PRO - Sostenibilidad - Ebook - v2

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The essential

steps towards
Transforming the
BPC industry now
01. Why should companies switch to sustainable now?

02. First: Support biodiversity and promote traceability

Drawing on and caring for the riches of nature
Case Study: BioDeVaTe and sustainable sourcing

03. Also: Work towards a zero-waste value chain to

attain a circular economy
Provital’s commitment to zero-waste cosmetics
Case study: The development of Hydrafence™

04. Don’t forget: Promote social sustainability through

Access and Benefit Sharing
Provital’s innovative sustainability assessment
Case study: Mujeres y Ambiente and innovation in the
supply chain

05. And last but not least:

Choose the right sustainable supplier
What to look for in an eco-friendly cosmetic supplier
Ingredient sourcing
Sustainable and efficient production processes
Water consumption and management
Waste management and a circular economy
Holding cosmetics brands to account

06. We take care by taking action

01. Why should
companies switch
The essential steps towards sustainability

to sustainable now?
In the last year, 54% of British adults brought sustainable or eco-friendly
cosmetics, representing remarkably high market penetration for what was
once a niche segment (Mintel, 2020). Equally, research shows that 52% of BPC
consumers choose products that are made with natural ingredients, while
environmental concerns are a primary reason for buying natural/organic
toiletries (Mintel, 2020).
This is because consumers are becoming increasingly aware of issues
surrounding sustainability. Consistent media attention on topics such as
plastic pollution has put the environment at the forefront of consumers’
minds, and meanwhile, social media pressure compels them to act.
Consumers are more empowered than ever – and this means they’re doing
their homework ahead of purchase. Looking to the UK once more, 33% of
adults say they think it is difficult to know which products are eco-
friendly (Mintel, 2020).
This decade, it’ll be brands that create green, recyclable, and ethical
products that will stand out. Labels that take the lead in educating
consumers about sustainability will be best placed to benefit from the
increased demand for eco-friendly cosmetics, but transparency will be
essential to nurturing trust.
However, this should be seen as an opportunity rather than a challenge;
brands can alleviate confusion and position themselves as educators. Clearly
communicated and highly visible social responsibility projects are key: for
instance, one of Provital’s flagship sustainability initiatives, a collaboration
with organic farmers in Mexico, recently received the Equator Prize for
sustainable business.
However, creating eco-friendly cosmetics isn’t merely an exercise in marketing; sustainable
practices have substantial advantages throughout the research and development process.
By nurturing sustainable practices in the BPC space, we can streamline production, save
resources, and conserve raw materials – which ultimately, leads to financial savings.
For instance, thanks to the improvements we have made, Provital has reduced energy
consumption by 30% versus kilos of product produced.
The essential steps towards sustainability

In this eBook, we discuss how we can work together to make the beauty and personal care
industry more sustainable: the key trends, innovations, and techniques for producing
eco-ethical cosmetics. We also share some case studies from Provital’s ongoing mission
to make BPC more sustainable; as we believe that taking care is taking action, we have
integrated numerous eco-ethical initiatives into our processes.
Together, we can create a beauty industry that cares – for our bodies, minds, our
communities, and the planet. Keep reading to discover more.

02. First: Support
The essential steps towards sustainability

and promote
Pioneering beauty brands are paving the way for a more sustainable industry.
Environmentally-friendly alternatives are set to take over the market,
demonstrating that eco-conscious cosmetics are the new must-have. Now,
5 green is glamorous and caring for the planet is the key beauty trend. However,
this needs to go far beyond branding; every aspect of cosmetic production
should be fully sustainable.
This is an urgent project. Every year, more than eight million tonnes of
plastic are dumped into the oceans, polluting our environment and putting
our health and wildlife at risk. It is necessary to drive a global initiative to
limit environmental damage and the beauty industry has a vital role to
play. From ingredient sourcing to packaging, energy consumption to waste
management, the $532 billion beauty and personal care industry needs to
take action.
This isn’t only a moral imperative; consumers are increasingly demanding
sustainable products. In 2018, McKinsey’s Business of Fashion study found
that 66% of millennials globally are willing to spend more on sustainable
brands. Clearly, innovation is key, but where should beauty brands seek
inspiration to make every aspect of cosmetics production more sustainable?
And what might this entail?
Drawing on and caring for the
riches of nature
Of course, nature holds a wealth of possibilities when it comes to creating sustainable
beauty. By combining nature and science, we can create ingredients that care for the skin
and the planet. However, this is providing these ingredients with responsible sourcing.
The essential steps towards sustainability

If we are indeed taking ingredients straight from the Earth, the environmental impact of
their extraction needs to be assessed.
For example, how are local flora and fauna impacted by their cultivation? Is conventional
agriculture encouraging local communities to clear wild spaces to convert it into far-
mland? Thus, within the context of sustainable cosmetics production, it is essential that
beauty brands look for innovative ways to source natural ingredients. We need to ask
ourselves if these ingredients can be sourced sustainably, locally, and with a minimal
carbon footprint.
A cornerstone of Provital’s supply chain innovation is our sustainability risk analysis.
We measure the sustainability risks associated with our supply chain by using a new tool
that analyses the potential environmental impact of raw material extraction, according to
supplier. This is followed by the production of a detailed plan of improvement actions for
6 materials that present a higher sustainability risk.
As of last year, Provital has assessed 48% of its total raw materials; with respect to total
purchase volume for 2019, we have assessed 67% of the total raw materials purchased. In
recognition of the company’s commitment to ethics and sustainable development, the
Union for Ethical BioTrade (UEBT) sent us a renewed membership certificate for 2019.
Furthermore, Provital was the first cosmetic ingredient supplier to be certified fully com-
pliant with the Nagoya Protocol for access and benefit-sharing. Looking to the future,
we intend to maintain the status and continue to implement more projects that fairly and
equitably distribute natural resources, while developing high-quality active ingredients.
The essential steps towards sustainability

Case Study: BioDeVaTe and

sustainable sourcing
When sourcing natural ingredients, Provital keeps full supply chain transparency at the
forefront of our approach. We examine the sustainability of farming techniques, the inte-
grity of the ingredient, and apply access and benefit-sharing principles as they pertain to
the local community. Through this ethos, we aim to make cosmetic production authenti-
cally sustainable.
One such example is BioDeVaTe. This Provital project began in 2009, in partnership with
Parc de les Olors and other farmers in the Vall del Tenes, a community 50 km from our
HQ in Barcelona. In collaboration with these farms, we obtain raw materials from native
Mediterranean aromatic plants that are fully traceable, grown locally, and organically
using a sustainable cultivation system. These raw ingredients are used in Provital’s EcoLine
active ingredients, all of which are COSMOS organic certified.
Furthermore, this project promotes awareness of the region’s botanical diversity. Through
scheduled visits to the cultivation sites by schools and other relevant associations, Provital
and the BioDeVaTe organic farmers seek to educate visitors about sustainable farming
and the biodiversity of the local area.
03. Also: Work towards
a zero-waste value
The essential steps towards sustainability

chain to attain a
circular economy
Sustainability is of vital importance – and BPC brands should strive to take
environmentally-friendly practices to their most radical possible conclusion.
For instance, zero-waste is one of the industry’s most talked-about new
8 strategies, with various benefits for suppliers, manufacturers, and consu-
Working towards a zero-waste value chain means that nothing is discarded
in the development or manufacturing process, nor is any part of the pro-
duct sent to landfill – ideally, any byproduct is reused or recycled. Al-
though this may sound ambitious, there is a sound, market-driven demand
for zero-waste cosmetics: right now, 44% of US consumers would buy BPC
products made from organic waste from other industries (Mintel, 2020).
But how can the beauty industry bring waste under control? This project
begins at the very beginning of the production process. As soon as the
ingredients for a product are picked, harvested, pressed, or synthesized, the
objective should be not wasting a thing. Responsible brands should know
the exact origin of their ingredients and how waste is managed through
this process. It’s not enough to merely buy ingredients from a supplier and
hope they follow zero-waste practices; you need full transparency in the
supply chain.
Provital’s commitment to
zero-waste cosmetics
Provital believes that reducing waste in beauty and personal care is essential to caring for
The essential steps towards sustainability

the planet. And because taking care means taking action, we strive towards zero-waste
practices. Taking the circular economy as a starting point, Provital seeks to enhance waste
management so that everything from formulations, to design, to packaging is reusable,
recyclable, and sustainably sourced.
By 2016, Provital had managed to recover 82% of all the waste generated in the production
process, and last year, we generated just 0.22kg of waste for every kilo of product produced.
We extend this ethos to every aspect of our operation: for instance, we have initiated a pilot
project with Barberà del Vallès City Council to collect and recycle the organic and plastic
waste generated in our industry canteens.

The essential steps towards sustainability

Case study: The development

of Hydrafence™
Hydrafence™, launched in 2019, is an active ingredient that demonstrates our commitment
to zero-waste cosmetics. Innovating with awareness, Hydrafence™ is a natural active
moisturizer and skin barrier enhancer based on a new hydrocolloid matrix of rice
amylopectin, containing a calcium-rich fraction extracted from Lithothamnion calcareum
algae. Hydrafence™ is a dual-action ingredient, providing immediate moisturizing action 30
minutes after application, and subsequently, 120 hours of lasting hydration.
This development process was inspired by the concept of the circular economy and the 17
points of the UN Sustainable Development goals in mind, especially SDG 2 (Zero Hunger)
and SDG 12 (Ensuring Sustainable Production and Consumption Patterns). To meet these
goals, Provital developed an upcycled product: we used the byproducts of rice cropping to
develop one of the key components of the active ingredient.
By utilizing a resource that would otherwise go to waste and transforming it into a valuable
substance, we enhanced the value of the raw materials while supporting a circular economy
model. Equally, through utilizing the byproducts of rice cropping, Provital upcycles
ingredients without compromising on rice’s position as a vital food source, and meanwhile,
mitigate damage to the environment through zero waste principles.
Hydrafence™ is just one part of Provital’s wider zero waste project. Looking to the future, we
aim to create more nourishing, natural active ingredients via 100% sustainable sources and
upcycled substances. By facilitating a circular economy at the ingredient level, Provital
hopes to inspire the wider industry to strive for zero waste cosmetics.
04. Don’t forget:
Promote social
The essential steps towards sustainability

through Access
and Benefit

However, sustainable beauty doesn’t only have an environmental element; it

also has a human aspect. Now, more than ever before, conscious consumers
expect brands to conduct business ethically. These consumers are indeed
looking for natural, safe ingredients; however, they are scrutinizing the supply
chain in increasing detail. Now, consumers are savvy to the fact that just
because an ingredient is natural, doesn’t mean it’s ethically sourced, which
requires substantial supply chain innovation.
They want brands to be as socially responsible as they are environmentally
conscious; for instance, in the United States, 65% of younger millennials
believe brands should speak up on social issues (Mintel, 2020). This means
that brands should consider the socio-economic impact of their sourcing
practices. For example, does the raw material extraction ensure the equitable
and fair distribution of the area’s natural resources? How does the brand’s
involvement benefit the community that produces it?
Beauty brands need to consider how they can analyze the sustainability of
their supply chain, incorporate social responsibility projects, and how these
initiatives can ultimately lead to full supply chain network optimization.
Often, an innovative supply chain is a key to gains across the board, both
environmentally, socially, and financially. Provital is doing its part to create a
more ethically-minded supply chain – here’s how.
Provital’s innovative
sustainability assessment
A cornerstone of Provital’s supply chain innovation is our sustainability risk analysis.
We measure the social and environmental sustainability risks associated with our supply
The essential steps towards sustainability

chain by using a new tool that analyses the potential environmental impact of raw material
extraction, according to the supplier. This is followed by the production of a detailed plan of
improvement actions for materials that present a higher sustainability risk.
As of last year, Provital has assessed 48% of its total raw materials; with respect to total
purchase volume for 2019, we have assessed 67% of the total raw materials purchased. In
recognition of the company’s commitment to ethics and sustainable development, the Union
for Ethical BioTrade (UEBT) sent us a renewed membership certificate for 2019.
Furthermore, Provital was the first cosmetic ingredient supplier to be certified fully
compliant with the Nagoya Protocol for access and benefit-sharing. Looking to the future,
we intend to maintain the status and continue to implement more projects that fairly and
equitably distribute natural resources, while developing high-quality active ingredients.

Case study: Mujeres y
Ambiente and innovation
in the supply chain
An interesting example of how Provital is implementing ethical supply chain innovation
is our project with Mujeres y Ambiente (Women and the Environment) in Queretaro,
The essential steps towards sustainability

Mexico. This organization was founded by Eulalia Moreno in 2010, alongside her two
daughters. With assistance from the Autonomous University of Queretaro (AUQ), the group
was founded to enhance economic opportunities for women in the area, while using
environmentally sound cultivation processes.

Four years after Mujeres y Ambiente was founded, Provital joined forces with the group to
cultivate raw materials for our active ingredients. Now, this exceptional micro-enterprise
provides Provital with sustainably cultivated aromatic and medicinal plants, including
the powerful botanical Agastache Mexicana, which is the main raw material in our active
ingredient Agascalm™. This partnership is helping lift the community out of poverty,
promote gender equality, and protect the planet.

Today, we are proud that the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) continues
13 to highlight Provital and our project in Mexico as an example of an access and benefit-
sharing project that complies with the Convention on Biological Diversity and the Nagoya
Protocol. With these principles and ethics, Provital strives to ensure that every touchpoint
in our innovative supply chain places social responsibility and sustainability at its core.
05. And last but not
least: Choose the
The essential steps towards sustainability

right sustainable
Demand for eco-friendly BPC products is strong and the industry is
responding. However, there is still room for growth: consumers need more
education and evidence that some products are more sustainable than others.
14 Meanwhile, consumers are looking beyond claims on labels and conducting
their own research about brands’ sustainable credentials. This means brands
will be under more pressure to demonstrate their eco-ethical practices
throughout the supply chain, from ingredients to their cosmetic supplier.
Demand for more quantifiable evidence is set to rise in line with the
growing demand for more eco-friendly products. According to a new report
from UBET, 82% of consumers believe that brands have a moral obligation
to ensure they have a positive impact on people and biodiversity – but
meanwhile, just 42% are confident companies are actually paying serious
attention to ethical sourcing.
Consumers buying into green beauty will want proof that what their buying is
better for the environment, especially if they’re paying more. However, they
are willing to do this – right now, nearly a quarter of American women agree
that they are willing to pay more for products with sustainable ingredients
(Mintel, 2019). Therefore, it is essential that BPC brands seize this opportunity.
What to look for in an
eco-friendly cosmetic
ingredient supplier
A fully sustainable product range begins with choosing the right cosmetic ingredient
The essential steps towards sustainability

supplier. Manufacturers will have supply chains of their own, so in order to choose the
right partner, the brand should assess five key eco-ethical criteria: the sourcing of
their ingredients; the efficiency and sustainability of their production processes; water
consumption and management; energy consumption; and their waste management policy.

Ingredients sourcing
The roots of an ethical and sustainable supply chain begin with raw materials. A cosmetic
supplier should source ingredients in a way that converses biological diversity while
sharing access and the benefits of the world’s natural resources. A good reference point is
the seven principles of BioTrade, which outline the regulations and permits necessary for
sustainable ingredient sourcing.
The essential steps towards sustainability


Sustainable and efficient

production processes
A sustainable cosmetic supplier will be constantly working towards making their production
processes more streamlined. This is measured via the year-on-year improvement of
environmental indicators, including the consumption of water, fuel, electricity, and the CO2
and waste generated per kilo of product produced. Naturally, brands should particularly
look to work with a cosmetic supplier that is actively working to reduce their overall energy
consumption. Another key indicator is the proportion of renewables they use compared to
fossil fuels.

Water consumption and management

Water is a critical natural resource and its conservation is integral to sustainable production
practices. According to Water Aid, in 2016 around 3.6 billion people lived in water-scarce
areas, and this number is expected to increase to around 5 billion by 2050. Considering
the industry’s intensive water usage, brands should look for cosmetic manufacturers that
conserve water. For instance, Provital has reduced water consumption per kilo of product
produced by more than 40% over the last six years.
Waste management
and a circular economy
The cosmetics industry should strive towards a circular economy. Many byproducts from
sourcing and production processes have the potential to be re-used or upcycled – and
considering their potential value, this is an opportunity that cosmetics manufacturers should
seize. Currently, Provital processes 70% of its waste in line with circular economy principles.
The essential steps towards sustainability

Holding cosmetic brands to account

Consumers are becoming increasingly inquisitive about ingredient sourcing and
production methods. Currently, 47% of American women say they are paying more
attention to the ingredients used in their beauty products than they were a year ago, making
it increasingly important for brands to be clear about the ingredients and processes they
are using and why (Mintel, 2019). This highlights the growing investment consumers have
in holding cosmetic manufacturers to account; therefore, choosing the right partner for
production is essential.
Provital positions itself as a truly sustainable supplier. With our close attention to reducing
our environmental impact and investment in distinctive biodiversity products, Provital is a
17 cosmetic supplier that ethical beauty brands can trust. As members of UEBT and a holder
of various independent natural and ethical accreditations, Provital’s practices facilitate the
full supply chain transparency consumers demand. As the demand for green beauty rises,
Provital remains ahead of the curve.
06. We take care
by taking action
The essential steps towards sustainability

Taking care is the force that moves us forward, and it’s also our commitment
to people, communities, and the planet. We care and we take action for
them. This is why Provital has integrated eco-ethical practices into every
aspect of our mission.
By combining nature and science to develop innovative, eco-friendly
products, we care for our customers and the environment. With sustainably
18 sourced, natural raw materials, Provital’s products are inspired by nature
and enhanced by science to make active ingredients that nourish and care.
Moreover, we ensure an ethical and fair supply chain to promote the social
development of all our stakeholders, making the world a better place for
Provital is implementing the most efficient processes and technologies to
ensure our active ingredients are produced with minimal environmental
impact. Right now, we are working towards making our business a circular
economy that generates little or no waste, and maximises the conversation
of resources. With complete supply chain transparency, our partners and
consumers can be confident their products are authentically eco-ethical.
Taking care is taking action. With Provital, the beauty industry has a
partner that cares.

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