Glossary of K'eqchi' Nouns - George Max - Sept 2023

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Ish Moleb’aal eb’ li C’ab’a’ Aatin

Glossary of K’eqchi’ Nouns

George Max
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Glossary of K’eqchi’ Nouns


George Max
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Book design: George Max
Cover design: George Max
K’eqchi’ title: Ish Moleb’aal eb’ li C’ab’a’ Aatin
English title: Glossary of K’eqchi’ Nouns - Preliminary


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INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................................... i
NOUN CHARACTERISTICS............................................................................................................................ i
PLURAL NOUNS .................................................................................................................................... ii
COUNT AND NON–COUNT NOUNS ......................................................................................................... ii
NOUN SUBSTITUTES ............................................................................................................................. iii
OBSERVATIONS ................................................................................................................................... iii
PRESENTATION .................................................................................................................................... iv
ALPHABETICAL LIST OF K’EQCHI’ NOUNS ................................................................................................... 1
A ........................................................................................................................................................ 1
B ........................................................................................................................................................ 1
C ........................................................................................................................................................ 2
E ........................................................................................................................................................ 6
H ........................................................................................................................................................ 6
I .......................................................................................................................................................... 6
J ......................................................................................................................................................... 7
K ........................................................................................................................................................ 7
L......................................................................................................................................................... 8
M ....................................................................................................................................................... 8
N ........................................................................................................................................................ 9
O ........................................................................................................................................................ 9
P ...................................................................................................................................................... 10
Q ...................................................................................................................................................... 11
R ...................................................................................................................................................... 11
S ...................................................................................................................................................... 11
T....................................................................................................................................................... 13
U ...................................................................................................................................................... 15
Y ...................................................................................................................................................... 15
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This book presents a preliminary glossary of K’eqchi’ nouns with English definitions. These
nouns are found in Sedat’s ‘Nuevo diccionario de las lenguas K’ekchi’ y Española, (1955)’.
However, they do not constitute all nouns existing in K’eqchi’ (KC). More nouns will still be
added to this account further on.

This book is also an effort and contribution to the standardization of the K’eqchi’ language
across the central, north, and east regions of Guatemala, Belize, and beyond.

The spelling of KC nouns used here is the one devised by the K’eqchi’ Organization. The apos-
trophe is used to represent a glottal stop in vowels (a’, e’, i’, o’, u’) and glottalized occlusives in
several consonant sounds (b’, c’, ch’, k’, t’, and tz’). These vowel and consonant sounds large-
ly characterize the KC language. This glossary uses the digraph “sh” instead of “x” seen in
other orthographies. Also, nouns beginning with “y” carry a “t” at the beginning to represent a
pronunciation variant in Cob’an, Alta Verapaz. EXAMPLES: yucua’ – tyucua’; yajel – tyajel; yee –
tyee, etc. Thus, all sounds beginning with “y” are found within the letter T heading.


KC’s nouns can be the name of a person, place, thing, or idea. They can be the subject of a
clause, the object of a verb, or the object of a preposition. Nouns do not undergo any change
when used in KC. Nor do they have gender assignment or denote any gender by themselves.
An exception is only seen in some male and female pairs (see People in the examples table
below). The following are some examples of KC nouns listed in several categories.
na’, tyucua’ Chisec mesleb’ usilal
mother, father place name broom favor
Qana’, Qacua’ Chirrepek cuesh sahilch’olej
Mrs., Mr. place name pants happiness
cuiinq, ishq Rab’inal tz’umuy ch’inausal
man, woman place name anona niceness, beautifulness
b’eelom, ishaqil Chicajb’om uc’al c’anjel
husband, wife place name pot work
c’uulal, teelom K’ampur ch’aat tyajel
baby/child, boy place name bed disease

• Aj Mario nash c’eh tumin re lish na’. Mario gives money to his mother.
• Qana’ Delfina inc’a’ na wulak sa’ li c’atyil. Mrs. Delfina does not go to the market.
• Li c’uulal ac ish tz’ol chi b’eek. The baby has learned how to walk.

Certain nouns starting with a vowel or just composed of a vowel such as a’, e, and u denoting
leg, mouth, and face respectively, require prefixing so that we can use them with a possessive



• Nim sa’ eb’ li ra’ li cashlan. [NO VERB] The chicken’s legs are thick. OR The chicken has thick
• Laat inka ch’aj sa’ la cuee. You are washing your mouth.
• Ish Amalia nash tz’ap li ru. Amalia is covering her face.

Nouns starting with a vowel include itz’in (young brother/sister), as (old brother/sister), anab’
(sister of man), alal (son of father) and so on.
• Aj Jacinto mac’a’ junaq ranab’ malaj junaq ralal. Jacinto does not have any sisters or sons. OR
Jacinto has no sisters or sons.


While plural nouns themselves may be rare, we use a combination of the particle eb’ and the
definite article li to pluralize all nouns, including people. The pluralization of nouns follows this
pattern: eb’ + li + noun; where eb’ = pluralizer, and li = definite article. If the pluralization corre-
sponds to people with a job or profession, the pluralization pattern is eb’ + aj. IMPORTANT: A
noun does not undergo any change to become plural.
li ochoch the house eb’ li ochoch the houses
li ac‘ach the turkey eb’ li ac‘ach the turkeys
li tz‘i’ the dog eb’ li tz‘i’ the dogs
li ishq the woman eb’ li ishq the women

• Eb’ li mucuy sheheb’ rupupik. The doves flew away.

• Maji’ inka ch’aj eb’ li uc’al. SPK You have not washed the pots yet.
• Tyal na b’atz’un ric’in eb’ li mes. SPK He/she/it only plays with the cats.
• Eb’ aj b’anonel shesh c’ee in b’an. The doctors gave me medicine.

NOTE: A singular noun should always be preceded by the article li when referring to so. or sth.
specific. Words already in plural include: li cooc’al, li poyanam, li hal.


Nouns in KC can be counted. Counted nouns, however, have no plural form so they do not
need any change. We use the particle chi to connect the number to the noun. Syntax: NUM-
BER + CHI + NOUN. There are no indefinite articles (e.g., a, an) in KC to put before a count noun.


ochoch house oshib’ chi ochoch three houses
cashlan chicken oob’ chi cashlan five chicken
b’ee road cuib’ chi b’ee two roads

The following are some examples of non–count nouns that cannot have a number before them
or be pluralized.
ha’ iik’ ch’ooch’ sahilch’olej sham hab’
water wind, air earth, ground, dirt happiness fire rain



We often use b’ayaq (adj. some) and na’b’al (adj. a lot of; much) as quantifiers for nouns to in-
dicate small and large amounts, respectively.
EXAMPLES: b’ayaq ha’, some water; b’ayaq atz’am, some salt; b’ayaq cashlank’een, some pepper

• Li c’uulal nash patz b’ayaq ish cuaa. WITH PA The child is asking for some food (for itself).

EXAMPLES: na’b’al tumin, a lot of money; na’b’al pim, a lot of grass; na’b’al utz’uuj, a lot of flowers.

• Nab’al ha’ na chal ric’in li b’uut’. A lot of water comes with the flood.


Although KC has no indefinite articles (e.g., a, an), a noun can be substituted by jun (one), ju-
naq chic (another one; INDEFINITE) or [eb’] li junchic (the other one/ones; DEFINITE). The follow-
ing examples illustrate this feature.
• Ish Nela cuan jun ish ac’ach ut ish Amalia cuan jun re ajcui’.
o Nela has a turkey and Amalia has one too.
• Lin na’chin ta raj shik sa’ li c’atyil ain ab’an lain tin cuaj shik sa’ junaq chic.
o My grandmother wants to go to this market, but I want to go to another one.
• Aj Lico ac cuan jun ish cashlan, ab’an tish lok’ junaq chic.
o Lico has one chicken already, but he will buy another one.
• Lish na’ ta raj shik sa’ li c’atyib’aal ain, ab’an aan ta raj shik sa’ li junchic.
o His/her mother wants to go to this store, but he/she wants to go to the other one.
• Aan na wulak chirruu li cuesh ain, ab’an inc’a’ na wulak chirruu eb’ li junchic.
o He likes these pants, but he does not like the other ones.

Thus, the above sentences clearly exemplify the use of noun substitutes in subordinate claus-
es. We also note the striking similarity with the use of noun substitutes in English.


This K’eqchi’ nouns glossary with English definitions is still preliminary. Most definitions are
basic translations from the source language (Spanish). However, further definitions are pro-
vided from the author’s knowledge and some research on each noun. Where available or iden-
tifiable, scientific names have been provided for plants, birds and animals. In other cases,
where these nouns still could not be identified in English, they remain labeled as “type of bird,
animal, tree, snake, fruit, etc”.

In order to find and identify nouns better in this glossary, many nouns have been listed into the
categories of anatomy, biology, botany and zoology. They are abbreviated as follows:

ANAT. – anatomy BIO. – biology BOT. – botany ZOOL. – zoology

Many nouns have synonyms, so the definition goes to the most common noun and the others
are referenced to this one with a → see noun tag. A → see also noun tag appearing after a defi-
nition refers to a related noun or to a synonym.

Also, dialects from San Pedro Carchá and San Juan Chamelco are labeled as C. and Ch., re-



The particle aj after some nouns (noun, aj) denotes a job: aj c’ay - the seller; a profession: aj
b’anonel - a doctor, physician; an animal: aj am – spider. It also means some talent, ability or
other behavior for describing a person.


This nouns glossary is presented in alphabetical order in the following format:

A – alphabetical letter
K’eqchi’ noun - English definition of noun




A amoch – ZOOL. frog

anab’ – sister of a man
a’ – ANAT. leg (of people and animals only, not aniI – race, run
of furniture, e.g., chair, table or the like) anum – scarecrow, ghost
aab’ – hammock; deckchair aqam – ZOOL. agouti
aak’ – clothes, clothing; garment, attire arracach or arracacha – BOT. Alexanders
aansh – garlic; garlic plant (Smyrnium olusatrum)
aaq – ZOOL. pig, pork; slob (colloquial) arrinil – countryman; local thing
aaq tyajel – epilepsy artal – altar
aatin – word (spoken, written) as – older brother
aatz’ – splint asam – BOT. edible mushroom
ab’aj – ANAT. testicles; testes asb’ej – older brother (general sense)
ac’ab’ – dark, darkness, shadows; → see also ash or ashl – BOT. arnica
k’ojtyiin asij – ZOOL. cicada; cricket
ab’ak’ sib’ – soot; smut as-itz’in – fellow man
ac’ach – ZOOL. turkey atinab’aal – language (spoken and written);
acte’ – BOT. wild pacaya with thorns tongue
acuab’ej – governor, president; mister, father; atz’am – salt
chief atz’am kee – dew, frost
acuas – bad luck, missfortune (taboo) atz’um – BOT. flower of tree; blossom
acuiimq – crop; cultivation aw, aj – the owner of a crop
ahin – ZOOL. green lizard; alligator awleb’ – sowing stick
Ajaw – Sir (not for titles), God
ajb’al – reason, motive, purpose B
ajl – number
ajlab’aal – count; counting tool b’aa – ZOOL. gopher
ajlab’al cutan – calendar b’aal–tzuul – shadow of hill
ak – bush, thatch, or straw to use for roof b’aalc – brother–in–law, sister–in–law → see
ak’al – leguminous plant for making brooms also nam
ak’ej – garnment, clothe; clothes in general → b’aatz’ – ZOOL. monkey
see also aak’ b’ach – raft
ak’l → see ch’oop b’ajlaq – corncob
ak’pan – young corn; flowering corn b’ajlaq che’ – BOT. peppermint (tree)
akwuc achak’ – partner, companion; an older b’ajlaq shul – ZOOL. weasel → see also saqb’in
person b’alak’ – deceit, disguise; lie
al – boy, young boy b’alalaa – lazy; idle, unemployed, errant
alab’te’ – shoots, sprouts b’alam – side, corner, nook
alal – son (of father) b’alb’aa – hell; inferno, hellhole
alal c’ajol – sons b’alb’al che’ – type of small bird
alib’ – daughter–in–law b’an – remedy, medicine, medication, drug;
alib’ej – daughter–in–law (in general) cure
alk’ → see ketoomq b’anonel, aj – healer, medicine man; doctor,
alk’ tzuul tak’aa – wild animal physician
alob’aal – ANAT. womb, uterus b’aq – bone
am, aj – ZOOL. spider b’aqche’ – BOT. small tree with bitter leaves
amak’ tenamit – crowd; fellows; people in gen- b’aq saank – ZOOL. type of ant
eral b’aq shul – ZOOL. armadillo → see also ib’oy
amam c’ish – BOT. type of thorny plant; thisle b’arshuuk – triangle, half of a square
amche’ – BOT. type of poisonous bush b’as – half (of a measurement)
amn – soul, spirit; mind (figured) b’asalal – fold, hem, crease; folding


b’atal – clothes, wrap C
b’atalal – cotton blanket, coat
b’atam – state of being wrapped c’anjeleb’aal or c’anjelob’aal – tools, tools for
b’atb’al – capping; coat working
b’atz’uul – toy, plaything; puppet ca’ – grindstone, millstone, grinding stone (for
b’ayal or b’ayl – BOT. reed; rush, cane corn, coffee, cacao, etc.)
b’e’ – evil eye, jinx → see also ra u caa – second (ordinal number)
b’ee – road; way, path, trail, lane; track c’aam – pita fiber, liana, hemp rope
b’ee, aj – walker; restless, fond of walking c’aams – ZOOL. termite
b’eelom – husband; spouse of woman c’aan – wedge
b’een jolomb’ej – older son, firstborn, eldest ca’ay – spectator, viewer
b’eenal, aj – caminata cab’ – house, household; raw cane sugar; can-
b’enom ib’, aj – walker dy
b’ich or b’ichk – song; anthem c’ab’a’ – name
b’ichanel, aj – singer cab’ajer – the day before yesterday
bichk, aj – singer cab’ alal – stepson
b’iom – rich c’ab’a’ tiosh, aj – preacher
b’irritak – BOT. type of bush ca’b’ej – the day after tomorrow
b’isib’ – BOT. type of liana → see also t’isib’ c’ab’el – soup (of beans)
b’isic’aam – BOT. type of liana; reed cab’ichal – double, in pairs
b’isleb’ – a measurement item (basket, steel- cab’lajuu – twelve
yard balance; tape measure). cab’ na’ – stepmother
b’is – measurement, measure cab’ tyucua’ – stepfather
b’itz or b’itz kirri’ – ZOOL. type of hairy worm c’ac’alom – guard, keeper
b’o, b’ocob’, b’ojoy, b’oy, or b’oyoch – ANAT. c’ac’alenel – guard, keeper
female genital organ cacaw – BOT. cacao
b’ob’ ab’ak – anana cacaw b’alam – BOT. Theobroma bicolor
b’oj – chicha, alcoholic drink made of sugar (known commonly as the mocambo tree, jaguar
cane tree, balamte, or pataxte)
b’ojleb’ – sewing tool cacual cacual – savvy, ready
b’ojonel, aj – tailor, dressmaker; liner cacueenq – reseeding, replanting
b’ok’ poch – big tamale cache’ – BOT. peppermint (tree) → see also
b’olb’okil ha’ – gush b’ajlaq che’
b’olich’ – ZOOL. type of bird → see also ca’ch’in ch’ool – shy, timid
ch’imb’ol ca’ib’al or cab’i’al – both, the two
b’olol – roll; gush; usually bird shaped whistle caichal – the four
made of clay c’ail k’een – bitter leaves
b’olol ha’ – aquatic grass c’aj – flour; crumb, breadcrumb; bits, chips,
b’on – paint; painting specks
b’ook – condensation, vapor, aroma; smell, ca’jer – four days ago
scent c’ajob’ or c’ajob’l – dew
b’ook tz’i’ – emanation from a female dog c’ajol – son
b’ool – roll; collado c’ajolb’ej – the son
b’oysh – ZOOL. ox cak’ – nephew; niece
b’uch – cooked maize cakaj – BOT. cierto árbol de corteza roja
b’uj or b’ujuy – ANAT. female genital organ c’al – cleared ground, cleared land, bare land;
b’uk’ cush or b’uk’ ja’aj – mumps corn plantation
b’ut’i ha’ – flooding, deluge cala’ – BOT. panama hat plant
b’utz’ chaim – cornet, bugle cala’ punit – panama hat
b’uul – game, draw; dice calach’ – ZOOL. earwig
b’uut’ – flood, flooding calajenaq – drunk, intoxicated
b’uuy – heap, bunch; a lot of calajuu – fourteen
calajuu ushtan – favor; work of charity


ca’lak’ – rope with two strings car – ZOOL. fish
calam e – ANAT. cheek, jaw cas – ZOOL. horse–fly, gadfly
c’aleb’aal – corn field; mountain; hamlet, small c’as – debt
village c’asal – time, period, a while; event, occurrence
c’alem – roza ca’shic – earrings
calok’ oshlok’ – estimate, calculation cashkem – percale
c’alom – corn farmer; farmer, planter cashlan – ZOOL. gallina
c’am chaj – BOT. type of scrub used to cashlan aj – BOT. reed
adorn/decorate cashlan cuaa – bread, loaf
c’amal – while, for a while, awhile cashlan cuiinq – foreigner
c’amb’ob’ – BOT. type of maize cashlan k’een – black pepper
c’amb’olay – ZOOL. viper cashlan tyuc – ZOOL. goat
c’amb’olay ish – ZOOL. ocelot, margay c’ashtok’ – devil
c’amc’ot – ANAT. tripe; guts, intenstines; in- c’atc’al – big corn crop
nards, bowel, insides c’at e – ANAT. cheek
c’amchi’ij ib’ – agreement, advice c’aticush – heartburn
camel – mortal; sound of hail in the clouds c’atyil – market, plaza
camenaq – deceased, corpse, dead person, c’atyib’aal – store, shop
stiff c’aush or c’aushl – concern, worry; thought;
c’amlaa – rainbow → see also shokik’aab’ anxiety
c’amol b’ee – leader, warlord caw ch’ool – courageous person
camsiom – killer caw oq – water current
canha’ – swamp, marsh c’ay – sale, sales; merchandise
c’anjel – work, job; workplace c’ay, aj – seller, vendor, salesman/woman
c’ansin – BOT. type of tree ca’ay, aj – observer, spectator, viewer (person)
c’anti’ – ZOOL. snake c’eelal, aj – preacher; orator
c’anti’car – ZOOL. eel ces – BOT. amaranth
can u – madman, fool, freak ces–ch’oo – BOT. amaranth with thorns
c’ap – ZOOL. wild bees cesmuc – BOT. → same as cess ch’oo
ca’pac’aI u – hypocrate; two–faced chaa – ash
caq – red chaa ik – ZOOL. small (zompopo) ant
c’aq – ZOOL. flea; chigger, jigger ch’aajkil – difficulty
caqb’aqin – reddish, blood color chaal or cha’al – side; body part
caq chaa – burning wood or charcoal with ash- ch’aat – bed → see also cuarrib’
es; unfortunate person chab’ – year
caq coj – ZOOL. lion, puma; mountain lion chab’il echej – good thing; fine thing
caq chahim – morning star chab’ilal – goodness, kindness
caqch’akin – redish chacach – basket; crate
caq ch’ool – envious/jelaous person chac’alal – height of sth.
caqcual – ZOOL. type of snake chacalte’ – BOT. cedrela
caq eec’ – ZOOL. itch mite chakow – ZOOL. boar, wild boar
caqjorrin – redish, blushed, russet chacti’ – ZOOL. bream
caqi tyac/tyacl – BOT. type of bush with fruit chahim – star; planet
caqi tyaj – fever; typhoid chaj – pine, pine tree, pine wood; ocote pine
caqlaa – rainbow → see also shoqic’ab’ chajal – ZOOL. type of caterpillar
caqnab’ – lagoon, lake; sea chajal cuc – ZOOL. small squirrel
caq oqob’ – red sweetgum ch’ajom – youth, young man/person, teenager;
caq roq mash – ZOOL. kinkajou boy; single
caqshot’in – blush, flush, embarrassment chak’ – ripe, mellow
caq sut iik’ – storm, tempest; hurricane chak’im – crying child (waiting for baby broth-
caq tu’uy – ZOOL. red ant er/sister)
caq ukub’ – BOT. type of shrub chak’na’ – older sister of woman
caq uut – BOT. type of tree chakojonic or chak’onic – response; union


cha’al – relatives, family members; side; body ch’olcuiinq – savage, lacandon
part choloc’ – wishbone (chicken)
ch’alib’ – BOT. type of bush ch’onte’ – BOT. type of edible bush
chalum – BOT. type of fruit ch’oo – ZOOL. mouse, rat
ch’amach’ – BOT. sour guava ch’oob’oc – BOT. type of bush that grows in
ch’amajij – BOT. type of herb used as remedy trees
ch’amb’ul – sour or acidic atole ch’ooc’oj – ZOOL. bat → see also sotz’
champaa – canvas bag choochoc – BOT. type of tree
ch’anamil – silence ch’ool – ANAT. heart; part, chapter
ch’antun – fishing net ch’oop – BOT. Cecropia obtusifolia (trumpet
chaqchou – ZOOL. species of wild honeybees tree, trumpet–bush, bacano, snakewood)
chaqiel – thirst choosha – sky; heaven
chaqiok – chicks’ disease → see also b’ook tz’i’ ch’op – pineapple
chaqmut – ZOOL. partridge choq or choql – cloud
chaqrab’ – law, legislation; act choq sham – singed thing
chasaanc or chaa saanc – ZOOL. ants chot – double
ch’atapat – bedframe to scare birds in the corn ch’uc – beggar, mendicant
fields chuche’ – BOT. type of bush
che’ – tree; wood (in general); stick chujchuj – ZOOL. lizard
ch’ee – ZOOL. mosquito chu’ kee – dew
cheek – maturity; elder chuk’ub’ – hiccup, hiccough; burp, belch
cheet – bunch, handful chun – lime
ch’ejej – ZOOL. type of bird ch’un – BOT. type of tree
ch’eIel – BOT. Inga edulis, known as ice cream– chunac – sapodilla
bean, joaquiniquil, cuaniquil, guama or guaba chunam – state of being seated
chemchem – BOT. wild pacaya ch’up – ANAT. navel, belly button
ch’en ZOOL. → see ch’ee ch’upaq – BOT. soapberry
chetelal – bunch, handful, bundle ch’urek – BOT. type of edible mushroom
chi’ – nance (small yellow fruit with hard seed) ch’ut – BOT. tree fern
Chi–aj–C’oal – hill near Carcha ch’utlajik – reunión, meeting
Chib’atz’ – hill north of Cobán ch’utleb’aal – house of meeting
chic – brim, rim; levelness, evenness chuub’ – saliva, spit, spittle
chicab’ – living room ch’uub’ – ZOOL. wasp
ch’icuan – ZOOL. type of bird similar to a raven ch’uuch’, aj – teaser, joker
ch’iich’ – metal (iron, steel, tin, aluminun, etc.); ch’uuch’il – jest, prank, joke
knife; metallic tools; any metal ch’uut – group, class, crowd
ch’iimb’ – trap c’ial – amount, abundance, large number
chiin – orange; orange tree c’iche’ – woods, forest; jungle
ch’iip – last child (son or daughter) c’iche’ob’aal or c’iche’b’aal – woods; wilderness
ch’iipej – to be the last child c’ik – BOT. scallion → see also k’oyak’
chili’ – ZOOL. cricket c’il – skillet
ch’imaa – chayote c’ilkej – ZOOL. bird
ch’imamo’ – BOT. type of liana; reed c’im – straw; thatch
ch’imb’ol – ZOOL. type of bird c’inich – freckles / (mol ac’ach)
chinam – member of a brotherhood c’ish – thorn
ch’inausal – beauty, loveliness, cutie c’ish ru k’een – BOT. borage (sudorific medi-
ch’iq – craving → see also tzem cine)
ch’itcoj – ZOOL. type of bird → see also pich’coj c’ish uch – ZOOL. erizo
ch’ooch’ – dirt, soil; ground, terrain; land, plot; co’ – daughter of a woman
liver c’oal or c’ual – treasure; place or thing saved
chocho’ – ZOOL. parrot for the future
chochocuem – BOT. type of liana c’ob’e’ – ZOOL. type of fish
ch’ohish – ZOOL. ocelot; fox cob’eet – womanizer, fornicator


co’b’ej – daughter (in general) cuaa – tortilla
coc – ZOOL. turtle cuaa cab’ – wax
cooc’al – children cuaal – blower
coc’aliI – childhood cuac – BOT. type of bush (used as laxative)
c’och – base of the hoof on an animal cuach’iil – BOT. type of tree (wild tamarind)
cooc’ tumin – coins; change cua’inel – eater, diner
cooc’il – smallness cuajb’ – harp
co’ej – four days from now cuajb’, aj – harper
coj – stick to stir atole cualeb’ – noon, midday
Cojaj – Hill from San Pedro cualeb’aal – bowl
c’oj – mask cuankilal – aboundance, plenty, wealth
c’ojbal ib’ – chair or any sitting place cuaq – ZOOL. type of bird
c’ojarrib’aal – place or thing to sit on cuaqib’ – six
c’ojoc – hand (distance between the end of the cuaqitun – BOT. type of tree with edible fruit
thumb and the little finger with the hand closed) cuaqshaqej – in eight days
cojoj – ZOOL. centipede cuaqshaqib’ – eight
c’olb’al – shroud, mortise cuarraa – sleep
c’oleb’ – shroud, mortise cuarrac’ish – BOT. poppy
c’oloch nok’ – ball of yarn cuarramb’eet – the one who sleeps in another
colol – ZOOL. wild bird house
cololte’ – ZOOL. type of insect; cage; large cuarrib’ – bed
wicker basket cuarrib’aal – bedroom
c’olosh – curlyhead, curl cuarril, aj – stranger, outsider
c’onolal – arch cuarrinel – foreigner
c’onon – BOT. → see k’il cuarrom – ZOOL. owl
c’onosh – spiral shape cua–uut – BOT. myrtle (type of tree whose fruit
comon – of the same class or group is used to make candles)
conshikil or conshic’ – clay pan cua’ – sir, mister
coo or coo–e – ANAT. cheek → see also shuc e cub’siinc or cub’sil – contribution; descent
c’ooc’ob’ – ZOOL. mockingbird c’ub’ul tz’oq – ZOOL. golden oriole
coocom – liana for tying cuc – ZOOL. squirrel; jar, jug
coo–it – buttocks cucaay – ZOOL. fire beetle, firefly
c’oot – pile, heap, stack cucb’ – topknot (feathered ribbon of some
c’opopo’ – ZOOL. toad birds)
cormach – ZOOL. quail → see also toonk’ cuc c’aam – BOT. type of liana
c’orrech – toasting, roasting cuc’il – BOT. izote (Yucca gigantea)
c’orrech cua – toasted tortilla c’uc’il – BOT. → same as cuc’il
c’osc’onon – ZOOL. moth, small butterfly c’uc’um – duster
c’osh – ZOOL. shrimp, prawn c’uch – ZOOL. sparrowhawk
c’oshleb’aal or c’ushleb’aal – concern, worry; cue’ej – hunger, starvation; shortage
thought; anxiety → see also c’aush cuesh – pair of pants, trousers
cot, cotolal, or cotlal – bend, loop cuiinq – man; male; guy
c’ot – excrement, droppings, dong cuilish – ZOOL. swallow (bird)
c’ot cab’ – pollen cuinqul or cuinqil – evil spirit
c’ot shic – cerumen, ear wax c’ulebaal – chest, thing to store objects
c’ot u – rheum c’ulin – ZOOL. bedbug
c’otzob’ak or c’otzib’ak – type of big ant culuc – ZOOL. type of black caterpillar
c’oy – gum, chewing gum; copal; something c’um – pumpkin, squash
chewable c’umpaap – BOT. type of liana
coya’ – cluster, bunch cun – ANAT. penis; male sex organ
c’oyim – corn beverage → see also matz’ cuo’ – ZOOL. juvenile (toad)
c’oymut – ZOOL. verdin (Auriparus flaviceps) cuoqsh – foam, froth
coyou – type of avocado cuoyo’ – type of animal; type of bush


cus che’ – knot of wood hal – corn, corncob
cush – ANAT. neck halaute’ – ZOOL. type of pacaya
c’ush – corn; mosquito halaw – ZOOL. paca
cushb’ej – cough ha’ sa’ej – diarrhea
c’ush c’ub’ – BOT. type of bush eaten by cows hasb’ – whisper
and horses hatyal – non–defined place or time
cushcush – ZOOL. type of bird hay – ZOOL. type of worm emitting bright light
cutan – day; light; time; season like the firefly
cutleb’ – tool (object) for bleeding hi’ – son–in–law
c’utub’ – ZOOL. type of worm; fourth part hi’b’ejil – state of being son–in–law
c’utum sak’ee or cutum sak’ee – sunbeam, ray hiic – earthquake, tremor
of sunlight → see also roq sak’ee hiil – the time or place where haulers use to rest
c’utum sham – light reflex hilab’aal – resting area, resting place
c’uub’ – cooking stone hish – ZOOL. tiger
cuuc – fencing of farm/ranch hom – ZOOL. type of snake
cuulb’ – core of wood fell in the mountain homoc – ZOOL. type of bumblebee
cuumb’ – standing water; well honon – ZOOL. bumblebee
cuut – cluster, bunch; stride, threshold hoob’ – breath; soft puff produced with open
cuy – ZOOL. pig, hog mouth
cuyam ZOOL. → same as cuy hopleb’ – piercing tool
hu – amate; paper; book, notebook; document
E hub’ub’ – BOT. type of tree growing in the rocks
hu c’uch – BOT. amate
e – ANAT. mouth; opening, door; rim huhul – BOT. type of bush
ech’ajat – portrait, image; similarity, likeness → hupc’al – same as tz’aptl
see also jalam–uch
echal – companion I
echal re – owner, proprietor
echalal – relatives; family member i – grandson, granddaughter
echcab’al – neighbor; local, resident ib’oy – ZOOL. armadillo
echil – same as echal ib’oy shul – ZOOL. woodlouse
eeb’ – ladder; staircase, stairway, stairladder, icak’b’ej – to be a nephew or niece
stairs ican – uncle
eec, aj – fortune teller icanb’ej – uncles or aunts in general
eec’ – BOT. type of bush that grows in trees ican na’ – aunt
(crowfoot) ic’ee – BOT. agave
ekaal – ZOOL. type of bees ichaj – BOT. grass, herb
ek’laa or ek’elaa – morning, forenoon; early ich’mul – ANAT. vein
ekwuu – afternoon, late afternoon ic’oy – courgette, zucchini
elel, aj – fugitive, escapee iich’ – mange, scabies; ANAT. vein, nerve
elic – departure iik’ – wind, air
emel – clay pot, clay jug iiq – load
eqaj – substitute, compensation ik – chilli
esil or esilal – news, announcement ikb’olay – ZOOL. viper
etalil – sign, label ilol cab’ – guardian
etil – informal ilonel – healer, medicine man
imam – grandson
H imamb’ej – grandson
imul – ZOOL. rabbit
ha’ – water inup – BOT. kapok tree (ceiba pentandra)
hab’ – rain, rainwater; shower, precipitation isc’i’ij – BOT. spearmint
hab’al k’ee – winter, wintertime is – hair; blanket, rough blanket, poncho; sweet


isc’iij guacash – BOT. peppermint jucub’ – canoe; manger
isc’iij pur – BOT. Mexican tea, epazote jul – hole, pit, ditch, trench
iscuaa – sweet corn tamale jun hiil – distance traveled with a load without
ishaqil – wife, spouse resting
ishaqilb’ej – wife jun nuk’uc – mouthful → see nub’ul
ishbej, ishkej – back jun tyob’olaq – swallow, sip
ishi’ij – ANAT. nails, fingernails; claws junaatal – loneliness, solitude; lone person
ishim – corn, maize juncab’al – family; household
ishnamb’ej – sister–in–law juncab’lal – goods
ishq – woman junc’amal – season; time
ishqaal – girl, teenage girl junjunqal – every person
ishqi–cuiinq – hermaphrodite, effeminate, wom- junk’ee junk’ee – centuries
an–like; coward jun na’b’er – yore, yesteryear
ishqi–k’een – BOT. type of plant (it is believed to junpaat – while, bit; momento
cause sterility) (against sterility) jurram → see k’eam
ismal – hair juruch’ej – ANAT. spine, backbone
ismal u – ANAT. eyelashes jutb’ – link
it – ANAT. anus, asshole jut’ut’ – BOT. type of bush
itam – ZOOL. type of bird
ityaj – seed; kernel, grain K
Itzam – name of hill in Lanquin
itz’in – younger brother/sister; little brother k’aa – bridge
itz’inb’ej – relating to the younger brother k’aal – bunch (what a person can carry under
its arm)
J k’acuc che’ – BOT. type of tree
Kajacual Jesucrist – Our Lord Jesus Christ
jaac’ – blister k’amparacuay – BOT. type of tree
ja’aj – ANAT. neck k’an ishij – ZOOL. type of snake
jalajic – change k’an ocosh – BOT. yellow mushroom
jalam–uch – portrait, image; similarity, likeness k’an us – ZOOL. type of wild bees
jalb’ee – trail, path; deviation k’an – yellow (color); ripe (fruits)
jalb’eet, aj – helpful, prestative k’anchic – cotton cord for braiding hair
jalub’ – pain in the neck k’anti’loy – river stone
jash – BIO. gizzard k’antulay is – camote amarillo
jatyal – direction, point k’antyaj – stomach disease
jii – BOT. holm oak k’eam – length, width
jik’ – whooping cough, pertussis k’eche’ – crossed stick
jikiliit – indigo k’ee, aj – fortune taller; healer
jipil – whim k’ee che’ – rebel man, renegade
job’ – hollow k’eekam – ZOOL. type of bee → see also ekaal
job’ak or joob’ak – ZOOL. owl k’eem – compost, manure
job’ol – bunch, handful keela’ – cold water
joc – moron, idler k’een – leaf, grass, plants
joc’ – sling, slinghot keenk’ – beans (any type); kidneys in general
joch’ib’ak – ZOOL. owl keenk’ tyuc – BOT. liana
jolom – ANAT. head; top; mind kehil, kehul, or kehal – cold; coldness
jolom k’een – garlic → see also aansh kej – ZOOL. deer
jolomb’ej – headache; cold kejishul – ZOOL. boa
joob’ – bunch, handful k’ek sheeb’ – BOT. type of liana
joom – gourd kek’an, or kek’al – ZOOL. type of wild bees
josk’il – anger; annoyance, ire, irritation; fury, kelam – length
rage k’elaa – morning, forenoon, early → see also
jou – BOT. type of tree ek’laa


kem – fabric, cloth lem – mirror
k’em – dough lemab’ – BOT. poplar
k’emcun (aj k’em) – slacker lepob’l – blanket
k’emcunal – laziness, idleness let’ – lines; etch
k’eq – black (color); ghost let’elal – engraving
K’eqchi’ – name of the indigenous people and letzleb’ – glue; thing for glueing
language of Guatemala and Belize mainly lic–lic – ZOOL. type of bird
k’eqi che’ – BOT. ebony lob’ – scourge
ker or kerram – row, tract lob’ch’ejej – BOT. type of tree
k’ess ch’ool (seeb’ ch’ool) – smart, intelligent lok’b’il ch’ooch’ – hamlet
ketel – piece lococh – stick shaped like “V’ in one end used
ketoomq – domestic animal used for food, e.g. as a hook; → see also shooc
cow, pig, chicken, turkey, duck, etc. (not pets) lol – big bean
ki’al – sweetness lol asam – BOT. type of tree
kic’ – blood loob’ – glen, ravine
kic’ che’ – BOT. rubber tree looy – acquaintance, familiar; friend
kic’ sa’ – dysentery lotz – maize liquor, corn liquor
kic’el qacua’ – type of leaf lucum – ZOOL. worm
k’iib’ – BOT. type of tree lucum ch’ooch’ – ZOOL. earthworm
k’il – BOT. type of sunflower luchb’ac or lucb’ach – hook
k’il aaq – BOT. type of bush lut – twin
ki’ilk’een – sweet fruit(s); fruits in general
k’ish – burp, belch, eructation M
kiss – flatulence, fart, gas
k’och – roll maac – sin, blame, fault; cause
k’ojtyiin – night, dark, darkness maal – axe, ax; glass
k’ojtyinal – darknesss ma’al ishq – sterile, barren; infertile
k’ol oqob’ – BOT. balm, balsam maams – ZOOL. firefly, glowworm
k’ol – rubber; rust, oxide; necklace maatan – gift, present, treat
k’olom – awaiting harvest maatz u – eyebrows, brows
k’ook’ – fig–leaf gourd (Malabar gourd, black mac’uy – BOT. black nightshade
seed squash, cidra); fatness, body fat mach – mustache, beard
k’oot – curve, lap, loop majel – fault, defect
k’oyak’ or k’oyak’ – BOT. scallion majelal – same as majel
k’uliink – murmur malca’an – widow
k’umetal or k’umetil – rot, rottenness (of wood) mam – rumble, roaring
k’ununel, aj – babysitter mama’ – old, elder → see also tyucua’ chin
k’ush – BOT. moss mama’b’ej or mamb’ej – the old one; elder
k’ut – hovel, shack mama’il – old age
k’uuk’ – ZOOL. quetzal (bird) mamk’uk’ – ZOOL. → see itam
k’uuk’ k’een – BOT. type of bush map – nut
kuulb’ – liana used to tie fences and wood maq – pumice, pumice stone
k’uus – snarl, puff maqab’ – chest
mar – point, edge, rim; end
L maraak BOT. → see tz’ey
marril – margin, edge; piece, point
laa – BOT. nettle mash – ZOOL. monkey; weevil; wood moth
lab’ (C.) (Ch.) – envy, malice, jealousy matc’ – dream
lach’ → see ca’lach’ matk’ab’ – ring
lajic – end, conclusion matz’ – corn beverage
lanleb’ – wrapper mau – loose rope
leec – handful mausil – evil, wickedness, wrongdoing, malice
lekb’ – ladle may – venom, poison; tobacco, cigarette, cigar


mayer k’ee cutan → see najter k’ee cutan mutz’ – blind person/man/woman
mayer na’leb’ → see najter na’leb’ mutzuy or musuy – ZOOL. cutworm; ring shaped
may shul – ZOOL. civet muu – shadow
mayta’ – chicken excrement muu cab’ – corridor, hall
mayte’ – ZOOL. → see b’ajlaq che’ mu’un – plantation, nursery
meelb’ – petrified clay or mud muuq – plants higher than a man
meet – bottle mu’us – foreigner
mel → see sumel muy – BOT. zapotillo
mem – mute; clumsy, awkward
memil – perfidy, treason N
mertoom – steward, buttler
mes – ZOOL. cat na’ – mother, mom
mesleb’ – broom, wiper na’alk (Ch.) – late mother
met’ – dwarf, midget na’-anii – Jane Doe; lady, Mrs., madam
metz’ew – strength, force, might nab’uuch → see matc’
mi’ – ANAT. female sex organ nach’ – near, close
miin – thumb size; small amount; bit nach’il or nach’ileb’ – officials (of the church)
mishte’ – BOT. → see b’ajlaq che’ na’chin – grandmother, grandma, granny;
misic’ – insect’s antena; BOT. tendril greeting for an old lady
mo’ – BOT. macaw; type of edible mushroom; na’jej – place, location, site; room, space
oxide, rust → see also k’ol najter k’ee cutan – ancient times, olden times,
moc’oc’ – ZOOL. weevil olden days
mocooch – BOT. cohune (cohune palm) najter na’leb’ – ancient knowledge
mokoj (C.) – same as mokok nak’ – kernel, seed
mokok – chaff nak’ u – ANAT. eye
mol – egg na’leb’ – understanding, idea; wisdom,
molam – group, grouping; association, organi- knowledge; mind
zation nam – brother–in–law, sister–in–law
mooch’ – handful; bunch, fistful neb’aa – yard, front yard
mosh – BOT. Calathea lutea neb’a’ – poor, poor person; indigent; orfan
motzo’ – ZOOL. Worm (general) neb’a’il – poverty; poorness; misery
muc – auricle nimal [pp]u – greatness
mu’c or muk – dirt for painting nimk’ee – party, celebration, holiday
mucaan – glass urn for statues ninqaleb’ ru – great figures, outstanding per-
mucuc – ZOOL. pouch (animals) sonalities
mucuy – ZOOL. wild pigeon nok’ – thread, yarn; string
much’ – chipilín (longbeak rattlebox) nola – girlfriend, pretty girl
muchkej or mochkej – cramp; rheumatism nub’aal – boundary, limit, confine
muhel – spirit, soul nub’ul – drink, swallow; sip
mul – trash, garbage, litter; rubbish numay ishq – ijillo de mujer
mulc’ot – ZOOL. beetle numay tz’i’ → see b’ook tz’i’
muluk’ut – ZOOL. tadpole numel – traveller
mulul – type of gourd bowl numel b’ee – traveller
muqb’ilha’ – subterranean stream nume’ sa’ – diarrhea
muqul camenaq – burial, funeral numic – pass
muqunel – undertaker nuumsh, aj – swimmer
mush aj – young corn atole numshib’aal – place to swim, pool
mush – cooked corn for corn atole nun – big bean
musik’ – breathing
musik’b’ej – same as musik’ej
musik’ej – spirit
musmus hab’ – drizzle
mutut – small fruit of green sapote o – avocado


10 | G L O S S A R Y O F K ’ E Q C H I ’ N O U N S
ob’el – BOT. Piper auritum; cowfoot leaf or Mex- patb’ – lever stick
ican pepperleaf pec – stone, rock; boulder
ob’en – tamale pech’ol che’, aj – carpenter
och – young corn peech’, aj – carpenter
ochb’en – companion, partner; peer peens – allspice
ochoch – house, home peepem – ZOOL. butterfly
ochochnal – lodge, lodging pejelal – tear (of fabric or similar tearable mate-
ochoch pec – cave rial)
ocosh – BOT. edible mushroom pelpel – ZOOL. frog
ocuis – BOT. type of tree pemech – shell, seashell; conch
ojb’ or just oj – cold, catarrh pere’maal – ZOOL. chameleon → see also
okess – leak, leakage paqmaal
o mash – BOT. type of tree perrem – rooster's cockscomb
onoch – BOT. type of tree peteet – winch (for weaving)
oon – today, now piich’ – ZOOL. woodpecker
oonal – time, hour pich’coj – ZOOL. type of bird
oq – ANAT. foot; handle pim – vegetation, forest
oqech – pitchfork; pillar pirric’ – ZOOL. caterpillar with hair
oqej – foot; handle pish – tomato; miserable, miser; selfish
oqmej – footprint, footstep pishilal – mooring, knot
oqob’ – BOT. sweetgum piyac’ – BOT. type of plant like sweet potato (its
osh – eddo, eddoe root is edible)
oso’jic – end, conclusión; tail end, ending, ex- poj – pus
tremity pojcuel – pus from a sore
otooy – ZOOL. poisonous viper po’lem (k’eel cab’) – abandoned house (old
P pomporri’ – ZOOL. white butterfly (nocturnal)
poo – moon; month
paac’ – pottery poopol – town hall; tribunal; authorities
paachach – ZOOL. cockroach poq – volcanic ash
paar – ZOOL. skunk poqs – dust, grit
pa’at – twins (fruit) → see also lut pos (Ch.) – ANAT. → see pospo’oy
paay – class, type pospo’oy – ANAT. lungs
pab’aal (Ch.) – faith, belief poy – scarecrow
pach’acte’ – BOT. → see shoy poyte’ – raft, float
pach’atya’ – couch grass pu’ – ZOOL. wild turkey
pach’c’im – leaves around a cottage pub’ ab’aq – BOT. type of tree
pach’ha’ – pothole pub’ahish – deadly disease of children
pachi’ – ZOOL. crab louse pubche’ – blowgun, blowpipe
pahalal – opening puch – dropsical; swollen
pak’alal – peeling puch’leb’ – washing tool
palau – sea, ocean; lake puch’leb’aal – laundry
pan – ladle puch’unel – laundress, washerwoman
panchoyla’ – BOT. nettle puj – BIO. belly of animal (cow), crop
papaash or papash – hut, shack pujuy – ZOOL. type of bird
paq – BOT. locust pod (robinia) pumaq – BOT. type of bush
paqmaal – ZOOL. chameleon punit – hat, cap
park’een – BOT. type of leaf (believed to cure a pur – freshwater snail
headache and cramps) puub’ – shotgun
pashlak – type of flower (purslane) puuq – crowd, bunch
pat – crust, scab
pataa – guava (fruit)
patal – ZOOL. centipede


G L O S S A R Y O F K ’ E Q C H I ’ N O U N S | 11

Q rinrinroo – strap
rit oq – ANAT. heel
qacua’ – sir, our lord; employer, Lord, God rit uuk’ – ANAT. elbow
qana’ – lady, madam, Mrs., mistress roq – origin
roqeb’ sak’ee – West
roqel – same as roq
R roq-ruk’ – ANAT. limbs
roq sak’ee – sunbeam
ra’al – trap roq sha’an – BOT. type of small tree
rab’in – daughter of man → see also co’ roq tak’aa – valley
rac’ach tzuul – ZOOL. roadrunner ruch ak’t (Ch.) → see ru sham
rahil ruch a’ – pain in the leg ruchich’ooch’ – world, globe
rahil shul e – toothache ruchil – substitute, replacement
rahshiic’ – row, fight; confrontation, dispute ruk’b’ee – alley, small road
rajb’al – need, necessity ruk’ che’ – branch (of tree)
rajshuc or rashjuc – BOT. → see ch’upaq ruk’ mash – BOT. type of bush
rak’ caaq – lightning rum – jocote, red mombin
rak’sham or raqt shaml (Ch.) – flames rusc’ul – the only thing
rala’ – leftovers, residue, remnant ru sham – coal, ember; firebrand
Ralankil – Christmas ru shul → see may shul
ral ch’ooch’ – native, indigenous (only people) ru tak’aa – level, valley
ralcun – young leaves ru’uj-aak’ or ru’uj ak’tej (Ch.) – ANAT. tongue
ral tumin – interest (percent) ru’uj neb’aa (neb’al, neb’aal) (Ch.) – yard,
rant’in – slingshot → see also joc’ courtyard
raqal – class, division; chapter, part ru’uj-oq – ANAT. toe
raqalal – joint ru’uj-uk’ – ANAT. finger
raqash raqash – division
raq b’ee – same as jalb’ee S
raqba’ aatin or raqb’al aatin – trial; court, tribu-
raqol aatin, aj – arbitrator, mediator; judge sa’ – ANAT. stomach; belly, tummy
raqonel, aj – tracer, cutter saab’ – mud, slime
rashal – greenness saab’al uuk’ – ANAT. palm of the hand
rash caank – sudden death saab’ ha’ – swamp
rashc’aj – ZOOL. frog eating snake saac’ – BOT. grasshopper, locust
rashcuaac – BOT. type of tree saaj – young, youthful, juvenile; small
rash iik’ – wind without water saank – ZOOL. ant
rashkehob’ – malaria sac’aa – diligent
rashnam – ZOOL. type of bird sac’a’hil or sac’ahal – diligence
rash och – BOT. type of tree sachob’ej – perdition, downfall, doom, damna-
ratk → see raqalal tion
ratq – joint sachoomq or sachoomj – expenses, expendi-
ratz’am kee – frost; dew, mist tures
ra u – evil eye, jinx sacol – ZOOL. parakeet
raylal – pain; grief, suffering sacyol – BOT. type of tree
rech’uch (C.) – similarity, likeness → see also sa’ej – diarrea; stomachache
jalam uch sahil ch’ool or sahil ch’olej – happiness
rec’ob’aal – guessing tool (some white and sa’ ishq – uterus
transparent stones) sajab’ – BOT. type of tree
reesh – rail, railing sajal – BOT. bush
releb’ sak’ee – East sajoomq or sajooj – hillock
remarru – bad habits, bad words; sloppy work sakatz’um – BOT. type of tree
rem rem (Ch.) – odd, sour (flavor) sak’ecuaj or sak’icuaj – summer corn
sak’ee – sun, sunshine


12 | G L O S S A R Y O F K ’ E Q C H I ’ N O U N S
sak’ein, sak’in, sak’en, or sak’eenc – light shala–it – ANAT. waist
sakil – pumpkin seed shala–it cab’ – ridge
sal – rash, impetigo shala–tzuul – summit, ridge
salb’aa – dandruff shalaw – ZOOL. green woodpecker
salb’eec – bag shalb’ec – bag
sal che’ – BOT. type of white tree sham – fire
saltul – sapodilla, sapota sham ja’aj – asthma
sam – mucus, snot sham shul – ZOOL. → see maams and cucaay
samahib’ – sand shamleb’aal – place to make a fire
samat – BOT. Scorzonera hispanica (also known shan – brick; shingle
as black salsify or Spanish salsify) shaq – leaf
sanki che’ – BOT. type of tree shaqal – height of man with raised hand
sa’ oq – ANAT. foot's sole shaqche’ – arbor
saq c’au – ZOOL. type of wild bee shaqlijic – standstill
saq chiic – white atole shatyab’ – comb
saqb’ach – hail shatyaw – BOT. annatto
saq b’alam – ZOOL. ocelot she’ – root, stem; source
saqb’in – ZOOL. weasel she’ ch’imaa – root of chayote
saqb’olay ish or saqba’lam ish – ZOOL. snake sheeb – sebum, fat
saqche’ – sticks for hut sheec’ – BOT. type of palm tree
saqikil – ZOOL. heron sheel – leftover (food), remainder
saqisacyol – BOT. type of tree shep – small tamale with beans
saqi tz’i’ – BOT. wild lily sherrec’ cuiinq – youngsters, young people;
saqleb’ rish – leper youths
saqlun – yellow clay she’toon – old, ancient
saqmulba’ – BOT. type of tree shic – ANAT. ear
saqonac – crag, rock (white) shic’-aatin – dirty words; bad words
Saq Tz’icnil – Hill in Cobán shiic’ – wing
saqshaq – BOT. type of tree shikin i – great–grandson
satyii’ – sweet plantain shikin mama’ – great–grandfather
satyub’ – BOT. type of bush shikin sha’an – great–grandmother
sa’ uuk’ – ANAT. palm of the hand shiteb’aal – patch
say – type of plant to make grass mat shiw – fear, dread
se’ – laugh, smile shoob’ – dimple
seb’ – clay shoch – ZOOL. type of animal (small edible snail)
sebesinkil shul – scarecrow shojb’ or shoj – ZOOL. coyote, wolf
sec’ – dish, cup shokik’aab’ – rainbow
seel – gourd to store tortillas and other things sholok’ook’ – ZOOL. type of big red ant
seel shul – ZOOL. see → ib’oy sholol – ANAT. throat, esophagus
semem – BOT. → see sukinay sholol amoch – BOT. type of bush
serak’, serek’, or sarak’ – talk, conversation; shooc – tool
chat; story shooc’ – BOT. scorpion
shaab’ – shoe; rough sandal; handful → see shoolb’ – flute
also cheet sho’ot – BOT. type of tree
sha’al → see loob’ shosh – spot (on skin)
sha’an – old woman, old lady, elderly woman shosh sakijoj – boil, blíster
sha’aw – vomit, spew, puke shoy – leaves for arbor
sha’aw tz’i’ – BOT. type of medicinal plant shub’ay – BOT. type of grass
shajol mem – dance of the mute shub’uti’ or shub’ti’ – BOT. type of tree
shak – type of stone with little weight shuc e – ANAT. cheek
shalab’ aqam – BOT. palm tree shucuajic or shicuajic – scare, fright
shala–b’ee – junction shucub’ – horn, antler
shala–ha’ – river junction shuk’ sha’an – BOT. → see roq sha’an


G L O S S A R Y O F K ’ E Q C H I ’ N O U N S | 13
shuuk – corner taab’ – leather strap (used on the forehead to
sib’ – smoke, smut carry a load or weight on the back of a person)
sib’ che’ – BOT. type of tree with torns taas – piece, section, segment; stalk, small
sic’ → see may cluster, bunch
sic’b’al ib’ – trade, profesión, craft, job tacuajic – fatigue, tiredness
sicuan – sinkhole tap – ZOOL. crab
sih – gift, treat taq ch’ool – free will
siir – piece; lot taqsiink – slope, uphill
sij – ZOOL. cicada, grasshopper tas, tasal, tasalal, or tasar (Ch.) – división, floor
sic – lame; crippled; fear; body tremor tashansh – jerky
sik’ic’ – BOT. type of plant tat re → see toss e
silip – BOT. type of edible mushroom ta’ u – rheum
simaj → same as tzimaj teemk’, aj – assistant, aide, helper
sip or sipc’ – ZOOL. tick teenk’ – help, assistance, aid
sipotz’ – hollow seed teep – batch, part of; neighborhood
sirril – round shape teepal – district, neighborhood
sis – ZOOL. coati tehelal – opening
sisb’ – BOT. → see tis teken – ZOOL. big red ant
sisic’ – BOT. type of edible bush tel – ANAT. arm
sison – ZOOL. little lice tel ch’ool, aj – widower
soc – nest; pillow telom – male, man, boy
socuenal – jealousy telom k’een – BOT. type of plant
sok’ – net (for carrying maize) tem – bench
sol – peel tenamit – town, city, country; people
solel – peel of grain tenk’anel, aj – assistant, aide, helper
son – type of maize, small corncob; music tenonel, aj – blacksmith
so’sol – ZOOL. vulture, buzzard terram – height
sotz’ – ZOOL. bat; vampire bat tib’ – meat, flesh
stucutz – fringe, tassels tib’ jolom – headache; angst
sucuc → see tz’uuj tic’arib’aal – hamlet
sujen or sujeu – frost, frosting t’icr – cloth, fabric, rag
suk’ – cloth, rag tic’ti’ – lie, fabrication, deceit, untruth
sukinay – BOT. type of tree tiic – straight; upright
suluc’ – hollow fruit tiical – direction; straightness
sulul – mud, sludge; slurry, slime tiish – elder, senior
sulutz – marrow, core tij – prayer; doctrine
sum – partner, fellow tik’ilal – wound, injury
sum aatin – confident, representative, substi- tik’leb’ – sting
tute; spouse tikrak – BOT. type of bush (Piper aduncum)
sumel – spouse (man or woman) t’ilob’ – latch, crossbar
sun – BOT. type of bush (small tree with yellow tin, aj – type of worm with lights on its head →
flower) see also hay
suq – ZOOL. midge, mosquito t’initz – fatty, fatso (pejorative)
sut – tissue, scarf; time, occasion tiq – fever, temperature
sutz’ul or sutz’ujl – BOT. mahogany tiqam – addition, continuation
suu – calabash, gourd bowl tiqob’ – sweat, perspiration
suu–oq – ANAT. calf, lower leg tis – BOT. type of plant
tish – ZOOL. tapir
T tishil ch’ajom – confirmed bachelor; bachelor
tishilal – old age
ta’ → see c’ot u tishjenaq – mature (person)
taa – covering; lining, liner tisib’ – BOT. type of liana
t’isib’ – BOT. type of bush (Santo Domingo)


14 | G L O S S A R Y O F K ’ E Q C H I ’ N O U N S
titz’lajic – boredom tyajel – disease, illness, sickness; medical con-
titz’leb’aal – nuisance, annoyance, boredom dition
tiw – ZOOL. eagle tyaj-ishq – pregnant, pregnant woman
to’ – loan, borrowing tyaj-tiosh – imbecile
toc’ – stone for fire tya’al – liquid, fluid; juice, secretion
toch’ol – a piece tya’al-cab’ – honey
toj – tax, value tyalal – truth, fact,
tok’ → see c’oy tyaltac’a’ – nothingness, nil
tokan – BOT. blackberry, mulberry; blackberry tyash – claws (e.g. crab)
bush tyee – tail (of animal), rear
tok’ cab’ – candy; treacle, molasses tyee-qej – BOT. type of bush
tol → see seel tyechi’ – offer, supply
tolich’ – ZOOL. parrot tyeeq – lame, lame man, gimp
tolococ – ZOOL. lizard tyeeqil – limp, lameness, limping
tolo’oc – BOT. type of tree tyib’ej – middle, half
tolosh – BOT. type of liana tyii – waist, waistline; middle, girth
toon – trunk tyitoq – middle, half
toonk’ – ZOOL. quail tyoc’olal – wound, injury
torrob’ – ZOOL. white worm tyoch / yuch / (C.) – wrinkle, crease, crinkle
tos e – speech disorder tyooj – bunch (of beans); handful, bundle
tu – sauna room, steam room tyok’ – foot disease, probably Athlete's foot (tin-
tu’ – breast, breast milk ea pedis)
t’uj ishq – single young woman; virgin tyo’lajik – birth, childbirth; origin
tuk’ishkilal – youth of women tyo’on - sufficient quantity/amount sufficient
tul – guinea number/volume; livelihood, sustenance
tulanil – meekness, gentleness; tameness, doc- tyuu – blend of spices; traditional meal made
ile nature with rice flour, chicken meat and several spices
tumb’il → see nak’ tyuam – life, lifespan; existence
tumin – money in general (bills and coins) tyuc – mountain goat
tuminal – money for sth. tycua’ – father, parent, dad
tuntz’oq – ZOOL. great–tailed grackle (Quiscalus tyucua’b’ej – the father
mexicanus) tyucua’ chin – grandfather; grandpa, granddad
t’upuy – ZOOL. coral snake; headband made of tyucua’ trushti’oshb’ej – godfather, godparent
red yarn tyum – son (of a mother)
t’urru’ jolom – bald; bald head tyumb’eet, aj – adulteress
t’usam – nudity; nakedness, bareness tyupus – anus, asshole
tush – offspring, offshoot; female bird tzaa – devil, fiend
tushil nok’ – cotton thread tza’aj – BOT. type of tree used as posts for
tu’ tz’i’ – BOT. type of bush houses
tuub’ – pile, stack, heap, bunch tz’aam, aj – beggar
tuul – witchcraft, sorcery tzac, aj – hunting dog
tuul, aj – witch, sorcerer; witchdoctor tzacaeemk or tzaqeemk (C.) – food
tyaab’ – noise, sound; cry, weeping, wailing, tzail, aj – devil, fiend; enemy; diabolical action
moan; tears; side, camp tz’ajnil – dirtiness, dirt
tyaab’, aj – crybaby, cry-baby, moaner, whiner, tz’ak – wall (not wooden); masonry, stone wall;
complainer stonework, stone masonry
tyac – ZOOL. wild cat, bobcat, wildcat tz’ak, aj – builder, construction worker; brick-
tyac – BOT. Alkanna tinctori, dyer's alkanet, layer
alkanet tz’alam – prison, jail; penitentiary
tyacom – resale, reselling tz’alam che’ – plank, board, floorboard
tyach’ – strip for tying up tz’amb’aa – beam, cantilever
tyaconel, aj – trader, merchant tz’aptl – lid, cover, top
tyaj – ill, sick; patient, sick person, sufferer tz’aq – price, value, cost


G L O S S A R Y O F K ’ E Q C H I ’ N O U N S | 15
tz’aqalal tz’ejcual – close relative, near relative U
tz’aqleb’ – heritage, inheritance
tz’alam pek – slab; cave u – ANAT. face; surface; fruit
tz’ee – left ub’ub’ – BOT. type of edible plant (purslane)
tz’ej – meat, flesh uc’a’ – drink, beverage; booze
tzelek – ANAT. shin, shinbone uc’al – pot
tzem (Ch.) – craving; desire to eat delicious uc’b’ej – drinkable water
things uch – ZOOL. opossum
tzentzerrej – ZOOL. woodpecker uchb’en – same as ochb’en
tzentzeyu’ – ZOOL. type of bird; pinto bean uchil – substitute
tz’ey – BOT. plant like malanga uchilej – substitute, replacement
tz’i’ – ZOOL. dog, pooch uc’leb’aal ha’ – well
tz’i’ ha’ – ZOOL. coypu, nutria uc’leb’ ha’ – same as uc’b’ej
tz’iib’, aj – scribe uc’mil – manufacturing; hability; making
tz’i’ c’iche’ – BOT. wild cardamomo silvestre ucum – BOT. type of bush
tz’i’ e – tusk, fang uk’ – ANAT. hand
tz’i’ej aatin – dirty word uk’un – atole
tz’i’ej na’leb’ – immoral/sinful practices ula’ – visitation; visitor
tz’ik – ZOOL. bird; female genital organ ulul – ANAT. brain, brains
tz’ikb’ul – ZOOL. type of bird uqmej – portrait or hand stroke
tz’ikib’ – intercourse, coitus uqub’ – BOT. type of small tree
tz’ima’aj – BOT. type of bush ushb’ – BOT. type of rope/cord
tzimaj – arrow ushtaan – mercy, compassion
tz’in – yucca usi ha’ – simple drinking water
tz’inte’ – BOT. type of tree (Erythrina berteroana) usilal – favor; support
tz’irray – BOT. type of cricket utz’ – ZOOL. → see suq
tz’iton – BOT. type of edible bush utz’aal – sugar cane; cane
tzo’ – male bird (especially turkey and rooster) utz’u–uj – flower
tz’ocajic – hunger, hungry, appetite uuc’ – ZOOL. lice, nits
tzoj tzoj – ZOOL. rattlesnake, rattler, rattle uuch – ANAT. same as u
tzol cuc – BOT. type of red tree u’uj – ANAT. nose; tip of sth.; to the front of; end
tz’oloj – BOT. type of edible bush (dahlia) of
tzolom – student, disciple; trainee uul – slope, hillside
tzonoq – ZOOL. black caterpillar uuq – skirt
tzool – line, row uut, aj – ZOOL. → see mucuy
tz’oq – ZOOL. rook (bird)
tzuc – same as tzucutz Y
tzucutz – fringes, tassels
tz’ul tul – small plantain
yam → see piyac’
tz’umal e – ANAT. lip(s)
yoc or yocb’ – step
tz’uqtz’eb’ – collected rainwater
yoy – fishing net
tz’uqtz’um – ZOOL. anteater
yuyum – ZOOL. type of bird, Icterus galbula
tz’uqul – drop
yush – BOT. type of tree
tz’uuj – tayuyo (tortilla filled with beans, mush-
room, cheese or pork crackling)
tzuul – hill, mountain
tz’uul, aj – ZOOL. big ants
tzuul tak’aa – downhill; hill and valley
tz’uk – ver. new type of leaf used for wrapping
tamales or other
tz’uum shiic’ – ZOOL. → see sotz’
tz’uum – skin, leather; whip


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