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Nurse: Okay, Mr Bình, we’re almost done taking your blood, you’re doing very
Bình: thank you Doctor, So what happpens to my blood after we donated?
Nurse: Your blood will be arrived to local hospitals, blood bank and surgical
centers for tranfision
Bình: I see. Who need to receives the blood after it’s processed?
Nurse:The blood will be tranfusioned for patient who need for various reasons,
such as accidents, surgeries, or illness like cancer
Bình: That’s interesting! So anyone can receive my blood?
Nurse: not exactly.We have four main blood types: A B O and AB, and Your type of
blood is O – a universal donor. It’s means recipients who have various kind of
blood can received your blood
Bình: what happens if someone receives the wrong blood type?
Nurse: Transfusion with the wrong blood type can cause a severe reaction
that may be life-threatening
Bình: That’s scary! Thank you so much for explaining everything to me
Nurse: you’re welcome
Doctor A: Hello Bình, How are you feeling?
Bình:hello Dr A, I’m so anxious, But I’m ready
Doctor: Just relaxing, So, Bình, tell me what you see in this X-ray
Bình : Hmm there appears to be a fracture of right Radius
Doctor: well done, can you udentify the type of fracture?
Bình: It look so dangerous, I think that’s a impacted fracture
Doctor: Are you sure? I will give you a chance to respond again,look
carefully at the broken area
Bình: Is that wrong? It’s not a compound, is it? I don’t see bone protruding
through the skin
Doctor: It’s not a compound. You’re right about that

Bình: That so hard to differentiate, what are I missing?

Doctor: can you see how the bone is slight displaced?
Bình: Oh I see now
Doctor So what do we have to do before the bone starts healing?
Bình: we need to realign the bone, reduce shock, reduce pain,... and limit
further injuries to the patient
Doctor: You did a great job!
Nurse: Hi Bình, welcome to CanTho university Hospital, My name’s Dũng
Interview: Hi Dũng, nice to meet you.Today I will here to interviewing you
for the NP position,Are you ready?
Nurse: Yeah, I think I’m quite ready
Interview: Great, let’s get started. So what kind of experience do you have?
Nurse: Well, I graduated university in 2020 so I have had 3 years to do RN.
Interview: And why đi you go into nursing?
Nurse: I enjoy taking care of people and bring joy to everyone
Interview: Excellent, Now, this is a busy hospital, you’ll be ordering tests
and preparing patients for tests
Nurse: Everyday tasks. I understand
Interview: Is that appealing to you?
Nurse: Yes, Hospital are too fast-paced and I like it. I don’t like to sit
around, I like to always find things to do to keep myself busy.
Interview: That sound great!. Have you worked with electronic health
Nurse: Yes I have worked with them for more 3 year
Interview: Good job! That’s the end of interview.Thank you for spending
time with me
Nurse: you're welcome

Doctor: Hey Bình,could we go over the surgery schedule for tomorrow?

Secretary: Sure thing, doctor. You have a kidney transplant for Hào at 8:00
Doctor: Okay, is there anything else scheduled for the rest of morning?
Secretary: you supposed to perform an appendectomy on Hoa at 10:00
Doctor: That won’t work. I think Hoa’s operation could take a while
S: why’s that. Doctor?
Doctor: I think kidney transplant is going to be a very long and complex
operation,may be have a possoble complication.I think that would be
prudent to push back the appendectomy to later in the day
S: Okay. Let’s see. There’s an operation room open at 3:00 pm
D: that would be ideal, please will let nursing staff and Hoa know about the
change and make sure she understands the reason for the delay
S: I get it. See you later, doctor

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