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Here's a basic resume template for a junior developer:

[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[City, State, ZIP Code]
[Your Phone Number]
[Your Email Address]
[LinkedIn Profile (optional)]
[GitHub Profile (optional)]

A highly motivated and detail-oriented junior developer seeking to leverage programming
skills and educational background to contribute to a dynamic development team. Eager to
learn and grow in a collaborative environment while delivering high-quality software

[Degree], [Major]
[University Name], [Location]
[Year of Graduation]

Relevant Coursework:
- [Course Title]
- [Course Title]
- [Course Title]

Programming Languages: [List languages, e.g., Java, Python, JavaScript]
Web Development: [List frameworks/libraries, e.g., HTML, CSS, React]
Database Management: [List databases, e.g., SQL, MongoDB]
Version Control: [List tools, e.g., Git, SVN]
Other Skills: [List any other relevant skills, e.g., problem-solving, communication]

1. Project Name
- Description: [Brief description of the project]
- Technologies Used: [List languages, frameworks, databases, etc.]
- GitHub Repository: [Link to the project repository, if applicable]

2. Project Name
- Description: [Brief description of the project]
- Technologies Used: [List languages, frameworks, databases, etc.]
- GitHub Repository: [Link to the project repository, if applicable]

[Job Title], [Company Name]
[Location], [Dates of Employment]

- Responsibilities:
- [Responsibility 1]
- [Responsibility 2]
- [Responsibility 3]

- Achievements:
- [Achievement 1]
- [Achievement 2]
- [Achievement 3]
- [Certification Name], [Issuing Organization], [Year]

Available upon request.

You can customize this template by replacing the placeholder text with your own information,
including your education, skills, projects, experience, certifications, and references. Make sure
to highlight relevant experience, skills, and projects that demonstrate your capabilities as a
junior developer.

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