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AP PHYSICS 2 Test Booklet

Test 3 - FRQ

1. This question is a long free-response question. Show your work for each part of the question.

(12 points, suggested time 25 minutes)

Students perform an experiment to collect data that can be used to estimate the vacuum permeability from the
slope of a graph. As shown in the top view above left, a long horizontal wire carries current toward the top of
the page. On the table are tracks at different perpendicular distances from the wire. A cart containing a force
sensor (F.S.) can move along each track with speed . The force sensor is attached to a small object with charge
and measures the force exerted on the charged object by the magnetic field from the current-carrying wire,
as shown above right. Assume the effect of Earth’s magnetic field is negligible.

(a) Derive an equation relating to the measurable quantities in the experiment. Express your answer in terms of
, , , , , and physical constants as appropriate.

(b) Describe a procedure the students could use to collect the data needed to create the graph to estimate ,
including measurements to be taken and any steps to reduce experimental uncertainty.

(c) The students are to create a linear graph from the experimental data that can be used to estimate the value of

i. State what quantity should be plotted on the horizontal axis and what quantity should be plotted on the vertical
axis to produce the linear graph.

Horizontal axis:

Vertical axis:

ii. Describe a method for using the graph to estimate .

(d) Another group of students performs a similar experiment, but instead of a magnetic field from a wire, there is a
magnetic field with uniform magnitude perpendicular to the table. Could the procedure described in part (b) still
be used with this modified experimental setup?

Yes No

AP Physics 2 Page 1 of 6
Test Booklet

Test 3 - FRQ

If yes, indicate why the procedure would not need to be changed. If no, indicate what changes would need to be
made to the procedure.

Page 2 of 6 AP Physics 2
Test Booklet

Test 3 - FRQ


A particle with unknown mass and charge is projected into the apparatus shown above. The particle moves with
constant speed v as it passes undeflected through a pair of parallel plates, as shown above. The plates are separated
by a distance d, and a constant potential difference V is maintained between them. A uniform magnetic field of
magnitude B directed into the page exists both in the region between the plates and in the region to the right of the
plates that is enclosed by the dashed lines. In the region to the right of the plates, the particle’s path is circular with
radius r. Assume the effects of gravity are negligible compared to other forces.

(a) Explain why the particle moves through the parallel plates undeflected in terms of the forces exerted on the

(b) What is the sign of the charge on the particle? Justify your answer.

A magnetic field of 0.30 T is applied with the plate separation at 5.0 x 10-3m . Singly ionized particles with
various speeds enter the region between the plates, and only those with speed 2.0 x 106 m/s are undeflected as they
pass between the plates. These particles then reach the collector plate a distance of 0.42 m below the point at
which they left the region between the parallel plates.

(c) Based on your explanation in part (a), derive an algebraic expression for the potential difference that must be
applied to produce the motion of the undeflected particles. Use that expression to calculate the numerical value of
the potential difference.

(d) By analyzing the circular part of the motion, derive an algebraic expression for the mass of the particles. Use
that expression to calculate a numerical value for the mass.

(e) A scientist wants to use the apparatus to separate singly ionized atoms of 12C and 14C in order to use the 14C in
radiocarbon dating. Describe how the motion of the two isotopes of carbon in both regions of the apparatus leads
to their separation, appropriately relating your description to the algebraic equations you wrote in parts (c) and (d).

AP Physics 2 Page 3 of 6
Test Booklet

Test 3 - FRQ

3. This question is a long free-response question. Show your work for each part of the question. (15 points, suggested
time 25 minutes)

A potential difference exists between two parallel plates that are separated by a distance . A particle of mass
and charge is accelerated from rest through the potential difference, and as a result moves between the
plates in a straight line in the plane of the page, as shown above. The particle reaches the right-hand plate with a
speed , passes through a hole in the plate, and enters a region containing a uniform magnetic field. The particle
then follows the semicircular path shown. Gravitational effects are negligible.

(a) Would the speed of the particle be greater, smaller, or the same if the magnitude of the potential difference
was greater? Explain your answer.

(b) A student derives the equation for the speed of the particle. Whether or not the equation is correct, is
it consistent with your answer to part (a)? Explain your reasoning.

(c) A student equates the following two expressions to determine how an increase in the magnitude of the
particle’s charge affects the radius of its path in the field.

for the magnitude of the net force on an object in uniform circular motion with radius
for the magnitude of the force on a charged particle in a magnetic field of magnitude

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Test Booklet

Test 3 - FRQ

Describe the relationship between the particle’s charge and the radius of its path indicated by these expressions,
and indicate how an increase in charge affects the radius.

(d) Another student writes the equation for the radius of the path. Whether or not the equation is
correct, is it consistent with your answer to part (c)? Explain your reasoning.

(e) If the particle had a charge of , would its motion be the same? Justify your answer.

The region of the magnetic field is replaced by a wire that is in the page and has a current directed toward the
right. The positively charged particle still moves in a straight line between the plates.

(f) With respect to the coordinate axes shown, in what direction is the acceleration of the particle at the instant it
passes through the hole? Explain your reasoning.

AP Physics 2 Page 5 of 6
Test Booklet

Test 3 - FRQ


The long, straight wire shown in Figure 1 above is in the plane of the page and carries a current I. Point P is also
in the plane of the page and is a perpendicular distance d from the wire. Gravitational effects are negligible.

(a) With reference to the coordinate system in Figure 1, what is the direction of the magnetic field at point P due
to the current in the wire?

A particle of mass m and positive charge q is initially moving parallel to the wire with a speed v0 when it is at
point P, as shown in Figure 2 below.

(b) With reference to the coordinate system in Figure 2, what is the direction of the magnetic force acting on the
particle at point P ?

(c) Determine the magnitude of the magnetic force acting on the particle at point P in terms of the given quantities
and fundamental constants.

(d) An electric field is applied that causes the net force on the particle to be zero at point P.

i. With reference to the coordinate system in Figure 2, what is the direction of the electric field at point P that
could accomplish this?

ii. Determine the magnitude of the electric field in terms of the given quantities and fundamental constants.

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