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wave energy

What is wave energy?

Wave energy is the energy contained on water's
surface waves. and putting energy to producing
electricity, desalinating water, and pumping water.
Wave energy is an infinite source of energy. Wave-
based energy generation is still a young technology.
yet no wave farms built for financial yet been built.

process of producing electricity from

wave energy.
Wave capture: Floating turbines, Transmission: Harvested from offshore energy
buoys, or oscillating water columns converters, electricity is transmitted to the
installed in the ocean capture the facilities through underwater cables and
kinetic energy in waves. distributed to the shore.
Energy conversion: Waves transfer
Grid integration: Once at the facility, energy is
their mechanical motion to the
integrated into the grid system, where it can be
devices installed in oceans to cause
supplemented with other forms of electricity
rotating or oscillating motion .
and distributed to power the nation .
Generation: The rotational or
Monitor and maintenance: ocean energy plant
oscillatory motion churned is linked
installed use power monitoring systems and
to turbines that drive generators to
are closely supervised for frequent
quantify the kinetic energy captured
maintenance for optimal application.
to electricity .

Thailand's 1,660-kilometer coastline the

Gulf Thailand yields a wave density of 10 to
20 kilowatts per meter, falling short of the
40 to 60 kilowatts per meter considered
optimal for efficient electricity generation
from sea waves. Given this low wave
Wave energy
density, tidal energy might be a more viable
in Thailand option if electricity generation were

 idal energy is a natural supply of strength that is produced

when the natural upward push and fall of tides resulting
from gravitational forces between Earth, the solar, and the
moon are harnessed. Tidal currents having sufficient energy What is
to be captured arise while water passes through a slim tidal energy?
vicinity, which reasons the water to hurry up. The vicinity
wherein appropriate engineered mills are used along side
these tides can produce tidal electricity within the shape of
useful energy like energy. In addition to tidal power, other
varieties of strength also can be received from oceans
which include waves and ocean currents, which continue to
be constant due to differences in temperature and salinity
in seawater.

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