Sách Reading Runit1

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1. I think **Marketing** is most interesting department. They make advertisements and strategies
for sell products. They also research market for understand customer needs.

2. I prefer **working in a team** because we can help each other and learn from each other. It's
good for solve problems and make good ideas.


1. to consult - e. to get information or advice from a person or a book, etc. with special knowledge on
a particular subject

2. autonomous - c. independent, able to make decisions without consulting someone at the same
level or higher in the chain of command.

3. function - b. a specific activity in a company, e.g., production, marketing, or finance.

4. to delegate - f. to give part of your work, power or authority to somebody in a lower position than

5. line authority - d. the power to give instructions to people at the lower level in the chain of

6. hierarchy - a. a system of authority with different levels, one above the other, e.g., a series of
managerial positions in which one can make decisions or give orders and instructions.

7. subordinate - h. a person who has a position with less authority and power than somebody else in
a group or an organisation

8. successive - g. coming or following one after another in a series

While-reading tasks

1. Which of the following refers to the structure where there is a clear chain of command running
down a pyramid?

- c) Line structure (Mentioned in the paragraph titled "The Chain of Command")

2. What is one advantage of the chain of command structure that all staff may have?

- a) Identifying what decisions being to make (Mentioned in the paragraph titled "The Chain of

3. What potential issue is associated with a functional structure?

- a) Limited communication between departments (Mentioned in the paragraph titled "Functional


4. What is one advantage of flattening hierarchies in larger organizations?

- a) Increased communication between departments (This is inferred from the paragraph titled
"Flattening Hierarchies and Delegating Responsibility", as it mentions that modern tendency is to
reduce the chain of command, which could lead to increased communication)

5. How do advanced IT systems contribute to flattening hierarchies?

- a) By reducing the need for administrative staff (Mentioned in the paragraph titled "Flattening
Hierarchies and Delegating Responsibility")

6. What best describes matrix management?

- c) Reporting to more than one superior (Mentioned in the paragraph titled "Matrix

7. What is a potential approach mentioned in the text for managing projects?

- d) Utilizing wholly autonomous teams for each project (Mentioned in the paragraph titled

8. Which type of structure is characterized by specialized departments?

- b) Functional structure (Mentioned in the paragraph titled "Functional Structure")

1. The chain of command refers to a hierarchical structure. - **True** (Mentioned in the paragraph
titled "The Chain of Command")

2. Functional structure is suitable for organizations with a variety of products or target markets. -
**False** (Mentioned in the paragraph titled "Functional Structure")

The functional structure can create barriers between different functions and can be inefficient if the
organization has a variety of different products or target markets.

3. Advanced IT systems have led to an increase in administrative staff in organizations. - **False**

(Mentioned in the paragraph titled "Flattening Hierarchies and Delegating Responsibility")

Advanced IT systems have actually reduced the need for administrative staff and enabled companies
to remove layers of workers from the structure.

4. Matrix management allows employees to report to multiple superiors. - **True** (Mentioned in

the paragraph titled "Matrix Management")

5. Teams are typically long-lasting and do not require a strong leader. - **False** (Mentioned in the
paragraph titled "Teams")

The article mentions that teams are usually temporary and require a strong leader. They are
responsible for an entire project and are split up as soon as it is successfully completed.

Vocabulary âm 2

- Delegate responsibilities
- Give instructions

- Make decisions

- Take decision making

- Motivate decision making


WORD BANK (trong sách)


Read the article and decide

1. It fosters a silo mentality and results in poor integration with other divisions. - **Functional**

2. This structure lacks teamwork, communication, and discussion. - **Matrix**

3. It helps broaden employees' skills through knowledge sharing between the employees across
different functional divisions. - **Matrix**

4. It increases staff morale since employees are part of the decision-making process. - **Flat**

5. It promotes managerial skills and the customised approach. - **Divisional**

6. It creates a flexible workplace environment. - **Flat**

7. It decreases the cost of operations and increases productivity levels. - **Functional**

8. There is less dominance in the workplace. - **Flat**

9. It creates unhealthy competition between departments. - **Functional**

10. It increases the cost of operation and the competition between divisions. - **Divisional**

Decide True Fasle

1. Matrix structure creates confusion and conflict between supervisors and bosses about the issue to
be reported. - **True** (Mentioned in the paragraph titled "Matrix Structure")

2. Smaller organizations prefer to use the matrix structure. - **True** (Mentioned in the paragraph
titled "Matrix Structure")

3. In a flat structure, goals, projects, and tasks are determined among the company's senior leaders. -
**False**. In a flat structure, employees essentially act as their own boss, giving them the ability to
communicate directly with peers on ideas and projects (Mentioned in the paragraph titled "Flat

4. Flat structure puts a lot of pressure on subordinates by imposing on them too much responsibility.
- **False**. A flat structure gives more freedom to employees and requires a group of self-starters
who do not need managers checking up daily on their work (Mentioned in the paragraph titled "Flat

5. Employees working in a divisional structure can have a clear career path. - **False**. The article
does not mention a clear career path for employees in a divisional structure (Mentioned in the
paragraph titled "Divisional Structure").
6. If your company is using the divisional structure, the division in Asia handles all the firm's business
all over the world. - **False**. In a divisional structure, divisions are organized geographically or by
product line or marketing area. For example, the Asian division of a company may handle all of the
firm's business with Asia, not all over the world (Mentioned in the paragraph titled "Divisional

7. In a functional structure, similar processes are used, which provides stability and efficiency. -
**True** (Mentioned in the paragraph titled "Functional Structure").

Complete sentences

1. We could economize by **dispensing** with two assistants.

2. My career seemed to be on a downward **trajectory**.

3. University **incubators** are usually university- or student-run and can receive funding from
donations or venture capital support.

4. Once you've gone through the **hierarchy** of needs, money becomes much less important.

5. There may be a need to **decentralize** and set up semi-autonomous subsidiaries.

6. It was a controversial decision and caused a number of **conflicts** within the workforce.

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