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ASU Online Master Class for Teaching Online

Module 3 Assignment: Course Content Alignment Worksheet

Instructions: Complete this worksheet by responding to the four (4) prompts below in the right-hand column. Submit your completed worksheet as a
Word attachment in Canvas.

Prompt Your Response

1. Write one measurable learning objective for a lesson or module. (At the bottom of this sheet, you will see verbs you should not
Ask yourself the following questions as you write your objective:
• What thing do you want students to learn? Example A
• What is the appropriate rigor (level of cognition in Bloom's hierarchy of Identify the seven steps of the research process.
• What Bloom’s verb should your objective begin with? Example B
Develop a startup business plan.
• What is the specific context, condition, quality, or criteria the learner will
demonstrate their knowledge with?
Example C
Distinguish facets of the human condition represented in medieval
Begin your objective with a measurable action verb* from Bloom’s taxonomy.
literature that are consistent across time and place.
Add the thing you want students to learn. It’s the specific skill, knowledge, or
ability students can take to their next instructor or to their workplace or
personal life as a result of this lesson.

Finish your objective with the specific context.

Note. Use the learning objectives builder (from a previous course module).
2. Name the Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy level addressed in your objective. Example A
Identify – Remembering level on Blooms

Example B
Develop – Applying level on Blooms

Example C
Distinguish – Analyzing level on Blooms

ASU Online Master Class for Teaching Online

Prompt Your Response

3. Identify supporting learning materials (readings, videos, lectures). Example A
• Short instructor video explaining the purpose of
Ask yourself the following questions as you select your materials: following the steps of the research process
• What will teach students what they need to know in order to achieve the • Infographic outlining the seven steps
objective? • Video tutorial walking students through the pertinent
• What types of materials or tools are the most appropriate and ASU library databases
Example B
List the learning content, including titles and/or a brief description of each item. • Template for business model canvas
• Sample business plan from previous student and
another sample of Company X’s plan
• Video of short interviews with entrepreneurs about
their business plan challenges and successes
• Ch. 8, 10, & 11 of Textbook.

Example C
• Short instructor video lecture on medieval literature
• Peer reviewed articles on the human condition as
represented in medieval art
• PlayPosit video quizzing students on themes from
Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales
• YouTube video of contemporary retelling of The Wife
of Bath,
• Textbook readings (selected excerpts from Beowulf
through Chaucer)

4. Design or describe an assignment to measure achievement of your

learning objective. Example A: Research Paper Outline
Draft an outline for the research paper due in Week 7 in which
(Note: assessments are often designed to measure more than one learning students identify each of the seven steps of the research process.
objective and these objectives may fall at different levels on Bloom's Revised
Taxonomy. The assessment you identify should at a minimum address the Example B: Startup Business Plan
level of Blooms you identified in question 2 above.) In Module 1, students brainstorm ideas for a business plan. In
Module 3, students submit their chosen business idea to develop.
Ask yourself the following questions as you design your assignment: In Module 6, students develop and submit a business plan using
the provided template.
ASU Online Master Class for Teaching Online

Prompt Your Response

• Which type of assignment will allow students to apply what they have
learned? Example C: Human Condition Presentation
• What assignment will give students the opportunity to prove they have Students create a recorded presentation in which they distinguish
achieved the learning objective? Ideally, assignments are authentic their identified facets of the human condition as represented in
(real-world based). medieval literature and explain how they are consistent across
time and place.
Summarize the assignment.

Indicate how students will apply the supporting learning materials you listed
above while integrating their own ideas.

*The verbiage “students will” is omitted, as the audience is assumed. Do not use the verbs "learn," "know," “be able to”, and "understand." These
are not measurable action verbs in Bloom’s Taxonomy.

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