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Qadeer Hussain

1st A(morning)

Figure out any five technologies related to computer science.

1 : Virtual World
(Opening new doors in the VR world)

The metaverse refers to the convergence of physical and virtual space

accessed through computers and enabled by immersive technologies
such as virtual reality, augmented reality and mixed reality. Described
by proponents as the next iteration of the internet, this 3D virtual world
is envisioned as a persistent, collective, shared space where digital
facsimiles of ourselves, or avatars, move freely from one experience to
another, taking our identities and monetary assets with us.

Visions of a parallel digital universe where humans can experience life

in ways both akin to and not possible in the real world aren't new -- they
predate the internet. But the concept of a blended physical and digital
reality became more tangible in recent decades as technological
advances -- from the near-universal adoption of mobile phones and
rollout of high-speed internet to popular games such as Pokémon Go --
made the metaverse seem less far-fetched.

2 : Robotics
(Advance for soft robotics manufacturing, design)

Soft robotics is an emerging field showing immense potential for

biomedical applications. This review summarizes recent advancements
in soft robotics for in vitro and in vivo medical contexts. Their inherent
flexibility, adaptability, and biocompatibility enable diverse capabilities

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Qadeer Hussain
1st A(Morning)

from surgical assistance to minimally invasive diagnosis and therapy.

Intelligent stimuli-responsive materials and bioinspired designs are
enhancing functionality while improving biocompatibility. Additive
manufacturing techniques facilitate rapid prototyping and customization.
Untethered chemical, biological, and wireless propulsion methods are
overcoming previous constraints to access new sites. Meanwhile,
advances in tracking modalities like computed tomography, fluorescence
and ultrasound imaging enable precision localization and control
enable in vivo applications. While still maturing, soft robotics promises
more intelligent, less invasive technologies to improve patient care.
Continuing research into biocompatibility, power supplies, biomimetics,
and seamless localization will help translate soft robots into widespread
clinical practice.

3 : Software
(Revealing the landscape of software as a medical device industry)

Over the last four decades, technological innovations in and around

medical devices have increased dramatically. The past few years have
witnessed an acceleration in the sector, thanks to the Internet of Things
and the rise of its other corresponding parts like wireless connectivity,
cloud computing, AI, etc. These advancements have transformed the
healthcare processes and are continuously causing a seismic shift in the
process of healthcare administration and delivery.

And now, mobile applications have also seeped in and have become an
important part of these highly demanded, technology-based medical and
non-medical purposes. These applications, recognized as Software as a
Medical Device (SaMD), have evolved to play a crucial role in our lives.
SaMD applications extend beyond diagnosis and include monitoring and
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1st A(Morning)

treatment, marking a smooth transition from Healthcare 1.0 to

Healthcare 3.0.
Seeing the growing inclusion of SaMD in everyday healthcare, the
International Medical Device Regulators Forum (IMDRF), of which the
US FDA is a member, has described the concept and SaMD risk-based
categories in detail for the medical app development industry to follow.
The FDA’s development of SaMD-related policies emphasizes risk-
based approaches, enhancing communication requirements and aligning
regulatory strategies with the dynamic nature of digital devices.

4 : Artificial Intelligence
(Two artificial intelligences talk to each other)

It is now table stakes for artificial intelligence algorithms to “learn”

about the world around them. The next level: For AI bots to learn how to
talk to each other — and develop their own shared language.
This is different from how artificial intelligence algorithms typically
learn — using large sets of data, like to recognize a dog by taking in
thousands of pictures of dogs.
The world the researchers created for the AI bots to learn in is a
computer simulation of a simple, two-dimensional white square. There,
the AIs, which took the shape of green, red and blue circles, were tasked
with achieving certain goals, like moving to other colored dots within
the white square.
But to get the task done, the AIs were encouraged to communicate in
their own language. The bots created terms that were “grounded,” or
corresponded directly with objects in their environment and other bots,
and actions, like “Go to” or “Look at.” But the language the bots created
wasn’t words in the way humans think of them — rather, the bots
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generated sets of numbers, which researchers labeled with English

5 : Video Games
(Do violent video games numb us towards real violence?)

Violent video games have often been accused of facilitating aggressive

behaviour, in particular due to concerns that they could numb players

toward real violence and therefore result in decreased empathy towards

the pain of others. However, studies investigating these claims have
often produced conflicting results, potentially due to methodological
issues. For instance, work showing that violent games lead to emotional
desensitization has often relied on testing participants immediately after
a gaming session, which limits interpretations about prolonged impact.
Many studies also compare gamers to people with no gaming
experience, making it difficult to assess whether violent games decrease
empathy, or whether less empathetic individuals are more likely to be
drawn to this content.

While experimental studies cannot fully capture the experiences of real-

world gamers, the findings by Lengersdorff et al. represent a step
towards resolving the scientific controversy surrounding the effects of
violent games. Ultimately, a deeper understanding of how this type of
media influences our emotions could help inform policymaking
decisions about access to violent content.

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Qadeer Hussain
1st A(Morning)

SR Technology Website URL

1 Virtual World
2 Robotics

3 Software

4 Artifical Intelligence

5 Video Games

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