-in security. Antivirus programs will defend your computer from malware that comes
through email, flash drives, downloads,websites and more.

2. Acquire an antivirus program. There are several popular free options available that do a
good job ofprotecting the average user. These programs are updated frequently with new
virus definitions that recognize the latest threats.
o If you frequently deal with files or websites that are virus-infected, you may want
to opt formore powerful paid protection. Paid antivirus programs are typically
available for a yearly
o When downloading free or paid antivirus programs, ensure that you are downloading
from a trusted source. There are many programs out there that claim to be
antivirus/antimalware but instead install malware themselves. Read reviews and
download products from companies thathave been around for a long time.
o Windows 10 and 8 have Windows Defender, which is a free anti-malware application
providedby Microsoft. It's already built-in.

3. Install the antivirus program. Make sure that no other programs are running while you
install theantivirus. You will most likely need to be connected to the internet to download
additional files andupdates.
o Some free antivirus programs come packaged with toolbars for your web browser.
These can add protection but also change your search options and bog down older
computers. You have the opportunity to opt out of these changes during the
installation process.

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By Prof.R.H.Rathod, Comp.Engg. Deptt., Dr.Panjabrao Deshmukh Polytechnic, Amravati

4. Update the program. After the installation is complete, reboot your computer and update the
program.The file that you downloaded is likely not the most up to date version, so you will
need to connect to your antivirus program’s servers and download the latest updates. Most
antivirus programs allow you to right-click on the icon in the System Tray while it is running
and click Update.
o Update your definitions on a weekly basis. Most antivirus programs are set to
automaticallyupdate. Double check the settings for your program to ensure that
you are receiving the necessary updates.

5. Scan your computer. Once you have the program installed and updated, it’s time to
scan your computer. This could take several hours, depending on the number of files
being scanned and yourcomputer’s speed.

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By Prof.R.H.Rathod, Comp.Engg. Deptt., Dr.Panjabrao Deshmukh Polytechnic, Amravati

Network & Information Security

6. Set a scan schedule. Antivirus programs are most effective when they are automated. Open
your antivirus program’s settings and look for the Schedule option. Try to schedule a time
when your computer will be on but you won’t be using it. Ideally you should be scanning
once a week; scan morefrequently if you deal with potentially infected files on a regular

7. Keep Windows updated. The best way to keep your computer protected is to always make
sure thatyour copy of Windows is up to date. Microsoft releases security updates for
Windows on a regular basis, fixing exploitable areas of Windows

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By Prof.R.H.Rathod, Comp.Engg. Deptt., Dr.Panjabrao Deshmukh Polytechnic, Amravati

Procedure for setting up the windows updates:

1. Open the Start

menu. This can be achieved by clicking the multi-coloured Windows 7 Start orb at the bottom-left of
screen. You can also press the ⊞ Win key on your keyboard.

1. Begin typing win do w s update . A search will initiate.

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By Prof.R.H.Rathod, Comp.Engg. Deptt., Dr.Panjabrao Deshmukh Polytechnic, Amravati

Network & Information Security

2. Select the matching result. It's located at the top of the Start menu.

3. Open the Windows Update settings. Select "change settings" from the upper part of the left pane.

4. Open the drop down menu under the "Important Updates" header. The list will show the
ways in whichyou can manage the Windows updates. The options are as follows:[1]
o Install updates automatically (recommended): Selecting this option will automate the
entire process of downloading and installing the updates. This feature is recommended only if
you have high or unlimited bandwidth allowance. Windows updates comprise of big files and
their regular download maylead to high data usage charges.
 You can choose when and how often your computer does so. Select "Every day" or a
particularday of the week, and then the time of day. If your computer is inactive at
that time, updates willbe installed at the next opportunity.
o Download updates but let me choose whether to install them: This option is suitable only
if you have suitable bandwidth allowance but have limited hard drive space. Windows will
download the updates and then it will allow you to choose which updates are to be installed
and which of them are to be discarded.
o Check for updates but let me choose whether to download and install them: Choosing
this option,you allow Windows to scan for the available updates, but it can only download
and install them after you choose the ones to install.
o Never check for updates (not recommended): Selecting this option will restrict
Windows from searching, downloading or installing any updates. Choosing this option
will not lead to any systemmalfunction in any way.

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By Prof.R.H.Rathod, Comp.Engg. Deptt., Dr.Panjabrao Deshmukh Polytechnic, Amravati

5. Chose which option you want.

6. Save your changes. Click the gray OK button at the bottom of the page.

XII Resources used (Additional)

XII Observation

XIII Practical related questions:

1. What is antivirus?

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By Prof.R.H.Rathod, Comp.Engg. Deptt., Dr.Panjabrao Deshmukh Polytechnic, Amravati

Network & Information Security
2. Write role of windows updates in PC?

3. State any 4 advantages of antivirus?

List student team members





Signature of Teacher

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By Prof.R.H.Rathod, Comp.Engg. Deptt., Dr.Panjabrao Deshmukh Polytechnic, Amravati

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