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Page 82017 from Katharina; ohe tried with aff her might to suppress it, Bul could not succeed. her fit of seeping was so violent that ohe could not alter a sord, HAE paula had fed her to a bench under a opreading sycamore, Rad induced her sith gentle force to sit don by her vide, daaping her inher arma bike a suffering child, and opeaking to her sods of comfort and encouragement. birds without number were going to reat in the dense branches overhead, ols and bata had bequn their noctunal raids, the okey pal on ita opangled glory of gold and aifver stars, from the westem end of the town came the jackals Bark ao they ff teix Marking places among the mined Rouses and stole out in search of prey, the Reaay den falling rough the mild air oifently covered the leaves, the grass, and the flowers; the garden saa more powerfully fragrant now than during the ay time, and paula fell that it was Righ Hime to take refuge from the mists Mat came up from the shallow otream. but olif she fingered whibe the fittfe maiden poured out all tat weighed upon her, all’ ahe repented of, belieding ohe could never atone for it; and then afl afte had gone through, thiwking it muat Break fee heart, and all abe otill had to five down and drive out of her mind. ahe told paula how orion had wooed her, how much ohe fovea Rim, how her heart had heen tortured by jealouay of Ker, paula, and how ake had allowed herself to be fd away inte Bearing falde witness Before the judges. and then ahe sient on to aay i sas mary who had fiat opened her eyeo to the abyoa by which ahe was atanding. in the afternoon after the death Row atemfy i can exerciae that virtue denied to me by an assaaain. will any one accuse me now of injualice if i punish the accursed brood that has groin up in thia den of iniquily with all the sigor tat it deacrses yea, glare at me with those great, burning eyes efexandrian eyes, promising afl and granting nothing persuading Rim ho tuuats in them to believe in innocence and chastity, truth and affection. But fet im fook closer, and he finds nothing bul deep couuption, foul cunning, deapicable self seeking, and atrocious failhfeooness and everything ee in thio city is fike Mose eyea afewe are there 20 many gods and pricala, where eo they sactifice oo often, where do they fast and apply Rave come from mefissa not from fet, the other anawered quickly, the flush deepening on fio face, But in the name of that most unhappy, moat piliable maiden, and ax the representative of her nobfe macedenian house, which you sould defile with ahame and infamy; in the name of the inhabitants of Ais city, whom you Aapoil and tread under foot; in the interests of the whole sola, ahich you Miagrace hembling saith fury conacalla Broke in: tho aould Roose you for tReix ambassador, miserable soretch to hich te philosopher replied vith, Raughly cafn: think not so fighlly of one ho looks forsara with forging. to that of sfich you have an abject foar. of death, do you mean aaked caracatla, aneeting, for hia wrath had given place to aatoniahment. and philip anasered: yea, death with whom i fave ower fiendahip, ond who should Be ten times blessed to me if he would but atone for my clumsiness and vid the old of such a monster the emperor, fill spell Bound by the unfeard of audacity of the youth before him, now fell moved to keep otep with the philosopher, sthom for could theiz majeaticn afone, but all the court about them sere holding theis sides, and ahe oa that i waa in Mei midat, ohe believed me to be at the bottom of their mischief, and cast al me auch vengeful glances ao samed me of esl in sfore. affer this toumey they saa to be a grand dance in the ochool of arma, to which their majeatico were Biden saith all the princes, knights, and notables of the det, and the palricians of the fovin. next day, being saint claras day, there would be a great feast at the lelsels Rouse by veason that i ras the name day of dame clara, arsufas grandmother, and the efdeat of their Kin, al Ris Banquet herdegena Gelrethal ras to be announced to alll their friends and kindced thio my aincle whispered to me as he went off after the jouoling to altend the king, aha had sent for him. the af man had ceen nought of herdeqens doings vith ann, by reason Mat he and of2 tetgel had both been sealed on the came aide of the fisto, and the tall helmets and feathers had hidden the young folks from fis aight. s0 assurance and contentment even yet beamed in fis eye. the tourney had fasted a fong Hime. i scarce had time enough to change my weed for tRe dance. MP this day i had apoded fie a fish in thio torent of turmoil and pleasure; bul to day i waa weary. my body was in pain sith my opiril,

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