Ngu N Bài Nghe

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Bài luyện nghe số 1

I/ Listen and choose the correct missing words

1. Can I go to a ___________?

2. movie theater

3. Let me have a look at the ___________.

4. magazine newspaper

5. We have to wait for mommy because ___________ right now.

6. she’s at a meeting she isn’t wearing her uniform

7. Where would you like to ___________ to?

8. go on a walk ride around

=> Đáp án:

1. A 2. B 3. A 4. A

Nên xem: Khung giờ vàng để học tiếng anh hiệu quả

II/ Listen to the following conversation. Then write True (T) or False (F)

1. The movies start in the afternoon at 2:55.

2. They are going to see the movie.

3. The girl likes to go through the park.

4. Maybe they can go out to eat tonight.

=> Đáp án:

1. F 2. T 3. F 4. T

Bài luyện nghe số 2

I/ Listen and choose the correct missing words

Hello Vietnam

Tell me all about this name, that is difficult to say.

It was given me the day I was born.

Want to know about the (1) ___________ (stories/novel/reference book) of the empire of old.

My eyes say more of me than what you dare to say.

All I know of you is all the sights of war.

A film by Coppola, the helicopter’s roar.

One day I’ll touch your soil. One day I’ll finally know your soul. One day I’ll come to you. To say
hello… Vietnam.

Tell me all about my (2) ___________ (height/colour/weight), my hair and my little feet.

That have carried me every mile of the way.

Want to see your house, your streets. Show me all I do not know.

Wooden sampans, floating markets, light of gold.

All I know of you is the (3) ___________ (sightseeing/sights/scenes) of war.

A film by Coppola, the helicopter’s roar.

One day I’ll touch your soil. One day I’ll finally know your soul. One day I’ll come to you.

To say hello… Vietnam.

And Buddha’s made of stone watch over me.

My (4) ___________ (dreams/creams/themes) they lead me through the fields of rice.

In prayer, in the light … I see my kin.

I touch my tree, my roots, my begin.

One day I'll touch your soil.

One day I’ll finally know your soul.

One day I’ll come to you.

To say hello… Vietnam.

=> Đáp án:

1. stories 2. colour 3. sights 4. dreams

Tham khảo thêm: Cách học 50 từ vựng tiếng anh mỗi ngày

II/ Listen to the song and fill in gaps

Fun food

I like spaghetti and I can eat a lot.

I like (1) ___________ and I can eat a lot.

I like hamburgers and I can eat a lot.

I like French fries and I can eat a lot.

I’m a big kid, a big kid. Look at me!

I like (2) ___________ and I can eat a lot.

I like bread and I can eat a lot.

I like (3) ___________ and I can eat a lot.

I like (4) ___________ and I can eat a lot.

Are you a big kid?

=> Đáp án:

2. cereal 3. fish 4. chicken

1. soup

Bài luyện nghe số 3

Part 1: Are the sentences true or false?

A good night’s sleep

1. Some people can sleep well with a television on.

2. It is good to play video games before bed.

3. It is good to turn your mobile off when you go to bed.

4. It is bad to play loud music while you're studying.

=> Đáp án:

1. F 2. F 3. T 4. T

Part 2: Complete the sentences with a word from the box

earlier in the evening 0. welcome turn off

useful advice down low

1. Welcome to the show, doctor Baker.

2. Do your hardest homework ___________.

3. ___________ your mobile when you go to bed.

4. Play music if you like. But turn the sound ___________.

5. That is very ___________ for our young listeners.

=> Đáp án:

1. earlier in the evening 0. welcome 2. turn off

4. useful advice 3. down low

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