Creative Nonfiction Notes

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“Nonfiction is a trye story told in a literrary way where plot, character development, and dialogue are as important
as the facts and research”


Creative nonfiction has manu names.

- Narrative nonfiction
- Literature of reality
- The fourth genre
- Literary journalism
- The literature of fact

A brief history of CREATIVE NONFICTION


-16TH century french writer

-coined the term “essais’ to write about himself intrspectively

Introspective is someone who spends considerable time examining his own thoughts and feelings


“[CREATIVE NONFICTION] allows a writer to employ the diligence if a reporter, the shifting voices and viewpoints of
a novelist, the refined wordplay of a poet, and the analytical modes of the essayist “.

Reasons for writing creative nonfiction

1. You want to write a family story history or a journla for future generations.
2. You want to share exciting, painful, or extraordinary experiences
3. You just had a profound realization or insight about an important subject.
4. You have survived a difficult childhood or adulthood
5. You want to preserve your emotions about an experience.
6. You want to give hope or inspiration to other people.


-creative nonfiction combines factual information anf storytelling techniques to tell true stories in an engaging and
literary way. Unlike traditional nonfiction, which prioritize strict objectivity and factual accuracy, creative nonfiction
allows for artistic license anf subjectivity to enhance the narrative and connect with readers emotionally.

-here are some examples of creative nonfiction: memoirs, biographies, travel writing, and essays.


Characters are based on real people Characters are real people

Character personalities are a combination of the personalities of the characters are as they are
qualities in real life.
Dialogue can be made up Dialogue is verbatim or recreated to the best of
the authors ability

Events can be made up Events truly happend

The plot can be made up along the ways Written as accurately and thruthful as possible.
Researcg may be used when necessary


-Plot -Character -Theme -Setting -Conflict -Point of view -Tone

The plot tells what happens in the story. It relates the chain of events through deifferent stages revealed in
the story arc: exposition or the beginning where the conflict is introduced; rising action or the actions leading to the
climax, pivotal or turning point of the story; denouement ir falling action and ending or resolution.

Character refers to the person in a work of fiction and his characteristics. He/she could be a protagonist or
the opposong character to the main characters involved, which include physical appearance, wat of thinking, feeling,
actions, and reactions to events. Moreover, characters, to be effective, should ressemble real-life persona who can
be complex, dynamic, or stereo typical. Furthermore, a foil is written in contast to the main character.

Theme is the central idea of a literary work that can be termed as implied morals, insights, or values, it is not
intended to preach or teach but it is something extracted from other literary elements techniques like the stucture,
plot, characters, style, of narration, patterns, and symbols. In short, theme is the underlying truths and realities of
life consciously and unconssiously created by the author and realized by the readers.

Setting pertains to the place, time, moof, atmospehre, weather, and social conditions of a story. Authors use
sounds and visual images to describe the setting. The setting helps bring out the mood or backdrop or sets forth the
conflict in the story. Setting could be dynamic or static.

A dynamic setting refers to a varief story “world” or lilieu which includes varied cultural, historical,
geographical surrounding or society. Static setting is the opposite, beacuse it presents a stationary, still or solitary
backdrop of the story. The literary model is an example of a static setting since the backdrop is only in a train.

Conflict means the complication in a story. The plot is created through the conflict. As such, the bloodlines o
an effective plot is an outstanding conflict. The complication could be in a form of struggle, disagreement, war,
verbal tussles, etc. However, conflict can be a man vs. Man, man vs nature, where a character involves man against
the forces a nature and the universe; man vs society, where conventions or culture challenges man and man vs
himself, or an internal happening within a character.

Point of view takes the angle from where the story narrate. It is the angle from which the readers view
people, events, and details of the story. An objected point of view is an angle where the writer narrates what
happens without detailing too much about characters feeling and thinking. Point of view cqn be in fist person such as
me, i, mine, we, us, ours. Second person point of view rarely happens in a story because it trears the reader as the
protagonist/main character of the story and uses the pronoun you for the participants. On the other hand, the
narrator in the third person point of view is not a participant of the story but reveals the feelings and line of thinking
of the characters. It typically uses the pronouns he, she, it, they, the, his, her, its, etc. The third person point of view
is the outside voice of the story. The omniscient point of view narrates everything about the characters but a limited
point of vies gives the angle of a story on a limited character.

Definition of fiction: fiction is a narrative genre that presents imaginary or made-up events, characters, and settings.
It is not based on real events or facts but rather on the author’s imagination.

Characteristics of fiction

Fictional character: characters in fiction are created by the author and may or may not resemble real people.

Imaginary setting: fiction often takes place in worlds or environments that are not real or do not exist on reality.

Plot and conflict: fiction usually follows a structures plot with conflicts or challenges that drive the story forward.

Narrative style: fiction can be written in various narrative styles, such as first person, third person, or omniscient
point of view.


Novels: “Pride and Prejudice” by Jane Austen

Short Stories: “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson

Fairy tales: “Cinderella”

Science Fiction: “1984” by George Orwell

DEFINITION OF CREATIVE NONFICTION: a genre of writing that presents factual information using literary
techniques typically associated with fiction. It merges the boundaries between fact and fiction, often incorporating
storytelling elements to engage readers.

Characteristics of creative nonfiction:

Based on facts

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