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top 5 challanges

Financial management

Many CEOs I know are ideas people; that means they’re great at the big picture and disruptive thinking,
but less good with things like cash flow, profit margins, reducing costs, financing, etc. Small and medium
businesses may not require a full-time CFO but would do better to employ a financial consultant who can
step into the role as needed

Regulation and compliance

As markets and technologies shift, so do rules and regulations. Depending on your industry, it can make
much more sense to bring in a consultant to help with these areas rather than trying to understand the
complexities yourself — and risk fines or worse for non-compliance


As technologies change practically at the speed of light, companies need to innovate or be left behind —
but many CEOs started their careers and businesses before many of these technologies even existed!
Consultants can be vital for integrating new technologies, in particular mobile, app development, and
cloud computing

Customer service

In a world of instant gratification, customers expect instant customer service — and can take to the web
to share their displeasure at less than satisfactory service just as quickly. Consultants can find ways to
improve customer service and bring it into the 21st century

Exploding data
Grandpa’s generation certainly didn’t have to deal with terabytes of data or worry about what to do with
it. 90% of the world’s data was created in the past two years and managing, keeping safe and extracting
insights from the ever-increasing amounts of data your company produces needs to be in the hands of a
qualified professional who can help you get the most return from that data.

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