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Micro-Project Proposal
Bisection Method

*Brief intruduction
In Mathematics, the bisection method is a straightforward technique to find numerical
solutions of an equation with one unknown. Among all the numerical methods, the bisection
method is the simplest one to solve the transcendental equation. The bisection method is
used to find the roots of a polynomial equation. It separates the interval and subdivides the
interval in which the root of the equation lies. The principle behind this method is the
intermediate theorem for continuous functions.
Let y= f(x)=0 be the algebraic equation. For some values of x=a and x=b, we find f(a) and f(b).
When f(a) > 0 and f(b) < 0 or f(a) < 0 and f(b) > 0, that is, they are of opposite signs, the root
Of the equation f(x) = 0 lies in the interval (a, b).
We now bisect the interval (a, b) and denote the mid-point by X. Here, X=(a+b)/2

Aim of Micro project*

.Find the roots of given algebraic equations by using Bisection method .1
.solve the many iterations by using Bisection method .2
.solve the root of the equation between any two number by using Bisection Method .3
*Action Plan
Sr.NO Detail Of Activity Planned Planed Name Of
. Start Date. Finish Date. Responsible
Team Member.
1 Discussing Project. 8/02/2023 13/02/2023 All Group Member.

2 Confirmed Project. 20/02/2023 24/02/2023 All Team Member.

3 Divide The Work. 28/02/2023 3/03/2023 All Team Member.

4 Collecting 8/03/2023 13/03/2023 Riya More(1336).

5 Make Note On 15/02/2023 20/03/2023 Nitesh Lendi(1339).
6 Make Final Report. 24/03/2023 29/03/2023 Sarvesh
7 All Typing. 5/04/2023 11/04/2023 Akshara Patil(1340).

8 Print Of Project. 17/04/2023 17/04/2023 Shivani

9 Submission Of 21/04/23 24/04/2023 All Group Member.

*Resource Required
Sr.No. Name of Resource/Material Specification Quantity

1 Google Search Wikipedia 1

2 Laptop Lenovo 1
3 Textbook Nirali Textbook. 1

.Mrs. Pranita Mungle
)Guide by(
*Group Member Name

Sr.No Team Member Name Roll No

1 More Riya Subhash 1336

2 Nagaonkar Sarvesh Rajesh 1337

3 Nirmal Shivani Rajendra 1338

4 Lendi Nitesh Namdev 1339

5 Patil Akshara Prashant 1340


Sr. No Title Page No

1. Brief Intruduction
2. Aim of Micro-Project

3. Course Outcomes

4. Actual Procedure Follow

5. Actual Resourced Used

6. Output of Micro-Project

7 Conclusion

8 Skill Developed

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