Holistic Parenting Scale Developing A Holistic Parenting Scale Model Based On Islamic Values

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PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) 58(1): 4173-4185

An Interdisciplinary Journal

Holistic Parenting Scale: Developing a Holistic Parenting Scale Model based

on Islamic Values
Sri W Rahmawati1
Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Tama Jagakarsa, Jakarta

*Correspondence to: Sri W Rahmawati, Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Tama Jagakarsa, Jakarta, Indonesia, E-mail:

Islamic treasures have a parenting concept originating from the Holy Qur’an and the Hadith. I call this Islamic parenting concept a
Holistic Parenting. Samples used in this study were as follows: five parents during the data elicitation stage, 228 male and female
teenagers during the try-out stage and 616 16-to-17-year-old teenagers during the primary data collection stage. Based on the
internal consistency test and construct validity test, the holistic parenting scale has a good validity and reliability. This scale is
capable of measuring the same construct consistently, and is valid to measure the construct holistic parenting consisting of five
dimensions namely: qudwah hasanah (integrated role model), al addah (habituation), al mauidzah (effective advice), al
mulahadzah (fairness in care and control), and uqubah wa ujaroh (proportional consequences). Through the psychometric standard
procedure that has been undergone, the holistic parenting scale presented in this study has been able to be employed to measure
parents’ parenting capability over their sons and daughters in the Muslim family in Indonesia.

Keywords: Scale, Parenting, Islamic Religious Based, Muslim Family

Article Received: 20 September 2020, Revised: 30 November 2020, Accepted: 18 December 2020

Introduction prevailingly practiced by Indonesia’s Muslim

society, known as a religious society with
Studies on parenting have so far put much stress traditions, cultures, and customs having been
on parenting styles widely known by preserved for years (Rahmawati, 2016). Studies
developmental psychologists. Basically, parenting focusing on parenting based on religious values
styles are classified into two big dimensions. The have not commonly been found. On the other
first dimension is control, demand, protection, hand, strengthened religious phenomena have also
supervision, or behavioral regulation (Lane, 2015) resulted in high parents’ interests in learning the
(Hughoghi, & Long, 2004); moreover, the second religion, including applying parenting techniques
dimension has something to do with warmness, complying with the teachings of the Holy Qur’an
involvement, attention, or acceptance. (Maccoby and the Hadith in their sons’ and daughters’
& Martin on Santrock, 2018). Based on those two parenting process.
main dimension, four parenting styles that are
combinations between the dimensions have been Many ulemas (Muslim clerics) have written books
developed. There are four possible combinations, on Islamic parenting known as tarbiyatul aulad.
namely equally high on both, equally low on Of all existing tarbiyaul aulad concepts, the ideas
both, the first dimension is high while the second of (Ulwan, 2014) are deemed by the majority of
dimension is low, and the first dimension is low educators to be comprehensive ideas. Ulwan
and the second dimension is high (Santrock, 2018; (2014) proposed five parenting methods that
Spraitz, 2011) . ulemas agreed upon as the best methods in the
education. We call this Islamic parenting as
In general, basic parenting principles refer to the holistic parenting. We have selected this term
parenting styles based on those two main since holistic parenting has a comprehensive
dimensions mentioned above (Spraitz, 2011). nature (Rahmawati, 2016). That parenting is
However, Islam with its universal teachings has holistic since it tries to combine practical
its parenting concept based on the Holy Qur’an parenting practices and religious values (in this
and the Hadith. (Ulwan, 2014). This parenting is case Islam). Moreover, this parenting has a
PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) 58(1): 4173-4185
An Interdisciplinary Journal

holistic nature since not only does it place elements as the parenting background in the
parenting as an effort to develop a psychological Muslim families containing customs, rules,
climate between the parents and the children, but behavioral guidelines that parents apply to their
it also integrates the formation of a psychological children.
climate and the implementation of practical
parenting principles simultaneously (Rahmawati, There are five dimensions in holistic parenting.
2017a). Those dimensions are techniques in a parenting.
They are: Qudwah hasanah (integrated role
This study was aimed at formulating a valid and model), al adah (habituation), al mauidzah
reliable holistic parenting scale that has good (effective advice), al mulahadzah (fairness in care
items. A holistic parenting scale with a good and control), and uqubah wa ujaroh (proportional
psychometric standard would give us advantages, consequences)
so it would be of great benefits to know parenting
methods applied by parents in Muslim families.
Moreover, we could also employ this measuring
instrument for studies in the fields of
developmental psychology and educational
psychology, especially concerning parenting.

In Islam, the importance of a child’s education

receives a big portion of attention as it is
mentioned in the Holy Quran and the Hadith.
Allah said, “O you who have believed, protect
yourselves and your families from a Fire whose
fuel is people and stones, over which are Figure 1. Holistic Parenting Techniques
[appointed] angels, harsh and severe; they do not (Rahmawati, 2015)
disobey Allah in what He commands them but do
what they are commanded.” (The Holy Qur’an,
Those holistic parenting techniques are sequential
66:6); The Prophet Muhammad said, “Teach your
in their application. The first sequence in holistic
children and family virtues, and educate them
parenting is qudwah hasanah (integrated role
(with virtues)” (Hadith narrated by At Thabrani,
model); it is a parenting technique by becoming a
as referred to by Ulwan (2014).
role model to their children in their speeches,
attitudes, and behaviors. This technique is based
Based on what is elaborated above, holistic
on the Holy Qur’an: “There has certainly been for
parenting is defined as: “a comprehensive unity of
you in the Messenger of Allah an excellent pattern
parents’ attitudes over and treatments of their
for anyone whose hope is in Allah and the Last
children in educating, conditioning, and guiding
Day and [who] remembers Allah often.” (Qur’an
their children in order that the children will be
33:21), and this following verse: “...O you who
optimally developed under the religious bases (the
have believed, why do you say what you do not
Holy Qur’an and the Hadith).” Holistic parenting
do? Great is hatred in the sight of Allah that you
has a comprehensive cohesion, on matters as
say what you do not do.” (Qur’an 61:2-3). The
follows: (a) integrating the psychological
next sequence is educating through a habituation
atmosphere that is built and practical parenting
(al addah), namely making a repeated habituation,
practices. A psychological atmosphere here means
so the child’s behaviors will be developed in a
a condition where the relationship between the
purposeful manner This thing conforms to a
parents and the children is nurtured, marked with
Muslim cleric’s advice: “if a child is accustomed
warmness/affection; (b) holistic parenting
to ugliness and is simply neglected, he or she will
elaborates Islamic parenting by applying practical
be miserable and hurt. Therefore, you should take
steps, so it may give clear guidance to the
care of your children by educating, disciplining,
educators; (c) holistic parenting makes Islamic
teaching them praiseworthy morals” (Imam

PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) 58(1): 4173-4185
An Interdisciplinary Journal

Ghazali, as referred to by Ulwan, 2014). The third what is illegal to look at), refraining from harming
parenting technique is al mau’idzah (effective people, returning greetings, advocating good and
advice); it is educating children by way of giving forbidding evil.”. (Hadith narrated by Bukhari
them advice. When giving advice, it is necessary and Muslim, as referred to by Ulwan, 2014). The
that you pay attention to any communication fifth technique that is the last technique in the
techniques, so the advice that you give will sequence of holistic parenting is uqubah wa ujarah
function effectively. This effective counseling (proportional consequences); it is educating by
technique is based on the Holy Qur’an: “(O proportionally giving positive appreciation and
Prophet), call to the way of your Lord with consequences. These proportional consequences
wisdom and goodly exhortation,2 and reason with are a means of making the child obey the rules
them in the best manner possible.3 Surely your that have been approved together, so when the
Lord knows best who has strayed away from His child violates a rule, the parents correct him or her
path, and He also knows well those who are by giving an appropriate consequence. This
guided to the Right Way.” (Surah 16:125). Next, uqubah wa ujarah technique is based on a hadith.
the fourth sequence is al mulahadzhah (fairness in The Prohet Muhammad said, “What destroyed the
care and control); it is an educational technique nations preceding you (the Children of Israel),
stressing on fairness in care and control in a was that if a noble amongst them stole, they
balanced manner. The parents’ attention will would forgive him, and if a poor person amongst
nurture an emotional closeness to the child, while them stole, they would inflict Allah's Legal
control means monitoring the child in order that punishment on him. By Allah, if Fatima, the
his or her behaviors will conform to the rules. daughter of Muhammad stole, I would cut off her
This technique is based on a hadith. The Prophet hand”. (Hadith Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim,
Muhammad said, “Beware! Avoid sitting on he as referred to by oleh Ulwan, 2014).
roads (ways)." The people said, "There is no way
out of it as these are our sitting places where we Below are the holistic parenting indicators
have talks." The Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬said, "If you must sit employed in the formulation of the measuring
there, then observe the rights of the way." They instrument that have been summarized by the
asked, "What are the rights of the way?" He said, author based on the Holy Qur’an, the Hadith, and
"They are the lowering of your gazes (on seeing Ulwan’s (2014) opinion:

Table 1. Holistic Parenting Indicators

Technique Definition Indicator
Qudwah A parenting technique by becoming the The parents become the child’s
hasanah role model to the child; on the behaviors role model
(integrated role both realized and unrealized; Harmony among the words,
model) accompanied with the harmony among attitudes and actions
the words, attitudes and actions Automatically conducted
Al Addah A parenting technique of enforcing the Parents’ enforcing the discipline
(habituation) discipline by way of exemplifying through habituation
positive/commendable behaviors and The habituation is made
avoiding despicable behaviors through continually

PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) 58(1): 4173-4185
An Interdisciplinary Journal

habituating the behaviors to the child Consistent in the guidance time

continually/sustainably and consistently
Al Mau’idzah Employing appropriate words
A parenting technique by way of
(effective (good, noble, impactful to the
delivering the wisdoms and lessons
advice) listener)
gently and showing disapproval and
Employing various media
prohibition well and politely
Proper timing
Al Mulahadzah The available time that the
(fairness in care A parenting technique of parents’ parents spend to give their
and control) giving attention and control to the child attention to their child is
in mental, physical, spiritual aspects sufficient
justly and gradually. Attention and The available time that the
control are proportionally given, so parents spend to control their
emotional closeness between the parents child is sufficient
and the child will be well nurtured. Care and control are given to
various areas of guidance
Uqubah wa A parenting technique by way of giving There are clear rules of the
Ujarah proportional consequences over the game previously socialized to
(proportional child’s actions, in order to maintain his the child before the parents give
consequences) or her positive actions and, on the other any consequences.
hand, to provide deterrent effect, so he
or she will not repeat his or her
negative actions.

willingness. The number of respondents that we

Method manage to obtain during the elicitation period and
the focus group discussion was five parents; for
Population, Sample and Sampling Techniques the purpose of data testing amounting to 228
teenagers, and for the purpose of primary data
Population of this research is Muslim families in collection amounting to 616 male and female
Indonesia. Samples of this study was Muslim teenagers all of whom were Muslims. The
families consisting of parents and 16-to-17-year- parents’ educational backgrounds were at the very
old teenagers. The sampling technique employed least high school graduates, while the teenagers
was a non-probability sampling since there were who became the participants were senior high
no similar opportunities for the individual who school students.
became population for the study’s samples. The
sampling process was conducted incidentally Research Design, Variables and Instrument
based on the participants’ availability and

PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) 58(1): 4173-4185
An Interdisciplinary Journal

The main approach employed in this study was a positive (favorable) and negative (unfavorable)
quantitative approach that was descriptive and items.
with a non-experimental design. In the elicitation
stage, the data mining started from the process of The items that had been obtained was randomly
interviewing the parents; then, it continued with a arranged for each of the indicators; then, they
focus group discussion to assess the holistic were tried out to 228 16-yo-17-year-old teenage
parenting techniques that the parents in those respondents; 89 of them were males and 111 of
Muslim families applied. The next stage was them were females; all of them were Muslims.
trying out the measuring instrument conducted to When filling out the try-out version holistic
the 16-to-17-year-old teenagers, and in the parenting scale, the respondents were asked to
primary data collection that became the last stage, assess to what extent the statement that was
the respondents assessed their holistic parenting displayed suited the description of their parents’
scale based on the parenting that they received in parenting techniques applied to them, in Likert
their families. After obtaining the data, we then scale comprised of 1-6 ( from Strongly Disagree
made the analyses to see the overview of the to Strongly Agree). Findings of the tryouts
formulated holistic parenting scale’s validity and showed that the reliability of the holistic parenting
reliability. measuring unit employing an alpha-cronbach
technique amounted to α=0.947. It meant that
Model and Data Analysis 94.7% of the variants came from the true score
variants and 5.3% were variant’s errors
The procedures for conducting the study started originating from the content sampling error and
from the elicitation stage and focus group content heterogeneity error. In other words, items
discussion to see how the theory suited the resulting from the tryouts of the holistic parenting
parenting techniques practices by the Muslim measuring instrument could measure a similar
families in Indonesia. The elicitation started from construct. The correlation results of the total
interviewing 5 parents (three males and two corrected items the value of which was below 0.3
females) whose ages ranged from 35 to 45 years were eliminated since they are deemed to be bad
old; it continued with a focus group discussion. items (Kaplan & Saccuzzo, 2009). After
The results of the elicitation and focus group eliminating 15 bad items, we chose items that
discussion showed that all of the participants said represented each of the behavioral indicators with
that the holistic parenting techniques such as the-best correlation values (over 0.3) and
integrated role model (qudwah hasanah), eliminated other 17 times the correlation values of
habituation (al addah), effective advice (al which were slightly over 0.3. In the end, the
mau’idzah), fairness in care and control (al holistic parenting measuring instrument employed
mulahadzah), and proportional consequences to collect the primary data consisted of 35 items
(uqobah dan ujarah) were conducted by the with the Alpha Cronbach coefficient amounting to
parents in their parenting process to their children. α=0.949.
After the elicitation and focus group discussion
stage, we then formulated the indicators of each The holistic parenting scale consisting of 35 items
holistic parenting component and its sample item and sourced from the initial data was tried out
deemed to elaborate those indicators. After again to subjects with bigger numbers. We needed
formulating the behavioral indicators of each to do this since we wanted to select items deemed
component, we conducted an item pooling to to be the most appropriate in representing the
collect items supposed to be able to represent each holistic parenting scale. Just like the respondents
of the indicators. The next step was conducting a during the tryouts, when filling out the forms of
readability test on items formulated on three holistic parenting scale, the respondents were
respondents who represented the samples’ asked to assess to what extent the statement that
characteristics and on a psychometric expert. This was displayed suited the description of their
readability test resulted in 67 items deemed to be parents’ parenting techniques applied to them, in
able to measure holistic parenting, consisting of Likert scale comprised of 1-6 ( from Strongly

PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) 58(1): 4173-4185
An Interdisciplinary Journal

Disagree to Strongly Agree). The number of Ulwan's (2014) theory. Overall, the model
participants in this primary data collection was compatibility test was observed from factor
616 16-to-17-year-old sons and daughters. loading and other goodness of fit indexes such as
chi-square, NNFI, NFI, CFI, IFI, AGFI, RFI,
The analysis employed to examine the reliability RMSEA, GFI, and so on. In this study, we made a
of this holistic parenting measuring instrument second-order confirmatory factor analysis namely
was internal consistency through an alpha- to test the model consisting of 35 items as
cronbach coeficient (Kaplan & Saccuzzo, 2009). observed indicators or variables, five components
This analysis technique was selected since this (qudwah hasanah-integrated role model, al addah-
method could observe the consistency of the habituation, al mau’idzah-effective advice, al
internal items of the holistic parenting measuring mulahadzah/fairness in care and control, and
instrument when it measured the same construct. uqubah wa ujarah-proportional consequences) as
Moreover, the alpha-cronbach coefficient could be the first-order latent variables and a second-order
conducted in a single trial. The validity tests that latent variable, namely holistic parenting, formed
were conducted were content validity and by those first-order latent variables.
construct validity. The content validity was
conducted through expert judgment. The We processed the data using SPSS for Windows
construct validity was conducted through 21.00 and Lisrel version 9.2. SPSS was used in
correlating the holistic parenting measurement the calculation process in order to obtain the alpha
instrument with another test named Baumrind’s cronbach coefficient as an indicator of reliability,
parenting style. A person who perceives a high a correlation to calculate a construct validity, and
level of his or her parents’ holistic parenting will a power item discrimination calculation (Field,
have a high value in democratic/authoritative 2009). Lisrel was employed to test the holistic
parenting style deemed by developmental parenting construct model hypothesized in this
psychologists to be the most ideal parenting style study (Vieira, 2012).
(Hughoghi, & Long, 2004; Spraitz, 2011; Mounts,
2002). On the other hand, a high score in the Findings
holistic parenting will have a negative score in an
authoritarian parenting deemed by the experts as a In the first stage, the psychometric test for the 67
parenting style not so ideal to be applied (Mounts, items resulted in a reliability coefficient of the
2002; Krause, Pacey, & Dailey, 2009). The holistic parenting measuring instrument with
holistic parenting measuring instrument were α=0.904. It meant that 90.4% of these measuring
expected to significantly correlate with a instrument variants were true variants and 9.6%
democratic parenting style positively and to were variant errors in the form of content
significantly correlate with an authoritarian sampling and content heterogeneity. The findings
parenting style negatively. In fact, measuring showed that 67 items of these holistic parenting
instrument of a democratic parenting style had a measuring instrument had good reliability values.
good inter-item consistency with the cronbach The validity used was a construct validity by
alpha coefficient amounting to α=0.833, while the correlating the total holistic parenting scores of
cronbach alpha coefficient of measuring those 67 items with the scores of democratic
instrument for an authoritarian parenting style parenting and the authoritarian parenting style
amounted to α =0.898. from Baumrind, and by making a confirmatory
factor analysis. The correlation value of the
Besides correlating with other tests, we also made holistic parenting for 46 items of the democratic
a confirmatory factor analysis. This technique was parenting style that was obtained was r = 0.568 (p
employed to test the model of the holistic < 0.01); it meant that there was a positive and
parenting measuring instrument that we were significant correlation between the holistic
proposing and to identify whether those items that parenting and the democratic parenting style.
had been formulated had already described the Meanwhile, the correlation score of holistic
holistic parenting components or factors based on parenting for 67 items of the authoritarian

PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) 58(1): 4173-4185
An Interdisciplinary Journal

parenting style resulted in the value amounting to Urbina (2004) stated that a measuring instrument
r = -0.4 (p < 0.01); it meant that there was a would be deemed to be reliable if it had a
negative and significant between the holistic coefficient amounting to 0.8; therefore, we could
parenting and the authoritarian parenting style. say that the calculation result above showed that
The higher the holistic parenting that a person the holistic parenting scale was reliable and had
received, the lower the authoritarian he or she consistent items when they measured the same
perceived. construct. Based on that coefficient it was also
revealed that 88.87% of the respondents’ holistic
The confirmatory factor analysis model deemed to parenting values were obtained from the items in
be fit had several criteria such as: the value of X2 this measuring instrument, while the remaining
had to be lower than p > 0.05 and the model 11.13% were the impacts of variant errors
goodness of fit of CFI, NNFI, RFI, IFI, GFI, (content sampling and content heterogeneity). To
AGFI, and NFI were > 0.90 (Ghozali & Fuad, make an analysis on to what extent the existing
2014). The calculation results of confirmatory items could distinguish individuals with high
factor analysis showed that the initial holistic holistic parenting from individuals with low
parenting model that was proposed consisted of holistic parenting, we also made the corrected
five components as the latent variables and 46 item total correlation (cit) as a reference. We
items as the unfit observed variables (X2 = found out that of the 35 selected items, all of them
2721.63 (p < 0.01); RMSEA = 0.082, NNFI = had adequate corrected item total correlations
0.86, CFI = 0.87, IFI = 0.87). Items deemed to (cit); the correlations ranged from r=0.3 to r=0.6.
represent the factors well had at least the factor Therefore, this fact indicated that those thirty five
loading amounting to 0.3. In the initial model with items of the holistic parenting scale that we
67 items, there were 32 items with the loading formulated were capable of distinguishing a
factor below 0.3 and 35 items with the loading person’s level of holistic parenting scale from
factor over 0.3. . We employed several stages another’s.
when analyzing the items to determine which
items had to be eliminated, revised, or maintained Model fit
pursuant to the number of target items. Those
three methods were by observing the cronbach’s We made a second-order model test of the
alpha if an item was deleted, and the corrected confirmatory factor analysis consisting of 35
item-total correlation. Afterwards, we made an items as the observed indicators or variables, five
integrative analysis to select the best items in components as the first-order latent variables
measuring the holistic parenting. The analysis that (qudwah hasanah-integrated role model, al addah-
was made referred the previous item analysis; habituation, al mau’idzah-effective advice, al
moreover, we also observed the factor loading mulahadzah-fairness in care and control, and
based on the confirmatory factor analysis of each uqubah wa ujarah-proportional consequences),
item. We selected the best 35 items deemed to be and one second-order latent variable, namely
able to measure the holistic parenting concept. holistic parenting, formed by those first-order
latent variables. The calculation result of this
The next stage was conducting the final model’s confirmatory factor analysis showed that
psychometric test on those 35 selected items; we the data with the initial holistic parenting mode
obtained the value of reliability coefficient generated the goodness of fit as follows:
amounting to α=0.8887 based on the calculation
result using a single trial (internal consistency).

Table 2. Goodness of fit of the initial 35-item Holistic Parenting

1263.01 0.00 0.89 0.93 0.94 0.94 0.89 0.075 0.76 0.73

PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) 58(1): 4173-4185
An Interdisciplinary Journal

All of the items in the initial model already had a indices. By adding an error covariance, the value
factor loading over 0.3; therefore, it could be of chi-square decreased for around 300 points.
concluded that the model was fitter than that of The table below showed the results of model re-
the 67-item holistic parenting. However, these specification:
testing results did not achieve a good goodness of
fit. We then made a model re-specification by
adding an error covariance based on modification

Table 3. Goodness of fit of the 35-item Holistic Parenting after the model re-specification
694.58 0.0 0.89 0.94 0.95 0.95 0.88 0.056 0.85 0.82

The table above showed that the last model had component amounted to 77%, and the total
NNFI, CFI, IFI >0.90 and RMSEA < 0.08 which variants of uqubah wa ujarah-proportional
meant good compatibility. NFI, RFI, GFI and consequences amounted to 107%. The calculation
AGFI showed a marginal fit, while χ2 and P had result of the measurement model reliability
not shown good compatibility. However, in achieved a reliability construct value (CR)
general, the model was already good enough if amounting to 0.97 and varians extracted (VE)
measured based on most of the indexes. amounting to 0.93. Ghozali & Fuad (2014) and
Vieira (2012) stated that the minimum value of
From the analysis results of the last model, we good CR was 0.7, and the minimum value of good
found out that the factor loadings for each item VE was 0.5. Based on this reference, the
ranged from 0.48 to 1.11. The total variants of the measurement model of this holistic parenting
qudwah hasanah /integrated role model measurement instrument already had a good
component, which could explain about holistic reliability. Moreover, we could see the final items
parenting, amounted to 74%. The total variants of and the amount of the loading factor of each item
the al mau’idzah-effective advice component of the last confirmatory analysis test model from
amounted to 73%. The total variants of al the table below:
mulahadzah/fairness in care and control

Table 4. Holistic parenting scale items and their factor loading values
What my parents advised to me is not necessarily 0.56
applied by them *
All the advice given by my parents has been applied 0.52
in advance by them
There are differences between my parents’ words 0.79
and actions*
What my parents say when educating me is 0.69
consistent with their actions
My parents’ words contradict their deeds* 0.67
My parents tell the truth 0.62
My parent lie to me* 0.53
My parents’ words are consistent with their deeds 0.69
My parents’ actions are in accordance with their 0.60

PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) 58(1): 4173-4185
An Interdisciplinary Journal

advice to me
My parents routinely ask me whether I have finished 0.72
my school work
My parents neglect me* 0.59
Together with my parents, I routinely perform our 0.55
worship to God
My parents invite me to go on a picnic to know the 0.63
Almighty’s glory
My parents regularly admonish me if I ignore my 0.73
Only occasionally do my parents guide me* 0.82
Although busy, my parents dedicate their time to 0.91
have my health checked up routinely
There is a regular schedule that my parents apply to 0.48
check out my school assignments
My parents force me to listen to their advice * 0.64
My parents are willing to listen to my problems 0.71
My parents' advice is conveyed in a boring way * 0.99
I am bored with the way my parents advise me * 1.11
My parents ignore their time when they advise me * 0.63
I am tired of listening to my parents' advice * 0.81
My parents’ advice suits my problem 0.52
My parents dedicate their time to listen to my 0.90
problems at school
My parents know where I go 0.58
In the midst of my parents’ hustle and bustle, they 0.70
pay attention to my development
My parents dedicate some of their spare time to 0.66
monitor activities that I do with my friends
My parents understand the feeling that I am 0.58
My parents understand strengths that I possess 0.85
My parents first ask about my mistakes before giving 0.82
a punishment to me
My parents treat me fair 0.80
The sanction or punishment that my parent give to 0.75
me is proportional to my mistake
My parents give me a reward if I achieve something 0.,9
My parents appreciate my achievement whatever 1.05
small or big it is
*item unfavorable, RM= integrated role model’s factor loading, Hb=habituation’s factor loading,
EA=effective advice’s factor loading, CC= fairness in care and control’s factor loading, Con= proportional
consequences’ factor loading

Based on the confirmatory factor analysis test, we habituation/HAB, (3) al mau’idzah-effective

found out that those five factors in theholistic advice/EA, (4) al mulahadzah/fairness in care and
parenting scale, namely: 1) qudwah hasanah- control/CC, and (5) uqubah wa ujarah-
integrated role model/RM, (2) al addah- proportional consequences/CON, were capable of

PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) 58(1): 4173-4185
An Interdisciplinary Journal

explaining the holistic parenting variants construct. The holistic parenting measuring
comprehensively in one factor. Therefore, we instrument had a significant construct validity.
could say that the holistic parenting scale that was The items found in the holistic parenting
developed was uni-dimensional that could be measuring instrument had good discriminating
measured using five components of the holistic power, so they could distinguish a subject with
parenting scale that was developed: high holistic parenting from a subject with low
holistic parenting; Moreover, they had good
goodness of fit on most of the required criteria.


Holistic parenting scale that we developed was

psychometrically adequate. This holistic parenting
scale validly measured the holistic parenting
construct and had a good internal consistency.
Therefore, that scale could be employed to
measure Muslim families’ holistic parenting in

Based on the holistic parenting scale model test,

we found out that there were five dimensions of
the Muslim families’ holistic parenting construct
Those holistic parenting dimensions were:
qudwah hasanah (integrated role model), al addah
(habituation), al mauidzah (effective advice), al
mulahadzah (fairness in care and control), and
uqubah wa ujaroh (proportional
consequences)((Rahmawati, 2017b); (Ulwan A.N,

The Islamic values in each dimension are reflected

on the parenting techniques that were employed,
that originated from the Holy Qur’an and the
Hadith. For instance is the qudwah hasanah
dimension. This dimension stresses on parenting
through a role model. An educator must become a
role model to the children with their positive
behaviors. This matter is based on the Holy
Qur’an. In of surah Al Ahzab, verse 21, Allah
said, “There has certainly been for you in the
Messenger of Allah an excellent pattern for
anyone whose hope is in Allah and the Last Day
and [who] remembers Allah often”. That it is
important for the parents to be qudwah hasanah is
Figure 2. Final Holistic Parenting Scale Model consistent with a study conducted by McCoy
(2015). In his study, McCoy says that it is
Based on the analysis results and psychometric important for the parents to directly educate their
tests that had been conducted, we could draw children on which behaviors are appropriate and
some conclusion. The reliability tests that were inappropriate. Besides matters regarding values
obtained showed the holistic parenting measuring instilment, the parents are their children’s role
instrument’s consistency in measuring one similar
PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) 58(1): 4173-4185
An Interdisciplinary Journal

models in developing the children’s psychological the scientific perspective of the Western
aspects such as language skills and the ability to Countries, that separates religion from science.
appropriately express themselves in social However, in Indonesia, separating God’s roles in a
situations (McCoy, 2015). religion from a psychologically personal area is
not so relevant, especially taking into
Another example is the al mauidzah dimension. It consideration that Indonesia makes a religious
is a parenting technique emphasizing effective institution and theology its first national principle.
advice. This technique is based in a Quranic Findings of the focus group discussion revealed
Verse. In Surah An Nahl, verse 125, Allah said, that all of the respondents correlate one’s task as a
“Invite to the way of your Lord with wisdom and parent with his or her responsibility for Allah’s
good instruction, and argue with them in a way mandate in the form of children in his or her
that is best. Indeed, your Lord is most knowing of family. Therefore, we think that this Indonesian-
who has strayed from His way, and He is most version holistic parenting scale becomes more
knowing of who is [rightly] guided.” (An representative when employed to measure
Nahl:125). In this verse, An Nahl: 125, a mufassir parenting in Indonesia since it involves God’s
named Ibnu Katsir explained that Allah Almighty roles as a source in performing their responsibility
ordered the Prophet Muhammad PBUH to invite as parents in the parenting.
people with wisdom, namely with various
prohibitions and commands found in the Holy Holistic parenting has parenting techniques
Qur’an. Allah Almighty also ordered the Prophet consisting of five dimensions all of which are
Muhammad PBUH to promote a dialogue softly, sourced from the Holy Qur’an and the Hadith.
smoothly and in polite language. Allah also These holistic parenting techniques are
ordered the Prophet Musa PBUH and the Prophet applicative, so they give clear guidance to parents
Harun PBUH when they were sent to Fir’aun. to apply them in the parenting. This is also what
Researchers in developmental psychology also makes holistic parenting superior to Baumrind’s
emphasize the importance of the parents’ parenting style (Spraitz, 2011), that tends to give a
communication skills in developing their child’s basic guide, but its use is not really practical to be
positive behaviors. A communication applied by the parents, so they need to complete it
appropriately delivered will make any advice, with other more applicative parenting techniques
talks and discussion with the child able to be well- (Spraitz, 2011; Muth, 2012; Power, 2016)
absorbed by the child (Muth, 2012).
In addition to the benefits that it has generated,
What distinguishes the holistic parenting scale this holistic parenting scale still has some
construct from that of other previously existing limitations. Holistic parenting scale has a good
parenting scales such as Baumrind’s parenting internal consistency using the alpha coefficient
scale (Power, 2016), and Muth’s (Muth, 2012) standard. The purpose of a reliability test with this
parenting scale lies on the basic philosophy of the technique is to find out the consistency among the
holistic parenting concept based on the Holy items from a test, namely to what extent the items
Qur’an and the Hadith. In Islam, parenting is one of that test consistently measure the same thing
of the parents’ main tasks that will be accounted (Urbina, 2004). Therefore, this holistic parenting
for before Allah Almighty in their role as parents scale is capable of consistently measuring the
(The Holy Qur’an, Surah At Tahrim, Verse 6). same thing. However, we should keep in mind
Therefore, doing the parenting in accordance with that when we use a consistency reliability test, we
to the ways guided in the Holy Qur’an and the only measure the degree of the measuring
Hadith is a form of humans’ servitude to their instrument’s reliability based on an internal
Creator. In a parenting scale sourced from the criteria, namely the measuring instrument itself.
western countries, the basic parenting philosophy We need to conduct a further test by using other
only relies on parents’ awareness of their role, reliability tests, especially test-retest to observe to
without stating any God’s roles in it. It seems that what extent a participant is able to give a
this thing is sourced from a secularism concept in consistent response to the measurement of that

PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) 58(1): 4173-4185
An Interdisciplinary Journal

holistic parenting at different times. The construct teenager assesses his or her parents’ holistic
validity test that we used to see the compatibility parenting. In the future, we need to develop a
of the holistic parenting construct with several simpler version that may be used by younger
external criteria employing other scales indicated children such as elementary school students with a
any correlation between holistic parenting and modified language. Moreover, it is necessary for
other constructs. We found out that the higher a us to design a holistic parenting from the parents’
holistic parenting was, the higher a parenting perspective, so it will be able to measure parenting
measured using Baumrind’s authoritative style, form the parents’ point of view as an actor.
that was deemed to be an ideal parenting style. On
the other hand, the lower a holistic parenting was, Conclusion and Implication
the lower an authoritarian style would be.
Moreover, a construct validity test that also As an initial study in developing a parenting scale,
employed a self-report method could be further this holistic parenting scale is deemed to have a
explored since it was very possible that personal good psychometric standard. It is found out that
subjective biases affected the emerging the holistic parenting scale has adequate construct
correlation. For further studies, we might consider and factorial validity. Moreover, it also has a good
employing more objective external criteria, such internal consistency. This Indonesian-version
as a closest friend’s report or a direct observation holistic parenting scale is also capable of
result of how holistic parenting was applied. measuring the same construct consistently, of
distinguishing a person with a high holistic
The results of confirmatory factor analysis parenting from a person with a low holistic
revealed that the existing holistic parenting scale parenting, and is valid enough to measure the
showed good model goodness of fit based on most holistic parenting constructs through five factors,
of the indexes, namely NNFI, CFI, and IFI > 0.9: namely qudwah hasanah (integrated role model),
RMESEA < 0.8 (Ghozali & Fuad, 2014). All of al addah (habituation), al mauidzah (effective
the holistic parenting scale items also has advice), al mulahadzah (fairness in care and
considerably good factor loading (>0.3) to each of control), and uqubah wa ujaroh (proportional
its components. However, there were still other consequences).
unsatisfactory indexes; NFI, RFI, GFI and AGFI
were still in the level of marginal fit, while χ2 and We should create a parent’s version of this holistic
P had not shown good compatibility. Although parenting scale -besides a child’s version that has
the samples used in the final stage was quite been created- since parents are those taking the
adequate (N > 500), considering many analysis parenting role. Therefore, it may be used by
items, we suggested doing the retest on more and parents from various backgrounds. In the case of
more representative samples, using a probability those various backgrounds, methodically, we
sampling technique, so we would be able to should revise the language, so it will be
employ an exploratory factor analysis. Through understood by all users, both by parents from
this exploratory factor analysis, we would find various educational backgrounds or social
the number of factors deemed to be the most economic statuses and by younger children or
compatible for the items that were involved, so we teenagers. By selecting more various participants,
would find the best model goodness of fit. we hope that they may describe the spread of
population age that is evenly distributed and may
In relation to developing a scale that we might actually represent the target population.
conduct, we are currently developing a teenager-
version holistic parenting scale. It is about how a


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An Interdisciplinary Journal

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