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1. What factors should Yelpele Farms prioritize when making their decision?

1. The commitment to fair labor practices and social responsibility.

2. The quality and reliability of the organic fertilizer provided by the suppliers.
3. The alignment of the supplier's values with those of Yelpele Farms, including
sustainability and community development.
4. The potential impact on stakeholders such as customers, employees, and the
local community.

2. How can Yelpele Farms balance its commitment to ethical sourcing with its
need for efficient production?
1. Exploring options for improving efficiency within ethical guidelines, such as
investing in technology or training to enhance production processes.
2. Engaging in dialogue with both suppliers to understand their commitment to
ethical sourcing and explore ways to align it with efficient production.
3. Prioritizing long-term sustainability over short-term gains, recognizing that
ethical sourcing can contribute to brand reputation and customer loyalty in the
long run.

3. What potential risks and benefits does each supplier present?

Tigan-Wickeds Trading and Sons Ltd:
- Benefits:
- Established reputation
- High-quality product
- Potentially lower cost.
- Risks:
- Ethical concerns regarding fair labor practice
- Potential damage to Yelpele Farms' reputation if labor issues are uncovered.

Achiri-Addo Dee Partnership:

- Commitment to fair wages and employee well-being
- Support for local startup
- Potential for long-term partnership.
- Limited production capacity
- Uncertainty about reliability and consistency of supply.

4. How can Yelpele Farms develop a more robust ethical procurement policy?
1. Clearly defining ethical sourcing criteria and expectations for suppliers.
2. Implementing thorough supplier vetting processes, including site visits and
audits, to ensure compliance with ethical standards.
3. Establishing communication channels for suppliers to report any ethical
concerns or issues.
4. Providing training and support for employees involved in procurement to
understand and prioritize ethical considerations.
5. Regularly reviewing and updating the procurement policy to adapt to
changing ethical standards and best practices.

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