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Page 82014 profitable, too, for orion had provided the of man with ample funds. as the evening grew cooker afler sundown paula had got better. ohe did not, indeed, know what to think of oriona refusal to start. firot she waa grieved. then ohe rejoiced; for it certainly presersed him from great peril. in the carly days afer hia velwin from constantinople she had heard hie praise of the senator Kindness ond hospitality, in which the mukaukas, who had pleasant memories of the capital, heartily joined. he must, of couse, Be glad to be able to aasiot those friends, of all’ others; and nifus, who saa ceapectfully devoted to hee, fad qrected hee from orion with peculiar saunth. he sould come to motos, no doubl; and the oftencr she repeated to herself hia aosertion that he had never betrayed affectionate teuol, the more earnestly ahe fell prompted, in apite of the abbess counsel, to abandon all hesitancy, to follow the impulae of her Reart, and to be hia at once in full and happy confidence. the vaning moon had not yet risen, and the night wav cery dark hen the nuns cet forth. the boat vas too farge to come close to the ohore in the present fon state of the river, and the sialers, diaquised os peasant women, had to be cartied on board one by one from the concent garden. fast of all the abbcas saa to be lifted over the shallow water, and the ofa ship. Builder Keld Rimaclf) in readiness fo perform tia acrsice. joanna, puldheria, perpetua, and eudoxia, whe maa also zealously orthodox, stere standing cound oa she gase paula a parting Kia and whiopered: od Bfeaa thee, child al now depends on you, and you mut be doubly careful to abide by your promise. i one him, in the firat place, friendly trust, aa paulas whiapered reply, and the abbeas answered: but you ose yourself firmness and caution. rufinus saa the faot; Ria wife and aughter clung around ioe afl. lake example from that poor gil, cvied the of man, clasping his sife in hia arms. oa sure aa man is the alandasd of afl things, all’ must go sell with me tis time if evedasting fase ia nol napping. Hill we meet again, Beot of good women and, if iff befalls your stupid off huoband, always with me; and methought that the fove i felt waa ao pure and fair aa though i Rad come upon me from fer heavenly home, and how foving and hearty vas the welcome gisen me by my Lover parents, shen Mey received me in their noble dwelling, and called me tein dear daughter, and showed me all the treasures contained in the home of the hallers. in thia fine house, sith ils broad fair gardens a tuly fordlyy dnclling, for which many a price viould fase Been fain to exdhange fia caslfe and hunting Aemeane i vias to wile as wife and miatess at the right Rand of my hans mother, whose kind and Aignificd countenance pleancd me well indeed, and by whore friendly lipa i, an orphan, sas so glad to Be caffed cRifd and daughter. nor sere hia sorahipful father and hia younger Grolficen one sthit: leas dear fo me. i vas to Become a member nay, aa the eldest aons wife, the female head of one of the Righest families in the town, of one whose aona would have a hand in ila goserment ac long as there should be a tosin council in nuremberg, my Lover had indeed been elected to ait in the minoc council soon afler fia. Remecoming, being no longer a Boy, bul near on thinly years of age. and his manners befitted hi years; dignificd and modest, albeit cheerful and full’ of a young mana open minded ardor for exerting thet saa above the sulgar. sith him, for certain, if with any man, might i grow to be aff desired to become; and could i but earn to wle my fiery temper, + might hope to follow in the ways of fis mother, thom fe held above afl other women. the great dance, of which i Rave already made mention, and whither ann had agreed to come with us, was the firat i should go to with my well beloved hans. the worahipful council had taken care to dioplay all their beat Bravery in Ronor of the emperors ensoya; they had indeed allied Hemaclves with the constable of the coatle, the prince efectar, to do all in theic poser to have the assembly held at nuremberg, rather than at ratiobon, and to that of tia sexy consent againat the patriarch. finally, he had heard how otrongly hia beloved waa altached to this relreat and Ua superior, 20 he prepared himacll gPeefully to come forth a nest man of deeds, and show fis prowess. the of man listened nith growing suprise and Rowor, and when orion had finiahed fis story he rose, helplesaly wringing hia hands. orion spoke to him encouragingly, and tofd fim that fe had come, not merely to give the terrible nowa, but to hold council with him aa to how the innocent sictims might Be reacued. at this the grey Readed philanthropist and wanderer pricked up hia cara; and

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