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H.-J. G. Dierscha & P. Perrochetb

WASY Institute for Water Resources Planning and Systems Research, Berlin, Germany
Centre d’Hydrogéologie, Université de Neuchâtel, Switzerland

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Primary variable switching appears as a promising numeri-
cal technique for variably saturated flows. While the stan-
dard pressure-based form of the Richards equation can
In the modeling of unsaturated-saturated flow pro-
suffer from poor mass balance accuracy, the mixed form cesses several alternatives exist for numerically solving
with its improved conservative properties can possess con- the governing balance equations with their nonlinear
vergence difficulties for dry initial conditions. On the other constitutive relationships. The Darcy equation of fluid
hand, variable switching can overcome most of the stated motion and the fluid mass conservation equation form
numerical problems. The paper deals with variable switch-
ing for finite elements in two and three dimensions. The
the physical basis2. In the context of unsaturated flow
technique is incorporated in both an adaptive error-con- the basic formulation involves both the fluid pressure
trolled predictor-corrector one-step Newton (PCOSN) itera- head ψ and the saturation s as unknown variables. For
tion strategy and a target-based full Newton (TBFN) these two unknowns only one balance equation, the
iteration scheme. Both schemes provide different behaviors basic Richards equation19, is available. To close the
with respect to accuracy and solution effort. Additionally, a
simplified upstream weighting technique is used. Compared
mathematical model one constitutive relationship in
with conventional approaches the primary variable switch- form of the capillary pressure head-saturation function
ing technique represents a fast and robust strategy for unsat- is additionally needed to convert one variable to the
urated problems with dry initial conditions. The impact of other (and vice versa). Consequently, the modeler has
the primary variable switching technique is studied over a to decide between primary and secondary variables.
wide range of mostly 2D and partly difficult-to-solve prob-
lems (infiltration, drainage, perched water table, capillary
Depending on such a choice, different modeling
barrier), where comparable results are available. It is shown approaches result which are mathematically equivalent
that the TBFN iteration is an effective but error-prone proce- in the continuous formulation, but their discrete ana-
dure. TBFN sacrifices temporal accuracy in favor of accel- logs are different.
erated convergence if aggressive time step sizes are chosen.

Key words: unsaturated-saturated flow, primary variable

As a result, three forms of the unsaturated flow
switching, Newton technique, finite elements, time stepping equation can be derived: (1) the pressure-based ( ψ -)
control, benchmarking, capillary barrier form, where the primary variable is the pressure head

(or the hydraulic head), (2) the saturation-based ( s -) Picard technique was successfully applied by Simunek
form, where the saturation (or the moisture content θ ) et al.42, Vogel et al.47 and Ju and Kung25 for different
is chosen as the primary variable, and (3) the mixed situations. Fuhrmann16 and Lehmann and Ackerer28
( ψ – s -)form, where both variables are employed and, enhanced the mixed form by using a Newton iterative
in solving the discrete equation system, the pressure scheme instead of the Picard iteration. Lehmann and
head is actually used as the primary variable. Ackerer28 obtained their best results for one-dimen-
sional problems with the mixed form combined with
Each of the three different forms has its own advan- both the modified Picard and the Newton method.
tages and drawbacks. The ψ -based form can be used Again, the pressure head was chosen as the primary
for both saturated and unsaturated soils. The pressure variable.
head variable is unique and continuous. Models of this
type have been extensively used in various Numerical schemes based on the s -form of the
applications15,18,22,23,30,32,33,36,37,39,43,44. But, it has been Richards equation are restricted to unsaturated flow
shown1,4,31,45 that the ψ -based form can produce signif- conditions because the saturation variable is not unique
icant global mass balance errors unless very small time for saturated regions, where the soil-water diffusivity
steps are used. The ψ -based approach can be improved goes to infinity and a pressure-saturation relationship
if the derivation of the moisture capacity term is per- no longer exists. Additionally, the common transforma-
formed by suited chord slope approximations in replac- tion into the s -form (and the equivalent water-content-
ing analytical derivatives as proposed by Rathfelder based form) of the Richards equation is restricted to
and Abriola38. However, the numerical differentiation homogeneous soils as thoroughly discussed by LaBolle
must be prevented if the pressure head difference falls and Clausnitzer27. Note further that the saturation is
below a specific range and a proper treatment of the basically a discontinuous variable. On the other hand,
derivative term is then required (for instance, resorting Hills et al.20 have shown that such a saturation-based
to an analytical evaluation). Accordingly, chord slope algorithm can result in significantly improved perfor-
approximation does not appear as a general and suffi- mances compared to pressure-based methods, espe-
ciently robust technique. It shall fail under drastic cially when applied to very dry soils. To benefit from
kçíáÅÉI= íÜÉ= ÅçãJ parameters and initial conditions. Difficulties of this the good convergence properties of the s -form for both
ãçå= ë~íìê~íáçåJ
kind were reported by Paniconi and Putti37. saturated and unsaturated conditions Kirkland et al.26
Ä~ëÉÇ= ~åÇ= íÜÉ
suggest to use the saturation in the unsaturated zone
Éèìáî~äÉåí= ï~íÉêJÅçåíÉåíJ
Ä~ëÉÇ=Ñçêãë=çÑ=íÜÉ=oáÅÜ~êÇë Some of these difficulties are avoided when using and the pressure head in the saturated zone. Unfortu-
Éèì~íáçå= ~êÉ= êÉëíêáÅíÉÇ= íç the mixed-form schemes which possess much better nately, their approach is not sufficiently general. As
ìåë~íìê~íÉÇ= Ñäçï= ÅçåÇáJ properties with respect to accurate mass conservative noted by Forsyth et al.13 the scheme introduces compli-
íáçåë= Eë= Y= NF= ~åÇ= ÜçãçÖÉJ solutions. Celia et al.4 solve the mixed form by a modi- cations for heterogeneous systems, is partially explicit
åÉçìë= ëçáäë= Eé~ê~ãÉíÉêë= çÑ fied Picard iteration scheme. Within the iterative proce- in time, and suffers from balance errors at the transition
ìåë~íìê~íÉÇ= ëçáä= éêçéÉêíáÉë dure the pressure head is used as the primary variable between the saturated and unsaturated zones.
ãìëí=ÄÉ=ëé~íá~ääó=áåî~êá~åíFK= for the solution at a new iteration step. This mixed


Recently, Forsyth et al.13 introduced a powerful new ments. However, the matrix assembly procedure is
idea in the context of saturated-unsaturated flow simu- altered for finite elements depending on the occurrence
lations. It is termed as the primary variable substitu- of primary variables. An upstream weighting scheme is
tion, or primary variable switching technique, and introduced for both structured and unstructured meshes
originates from multiphase flow modeling. It effec- of 2D and 3D finite elements. The paper benchmarks
tively handles the appearance and disappearance of these various schemes by means of selected applica-
phases35. In this approach, a full Newton method is tions to verify the promised efficiency of primary vari-
used where the different primary variables, namely sat- able switching. Moisture dynamics in homogeneous
uration and pressure, are switched in different regions and layered soils with dry initial conditions, deemed
depending on the prevailing saturation conditions at ’tough’ infiltration and drainage problems, and capil-
each node of a mesh. This technique was found to yield lary barrier simulations under extreme parameter con-
rapid convergence in both the unsaturated and saturated trasts and very dry initial conditions are studied. Both
zones compared to pressure-based formulations. agreements and discrepancies are found with previous
results presented by Celia et al.4, van Genuchten44,
In the light of Forsyth et al.’s work13, primary vari- Kirkland et al.26, Forsyth et al.13, Webb48, and Forsyth
able switching appears as a promising technique to and Kropinski14. Further comparative studies for find-
speed up the overall solution process and to tackle dif- ing the ’best’ solution strategy in practical modeling of
ficult-to-solve unsaturated-saturated flow problems for unsaturated-saturated flows are required.
heterogeneous porous media. The present study fol-
lows these ideas. Modifications and improvements of
Forsyth et al.’s scheme consist of (1) a powerful pre- NKO _~ëáÅ=bèì~íáçåë
dictor-corrector approach with first and second order
accuracy, (2) a one-step full Newton approach with The mass conservation equation of a fluid in a vari-
only one control parameter to manage the entire solu- ably saturated media2 is given by
tion process in an adaptive time marching scheme, and
(3) a rigorous analytical derivation of the Jacobian of ∂ψ ∂s ( ψ )
S o ⋅ s ( ψ ) ------- + ε -------------- + ∇ ⋅ q = Q (1-1)
the Newton method. In contrast to the predictor-correc- ∂t ∂t
tor solution control an aggressive target-based time
marching scheme, providing an effective but error- The fluid motion is described by the Darcy equation
prone strategy, is analyzed. written in the form

It will be shown that the primary variable switching q = – K r ( s )K ( ∇h + χe ) = – K r ( s )K [ ∇ψ + ( 1 + χ )e ] (1-2)

technique is the most general approach in which mixed
forms using either Picard or Newton techniques appear
In eqns (1-1) and (1-2),
as special cases. The primary variable switching tech-
nique is employed for standard 2D and 3D finite ele-
h = ψ + z , hydraulic (piezometric) head;

ψ pressure head, ( ψ > 0 saturated medium, ψ ≤ 0 1-
-- 1- m 2
unsaturated medium); 2⎧ m ⎫
Kr = se ⎨ 1 – 1 – se ⎬ (1-4)
s ( ψ ) saturation, ( 0 < s ≤ 1 , s = 1 if medium is satu- ⎩ ⎭
q Darcy flux vector; Brooks-Corey parametric model:
z elevation above a reference datum;
t time;
⎧ 1
S o = εγ + ( 1 – ε )ϒ , specific storage due to fluid and ⎪ ------------- for ψ < –1 ⁄ α
s e = ⎨ αψ n (1-5)
medium compressibility; ⎪
ε porosity; ⎩1 for ψ ≥ –1 ⁄ α
γ fluid compressibility;
ϒ coefficient of skeleton compressibility; κ
Kr = se (1-6)
K r ( s ) relative hydraulic conductivity ( 0 < K r ≤ 1 ,
K r = 1 if saturated at s = 1 ); with the effective saturation
K tensor of hydraulic conductivity for the saturated
s – sr
medium (anisotropy); s e = -------------- (1-7)
ss – sr
χ buoyancy coefficient including fluid density
effects; in which
e gravitational unit vector;
Q specific mass supply; se effective saturation;
sr residual saturation;
Constitutive relationships are additionally required (1) ss maximum saturation;
for the saturation s as a function of the pressure (capil- ψa air-entry pressure head, ψ a ≤ 0 ;
lary) head ψ , as well as its inverse, the pressure head α curve-fitting parameter;
ψ as a function of the saturation s , and (2) for the rela- n pore size distribution index, n ≥ 1 ;
tive hydraulic conductivity K r as a function of either m = 1 – 1 ⁄ n , curve fitting parameter (Mualem
the pressure head ψ or the saturation s . The following assumption);
empirical relationships are used for the present κ = 2 ⁄ n + l + 2 , curve-fitting parameter;
study2,47: l pore-connectivity parameter;

van Genuchten-Mualem parametric model: In combining eqns (1-1) and (1-2) a general mixed
form of the Richards equation naturally results, viz.,
⎧ ------------------------------

- for ψ < ψa
n m ∂ψ ∂s ( ψ )
s e = ⎨ [ 1 + αψ ] (1-3) R ( s, h ) = S o ⋅ s ( ψ ) ------- + ε -------------- –
⎪ ∂t ∂t (1-8)
⎩1 for ψ ≥ ψa
– ∇ ⋅ { K r ( s )K [ ∇ψ + ( 1 + χ )e ] } – Q = 0


the finite elements, as

which has to be solved either for ψ (and h ) or s . The
retention curves (1-3) or (1-5) can be used to convert h
Ω ≈ Ω ≡ ∪ Ωe (1-12)
one variable to the other (and vice versa), viz., e

s = f(ψ)
(1-9) On any finite-element domain Ω e , the unknown vari-
ψ = f (s) ables and dependent coefficients are replaced by a con-
tinuous approximation that assumes the separability of
space and time, thus
NKP cáåáíÉ= bäÉãÉåí= cçêãìä~J
íáçå h ⎫
ψ ( x i, t ) ≈ ψ ( x i, t ) = N I ( x i )ψ I ( t ) ⎪
⎬ (1-13)
Let Ω ⊂ ℜ and (0, T ) be the spatial and temporal s ( xi, t ) ≈ s ( x i, t ) = N I ( x i )s I ( t ) ⎪

domain, respectively, where D is the number of space
dimension (2 or 3) and T is the final simulation time, and, respectively,
and let Γ denote the boundary of Ω , the weak form of
the mass balance equation (1-1) can be written as K r ( x i, t ) ≈ K r ( x i, t ) = N I ( x i )K r I ( t ) (1-14)

∂ψ ∂s
∫ wSo s ( ψ ) ------
∂t ∫ ∂t ∫
- + wε ----- – q ⋅ ∇w = ∫ wQ – ∫ wqn (1-10) where i = 1, …, D represents coordinate indices,
Ω Ω Ω Ω Γ I = 1, …, M designates nodal indices, M is the total
number of nodes, NI is the nodal basis function, called
and with eqn (1-2) as the trial space, and x i are the Cartesian spatial coordi-
nates. Note that the summation convention is used for
∂ψ ∂s repeated indices. In our study the basis functions N I
∫ wSo s ( ψ ) ------
∂t ∫ ∂t ∫
- + wε ----- + ∇w ⋅ [ K r ( s )K ⋅ ∇ψ ] =
are based on C0 (continuous) piece-wise polynomials
(1-11) that are piecewise-continuously differentiable and
= ∫ wQ – ∫ wqn – ∫ ∇w ⋅ [ Kr ( s )K ⋅ ( 1 + χ )e ] square integrable (but whose second and higher deriva-
Ω Γ Ω tives need not to exist).

where w is a test function and q n corresponds to the Using the Galerkin-based finite element method
normal fluid flux directed positive outward on Γ . where the test function w becomes identical to the trial
space N , eqn (1-11) leads to the following global
In the finite element context a spatial semi-discreti- matrix system of M equations
zation Ω of the continuum domain Ω is achieved by
the union of a set of nonoverlapping subdomains Ω e ,

· fluid and medium compressibility S o relates to the
O ( s ) ⋅ Ψ + B ⋅ s· + K ( s ) ⋅ Ψ – F ( s ) = 0 (1-15)
pressure head ψ . For unsaturated conditions the com-
pressibility effects are usually neglected. However, we
with its components written in indicial notation should mention that the explicit introduction of the S o -
term leads to a non-conservative form with respect to
O IJ ( s ) = ∑ ∫ NI So s ( ψ )δIJ (1-16a) the fluid and medium compressibility. For unsaturated
e Ωe conditions (at an arbitrary negative pressure) the dis-
cretization (1-15) is unconditionally mass-conservative
for a vanishing S o -term only.
B IJ = ∑ ∫ NI εδIJ (1-16b)
e Ωe

∂N I ∂N J NKQ qÉãéçê~ä=aáëÅêÉíáò~íáçå
K IJ ( s ) = ∑ ∫ --------
∂x i r
- K ( s )K ij ---------
∂x j
e Ωe
For stability reasons only implicit (A-stable) time
discretizations are appropriate for the present class of
FI ( s ) = ∑ ∫ NI Q – ∑ ∫ NI qn problems. Otherwise, two-step techniques have to be
e Ωe e Γe preferred for multidimensional problems. For the
∂N I present analysis the fully implicit backward Euler (BE)
–∑ ∫ --------- K r ( s )K ij ( 1 + χ )e j scheme with a first-order accuracy and the semi-
∂x i
e Ωe implicit nondissipative trapezoid rule (TR) with a sec-
ond-order accuracy are enforced.
where the subscripts I, J = 1, …, M denote nodal
indices, i, j = 1, …, D are spatial indices of the Carte- Denoting the time plane by the superscript n , the
sian coordinates, and δ IJ is the Kronecker operator. implicit form of eqn (1-15) reads
The superposed dot means differentiation with respect
to time t . Nonlinearities are shown in parentheses. n+1 · n+1 n+1 n+1 n+1
O(s )⋅Ψ + B ⋅ s· + K(s )⋅Ψ
Note that all matrices connected with time derivatives (1-17)
are lumped. This is virtually mandatory for unsaturated –F ( s ) = 0
problems to ensure smooth and non-oscillatory
solutions4,25. The system of equations (1-15) is highly where the time derivatives are approximated, for the
nonlinear due to the functional dependence of the con- BE scheme, by
stitutive relationships (1-3)-(1-6) for the saturation and
n+1 n n+1 n
the relative conductivity. · n+1 Ψ –Ψ n+1 s –s
Ψ = --------------------------- s· = ----------------------- (1-18)
Δt n Δt n
The discretized form (1-15) of the Richards equa-
tion is based on the mixed formulation (1-8), where the


and for the TR scheme, by NKR mêáã~êó= s~êá~ÄäÉ= pïáíÅÜJ

· n+1 2 n+1 n ·n áåÖ=jÉíÜçÇçäçÖó
Ψ = -------- ( Ψ –Ψ )–Ψ
Δt n
(1-19) To solve the basic matrix system (1-20) one has to
n+1 2 n+1 n n decide which variable of ψ ( h ) or s should be primary.
s· = -------- ( s – s ) – s·
Δt n Commonly, the selection of the primary variable is
done in a static manner and results in a ’fixed’ ψ -, s -
Inserting eqns (1-18) and (1-19) into eqn (1-17) results or ψ – s -modeling strategy, including the limitations
in and drawbacks discussed above. In contrast, primary
variable switching is done dynamically depending on
⎛ σO ( s n + 1 ) the current flow characteristics.
n+1 n+1 ⎞ n+1
R ( Ψ, s ) = ⎜ ------------------------- + K ( s )⎟ ⋅ Ψ
⎝ Δt n ⎠ Let X I be the primary variable associated with node
σB n + 1 I . X I can be either ψ I or s I . Accordingly, we can con-
+ -------- ⋅ s
Δt n sider X as a vector containing the different primary
(1-20) h
σ n ·n variables in the solution space Ω as
) ⋅ ⎛⎝ -------- Ψ + ( σ – 1 )Ψ ⎞⎠
– O(s
Δt n
X ∈ ( Ψ, s ) (1-21)
σ n
– B ⋅ ⎛ -------- s + ( σ – 1 )s· ⎞ – F ( s
n n+1
) = 0
⎝ Δt n ⎠
Hence, the matrix system (1-20) can be written in the
where the weighting factor σ ∈ ( 1, 2 ) is unity for the
BE scheme and 2 for the TR scheme. It represents a R
(X) = 0 (1-22)
variety of unsaturated flow models, including the vari-
able switching technique, in the most general discrete
and solved for X I ( I = 1, …, M ).
form. As seen in eqn (1-20) the second-order TR
scheme is readily available with little extra work. It
The solution of the nonlinear equations (1-22), i.e., the
only differs from the·n
first-order BE scheme by the
n vector of primary variables X , is performed by the
acceleration terms Ψ and s· at the previous time
Newton method, viz.,
plane, and by the factor 2 ⁄ Δt n instead of 1 ⁄ Δt n .
X n+1 n+1 n+1 n+1
J ( Ψτ , sτ )ΔX τ = –Rτ ( Ψ, s ) (1-23a)

with the increment

n+1 n+1 n+1
ΔX τ = Xτ + 1 – Xτ (1-23b)
The Newton approach requires continuous derivatives
ψ s
of the Jacobians J and J with respect to the pressure
and the Jacobian J expressed in indicial notation as head ψ and the saturation s , respectively. In the
present finite element method the variables ψ and s
n+1 n+1 n+1
X n+1 n+1 ∂R I ( Ψ τ , s τ ) are approximated in a continuous manner according to
kçíáÅÉI= íÜÉ= ÇáÑÑÉêJ J IJ ( Ψ τ , sτ ) = --------------------------------------------------- (1-23c)
Éåíá~íáçå=áå=Ñçêã=çÑ ∂X τJ
n+1 (1-13) if occurring as primary variables and the Jacobi-
ENJOPÅF= ÇçÉë= åçí ans are thus derivable. On the other hand, variable
êÉëíêáÅí= íÜÉ= ~ééêç~ÅÜ= íç smoothing is necessary if one determines secondary
áåî~êá~åí= ëçáä= éêçéÉêíáÉëI where τ denotes the iteration number. variables from primary variables using the retention
ÄÉÅ~ìëÉ= íÜÉêÉ= áë= åÉîÉê= ~ curves (1-3) or (1-5) under heterogeneous conditions.
ÇÉêáî~íáçå=ïáíÜ=êÉëéÉÅí=íç=~ The primary variable at any node I is switched for To do so, element material quantities have to be aver-
ëé~íá~ä=ÅççêÇáå~íÉK=qÜáë=áë=~ every Newton iteration τ by using the following aged at nodal patches. In the context of the finite ele-
ÇáëíáåÅí= ~Çî~åí~ÖÉ= çÑ= íÜÉ method13: ment method, the arithmetic mean appears as a natural
î~êá~ÄäÉ= ëïáíÅÜáåÖ= íÉÅÜJ smoothing technique and will be preferred here. Such a
åáèìÉI= ïÜáÅÜ= Å~å= ëçäîÉ= íÜÉ IF ( s τI
≥ tol f ) THEN smoothing technique is analogous to that of deriving
continuous Darcy fluxes in heterogeneous porous
íáçå= î~êá~ÄäÉ= EáÑ= ë= Y= NF= Ñçê n+1
Use ψ τI as primary variable at node I and solve media as described in Diersch and Kolditz10.
ÜÉíÉêçÖÉåÉçìë= ëçáä= é~ê~ãÉJ
the Newton statement (1-23a) as
íÉêëK= få= Åçåíê~ëíI= Åçããçå
Ñçêãìä~íáçåë= áå= íÜÉ= ë~íìê~J The switching tolerances tol f and tol b have to be
ψ n+1 n+1 n+1 n+1
íáçå=Eçê=ï~íÉêJÅçåíÉåíF=Ñçêã J IJ ( Ψ τ , sτ )Δψ τJ = – R τI ( Ψ, s ) (1-24) appropriately chosen. The following requirements are
~êÉ= êÉëíêáÅíÉÇ= íç= ÜçãçÖÉJ necessary
åÉçìë=ëçáä=ÅÜ~ê~ÅíÉêáëíáÅë27K ELSE IF ( s τI
< tol b ) THEN
tol f < 1 tol f ≠ tol b (1-26)
Use s τI as primary variable at node I and solve
the Newton statement (1-23a) as The Jacobians J can be computed either numerically
or analytically. The analytical method is more
J IJ ( Ψ τ
, sτ
)Δs τJ
= – R τI
( Ψ, s ) (1-25) efficient28 and will be preferred in the present study.
While a perturbation scheme such as the one used by
ELSE Forsyth et al.13 requires a pass of 2M evaluations, ana-
lytical derivatives require only a pass of M evaluations.
Do not change primary variable for the node I and The elements of the corresponding Jacobians
solve eqn (1-24) or eqn (1-25) according to the hitherto ψ n+1 n+1 s n+1 n+1
n+1 n+1
J ( Ψ τ , s τ ) of eqn (1-24) and J ( s τ , Ψ τ ) of
selected primary variable ( ψ τI or s τI ). eqn (1-25) are summarized in the Appendices A and B,
respectively. Otherwise, the residual R τI ( Ψ, s ) at the
ENDIF iterate τ and node I is independent of the actually used


primary variables X I and is computed according to eqn

(1-20) in the following way The primary variable switching technique can be
considered as a most general formulation in which pre-
n+1 vious solution strategies are encompassed as special
n+1 ⎛ σO IJ ( s τ ) n+1 ⎞ n+1
– R τI ( Ψ, s ) = – ⎜ ----------------------------- + K IJ ( s τ )⎟ ⋅ ψ τJ cases. Taking the pressure head ψ as primary variable,
⎝ Δt n ⎠
omitting for simplicity the compressibility term O ( S o )
σB IJ n + 1 and considering only the fully implicit BE scheme, we
– ----------- ⋅ s τJ
Δt n (1-27) obtain from eqns (1-24) and (A1)
σ n ·n
⋅ ⎛ -------- ψ J + ( σ – 1 )ψ J⎞
+ O IJ ( s τ )
⎝ Δt n ⎠ n+1 n+1 n+1
⎛ n + 1 ∂K ( s τ ) B ∂s τ ∂F ( s τ )⎞ n + 1 n+1
⎜ K + Ψ τ ----------------------- -⎟ ( Ψ τ + 1 – Ψ τ ) =
- + -------- ----------------- – -----------------------
σ n n+1 Δt n+1 n+1
+ B IJ ⋅ ⎛ -------- s J + ( σ – 1 )s· J⎞ + F I ( s τ )
n n+1 ⎝ ⎠
∂Ψ τ n ∂Ψ
τ ∂Ψ τ
⎝ Δt n ⎠
n+1 B n+1 n n+1
= – KΨ τ – -------- ( s τ – s ) + F ( sτ )
Δt n (1-30)
It has to be noticed here that the variable switching
is generally nodewise. This carries consequences in the
finite element assembly technique used to construct the
X which is the Newton scheme of the mixed ψ – s -form
Jacobian J . Traditionally, the assembling process is
of the Richards equation16,28. Furthermore, the modi-
performed by
fied Picard scheme for the mixed ψ – s -form of the
Richards equation4 can be deduced from eqn (1-30) by
J IJ = ∑ ∫ { … } ∀I, ∀J (1-28) dropping the partial Jacobians of the 2nd and 4th term
e Ωe of the left-hand side of eqn (1-30), yielding

in an elementwise fashion where the nodal contribu- B- n + 1⎞ n + 1

⎛ K + ------- B n+1 n+1 B n+1 n n+1
C Ψ = -------- C τ Ψ τ – -------- ( s τ – s ) + F ( sτ )
tions are added in the global matrix. This can no longer ⎝ Δt n τ ⎠ τ + 1 Δt n Δt n
be done if the primary variables appear in a mixed (1-31)
manner in a mesh. If the primary variables are not of
the same kind at a current stage, the following node-
wise assembly is required with the moisture capacity (A7)
n+1 n+1 n+1
Cτ = ∂s τ ⁄ ∂Ψ τ
. Finally, the common ψ -based
J IJ = ∑ ∑ ∫ { … } I, ∀J (1-29) form is easily obtained from eqn (1-31) if the saturation
terms of the right-hand side are expressed by their
I e ∈ ηI Ωe
derivatives with respect to the pressure head:
n+1 n n+1 n+1 n
sτ – s = Cτ ( Ψτ –Ψ )
where the contributions from an adjacent element patch
η I to a node I are added in the global matrix.

B- n + 1⎞ n + 1
⎛ K + ------- B n+1 n n+1 should be performed with a minimum of user-specified
C Ψ = -------- C τ Ψ + F ( s τ ) (1-32)
⎝ Δt n τ ⎠ τ + 1 Δt n control parameters, a fully automatic and adaptive time
selection strategy is useful for the present class of prob-
lems. In this work a predictor-corrector time integrator
While the Newton scheme applied to the primary
is used which was originally introduced by Gresho et
variable switching technique in eqns (1-24) and (1-25)
al.17, subsequently improved by Bixler3, and success-
and to the mixed form (1-30) is quadratically conver-
fully employed for various buoyant groundwater flow
gent, the Picard-type solutions (1-31) and (1-32) pro-
problems5,10. It monitors the solution process via a
vide only a linearly convergent accuracy. One notes
local time truncation error estimation in which the time
here that the matrix systems of the Newton method (1-
step size is cheaply and automatically varied in accor-
24), (1-25) and (1-30) are always unsymmetric, while
dance with temporal accuracy requirements. It has been
the Picard schemes in eqns (1-31) and (1-32) preserve
proven to be a cost-effective and robust procedure in
symmetry of the resulting matrix systems.
that the time step size is increased whenever possible
and decreased only if necessary.
The derivation of the family of unsaturated flow
models presented here clearly differs from the Newton
In the primary variable switching strategy the New-
approach put forward by Paniconi et al.36, Paniconi and
ton method plays a central role. The control of the iter-
Putti37 and Miller et al.30 who started from a ψ -based
ation process with a variable time step size can be
approach in a formal mathematical manner. As a result,
combined in the following unified procedure. It is well-
the second order derivatives of the saturation relation-
known that the Newton scheme converges (with a qua-
ship arising in the computation of the Jacobian appear
dratic convergence rate) if (and only if) a good initial
somewhat questionable from a physical point of view.
guess of the solution is available. In transient situations
this is feasible with a proper adaptation of the time step
size to the evolving flow characteristics. At a given
NKS pçäìíáçå=`çåíêçä time stage, a good initial guess of the solution can
always be obtained provided the time step is suffi-
NKSKN ^Ç~éíáîÉ= éêÉÇáÅíçêJÅçêêÉÅíçê ciently small. Now, it can be argued17 that the required
çåÉJëíÉé= kÉïíçå= Em`lpkF= íáãÉ degree of convergence has to be satisfied in just one
ã~êÅÜáåÖ=ëÅÜÉãÉ full Newton iteration per time step. To do so, the time
discretization error δ can also be used as the Newton
Generally, the control of the solution of the resulting convergence criterion for the iterate τ . This is called
highly nonlinear matrix systems (1-24) and (1-25) is a the one-step Newton method where δ can be seen as an
tricky matter. Both the choice of the time step size Δt n overall error parameter aiming at keeping the time dis-
and the iteration control of the Newton scheme signifi- cretization error small.
cantly influence the success and the efficiency of the
simulation. Given that the overall solution process For the primary variable switching technique the


Note here that, since X·

proposed PCOSN time marching scheme consists of is required, the AB formula
the following main working steps: cannot be applied before the second step ( n = 1 ). The
prediction has to be started with the FE procedure,
where X· is available from eqns (1-33) and (1-34). The
STEP 0: Initialization ·0 0
Compute the initial acceleration vectors Ψ and s· subscript p indicates the predictor values at the new
from eqn (1-17) as time plane n + 1 . In the one-step Newton procedure
(i.e., τ = 1 ) the resulting nonlinear matrix equations
0 0 ·0 0 0 0 (1-24) and (1-25) are linearized by using the corre-
[ O ( s ) + BC ] ⋅ Ψ = – K ( s ) ⋅ Ψ + F ( s ) (1-33)
sponding predictors. Accordingly, the Newton iterates
are taken as
and with
n+1 n+1 n+1 n+1
0 0 · 0
Ψτ = Ψp sτ = sp (1-37)
s· = C ⋅ Ψ (1-34)

0 STEP 2: Corrector solutions

where C is the initial moisture capacity vector accord-
0 0 Depending on the primary variable switching criteria
ing to eqn (A7), Ψ and s are the initial distributions
stated above the following matrix systems (1-24), (1-
of the pressure head ψ and the saturation s , respec-
25) arise
tively. Furthermore, we choose an initial time step size
Δt 0 . ψ n+1 n+1 n+1 n+1
J IJ ( Ψ p , sp )Δψ pJ = – R pI ( Ψ, s )
STEP 1: Predictor solutions n+1 n+1 n+1
Δψ pJ = ψJ – ψ pJ
Explicit schemes of first and second order accuracy in
time provide appropriate predictor solutions for the pri- n+1
mary variable X
(either Ψ
or s
) at the new to solve the pressure head Ψ or
time plane n + 1 . We use either the first-order accurate s n+1 n+1 n+1 n+1
forward Euler (FE) scheme J IJ ( Ψ p , sp )Δs pJ = – R pI ( Ψ, s )
n+1 n+1 n+1
Δs pJ = sJ – s pJ
= X + Δt n X ·n (1-35)
to solve the saturation s , where the (predicted)
or the second-order accurate Adams-Bashforth (AB) residual Rp
in eqns (1-38) and (1-39) is also evalu-
scheme ated by using the predictor solutions Ψp
n+1 n+1
and s p
applied to the τ -terms in eqn (1-27). Note that the pre-
n Δt n Δt n Δt n n – 1 dictor of the FE (1-35) is used for the BE ( σ = 1 ) and
= X + -------- ⎛⎝ 2 + ---------------⎞⎠ X· – --------------- X·
n+1 n
Xp (1-36)
2 Δt n – 1 Δt n – 1 that the predictor of the AB (1-36) is used for the TR
( σ = 2 ) in eqns (1-38) and (1-39). Accordingly, the

predictor-corrector solutions will be called FE/BE and
AB/TR scheme, respectively. Appropriate error norms are applied for the vector
d . Commonly, the weighted RMS L 2 error norm
STEP 3: Updated accelerations
In preparing the data for the next time step the new 1⁄2
⎛ M n + 1 2⎞
1- ⎜ dI
acceleration vectors X·
- ⎟
M⎜∑ n + 1 ⎟
are computed for the FE d L2 = ---- ------------ (1-43)
⎝ I max ⎠

n+1 n+1 n
= -------- ( X –X ) (1-40) and the maximum L ∞ error norm
Δt n

n+1 1 - n+1
d L∞ = ------------ max d I (1-44)
by using the BE (1-18) and for the AB n+1
X max I

X· – X ) – X·
n+1 n+1 n n n+1
= -------- ( X are chosen, where X max is the maximum value of the
Δt n (1-41)
current primary variable detected at the time plane
Δt n – 1 ⎛ X n + 1 – X n⎞ Δt n ⎛ X n – X n – 1⎞ n + 1 , and used to normalize the solution vector.
X· = ----------------------------- ⎜ --------------------------⎟ + ----------------------------- ⎜ --------------------------⎟
Δt n + Δt n – 1 ⎝ Δt n ⎠ Δt n + Δt n – 1 ⎝ Δt n – 1 ⎠
STEP 5: Tactic of time stepping
The new provisional time step size can be computed by
means of the error estimates (1-42a), (1-43), (1-44), the
by modifying the TR (1-19) according to Bixler3.
current time step size Δt n , and a user-specified error
tolerance δ as17
STEP 4: Error estimation
The local truncation error of the approximate equations
⎛ 1⁄λ
depends on the predicted Xp
and corrected X
n+1 δ -⎞ ⎫
Δt n + 1 = Δt n ⎜ --------------------- ⎟ ⎪
solutions. For the FE/BE and the AB/TR the error esti- ⎝ d n + 1 L p⎠ ⎪
mation yields17 ⎪

n+1 n+1 n+1
λ = { 23 for

d = φ(X – Xp ) (1-42a) ⎪

with p = { ∞2 for
RMS error norm

maximum error norm ⎭

⎧ 1--- for FE/BE

⎪2 The following criteria are used to monitor the progress

φ = ⎨ --------------------------------
- for AB/TR (1-42b) of the solution:
⎪ Δt n – 1⎞ 1. If

⎪ 3 1 + -------------- -
⎩ ⎝ Δt n ⎠


Δt n + 1 ≥ Δt n (1-46a) have shown to be useful. Firstly, the time step should

not exceed a maximum measure, i.e., Δt n ≤ Δt . Sec-
n+1 ondly, the rate for changing the time step size
the current solution X is accurate within the error
Ξ = Δt n + 1 ⁄ Δt n has also to be limited, i.e., Ξ ≤ Ξ max
bound defined by δ and the increase of the time step is
(say 2 or 3). This can help prevent inefficient oscilla-
always accepted.
tions in time step size prediction.
2. If
The one-step Newton method embedded in the pre-
ζΔt n ≤ Δt n + 1 < Δt n (1-46b)
dictor-corrector schemes (FE/BE or AB/TR) requires
the construction and solution of just one linear(ized)
system per time step. The unsymmetric linear systems
where ζ is typically 0.85, the solution X is (1-38) or (1-39) are solved via a BiCGSTAB iterative
accepted but the time step size is not changed, i.e., solver46 preconditioned by an incomplete Crout decom-
Δt n + 1 = Δt n . position scheme. The preconditioning process automat-
ically provides a suited scaling of the final matrix
3. If system. Otherwise, taking the predictor solutions (1-
35) or (1-36) the derivative terms (A7) and (B7),
Δt n + 1 < ζΔt n (1-46c) namely the moisture capacity and inverse moisture
capacity terms, respectively, are easily computed by
the solution X cannot be accepted within the chord slope approximations as summarized in Appen-
required error tolerance δ and has to be rejected. The dix C.
proposed new time step size (1-45) is reduced accord- It should be emphasized that the proposed PCOSN
ing to5 technique controls the overall temporal discretization
error via the tolerance δ . At the same time, δ is
Δt n ⎛
2 enforced as a convergence limit for the Newton
reduced δ -⎞
Δt n = --------------- ⎜ --------------------- ⎟ (1-46d) method. This error-controlled solution strategy is very
Δt n + 1 ⎝ d 1 ⎠ n +
Lp different from the target-based time step selection tech-
nique which is discussed next.
and the solution is repeated for the time plane n + 1
with Δt n = Δt n .
NKSKO q~êÖÉíJÄ~ëÉÇ= Ñìää= kÉïíçå
It is important to note that the error tolerance δ is the Eq_ckF=íáãÉ=ëíÉééáåÖ=ëÅÜÉãÉ
only user-specified parameter to control the entire solu-
tion process. The starting-up phase is still influenced Such type of solution strategy is often used in mul-
by the initial time step Δt 0 which should be kept small. tiphase flow simulation12,24. Applying this technique to
In practice two further constraints for the time step size unsaturated flow problems Forsyth et al.13 reported a

significant increase in performance compared to com-
mon (Picard iteration) solution strategies (e.g., up to 10 and where d τ L p can be used as a RMS ( p = 2 , eqn
times faster). In that work the only criterion is the New- (1-43)) or maximum ( p = ∞ , eqn (1-44)) error norm.
ton convergence for a possibly large time step size. The
step size is determined from a desired change in the STEP 2: Tactic of time stepping at successful Newton
variable per time step given by user-specified targets. convergence
The target change parameters are often chosen very If Newton iterations have converged a new provisional
large to get aggressive time step sizes. The procedure is step size Δt n + 1 can be computed in the following way:
carried out in the following steps:
Δt n + 1 = Ξ ⋅ Δt n (1-50)
STEP 1: Perform Newton iteration
With a given time step size Δt n at time plane n (at ini- where Ξ is a time step multiplier. The latter is deter-
tial time we start with a sufficiently small Δt 0 ) we mined by the minimum ratio of prescribed target
solve for the new Newton iteration τ + 1 either change parameters DXWISH (DSWISH for the satura-
n+1 n+1
tion s and DPWISH for the pressure head Ψ )
ψ n+1 n+1 n+1 n+1
J ( Ψτ , sτ )ΔΨ τ = –Rτ ( Ψ, s ) to the Newton correction, namely
n+1 n+1 n+1
ΔΨ τ = Ψτ + 1 – Ψτ
Ξ = min -------------------------------
n+1 n
I X τ + 1, I – X I
for the pressure head Ψτ + 1 or

s n+1 n+1 n+1 n+1 Additionally, it can be useful to constrain both eqn (1-
J ( Ψτ , sτ )Δs τ = –Rτ ( Ψ, s )
(1-48) 50) by a maximum time step size ( Δt n + 1 ≤ Δt max ) and
n+1 n+1 n+1
Δs τ = sτ + 1 – sτ eqn (1-51) by a maximum multiplier
( Ξ ≤ Ξ max = 1.1, …, 5 ).
for the saturation s τ + 1 as primary variable according
to the switching criteria stated above. The Newton iter- STEP 3: Tactic of time stepping if Newton iteration
ations are repeated until a satisfactory convergence is fails
achieved, such as The convergence criterion for the Newton method is
given by eqn (1-49a). If the Newton scheme does not
dτ <δ (1-49a)
converge within a maximum number of nonlinear itera-
tions τ ≤ ITMAX (say 12) the current time step has to
with be rejected. A reduced time step size is then computed
n+1 n+1 n+1
dτ = Xτ + 1 – Xτ (1-49b)

n+1 n+1
reduced (X ) , cf. eqns (1-42a), (1-43) and (1-44).
– Xp
Δt n = Δt n ⁄ TDIV (1-52)
The advantage of the PCOSN is that it controls both the
truncation and the iteration errors by only one user-
and the solution process is restarted for the current time specified tolerance δ . To make the TBFN comparable
plane n + 1 , but with Δt n = Δt n . The time step to the PCOSN scheme we use an equivalent deviatory
divider TDIV is usually 2 (sometimes a larger value, e. n+1 n+1 n+1
error norm d τ L p as a function of ( X τ + 1 – X τ ),
g. 10, can be useful). Additionally, the behavior of the cf. eqns (1-49a) and (1-49b). Such a convergence crite-
residual Rτ ( Ψ, s ) can be monitored during the itera- rion represents a standard test and is commonly used
tions. Taking a RMS norm of the residuals at the cur- for Newton methods11.
n+1 n+1
rent R τ L 2 and previous stages R τ – 1 L 2 the
iterative process is interrupted as soon as the residual Other convergence criteria can sometimes be useful.
n+1 n+1 n+1
stops to decrease Rτ L 2 ≥ R τ – 1 L 2 at a certain iter- Instead of the deviatory error estimate d τ L p , the
ate ( τ > 1 ). n+1
residual R τ L p may be directly controlled. It repre-
sents a direct measure of the global mass balance error
In the TBFN technique the step size is controlled so after terminating the Newton iteration. For instance one
that the Newton corrections hit, or are less than, the tar- can enforce the condition
get change parameters DXWISH. It makes use of the
fact that the formulation is mass-conservative for an n+1
Rτ < δ2 F
Lp Lp
arbitrary implicit time step size. Indeed, this aggressive
time stepping control can be very efficient in finding
steady-state solutions, if such solutions exist. But in where a second tolerance δ 2 is introduced and an
transient situations, it appears as an error-prone strat- appropriate normalization of the residual (here with
egy in a potential lacking of temporal accuracy, regard- respect to the external supply F ) is required. Such
less of the good mass-conservative properties of the a convergence control would mean that the one-step
scheme. In the examples shown below we shall see Newton approach is no more applicable and that the
partly significant differences between the results of the predictor-corrector scheme has to be controlled by both
PCOSN and TBFN schemes. δ and δ 2 , where δ measures the temporal discretiza-
tion error and δ 2 measures the global mass balance
error. More than one iteration (we need at least two
NKSKP `çåîÉêÖÉåÅÉ=ÅêáíÉêáçå steps) is then required per time step, making the predic-
tor-corrector technique less attractive. Unlike the
An important aspect of the iterative solution via the PCOSN, the TBFN technique has only one control
PCOSN and TBFN schemes is the choice of an appro- statement (1-49a) and, of course, it is easy to replace
priate convergence criterion. The one-step Newton (1-49a) by (1-53).
approach of the PCOSN assumes a deviatory (change)
error measure d
n+1 In the present study we do not use the condition (1-
L p which is a function of

53). We shall show that the d τ L p error norms are evaluation point is shifted upstream in an element. This
sufficient, at least for the examples considered, to technique is different from upwind methods commonly
ensure the overall evolution of the nonlinear process used for convection-diffusion equations7.
under a small global mass balance error R τ L2 .
Additionally, we shall observe Rτ L 2 in our exam- Different approaches exist in unsaturated flow mod-
ples and give estimates of the RMS-based integral eling for the representation of material properties. For-
(total) mass balance error TMBE ( T ) at the final simula- syth and Kropinski14, Simunek et al.42 or Oldenburg
tion time T in the form and Pruess34 prefer a nodal representation, where mate-
rial interfaces do not coincide with element boundaries
T and elemental properties have to be averaged. In such
∫ Rτ ( t ) L2
dt an approach upstream weighting points for evaluating
the relative conductivity K r can be directly located
TMBE ( T ) = t------------------------------------
=0 - (1-54)
T between adjacent nodes. Such schemes have proven to
∫ F(t) L 2 dt be unconditionally monotone14.
The present upstream weighting method is based on
Eqn (1-54) measures the ’accumulated loss’ of mass an elemental representation of material properties. We
with respect to the total external supply over the entire use the following simple procedure to find appropriate
simulation period (0, T ). It is an important error mea- upstream weighting points at an element level. In the
sure to assess the results of long-term simulations, e.g., examples studied below the usefulness and success of
simulations where small residuals are accumulated this technique will be shown. A theoretical proof of
over long time periods. unconditional monotonicity is, however, beyond the
scope of this paper.

A central weighting is equivalent to the influence

NKT réëíêÉ~ã=tÉáÖÜíáåÖ coefficient method using a linear combination of nodal
parameters according to eqn (1-14), where the nodal
Forsyth and Kropinski14 pointed out the necessity of
basis functions N I ( x i ) = NI ( ξ, η, ζ ) are evaluated at the
upstream weighting in unsaturated-saturated problems
element centroid ( ξ = η = ζ = 0 ); ξ , η , and ζ repre-
to avoid spurious local maxima and minima at coarse
sent local coordinates of the finite element. Instead of
mesh sizes. Monotonicity considerations were applied
using the central position, we select an upstream posi-
to find appropriate evaluation points for the relative
tion ( ξ̃, η̃, ζ̃ ) for computing the relative conductivity
conductivity terms depending on the sign of potential
via eqn (1-14). The evaluation point ( ξ̃, η̃, ζ̃ ) is used
differences along discrete spans (element edges).
for Gauss integration of the matrix terms (1-16c) and
While a central (standard) weighting results from an
(1-16d) and is similar to the Gauss-point-based upwind
average of the relative conductivity at the centroids of
technique proposed by Hughes21. To determine the
elements, an upstream weighting is obtained if the

upstream local coordinates ( ξ̃, η̃, ζ̃ ) in 2D and 3D ele- s I ( t ) (or pressure head ψ I ( t ) ). With the upstream point
ments the following method is applied. ( ξ̃, η̃, ζ̃ ) the relative conductivity Kr is evaluated only
along element edges. For instance, considering the situ-
Based on the predicted pressure head Ψ p (or ation in Fig. 1.1 for a 2D isoparametric finite element,
n+1 e
Ψτ for the TBFN scheme) a specific flux can be η̃ is -1 and K r , from eqn (1-56), becomes independent
e e e
computed at a central position of an element e of nodes 3 and 4, viz., K r = [ ( 1 – ξ̃ )K r1 + ( 1 + ξ̃ )K r2 ] ⁄ 2 .

n+1 n+1
ve = – ∇N I ( 0, 0, 0 ) ⋅ [ ψ pI + ( 1 + χ )e I ] (1-55)
NKU páãìä~íáçåë
and, the trajectory of the vector can be easily ve
The following examples are used to benchmark the
found. Along the trajectory, in the upstream direction,
primary variable switching technique combined with
the upstream position ( ξ̃, η̃, ζ̃ ) is set at the intersection
the PCOSN time marching procedure against tradi-
with the element border (Fig. 1.1).
tional and alternative solution strategies. Its efficiency
is demonstrated by means of applications where other
4 schemes fail or run eventually into difficulties. The
control parameters enforced in these examples are the
primary variable switching tolerances (1-26)13
v en+1
tol f = 0.99

ξ tol b = 0.89

( ξ̃, η̃ = – 1 )
1 and the tolerance δ encompassing both the time trun-
cation error measure and the Newton convergence cri-
Figure 1.1 Upstream local coordinates ( ξ̃, η̃ ) terion is
in a 2D finite element.
δ = 10 (1-58)

For the element level e the relative conductivity

using the RMS error norm (1-43) as the default options.
K r ( x i, t ) = ∪ K r ( x i, t ) is evaluated at the upstream point as

Exceptions will be indicated. Since the proposed
e e schemes are mass-conservative the balance error is a
K r ( x i, t ) = N I ( ξ̃, η̃, ζ̃ )K rI ( t ) (1-56)
function of the error tolerance δ . This parameter is
very important, but its significance with respect to
where KrI ( t ) represents the nodal relative conductivi- mass balance should not be over-interpreted. As
ties computed as a function of the nodal saturation already pointed out by Kirkland et al.26 a good mass

balance does not mean that the distribution of mass NKUKN fåÑáäíê~íáçå= áå= ÜçãçÖÉåÉçìë
across the system has been correctly evaluated. This ~åÇ=áåÜçãçÖÉåÉçìë=ëçáä=Åçäìãåë
will be shown in the case of the TBFN time stepping
strategy where the following aggressive target change
parameters NKUKNKN `Éäá~=Éí=~äKÛë=éêçÄäÉã
DSWISH = 0.4 Celia et al.4 introduced a modified Picard method
DPWISH = 4000 kPa for the mixed ( ψ – s -) form of the Richards equation to
study water infiltration in a homogeneous soil column
will be used13. In the TBFN solution technique tempo- with the following parameters41: column length of 1 m,
ral nonlinear discretization errors may occur due to a van Genuchten-Mualem parametric model (1-3), (1-4)
fast-but-coarse time stepping. The total mass balance in using n = 2, (m = 0.5), α = 3.35 1/m, ε = 0.368, s r =
errors will be quantified by the TMBE ( T ) estimate (1- 0.277, and s s = 1.0, isotropic saturated conductivity of
54). 0.922 ⋅ 10 m/s, vanishing compressibility S o ≈ 0 , zero
air-entry pressure head ψ a = 0, constant pressure head
The large target change parameters (1-59) were ψ = -0.75 m at the top and ψ = -10.0 m at the bottom,
used by Forsyth et al.13 to illustrate the robustness of and initial pressure head ψ = -10.0 m. We choose an
the variable switching technique. They did not intend initial time step size of Δt 0 = 10 d. The same spatial
to consider the time truncation errors arising for the discretization characteristics as given in4 are applied,
large time step sizes generated. Clearly, employing where Δz = 0.5 cm (dense grid) and Δz = 2.5 cm
smaller target change parameters would lead to smaller (coarse grid). In4 dense-grid simulations were per-
time step sizes and to reduced time truncation errors. formed with a constant time increment of Δt = 60 s,
But, due to the empirical nature of the control parame- which means their ’best’ solutions for a simulation
ters for the TBFN strategy, an optimal parameter time of 1 day were obtained after 1440 time steps plus
choice is not easy and a normal user would likely tend a number of unreported Picard steps.
to accept a solution at an ’efficient’ time step size as
soon as the solution has converged. Figure 1.2 compares the pressure profiles computed
by the PCOSN scheme with Celia et al.’s solution for
It should be noted that spatial discretization errors the dense grid at a simulation time of 1 day. The agree-
due to mesh effects are not controlled by δ (this would ment is quite perfect if using the standard central
require a fully adaptive solution strategy similar to6 and weighting scheme. Clearly, for this problem an
represents a future challenging problem in unsaturated upstream weighting is numerically not required
flow). Instead, spatial discretization effects are ana- because the central weighting solutions are non-oscilla-
lyzed by comparing different mesh resolutions when- tory. Nevertheless, if applying upstream weighting a
ever available and appropriate. typical phase lead error appears as seen in Fig. 1.2. It is
important to note that the same curves are generated for


both the first-order accurate FE/BE and the second-

order accurate AB/TR PCOSN schemes. Furthermore, Figure 1.3 presents a comparison of the dense and
if relaxing the error bound δ to 10 the FE/BE coarse grid solutions to illustrate spatial discretization
scheme still gives identical results, but the AB/TR effects. As shown, a significant phase lead and a some-
began to fail in producing nonlinear wiggles. what smeared pressure profile result. A similar effect is
also obtained if an inappropriate time stepping is
0 selected as displayed in Fig. 1.4. The TBFN scheme
requires only a small number of Newton steps as sum-
marized in Table 1.2. Solutions were obtained up to
five times faster than the PCOSN and up to eighteen
times faster than the Newton mixed ( ψ – s )-form under
Pressure [kPa]

-40 comparable conditions. The price to pay for that is a

remarkable loss of accuracy (Fig. 1.4). It is important
to indicate that this effect is independent of the Newton
convergence limit δ . We obtained the same leading
Celia et al. –6
PCOSN (central)
curve behavior if decreasing δ (down to 10 ). As
-80 PCOSN (upstream) given in Table 1.2 the TBFN scheme takes 18 time
steps for a constraint of Ξ max = 2 . Only when we
increase the number of time steps (e. g., enforce an
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 unusual constraint of Ξ max = 1.1 ) the accuracy
Depth [m] improves (cf. Fig. 1.4). This clearly indicates that the
error of the TBFN scheme is caused by temporal dis-
Figure 1.2 Pressure profiles at t = 1 day for the dense
cretization, which will be further discussed below.
grid: PCOSN results for central and upstream weighting
(both FE/BE and AB/TR scheme) with error δ = 10
in comparison with Celia et al.’s results4 41.

Alternatively, if we use a Newton mixed ( ψ – s )-

form scheme, cf. eqn (1-30), where the primary vari-
able is always the pressure head ψ , with a FE/BE time
marching strategy the same results as outlined in Fig.
1.2 are obtained. However, compared to the PCOSN
variable switching, more than thrice the number of
Newton steps are required for the same error parameter.
Table 1.1 summarizes the solution effort needed for the
different predictor-corrector schemes and error toler-

0 0

-20 -20

Pressure [kPa]
Pressure [kPa]
-40 -40

-60 -60
dense grid PCOSN
coarse grid TBFN (unconstrained)
-80 -80 TBFN Ξmax = 1.1

-100 -100
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Depth [m] Depth [m]
Figure 1.3 Pressure profiles at t = 1 day computed by the Figure 1.4 Computed pressure profiles at t = 1 day for
PCOSN scheme (central weighting) with error the PCOSN scheme (with δ = 10 ) and the TBFN
–4 –4 –6
δ = 10 for the dense and coarse grid. scheme (using δ = 10 , …, 10 ) at unconstrained
( Ξ max = ∞ ) and constrained ( Ξ max = 1.1 ) time step-
ping; dense grid and central weighting.
The time behavior of the residual error R L2 is
plotted in Fig. 1.5 for the TBFN and PCOSN schemes.
While the PCOSN terminates with errors in the range
–5 –7
of 10 - 5 ⋅ 10 , the TBFN produces R L2 errors
–6 –4
smaller than 10 with the limit of δ = 10 for a
RMS error convergence criterion (1-43). The total
mass balance error TMBE ( T = 1 d ) , eqn (1-54), can be
–3 –4
estimated at O ( 10 ) for the PCOSN and O ( 10 ) for
the TBFN.


Table 1.1 Solution effort needed for the PCOSN variable switching scheme compared to the Newton mixed
(ψ-s-) form solution (dense grid, simulation time 1 day)

Actual time
Scheme Type Weighting Error δ Newton Efficiency
PCOSN FE/BE central 10 437 443 1.
PCOSN FE/BE upstream 10 379 386 .87
PCOSN FE/BE central 10 283 352 .79
PCOSN FE/BE upstream 10 148 151 .34
PCOSN AB/TR central 10 436 580 1.31
PCOSN AB/TR upstream 10 330 355 .80
PCOSN AB/TR central 10 failed failed -
PCOSN AB/TR upstream 10 failed failed -
mixed FE/BE central 10 1406 1556 3.51
mixed FE/BE upstream 10 1270 1353 3.05
mixed FE/BE central 10 430 477 1.08
mixed FE/BE upstream 10 388 431 .97

*) Including rejected steps


Table 1.2 Solution effort for the TBFN scheme using fully implicit time stepping and central weighting
(dense grid, simulation time 1 day)

Constraint Actual time Total Newton Efficiency (Tab.

Error δ Weighting
Ξ max steps steps*) 1.1)
10 ∞ central 8 88 0.2
10 ∞ upstream 5 63 0.14
10 2 central 18 85 0.19
10 2 upstream 18 94 0.21
10 1.1 central 97 263 0.59
10 1.1 upstream 97 309 0.70
10 2 central 18 65 0.15
10 2 upstream 18 70 0.16
10 2 central 18 96 0.22
10 2 upstream 18 120 0.27
10 2 central 18 102 0.23
10 2 upstream 18 143 0.32

*) Including rejected steps


The column is discretized in 170 elements, i.e., Δz = 1

10-3 cm. The initial time step is Δt 0 = 10 d.
TBFN This problem is not particularly difficult to solve,
10-5 since the initial conditions are not very dry. All formu-
lations and schemes were successful. Their results are
[m3 /d]

in good agreement with van Genuchten’s solutions as
shown in Fig. 1.6 for the infiltration period. Differ-


ences between central and upstream weighting are also

10-8 exhibited in Fig. 1.6. To study the merits and solution
efforts of the different numerical schemes for this het-
erogeneous system, let us focus on the saturation pro-
10-10 file computed at the end of the infiltration period (t = 1
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
time t [d] d) under low and extremely high initial suction condi-
Figure 1.5 History of residual error R L for the TBFN tions ψ .
–4 2
and PCOSN schemes with δ = 10 , RMS error conver-
gence criterion (1-43) and central weighting. Using the PCOSN scheme with FE/BE and central
weighting the computed saturation profiles at t = 1 d is
shown in Fig. 1.7 for different ψ . As expected, at very
dry initial conditions the saturation profile remains
NKUKNKO s~å=dÉåìÅÜíÉåÛë=éêçÄäÉã unchanged, proving thus the good conservative proper-
ties of the variable switching technique. Practically any
Van Genuchten44 describes results for moisture arbitrary large value of initial suction can be enforced.
movement in a layered soil. A soil column with a In contrast to this, standard formulations using the
length of 170 cm includes 4 layers: clay loam (0-25 pressure head ψ as primary variable can run into diffi-
cm), loamy sand (25-75 cm), dense material (75-87 culties or completely fail. Especially for very dry con-
cm) and sand (87-170 cm), where the loamy-sand layer ditions there is practically no way to find reasonable
properties change gradually with depth. The initial con- convergent solutions in acceptable times. Figure 1.8
ditions for the flow are given by ψ = -3.5 m. A con- shows the results for both the mixed ( ψ – s )-form with
stant flux is specified at the surface q n = -0.25 m/d for Newton iteration (comparable to eqn (1-30)) and the
t ≤ 1 day (infiltration) and q n = 0.005 m/d for t > 1 day standard ψ -form with Picard iteration and chord slope
(evaporation). At the bottom, a drainage gradient-type 0
approximation. As seen at low suction ( ψ = -3.5 m)
boundary condition of q n = K bottom = 4 m/d is the schemes yield the same results. However, already
imposed . Accordingly, the bottom boundary can freely
8 0
for ψ = -10 m the standard ψ -form reveals mass-con-
drain29. The parameters of the constitutive relations servative problems (phase lag). The phase lag error
(van Genuchten-Mualem model) are fully listed in41. dramatically grows at higher initial suctions as evi-

0 3
denced in Fig. 1.8 for ψ = - 10 m. On the other hand, results (Fig. 1.7). We were not able to find convergent
the conservative mixed ( ψ – s )-form provides better solutions for both the mixed ( ψ – s )-form and the stan-
0 0 3
results, though not without a phase lag error at ψ dard ψ -form at higher suction values ( ψ < – 10 m).
= - 10 m (Fig. 1.8) in comparison to the good PCOSN
t=0 .05
0.25 θr



Depth [m]

0.75 θs

1.00 .65

1.25 .80

1.50 central weighting
upstream weighting

0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6

Moisture content θ [1]
Figure 1.6 Simulated moisture-content profiles ( θ = s ⋅ ε ) during infiltration: present solutions (left) and van Genu-
chten’s results (right), time in days.

A comparison of the PCOSN and the TBFN vari- lead effects in the saturation profile. This is caused by
able switching schemes is given in Fig. 1.9. At low suc- the poorer temporal accuracy of the TBFN scheme
tion values the differences can be seen in the typical which takes a much smaller number of time steps than


the error-controlled PCOSN scheme. However, under

very dry conditions the differences disappear. For ini- 1.0
tial pressure heads smaller than – 10 m the computed
saturation profiles become identical. mixed ψ-s-form
standard ψ-form
Table 1.3 summarizes the solution effort in terms of

Saturation [1]
time steps and number of iterations for different -3.5
schemes depending on the initial suction ψ . The vari- 0.6
able switching techniques (PCOSN and TBFN, col-
umns 2-5 of Table 1.3) were successful for all ψ -10
considered, while the schemes using the pressure head 0.4 -103
ψ as primary variable (mixed Newton ( ψ – s )-form
with both PCOSN and TBFN, and standard Picard ψ -
form, columns 6-11 of Table 1.3) have shown unsuit- 0.2
0 3
able for very dry conditions ψ < – 10 m. The most 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5
Depth [m]
interesting outcomes of these comparisons are the fol-
lowing: Figure 1.8 Saturation distribution at t = 1 day computed by
the Newton mixed ( ψ – s )-form and the standard Picard
1.0 iteration ψ -form (FE/BE, central weighting) with error
–4 0
δ = 10 for various initial pressure heads ψ in [m].

Saturation [1]


-103 -10

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5
Depth [m]
Figure 1.7 Saturation distribution at t = 1 day computed by
the PCOSN scheme (FE/BE, central weighting) with error
–4 0
δ = 10 for various initial pressure heads ψ in [m].

We additionally applied the TBFN technique to the ψ
1.0 primary variable form, omitting the variable switching.
The computational effort dramatically increases by
orders of magnitude (3 to 168 times slower than the
0.8 TBFN with variable switching as indicated by columns
9 vs. 5 of Table 1.3). Similar observations were made

Saturation [1]
-3.5 by Forsyth et al.13. It is interesting to note that the
0.6 advantage of the TBFN scheme with respect to the
computational effort vanishes for the ψ primary vari-
-103 -10
able form (with the targets (1-59)). Here, the PCOSN
PCOSN scheme is comparable or even faster (cf. columns 7 vs.
0.4 TBFN
9 in Table 1.3). However, the TBFN scheme was able
to find convergent solutions for all ψ , but the required
number of Newton steps became extremely large for
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 very dry conditions, unacceptable for practical model-
Depth [m] ing.
Figure 1.9 Comparison of the PCOSN and the TBFN sat-
uration distributions simulated at t = 1 day (FE/BE, cen- For the variable switching technique we found the
tral weighting) with error δ = 10 for various initial following estimates of the total mass balance error
pressure heads ψ in [m]. 0
TMBE ( T = 1 d ) . At lower suction heads ψ , see Tab.
1.3, TMBE ( T = 1 d ) is of O ( 10 ) for the PCOSN and
For variable switching the TBFN scheme is about –5 0
O ( 10 ) for the TBFN. At higher suction heads ψ we
three to five times faster than the PCOSN scheme. –3
found TMBE ( T = 1 d ) of O ( 10 ) for the PCOSN and
Under very dry conditions the TBFN is definitely supe- –4
O ( 10 ) for the TBFN.
rior to PCOSN since the results are virtually equivalent
(cf. Fig. 1.9). It should be recalled that the PCOSN
scheme is driven by controlling the temporal discreti-
zation error while the TBFN scheme is not. The
required number of time steps increases naturally with
decreasing ψ . At the same time, the number of
rejected steps increases so that the overall effort grows
with decreasing ψ .

The power of the variable switching technique

becomes obvious if comparing it with the ψ primary
variable solution under the same time stepping strategy.


Table 1.3 Solution effort for different schemes (simulation time 1 day, FE/BE, central weighting, error
δ = 10 , time constraint Ξ max = 2 )

Variable switching Primary variable ψ

Mixed ( ψ – s )-form,
Standard ψ -form,
Newton, eqn (1-30)
Initial PCOSN TBFN1) Picard,
pressure 1) eqn (1-32)
head ψ
[m] Total Total Total Total Total
Time Time Time Time Time
Newton Newton Newton Newton Picard
steps steps steps steps steps
steps 2) steps 2) steps 2) steps 2) steps 2)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

-3.5 358 360 32 109 634 638 43 292 643 648

-10 676 684 34 171 1824 2112 154 1535 1760 2021
-10 1510 2187 66 580 4202 4792 929 9186 1128 1472

-104 1990 3254 76 673 failed 1247 11535 failed

-10 2180 3858 97 831 failed 1539 14138 failed

-106 2696 4988 115 952 failed 155025 159641 failed

1) Additional time constraint Δt in eqn (1-3) or eqn (1-5)) the medium is at the residual
max = 0.05 d
2) Including rejected steps
saturation s r very rapidly and the mass balance can be
checked without computing the remaining water in the
drained area. The problem is described in Fig. 1.10.
NKUKO aê~áå~ÖÉ=çÑ=~=îÉêó=Åç~êëÉ=ã~íÉJ Due to the large α -parameters the numerical simula-
êá~ä tion becomes difficult for an unsaturated-saturated
modeling approach (in contrast to a much easier free-
The drainage of a very coarse material represents an surface modeling approach as discussed in8). The prob-
interesting and challenging test case. By using a ψ ( s ) - lem is solved by using both the van Genuchten-
curve with no (or negligible) capillarity (very large α Mualem (1-3) and the Brooks-Corey (1-5) constitutive

relationships. The latter offers the advantage to choose ϕ
Q ( t ) = KA ⎛⎝ ----------------------0⎞⎠ (1-61b)
the Kr ( s ) relationship (1-6) independently of the ψ ( s ) - ϕ+L⁄h
curve (1-5).
Table 1.4 lists the analytical results at given relative
In this context an analytical expression for the water
drawdown ϕ . The domain is discretized in 200 quadri-
table descent can be easily derived as
lateral finite elements ( Δz = 6.5 cm), where the origi-
nal problem (Fig. 1.10) can be modelled by a straight
dh h(t) -
K - ------------------ – 18
------ = – --------------------- (1-60) 13-m-long strip. The initial time step is Δt 0 = 10 d.
dt ε ( ss – sr ) h ( t ) + L
For this example the PCOSN scheme with FE/BE
using Ξ max = 2 is selected.
where h ( t ) is the water table elevation.
Initially, the domain is fully saturated at h = 6 m
and compressibility S o initiates the drainage process.
z –4 Using the strong van Genuchten parameters as stated in
K = 10 m/s
h = h0 = 6 m ε = 0.33333 Fig. 1.10 only the variable switching technique was
– 12 successful while the mixed ( ψ – s )-form ran into sig-
at sr S o = 10 1/m nificant convergence difficulties and the standard ψ -
ss = 1 form even completely failed. The computational results
s r = 0.1 for the PCOSN scheme are listed in Table 1.5. The

at ss agreement with the analytical results (Table 1.4) is

h(t) n = 2 quite good. The solution needs a rather large number of
α = 10 1/m Newton steps (6063 for a simulation time of 1 day with
central weighting). However, one can relax (smooth)
x the problem when setting the parameters equivalent to
A=1m a free-surface approach8. In this case we prefer the
L=7m Q(t) Brooks-Corey parametric model (1-5) and (1-6) with
the following ’simplified’ data: α ≈ 1 ⁄ ( Δz ⁄ 2 ) = 31
Figure 1.10 Sketch of the drainage problem. 1/m, n = 1, and κ = 1 . The central weighting solution
with these Brooks-Corey parameters requires 2544
Newton steps for a 1-day simulation. Note that the
Integrating this equation yields reduction of the exponent κ to unity is somewhat arti-
ficial. However, it is acceptable for this water table
ε ( ss – sr ) 0 h(t) problem (see the results presented in Table 1.5 in com-
t = ---------------------- [ h ( 1 – ϕ ) – L ⋅ ln ϕ ] ϕ = --------- (1-61a) parison to the analytical results of Table 1.4).
K h



Table 1.4 Analytical results

ϕ t [d] Q [m3/d] ∫ Q ( t ) dt

1. 0 3.987692 0

.75 .122006 3.380870 .45

.50 .272640 2.592000 .9

.25 .493197 1.524706 1.35

.0372872 1. .267586 1.789

0 ∞ 0 1.8
Table 1.5 Numerical results computed by the PCOSN variable switching technique ( δ = 5 ⋅ 10 , central
and upstream weighting, FE/BE, Ξ max = 2 )

van Genuchten model: Brooks-Corey model:

α = 10 1/m, n = 2 α = 31 1/m, n = 1, κ = 1

central weighting central weighting upstream weighting

t [d]
t t t

Q [m3/d] ∫ Q ( t ) dt Q [m3/d] ∫ Q ( t ) dt Q [m3/d] ∫ Q ( t ) dt

0 0 0
–8 –8 –8 –8
10 3.9876 3.5 ⋅ 10 3.9618 5.2 ⋅ 10 3.9603 4.0 ⋅ 10

.122006 3.3669 .4454 3.2917 .4407 3.2715 .4394

.272640 2.6185 .8884 2.5026 .8783 2.4722 .8722

.493197 1.5803 1.328 1.4703 1.313 1.4434 1.300

1. .3285 1.727 .2742 1.686 .2679 1.665

The upstream weighting was not successful for the van Genuchten-Mualem parametric model. Both the
van Genuchten model. Applying the Brooks-Corey PCOSN and the TBFN scheme are used with δ = 10
model with central and upstream weighting gave com- and Δt 0 = 10 d. Additionally, TBFN is constrained
parable results as listed in Table 1.5. The number of by Ξ max = 2 . The symmetric half of the domain is dis-
Newton steps slightly increased to 2818 for a 1-day cretized in a 50x60 quadrilateral mesh (3111 nodes)
simulation if upstream weighting was applied. according to the spatial discretization used by Kirkland
et al.26 and Forsyth et al.13.
In estimating the TMBE ( T = 1 d ) error (1-54) we
found O ( 10 ) for both the van Genuchten model and qn = 0.5 m/d
the Brooks-Corey model. This estimate is conform to
the mass defects which are detected in the comparisons
of the numerical results of Table 1.5 to the analytical
results of Table 1.4. Sand

NKUKP mÉêÅÜÉÇ=ï~íÉê=í~ÄäÉ=éêçÄäÉã

ψ0 = -500 m

Kirkland et al.26 presented a two-dimensional prob-

lem of a developing perched water table surrounded by
very dry unsaturated conditions. It is a good test prob-
lem to show the variable switching ability in both
unsaturated and saturated zones. The problem is 4m
described in Fig. 1.11. Water infiltrates with a very 5m
large rate into a dry soil at ψ = -500 m and encounters
a clay barrier which allows for the formation of a Figure 1.11 Perched water table problem (modified
perched water table. All boundaries are no flow except from26).
where the infiltration is imposed. The material proper-
ties of the problem are summarized in Table 1.6 for the
Table 1.6 Material properties for the perched water table problem

Material K [m/s] ε [1] s r [1] α [1/m] n [1]

Sand 6.262 ⋅ 10 .3658 .07818 2.80 2.2390
Clay 1.516 ⋅ 10 .4686 .2262 1.04 1.3954


A comparison of the pressure contours at 1 day with Newton iterations and the larger step sizes have to be
Kirkland et al.’s results reveals an acceptable agree- discarded. Oscillations in the step size result in the poor
ment as displayed in Fig. 1.12. The zero pressure con- performance of the TBFN scheme for the present prob-
tours agree quite well while the -4000 kPa isobar lem, whereas the PCOSN solution strategy is not
equivalent of Kirkland et al.’s results is slightly ahead, affected by such oscillations. Apparently, the TBFN
forming a more diffusive vertical pressure front com- strategy can be improved by refining the time stepping
pared to the present solution. The higher sharpness of control (e.g., introducing a multiple set of decision
the present profile is also identified in comparison to parameters). To this end, Forsyth and Simpson12 pro-
Forsyth et al.’s saturation contours (Fig. 1.13). Forsyth posed a manual monitoring via a file-based checking
et al.13 used an aggressive target-based time marching procedure.
scheme similar to the present TBFN method and got
the solution after 120 Newton steps. The present
PCOSN and TBFN schemes needed many more steps
with the given control parameters. This is probably due
to a lack of smoothness in the parametric curves near
full saturation. The variable switching technique for the
PCOSN (FE/BE) technique at central weighting
required 1211 time steps and 1556 Newton steps,
meaning that about 30% of the steps had to be rejected
and repeated. In contrast, the TBFN scheme became
less efficient. Only 582 time steps were needed but the
total number of Newton iterations increased to 3381
steps. Similar results were found for upstream weight-
ing. Pressure and saturation profiles are given in Figs.
1.12 and 1.13, respectively.

As displayed in the time step histories for both

schemes in Fig. 1.14 the TBFN scheme progresses
faster at the beginning, while the PCOSN scheme takes
smaller step sizes due to the temporal discretization
accuracy requirements. As soon as the perched water
table is formed (nodes become saturated) the conver-
gence criterion of the TBFN scheme forces smaller
steps. The aggressive selection strategy leads to a rapid
growth of the provisional time step size. However, the
latter is invariably too large for the convergence of


a) b)
-2.5 -1.5 -0.5 0.5 1.5 2.5
0.0 0.0

-1.0 -1.0

-2.0 -2.0
central weighting
upstream weighting

-3.0 -3.0
-2.5 -1.5 -0.5 0.5 1.5 2.5

Figure 1.12 Simulated pressure contours at t = 1 d: a) present results, PCOSN and TBFN, FE/BE, central and upstream
weighting, pressure contours in [kPa], lengths in [m]; b) Kirkland et al.’s results26, pressure head contours in [cm], lengths
in [cm].

a) b)
0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0
3.0 3.0

2.0 2.0

1.0 1.0
central weighting
upstream weighting

0.0 0.0
0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0

Figure 1.13 Simulated saturation contours at t = 1 d: a) present results, PCOSN and TBFN, FE/BE, central and upstream
weighting, lengths in [m]; b) Forsyth et al.’s results13; - - - one phase, upstream weighting; . . . one phase, central weight-
ing; ____ two phases, upstream weighting, lengths in [cm].


NKUKQ fåÑáäíê~íáçå=áå=~=ä~êÖÉ=Å~áëëçå

10-1 NKUKQKN cçêëóíÜ=Éí=~äKÛë=éêçÄäÉã

10-2 The infiltration process in a large caisson consisting

step size Δtn [d]

of heterogeneous materials at dry initial conditions has

10-3 been thoroughly studied by Forsyth et al.13. We choose
this problem to show the power of the variable switch-
10-4 ing technique and to identify solution differences
TBFN caused by the time stepping and iteration control alter-
10-5 natives. Figure 1.15 presents a schematic view of the
2D cross-sectional problem. All boundaries are imper-
10-6 vious except the infiltration boundary section on top.
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0
Two initial pressure head conditions of ψ = -7.34 m
time t [d] 0
and ψ = -100 m are simulated. Table lists the material
Figure 1.14 Time step histories of the perched water properties used for the different zones of the domain.
table problem for the TBFN and PCOSN schemes (FE/
–4 Both the PCOSN and the TBFN schemes are applied
BE, central weighting) using δ = 10 and –4 –3
Δt 0 = 10 d ( Ξ max = 2 for TBFN); required time
with δ = 10 , Δt 0 = 10 d (TBFN is again con-
steps: 582 (Newton 3381) for TBFN and 1211 (Newton strained by Ξ max = 2 ) with central and upstream
1556) for PCOSN. weighting. Fully implicit FE/BE strategies are selected.
The spatial discretization is 90x21 quadrilateral ele-
The simulations with the PCOSN and TBFN ments (1890 nodes) as in Forsyth et al.13.
schemes give identical results (Figs. 1.12 and 1.13)
because the required step number is sufficiently high Based on the given control parameters the TBFN
and meets the accuracy requirements. Considering the scheme was about four times faster than the PCOSN
results found in the above sections, the differences scheme as indicated in Table 1.8. On the average 3 to 4
between the present and Kirkland et al.’s as well as Newton steps were required for the TBFN strategy at
Forsyth et al.’s results can mainly be attributed to tem- each time step. The PCOSN scheme provided a quite
poral discretization effects. Typically, a smaller step perfect time stepping control without repeated time
number generates a phase lead and a smoother front. steps. The extra costs for the PCOSN scheme are
This will be also confirmed in the following examples. reflected by an increased temporal accuracy, as
required by the error control. The results at 30 days can
The TMBE ( T = 1 d ) balance error (1-54) was found be seen in Figs. 1.16 and 1.17 for ψ = -7.34 m and
–4 –5
to be of O ( 10 ) for the PCOSN and of O ( 10 ) for the ψ = -100 m, respectively, in comparison to Forsyth et
TBFN scheme. al.’s findings13.


Table 1.7 Material properties for Forsyth et al.’s problem (van Genuchten-Mualem parametric model)

Zone K [m/s] ε [1] s r [1] α [1/m] n [1]

1 9.153 ⋅ 10 .3680 .2771 3.34 1.982
2 5.445 ⋅ 10 .3510 .2806 3.63 1.632
3 4.805 ⋅ 10 .3250 .2643 3.45 1.573
4 4.805 ⋅ 10 .3250 .2643 3.45 1.573

Surprisingly, the PCOSN results are rather depart 2.25 m

from the TBFN results, especially for the case qn = 0.02 m/d

0.4 m
ψ = -7.34 m. The saturation front is significantly dif- Zone 1
fused by the ’low-cost’ TBFN simulation using the Zone 2
’aggressive’ control parameters (1-59) while the

0.5 m
PCOSN provides a much steeper saturation profile.
Zone 3
Expectedly, Forsyth et al.’s results13 agree quite well Zone 4

with the poorer TBFN solutions since they performed 1m 2m
an even smaller number of Newton steps (29 steps at
0 0
ψ = -7.34 m and 48 steps at ψ = -100 m, for central

6.5 m
weighting). This example clearly illustrates how far a (1) ψ0 = -7.34 m
seemingly accurate, convergent and efficient solution

(2) ψ0 = -100 m
can be from a more accurate prediction independent of
the use of central and upstream weighting. Control
parameters smaller than (1-59) have to be chosen for
the TBFN to enforce smaller time step sizes and to find
results comparable to the PCOSN. 8m

Figure 1.15 Forsyth et al.’s infiltration problem (modified



Table 1.8 Solution effort for Forsyth et al.’s problem (FE/BE)

0 0
ψ = -7.34 m ψ = -100 m


up- up- up- up-

central central central central
stream stream stream stream

Time steps 199 174 15 15 279 251 16 15

Total Newton steps 200 174 51 67 279 251 69 69

a) b)
0 2 4 6 8

6 6

4 4

2 2
PCOSN, central
PCOSN, upstream
TBFN, central
TBFN, upstream
0 0
0 2 4 6 8
Figure 1.16 Computed saturation contours at t = 30 d, initial pressure head ψ = -7.34 m: a) present solutions by PCOSN
and TBFN, central and upstream weighting, lengths in [m]; b) Forsyth et al.’s results13; - - - one phase, upstream weighting;
. . . one phase, central weighting; ____ two phases, upstream weighting, lengths in [cm].

It is apparent that the present problem is sensitive to splitting each quadrilateral into two triangles followed
discretization errors. The influence of the spatial dis- by a double total refinement into four triangles
cretization is illustrated in Fig. 1.18 for the case (20x89x2x4x4). It shows how a coarse meshing in one
ψ = -100 m. The results of structured coarse meshes direction can lead to phase lag errors and smearing of
(90x21 and 21x90 nodes) are compared to a dense the saturation profiles.
unstructured mesh consisting of 56,960 triangular ele-
ments (28,917 nodes). This dense mesh is generated by

a) b)
0 2 4 6 8

6 6

4 4

2 2
PCOSN, central
PCOSN, upstream
TBFN, central
TBFN, upstream
0 0
0 2 4 6 8
Figure 1.17 Computed saturation contours at t = 30 d, initial pressure head ψ = -100 m: a) present solutions by PCOSN
and TBFN, central and upstream weighting, lengths in [m]; b) Forsyth et al.’s results13; - - - one phase, upstream weight-
ing; . . . one phase, central weighting; ____ two phases, upstream weighting, lengths in [cm].


0 2 4 6 8
TBFN, ψ = -7.34 m
6 6 10-3 0
TBFN, ψ = -100 m
PCOSN, ψ= - 7.34 m
10-4 PCOSN, ψ= - 100 m


L 2 [m /d]
4 4 10-6



2 2

dense mesh
90x21 nodal meshing 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
21x90 nodal meshing time t [d]

0 0
0 2 4 6 8 Figure 1.19 History of residual error R L for the TBFN
–4 2
and PCOSN schemes with δ = 10 , RMS error conver-
Figure 1.18 Influence of spatial discretization, computed gence criterion (1-43), central weighting and 90x21 mesh.
saturation contours at t = 30 d, initial pressure head ψ = -
100 m: dense mesh consists of 56,960 triangles and 28,917
nodes, central weighting, PCOSN (FE/BE) scheme with
2507 implicit time steps and 3596 Newton steps, lengths in
NKUKQKO cçêëóíÜ=~åÇ=hêçéáåëâáÛë=éêçÄäÉã

Forsyth and Kropinski14 modified the above infiltra-

The history of the residual error R L2 depending on tion problem of Fig. 1.15 by increasing the pore size
the selected time stepping schemes and the initial pres- distribution index n to 5 for the zones 3 and 4. The
sure head ψ is plotted in Fig. 1.28. The one-step New- other parameters remain unchanged and correspond to
ton scheme (PCOSN) terminates with errors of Table . This increase of n makes the capillary pressure
O ( 10 ) while the TBFN is, at least, one order better. curve very flat at intermediate saturation values and
This naturally results from the full Newton technique spurious local maxima and minima can result for
incorporated in the TBFN, where, at least, two iteration coarse meshes. This is shown in Fig. 1.20 for a struc-
steps are performed and convergence in the residuals tured 90x21 nodal meshing and a central weighting.
R L is quadratic. Accordingly, we estimate a The comparison with Forsyth and Kropinski14 indicates
2 –5
TMBE ( T = 30 d ) of O ( 10 ) for the PCOSN and of mesh effects. Although using the same mesh, differ-
O ( 10 ) for the TBFN. ences at material interfaces and at the bottom of the

caisson are detected. These may result from different file are probably due to the different nodal spacing used
nodal spacing at these locations. The PCOSN required in the present and Forsyth and Kropinski’s14 solutions.
1202 time steps with 2015 Newton steps, whereas the A more appropriate meshing of the problem (i.e.,
TBFN only took 146 time steps and 809 Newton itera- 21x90 instead of 90x21) can considerably improve the
tions. As shown in Fig. 1.20 the reduced stepping by results (Figs. 1.22(a) and 1.22(b)). The solution can be
TBFN leads to smearing and phase lead errors, how- compared to the results obtained with the dense mesh
ever, only for the advanced saturation contours while (28.917 nodes) shown in Fig. 1.23. Sharper saturation
the remaining part is close to the PCOSN results. contours occur at the material interfaces. The medium
becomes fully saturated at the bottom of the caisson
Upstream weighting can be used to damp out the forming a typical saturation ’tongue’. Its size is quite
spurious oscillations in the saturation distributions. sensitive to spatial and temporal discretizations as
Figure 1.21 compares the present upstream solution revealed by the comparison to Fig. 1.22. In contrast,
with Forsyth and Kropinski’s result. The agreement is Forsyth and Kropinski14 predict a lead in the saturation
quite good. Both upstream techniques damp out the pattern (Fig. 1.22(b)).
wiggles appearing in the central weighting solutions
(Fig. 1.20). Differences in the lag of the saturation pro-
a) b)


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Figure 1.20 Saturation contours at t = 30 d, initial pressure head ψ = -100 m, and central weighting: a) present solutions
by PCOSN and TBFN, 90x21 nodal meshing; b) Forsyth and Kropinski’s results14; lengths in [m].


a) b)


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Figure 1.21 Saturation contours at t = 30 d, initial pressure head ψ = -100 m, and upstream weighting: a) present solu-
tions by PCOSN and TBFN, 90x21 nodal meshing; b) Forsyth and Kropinski’s results14; lengths in [m].


a) b)

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Figure 1.22 Saturation contours for refined meshes at t = 30 d, initial pressure head ψ = -100 m, and central weighting: a)
present solutions by PCOSN, 21x90 nodal meshing; b) Forsyth and Kropinski’s results14; lengths in [m].

In checking the mass balance errors TMBE ( T ) , eqn

(1-54), we estimate the same order as indicated in the
above problem of section TMBE ( T = 30 d ) of
–5 –6
O ( 10 ) for the PCOSN and of O ( 10 ) for the TBFN.


solutions, which are of the most practical interest here,

and assuming that there is no bifurcation in the devel-
6 opment of the capillary diversion, the TBFN scheme
seems be the most effective solution technique for this
class of problems.


3 Oldenburg and Pruess34 presented a first numerical

study of a 2D tilted capillary barrier. To find reasonable
2 results they introduced an upstream weighting method.
However, both from the qualitative and quantitative
point of view their results became generally poor and
no agreement with analytical results40 could be
achieved. More recently, Webb48 could improve the
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 steady-state results by using an upstream weighting
technique agreeing well with Ross’ analytical
Figure 1.23 Present saturation contours for the dense mesh
(28,917 nodes) at t = 30 d, initial pressure head ψ = -100 m, prediction . We use Webb’s capillary barrier problem
0 40 48

central weighting, lengths in [m]. to study the capability of the variable switching tech-
nique for both central and upstream weighting.

Webb’s capillary barrier consists of a two (fine over

NKUKR `~éáää~êó=Ä~êêáÉê=ãçÇÉäáåÖ coarse) layer configuration with a total thickness of 1
m. The fine and coarse layers are both 0.5 m thick, and
In unsaturated flow conditions a capillary barrier the dip of the layers is 5% (2.86 ° ). The parameters of
often appears at the contact of a layer of fine soil over- the two layers are summarized in Table 1.9. The infil-
lying a layer of coarse soil34,48. If the layer interface is tration rate at the surface of the domain is 0.0048 m/d.
tilted, moisture infiltrating in the fine layer will be The left boundary is impervious and the right and bot-
diverted and flow down the contact. In practical appli- tom boundaries allow for drainage. This can be done in
cations, a capillary barrier can be built by placing a fine several ways. We attempted different alternatives: con-
layer (e.g., fine sand) over an inclined coarse layer strained point sinks, gradient-type boundary conditions
(e.g., gravel). To simulate capillary barriers numerical and potential-type boundary conditions. In consider-
schemes have to tackle large parameter contrasts, ation of the extreme parameter situation of the fine and
highly exaggerated and distorted geometries as well as coarse layers (cf. Table 1.9) we found a better conver-
very dry initial conditions. Focusing on steady-state gence behavior for a potential-type boundary condi-

tions, where the hydraulic head h is imposed. Since the
α -parameter of the coarse layer is very large the influ- Surprisingly, the TBFN scheme ran into significant
ence of the location of the water table (the ψ = 0 con- convergence difficulties. The reason is that a fully satu-
dition) cannot be significant. It is thus sufficient to set rated zone is quickly formed in the upper layer along
the water table at the right lower corner of the domain the material interface. Such a situation is similar to the
(at z = 0 ) and prescribe a h = 0 Dirichlet boundary perched water problem previously studied in section
condition along the bottom and the right boundaries. In 1.8.3 where the PCOSN scheme became superior to the
accordance with these boundary conditions a corre- TBFN. For the present problem successful solutions
sponding hydrostatic initial condition is assumed, i.e., a were obtained by PCOSN running over a time period
vertical linear distribution of h in the range from 0 to - of 100 days. At this time, the flow budget has reached
6 m. This results in averaged initial saturations s of equilibrium and the capillary diversion effect has set-
0.394872 for the fine layer and 0.02864 for the coarse tled down. Due to the sharp parameter contrasts we
layer which is very close to the residual saturations s r select for this task the maximum error norm (1-44)
(cf. Table 1.9). The model domain is appropriately dis- instead of the integral RMS norm (1-43). Here, an error
cretized in quadrilateral elements as displayed in Fig. tolerance of δ = 10 turned out to be sufficient.
1.24. At the layer contact the element thickness is
0.005 m, and gradually increases with the distance
from the interface. The implicit time stepping (FE/BE)
was used with Δt 0 = 10 d.
Table 1.9 Material properties for Webb’s capillary barrier problem (van Genuchten-Mualem parametric

Lower layer
Parameter Upper layer (fine)

ε [1] 0.39 0.42

K [m/s] 2.1 ⋅ 10 0.1

s r [1] 0.394872 0.028571

s s [1] 1. 1.

n [1] 5.74 2.19

α [1/m] 3.9 490.


and quantitative agreement between the analytical and

the numerical results. Note here that Webb’s solution is
based on an upstream weighting scheme. The present

method was able to find solutions for both central and

upstream weighting. As seen in Fig. 1.26 the differ-
ences between upstream and central weighting are rela-
tively small. Upstream weighting damps the slight

oscillations of the downstream velocity field. The

breakthrough point is not significantly affected.

100 m It should be mentioned that the specific advantages

of the variable switching technique disappear in the
Figure 1.24 Model domain and mesh (1472 quadrilater- present capillary barrier problem. Since the initial pres-
als with 1551 nodes) for Webb’s capillary barrier sures remain moderate and since conservation proper-
problem48 (exaggeration 10 : 1). ties do not play a role for computing a steady-state
solution, the classic ψ -based form becomes an effec-
Figure 1.25 exhibits the computed saturation distri- tive alternative. We confirmed the above solutions for
bution at 100 days. It reveals how the saturated zone the ψ -model (1-32), using the predictor-corrector time
has built up along the contact zone in the fine layer stepping scheme for both FE/BE and AB/TR, and with-
while the saturation in the coarse layer remains only out the Newton method.
slightly above the residual saturation. From such a sat-
uration pattern the capillary diversion cannot be identi-
fied. However, the integration of the velocity field in
form of streamlines clearly illustrates the capillary
diversion effects, as shown in Fig. 1.25. The diversion
is maintained up to a certain distance, the diversion
length, past which an amount of water equal to the
infiltration rate enters the coarse layer.

A comparison of the above results with Ross’ ana-

lytical formula40 and the numerical results obtained by
Webb48 can be expressed as a function of the leakage/
infiltration ratio. The theoretical value of the diversion
length determined from Ross’ formula is 32.6 m for the
present parameters (note, Webb48 computed 33.2 m).
As evidenced in Fig. 1.26 there is a good qualitative


Figure 1.25 Computed saturation and streamline patterns for Webb’s capillary
barrier48 (exaggeration 10 : 1).


small as 0.002 m. The left and right vertical boundaries

1.5 are considered impervious. To model free drainage at
the bottom of the domain the gradient-type boundary
condition q n = K bottom = 0.23985 m/d applies


0.5 Ross' formula

Webb's results
present central weighting
present upstream weighting

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Distance [m]

Figure 1.26 Leakage/infiltration ratio in the coarse layer

for both central and upstream weighting compared to
Ross’ analytical formula40 and Webb’s numerical

NKUKRKO cçêëóíÜ=~åÇ=hêçéáåëâáÛë=éêçÄäÉã

A different capillary barrier problem has been

recently considered by Forsyth and Kropinski14. The
problem is described in Fig. 1.27. The material proper-
ties and the initial pressure conditions for the different
layers are given in Table . As indicated the initial con-
ditions are very dry. The infiltration rate at the surface
of the cross-sectional domain is 15 cm/yr. The mesh is
shown in Fig. 1.27. It consists of 5002 quadrilateral lin-
ear elements with 5146 nodes. As seen, the element
size is highly variable in the vertical direction. At the
sand-gravel interface the elements have a thickness as


15 cm/yr


S a nd
3 G r av

z [m]
No Flow

2 Crus
he d Tu

1 No Flow

0 10 20 30 40
x [m]

Figure 1.27 Capillary barrier model domain (modified from14) and mesh (5002 isoparametric bilinear elements with
5146 nodes).

Table 1.10 Material properties and initial pressure for Forsyth and Kropinski’s capillary barrier problem
(van Genuchten-Mualem parametric model)
Zone K [m/s] ε [1] s r [1] α [1/m] n [1] ψ [kPa]
–5 6
Loam 1.668 ⋅ 10 .452 .0752 4.3 1.246 – 10
–5 6
Sand 6.573 ⋅ 10 .345 .046 6.34 1.53 – 10
Gravel 3.502 ⋅ 10 .419 .074 469. 2.57 – 30
–6 10
Crushed tuff 2.776 ⋅ 10 .345 .032 1.43 1.506 – 6 ⋅ 10

We used both the PCOSN and the TBFN scheme required an unacceptable number of time steps. On the
–4 –5
with δ = 10 , Δt 0 = 10 d and Ξ max = 5 . Due to the other hand, the TBFN scheme, not constrained by tem-
extremely dry initial conditions the PCOSN scheme poral discretization error bounds, provided solutions

with a much smaller number of time steps (and Newton criterion took about 5000 time steps (with about 10
steps). total Newton steps) for both the upstream and the cen-
tral weighting. We found the solutions in form of satu-
We ran the problem for a simulation time of 30 ration and streamline patterns as displayed in Figs.
years with the TBFN and applying both the L 2 (1-43) 1.29(a), 1.29(a) and 1.31.
and L ∞ (1-44) error norms for terminating the Newton
iteration. The evolution of the residual error R L2 for Forsyth and Kropinski14 used both central and
both norms is depicted in Fig. 1.28. It reveals that the upstream weighting at two grid resolutions (52x46 and
L 2 criterion produces residuals in the range 10 to 103x92). They predict that the capillary barrier fails
10 [m3/d]. For this case the integral total mass bal-
with a diversion length of about 10 m characterized by
ance error is TMBE ( T = 30 yr ) ≈ 1.2 ⋅ 10 , which can- a saturation distribution as exemplified in Fig. 1.29(b)
not be tolerated. The results for the L ∞ criterion is for upstream weighting and Fig. 1.29(b) for central
better by about one order (cf. Fig. 1.28) and gives weighting with the 52x46 grid.
TMBE ( T = 30 yr ) ≈ 4.7 ⋅ 10 . Accordingly, only the
results obtained under the L ∞ criterion will be dis- The present simulations confirm Forsyth and
cussed. Kropinski’s results14. The computed saturation distri-
butions are displayed for three specific contour levels
100 in Fig. 1.29(a) for the upstream weighting and in Fig.
RMS norm 1.29(a) for the central weighting. Some details are
Maximum norm
depart from Forsyth and Kropinski’s simulations. It can
10-3 be assumed that most of them is caused by different
10-4 boundary conditions. Forsyth and Kropinski imposed a
seepage point on the right-hand side boundary and han-


dled the bottom of the tuff layer as a no-flow boundary,



10-7 however, at a far vertical position. In the present model,

such a seepage point is not imposed and the bottom of
the tuff is fully handled as a free-drain boundary at the
actual position as shown in Fig. 1.27. For the central
weighting (Fig. 1.29(a)) we note a jagged saturation
0 5 10 15
time t [yr]
20 25 30
profile which disappears for upstream weighting (Fig.
1.29(a)). A small strip of lower saturation can be seen
Figure 1.28 History of residual error R L for the RMS along the gravel-tuff interface in both the upstream and
L 2 and maximum L ∞ convergence criteria with
–4 the central solutions. Forsyth and Kropinski found it
δ = 10 and central weighting.
only in their central weighting solution (Fig. 1.29(b)).

The 30-year simulation under the L ∞ convergence



a) b)
0 10 20 30 40
x [m]
Figure 1.29 Simulated saturation patterns at t = 30 yr: a) present solution by TBFN and upstream weighting, b) upstream
weighting solution obtained by Forsyth and Kropinski14.


a) b)
0 10 20 30 40
x [m]
Figure 1.30 Simulated saturation patterns at t = 30 yr: a) present solution by TBFN and central weighting, b) central
weighting solution obtained by Forsyth and Kropinski14.


The streamline patterns in Fig. 1.31 illustrate the breakthrough results from the complex layered struc-
effect of the capillary barrier at the sand-gravel mate- ture of this capillary barrier. The breakthrough curve is
rial interface. Only slight differences exist between slightly ahead for the upstream weighting. An evalua-
upstream and central weighting. The streamlines reveal tion of Ross’ analytical formula40 using the above van
that the diversion length is obviously somewhat larger Genuchten parameter for the sand and gravel zones
than 10 m. Actually, the velocity distribution along the (Table ) gives a diversion length of 17.9 m. This value
bottom of the tuff layer indicate a leakage increase is in good agreement with the present numerical simu-
from zero at about 10 m to the infiltration rate at about lations as seen in Fig. 1.32.
25 m, as depicted in Fig. 1.32. The relatively smooth

a) b)
5 5

4 4

3 3
z [m]

2 2

1 1

0 0
0 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40
x [m] x [m]
Figure 1.31 Simulated streamline patterns at t = 30 yr, TBFN for a) central and b) upstream weighting.

nique can be summarized by the following items. It is

1 • unconditionally mass-conservative,
• very effective and robust for dry initial conditions,
• a Newton-based iteration method with quadratic
convergence representing a ’natural’ approach for

the approximation of highly nonlinear problems
0.6 combined to constrained relationships (primary
and secondary variables), and
0.4 • a general analysis method suitable for single- and
multi-phase flow problems.
0.2 upstream
Ross’ formula The price to be paid for the primary variable switch-
ing technique is in assembling and solving the unsym-
0 metric equation system at each time and Newton step.
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
distance [m] For unsaturated flow the Jacobian can easily be con-
structed in an analytical manner to reduce the computa-
Figure 1.32 Leakage/infiltration ratio in the tuff layer.
tional effort. For the most cases studied, however, the
increased effort in handling the unsymmetric system is
largely compensated by the fast convergence behavior.

Nevertheless, we do not claim to have a panacea for

NKV `äçëìêÉ all variably saturated flow problems. We presented a
wide spectrum of examples to benchmark the tech-
The primary variable switching technique has nique and compare our results with previous findings.
proved to be a powerful and cost-effective solution We found some differences. First of all, the iterative
strategy for unsaturated flow problems. Compared to solution procedure embedded in the primary variable
conventional approaches based on the ψ -form and the switching technique have proved to be of prime impor-
mixed ψ – s -form of the Richards equation, with either tance. We studied both a temporally error-controlled
Picard or Newton iteration, the primary variable predictor-corrector one-step Newton scheme (PCOSN)
switching technique can reduce the solution effort by and a commonly used12,13,14,24 target-based full Newton
orders. More specifically, for very dry initial condi- scheme (TBFN). While the PCOSN satisfies a tempo-
tions, the primary variable switching technique appears ral discretization error at each time (and iteration) step,
as the only practical way to get reasonable solutions. the TBFN is controlled by the Newton convergence cri-
This has been shown in a number of difficult examples. terion only and does not necessarily satisfy a discreti-
The advantages of the primary variable switching tech- zation error. As a result, the PCOSN and the TBFN


schemes can provide different solution behaviors. at very dry initial conditions.
Roughly speaking, the PCOSN needs often more steps,
however, gives more accurate solutions. Its numerical (3) The time marching procedure and iteration control
control is much simpler for practical use. Only one influence significantly the solution efficiency. The
control parameter, the error tolerance δ , has to be spec- adaptive PCOSN scheme satisfies a predefined tempo-
ified. On the other hand, the TBFN often requires a ral discretization bound and usually requires more time
smaller (sometimes a significantly reduced) number of and Newton steps at dry initial conditions than the
steps to accomplish a simulation time. In analyzing the TBFN scheme. Depending on the problem and the con-
discrepancies with the results of Forsyth et al.13 we can trol parameter enforced, the TBFN can be three to six
conclude that the TBFN is somewhat seductive. Allow- times faster than PCOSN (sections,,
ing aggressive step sizes it appears as a fast and rather, and
comfortable procedure. However, in spite of iteration
convergence, TBFN results can possess large time trun- (4) As soon as a fully saturated zone occurs (perched
cation errors, unless the target change parameters, and water table problems) the PCOSN becomes superior
accordingly the step sizes, are kept sufficiently small. and more effective (sections 1.8.2 and 1.8.3), unless a
The selection of these parameters is empirical. In con- more complex time control is used for the TBFN.
trast, the PCOSN results are based on temporal discret-
ization requirements. Considering the examples (5) The TBFN procedure does not guarantee a temporal
analyzed in this work we can draw the following con- accuracy. Resulting errors can be significant and some-
clusions: times larger than spatial discretization effects (see Figs.
1.16, 1.17 and 1.18; Figs. 1.3, 1.4 and 1.9). TBFN sac-
(1) The primary variable switching technique is able to rifices temporal accuracy in favor of accelerated con-
handle any value of (negative) initial pressures. The vergence.
scheme remains mass-conservative for an arbitrary
time step size (see section (6) The time marching schemes are formulated for both
a first-order accurate (FE/BE) and a second-order accu-
(2) The primary variable switching technique provides rate (AB/TR) strategy. For the primary variable switch-
a much better convergence behavior compared to both ing technique we find that the fully implicit FE/BE
the mixed ψ – s -form and the standard ψ -form of the scheme is more robust and should normally be pre-
Richards equation. This is independent of the used time ferred. This is in contrast to a standard ψ -form, where
marching scheme (cf. Table 1.3). The efficiency of the the higher-order AB/TR scheme works very well. In
primary variable switching technique grows with the primary variable switching technique numerical
decreasing initial pressure ψ . The acceleration usually disturbances for the AB/TR scheme can be generated
ranges between 2 and 10, sometimes even more. The by the acceleration vectors X· occurring in both the
primary variable switching technique seems to be the Jacobian and the residual (see eqns (1-20), (A1) and
only practical way to tackle unsaturated flow processes (B1)). To improve the situation and gain further

insights, additional investigations are required for global mass balance control (for sure, one would termi-
higher-order schemes applied to the primary variable nate the Newton iteration only if the residual satisfies
switching technique. the roundoff error). Such a criterion can be simply
incorporated into the TBFN. But for the predictor-cor-
(7) The upstream weighting technique used in this work rector technique, the Newton iteration can no longer be
is easy to implement for the finite element method. It restricted to only one step and, as a result, two user-
can eliminate spurious local maxima and minima in specified tolerances are necessary. This is a subject of
coarse meshes (Figs. 1.20 and 1.21). Upstreaming is further investigations.
associated with a phase lead error which can often be
tolerated with respect to the remaining errors. The above simulations refer to 2D (1D) problems
for which comparable results are available. However,
(8) In simulating capillary barrier problems the situa- the schemes discussed in this paper have been devel-
tion is rather mixed. If the initial pressure is moderate oped for both 2D and 3D applications. The present
there is no need to prefer variable switching since the computations were performed with the FEFLOW®
primary interest is in steady-state solutions. Otherwise, simulator9.
if perched water develops, the convergence behavior is
quite poor for a TBFN iteration strategy and a PCOSN
method becomes more effective. On the other hand, for ^ÅâåçïäÉÇÖÉãÉåíë
very dry conditions with no perched waters the variable
switching technique with the TBFN strategy cannot be The authors thank P. A. Forsyth and a second anony-
beaten (sections and mous reviewer for their suggestions and critical discus-
sion of this work. We thank J. Fuhrmann (Weierstrass
(9) The deviatory convergence criteria in form of L 2 Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics) for
(1-43) and L ∞ (1-44) error norms are basically helpful comments. We are indebted to C. Kaiser
employed in the one-step Newton (PCOSN) scheme. (WASY Ltd.) for his assistance with the analytical
The same criteria are utilized for the TBFN in the solution of capillary barrier problems.
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∂R I ( Ψ τ , s τ )
n+1 n+1 ψ3 ∂N I n + 1 ∂N L n+1
ψ n+1 n+1
J IJ ( Ψ τ , s τ ) = ---------------------------------------------------
J IJ = ∑ ∫ --------
-K N G
∂x i ij J τJ
---------- ψ τL
∂x j
∂ψ τJ e Ωe

ψ1 ψ2 ψ3 ψ4 ψ5 no summation over J
= J IJ + J IJ + J IJ + J IJ – J IJ
∂O IL ( Ψ τ ) σ σO IJ ( s τ )
- -------- ( ψ τL – ψ L ) – ( σ – 1 )ψ· L +
n+1 n n
= ------------------------------- ψ4 n+1
n+1 Δt J IJ = ----------------------------- + K IJ ( Ψ τ ) (A5)
∂ψ τJ n Δt n
∂s τL σ- ∂N I
+ B IL ----------------
- ------- ψ5 n+1
n + 1 Δt (A1) J IJ = – ∑ ∫ --------
- K N ( 1 + χ )G τJ ej (A6)
∂ψ τJ n ∂x i ij J
e Ωe
n + 1 ∂K IL ( s τ ) no summation over J
+ ψ τL ----------------------------
∂ψ τJ
n+1 with
σO IJ ( s τ ) n+1
+ ----------------------------- + K IJ ( Ψ τ )
Δt n n+1
n+1 ∂s ( ψ τJ )
n+1 C τJ = ------------------------ (A7)
∂F I ( s τ ) ∂ψ τJ
– --------------------------
∂ψ τJ and

The partial Jacobians in eqn (A1) are obtained as fol- n+1 ∂K r ( ψ τJ )
lows G τJ = ---------------------------
- (A8)
∂ψ τJ

ψ1 n+1 σ n+1 n ·n
J IJ = ∑ ∫ NI So CτJ δ IJ -------- ( ψ τJ – ψ J ) – ( σ – 1 )ψ J
Δt n
The derivatives C τJ and G τJ are given functions
e Ωe
which can be evaluated either analytically from the
no summation over I and J (A2) parametric models (1-3)-(1-6) or numerically from
chord slope approximations (Appendix C) for the
ψ2 n+1 σ known variables s and ψ at the iterate τ , the node J
J IJ = ∑ ∫ NI εCτJ δ IJ --------
Δt n
(A3) n+1
and the time plane n + 1 . Here, Cτ is the moisture
e Ωe
capacity function known from the standard unsaturated
no summation over I and J

^ééÉåÇáñ=_ s1 σ- n + 1 n ·n
J IJ = ∑ ∫ NI So δIJ -------
Δt n τJ
(ψ – ψ J ) – ( σ – 1 )ψ J (B2)
e Ωe
g~ÅçÄá~å= J =Ñçê=íÜÉ=ë~íìê~íáçå= s =~ë=éêáJ no summation over I and J

s2 σ
J IJ = B IJ -------- (B3)
The derivative of the residual (1-20) with respect to Δt n
the saturation s τ at the new time plane n + 1 and
the current iterate τ yields the following expressions s3 ∂N I n+1 n + 1 ∂N L n + 1
∑ ∫ --------

J IJ = -K N G C τJ ---------- ψ τL (B4)
( I, J, L = 1, …, M ): ∂x i ij J τJ ∂x j
e Ωe
n+1 n+1 n+1
s n+1 n+1 ∂R I ( Ψ τ , s τ ) no summation over J
J IJ ( Ψ τ , sτ ) = ---------------------------------------------------
∂s τJ
s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 n+1
= J IJ + J IJ + J IJ + J IJ – J IJ s4 ⎛ σO IJ ( s τ ) n+1 ⎞ n+1

J IJ = ⎜ ----------------------------- + K IJ ( Ψ τ )⎟ C τJ (B5)
n+1 ⎝ Δt n ⎠
∂O IL ( Ψ τ ) σ
- -------- ( ψ τL – ψ L ) – ( σ – 1 )ψ· L +
n+1 n n
= -------------------------------
∂s τJ
n+1 Δt n no summation over J
+ B IJ --------
Δt n (B1) ∂N I
s5 n+1 n+1
J IJ = – ∑ ∫ --------

n+1 - K N ( 1 + χ )G τJ C τJ e j (B6)
n + 1 ∂K IL ( s τ ) ∂x i ij J
+ ψ τL ----------------------------
- e Ωe
∂s τJ no summation over J
n+1 n+1
⎛ σO IL ( s τ ) n + 1 ⎞ ∂ψ τL
+ ⎜ ------------------------------ + K IL ( Ψ τ )⎟ n + 1-
⎝ Δt n ⎠ ∂s τJ
with the inverse moisture capacity
∂F I ( s τ )
– -------------------------
- n+1
n+1 n+1 ∂ψ ( s τJ ) 1
∂s τJ

C τJ = ------------------------
= -------------
∂s τJ C τJ
The partial Jacobians in eqn (B1) are obtained as fol-
lows which can be either derived analytically from eqns (1-
3) and (1-5) or numerically by using chord slope
approximations (Appendix C). Notice, it is necessary


to use the pressure head ψ instead of the hydraulic

head h to evaluate the moisture capacity functions It can be easily seen that this derivative is nothing more
n+1 n+1 n+1

C τJ and C τJ . Actually, C τJ can also be than the quotient of the acceleration vectors (1-35) for
expressed by h since ∂s ⁄ ∂ψ = ∂s ⁄ ∂h , but the inverse the saturation and the pressure head

moisture capacity C τJ is not simply invertible for h

because ∂ψ ⁄ ∂s = ∂h ⁄ ∂s – ∂z ⁄ ∂s . n
n+1 s· I
C pI = -----n- (C3)

which represents a chord slope approximation of the
`ÜçêÇ=ëäçéÉ=~ééêçñáã~íáçåë=çÑ=ë~íìê~J saturation derivative applied to the first-order accurate
BE scheme.
A corresponding second-order accurate chord slope
In contrast to analytical derivatives in form of the
n+1 n+1 approximation suited for the TR scheme can be simi-

moisture capacity C τ (A7) and its inverse C τ

larly derived using eqn (1-41) as
(B7) chord slope approximations can be useful and
effective. Within the predictor-corrector one-step New- 2 n+1 n 2 n n–1
ton scheme proposed here the derivative terms are n+1 Δt n – 1 ( s pI – s I ) + Δt n ( s I – s I )
C pI = --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 n+1 n 2 n n–1
- (C4)
evaluated by using the predicted solutions (1-35), (1- Δt n – 1 ( ψ pI – ψ I ) + Δt n ( ψ I – ψ I )
36) for the current time plane n + 1 . For instance, a
simple first-order accurate finite difference approxima-
n+1 The chord slope approximations for the inverse mois-
tion of C τ would lead to n+1

ture capacity C pI yield equivalent expressions.

n+1 n
n+1 s τI – s I Note here that limitations exist for the chord slope
C τI = -------------------------
ψ τI – ψ I approximations if the denominator of eqns (C3) and
(C4) tends to zero. Practically, below an absolute mini-
– 18
mum difference tolerance (typically we use 10 for
Since only one iteration per time step is employed for –8
the pressure head and 10 for the saturation) the eval-
the present predictor-corrector one-step Newton tech-
uation of the derivative becomes an analytical (exact)
nique the iterates indicated by the subscript τ can be
replaced by the predictors denoted by the subscript p .
This yields

n+1 n
n+1 s pI – s I
C pI = -------------------------
ψ pI – ψ I



H.-J. G. Diersch
WASY Institute for Water Resources Planning and Systems Research, Berlin, Germany

The present paper aims at a discussion of the numerical
requirements and efforts for the finite-element modeling of Latin symbols
transient free surface(s) flow and transport problems in two
and three dimensions. Following aspects are emphasized: A curve-fitting parameter;
(1) Classic groundwater against unsaturated-saturated mod- B curve-fitting parameter;
eling approaches. (2) Moving mesh approaches versus fixed –3
grid strategies for multi-layered aquifers with their advan- C, C o ML concentration and reference
tages and drawbacks. (3) Generalized boundary and con- concentration of a miscible chemical
straint conditions for flow and transport modeling needed species, respectively;
for a free-surface analysis. (4) Introducing the BASD (Best- C(ψ) L moisture capacity storage;
Adaptation-to-Stratigraphic-Data) technique as a new f s 2 –2 –1
c,c L T Θ specific heat capacity of fluid and
numerical strategy to automatically adapt the location of
water table(s) to all relevant data of a hydro-stratigraphic
solid, respectively;
2 –1
initial structure with parameter discontinuities. (5) Theoreti- D L T tensor of mechanical dispersion;
cal basis of a pseudo-unsaturated modeling approach and its 2 –1
Dd L T molecular diffusion in the porous
limitation. medium;
The impact of the numerical approaches is studied for
selected applications: (i) benchmarking moisture dynamics
e 1 gravitational unit vector;
in homogeneous and layered soils, (ii) drainage experiment, G quantity;
(iii) dam seepage modeling, (iv) benchmarking the mine –2
g LT gravitational acceleration;
flooding for a generic 3D pit geometry, and (v) real-site
h L hydraulic (piezometric) head;
modeling of complex flow and contaminant transport prob-
lems. I 1 unit tensor;
K LT tensor of hydraulic conductivity for
Key words: groundwater, free-surface problems, unsatur- the saturated medium (anisotropy);
ated-saturated porous media, finite-element method, mesh 2
k L tensor of permeability for the
adaptation, moisture movement, dam seepage, mine flood-
saturated medium (anisotropy);
O qêÉ~íãÉåí=çÑ=ÑêÉÉ=ëìêÑ~ÅÉë=áå=Oa=~åÇ=Pa=ÖêçìåÇï~íÉê=ãçÇÉäáåÖ


Kr 1 relative hydraulic conductivity x L Eulerian spatial coordinate vector;

( 0 < K r ≤ 1 , K r = 1 if saturated at z L elevation above a reference datum;
s = 1 ); zs
L elevation vector for slice s and at
m 1 1 – 1 ⁄ n curve-fitting parameter time level n;
(Mualem assumption);
N number of intersections; Greek symbols
Ni finite element shape function at node
i; 3 –1
α L M solutal expansion coefficient;
n 1 normal unit vector (positive
α curve-fitting parameter;
outward); –1
β Θ thermal expansion coefficient;
n 1 n > 1 , pore size distribution index,
approximately in the range β curve-fitting parameter;
1.25 < n < 6 ; β L, β T L longitudinal and transverse
f –1 –2 dispersivity, respectively;
p ML T fluid pressure;
Qh T
fluid flow sink/source; Γ boundary;
–3 –1
bulk mass sink/source; γ L fluid compressibility;
–1 –3
bulk thermal sink/source; Δt n T time increment at level n;
f s
–1 –3
fluid and solid thermal sink/source, δ ij Kronecker operator;
respectively; ε 1 porosity ( 0 < ε ≤ 1 );
q LT Darcy flux vector; εe 1 effective porosity at the free surface;
f f
qn normal flux on a boundary (positive θ 1 s ε , volumetric moisture content
f f
outward); ( 0 < θ ≤ ε , θ = ε if medium is
R, R d 1 retardation and derivative saturated);
retardation, respectively; θr 1 residual volumetric moisture
–1 content;
Ro LT infiltration or evaporation rate on a
free surface; θs 1 saturated volumetric moisture
S areal property; content;
So L
storage coefficient; ϑ T chemical decay rate;
1 saturation of the fluid phase κ 1 curve-fitting parameter;
f f f –3 –1
( 0 < s ≤ 1 , s = 1 if medium is Λ MLT Θ tensor of thermal hydrodynamic
saturated); dispersion of fluid phase;
f f s –3 –1
se 1 effective saturation of fluid; λ,λ MLT Θ thermal conductivity for fluid and
f solid, respectively;
sr 1 residual saturation of fluid;
f f –1 –2
ss 1 maximum saturation of fluid; μ , μo ML T dynamic viscosity and reference
dynamic viscosity of fluid,
T, T o Θ temperature and reference
temperature, respectively;

f f –3
ρ , ρo ML fluid density and reference fluid OKN fåíêçÇìÅíáçå
density, respectively;
s –3
ρ ML solid density; Subsurface flow and transport phenomena involv-
ϒ T final time; ing free surface(s) represent a general and important
φ L skeleton compressibility; class of nonlinear problems. In the past, various
χ adsorption function to describe approaches and computational methods have been
Henry, Freundlich and Langmuir established for solving groundwater free-surface prob-
isotherms; lems in two and three dimensions with more or less
ψ L pressure head ( ψ > 0 saturated success. Most of them are constrained with respect to
medium, ψ≤0 unsaturated the range of application and the practical motivation,
medium); for instance, local-scale dam seepage problems,
Ω domain; regional groundwater flow modeling or moisture
movement in the vadose zone for soil columns have led
to quite different solution strategies1-19. Generally, in
Subscripts modeling free-surface problems two conceptual models
can be chosen: (1) the unsaturated-saturated modeling
a air entry; approach and (2) the fully saturated, water-table, clas-
i property index sic groundwater modeling approach (cf. Fig. 2.1). Each
of them has their advantages and drawbacks. While the
i, j, k nodal indices;
unsaturated-saturated approach involves the inclusion
l intersected layer;
of the entire flow domain in the analysis, the fully satu-
l direction of gravity in the Cartesian
rated approach considers only the domain below the
coordinate system;
free surface where the water table is treated as a mov-
o reference value;
ing material interface.
s slice index;
t time-dependence; From the physical point of view the unsaturated-sat-
urated modeling approach provides the most rigorous
treatment of computing free-surface problems. How-
Superscripts ever, its solution enlarges the computational effort and
has to tackle the strong nonlinearities in the governing
d number of space dimensions; equations for flow and transport. In the numerical solu-
e element; tion process convergence problems can occur, espe-
f fluid (water) phase; cially under dry conditions. Furthermore, in many
engineering applications the data of unsaturated char-
n time level;
acteristics are often not available. For a specific site the
s solid phase;
initial saturation states, capillary pressure and relative


conductivity relationships are data which are often dif- of such dry mesh cells is often heuristic and physically
ficult to obtain. ’incorrect’ and (b) mass transport is to be modeled
because contaminants can be ’frozen’ in ’dry’ cells
a) b) instead of moving according to the water table.
unsaturated zone
included - excluded
The majority of today’s groundwater models for
free surface free surfaces (unconfined, phreatic aquifers) deals with
saturated zone
the fully saturated zones only. Accordingly, it should
seem to be a standard and well-solved task. However,
the practical modeler can still report on a number of
lacks and troubles under real applications. The major
difficulties refer to the following: (1) The free-surface
Figure 2.1 a) Unsaturated-saturated modeling approach problem is mostly solved only in a non-rigorous man-
using a fixed (invariant) mesh, b) fully saturated classic ner, i.e., the kinematic boundary conditions are adapted
water-table modeling approach with a moving (variable) by ad-hoc approaches (e.g. by introducing an auxiliary
‘well-term’) such as done in the widely used package
MODFLOW20. Criticisms were recently summarized
On the other hand, common groundwater water- by Yeh et al.16 and Knupp17. While Yeh16 modeled
table models suffer from a number of limitations. The homogeneous 3D domains for which a moving tech-
conception of free surfaces in groundwater can fail for nique is much simpler, Knupp17 developed an
complex applications, e.g., if there is no coherent water improved moving grid technique for a finite volume
table and free surfaces become highly dynamic and iso- code which allows the computation of regional situa-
lated (trapped or perched water) which often happens if tions at complex stratigraphy and heterogeneous condi-
the water table has a deep location or water utilization tions. However, its proposed algorithm permits motion
(and drainage) in an aquifer system lead to partly dew- of only the upper portion of the grid. (2) Special han-
atered regions while the layers above remains satu- dling is needed if parts of the domain intermediately
rated. Such processes combined with tasks of saltwater become dry. There are different ‘tricks’ to overcome
intrusion or geothermal supply are very difficult to such situations (e.g., frozen cells, converting proce-
solve without an unified unsaturated-saturated flow dures, intermediate deletion of elements). Here is a
approach. Otherwise, mesh adaptation due to free-sur- great influence of ‘dubious’ manipulations in ‘free’
face movement is difficult to control numerically, espe- computer codes. Accordingly, more general techniques
cially for complex aquifer systems with high parameter are required to attain robust, balance-accurate and non-
contrasts and sharp zones of water depression. On the oscillatory solutions. (3) Multiple (more than one) free
other hand, the use of fixed (unmoved) meshes in a surfaces in an aquifer system are often difficult to
conventional groundwater analysis can arise problems tackle. The storage coefficients in the layered system
if (a) parts of the aquifer fall ’dry’ because the handling become strongly dependent on the dynamically wetted


element conditions. (4) The existence of free-surface All developments and computations refer to the inter-
conditions in the context of contaminant mass or heat active groundwater simulation system FEFLOW21.
transport processes, including density effects, forces to
a generalization of the solution strategy.
OKO dçîÉêåáåÖ=bèì~íáçåë
The present paper aims at an unified handling of
free-surface problems both in an unsaturated-saturated The governing equations for the unsaturated-satu-
approach and in the fully saturated modeling approach rated flow, contaminant mass and heat transport are
embodied in one code to get more flexibility and derived from the macroscopic phase-related conserva-
robustness in the numerical solution. The basic formu- tion principles for mass, linear momentum and
lation is based on the balance equations for flow, con- d
energy22. Let Ω t ⊂ ℜ and ( 0, ϒ ) be the spatial and
taminant mass and heat transport in unsaturated- temporal domains respectively, where d is the number
saturated media with density and viscosity coupling of space dimensions (2 or 3), and let Γ t denote the
effects. Related boundary conditions and boundary boundary of Ω t . The subscript t implies the time
constraints are discussed for free surfaces, seepage dependence of the spatial domain (if the domain
faces, ponding and drainage boundaries. The free sur- becomes time-invariant: Ωt → Ω and Γ t → Γ ). The
face and seepage conditions represent kinematic for- spatial and temporal coordinates are denoted by x ∈ Ω t
mulations which lead to a rigorous approach to solve and t ∈ ( 0, ϒ ) . The following nonlinear system finally
the flow and transport equations in the fully saturated results which has to be solved in two and three dimen-
groundwater domain. For these purposes a more gen- sions:
eral moving mesh strategy, called BASD, will be intro-
duced which is capable of computing movable finite f ∂h
[ S o ⋅ s ( ψ ) + ε ⋅ C ( ψ ) ] ------ + ∇ ⋅ q = Q h (2-1)
element meshes in three dimension even under general ∂t
stratigraphic heterogeneous material conditions. The
f f
moving mesh technique is compared with the conven- f ⎛ ρ – ρo ⎞
q = – K r ( s )Kf μ ⎜ ∇h + ---------------
- e⎟ (2-2)
tional fixed grid technique for saturated flow and the ⎝ ρo ⎠
more general unsaturated-saturated modeling
approach. f ∂C f
s ( ψ )R d ( C ) ------- + q ⋅ ∇C – ∇ ⋅ [ ( εs ( ψ )D d I + D ) ⋅ ∇C ] +
The motivation for the developments is in complex f f (2-3)
3D and 2D flow and transport problems in mining and + [ s ( ψ )R ( C )ϑ + Q h ]C = s ( ψ )Q C
water management problems. The impact of the used
strategies will be shown along the moisture movement
in unsaturated homogeneous and layered soils, drain-
age and seepage problems, a generic problem of pit
flooding and in modeling of real-site mining problems.


f f f s s ∂T f f f f s
[ s ( ψ )ερ c + ( 1 – ε )ρ c ] ------ + ρ c q ⋅ ∇T Q T ( ψ ) = s ( ψ )εQ T + ( 1 – ε )Q T (2-5j)
f s (2-4)
– ∇ ⋅ [ ( Λ + ( 1 – ε )λ I ) ⋅ ∇T ] + To solve the nonlinear equations (2-1) to (2-4) for
f f
+ ρ c Qh ( T – To ) = QT ( ψ ) h , q , C , and T under unsaturated-saturated conditions
constitutive relationships for the saturation-dependent
moisture capacity C ( ψ ) and hydraulic conductivity
with the definitions and constitutive relationships f
K r ( s ) have to be specified in form of empirical rela-
tionships for the capillary pressure head-saturation
f f f
p ψ ( s ) , with its inverse s ( ψ ) , and for the relative con-
h = --------- + z = ψ + z (2-5a) f
ρo g ductivities K r ( s ) . The following parametric models
will be preferred23:
S o = εγ + ( 1 – ε )φ (2-5b)
(1) van Genuchten-Mualem model:
∂s ( ψ )
C ( ψ ) = ---------------- (2-5c)
∂ψ ⎧ ------------------------------
f ⎪ m
- for ψ<0
f se = ⎨ [ 1 + Aψ n ] (2-6)
kρ o g ⎪
K = -----------
- (2-5d) ⎩1 for ψ≥0
f 1⎧ 1 m⎫
--- ----
μ0 f 2⎪ f m ⎪
f μ = -------------------
- (2-5e) Kr = ( se ) ⎨ 1 – 1– ( se ) ⎬ (2-7)
μ ( C, T ) ⎪ ⎪
⎩ ⎭
f f
ρ = ρo [ 1 + α ( C – Co ) – β ( T – To ) ] (2-5f)
with the effective saturation of fluid
R ( C ) = ε + ( 1 – ε )χ ( C ) (2-5g) f f f f
f s – sr θ –θ
∂[χ(C) ⋅ C] - = ---------------r-
s e = ------------- (2-8)
R d ( C ) = ε + ( 1 – ε ) ----------------------------- f f f f
∂C ss – sr θs – θr

D = ( β L – β T ) ------------- + β T q I (2-5h) (2) Brooks-Corey model:

f f f f f
Λ = ρ c D + εs ( ψ )λ I (2-5i)


⎧ 1 OKP fåáíá~äI=_çìåÇ~êó=~åÇ=`çåJ
⎪ ------------- for ψ < –1 ⁄ α
se = ⎨ αψ n (2-9) ëíê~áåí=`çåÇáíáçåë

⎩1 for ψ ≥ –1 ⁄ α
OKPKN fåáíá~ä=ÅçåÇáíáçåë
f κ
Kr = ( se ) (2-10) The initial condition on the hydraulic head h , con-
centration C and temperature T are specified on Ω 0 :
(3) Haverkamp model:
h ( x, 0 ) = h 0 ⎫

⎧ α C ( x, 0 ) = C 0 ⎬ (2-13)
f ⎪ -------------------- for ψ<0 ⎪
se = ⎨α + ψ β (2-11) T ( x, 0 ) = T 0 ⎭

⎩1 for ψ≥0
It is obvious due to the above parametric relationships
⎧ A the initial hydraulic head distributions represents at the
⎪ -------------------- for ψ<0
Kr = ⎨ A + ψ B (2-12) same time an alternate initial distribution for the pres-
⎪ sure head ψ , fluid saturation s and the moisture con-
⎩1 for ψ≥0 f
tent θ :

The above strongly nonlinear parametric curves ψ ( x, 0 ) = ψ 0 ⎫

f ⎪
describes the fluid saturation s ( ψ ) and the relative f f ⎪
hydraulic conductivity Kr ( s ( ψ ) ) as a function of the s ( x, 0 ) = s 0 ⎬ (2-14)

pressure head ψ in an unique manner. They are contin- f f
θ ( x, 0 ) = θ 0 ⎪
uous over the entire range of ψ which is an useful fea- ⎭
ture for the numerical implementation. Under saturated
conditions s ≡ 1 the nonlinearities in the parametric
relationships vanish, however, for free-surface condi- OKPKO pí~åÇ~êÇ=ÄçìåÇ~êó=ÅçåÇáíáçåë
tions a nonlinear boundary-value problem remains to
be solved. 1 2
Denoting Γ t and Γ t two disjoint portions of the
1 2
total boundary Γ t = Γ t ⊗ Γ t , the following formula-
tions for boundary conditions (BC’s) are specified for
the Eqn. (2-1) to (2-4),


( a = 0 ) flux-type boundary condition in the form

G = G1 on Γt ⎪
⎬ (2-15) f f
qn + a ( G2 – G ) = b on
Γt ⎪ f ⎛ ρ – ρo ⎞ h
⎭ – K r ( s )Kf μ ⋅ ⎜ ∇h + ---------------
- e⎟ ⋅ n = q n (2-17)
⎝ ρo ⎠

with the normal fluxes

can be sometimes inappropriate, for instance if model-
f f ing a drainage boundary in the vadose zone with a bot-
⎧ ⎛ ρ –ρ ⎞
⎪ – K r ( s f )Kf μ ⋅ ⎜ ∇h + ---------------o- e⎟ ⋅ n tom outflow boundary condition for situations where
⎪ ⎝ f
ρo ⎠ the water table is situated far below the domain of
G ⎪
qn = ⎨ f
(2-16a) interest. Here, a gradient-type boundary condition is
⎪ – [ ( εs ( ψ )D d I + D ) ⋅ ∇C ] ⋅ n often to be preferred24:

⎪ f s
⎩ – [ ( Λ + ( 1 – ε )λ I ) ⋅ ∇T ] ⋅ n f f
⎛ ρ – ρo ⎞ hgrad
– Kf μ ⋅ ⎜ ∇h + ---------------
- e⎟ ⋅ n = q n (2-18)
⎝ ρo ⎠

G = ⎨C (2-16b)
⎪ On such a boundary it can be assumed the pressure gra-
dient diminishes ∇ψ ≈ 0 and since ∇h = ∇ψ + ∇z , Eq.
(2-18) is practically applied in the following form:
1 2
where on Γ t Dirichlet BC occurs and on Γ t a more
general form of a Robin type BC is imposed. If a = 0 a f f
⎛ ρ – ρo ⎞ hgrad
Neumann flux-type BC of 2nd kind results, while for – Kf μ ⋅ ⎜ ∇z + ---------------
- e⎟ ⋅ n = q n (2-19)
⎝ ρo ⎠
b = 0 a common Cauchy BC of 3rd kind is given. In (2-
16a) n corresponds to the normal unit vector (positive
outward), G 1 and G 2 are prescribed boundary values Once ∇z ⋅ n ≠ 0 the boundary freely drains the flow
1 2
for h , C , or T on Γ t and Γ t , respectively. In the domain due to the influence of gravity.
present context some specifications of the boundary
conditions are becoming important which are described
next. OKPKQ cêÉÉ= ëìêÑ~ÅÉ= ÄçìåÇ~êó= ÅçåÇáJ
OKPKP Ûaê~áå~ÖÉÛ= Öê~ÇáÉåíJíóéÉ The incorporation of free surface conditions is per-
ÄçìåÇ~êó=ÅçåÇáíáçåë formed via proper kinematic boundary conditions.
Starting point represents the conservation relationship
Applied to unsaturated problems a Neumann at a macroscopic surface of discontinuity22, the interfa-

cial free surface. It leads finally to the formulation: Since the range of the seepage face is initially unknown
its solution also leads to a nonlinear task. Practically, it
can be solved by applying additional constraint condi-
⎛ R – ε ∂-----h⎞ n = – q h ⎫⎪
⎝ o e ∂t ⎠ l n
(2-20) tions on the boundary which will be described further

⎪ below. Commonly, a seepage face condition is imposed
h = z ⎭
on such portions where the balanced flux going
through the boundary is directed outward (it means the
where n l corresponds to the component of the unit out- seepage face exists only there where the boundary
ward normal vector n directed along the gravity direc- drains the flow domain).
tion (z-coordinate). As seen from Eq. (2-20) along a
free surface two boundary conditions are to be satisfied The seepage face condition h = z can also be con-
simultaneously: sidered as a reference head condition outside the flow
domain. As an alternate to (2-21) it can act as a
• a prescribed flux rate (as an infiltration or, if equal Cauchy-type condition in the form
to zero, then impervious) and
• the location corresponds to the hydraulic head qn = –a ( z – h ) (2-22)
(constant pressure level)
where the transfer coefficient a mimics a ’resistance’
which leads to a nonlinear boundary-value problem
to control the outflow through the seepage face (e.g., at
because the location of a free surface is initially
a dam covering).

OKPKS pìêÑ~ÅÉ=éçåÇáåÖ=ÄçìåÇ~êó=ÅçåJ
OKPKR pÉÉé~ÖÉ= Ñ~ÅÉ= ÄçìåÇ~êó= ÅçåÇáJ
Surface ponding denotes a ’surface reservoir’
A seepage face represents a specific free surface
boundary condition of the type
condition for which the geometry as a part of the
boundary of the flow domain Ω t is known, except for
⎛ R – ∂-----h⎞ n = – q h (2-23)
the location of its end points23. It reduces to a Dirichlet- ⎝ o ∂t ⎠ l n
type condition of a prescribed hydraulic head condition
in the form
which is similar to free-surface condition as situated in
h = z (2-21) an ’air layer’ for what the effective porosity becomes
unity ( ε e = 1 ). This condition permits water to build
up on the surface. The height of the surface water layer


increases or reduces according to the rate R o . (hydraulic head, concentration or temperature) is con-
strained by maximum and minimum flux relations
Alternatively, if the surface reservoir is deemed (fluid, mass or heat fluxes). On the other hand, flux
infinity the boundary of the surface can be imposed by relationships are constrained by complementary poten-
a prescribed water table condition h = z as long as the tial limits, i.e., the fluid flux is constrained by min-max
infiltration is associated with a water table above a heads, the contaminant mass flux by min-max concen-
given elevation. This can be easily solved in combina- trations, and the heat flux by min-max temperatures
tion with boundary constraints where a Neumann-type (for more details see Diersch22).
BC is constrained by min-max hydraulic head bounds
in form of Dirichlet-type conditions. For instance, the minimum and maximum con-
straints of a Dirichlet-type concentration will lead to
additional conditions in the following form (it reads:
OKPKT `çåëíê~áåíë=çÑ=ÄçìåÇ~êó=ÅçåÇáJ the imposed boundary condition C = C1 ( t ) is accepted
íáçåë only if the related mass balance flux Q C (and the
related hydraulic head h 1 ) is within given min-max
Constraints are limitations for all types of boundary bounds, if not, these bounds have to be used as new
conditions. They result from the requirement that boundary conditions, where the boundary type has to
boundary conditions should only be valid as long as be changed from a Dirichlet-type into a flux-type
minimum and maximum bounds are satisfied. If during boundary condition of a point sink/source Q C )
a simulation run the conditions are exceeded or fall

below, the constraints are to be assigned as new inter- ⎧ 1 max 1 ⎫ ⎪
⎪ QC < QC ( t ) ⎪ ⎪
mediate boundary conditions. As already indicated ⎪
⎪ ⎪
⎪ ⎪ ⎪
above, seepage face conditions belong to this type: A ⎪ min 1 ⎪ ⎪
1st kind C 1 ( t ) only if ⎨ Q > Q
( t ) ⎬ ⎪
Dirichlet-type BC h = z is imposed along a boundary ⎪ C C
⎪ ⎪
⎪ and ⎪ ⎪
on which a seepage face can potentially occur. Addi- ⎪ ⎪ ⎪
⎪ h min1 ≤ h ≤ h max 1 ⎪ ⎪
tionally, this condition is committed to the constraint ⎩ 1 ⎭ ⎪

that the flux has to release (drain) the flow domain. In else set Q C as an intermediate flux-type condition according to: ⎬ (2-24)

such a procedure the flux through the boundary has to ⎧ max ⎪
be continuously checked (e.g., is Q becoming positive ⎪ Q 1 ( t ) if ⎧ Q 1 ≥ Q 1 ( t ) and h min 1 ≤ h ≤ h max 1 ⎫ ⎪
⎪ C ⎨ C C 1 ⎬⎪
⎪ ⎩ ⎭⎪
or negative) to decide on the acceptance of the original ⎪ ⎪
Q C = ⎨ min ⎪
boundary condition or on its intermediate replacement ⎧ min 1 max ⎫
⎪ Q C 1 ( t ) if ⎨ Q 1C ≤ Q C ( t ) and h 1 ≤ h 1 ≤ h 1 ⎬ ⎪

by appropriate flux-type boundary conditions. ⎪ ⎩ ⎭ ⎪⎪

⎪0 min max ⎪
⎩ if { h 1 < h 1 or h 1 > h 1 } ⎪

The formulation of constraints is based on the for-
malism of complementary conditions for a type of
boundary condition. Accordingly, a potential condition where Q C is the mass balance flux at the boundary


point to be computed while the C 1 condition is

max min
imposed, Q C 1 and Q C 1 denote the prescribed time- where h, q, C, and T represent the resulting vectors of
dependent maximum and minimum bounds, respec- nodal hydraulic head, Darcy fluxes, contaminant con-
tively, and QC represents a singular mass sink/source centration and temperature, respectively. Notice, the
to be set at the boundary point (node) instead of the hydraulic head h is strictly correlated with the pressure
original Dirichlet-type boundary condition. Similar head ψ and the fluid saturation s via the above defini-
expressions exist for the other types of boundary condi- tion and the constitutive equations. The superposed dot
tions. This procedure allows the control of concentra- means differentiation with respect to time t. The matri-
tion at the boundary in dependence on both the ces S, A, O, P, and U are symmetric and sparse, while
balanced flow conditions through the boundary (e.g., D and L are unsymmetric, however sparse too. The
min 1
Q C ≡ 0 ) and the location of possible free-surface remaining vectors F, B, R and W encompass the right-
min max
conditions within the bounds h , h . The latter is hand sides of equations. The main nonlinear functional
very important for complex mine flooding processes as dependence is shown in parenthesis.
studied by Diersch et al.25.
In solving the equation system for unsaturated-sat-
urated conditions the domain and the boundary can be
considered invariant, i. e., the used mesh becomes
OKQ cáåáíÉ= bäÉãÉåí= cçêãìä~J fixed and independent of time: Ω t → Ω , Γ t → Γ . This
íáçåë represents a great advantage, but it is paid by an
enlarged solution domain and the strongly nonlinear
The finite element method (FEM) is used to solve dependences which increases the computational effort,
the governing balance equations (2-1) to (2-4) with partly dramatically.
their constitutive relationships (2-5a) to (2-12) and the
accompanying initial conditions (2-14), (2-15) and
boundary conditions (2-15) to (2-24) for both the
unsaturated-saturated approach and the fully saturated
approach. In the general case the spatial finite-element
discretization yields the following highly nonlinear
matrix system:

O ( h )h· + S ( h )h = F ( h, q, C, C· , T, T· )
A ( h )q = B ( h, C, T )
· (2-25)
P ( h, C )C + D ( q, h, C, T )C = R ( h, C )
U ( h )T· + L ( q, h, C, T )T = W ( h, T )


Figure 2.2 indicates how the solution process is

cycled for each equation inside the time loop if con-
Rosetten all intermediate constraint conditions straint conditions occur. The proposed adaptive strat-
Constraint loop egy allows an accurate and non-oscillatory solution
Solving flow equations
even for ill-posed problem formulations.
Does flow violate constraints?
For solving the resulting large sparse matrix sys-
Adapting 3D finite element mesh tems appropriate iterative solvers for symmetric and
unsymmetric equations are applied. For the symmetric
Time step control for flow errors positive definite flow equations the conjugate gradient
(CG) method is successful provided a useful precondi-
Solving contaminant transport equations tioning is applied. Standard preconditioner such as the
Time loop

incomplete factorization (IF) technique and alterna-

Does contaminant transport violate constraints? tively a modified incomplete factorization (MIF) tech-
nique based on the Gustafsson algorithm are used.
Time step control for contaminant transport errors Different alternatives are available for the CG-like
solution of the unsymmetric transport equations: a
Solving heat transport equations
restarted ORTHOMIN (orthogonalization-minimiza-
tion) method, a restarted GMRES (generalized minimal
Does heat transport violate constraints?
residual) technique and Lanczos-type methods, such as
Time step control for heat transport errors CGS (conjugate gradient square), BiCGSTAB (bi-con-
jugate gradient stable) and BiCGSTABP (postcondi-
tioned bi-conjugate gradient stable). For
preconditioning an incomplete Crout decomposition
Figure 2.2 Adaptive strategy for transient free-surface scheme is applied. Commonly, BiCGSTABP is the first
flow, mass and heat transport. choice in the practical simulation of large problems.

Under saturated conditions the most of the h-depen-

The nonlinear equation system is temporarily dis-
dencies in the matrix expressions vanish and the matrix
cretized by predictor-corrector two-step marching
system gets a much simpler form:
schemes26 of a first and second order accuracy in time.
For the present nonlinear problems the Newton method (2-26)
is preferred for the unsymmetric transport equations,
while Newton method can be omitted in the flow equa-
tions to maintain the symmetric property of the matri-

· · under unsaturated-saturated conditions is quite differ-

Oh + Sh = F ( h, q, C, C, T, T· ) ent. Here the O -matrix holds the form:
Aq = B ( C, T )
· (2-27)
P ( C )C + D ( q, C, T )C = R ( C ) ⎛ ⎛ ∂s k ⎞
f ⎞

∫ ∫ ∫ ⎝ ∂ψ k⎠ i j ⎟⎟
UT· + L ( q, C, T )T = W ( T )
O ij = ∑ ⎜∫ ∫ ∫ o k k i j
S ( s N )N N d Ω + ε ⎜ ------- N ⎟ N N d Ω
e ⎝ Ωe Ω
e ⎠
where the remaining nonlinearities result from possible
density and viscosity coupling effects. However, the
free surface condition introduces a h-dependence in the It reveals two volume integrals, where the second inte-
solution domain Ω t = Ω t ( h ) and the boundary gral on the right-hand side involves the moisture capac-
Γ t = Γ t ( h ) . Accordingly, the mesh has to be adapted to ity storage term which is highly nonlinear and
the changed geometric relations during the simulation. dependent on the chosen capillary pressure head rela-
This requires a moving mesh strategy which will be tionship as defined by the expressions (2-6), (2-9) or
discussed further below. (2-11). Notice, for unsaturated conditions it has been
shown27,28 the consistent matrix O is to be transformed
In the preferred finite element method the free-sur- into a lumped matrix
face boundary condition (2-20) is directly incorporated
into the flow equations of (2-26) as written for the dis- ⎛ ⎛ ∂s k ⎞
f ⎞
⎜S δ f ⎟
cretized 2nd order trapezoid rule O ij = ∑ ⎜ o ij ∫ ∫ ∫ k k i
( s N )N dΩ + εδ ij ∫ ∫ ∫ ∂ψ k

------- N ⎟

N i d Ω⎟
e ⎝ Ω
e ⎠
⎛ 2O
-------- + S⎞ h
n+1 2 n ·n
= O ⎛ -------- h + h ⎞ + F
n+1 (2-30)
⎝ Δt n ⎠ ⎝ Δt n ⎠
where here a row-sum (diagonal) scaling is preferred. It
⎛ ⎞ (2-28)
guarantees mass-conservative and nonoscillatory solu-
O ij = ∑ ⎜⎜ ∫ ∫ ∫ S N i N j dΩ + ∫ ∫ ε e N i N j n l dΓ⎟⎟
o tions.
e ⎝ Ωe Γ
e ⎠

where n represents the time level. For saturated free- OKR _^pa= E_ÉëíJ^Ç~éí~íáçåJ
surface conditions the storage matrix O consists of two íçJpíê~íáÖê~éÜáÅ=a~í~F
parts: a volume integral for the material compressibil-
ity and a surface integral for the storage of the material For moving meshes in a fully saturated modeling
interfacial (fillable/drainable) property at the free sur- approach an accurate and powerful technique is
face. required to align and join the spatially-varying parame-
ter fields according to the changeable free surface loca-
In contrast to (2-28) the computation of the storage tions. Taking into consideration the parameters (e.g.,


conductivity) often have high contrasts it should be adjusted mesh is exactly fitted to parameter discontinu-
clear a formal interpolation of the parameters onto the ities if ever exist. Remaining slices can be shifted and
new mesh coordinates would lead to very poor solu- repositioned to get a well-spaced nodal distribution in
tions. The idea of BASD is quite simple: adapting the the depth without unnecessary mesh refinement and
moving mesh as best as possible to the stratigraphic coarsening if attainable. The principle of the mesh
initial mesh to minimize parameter interpolation. Slices adaptation process can be seen in Fig. 2.3.
of the mesh are aligned in such a manner that the

initial stratigraphic mesh t = to t = t 1 > to t = t2 > t1

finite element
K1 alignment K1
cross element free surface
K2 K2
K3 K2
K3 K3
K3 K3
K3 K3

Figure 2.3 Moving mesh BASD technique of parameter adaptation applied to 3D free-surface
problems: schematized example for a groundwater rise.

The initial stratigraphy consists of three layers with dif- here in the K 3 layer. At later time t 2 a further rise of
ferent conductivities. At the initial time t o the water the free surface occurs and the moving mesh slices
table is on a lower position. The mesh is accordingly appear to be well aligned to the data stratification with-
shrunk where the lower two layers completely fit into out any need of interpolation.
the K 3 stratigraphy. However, the upper layer crosses
between the K2 and K 3 stratigraphy and a special The working steps of the BASD technique can be
treatment is here required. Such cross elements should summarized as follows:
be admitted only if unavoidable. A proper 3D interpo-
lation technique has been developed which allows a (A) Compute the hydraulic head h at the new time
data joining for elements intersecting an arbitrary num- level according to Eq. (2-28).
ber of stratigraphic layers as described below. If the (B) Determine a new free surface location for the upper
water table ascends (Fig. 2.3 at time t 1 ) the moving slice s = top = 1 of the moving mesh
mesh totally fits the K 2 - K 3 stratum while the remain-
ing slice is used to subdivide the widest nodal spacing, n+1 n+1
z top = h ( x i, t ) (2-31)


numerical integration is used to determine the partial

satisfying the constant head condition of Eq. (2-20), volumes V i of a finite element intersecting the strati-
where z top corresponds to z-coordinates of the top graphic contours. The material property K of the cross
slice. element is computed by a partial volume-weighted
(C)Adjust and distribute the inner slices, indexed by s , average as
according to
K = --- ∑ V i K i (2-34)
n+1 rel n V
zs = z rig + L ( zs – z rig ) i
s = 2, …, rig – 1 ; s = 1 ⇒ top (2-32)
rel n+1 n instead of using a harmonic average, where i runs over
L = ( z top – z rig ) ⁄ ( z top – z rig )
the number of intersections N and Ki is the property of
the intersected layer.
where z rig is the firstly found rigid (nonmovable and
time-independent) slice counting from top (at least the Similarly, a partial area-weighted averaging process
lowest slice describing the aquifer base is rigid) and is preferred for areal properties. However, it has been
L the relation lengths. Special nesting rules have found a numerical integration is here insufficient. Ana-
been developed as for the subdivision of overdue slices lytical formulas have been developed to determine
within layers enclosed by two rigid slices: exactly the intersected areas of an element. It leads to a
‘telescope’ sum in the form
n+1 n+1 1 upper lower
zs = z s + 1 + ------------------ ( z rig – z rig ) (2-33)
nd + nh l
i i i–1 i–1 l l

upper lower
S= ∑ ( λ12 λ13 – λ12 λ 13 )S i + ( λ 31 ( 1 – λ 32 ) )S l (2-35)
where z rig and z rig
are the z-coordinates of the i=1
upper and lower rigid slice, respectively, n d is the i–1 i–1 i i
number of primary subdivisions and n h the number of + ∑ ( λ 31 λ 32 – λ 31 λ 32 )S i
overdue (hanging) slices caused by slice shifting. i = l+1
(D)Assign the parameter arrays according to the new
layer positions. Two cases exist: (a) achievement of full with the weights
alignment (no interpolation) and (b) data interpolation
and joining for cross volume elements. i 1
λ mn = ------------------------- i = 1, …, N (2-36)
(E)Find out cross elements and join their properties. i
hn –zn
The joining process differs between volume-specified 1 – --------------- i
hm –zm
materials (such as conductivity, compressibility) and
area-specified data (such as effective porosity). For
volume-specified material data Gauss-Legendre written for prismatic pentahedral elements, where S


and S i are the averaged and partial areal properties, The use of the BASD technique for a complex
respectively, h n and z n correspond to the hydraulic multi-aquifer system can be seen in Fig. 2.4. It indi-
head and the stratigraphic z-coordinates at node n , cates how the mesh fits and moves through the com-
respectively, and the index l represents the lth inter- plex stratigraphy consisting of a number of aquifers
sected layer for which the partial area is not a triangle, and aquitards.
generally a pentagon. Equivalent averages can be
derived for hexahedral elements.

initial stratigraphic slicing

adjusted free surface location

slice alignment
(area of interpolation)
perfect slice fit

Figure 2.4 Moving mesh BASD strategy in a complex 3D stratigraphy (122,775 nodes and 226,394
elements): 3D model cut view (distribution of conductivities) and moving mesh along a cross section
(initial stratigraphy versus adapted slicing).


OKS mëÉìÇçJråë~íìê~íÉÇ= jçÇJ between maximum (saturated) and minimum (residual)

ÉäáåÖ=^ééêç~ÅÜ factors.

Indeed, moving mesh strategies for adapting the The here proposed method is similar to Desai and
free-surface location complicates the computational Li11, however, instead of prescribing an auxiliary linear
process. Furthermore, if the free surface is not on the pressure relationship the water (pseudo-)saturation
top position of the schematized aquifer system or if computed for a finite element is used to ’down-scale’
there are more than one free surface in the aquifer sys- all balance terms in a natural way. The pseudo-satura-
tem (e. g., an additional free surface in a lower posi- tion s P is determined from the actual filling height of
tion) the problem cannot be solved alone on the basis water in an element:
of moving meshes. In these cases fixed mesh tech- f
niques become inevitable. It is a common practice in f dΩ ( ψ )
s P ( ψ ) = ------------------ (2-37)
classic 3D groundwater modeling for flow in uncon- dΩ
fined aquifers to use exclusively fixed grids (e.g.20,29).
Fixed grid techniques have to mimic, more or less, Accordingly, the pseudo-saturation becomes related to
unsaturated flow conditions to control the solution pro- the actual geometric condition of the used spatial dis-
cess for saturated, partly saturated or completely dry cretization. It provides a geometry-consistent scaling of
grid cells. Since a physically true unsaturated flow balance terms and has proven superior to a simple
approach is avoided, such kind of unsaturated flow parameter-switching as stated above. An element e is
modeling represents only a physical approximation and considered saturated if ψ ≥ 0 at all nodes of the ele-
f f
quite different forms of implementation can be found in ment. Then it becomes dΩ = dΩ and s P ≡ 1 . An ele-
the literature (see discussion in Knupp17). Often, there ment e is considered partially saturated (pseudo-
is actually no rigorous physical basis in modifying the unsaturated) if ψ changes its sign at the element nodes
saturated flow conditions to achieve pseudo-unsatur- (e.g., ψ < 0 for the upper nodes and ψ > 0 for the lower
ated flows. Practically, the scaling of conductivity is (at least one) node(s). Then it is approximately
f f
used as a contrivance to obtain the solution in the satu- dΩ ≈ dΓ ⋅ ψ lower . An element e is considered fully
rated domain. For instance, the conductivity is assigned unsaturated (or dry) if ψ < 0 at all related element
to a very small constant value as soon the pressure head nodes. Since dΩ have to be positive the volume must
becomes negative: K/1000 for ψ < 0 and K if ψ ≥ 0 30. be constrained by a minimum. Practically, a minimum
Apparently, this is a crude controlling procedure since filling height (e. g., 1 mm) is employed to limit dΩ .
it does not differ between the degrees of saturation of This leads to a measure of a residual pseudo-saturation
the elements. Desai and Li11 have improved the tech- in such an element.
nique for finite elements by introducing linear relation-
ships of conductivity and storativity as function of the Using the expression (2-37) in the finite element
pressure head ψ . The linear functions operate as multi- equations (2-26) it leads to a natural approach for eval-
pliers to the conductivity and storage terms ranging uating the corresponding integral terms in a weak solu-


tion. For instance, the part of the conductivity term of a moving mesh strategy with respect to the attainable
the flow equation takes the form: accuracy.

∫ ∫ ∫ ( ∇Ni ⋅ K ⋅ ∇Nj ) dΩ (2-38)
OKT ^ééäáÅ~íáçåë
= ∫ ∫ ∫ ( ∇Ni ⋅ K ⋅ ∇N j )s P ( ψ ) dΩ
OKTKN jçáëíìêÉ= Çóå~ãáÅë= áå= ÜçãçÖÉJ
= ∫ ∫ ∫ ( ∇Ni ⋅ Kr K ⋅ ∇Nj ) dΩ
Ω First, let us study true unsaturated flows in both
homogeneous and layered soils to show the capabilities
introducing a relative conductivity K r = s P ( ψ ) as a lin- and the requirements in simulating processes with vari-
ear function of ψ . Similarly, the storage term results as able saturation.

⎛ ⎞ The first example refers to Celia et al.’s water infil-

∑ ⎜⎝ ∫ ∫ ∫ So sP ( ψ ) Ni Nj dΩ + ∫ ∫ εe Ni Nj nl dΓ⎟⎠
O ij = (2-39)
e Ω
tration problem27 to benchmark the present solution of
the unsaturated-saturated modeling approach for a
strong infiltration front development. Celia et al. pre-
As seen the volume compressibility becomes a lin-
ferred a mixed θ – ψ -form of the governing Richards
ear function of the pressure head ψ too. On the other
equation to achieve accurate solution and sufficient
hand, the surface integral which describes the kine-
mass conservation. Unlike, the present model is h-
matic free-surface boundary condition (2-20) is related
e based and embedded in a second order predictor-cor-
to the geometric shape Γ fsψ formed by the filling
e rector scheme for tackling the nonlinear solution pro-
heights in the corresponding element (notice, while Γ fs
cess by an error-controlled timestep adaptation.
is the free surface facet which is built by an element
(top) surface for moving meshes, accordingly Γ fs is a
A detailed problem description of the Celia et al.
part of the adapted boundary geometry itself; at fixed
e problem is given elsewhere27,31 and only the major
meshes Γ fsψ lies in the interior of an element, accord-
characteristics are summarized: homogeneous soil col-
ingly the integral has to be evaluated for a surface
umn with a length of 1 m, van Genuchten-Mualem
which is spanned by the ψ heights).
parametric model (2-6), (2-7) in using n = 2, (m = 0.5),
f f
A = 3.35 1/m, ε = 0.368, s r = 0.277, and s s = 1.0, sat-
It should be emphasized a pseudo-unsaturated mod-
urated hydraulic conductivity of 0.922. 10 m/s,
eling approach is suited to compute the location of a
boundary condition of constant head ψ = -0.75 m at
free surface, but, it is widely inappropriate to model a
the top and ψ = -10.0 m at the bottom, and initial pres-
true unsaturated flow regime. The advantage is in its
sure head ψ 0 of -10.0 m. The same spatial discretiza-
simplicity and robustness, but it is generally inferior to
tion characteristics are applied as given in Celia et al.,

who used Δz = 0.5 cm (dense grid) and Δz = 2.5 cm while finite elements echoed wiggles at the moisture
(coarse grid). Otherwise, Celia et al. used a constant front once coarse meshes were applied. They could
time step length of Δt = 60 s for the dense-grid simula- improve the results if resorting to a modified Picard
tion. iteration technique based on a mixed θ – ψ -form of the
governing Richards equation.
A comparison with Celia et al.’s results gives very
good agreements. Figure 2.5 shows the computed pres- 0

sure profiles at time of 1 day for the case of the dense

grid (notice, Celia et al.’s results are picked from a -20
table presented in31, where however only selected sam-
ple points are listed).

Pressure [kPa]

-20 Δz = 0.50 cm
Δz = 2.50 cm
-80 Δz = 16.67 cm
Pressure [kPa]

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
-60 Depth [m]
Celia et al.
Figure 2.6 Pressure profiles at t = 1 day for different
-80 grid spacing Δz computed by the present predictor-
corrector technique with a h-based form of the Rich-
ards equation.
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Depth [m] These difficulties as reported in27 are completely
Figure 2.5 Pressure profiles at t = 1 day for the dense prevented in the present predictor-corrector technique
grid: Celia et al.’s θ – ψ -based solution27,31 using a even for coarse meshes. Figure 2.6 displays the pres-
mixed-form Picard iteration versus the present predictor- sure profiles for different spatial discretizations. It
corrector h-based solution using an adaptive time step- reveals three things: Firstly, the proposed numerical
ping. technique gives wiggle-free solutions. The loss of
accuracy against the dense grid solution is similar to
Celia et al. used both finite difference and finite ele- that as observed by Celia et al. (for more details see27).
ment techniques. For the ψ -based Richards equation Secondly, the accuracy of the solution is significantly
(which should be equivalent to a h-based form) they influenced by the spatial (and temporal) discretization.
found nonoscillatory results only for finite differences,

That means, the simulation of unsaturated flow pro- phase error in the moisture profiles can occur, but,
cesses requires sufficiently refined meshes. Thirdly, a unfortunately, the effect of phase lag or lead does not
50 % moisture profile centre point would not necessar- appear as a simple function of grid spacing (compare
ily serve as an accurate identification of a possible free also27).
surface location. As evidenced in Fig. 2.6, in depen-
dence on the mesh refinement a leading or lagging

t=0 .05
0.25 θr



Depth [m]

0.75 θs

1.00 .65

1.25 .80

1.50 central weighting
upstream weighting

0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6

Moisture content θ [1]
Figure 2.7 Simulated moisture-content profiles during infiltration: present solutions (left) and van Genuchten’s
results15, 31 (right), time in days.

The second example concerns the simulation of the the surface q n = -0.25 m/d at t ≤ 1 day (infiltration) and
moisture movement in a layered soil as studied by van q n = 0.005 m/d at t > 1 day (evaporation). At the bot-
Genuchten15. A soil column with a length of 170 cm tom a drainage gradient-type BC (2-19) of
includes 4 layers: clay loam (0-25 cm), loamy sand qn = – ( – 1 ) ⋅ K bottom = 4 m/d is imposed, accord-
(25-75 cm), dense material (75-87 cm), and sand (87- ingly, the bottom boundary can freely drain. The
170 cm), where the loamy-sand layer’s properties parameter in the constitutive relations (van Genuchten-
change gradually with depth. The initial conditions for Mualem model) can be found in31.
the flow are given by ψ 0 = -3.5 m. A constant flux is at


0.25 θfr

0.50 8.0 4.0
Depth [m]

0.75 θfs




0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6

Moisture content θ [1]
Figure 2.8 Simulated moisture-content profiles during redistribution: present solutions (left) and van Genuchten’s
results15,31 (right), time in days.


A comparison between the present solutions and the OKTKO aê~áå~ÖÉ=ÉñéÉêáãÉåí

results obtained by van Genuchten15 who used a Her-
mitian-finite element approach is exhibited in Figs. 2.7 Vauchaud et al.32 reported experimental results
and 2.8. Figure 2.7 displays the simulated moisture- which referred to a ditch-drained soil problem. Their
content profiles during the infiltration period at results are useful for proving and comparing numerical
t ≤ 1 day. The moisture-content histories during the schemes applied to a typical drainage problem as
redistribution phase at t > 1 day of the soil column are already done by Gureghian33, Nützmann34 and
seen in Fig. 2.8. As shown the agreement of the results Nguyen35. A half drain-spacing with a length of 3 m
is nearly perfect. and a height of 2 m is considered (Fig. 2.9).
qn = –v

unsaturated zone
qn = 0
initial water table

transient water table

qn = 0

ψ = 0 h0
saturated zone
ψ = hw – z

qn = 0

Figure 2.9 Sketch of Vauchaud et al.’s drainage experiment32: geometry and boundary conditions.

Initially, the water level in the box is at z = h 0 and the the seepage face which is h s = h 0 at t = 0 and have to
system is under hydrostatic equilibrium ψ 0 = h 0 – z . be determined in the solution process (so as stated in
The soil is assumed to be isotropic with a saturated Section 2.4). In Vauchaud et al.’s experiment the drain-
conductivity of K = 1.11 ⋅ 10 m/s. The Haverkamp age process has been performed without any infiltra-
parametric model (2-11), (2-12) is used for the unsatur- tion ( v = 0 on top, Fig. 2.9). Accordingly, the water
ated soil with α = 0.063396 m, A = 3.6 ⋅ 10 m, table descends continuously up to reaching the water
f f
ε = 0.3 , s s = 1 and s r = 0 . The initial head h 0 is level h w of the ditch. Figure 2.10 compare the present
given by 1.45 m. The water level of the ditch h w is numerical results with Vauchaud et al.’s experimental
0.75 m. The magnitude h s represents the elevation of data. As seen the agreement is quite well.





Figure 2.10 Descending water table of the drainage experiment: simulated free-surface locations (left) and water tables
measured by Vauchaud et al.32 (right), times in hours.

Figure 2.11 Hydraulic head contour and water table location at t = 1 hour: present results (left) and Gureghian’s
solutions33,35 (right).


Numerical results are given by Gureghian33. How- sand. As revealed in Fig. 2.13 the free surface reaches
ever, its solutions are based on a non-zero infiltration the dam toe where large flow gradients occur.
rate v . A comparison of the hydraulic head contours,
the water table and capillary fringe at time of Expectedly, if the dam is built with a sloping core
t = 1 hour is presented in Fig. 2.11 between the present the flow regime is significantly altered. Figure 2.14
solutions and Gureghian’s results. The agreement is shows the simulated water table history in the dam and
satisfactory. Differences appear for the upper head con- the equipotential and streamline pattern after reaching
tours which obviously results from different descrip- the final time stage. As one can see in Fig. 2.14 the zero
tion of the infiltration boundary condition. pressure surface may intermediately have an inverted
shape. It results from the antecedent moisture condi-
OKTKP a~ã=ëÉÉé~ÖÉ tions in the unsaturated zone (redistribution of the ini-
tial moisture content). It is apparent, this situation
This example is that of a transient seepage through cannot be handled with a classic free-surface modeling
an earth dam. The cross-sectional view and the applied approach.
finite-element mesh is displayed in Fig. 2.12. The sim-
ulations are performed to study hydrodynamic influ- A 3D extension of the dam seepage problem is
ences and effects in constructing a dam. A situation is exhibited in Fig. 2.15 for studying the flow regime if
considered where the horizontal drain of the dam fails the horizontal drain of the dam is only partially opera-
and the drainage occurs at the dam toe and the seepage tive. It reveals how drain elements positioned at the
face along the slope. Figure 2.13 exhibits the simulated dam toe and at a given distance can effectively dewater
free surface development and the finally reached flow the downstream part of a dam consisting of homoge-
net if the dam consists of a homogeneous material of neous sandy material.
15 m
12 m

70 m
Figure 2.12 Earth dam with finite element tessellation.




Figure 2.13 a) Advance of free surface ( ψ = 0 ) in time after raising the water level in the reservoir, b) com-
puted flow net (equipotential and streamlines) for the steady-state seepage.



Figure 2.14 Solutions at a sloping core of the dam: a) advance of free surface ( ψ = 0 ) in time, b) computed
equipotential and streamlines for the steady-state stage.


Figure 2.15 Computed 3D water table ( ψ = 0 isosurface) for a homogeneous earth dam if partial drain elements operate.

h = 3 1000 + 5.94 ⋅ t – 10 (2-40)

( h in meters, t in days )
OKTKQ dÉåÉêáÅ=éáí=ÑäççÇáåÖ=íÉëí=Å~ëÉ
Using the moving mesh only two layers are sufficient
To compare the moving mesh strategy against fixed
to describe exactly the stratigraphic relationships of the
grid techniques of the pseudo-unsaturated modeling
pit (Fig. 2.16b), where the upper layer represents the
and the true unsaturated-saturated modeling approach
‘air’ domain to be filled. On the other hand, using the
let us consider a simplistic mine with a given pit geom-
pseudo-unsaturated modeling approach a fixed mesh
etry as shown in Fig. 2.16a. The pyramidal pit body
requires more layers to adapt reasonably the slope
will be filled by a water discharge of 792 m3/d. The pit
geometry of the pit. We choose 5 layers as shown in
is initially dry (air-filled) and we assume for this in-pit
Fig. 2.16c. As the result, the example has been proven
domain a hydraulic conductivity of 100 m/s and stor-
to be a superior test case to study the accuracy of the
age coefficients of ε e = 1 and S o = 0 . The surround-
different mesh strategies and algorithms regarding the
ing aquifer is considered impermeable, i.e.,
–9 geometry-determined temporal storage in the flooding
K = 10 m/s and ε e = S o = 0 . As the solution the fill-
process of the pit. As evidenced in Fig. 2.16d for the
ing curve h = h(t) is to be determined. For the given
computed filling curves the moving mesh gives an
case an analytical solution for the filling water height
excellent agreement with the analytical solutions while
can be derived


the common fixed mesh strategy apparently yields joining techniques of the BASD retain a high accuracy.
quite erroneous results. The parameter alignment and

a) bo = 600 m b)

Q = 792 m3/d

h(t) mined-out pit

ho = 20 m c)

h 2 2
ao = 200 m V pit = -----o ( a o + a o b o + b o )
d) 3
head [m]

Figure 2.16 Pit flooding test case: a) sketch

of the pyramidal pit, b) stratigraphic mesh
used for moving mesh solution with BASD
(2 layers, 3 slices, 2048 elements, 3267
nodes), c) common fixed mesh (5 layers, 6
moving mesh slices, 5120 elements, 6534 nodes), d) fill-
fixed mesh ing curves (head versus time) for the ana-
lytic solutions compared with the BASD-
based moving and pseudo-unsaturated fixed
time [d] mesh results.

It is interesting to know whether a true unsaturated- a fillable ’porous’ room. The unsaturated approach
saturated modeling approach is also appropriate to sim- serves as a contrivance to smooth the numerical solu-
ulate even open pit flooding processes. Clearly, an air- tions.
filled mine body cannot be affected by capillary pres-
sure relationships. Nevertheless, the variable saturation Applying the unsaturated-saturated modeling
mechanism should allow to model the water table posi- approach to the 3D pit flooding test case the van Genu-
tion (as the zero pressure head) in the mine regarded as chten-Mualem parametric model with n = 2, A = 4 1/m,

f –6 f
ε = 1, s r = 1 ⋅ 10 , and s s = 1 is assumed. The simu- ments in the vertical direction one obtains numerical
lated filling curves are shown in Fig. 2.17. It reveals the filling curves such as displayed in Fig. 2.18. Appar-
following: The accuracy of the solution is strongly ently, the unsaturated-saturated modeling approach
dependent on the mesh refinement. Using only 4 layers necessitates a sufficiently discretized approximation to
to approximate the pit body (equivalent to the above find reasonable solutions for this class of problems. It
pseudo-unsaturated approach) the obtained filling becomes clear, moving mesh strategies are here supe-
curve is kinky and inaccurate. This is similar to rior.
pseudo-unsaturated approach as exhibited in Fig. 2.16.
If more layers are applied the curve becomes a smooth 20
shape and approaches to the analytical solution (Fig.
240 elements
23 elements

head [m]
15 8 elements
head [m]


analytical 0
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000
5 4 layers
20 layers time [d]

Figure 2.18 Filling curves of a 2D rectangular pit

geometry simulated by the unsaturated-saturated mod-
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 eling approach: mesh effects (varying number of verti-
time [d] cal elements) in approaching to the analytical solution.
Figure 2.17 Filling curves of the 3D pit geometry sim-
ulated by the unsaturated-saturated modeling approach
for different layer approximations in comparison with
the analytical solution. OKTKR oÉ~äJëáíÉ=ãáåáåÖ=éêçÄäÉãë

To demonstrate the efficacy of the BASD-based

The mesh effect of the unsaturated-saturated model-
moving mesh techniques for real-site applications two
ing approach can be better shown along a very simple
practical examples are considered. The first application
2D rectangular pit geometry. Here the filling curve is
refers to flooding modeling of the Königstein uranium
simply given by h = ( Q ⁄ b ) ⋅ t , where an average width
mine25,36. The simulation of these pit flooding pro-
of b = 300 m is assumed. Varying the number of ele-
cesses represents a complex task due to the complicate

hydrogeological conditions, the existence of free sur- mine incorporated into the 3D finite element mesh
faces, density effects, high parameter contrasts, diffi- (Fig. 2.19a). A visual impression of the flooding
cult geometric forms of the pit with its wide-spread behavior is given in Fig. 2.20 exhibiting the water and
network of adits, drifts, shafts, and open rooms, and the contaminant spreading in the pit area at two selected
specific contaminant sources resulting from the applied time stages. At early times the water primarily floods
in-situ uranium leaching of low-grade ores in sand- the stopes in the lower location, penetrates vertical con-
stone blocks36. Both regional models with more than duits and begins to wet the blocks and ‘magazines’.
300,000 discretized elements and local in-pit models Contaminant matter is flushed out from the open stopes
were built up (Fig. 2.19a). The latter were used to sim- and is activated in the rocks as soon wet. At later times
ulate the hydraulic and contaminant transport processes also the upper locations are under water and more and
in an experimental flooding area. Figure 2.19b displays more blocks activate their contaminant content.
the modeled hollow structure for the main stopes of the
a) b)

Figure 2.19 Experimental flooding area simulation of the Königstein mine: a) used 3D mesh (89,130 nodes), b) modeled
main stopes by the BASD technique (isosurfaces of high conductivity).

A second example demonstrates the modeling a BASD technique is utilized to adapt the mesh accord-
flooding process of a deep mine near the sea where is a ing to the rising water table and the 3D parameter
threat of saltwater intrusion. Figure 2.21 exhibits the stratigraphy. Along a representative cross-section of
used finite element mesh for studying the water table the 3D mesh as shown in Fig. 2.22 the effect of the
rise and saltwater intrusion in the mine area. The mesh moving becomes evidenced.

Figure 2.20 Experimental flooding area simulation of the Königstein mine: computed hydraulic head at t = 0.1 d and
t = 365 d (upper), simulated contaminant distribution at t = 0.1 d and t = 365 d (lower).



t = 2 yr

Figure 2.21 3D finite element mesh for modeling regional

mine flooding and saltwater intrusion with the BASD tech-
nique. t = 90 yr

Figure 2.22 Cross-sectional view of the mine: mesh mov-

ing in adapting the rise of water table and fitting to strati-
graphic properties.


OKU `äçëìêÉ The unsaturated-saturated model represents the most

general approach and is appropriate for modeling com-
Subsurface free-surface problems in 2D and 3D plex situations where the interaction with the vadose
applications have been treated by both the unsaturated- zone is important and multiple or non-coherent free
saturated modeling approach and the groundwater free- surfaces occur. As exhibited coarse mesh approxima-
surface modeling strategy. Fixed and moving mesh tions for unsaturated problems can lead to poor accu-
strategies are used in dependence on the modeling racy. Accordingly, an unsaturated-saturated model
approaches. The finite element method is applied to works nicely, but only on a sufficiently fine spatial and
solve the flow, contaminant mass and heat transport temporal discretization. A predictor-corrector tech-
equations for variable saturation and free-surface con- nique with an adaptive time marching scheme of 2nd
ditions. Generalized boundary and constraint condi- order in time has shown to be very successful in solv-
tions are necessary to analyze free-surface problems for ing the highly nonlinear equations for variable satura-
practical usage. tion. In this way a h-based modeling approach gives
accurate results and the resort to mixed formulations
Two major approaches have been raised: (1) vari- such as the θ – ψ -form of the governing Richards
ably saturated models with fixed meshes, and (2) free- equation is not necessary.
surface boundary condition models with adaptive
(moving) meshes. A pseudo-unsaturated modeling Since the true unsaturated-saturated modeling
approach as a further alternate is a physical approxima- approach normally needs finer meshes and conse-
tion and represents neither a true physical unsaturated quently increases the computational effort the classic
flow nor an exact formulation of the free-surface free-surface fully saturated modeling approach cannot
boundary conditions. Nevertheless, it is a widely used be beaten for regional groundwater problems. Here, the
conception in classic groundwater models for uncon- moving mesh strategy with the BASD technique is a
fined aquifers. powerful alternative. It has been successfully applied to
complex 3D flow and transport as exemplified for mine
A new method called BASD has been developed to flooding.
adapt automatically the finite-element mesh according
to the changing free surface. In this adaptation proce- All described modeling approaches have been
dure all relevant data from a hydro-stratigraphic initial incorporated in the finite-element simulation system
structure are transformed to the adapted mesh in such a FEFLOW21. In this way, they are coming in one hand
manner that parameter discontinuities are maintained to choose the best-suited and most powerful method for
as best as possible (prefer parameter fit and snap before the problem to be studied.
parameter interpolation and smoothing).

In a number of examples the advantages and draw-

backs of the modeling approaches have been shown.


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bêêçê= éêçé~Ö~íáçå= áå= íÜÉ= kÉïíçåJÄ~ëÉÇ= ëçäìíáçå

H.-J. G. Dierscha & P. Perrochetb

WASY Institute for Water Resources Planning and Systems Research, Berlin, Germany
Centre d’Hydrogéologie, Université de Neuchâtel, Switzerland
simulations. As the major advantages the PVST is (1)
ABSTRACT unconditionally mass-conservative with respect to the
The Newton method represents the numerical core of the
primary variable switching technique (PVST) which has
time step size, (2) very effective and robust for dry ini-
shown superior to conventional approaches in both unsatur- tial conditions, (3) a Newton-based iteration method
ated flow and multi-phase flow modelling. In the context of with quadratic convergence, and (4) a general analysis
PVST empirically controlled strategies in time are rather method suitable for single- and multi-phase flow prob-
common, where the Newton convergence is attempted for a lems.
possibly large step size. This technique is known as the tar-
get-based full Newton (TBFN) time stepping strategy. In
comparison to adaptive techniques satisfying a predefined To control the overall iteration process Forsyth et al.
discretization error the TBFN results can be inaccurate in (1995) preferred an empirical target-based full Newton
spite of the achieved convergence in the Newton method. (TBFN) time stepping strategy. Recently, Diersch &
The present paper aims at analysing the cause of discrepan- Perrochet (1999) compared the TBFN with an adaptive
cies in simulating unsaturated flows. This is done in com-
parison of analytical solutions which are based on
temporally error-controlled predictor-corrector tech-
exponential constitutive laws. nique one-step Newton scheme (PCOSN). In their
P bêêçê=éêçé~Ö~íáçå=áå=íÜÉ=kÉïíçåJÄ~ëÉÇ=ëçäìíáçå=Åçåíêçä=çÑ=ìåë~íìê~íÉÇ=Ñäçï
extensive numerical benchmark analysis Diersch &
Perrochet (1999) found that, in spite of the achieved
PKN fåíêçÇìÅíáçå iteration convergence, TBFN results can be rather
depart from PCOSN findings, unless the target change
In contrast to Picard iteration schemes common in
parameters, and accordingly the step sizes, are kept
solving the Richards equation for unsaturated flow in
sufficiently small. In continuing the analysis the
porous media, the Newton method in combination with
present paper aims at a quantification of the resulting
appropriate strategies can reduce the solution effort by
errors along analytical solutions for the Richards equa-
orders. This has been shown by Forsyth et al. (1995)
tion based on exponential saturation-pressure and con-
who introduced the idea of the primary variable switch-
ductivity-pressure relationships.
ing technique (PVST) to saturated-unsaturated flow


PKO jçÇÉä=bèì~íáçåë s = f(ψ ) ψ = f (s) ⎫

⎬ (3-2)
K r = g ( ψ ) = g∗ ( s ) ⎭
The present finite-element model is based on the
Richards equation written in the following form
Here, van Genuchten or Brooks-Corey parametric
∂ψ ∂s ( ψ ) models are common (cf. Diersch & Perrochet, 1999).
R ( s, ψ ) = S o ⋅ s ( ψ ) ------- + ε -------------- (3-1)
∂t ∂t Instead, if exponential constitutive laws are preferred
– ∇ ⋅ { K r ( ψ )K [ ∇ψ + ( 1 + χ )e ] } – Q = 0 in the form

s–s ⎧ exp [ α ( ψ + ψ a ) ] for ψ < ψa ⎫

which has to be solved either for ψ or s . In (3-1), ------------r- = s e = ⎨ ⎪
1 – sr ⎩1 for ψ ≥ ψ a ⎬ (3-3)

ψ pressure head, ( ψ > 0 saturated medium, ψ ≤ 0 Kr = se ⎭
unsaturated medium);
s ( ψ ) saturation, ( 0 < s ≤ 1 , s = 1 if medium is satu-
analytical solutions of the nonlinear Richards equation
can be derived. In (3-3), ψ a is the air entry pressure
t time;
head, s r is the residual saturation and α > 0 is a con-
S o specific storage due to fluid and medium com-
ε porosity;
K r ( ψ ) relative hydraulic conductivity ( 0 < K r ≤ 1 ,
K r = 1 if saturated at s = 1 ); PKP kÉïíçå=jÉíÜçÇ=~åÇ=mspq
K tensor of hydraulic conductivity for the saturated
medium (anisotropy); The discretized form of the basic Richards equa-
χ buoyancy coefficient including fluid density tions (3-1) yields
e gravitational unit vector; R (X) = 0 (3-4)
Q specific mass supply; to be solved for a primary variable
R residual;
X ∈ ( Ψ, s ) (3-5)
Constitutive relationships are additionally required
(1) for the saturation s as a function of the pressure which can be either c or s at the new time level n+1.
(capillary) head ψ , as well as its inverse, the pressure Applying the Newton method to (3-4) we solve
head ψ as a function of the saturation s , and (2) for the
relative hydraulic conductivity K r as a function of X
J ( ψτ
n+1 n+1
, sτ )ΔX τ
= –Rτ
( Ψ, s ) (3-6)
either the pressure head ψ or the saturation s :


with the increment possibly large time step size. The step size is deter-
mined from a desired change in the variable per time
n+1 n+1 n+1 step given by user-specified targets.
ΔX τ = Xτ + 1 – Xτ (3-7)

X An important aspect of the iterative solution via the

and the Jacobian J expressed in indicial notation as PCOSN and TBFN schemes is the choice of an appro-
n+1 n+1 n+1
priate convergence criterion. Limiting the temporal dis-
X n+1 n+1 ∂R I ( Ψ τ , s τ ) cretization errors deviatory (change) error measures
J IJ ( Ψ τ , s τ ) = ---------------------------------------------------
(3-8) n+1
∂X τJ dτ L p are the controlling criteria, which are func-
n+1 n+1
tions of the solution differences d τ ∼ ΔX τ :
where τ denotes the iteration number. The PVST n+1
dτ Lp <δ (3-9)
selects the primary variable in a dynamic manner
depending on inner nodal criteria of the solutions, c or
s . The derivatives of the Jacobian can be easily where δ is a user-specified deviatory error tolerance.
switched between c and s in accordance with the Here, weighted RMS L 2 and maximum L ∞ error
computational requirements. Their computations can norms can be chosen. Commonly, in the Newton
be done either analytically or numerically. method the deviatory error criterion (3-9) represents a
standard test to terminate the iteration within the time
step. In the PCOSN the temporal truncation and the
PKQ qÜÉ=káííóJdêáííó Newton termination error measures are equivalently
used. As a result, only one error criterion and one New-
Generally, the control of the solution of the resulting ton step per time step become necessary ( τ = 1 ).
highly nonlinear matrix system (3-6) is a tricky matter. Alternatively to the deviatory error estimate d τ Lp ,
Both the choice of the time step size Δt n and the itera- the residual Rτ Lp may be directly controlled, such
tion control of the Newton scheme significantly influ- as
ence the success and the efficiency of the simulation. In
n+1 n+1
the PCOSN scheme (Diersch & Perrochet, 1999) the Rτ Lp < δ2 F Lp (3-10)
nonlinear matrix system is linearized by the predictor
solutions. Temporal truncation errors can be easily esti-
where an additional error tolerance δ 2 appears and an
mated by evaluating predictor and corrector solutions
appropriate normalisation of the residual (here with
which are the basis of an adaptive, error-controlled n+1
respect to the external supply F ) is required. In the
time stepping and iteration strategy. In contrast, the n+1
TBFN deviatory errors d τ Lp and residual errors
TBFN (Forsyth et al., 1995) does not consider tempo- n+1
Rτ Lp can be alternatively employed. Instead of a
ral truncation errors in the time and iteration control.
one-step Newton control so as done in the PCOSN the
The only criterion is the Newton convergence for a
predictor-corrector technique can also be extended to a


multiple step Newton (PCMSN) strategy satisfying ⎧ ⎛ Kt - ⎞

both criteria (3-9) and (3-10). To measure the global ⎪ ⎜ z – --------------------
( so – si ) ⎪ ε ( 1 – sr ) ⎟
balance error we introduce s ( z, t ) = s i + ------------------- ⎨ erfc ⎜ ---------------------------------⎟ (3-14)
2 ⎪ ⎜ Kt ⎟
⎜ 2 ------------------------ -⎟
T ⎪ ⎝ εα ( 1 – s r )⎠

∫ Rτ ( t ) L2
⎛ Kt ⎞⎫
=0 ⎜ z + ε-------------------- -⎟⎪
ℜ(T ) = - (3-11) ( 1 – s ) ⎪
+ e erfc ⎜⎜ ---------------------------------⎟⎟ ⎬
T αz r

∫ F(t) L 2 dt
⎝ εα ( 1 – s r )⎠ ⎪
⎜ 2 -------------------------⎟ ⎪
t=0 ⎭

for the ’accumulated loss’ of mass with respect to the It can be easily seen from (3-13) that with large α the
total external supply over the entire simulation period problem is dominated by advection. Otherwise, consid-
(0, T ). ering a fully implicit time discretization the temporal
numerical dispersion can be estimated to

PKR ^å~äóíáÅ~ä=pçäìíáçå n+1 Δt n K

D numdisp ≈ -------- ---------------------
2 ε ( 1 – sr )
In one dimension the Richards equation (3-1)

∂s ( ψ ) ∂ ∂ψ
ε -------------- – ----- K r ( ψ )K ⎛ ------- – 1⎞ = 0 (3-12) PKS qÉëí=`~ëÉ
∂t ∂z ⎝ ∂z ⎠

The problem is described in Fig. 3.1. For the lower

can be transformed into the linear advective-dispersive boundary a free drainage-type boundary condition is
equation of the form applied (Diersch, 1998). The 6 m column is discretized
by 120 linear elements, so the nodal spacing becomes
∂s K - ∂s K -∂ s Δz = 5 cm.
----- + -------------------- ----- – ------------------------ -------- = 0 (3-13)
∂t ε ( 1 – s r ) ∂z εα ( 1 – s r ) ∂z 2

for the exponential constitutive law (3-3) by using the PKSKN kÉïíçå= Åçåíêçä= Äó= íÜÉ= ÇÉîá~J
following assumptions: S o = ψ a = Q = χ = 0 and z íçêó=Éêêçê=ÅêáíÉêáçå=EPJVF
is oriented downward in the direction of gravity.
The computed saturation profiles for two α-parame-
With s ( z, 0 ) = s i and s ( 0, t ) = s o the solution is ters in comparison with the analytical solution are


shown in Fig. 3.2. Large conservation errors are PKSKO kÉïíçå=Åçåíêçä=Äó=íÜÉ=êÉëáÇì~ä

observed for the TBFN if the number of time and Éêêçê=ÅêáíÉêáçå=EPJNMF
accordingly Newton steps become small. For
α = 5 m 20 and 61 time steps (49 and 116 Newton As outlined in Fig. 3.3 the conservative problems
steps) are needed for the constraints Δt max = 0.2 d and disappears for the TBFN if the residual error criterion
Δt max = 0.05 d , respectively. It leads to the total inte- –4
(3-10) is used with δ 2 = 10 . The adaptive PCMSN
gral balance errors (3-11) of ℜ ( 3 d ) ≈ 160% and the TBFN gives comparable results which agree
and ≈ 40% , respectively. In contrast, the PCOSN took quite well with the analytical solution. Here, the
240 variable time and Newton steps resulting an PCMSN is now controlled by two the criteria (3-9) and
acceptable balance error of only ℜ ( 3 d ) ≈ 0.06% with a (3-10): δ = 10
for the time adaptation and
very good agreement with the analytical solution. Sim- δ 2 = 10
for the Newton termination, where more
ilar results appear for α = 200 m , where the TBF than one Newton step per time increment can occur.
gives ℜ ( 3 d ) ≈ 7% (74 time and 344 Newton steps) and The TBFN needed 49 time (279 Newton) and 133 time
ℜ ( 3 d ) ≈ 2% (107 time and 301 Newton steps), respec- –1
(502 Newton) steps for α = 5 m and α = 200 m ,
tively, while the PCOSN obtains ℜ ( 3 d ) ≈ 0.09% after respectively, achieving total balance errors of
360 time and Newton steps. ℜ ( 3 d ) ≈ 0.0006% and ≈ 0.001% , respectively. Expect-
edly, the PCMSN took more time steps. We found 164
s o = 0.8 time (268 Newton) steps with ℜ ( 3 d ) ≈ 0.01% and 165
time (362 Newton) with ℜ ( 3 d ) ≈ 0.001% for
–1 –1
α = 5 m and α = 200 m , respectively.
K = 0.25 m d
ε = 0.3
sr = 0

α = 5…200 m
– 20
s i = 10

------- = 0
Figure 3.1 Sketch of the test problem.


a) 0.8 b)
TBFN, Δtmax = 0.2 d 0.7 TBFN, Δtmax = 0.2 d
TBFN, Δtmax = 0.05 d TBFN, Δtmax = 0.05 d
analytical analytical

Saturation [1]
Saturation [1]



0.2 0.2

0.1 0.1

0.0 0.0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Depth [m] Depth [m]
–1 –1 –4
Figure 3.2 Saturation profiles at t = 3 d for a) α = 5 m and b) α = 200 m , δ = 10 with the deviatory
error criterion (3-9) for the Newton control, aggressive target change parameters are used for the TBFN with a
maximum time step constraint Δt max .

PKT `çåÅäìëáçåë
For the TBFN the residual error criterion should be
preferred rather than standard deviatory tests to avoid 1. Diersch, H.-J. G. (1998) Treatment of free surfaces in 2D and 3D
conservation errors as long as the target change param- groundwater modeling. Math. Geologie 2, 17-43.
2. Diersch, H.-J. G. & Perrochet, P. (1999) On the primary variable
eters allow large steps. On the other hand, the adaptive
switching technique for simulating unsaturated-saturated flows.
PCOSN scheme sufficiently controls the solution pro- Adv. Water Resour. 23 (1), 25-55.
cess by limiting time truncation errors and an addi- 3. Forsyth, P. A., Wu, Y. S. & Pruess, K. (1995) Robust numerical
tional residual test, so as done in the PCMSN scheme, methods for saturated-unsaturated flow with dry initial conditions
is not necessary in the most cases. in heterogeneous media. Adv. Water Resour. 18(1), 25-38.


a) 0.8 b)
0.6 analytical analytical


Saturation [1]
Saturation [1]




0.2 0.2

0.1 0.1

0.0 0.0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Depth [m] Depth [m]
–1 –1 –4
Figure 3.3 Saturation profiles at t = 3 d for a) α = 5 m and b) α = 200 m , δ = δ 2 = 10 with the
residual error criterion (3-10) for the Newton control.


^= ëÜçÅâJÅ~éíìêáåÖ= ÑáåáíÉJÉäÉãÉåí= íÉÅÜåáèìÉ= Ñçê
ìåë~íìê~íÉÇJë~íìê~íÉÇ= Ñäçï= ~åÇ= íê~åëéçêí= éêçÄJ
H.-J. G. Diersch
WASY Institute for Water Resources Planning and Systems Research, Berlin, Germany

the global stability of the numerical results and the

ABSTRACT solutions fail.
A shock-capturing technique is introduced for a finite ele-
ment approach of the governing balance equations of flow,
contaminant mass and heat transport in variably saturated It has been shown4 the streamline is not always the
porous media. It represents a nonlinear method which appropriate upwind direction. A generalization of the
depends itself on the numerical solution and is characterized streamline concept in form of adding an additional dis-
by an additional discontinuity-capturing term controlling the continuity-capturing term was presented by Hughes
derivatives in the direction of the solution gradient. The
technique is embedded in a predictor-corrector scheme of
and Mallet5. The shock capturing (SC) method applied
first and second order in time to handle the solution implic- to finite elements has been developed by Johnson et
itly. The impact of the shock-capturing technique is studied al.6 and Codina7. The SC technique appears as a non-
for selected applications.
linear method, that is, the scheme depends itself on the
numerical solution. The main idea behind shock cap-
QKN fåíêçÇìÅíáçå turing is to increase the amount of damping in the
neighborhood of layers. Then, the damping to be added
In the numerical modeling of multidimensional trans- must be proportional to the element residual and must
port problems upwind techniques such as SUPG be vanish in regions where the solution is smooth and
(streamline-upwind Petrov-Galerkin)1 or scalar also where the convective term of the residual is small.
upstream weighting2 are standard to stabilize the solu-
tions when convection becomes highly dominant. In this work the SC technique is applied to multidi-
While the classic artificial diffusion method often suf- mensional nonlinear transport processes arising in den-
fers in a considerable smearing of steep fronts3 the sity-driven and unsaturated porous medium flows.
SUPG formulation cannot preclude the presence of
overshoots and undershoots in the vicinity of sharp
gradients4. For nonlinear situations, e. g., buoyancy-
driven convection, such type of oscillations may affect

QK= ^= ëÜçÅâJÅ~éíìêáåÖ= ÑáåáíÉJÉäÉãÉåí= íÉÅÜåáèìÉ= Ñçê= ìåë~íìê~íÉÇJë~íìê~íÉÇ= Ñäçï= ~åÇ
QKO pÜçÅâ= `~éíìêáåÖ= qÉÅÜJ dispersion coefficient in the form6,7
åáèìÉ 1 R( ψ)
D sc = --- α c h --------------- (4-5)
2 ∇ψ
The basic idea is to employ an asymmetric weak
if ∇ψ ≠ 0 and zero otherwise. The upwind function
w̃ = w + τ 1 v ⋅ ∇w + τ 2 v || ⋅ ∇w (4-1) α c is given by

v || h
where the first term is the standard Galerkin test func- α c = max { 0, a – 1 ⁄ γ || } γ || = ----------- a ≈ 0.7 (4-6)
2D d
tion, the second term is the linear SUPG modification
and the third term is the nonlinear discontinuity-captur-
ing operator. The vector v || is the projection of the In principle, the shock capturing dispersion coefficient
velocity vector v onto the direction of the local gradi- D sc could be added to the dispersion tensor both in the
ent ∇ψ of a solution ψ . Then, the parameters τ 1 and longitudinal and transverse direction of the flow. How-
τ 2 are defined as ever, a lower order time discretization can already
introduce a damping measure along the streamlines of
αh αh magnitude
τ 1 = -------- τ 2 = max ⎛ 0, ----------- – τ 1⎞ (4-2)
2v ⎝ 2 v || ⎠
v ⋅ ∇ψ Δt 2
v || = --------------- ∇ψ D Δt = ----- v (4-7)
2 2

and the final shock capturing is anisotropic and the dis-

where α is an upwind parameter2 and h is the element
persion tensor yields the form
size. Considering, for simplicity, the transient convec-
tion-diffusion transport equation of the scalar quantity v⊗v
ψ D = ( β̃ L – β̃ T ) ------------ + ( β̃ T v + D d )I (4-8)
ψ + v ⋅ ∇ψ – ∇ ⋅ ( D ⋅ ∇ψ ) – Q = 0 (4-3)
with the total longitudinal and transverse dispersivities,
where D is the tensor of hydrodynamic dispersion and
Q is a sink/source, and introducing the spatial residual
max { 0, D sc – D Δt } ⎫
β̃ L = β L + ----------------------------------------------- ⎪
R ( ψ ) = v ⋅ ∇ψ – ∇ ⋅ ( D ⋅ ∇ψ ) – Q (4-4) v ⎪
⎬ (4-9)
D sc ⎪
β̃ T = β T + -------- ⎪
the weak form of (4-3) by using the generalized test v ⎭
function (4-1) introduces an isotropic shock capturing


forth/Trapezoid Rule) predictor-corrector approach

where β L, β T are the true ‘physical’ dispersivities, D d with a one-step full Newton technique are applied8.
is the diffusion coefficient, and I is the unit tensor. Finally, the semi-implicit corrector step yields the fol-
Notice, for a higher-order time discretization (e.g., lowing matrix form:
Crank-Nicolson scheme) D Δt is to be neglected.
ϕO ϕM n + 1
J' h + ⎛⎝ -------- + K⎞⎠ + Θ --------- h =
The terms corresponding to the shock capturing dis- Δt n Δt n
persion (4-5) are nonlinear and an appropriate numeri- ϕM n + 1 ϕ n
= J' h + Θ --------- h p + O ⎛ -------- h + κh· ⎞ –
cal treatment is required. SC techniques are often Δt n ⎝ Δt n ⎠
employed with explicit time discretization. However,
ϕ n+1
– M -------- ( S p – S ) – κS· + F
n n n+1
due to the strong stability bounds of explicit Δt n
approaches for the solution of the present problems an (4-11)
n+1 n+1
implicit version of the SC technique is preferred. It is Aq = B
based on a predictor-corrector scheme which is imple- ϕP ϕ n
J' c + ⎛ -------- + D⎞ C = J' c C p + P ⎛ -------- C + κC· ⎞ + R
n+1 n+1 n n+1
mented for unsaturated-saturated flow, mass and heat ⎝ Δt n ⎠ ⎝ Δt n ⎠
transport processes.
ϕU ϕ n
J' t + ⎛⎝ -------- + L⎞⎠ T = J' t T p + U ⎛⎝ -------- T + κT· ⎞⎠ + W
n+1 n+1 n n+1
Δt n Δt n

QKP fãéäÉãÉåí~íáçå
where ϕ is 2 for the TR and 1 for the BE scheme, κ is
The 2D and 3D finite-element discretization of the 1 for the TR and 0 for the BE scheme, Θ = ds ⁄ dh p
coupled unsaturated-saturated flow, mass and heat is the derivation of the saturation with respect to the
transport problems leads to the following matrix sys- hydraulic head and is a given function, n designates
tem the time level, subscript p indicates the explicit predic-
tor solutions obtained from FE or AB schemes8, and J'
represents the corresponding partial Jacobian of the
O ( S )h· + MS· + K ( h, S )h = F ( h, S, C, T ) Newton method. The nonlinearities appearing in the
Aq = B ( h, S, C, T ) matrices and which are caused by both the physical
· (4-10)
P ( S, C )C + D ( q, h, S, C, T )C = R ( S, C ) problem and the nonlinear shock-capturing parameter
(4-5) are linearized by using the predictor values. The
U ( S )T· + L ( q, h, S, C, T )T = W ( S, T ) solution is automatically controlled by an error-based
timestep adaptation. Notice, as seen in (4-11) the unsat-
to solve the hydraulic head h , the fluid saturation S , urated flow equations of the Richards type are treated
the Darcy fluxes q , the concentration C , and the tem- in a mixed saturated-head variable formulation pos-
perature T . A first order FE/BE (Forward Euler/Back- sessing good conservative properties.
ward Euler) and a second order AB/TR (Adams-Bash-

QK= ^= ëÜçÅâJÅ~éíìêáåÖ= ÑáåáíÉJÉäÉãÉåí= íÉÅÜåáèìÉ= Ñçê= ìåë~íìê~íÉÇJë~íìê~íÉÇ= Ñäçï= ~åÇ
QKQ kìãÉêáÅ~ä=oÉëìäíë SC method (Fig. 4.1d). Following parameters have
been used: injection rate q = 6.433 m2/d, D d = 0, β L =
QKQKN eççéÉë= ~åÇ= e~êäÉã~ååÛë= íïç 0.0015 m, βT = 0 (for more details see10).
It reveals the Galerkin scheme produces significant
wiggles while the SUPG and the SC schemes give sta-
Hoopes and Harlemann9 performed a number of
ble solutions. The SC results appear superior to the
experiments using a sand model to measure the distri-
SUPG distribution. The SC scheme introduces a
bution of a solute between recharging and discharging
smaller amount of upwind and exhibits more accurate
wells in the saturated zone. Figure 4.1a shows the
coarse unstructured 2D mesh used to compare the
results at time t = 0.2 d for the Galerkin method (Fig
4.1b), the SUPG scheme (Fig. 4.1c) and the proposed

a) b)

c) d)

Figure 4.1 Comparison for Hoopes and Harlemann’s experiment: a) used mesh, b) Galer-
kin (no upwind), c) SUPG, d) shock capturing.


QKQKO páåâáåÖ= çÑ= ~= ÜÉ~îó= ëçäìíÉ= áå= ~

The advantage of the SC method becomes more
apparent if considering the following density-driven
problem (Fig 4.2).

0.350 m
0.182 m

0.325 m Cs = 400 g/l


0.649 m

Co = 50 g/l
K = 10-4 m/s c)
Dd = 10-9 m2/s
βL = βT = 0 m



Figure 4.3 Computed solute distribution for

the SUPG (left column) and the SC scheme
(right column) at different times: a) 0.5 d, b)
Figure 4.2 a) domain, b) used mesh 1.5 d, c) 2.5 d, and d) 100 d.
(17,336 nodes; 33,198 triangles).

QK= ^= ëÜçÅâJÅ~éíìêáåÖ= ÑáåáíÉJÉäÉãÉåí= íÉÅÜåáèìÉ= Ñçê= ìåë~íìê~íÉÇJë~íìê~íÉÇ= Ñäçï= ~åÇ
In a 2D box of a saturated porous medium with and Kropinski’s saturation patterns indicates that the
impervious boundaries a heavy solute with a concen- present results possess a good adaptation of steep gra-
tration of 400 g/l is initially placed at an upper location. dients without spurious oscillations. Such a steepness
The background concentration is 50 g/l and mechanical was achieved by Forsyth and Kropinski only at a finer
dispersion should be neglected. It becomes clear that mesh. There, the agreement is quite well.
the gravity-induced sinking process of the solute is dif-
ficult to model because the buoyancy forces are very a)
large. Otherwise, it is to be expected that discretization
effects becomes significant due to different damping
measures required in the numerical solution. An
unstructured mesh of a medium resolution is used for
comparing the SUPG and SC schemes. The results are
displayed in Fig. 4.3. As shown the evolving pattern
formations are quite different for both schemes. It
clearly reveals the overdiffusive property of the SUPG
scheme against the superior SC method. Notice, a
Galerkin approach cannot be successful for the used

QKQKP fåÑáäíê~íáçå= áåíç= ~å= áåáíá~ääó= Çêó


This unsaturated heterogeneous 2D problem was

introduced by Forsyth and Kropinski11 to study
upstream weighting methods. The problem is difficult
to solve due to both the initially dry condition (initial
capillary pressure head of -100 m) and the flat capillary Figure 4.4 Simulated distributions of a) saturation
pressure curve (van Genuchten pore size distribution and b) solute for the Forsyth and Kropinski’s
problem11 at t = 30 d by using the SC method for a
index of 5). The flow problem11 and an accompanying
coarse 90x21 quadrilateral finite element mesh.
transport problem of an infiltrated tracer (with D d =
10-9 m2/s, βL = 0.05 m, β T = 0.005 m) is simulated by
using the SC method on a coarse 90x21 quadrilateral
mesh, which is comparable to11. The resulting distribu-
tions for the saturation and the solute at time t = 30 d
are exhibited in Fig. 4.4. A comparison with Forsyth


QKR `çåÅäìëáçåë 7. Codina, R., A discontinuity-capturing crosswind-dissipation for

the finite element solution of the convection-diffusion equation,
Comput. Meths. Appl. Mech. Engrg. 110, pp. 325-342, 1993.
The nonlinear SC method have shown to be supe- 8. Diersch, H.-J.G. & Kolditz, O., Coupled groundwater flow and
rior to a common SUPG scheme. It improves numerical transport: 2. Thermohaline and 3D convection systems, Adv. in
stability by introducing crosswind dispersion in the Water Resour. 21, No. 5, pp. 401-425, 1998.
neighborhood of layers. It is less overdiffusive and 9. Hoopes, J.A. & Harlemann, D.R.F., Wastewater recharge and dis-
does not require too much computational extra cost. persion in porous media, ASCE J. Hydr. Div. 93 (HY5), pp. 51-71,
Embodied into a predictor-corrector technique the SC
10. Diersch, H.-J.G., Interactive, graphics-based finite-element simu-
method can be used in an implicit mode and is easy to lation system FEFLOW for modeling groundwater flow, contam-
implement. This makes it an attractive technique for inant mass and heat transport processes. WASY Ltd., Berlin,
practical usage. The SC method is available in the 2002.
FEFLOW code10. 11. Forsyth, P.S. & Kropinski, M.C., Monotonicity considerations for
saturated-unsaturated subsurface flow, SIAM J. Sci. Comput. 18,
pp. 1328-1354, 1997.

1. Brooks, A.N. & Hughes, T.J.R., Streamline upwind Petrov-Galer-
kin formulations for convection-dominated flows with particular
emphasis on the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations, Com-
put. Meths. Appl. Mech. Engrg. 32, pp. 199-259, 1982.
2. Heinrich, J.C., Huyakorn, P.S., Zienkiewicz, O.C. & Mitchell,
A.R., An upwind finite element scheme for two-dimensional con-
vective transport equation, Internat. J. Numer. Meths. Engrg. 11,
pp. 134-143, 1977.
3. Roache, P.J., On artificial viscosity, J. Comput. Phys. 10, pp. 169-
184, 1972.
4. Hughes, T.J.R., Mallet, M. & Mizukami, A., A new finite element
formulation for computational fluid dynamics: II. Beyond SUPG,
Comput. Meths. Appl. Mech. Engrg. 54, pp. 341-355, 1986.
5. Hughes, T.J.R. & Mallet, M., A new finite element formulation
for computational fluid dynamics: IV. A discontinuity-capturing
operator for multidimensional advective-diffusive systems, Com-
put. Meths. Appl. Mech. Engrg. 58, pp. 329-336, 1986.
6. Johnson, C., Szepessy, A. & Hansbo, P., On the convergence of
shock-capturing streamline diffusion finite element methods for
hyperbolic conservation laws, Math. Comput. 54, pp. 82-107,

QK= ^= ëÜçÅâJÅ~éíìêáåÖ= ÑáåáíÉJÉäÉãÉåí= íÉÅÜåáèìÉ= Ñçê= ìåë~íìê~íÉÇJë~íìê~íÉÇ= Ñäçï= ~åÇ


H.-J. G. Diersch
WASY Institute for Water Resources Planning and Systems Research, Berlin, Germany

R bêêçê=åçêãë=ìëÉÇ=áå=cbcilt

⎛ N ⎞
RKN bêêçêë=~åÇ=jÉ~ëìêÉë = ⎜ ∑ ei ⎟
e p≥1 (5-2)
p ⎜ ⎟
⎝i = 1 ⎠
Mathematically, an error e can be considered as the
difference between an approximate ψ̂ and an exact
where N represents the number of vector elements. In
solution ψ
practical applications the error norm should be appro-
priately chosen to focus on the particular quantity of
e = ψ – ψ̂
(5-1) interest. As the result, in varying p one can emphasize
e i = ψ i – ψ̂ i the maximum differences occurred in the solution or
one has more interest in an average and integral mea-
Note, ψ stands for a primary solution variable, which sure of the error. While the former is a much stronger
is typically in FEFLOW the hydraulic head h , the con- measure and focus on local effects, the latter gives
centration C or the temperature T . often a representative measure of the overall error in
the entire solution space. Accordingly, FEFLOW uses
The specification of a local error in the form (5-1) is different norms in measuring errors which can be
generally not appropriate and more general error mea- optionally chosen.
sures are required. For this reason various ’norms’ rep-
resenting some integral scalar quantity are often
introduced to measure errors. In an abstract sense the RKO bêêçêë=aÉêáîÉÇ=Ñçê=kìãÉêJ
vector (or Hölder) norm, so-called Lp norm, is the most áÅ~ä=pÅÜÉãÉë
general expression for an error measure, viz.,
The used specific form of the error measure
depends on the numerical context. For instance, for a
simple iterative scheme applied at a given time level it


has the form ⎛ N

1 1 -
= ---- ⎜ -----------

ei = ψi
– ψi
e L2 N ⎜ ψ2 ∑ ei

⎝ max i=1 ⎠

where τ corresponds to the iteration counter. On the where ψ max is the maximum quantity of the solution to
other hand, in using the predictor-corrector techniques normalize the ψ i entities. The maximum ψ max is pre-
with automatic time stepping the errors are derived for ferred for the normalization instead of using a relative
the Forward Euler/Backward Euler (FE/BE) scheme as τ
quantity, e.g. ψ i , which would lead to too strong esti-
mates especially at starting times or if converging to
1 Δ
steady state.
e i = --- ψ i – ψ i (5-4)

and for the Adams-Bashforth/Trapezoid rule (AB/TR) RKOKO ^ÄëçäìíÉ=iN=áåíÉÖê~ä=Éêêçê=åçêã

scheme as

Δ This norm represents an average of the error in the

ψi – ψi
e i = --------------------------------- (5-5) solution domain:
Δt n – 1
3 ⎛⎝ 1 + ---------------⎞⎠
Δt n N
e L1 = ----------------
Nψ max ∑ ei (5-7)
where the superscript Δ indicates the predictor solu- i=1
tion, the subscript n is the time level, and Δt is the
time increment. It is an alternative to the L2 RMS norm. Commonly, it
should not be the first choice (the RMS norm is often
more appropriate).
RKOKN bìÅäáÇÉ~å= iO= áåíÉÖê~ä= oççí
RKOKP j~ñáãìã=i ∞ =Éêêçê=åçêã
This is the default error norm to measure an integral
error quantity. It represents an error measure which is This error measure can be useful if focusing on the
natural to the solution approximation of the governing maximum error occurring in the solution. The maxi-
balance equations in then sense of square-integrable mum norm is defined as
functions over the solution domain:
e L∞ = ------------ max e i (5-8)
ψ max i


time and iteration. If the problem is not source-

It is the strongest measure and should be preferred if free (e.g., the presence of a groundwater recharge,
the local error is important in the numerical process a mass or heat supply) or the boundary conditions
(’scheme listens to each sound’). are time-dependent, the actual maximum of the
solution can increase above the magnitude of
ψ max during the time.
RKOKQ kçêã~äáò~íáçå= Äó= ìëáåÖ= íÜÉ • If ψ max becomes a larger value (e.g., a hydraulic
head h is referenced to a larger elevation) small
ã~ñáãìã=èì~åíáíó= ψ max derivations in the solutions are scaled down as
normalized quantities. For instance a derivation of
The maximum quantity ψ max of the solution 1 mm in the hydraulic head leads to different
ψ = ψ ( x, t ) is used to normalize the error measures (5- dimensionless error measures if ψ max is different:
6) to (5-8), where x is the space coordinate and t is the ( 5.001 – 5 ) ⁄ 30 = 3.333 ⋅ 10 , where ψ max = 30
simulation time. Its value is determined internally by m versus ( 5.001 – 5 ) ⁄ 3000 = 3.333 ⋅ 10 when
FEFLOW at the beginning of each simulation run. In ψ max = 3000 m . With other words, if a dimen-
practical simulations ψ max is no more changed during sionless error tolerance amounts for instance to a
the simulation time t and during the iteration progress magnitude of 10 , the tolerated derivation in the
τ . Accordingly, ψ max is determined at initial time and hydraulic head is then 3 mm for the case of
for an initial distribution of ψ : ψ max = 30 m and 30 cm for the case of
ψ max = 3000 m
ψ max = max ψ i ( x, 0 ) (5-9) • To avoid a division by zero in the normalization,
i ψ max is automatically set to 100 if the maximum
quantity is detected zero.
for i = 1, …, N .

The normalization in form of ψ i ⁄ ψ max ( i = 1, …, N )

provides dimensionless measures in (5-6) to (5-8). The
input of user-specified error tolerances in FEFLOW is
correspondingly dimensionless. In determining the
maximum quantity ψ max at initial time via (5-9) the
user has to notify the following:

• ψ max is computed at beginning of a simulation run

which is based on the initial distribution of ψ and
boundary conditions at initial time of the problem,
and remains unchanged during the progressing


^Äçìí= íÜÉ= ÇáÑÑÉêÉåÅÉ= ÄÉíïÉÉå= íÜÉ= ÅçåîÉÅíáîÉ
Ñçêã= ~åÇ= íÜÉ= ÇáîÉêÖÉåÅÉ= Ñçêã= çÑ= íÜÉ= íê~åëéçêí
H.-J. G. Diersch
WASY Institute for Water Resources Planning and Systems Research, Berlin, Germany
R d = ∂( Rψ ) ⁄ ∂ψ derivative term of retardation;
S ^Äçìí=íÜÉ=ÇáÑÑÉêÉåÅÉ=ÄÉíïÉÉå=íÜÉ=ÅçåîÉÅíáîÉ=Ñçêã=~åÇ=íÜÉ=ÇáîÉêÖÉåÅÉ=Ñçêã=çÑ=íÜÉ=íê~åëéçêí=Éèì~íáçå

Q ψ = – ψQ ρ + Q an additional source term in which

SKN _~ëáÅ=qê~åëéçêí=bèì~íáçå
Q ρ is the source term in the continuity equation;
From conservation principles1 we have the follow-
ing transport equation for a property ψ This is called the convective form, which is more com-
mon and usually applied in practical modeling. The
∂ ( Rψ ) + ∇ ⋅ ( qψ ) – ∇ ⋅ ( D ⋅ ∇ψ ) = Q main difference lies in the convective terms. While Eq.
in Ω (6-1)
∂t (6-1) has a divergence expression ∇ ⋅ ( qψ ) the trans-
port equation (6-2) involves a more convenient gradi-
where ent relationship q ⋅ ∇ψ for the convective term. Both
transport equations are physically equivalent, but they
ψ = scalar transport quantity; lead to different formulations of boundary conditions3
R = retardation; in their discretized forms as shown below.
q = velocity field;
D = dispersion tensor;
Q = sink/source; SKO pí~åÇ~êÇ= _çìåÇ~êó= `çåJ
This formulation is called divergence form. The equa-
tion (6-1) can be transformed (simplified) by incorpo- Let us denote the boundary of the domain Ω by
rating the continuity equation1. It yields ∂Ω = Γ 1 ⊗ Γ 2 where Γ 1 and Γ 2 are two disjoint por-
tions of the total boundary, ∂Ω . In the general case fol-
∂ψ lowing formulations for boundary conditions (BC’s)
R d ------- + q ⋅ ∇ψ – ∇ ⋅ ( D ⋅ ∇ψ ) = Q ψ in Ω (6-2)
∂t occur, viz.,

ψ = ψ1 on Γ1 ⎫ ∂ψ
(6-3) ∫ w ⎛⎝ R d ------- + q ⋅ ∇ψ⎞⎠ + ∇w ⋅ ( D ⋅ ∇ψ ) = (6-6)
⎬ ∂t
– n ⋅ ( D ⋅ ∇ψ ) + a ( ψ 2 – ψ ) = b on Γ2 ⎭ Ω

∫ { ∇ ⋅ [ w ( D ⋅ ∇ψ ) ] + wQψ }
where on Γ 1 we have Dirichlet BC and on Γ 2 it repre- Ω
sents a more general form of a Robin type BC in which
more specific Neumann and Cauchy type BC’s as used Now, applying the divergence theorem (Green’s theo-
in FEFLOW1 are involved. If a = 0 a Neumann BC of rem) on the ’dispersive’ term on the RHS of (6-6)
2nd kind results, while for b = 0 a common Cauchy
BC of 3rd kind is given. In (6-3) n corresponds to the
normal unit vector (positive outward), ψ 1 and ψ 2 are
∫ ∇ ⋅ [ w ( D ⋅ ∇ψ ) ] = ∫ wn ⋅ ( D ⋅ ∇ψ ) (6-7)
Ω ∂Ω
prescribed boundary values of ψ on Γ 1 and Γ 2 ,
respectively. and obtain for (6-6)

∫ w ⎛⎝ R d ------- + q ⋅ ∇ψ⎞⎠ + ∇w ⋅ ( D ⋅ ∇ψ ) =
SKP tÉ~â=cçêã=çÑ=íÜÉ=`çåîÉÅJ ∂t

íáîÉ=cçêã=ESJOF Ω

∫ wQψ + ∫ wn ⋅ ( D ⋅ ∇ψ )
The finite element formulation is based on the fol- Ω ∂Ω

lowing weak form of the transport equation (6-2).

Introducing the spatial weighting function w we get We can easily insert the Robin-type BC (6-3) into (6-7)
to get
∫ w ⎛⎝ Rd ------
- + q ⋅ ∇ψ⎞

= ∫ w [ ∇ ⋅ ( D ⋅ ∇ψ ) + Qψ ] (6-4)
Ω Ω ∫ wn ⋅ ( D ⋅ ∇ψ ) = ∫ w [ a ( ψ2 – ψ ) – b ] (6-9)
∂Ω Γ2

We can invoke the following identity (partial integra-

tion) applied to the ’dispersive’ part By inserting (6-9) into (6-8) the resulting weak form
for the finite element solutions is finally given by

∫ ∇ ⋅ [ w ( D ⋅ ∇ψ ) ] = ∫ w [ ∇ ⋅ ( D ⋅ ∇ψ ) ] (6-5)
Ω Ω ∫ w ⎛⎝ R d ------- + q ⋅ ∇ψ⎞⎠ + ∇w ⋅ ( D ⋅ ∇ψ ) + ∫ waψ = (6-10)
+ ∫ ∇w ⋅ ( D ⋅ ∇ψ ) Ω Γ2

∫ wQψ + ∫ w ( aψ2 – b )
Ω Γ2
and rewrite (6-4) as follows:


It should be noticed that with this BC formulation the Applying this formulation together with the remain-
normal ’dispersive’ flux is expressed. For instance, if ing terms (analogous to above) we obtain the following
a = b = 0 , known as the natural (Neumann) condi- weak form
tion, then the boundary is impervious for the dispersive
flux n ⋅ ( D ⋅ ∇ψ ) = 0 , what does not mean that the ∂ψ
boundary is impervious for the normal ’convective’ ∫ wR d ------- – ψq ⋅ ∇w + ∇w ⋅ ( D ⋅ ∇ψ ) =
flux n ⋅ qψ on the boundary. But we shall see next that
this becomes possible in using the divergence form. ∫ wQ + ∫ wn ⋅ ( D ⋅ ∇ψ – qψ )
Ω ∂Ω

There is a difference between (6-14) and (6-8) regard-

SKQ tÉ~â= cçêã= çÑ= íÜÉ= aáîÉêJ ing the boundary term for ∂Ω . Would we express the
ÖÉåÅÉ=cçêã=ESJNF normal convective boundary flux as
The weak formulation for the transport equation
(6-1) yields ∫ wψn ⋅ q = ∫ wψn ⋅ q (6-15)
∂Ω Γ2

∫w R d ------- + ∇ ⋅ ( qψ ) =
∂t ∫ w [ ∇ ⋅ ( D ⋅ ∇ψ ) + Q ] (6-11)
and using the Robin BC type (6-3) the weak form of
the divergence form (6-14) takes the expression
Now we see there is one important difference to the
above convective form (6-4). Beside the ’dispersive’ ∫ wR d ------- – ψq ⋅ ∇w + ∇w ⋅ ( D ⋅ ∇ψ ) +
∂t ∫ w ( a + n ⋅ q )ψ
term we have also to integrate the ’convective’ term by Ω Γ2
parts, viz.,
= ∫ wQ + ∫ w ( aψ2 – b )
Ω Γ2
∫ w∇ ⋅ ( qψ ) = ∫ ∇ ⋅ ( wqψ ) – ∫ ψq ⋅ ∇w (6-12)
The normal convective flux appears now on the LHS of
(6-16) and is equivalent to the following BC’s
Using the divergence theorem we obtain
ψ = ψ1 on Γ1 ⎫
⎬ (6-17)
∫ ∇ ⋅ ( wqψ ) = ∫ wψn ⋅ q (6-13) – n ⋅ ( D ⋅ ∇ψ – qψ ) + a ( ψ 2 – ψ ) = b on Γ2 ⎭
Ω ∂Ω

where a new boundary integral term appears. rather than (6-3). In applyimg now (6-17) to the diver-
gence form (6-14) the following weak statement results

∂ψ range of applications. A disadvantage of the convective
∫ wR d ------- + ∇w ⋅ ( D ⋅ ∇ψ – ψq ) +
∂t ∫ waψ form can arise if the prescription of the ’dispersive’
Ω Γ2 boundary flux is insufficient, e.g., for an intruding con-
taminant source on a boundary portion with a given
= ∫ wQ + ∫ w ( aψ2 – b ) rate.
Ω Γ2

The (optional) divergence form (6-16) is able to

which is different to the convective weak form (6-10). conserve the total (’convective’ plus ’dispersive’)
For instance, if a = b = 0 the corresponding natural boundary flux on boundaries:
(Neumann) condition forces the total boundary flux
(’dispersive’ plus ’convective’) to be zero. A nonzero ψ = ψ1 on Γ1 ⎫
value means that both the dispersive and the convective ⎬ (6-20)
normal flux should be known (or estimable) on Γ 2 . As – n ⋅ ( D ⋅ ∇ψ – qψ ) + a ( ψ 2 – ψ ) = b on Γ2 ⎭
long as n ⋅ q is known there it can be handled as a
given ’reaction’ term in the LHS of (6-16). But nor- Here, the Neumann type condition is
mally, if not, for instance along some outflowing – n ⋅ ( D ⋅ ∇ψ – qψ ) = b , while a Cauchy type BC takes
boundary portions, this value cannot be predefined a the form – n ⋅ ( D ⋅ ∇ψ – qψ ) = – a ( ψ 2 – ψ ) . This is
priori as a boundary condition and becomes automati- sometimes advantageous because the total flux BC is
cally dropped with the consequence that the boundary satisfied2 instead of satisfying only the ’dispersive’
becomes convectively impervious. flux. However, on outflowing boundaries n ⋅ q is often
unknown and such a BC type requires a specific han-
dling as described in the following section.
SKR ^Çî~åí~ÖÉë= îëK= aáë~Çî~åJ
í~ÖÉë As the sum, the convective form is much easier to
handle and sufficient for the most applications, while
The (default) convective formulation (6-10) the divergence form represents a totally conserved for-
together with the BC’s mulation, however, it needs specific techniques and
additional effort for boundary conditions at outflowing
ψ = ψ1 on Γ1 ⎫ portions.
⎬ (6-19)
– n ⋅ ( D ⋅ ∇ψ ) + a ( ψ 2 – ψ ) = b on Γ 2 ⎭

SKS e~åÇäáåÖ= çÑ= lìíÑäçïáåÖ

is easy to handle. All BC’s need not specific consider-
ations. Along boundaries the Neumann type
_çìåÇ~êáÉë= Ñçê= íÜÉ= aáîÉêJ
– n ⋅ ( D ⋅ ∇ψ ) = b or the Cauchy type ÖÉåÅÉ=cçêã
– n ⋅ ( D ⋅ ∇ψ ) = – a ( ψ 2 – ψ ) are appropriate for a wide
At an outflowing boundary the Robin-type bound-


ary condition
∫n⋅q = ∑ ∫ wn ⋅ q (6-25)
– n ⋅ ( D ⋅ ∇ψ – qψ ) + a ( ψ 2 – ψ ) = b on Γ 2 (6-21) Γ2 e Γe

cannot be specified a priori because n ⋅ qψ Γ is As soon n ⋅ q becomes known at Γ 2 the Robin-type

unknown. However, this part can be computed from the boundary condition (6-21) can be replaced by such a
flow equation via a postprocessing balance analysis in type (6-19)
the following form:
– n ⋅ ( D ⋅ ∇ψ ) + a ( ψ 2 – ψ ) = b on Γ2 (6-26)
The flow equation
which is also used for the convective form of the trans-
∂h port equation. With other words, at outflowing bound-
S o ------ – ∇ ⋅ ( K ⋅ ∇h ) = Q ρ in Ω (6-22)
∂t aries the divergence form turns on a ’diffusive’
Neumann-type boundary condition (6-26), e.g.,
where h is the hydraulic head, S o is the storage coeffi- – n ⋅ ( D ⋅ ∇ψ ) = b instead of – n ⋅ ( D ⋅ ∇ψ – qψ ) = b .
cient and K corresponds to the tensor of hydraulic con-
ductivity, leads to the following weak formulation Finally, at outflowing boundaries the weak form of
the transport equation (6-16) is now used as
∫ wSo -----
∂t ∫
- + ∇w ⋅ ( K ⋅ ∇h ) = – ∫ wn ⋅ q + ∫ wQρ (6-23)
Ω Ω ∂Ω Ω
∫ wR d ------- – ψq ⋅ ∇w + ∇w ⋅ ( D ⋅ ∇ψ )
With the given solution of h Eq. (6-23) can be explic- ⎛ ⎞
itly evaluated at Γ 2 according to + ∫ w ⎜⎝ a + n⋅q ⎟ψ


given from Eq. (24)
∫ wn ⋅ q = ∫ wQρ – ∫ ∇w ⋅ ( K ⋅ ∇h ) – ∫ wSo -----
- (6-24) ⎛ ⎞
Γ2 Ω Ω Ω
= ∫ wQ + ∫ w ⎜⎝ aψ2 – {b ⎟

Ω Γ2
according to Eq. (25)
via a consistent boundary quantity method to give the
unknown boundary flux n ⋅ q Γ . Here, the boundary with n ⋅ q as a given ’reaction term’ computed from (6-
quantity n ⋅ q is obtained from (6-24) by summing up 24) and (6-25), and b as a ’diffusive-type’ boundary
all nodal contributions at the corresponding boundary condition based on the formulation of Eq. (6-26). In
portion over all adjacent finite elements e this way, the divergence form (6-14) becomes applica-
ble for all practically important boundary conditions:
While at inflowing boundaries a total mass flux condi-
tion can be preferable, at outflowing boundaries only

the diffusive/dispersive outgoing needs to be specified,
where n ⋅ ( D ⋅ ∇ψ ) = 0 appears as a natural boundary
condition for outflowing situations.

SKT ^å=bñ~ãéäÉ
Considering the 2D vertical flow domain as shown
in Fig. 6.1 describing the contaminant influence on a
discharging aquifer from a leaked deposit, the differ-
ences between the convective and the divergence form
of the transport equations become apparent. The cross-
sectional domain has a length of 1000 m and a height
of 40 m. The aquifer is discharged from left to right.
The deposit contacts the aquifer on top over a length of
50 m, where contaminant matter releases. All parame-
ters and relationships are displayed in Fig. 6.1.

The boundary conditions for the flow problem are

summarized in Tab. 6.1. Accordingly, the discharge
amounts to a total flow balance of
0.1 ⋅ 40 + 0.0125 ⋅ 50 = 4.625 m3/d/m, which releases
through the boundary D-E.


250 m 50 m


K = 1 ⋅ 10 m/s
ε = 0.3
D d = 1 ⋅ 10 m2/s

40 m
βL = 2 m
β T = 0.1 m

F 1000 m E

Figure 6.1 Cross-sectional domain of study (K - isotropic hydraulic conductivity, ε - porosity, D d - molecular diffu-
sion, β L - longitudinal dispersivity, β T - transverse dispersivity).

Table 6.1 Flow boundary conditions

Section Type Value Unit Comment

A-B - - - unspecified (impervious)

B-C Neumann n ⋅ q = -0.0125 m/d influx

C-D - - - unspecified (impervious)

D-E Dirichlet h = 40 m pervious boundary (outflux)

Table 6.1 Flow boundary conditions

Section Type Value Unit Comment

E-F - - - unspecified (impervious)

A-F Neumann n ⋅ q = -0.1 m/d influx

The boundary conditions for the contaminant mass dition n ⋅ ( D ⋅ ∇ψ ) for the convective form according
transport differ between the convective and the diver- to Eq. (6-19) and a total (dispersive plus convective)
gence forms as summarized in Tabs. 6.2 and 6.3. The rate n ⋅ ( D ⋅ ∇ψ – qψ ) for the divergence form accord-
contaminant release from the deposit is modeled by a ing to Eq. (6-20).
given rate. This rate represents a dispersive influx con-
Table 6.2 Boundary conditions for the convective form according to Eq. (6-19)

Section Type Value Unit Comment

A-B - - - unspecified
(impervious for dispersive fluxes
– n ⋅ ( D ⋅ ∇ψ ) = 0)

B-C Neumann – n ⋅ ( D ⋅ ∇ψ ) = -0.0125 g/m2/d predefined (dispersive) influx of con-

(a = 0) taminant

C-D - - - unspecified
(impervious for dispersive fluxes
– n ⋅ ( D ⋅ ∇ψ ) = 0)

D-E - - - unspecified
(impervious for dispersive fluxes
– n ⋅ ( D ⋅ ∇ψ ) = 0, however, the
boundary is convectively pervious,
compare Tab. 6.1)
E-F - - - unspecified
(impervious for dispersive fluxes
– n ⋅ ( D ⋅ ∇ψ ) = 0)

A-F Dirichlet ψ = ψ1 = 0 g/m3 predefined concentration (entering



Table 6.3 Boundary conditions for the divergence form according to Eq. (6-20)

Section Type Value Unit Comment

A-B - - - unspecified
(impervious for total fluxes
– n ⋅ ( D ⋅ ∇ψ – qψ ) = 0)

B-C Neumann – n ⋅ ( D ⋅ ∇ψ – qψ ) = -0.0125 g/m2/d predefined (total) influx of contami-

(a = 0) nant

C-D - - - unspecified
(impervious for total fluxes
– n ⋅ ( D ⋅ ∇ψ – qψ ) = 0)

D-E - - - unspecified, however,

specific handling as outflowing
boundary in setting – n ⋅ ( D ⋅ ∇ψ ) =
0 as an impervious condition for dis-
persive fluxes

E-F - - - unspecified
(impervious for total fluxes
– n ⋅ ( D ⋅ ∇ψ – qψ ) = 0)

A-F Dirichlet ψ = ψ1 = 0 g/m3 predefined concentration (entering


dispersive flux n ⋅ ( D ⋅ ∇ψ ) with a magnitude of 0.0125

The computed stationary contaminant plume for the g/m2/d. Notice, for this formulation the convective
convective form is exhibited in Fig. 6.2. The counter- influx at this boundary portion is not defined. To real-
part of the divergence form is shown in Fig. 6.3. Quali- ize this given rate via a dispersive mechanism (i.e.,
tatively, both plumes have similar characteristics, but in driven by a concentration gradient ∇ψ and controlled
their quantity the patterns are fairly depart of each by the dispersion D ) the concentration gradient results
other. automatically, where a certain concentration magnitude
appears at the deposit border section. In the present
In the convective form the Neumann condition for case, the concentration increases to a maximum of
the contaminant release at the deposit is mimicked by a about 7.17 g/m3. In a budget analysis for the convec-

tive form a total amount of 3.45 g/m/d contaminant infinitely large value with the result that the convective
mass flux appears. What is the reason for this enlarged part of the boundary flux becomes infinitely large.
contaminant mass flux? In the convective form only
the dispersive part is defined at the boundary while the Unlike this, the divergence form echoes exactly the
convective part remains undefined. Expectedly, the dis- distribution and balance quantities which should be
persive magnitude is exactly 0.625 g/m/d. With the practically expected. The budget analysis results a total
given dispersivity parameters (Fig. 6.1) concentration contaminant release of 0.625 g/m/d through the deposit
profiles along the deposit boundary result as shown in boundary. Consequently, the concentration magnitudes
Fig. 6.4. This concentrations multiplied with the flow are significantly smaller (maximum value is only about
rate of 0.0125 m/d (Tab. 6.1) must be additionally con- 1 g/m3 at the deposit boundary) as shown in Fig. 6.4.
vected through the boundary. Because the concentra- This means the net contaminant mass release for the
tions are relatively high the convective part must be divergence form is about six times smaller than for the
large. Notice, it should become clear that this convec- convective form, which is also indicated by the depart-
tive form must fail for the given boundary conditions if ing concentration profiles of this order (Fig. 6.4).
the dispersivity (and diffusion) becomes smaller and
smaller. Then, the concentration gradient tends to an

Figure 6.2 Computed stationary contaminant distribution for the convective form (exaggeration 10 : 1).


Figure 6.3 Computed stationary contaminant distribution for the divergence form (exaggeration 10 : 1).

The differences between the convective and the diver-

gence forms result from the different meaning of 8

boundary conditions for fluxes (Neumann-type or

Cauchy-type boundary conditions) of contaminants. It
should be obvious that no differences appear if the con-
taminant source is modeled by a Dirichlet-type bound-
ary condition where the concentration is fixed. It is to ψ [g/m3] 4
be noted that the same relationships have to be consid-
ered for heat transport phenomena. convective form
2 divergence form

0 10 20 30 40 50
Deposit length [m]

Figure 6.4 Concentration profiles computed along the

deposit boundary in dependence on the convective
and divergence form.

SKU oÉã~êâë= çå= íÜÉ= bèìáî~J C 3 = reference concentration;
Φ = mass transfer rate;
äÉåÅÉ= çÑ= `~ìÅÜóJíóéÉ= ~åÇ
kÉìã~ååJíóéÉ= _çìåÇ~êó If we simply choose
`çåÇáíáçåë= Ñçê= íÜÉ= `çåJ
îÉÅíáîÉ= cçêã= ~åÇ= íÜÉ Φ = –n ⋅ q (convective boundary flux)
aáîÉêÖÉåÅÉ=cçêã=çÑ=qê~åëJ R
C3 = f⁄Φ

éçêí= bèì~íáçåë= J= mêÉëÅêáéJ

íáçå=çÑ=fåéìí=j~ëë=cäìñÉë then formulation (6-29) becomes equivalent to (6-28).
This can be easily seen if inserting (6-30) into (6-29):
For the divergence form of transport equation the
Neumann-type B.C. can be written as R
– n ⋅ ( D ⋅ ∇C ) – ΦC = – ΦC 3
q c = – n ⋅ ( D ⋅ ∇C – qC ) = – f on Γ2 (6-28) – n ⋅ ( D ⋅ ∇C ) + n ⋅ ( qC ) = – f

where Let us consider the following example to illustrate

the equivalent B.C. in both forms. We assume that an
C = concentration; input mass flux rate for a leaky deposit should be mod-
qc = normal mass flux, directed positive outward; eled. Regarding the flow condition the boundary is
q = Darcy velocity; occupied with a constant input flow rate – g = n ⋅ q .
D = dispersion tensor; For the divergence form Fig. 6.5 shows the correspond-
f = prescribed Neumann mass flux rate; ing boundary conditions for flow and mass transport.

Note that the prescribed Neumann mass flux rate f is flow transport
chosen negative because the mass flux is considered as Neumann-type Neumann-type
an input rate. n ⋅ q = –g qc = –f

On the other hand, the standard convective form of

transport equation can be subjected to the following
Cauchy-type boundary condition
Figure 6.5 Boundary conditions applied to the diver-
q c = – n ⋅ ( D ⋅ ∇C ) =
–Φ ( C3 – C) on Γ3 (6-29) gence form of transport equation.

In contrast in using the standard convective form of
transport equations the boundary conditions as dis-
played in Fig. 6.6 would lead to the same results.

flow transport
Neumann-type Cauchy-type
n ⋅ q = –g Φ = g C3 = f ⁄ Φ

Figure 6.6 Boundary conditions applied to the con-

vective form of transport equation.

The practical consequence is that input mass flux

boundary conditions can also easily simulated by using
the standard convective form without resorting to the
more complex divergence form of transport equation.

1. Diersch, H.-J. G., FEFLOW - Physical basis of modeling. Refer-
ence Manual - Part I, WASY Ltd., Berlin, 2002.
2. Pinder, G. & Gray, W., Finite element simulation in surface and
subsurface hydrology. Academic Press, 1977.
3. Galeati, G. & Gambolatti, G., On the boundary conditions and
point sources in the finite element integration of the transport
equation, Water Resources Research 25 (1989) 5, 847-856.
4. Gresho, P. M., Lee, P. L. & Sani, R. L., The consistent method for
computing derived boundary quantities when the Galerkin FEM
is used to solve thermal and/or fluids problems, Numerical Meth-
ods in Thermal Problems, Vol. 2, Pineridge Press, 1981, 663-675.


~êó= EéçíÉåíá~äF= ÅçåÇáíáçåë= Ñçê= ÑäìáÇ= ÇÉåëáíóJ
H.-J. G. Diersch
WASY Institute for Water Resources Planning and Systems Research, Berlin, Germany
the hydraulic head (potential)1. A typical example is
T ^Äçìí=íÜÉ=Ñçêãìä~íáçå=çÑ=ÜóÇê~ìäáÅ=ÜÉ~Ç=ÄçìåÇ~êó=EéçíÉåíá~äF=ÅçåÇáíáçåë=Ñçê=ÑäìáÇ=ÇÉåëáíóJÇÉéÉåÇÉåí=ÖêçìåÇï~íÉê=éêçÄäÉãë

TKN mêçÄäÉã=aÉëÅêáéíáçå the saltwater intrusion from a sea into a coastal aquifer
as schematized in Fig. 7.1. While on the land side of
In formulating boundary conditions (B.C.) for the the aquifer a freshwater discharge can be prescribed
groundwater flow the prescription of a hydraulic head (e.g., by a 2nd kind Neumann flux-type B.C.), at the
(1st kind Dirichlet-type or 3rd kind Cauchy) B.C. at a sea side the boundary is formed by a given hydraulic
given boundary portion is a common task. However, in head distribution. This hydraulic potential is measured
modeling density-dependent problems such as saltwa- in form of the piezometric head at the sea which is
ter intrusion or geothermal processes these hydraulic related to the actual fluid density of saltwater ρ s .
head B.C.’s have to consider the specific definition of
z z'


freshwater ρ o

saltwater ρ s

p = – ρ s gz h = f ( z, ρ s )

Figure 7.1 Saltwater intrusion in a coastal aquifer with related boundary conditions.

TKO qÜÉ= oÉÑÉêÉåÅÉ= eóÇê~ìäáÅ
mçíÉåíá~ä where ρ s is the density of groundwater at a known
salinity C : ρ s = ρ s ( C ) . It should be clear that the head
For the groundwater flow equations1 FEFLOW pre- h s cannot be directly used as a boundary condition.
fers the hydraulic head h , instead of the pressure p , as Instead, it has to be transformed to the reference
the primary variable. As a consequence, the corre- hydraulic head h , Eq. (7-2). This can be simply done
sponding B.C.’s of 1st kind (Dirichlet-type) or 3rd kind under considering the following relationships:
(Cauchy-type), respectively,
Expanding Eq. (7-3) by ρ o

p ρo
h = h ⎪
⎬ at Γ (7-1) h s = --------- ----- + z' (7-4)
R ρo g ρs

qn = –Φ ( h2 – h ) ⎪ AB

we get if introducing Eq. (7-2)
have to be expressed according to the definition of the
hydraulic potential h . As described in1 the hydraulic ρo ρo
h s = ----- h + ⎛ 1 – -----⎞ z' (7-5)
head variable h must be appropriately related to a ref- ρs ⎝ ρs⎠
erence fluid density ρ o , viz., and finally
p ρs ρs – ρo
h = --------- + z' (7-2)
ρo g h = ----- h s – ⎛⎝ -----------------⎞⎠ z' (7-6)
ρo ρo

Commonly, for saltwater intrusion problems the refer-

Now, introducing the density difference ratio α as1
ence density ρ o refers to the freshwater.
ρs – ρo
α = ----------------- (7-7)
TKP oÉÑÉêÉåÅÉ= mçíÉåíá~ä= Ñêçã
Eq. (7-6) can also be written in the form
h = ( 1 + α )h s – αz' (7-8)
A measurement of a piezometric head is normally
related to the actual density of the groundwater. It can
be expressed by Equations (7-6) or (7-8) have to be used to calculate the
hydraulic head h from piezometric heads h s which
h s = -------- + z' (7-3)
have been measured at a known saltwater density ρ s
ρs g (at known salinity C ).


TKQ eóÇêçëí~íáÅ=`çåÇáíáçå which yields with (7-9)

Let us consider the pressure distribution in the vertical ρ1 – ρ2 2

p = p 1 – g ⎛⎝ ρ 1 z + ----------------- z ⎞⎠ (7-11)
z -direction of gravity g under hydrostatic conditions. 2Δz
We assume that the density ρ = ρ ( z ) is varying lin-
early in the depth as shown in Fig 7.2: The hydraulic head h (7-2) related to the reference
density ρ o is then
( ρ1 – ρ2 )
ρ = ρ 1 + ---------------------- z (7-9)
Δz ρ1 – ρ0 1 ρ1 – ρ2 2
h = h 1 – ⎛ -----------------⎞ z – --------- ⎛ -----------------⎞ z (7-12)
⎝ ρ0 ⎠ 2Δz ⎝ ρ 0 ⎠
ρ1 p1
At boundaries where hydrostatic conditions can be
g imposed two cases are commonly of interest: (1) a con-
stant saltwater density in the depth and (2) a linear
increase of density as typical in a transition zone. Both
cases are illustrated in Fig. 7.3.

z case 1 case 2
(constant) (linear)
ρs ρo
density ρ pressure p

ρ2 p2

Figure 7.2 Hydrostatic condition in a depth of Δz under

a linear density gradient.

The fluid is hydrostatic for the vertical problem if

density ρ density ρ
dp ⎫
------ = – ρg
dz ⎪
⎪ ρs ρs
z (7-10)

Figure 7.3 Two interesting density profiles for a
p = p ( z ) = – g ∫ ρ ( θ ) dθ ⎪
⎪ hydrostatic boundary condition.
z1 ⎭

From (7-12) we obtain with ρ 1 = ρ 2 = ρs for the case h = – αz = – 0.029 z (7-15)

of a constant saltwater density (case 1) AB

h = h s – αz (7-13) Accordingly, at the point A (top of the aquifer, Fig. 7.1)

we have to set h = 0 and at the point B (bottom of the
For the case 2 with ρ 1 = ρ 0 , ρ 2 = ρ s we get from (7- aquifer) we must set h = 0.58 m. Between these nodes
12) for a linear saltwater density (case 2) the distribution of h is linear so as seen by Eq. (7-15).

α 2 REMARK 1: The assignment of the hydraulic head h

h = ho + --------- z (7-14)
2Δz has to be consistent with the definition of the z-coordi-
nate in the direction of gravity according to Eq. (7-8).
The hydraulic head at the depth z = – Δz is then In contrast to the above example if we would define
h = h s + αΔz for the constant density and z = 0 at the aquifer bottom (at point B in Fig. 7.1), h s
α has to be chosen as 20 m and Eq. (7-8) results
h = h o + --- Δz for the linear density relationship.
2 h = 20.58 – 0.029z [m], which represents an equiva-

lent prescription of the hydraulic head B.C.’s.
TKR bñ~ãéäÉë REMARK 2: Similar considerations are required for
thermal (thermohaline) problems if a hydraulic head
TKRKN _çìåÇ~êó=ïáíÜ=Åçåëí~åí=ÇÉåëáíó condition is to be prescribed at a boundary where the
temperature T (and salinity C ) are input. In this case
Referring to the saltwater intrusion problem of Fig. the density ρ s is deemed to be the value for the mea-
7.1 we assume that water table of the sea is given by sured T (and C ): ρ s = ρ s ( T, C ) . For instance, using a
h s = 0 , that means we choose z = 0 at the free surface linear thermal expansion of the density1 we have for a
of the sea where we have p = 0 . We aim at finding a thermohaline situation (both T and C are given here)
corresponding hydraulic head condition for h which the following relationship
should be imposed on the sea side of the model domain

AB (cf. Fig. 7.1). Let us assume we have a density of ρs – ρo

the seawater of ρ s = 1.029 kg/l. The freshwater has ----------------- = α – β ( T s – T o ) (7-16)
ρ o = 1 kg/l, accordingly one gets α = 0.029 . The thick-
ness of the aquifer should be 20 m ( 0 ≤ z ≤ – 20m ).
and Eq. (7-6) yields
Applying Eq. (7-8) or (7-13) we find along the ver-
h = [ 1 + α – β ( T s – T o ) ]h s – [ α – β ( T s – T o ) ]z (7-17)

tical boundary portion AB the following distribution

for the hydraulic head h (note that z = z' – h s ):
in which T s is the temperature to be prescribed at the


boundary Γ , T o is the reference temperature related h = – [ α – β ( T s – T o ) ]z = – 0.0276z (7-18)



to the reference density ρ o , and β is a known linear AB

thermal expansion coefficient. (Notice, for purely ther-

mal problems α = 0 in Eq. (7-17)). To demonstrate
this relationship let us expand the above saltwater TKRKO _çìåÇ~êó=ïáíÜ=î~êá~ÄäÉ=ÇÉåëáíó
intrusion example (Fig. 7.1). We assume the sea water
has a temperature of 20°C while the freshwater is 6°C Sometimes it is necessary to impose a transition
–4 –1
cold. The β -coefficient is 10 K , α is again 0.029. zone at a boundary for a saltwater intrusion process.
Accordingly, the input hydraulic head h at the bound- Such an example is shown in Fig. 7.4, where the den-

ary portion AB varies as sity varies linearly through the transition zone with a
thickness of Δz 1 .



transition h1


ρs h2
density ρ head h

Figure 7.4 Boundary with a predefined saltwater-freshwater transition zone.

At such a boundary a hydraulic head condition

α ⎫
h = h ( z ) has to be imposed. From Eqs. (7-14) and h 1 = h o + --- Δz 1 ⎪
2 ⎪
(7-13) we obtain the following sample values for the ⎬ (7-19)
head profile as indicated in Fig. 7.4: h 2 = h 1 + α ( Δz 2 – Δz 1 ) = h o + α ⎛ Δz 2 – --------⎞ ⎪⎪
⎝ 2 ⎠

where h o represents the hydraulic head at the boundary Φ = transfer coefficient, ( T ) ;
which is related to the freshwater density ρ o .

1. Diersch, H.-J. G., FEFLOW - Physical basis of modeling. Refer-
C = salinity, saltwater concentration, ence Manual - Part I, WASY Ltd., Berlin, 2002.
( ML ) ;
g = gravitational acceleration, ( LT ) ;
h = hydraulic head referenced to ρ o ,
(L) ;
hs = measured saltwater piezometric
head related to ρ s , ( L ) ;
h 0, h 1, h 2 = heads at locations, ( L ) ;
h ,h = piezometric head prescribed at
boundaries of Dirichlet- and
Cauchy-type, respectively, ( L ) ;
–1 –2
p = pressure, ( ML T ) ;
qn = normal boundary flux, ( LT ) ;
T = temperature, ( Θ ) ;
T s, T o = boundary temperature and reference
temperature, respectively, ( Θ ) ;
z' = elevation; Cartesian coordinate
along acting of gravity, ( L ) ;
z = z' – h s , vertical Cartesian
coordinate with the origin at the top
of the saline water body, ( L ) ;
α = density difference ratio, ( 1 ) ;
β = linear thermal expansion coefficient,
(Θ ) ;
Δz = depth, ( L ) ;
Γ = boundary portion;
ρo = reference fluid density; density of
freshwater, ( ML ) ;
ρs = density of saltwater, ( ML ) ;


H.-J. G. Diersch
WASY Institute for Water Resources Planning and Systems Research, Berlin, Germany

by FEFLOW3 provided the basic variables, parameters

U ^å=ÉÑÑáÅáÉåí=ãÉíÜçÇ=Ñçê=ÅçãéìíáåÖ=ÖêçìåÇï~íÉê=êÉëáÇÉåÅÉ=íáãÉë

UKN fåíêçÇìÅíáçå and boundary conditions are appropriately chosen.

Goode’s direct simulation strategy has taken over by
The computation of residence (travel) times of dis- Perrochet7,4 and was successfully applied to practical
solved solutes in the groundwater body or the determi- tasks by using FEFLOW. In the following the direct
nation of the groundwater age is traditionally age simulation strategy will be described in some
performed by particle tracking methods1,2,6 based on detail, which can be adapted by each FEFLOW user.
the advective pore velocity distributions. Unfortu- The main advantages of this approach can be summa-
nately, such type of technique provides only point- rized as follows:
related information about the groundwater age in form
of isochrones and, furthermore, neglects effects of • It can be performed by FEFLOW in utilizing the
hydrodynamic dispersion. A certain expedient can pro- embodied modeling features.
vide random work techniques6. However, they are • Both 2D and 3D problems are easily applicable.
again point-related approaches and are often time-con- • The method is effective and can be simply han-
suming, especially for 3D applications, since a large dled.
number of particles are needed to obtain representative • It also includes effects of mechanical dispersion
results for practical requirements. and diffusion.
• It can also be applied to transient flow conditions.
Recently Goode5 has proposed an interesting alter-
native in contrast to the above traditional approaches.
Its method is capable of computing the groundwater UKO qê~åëéçêí=bèì~íáçå=çÑ=íÜÉ
age in a direct manner (practically in one step) at any dêçìåÇï~íÉê=^ÖÉ
points of the model domain. Additionally, it includes
effects of the advection, diffusion and dispersion pro- For a steady-state flow field the mean residence
cesses. Goode’s method can be immediately performed time (’age’) A [d] can be determined from the concen-

tration C [mg/l] of a tracer injected as an impulse at equation the age source is Bε , where B corresponds to
time zero5. Accordingly, at any point in the model the thickness of the aquifer.)
domain the age A of the groundwater is considered as a
concentration-weighted travel time, viz., To solve Eq. (8-3) for the age A under a given
steady groundwater flow field q appropriate boundary
∞ conditions of 1st kind (Dirichlet-type) and 2nd kind
∫0 tC dt (Neumann-type) along inflowing and outflowing
A = ----------------- (8-1)
∞ boundary sections have to be prescribed in the follow-
∫ C dt0
ing manner: At inflowing boundaries the groundwater
age A can be usually imposed as a 1st kind boundary
condition, for instance, if setting A = 0 the age (as a
where t is the time and C corresponds to the concen-
relative time) is considered as the beginning time on
tration of the tracer. The dissolved concentration of the
such a boundary section. On the other hand, along out-
tracer have to satisfy the law of mass conservation
flowing boundaries a natural 2nd kind Neumann condi-
written in form of the advection-dispersion transport
tion can often be specified as n ⋅ ( D ⋅ ∇A ) = 0 , i.e., the
age in normal direction n to the boundary does not
∂C change anymore (for instance typically if groundwater
ε ------- + q ⋅ ∇C = ∇ ⋅ ( D ⋅ ∇C ) (8-2) leaves the aquifer and enters surface water).

where ε is the porosity, q is the Darcy velocity vector

and D represents the tensor of the hydrodynamic dis- UKP tçêâáåÖ=píÉéë=áå=cbcilt
persion which includes effects of molecular diffusion
D d , longitudinal and transverse dispersivities β L , β T , The solution of the age transport equation (8-3) in
respectively. Multiplying Eq. (8-2) by time, integrating 2D and 3D can be simply performed by FEFLOW. One
through all times, applying partial integration and utilizes the implemented transport equations which are
inserting the definition (8-1), one finally obtains a basically available in terms of either the contaminant
transport equation of the following type mass C or the temperature T variables. Instead, the
solution of the mass (or heat) transport equation is
q ⋅ ∇A – ∇ ⋅ ( D ⋅ ∇A ) = ε (8-3) mimicked for the age A . The following working steps
are now useful:
Equation (8-3) represents a steady-state transport
(1) Specification of a steady-state flow problem in a
equation in which the mean age A is the primary vari-
common manner.
able and the porosity ε appears as an ’age source’ term
of unit strength on the right-hand side. (It should be
(2) Extension of the problem class to a transport prob-
noted for a depth-integrated horizontal 2D transport
lem. We recommend a mass transport problem under


steady-state conditions (i.e., steady flow - steady mass the aquitard to the both aquifers is amounted to 1 :
transport). 1000. Furthermore, we assume a disturbance in the
aquitard in form of local ’hydrogeologic window’,
(3) Formulation of boundary conditions for the age A , through which the lower aquifer can be threatened. The
e.g., A = 0 at inflowing boundaries and hydrogeologic window should have the same conduc-
n ⋅ ( D ⋅ ∇A ) = 0 at outflowing boundaries. tivity than the aquifer. On top of the upper aquifer
groundwater recharge is input. The following questions
(4) Specification of the material conditions, where arise: At which travel times do surface-entering con-
properly the source term of zero order (’sink/source’) is taminants arrive the groundwater at different depths?
to be set as the age source in form of ε (or Bε ). (Note, How is the influence of mechanical dispersion and dif-
FEFLOW’s problem editor provides copy functions fusion? What are the differences between a 2D and 3D
which benefits the assignment of the age source from modeling of the hydrogeologic window in the aqui-
porosity data). tard?

(5) Solution of the steady flow and the age transport We start with a 2D modeling. Figure 8.1 displays
equations in one step. The evaluation of the results can the cross-section of a 2D vertical model, where the
be done by the standard tools available in FEFLOW for depicted steady-state pathlines and isochrones are
the concentration, e.g., isoline plotting, 3D visualiza- obtained by the traditional particle tracking approach
tion, data exporting etc. available in FEFLOW too.

There is also a trick7 if the age computation is

required parallel to another transport equation so as
needed for density-driven processes. In this case the
problem is classified as a thermohaline problem in
which flow, mass and heat transport are simultaneously
simulated. Either the mass or the heat transport equa-
tion can then be used as the age transport equation.
This allows an new approach to the analysis of resi-
dence times for complex flow situations which were
impossible to date.

UKQ aÉãçåëíê~íáîÉ=bñ~ãéäÉ
Let us consider two aquifers which are separated by
an aquitard. The ratio of the hydraulic conductivities of


Figure 8.1 2D (exaggerated) cross-sectional domain with pathlines and isochrones at 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50
years simulated by FEFLOW’s traditional particle tracking approach.

Now, the computation of the same problem via the pared to the case without dispersion (Fig. 8.2) two
direct simulation of the groundwater age results a dis- main differences appears which can be of certain
tribution of ages A for 10, 20,. 30, 40 and 50 years in importance for practical applications: (1) If dispersion
an isoline plot as shown in Fig. 8.2. Along the upper is considered the age is reduced in locations which are
boundary on which groundwater recharge is entering, mainly advectively affected as can be seen in the flow
the age A is set to zero. A comparison of the results region directly below the hydrogeologic window. It
(Fig. 8.2) with the particle tracking analysis (Fig. 8.1) means a longer travel time is required before a recharge
reveals a close agreement. Both simulations are per- influence starting from the surface travels to a point in
formed on the same mesh. The comparison between the the lower aquifer. This is caused by the dispersion,
traditional particle tracking and Goode’s direct age where flow particles have to go a longer pathway
simulation requires negligible dispersion. Accordingly, within the void space. However, a contrary effect can
the results of Fig. 8.2 have been achieved by suppress- be observed at the aquifer-aquitard contact zone. (2)
ing the dispersivities ( β L = β T = 0 ). To stabilize the The age increases at the occurrence of hydrodynamic
solution for the direct age simulation a streamline- dispersion (including diffusion) in impermeable or
upwind method was used. low-permeable parts. This reveals physicochemical
effects on the travel times of the groundwater below the
The effect of the hydrodynamic dispersion can be aquitard which cannot be studied by common particle
seen in Fig. 8.3 for the depicted age distribution. Com- tracking methods.


Figure 8.2 Computed ages for 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 years by the direct simulation of groundwater age (exag-
gerated cross-section), without mechanical dispersion β L = β T = 0 .

Figure 8.3 Computed ages for 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 years by the direct simulation of groundwater age (exag-
gerated cross-section), with mechanical dispersion.


The use of Goode’s direct age simulation is simply times in 3D applications. It should be mentioned that
possible in the same way for 3D application, which will the direct age simulation can also be performed in the
be shown next along the above two-aquifer-aquitard sense of a backtracing. In this case the boundary condi-
problem. Now we assume that the hydrogeologic win- tions for the groundwater age have to be ’reversed’
dow in the aquifer has a three-dimensional extent. If we (inflow boundaries becoming outflow boundaries, and
use the traditional particle tracking method also avail- vice versa). For backtracing a reverse flow field is nec-
able for 3D in FEFLOW we can find pathlines and iso- essary during the age computations. FEFLOW pro-
chrone patterns so as displayed in Fig. 8.4. Since each vides a specific option termed as ’Reverse flow field’
particle tracking event is always related to single start- which can be set in the ’Specific option settings’ menu.
ing point one needs many points, especially in 3D, to Further modifications of Goode’s method appears pos-
get a possibly closed representation and to record sible. The extensions to transient flow problems are
(hopefully) all critical locations. For complex applica- described by Goode5 and Varne & Carrera8.
tions this leads immediately to a ’chaos’ of lines and
markers in the 3D space. In contrast to that, the pro-
posed direct age simulation does not suffer in such dif-
ficulties. Here, the groundwater age represents a scalar
quantity computed at each node of a mesh. It can be
evaluated by using the available postprocessing tools,
for instance, isolines or fringes in slices, through arbi-
trary cross-sections and 3D displays so as exemplified
in Fig. 8.5 showing the age distribution for 50 years in
form of a 3D isosurface.

UKR `çåÅäìÇáåÖ=oÉã~êâë
The computation of the age and residence times of
groundwater can be easily and efficiently performed by
the present Goode method. It is applicable in both 2D
and 3D cases. The direct age simulation is a welcome
completion of particle tracking approaches; especially
in such cases if effects of hydrodynamic dispersion
becomes important, e.g., for capture zone assessments,
or, more generally, in order to make cross-checks
against the traditional particle tracking method and to
obtained closed and better representations of residence


Figure 8.4 3D pathlines at selected starting points and isochrones marked at 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 years as computed
by FEFLOW’s particle tracking method.


Figure 8.5 Computed age distribution for 50 years in the 3D flow domain forming a 3D isosurface.


1. Bear, J. & Verruijt, A., Modeling groundwater flow and pollution.
Reidel Publ., Dordrecht, 1987.
2. Diersch, H.-J. G., Voigt, R. & Gründler, R., Visiometric tech-
niques in a 3D groundwater transport code, In: X Intern. Conf. on
Computational Methods in Water Resources, Heidelberg (Ger-
many), July 19-22, Vol.2 1994, Kluwer Academic Publishers,
Dordrecht, 1449-1456.
3. Diersch, H.-J. G., Interactive, graphics-based finite-element simu-
lation system FEFLOW for modeling groundwater flow, contam-
inant mass and heat transport processes. WASY Ltd., 2002.
4. Etcheverry, D. & Perrochet, P., Direct simulation of groundwater
transit-time distributions using the reservoir theory. Hydrogeol-
ogy Journal 8 (2000) 200-208.
5. Goode, D. J., Direct simulation of groundwater age. Water
Resources Research 32 (1996) 2, 289-296.
6. Kinzelbach, W., Numerische Methoden zur Modellierung des
Transports von Schadstoffen im Grundwasser. 2nd edition, Old-
enbourg Verlag, München/Wien, 1992.
7. Perrochet, P., Personal communication, Centre d’Hydrogéologie,
Université de Neuchâtel, Switzerland, 1999.
8. Varne, M. & Carrera, J., Simulation of groundwater age distribu-
tions. Water Resources Research 34 (1998) 12, 3271-3281.



H.-J. G. Diersch
WASY Institute for Water Resources Planning and Systems Research, Berlin, Germany

fluid motion can be defined within such discrete fea-

V aáëÅêÉíÉ=ÑÉ~íìêÉ=ãçÇÉäáåÖ=çÑ=ÑäçïI=ã~ëë=~åÇ=ÜÉ~í=íê~åëéçêí=éêçÅÉëëÉë=Äó=ìëáåÖ=cbcilt

VKN qÜÉ= aáëÅêÉíÉ= cÉ~íìêÉ tures, e.g., Darcy, Hagen-Poiseuille or Manning-Strick-

ler laws. Both the geometric and physical
^ééêç~ÅÜ characteristics of the discrete feature elements provide
a large flexibility in modeling complex situations.
The discrete feature approach provides the crucial
Table 9.1 summarizes the most important characteris-
link between the complex geometries for subsurface
tics and typical applications for the used 1D and 2D (as
and surface continua in modeling flow, contaminant
well as 3D porous media) features.
mass and heat transport processes. In this holistic
approach a three-dimensional geometry of the subsur-
Apparently, the range of applications and the
face domain (aquifer system, rock masses) in describ-
dimension of the features require an unified approach,
ing a porous matrix structure can be combined by
where linear and nonlinear laws of fluid motion, porous
interconnected one-dimensional and/or two-dimen-
media and free fluid flows, phreatic and non-phreatic
sional features as shown in Fig. 9.1. In the finite-ele-
conditions as well as spatial (3D), plane (1D, 2D) and
ment context the three-dimensional mesh for the
axisymmetric (1D) geometries are embodied.
porous matrix can be enriched by both ’bar’ (channels,
mine stopes) and areal (overland, fault) elements.

VKP mêÉäáãáå~êáÉë
VKO qÜÉ= Na= ~åÇ= Oa= aáëÅêÉíÉ VKPKN cìåÇ~ãÉåí~ä= Ä~ä~åÅÉ= ëí~íÉJ
cÉ~íìêÉ=bäÉãÉåíë=rëÉÇ ãÉåí
FEFLOW2 provides 1D and 2D discrete feature ele-
ments which can be mixed with the porous matrix ele- The conservation of mass, momentum and energy is
ments in two and three dimensions. Different laws of described by the balance statement2 (symbols are listed

VK= aáëÅêÉíÉ= ÑÉ~íìêÉ= ãçÇÉäáåÖ= çÑ= ÑäçïI= ã~ëë= ~åÇ= ÜÉ~í= íê~åëéçêí= éêçÅÉëëÉë= Äó= ìëáåÖ
in the Appendix A ’Nomenclature’)

( ρψ )-
+ ∇ ⋅ ( ρψv ) + ∇ ⋅ j = ρf (9-1)

conserving the (extensive) quantity ( ρψ ) . Individual

balance laws for ( ρψ ) , j and ρf are summarized in
Tab. 9.2.

1D channel element

runoff surface

2D fracture element

unsaturated zone well


3D porous matrix element


saturated zone

Figure 9.1 Schematization of a subsurface modeling system by combining discrete feature elements with volume dis-
cretizations of the total study domain: 1D elements are used to approximate rivers, channels, wells and specific faults,
2D feature elements are appropriate for modeling runoff processes, fractured surfaces and faulty zones, and 3D ele-
ments represents the basic tessellation of the subsurface domain consisting of an aquifer-aquitard system and involving
unsaturated and saturated zones.


VKPKO cçêãë=çÑ=Ä~ä~åÅÉ=Éèì~íáçåë
Table 9.1 Used discrete feature elements
According to the applications for the discrete fea-
Fluid motion ture elements indicated above we are interested in four
Type Dimension Application forms of the governing balance equation (9-1):

1D, plane channels • form A: free fluid balance law

Darcy (phreatic, non- mine stopes • form B: vertically integrated free fluid balance
Hagen-Poi- phreatic) law
seuille • form C: porous medium balance law
Manning- 1D, axisym- pumping wells
metric abandoned • form D: vertically integrated porous medium bal-
(phreatic, non- wells, bore- ance law
phreatic) holes
The form A is already represented by Eq. (9-1).
Darcy 2D, plane fractures
A vertical integration of (9-1) over a depth B can be
Hagen-Poi- (non-phreatic) faults
rigorously performed as described in2,3,8 leading to the
Manning- 2D, plane runoff form B:
Strickler (phreatic) overland flow
( Bρψ )- top bottom
+ ∇ ⋅ ( Bρψv ) + ∇ ⋅ ( Bj ) = Bρf + j ψ – j ψ (9-2)
3D porous media
Darcy (phreatic, non- aquifer systems with the new exchange terms of the quantity ψ at the
top and bottom boundaries

Table 9.2 Balance laws

top 1 top

Quantity ρψ j ρf
j ψ = ------
δS ∫ n ⋅ [ j + ρψ ( w – v ) ] dS


⎬ (9-3)
mass 1
⋅ [ j + ρψ ( w – v ) ] dS ⎪⎪
bottom bottom
jψ = ------ ∫ n
fluid mass ρ 0 ρQ ρ δS
bottom ⎭
nant mass C jc rc

momentum ρv σ ρg Notice, the balance quantities of Eq. (9-2) are now

energy ρ ⎛⎝ E + --- v ⎞⎠
1 2
σ ⋅ v + jT ρ ( g ⋅ v + QT ) averaged over the depth B .
2 The transformation of the balance equation (9-1) to a
porous medium is performed by a spatial averaging

VK= aáëÅêÉíÉ= ÑÉ~íìêÉ= ãçÇÉäáåÖ= çÑ= ÑäçïI= ã~ëë= ~åÇ= ÜÉ~í= íê~åëéçêí= éêçÅÉëëÉë= Äó= ìëáåÖ
procedures referred to the representative elementary
⎧ ≡1 non-integrated form
volume (REV) composed by fluid and solid phases. It B = ⎨ for (9-8)
⎩ arbitrary vertically integrated form
results finally to the form C of the basic balance
the interface exchange term j ψ as
( ερψ )- interface
+ ∇ ⋅ ( ερψv ) + ∇ ⋅ ( εj ) = ερf + j ψ (9-4)
interface ⎧ ≡0 free fluid flow
jψ = ⎨ for (9-9)
⎩ ≠0 porous media flow
where an exchange term at the fluid-solid interface nat-
urally results
top bottom
and the top and bottom exchange terms j ψ , j ψ as
interface 1 interface
jψ = ------
δS ∫ n ⋅ [ j + ρψ ( w – v ) ] dS (9-5)
⎧ ≡0 non-integrated form
interface top bottom
δS ( jψ , jψ ) = ⎨ for (9-10)
⎩ ≠0 vertically integrated form
Notice, the balance quantities of the porous medium
conservation equation (9-4) are averaged over the REV
volume. VKPKP j~íÜÉã~íáÅ~ä=ÅçåîÉåíáçåë
Finally, the porous medium equation (9-4) can also Both Cartesian and cylindrical coordinate systems
be vertically integrated over the depth B , which yields will be employed. They are defined as
form D of the basic balance statement as

( Bερψ )- ⎧ x, y, z ⎫ ⎧ 3D
+ ∇ ⋅ ( Bερψv ) + ∇ ⋅ ( Bεj ) = (9-6) ⎪ ⎪ ⎪
∂t ⎪ x, y ⎪ ⎪ 2D
interface top bottom x = ⎨ ⎬ for ⎨ (9-11)
Bερf + j ψ + jψ – jψ ⎪ x ⎪ ⎪ 1D
⎪ r, ω, z ⎪ ⎪ axisymmetry
⎩ ⎭ ⎩
It is obvious, the balance statement (9-6) of form D is
the most general form which encompasses all other The velocity vector v is accordingly
forms when we specify the porosity ε as

⎧ ≡1 free fluid flow

ε = ⎨ for (9-7)
⎩ <1 porous media flow

the depth B as


2 2 2
⎧ ∂ ψ ∂ ψ ∂ ψ
⎧ ---------
⎪ u ⎪ 2- + --------- 2
- + ----------
3D (x, y, z) Cartesian
⎪ Cartesian coordinates ⎪ ∂x ∂y ∂z
⎪ v ⎪ 2 2
⎪ w ⎪∂ ψ ∂ ψ 2D (x, y) Cartesian
⎪ ⎪ ---------
- + ----------
2 2
v = ⎨ for (9-12) 2 ⎪ ∂x ∂y
⎪ vr (∇ ψ) = ⎨ (9-14)
⎪ ⎪ ∂2 ψ
⎪ vω cylindrical coordinates ⎪ ---------
- 1D (x) Cartesian
⎪ ⎪ ∂x 2
⎪ vz ⎪
⎩ ⎪ 1 ∂ ⎛ ∂ψ⎞ 1 ∂ 2 ψ ∂ 2 ψ
⎪ --- ----- ⎝ r -------⎠ + ----2 ---------2- + ---------
- cylindrical (r, ω, z)
⎩ r ∂r ∂r r ∂ω ∂z

The scalar product ∇ ⋅ v is given by

⎧ ∂u ∂v ∂w VKPKQ dê~îáíó=~åÇ=î~êá~ÄäÉë
⎪ ------ + ----- + ------- 3D (x, y, z) Cartesian
⎪ ∂x ∂y ∂z
⎪ ∂u ∂v In the following we assume an exclusive action of
⎪ ------ + ----- 2D (x, y) Cartesian
⎪ ∂x ∂y gravity in the form
(∇ ⋅ v) = ⎨ (9-13)
⎪ -----
⎪ ∂x 1D (x) Cartesian
⎪ gx ex
⎪ 1 ∂ ( rv r ) 1 ∂v ω ∂v z g = – ge g = gy e = ey (9-15)
⎪ --r- --------------
- + --- --------- + --------
r ∂ω ∂z cylindrical (r, ω, z)
⎩ gz ez

and the derivative operation ∇ for the different coor-
As a further useful variable the hydraulic head h (pie-
dinate systems is given, for instance, for the variable ψ
zometric head) related to the reference fluid density ρ o
is defined

h = φ + z = --------- + z (9-16)
ρo g

p = ρo g ( h – z ) (9-17)

VK= aáëÅêÉíÉ= ÑÉ~íìêÉ= ãçÇÉäáåÖ= çÑ= ÑäçïI= ã~ëë= ~åÇ= ÜÉ~í= íê~åëéçêí= éêçÅÉëëÉë= Äó= ìëáåÖ
ρ – ρo
∇p – ρg = ∇p + ρge = ρ o g ⎛⎝ ∇φ + ∇z + --------------- e⎞⎠ (9-18)
Table 9.3 Hydraulic radii for different applications
ρ – ρ
= ρ o g ⎛⎝ ∇h + --------------- e⎞⎠ = ρ o g ( ∇h + Θe )
ρo Type r hydr

submerged rectangular cross-

A section
VKPKR eóÇê~ìäáÅ=ê~Çáìë
Bb -
B --------------------
The hydraulic radius is defined as the flow cross- 2(b + B)
sectional area divided by the wetted perimeter b

submerged slit plane

flow area
r hydr = ---------------------------------------- (9-19) B
wetted perimeter
B ------- = b---
2B 2
Table 9.3 lists the hydraulic radii for interesting cases.
open rectangular cross-section
VKPKS cêÉÉ= EéÜêÉ~íáÅF= ëìêÑ~ÅÉ= ÅçåÇáJ B Bb
íáçå b
b + 2B

A phreatic surface represents a macroscopic moving open wide channel (b > 20B)
material interface between two fluids, e.g. air and D plane
water. A material surface F = F ( x, t ) = 0 is governed B
B -
by the kinematic equation ---------------------- ≈B
b 1 + 2B ⁄ b
------ + w ⋅ ∇F = 0 (9-20) submerged circular cross-section
∂t E
πR - R
--------- = ---
2πR 2
The outward unit vector normal to F is defined as

∇F and accordingly
n = ------------ (9-21)
∂F ⁄ ∂t
w ⋅ n = – --------------- (9-22)


( Bερψ )- ∂ ( ερψ ) ∂h
= B ------------------ + ερψ ------ (9-26)
where ∇F denotes the magnitude of the vector ∇F . ∂t ∂t ∂t
For the vertical integration along the thickness B we
can express the geometries of the top and bottom sur-
faces in the forms (Fig. 9.2) VKPKT sáëÅçìë=ëíêÉëëÉë=çå=ëìêÑ~ÅÉë
top top top
F ≡ F ( x, t ) = z – b ( x, y , t ) = 0 ⎫ The viscous stresses on a surface ν (note ν can
bottom bottom bottom
⎬ (9-23)
F ≡F ( x, t ) = z – b ( x, y, t ) = 0 ⎭ indicate a top and bottom surface as well as a fluid-
solid interface) result from exchange relationships (9-
3) and (9-5) if replacing the general flux vector j by
the viscous stress tensor of fluid σ (cf. Table 9.2), viz.,
top bottom
B = B ( x, t ) = b ( x, y, t ) – b ( x, y , t ) (9-24) ν 1 ν
σ = ------
δS ∫n ⋅ [ σ + ρv ( w – v ) ] dS (9-27)
F = 0 n
Here σ stands for the stress on the surface ν with nor-
B (x,y,t) mal n . It represents a surface force per unit area
bottom h depending on the orientation of the surface10. For
F = 0 instance, let us consider the stress components on a pla-
top nar top surface as illustrated in Fig. 9.3. Assuming
z b
( x, y, t ) b ( x, y, t )
y additionally a rigid and impermeable surface
x datum level
( w = v ≈ 0 ) with a constant stress property on the unit
area δS the surface stresses are explicitly given by
Figure 9.2 Surface conditions. top top
σ ≈n ⋅σ (9-28)

For a free surface the top elevation z = b ( x, y, t ) is With n
= ( 0, 1, 0 ) the stress components become
identical to the hydraulic head h = h ( x, y, t ) . Accord-
ingly, the thickness is given by
= 0σ xx + 1σ yx + 0σ zx = σ yx ⎫

bottom top ⎪
B = h–b (9-25) σy = 0σ xy + 1σ yy + 0σ zy = σ yy ⎬ (9-29)

= 0σ xz + 1σ yz + 0σ zz = σ yz ⎪⎭
If the bottom geometry is stationary the storage term in
(9-6) becomes

VK= aáëÅêÉíÉ= ÑÉ~íìêÉ= ãçÇÉäáåÖ= çÑ= ÑäçïI= ã~ëë= ~åÇ= ÜÉ~í= íê~åëéçêí= éêçÅÉëëÉë= Äó= ìëáåÖ
∂ ( ερB ) ∂h
= ρ ( BS o + S s ) ------ (9-32)
top ∂t ∂t
σy = σ yy

= 1
where the compressibility S o and storativity S s are
introduced as
σx = σ yx
y S o = εγ + ( 1 – ε )κ ⎫
⎬ (9-33)
σz = σ yz Ss = ε ⎭

Figure 9.3 Surface forces related to components of Notice, for a free fluid we have to set ε = 1 and
the viscous stress tensor σ . So = γ .
Neglecting the density effects in the divergence term of
(9-30) by applying the Boussinesq approximation2 the
fluid mass balance equation (9-30) yields
VKQ _~ëáÅ=_~ä~åÅÉ=bèì~íáçåë
∂h ⎫
VKQKN cäìáÇ=ã~ëë=ÅçåëÉêî~íáçå S ------ + ∇ ⋅ ( εBv ) = εBQ ρ ⎪
∂t ⎬ (9-34)
S = ( BS o + S s ) ⎪
The fluid mass conservation is described by speci- ⎭
fying Eq. (9-6) with Table 9.2 as

∂ ( ερB ) + ∇ ⋅ ( ερBv )
= ερBQ ρ (9-30) VKQKO cäìáÇ=ãçãÉåíìã=ÅçåëÉêî~íáçå

The fluid momentum conservation is specified from

which can be employed for all flow problems under
Eq. (9-6) with Table 9.2 as
discussion when setting ε and B appropriately. Notice,
the sink/source term Q ρ includes both interfacial and ∂
surfacial flux conditions (cf., Eq. (9-5)). ---- ( ερBv ) + ∇ ⋅ ( ερBvv ) = – ∇ ( εBp ) (9-35)
The storage term in (9-30) + ∇ ⋅ ( εBσ' ) + ερBg + εB ( σ

∂ ( ερB ) = εB ----- ∂ε ∂B
+ ρB ----- + ερ ------ (9-31)
∂t ∂t ∂t ∂t where the stress tensor is splitted into the equilibrium
(pressure) and non-equilibrium (deviatory) parts as
can be expanded with regard to the hydraulic head h
and one gets with (9-26) σ = – pI + σ' (9-36)


interface ----- ≈ 0 ( v ⋅ ∇ )v ≈ 0 (9-40)
Notice, in Eq. (9-35) the exchange term σ ∂t
vanishes for free fluid motion and the terms
top bottom
σ ,σ are dropped if the equation is not vertically As the result, one yields a general momentum equation
integrated. for porous media (we consider the non-integrated form
In the following we assume the Newton’s viscosity law top
with B ≡ 1, σ = σ
= 0 ) as
(including the Stokes’s assumption10) which is written
in the form ε ( ∇p – ρg ) = εσ
+ εμ∇ v

σ' = 2μ d – --- ( ∇ ⋅ v )I (9-37) Furthermore, the drag forces due to fluid viscosity can
3 2
usually be dropped μ∇ v ≈ 0 with respect to the drag
with the strain-rate tensor term of momentum exchange σ
at interfaces of
phases. The interfacial drag term of momentum
1 T interface
d = --- [ ∇v + ( ∇v ) ] (9-38) exchange σ can be derived as a linear friction
relationship of the form3
For an incompressible fluid with a divergenceless (so- interface –1
σ = – μk ⋅ ( εv ) (9-42)
called solenoidal) velocity ∇ ⋅ v = 0 the momentum
equation (9-35) leads to the well-known Navier-Stokes
equation where the permeability k represents an inverse friction
tensor due to the viscous drag at the interfaces of fluid-
∂v 2 solid phases.
ερB ----- + ( ερBv ⋅ ∇ )v = – εB ( ∇p – ρg ) + εBμ∇ v (9-39)
∂t Finally, the momentum equation (9-41) reduces to the
interface top bottom well-known Darcy equation of the form
+ εB ( σ +σ –σ )

v = – ------ ( ∇p – ρg ) (9-43a)
from where specific forms can be derived as follows. εμ
or with (9-18)

VKQKOKN a~êÅó=Ñäçï=áå=éçêçìë=ãÉÇá~
εv = – Kf μ ( ∇h + Θe ) ⎫

Commonly, in a porous medium the velocity v is kρ o g ⎪
K = ------------ ⎪
sufficiently small, that means the Reynolds number μo ⎬ (9-43b)
based on a typical pore diameter is of order unity or ⎪
μo ⎪
smaller. As the result, the inertial effects in the momen- f μ = ------ ⎪
μ ⎭
tum equation (9-39) can be neglected

VK= aáëÅêÉíÉ= ÑÉ~íìêÉ= ãçÇÉäáåÖ= çÑ= ÑäçïI= ã~ëë= ~åÇ= ÜÉ~í= íê~åëéçêí= éêçÅÉëëÉë= Äó= ìëáåÖ
valid for flow in a porous medium. dp
------ – ρg x = μ --------u
dx dy

VKQKOKO mä~åÉ=~åÇ=~ñáëóããÉíêáÅ=é~ê~ääÉä=
EmçáëÉìáääÉF=Ñäçï Integrating (9-45) with the boundary conditions
u ( 0 ) = u ( b ) = 0 it yields
A flow is called parallel when inertial terms of the
Navier-Stokes equation (9-39) vanishes. That means, a 1 dp
u = – ------ ⎛⎝ ------ – ρg x⎞⎠ y ( b – y ) (9-46)
fluid particle is subjected to zero acceleration, accord- 2μ dx
ingly, it moves in pure translation with constant veloc-
ity. It follows that pathlines must be straight lines and and we obtain the average velocity in the aperture b as
that the velocity of each particle may depend only on
coordinates perpendicular to the direction of flow. Such b
1 b dp
flow fields occur between two parallel plates or in a u = --- ∫ u dy = – --------- ⎛ ------ – ρg x⎞ (9-47)
b 12μ ⎝ dx ⎠
circular tube as depicted in Fig. 9.4. y=0

a) b)
y r and the discharge Q

b dp
R Q = ub = – --------- ⎛⎝ ------ – ρg x⎞⎠ (9-48)
12μ dx
u vz z

x which is called the cubic law of the Hagen-Poiseuille

Figure 9.4 a) 2D plane and b) axisymmetric Poiseuille flow. The relationships (9-47) can be expressed by the
flow. hydraulic radius r hydr if replacing the dimension b ⁄ 2
for the slit flow according to Table 9.3 (type B)
For 2D parallel laminar flow (Fig. 9.4a) we have 2
r hydr dp
u = – ----------- ⎛⎝ ------ – ρg x⎞⎠ (9-49)
3μ dx
v = v u = u( y ) v = w = 0 (9-44)
w Similarly, for the axisymmetric flow in a circular tube
(Fig. 9.4b) with

and the momentum equation (9-39) in the x-direction

becomes (we consider the free fluid case with no verti-
cal integration)


As seen the Hagen-Poiseuille’s laws of laminar fluid
v = vω vz = vz ( r ) vr = vω = 0 (9-50) motion for 1D and 2D plane flow (9-47) and for axi-
vz symmetric flow (9-53) represent linear relationships
with respect to the pressure gradient and gravity
( ∇p – ρg ) . In a generalized form one yields finally
one solves in the z-direction the momentum equation with (9-18)

dp μ ∂ ∂v
------ – ρg z = --- ----- ⎛ r --------z⎞ (9-51) v = – Kf μ ( ∇h + Θe )
dz r ∂r ⎝ ∂r ⎠ (9-56)
r hydr ρ o g ⎧ r hydr = b ⁄ 2, a = 3 for 1D/2D plane
With dv z ⁄ dr = 0 at r = 0 and v z ( R ) = 0 the integra- K = -------------------- I with ⎨
aμ o ⎩ r hydr = R ⁄ 2, a = 2 for axisymmetry
tion of (9-51) gives

1 dp
v z = – ------ ⎛⎝ ------ – ρg z⎞⎠ ( R – r )
2 2
4μ dz VKQKOKP i~ïë=çÑ=ÑäìáÇ=ãçíáçå=Ñçê=çîÉêä~åÇ=
Then, the average velocity for the Hagen-Poiseuille
flow in a circular tube becomes Basically, the fluid motion for overland and channel
flow is described by the vertically integrated Navier-
2π R
2 Stokes equation (9-39) according to
1 R dp
v z = ---------2 ∫ ∫ v z r dr dω = – ------ ⎛ ------ – ρg z⎞ (9-53)
πR 8μ ⎝ dz ⎠ ∂v
ω=0 r=0 ρB ----- + ( ρBv ⋅ ∇ )v = – B ( ∇p – ρg ) (9-57)
2 top bottom
+ Bμ∇ v + B ( σ –σ )
and we get for the discharge through the tube

πR dp which is a formulation of the well-known De Saint-
Q = πR v z = – --------- ⎛⎝ ------ – ρg z⎞⎠
8μ dz Venant equations1. Over a wide range of practical over-
land and channel flow (Fig. 9.5) at low-to-moderate
The relationships (9-53) can be expressed by the velocity/flow regimes the inertial terms in the govern-
hydraulic radius r hydr if replacing the dimension R ⁄ 2 ing momentum balance equation (9-35) can be ignored
for the tube flow according to Table 9.3 (type E) compared with the gravitational terms, friction and
pressure effects. Furthermore, the interior viscous
2 effects can be neglected over the shear stress effects at
r hydr dp
v z = – ----------- ⎛⎝ ------ – ρg z⎞⎠ (9-55) the surfaces1,9. Assuming this,
2μ dz

VK= aáëÅêÉíÉ= ÑÉ~íìêÉ= ãçÇÉäáåÖ= çÑ= ÑäçïI= ã~ëë= ~åÇ= ÜÉ~í= íê~åëéçêí= éêçÅÉëëÉë= Äó= ìëáåÖ
∂v 2 following momentum equation can be derived
----- ≈0 ( v ⋅ ∇ )v ≈ 0 μ∇ v ≈ 0 (9-58)
( ∇p – ρg ) + ρ o gS f = 0 ⎫

the momentum equation (9-57) reduces to v v- ⎬ (9-62)
S f = ---------------
2 α ⎪
τ r hydr ⎭
top bottom
( ∇p – ρg ) – σ +σ = 0 (9-59)

where different specific laws for the friction slopes S f

z can be specified as summarized in Table 9.4 for isotro-
g pic roughness coefficients.

h σ top Table 9.4 Various friction laws

v d stre
Law τ α Sf
σ bottom
datum level slop
e frict
x,y i on ϒ v v
Newton-Taylor --g- 1 --------------
ϒ gr hydr
Figure 9.5 Open channel flow.

v v-
Chezy C 1 -----------------
top 2
The shear effect σ at the top (free) surface can be C r hydr
caused by wind stress. For the present application we
neglect influences caused by wind stress: v v-
Manning-Strickler M 4⁄3 ------------------
2 4⁄3
M r hydr
σ ≈0 (9-60)

On the other hand, the shear effect at the bottom can be Instead of using the pressure p as primary variable
expressed by a friction slope relationship of the form the hydraulic head h or the local water depth φ (cf.
Eqs. (9-16) and (9-18)) are alternative formulations of
bottom ρo g v v (9-62), viz.,
σ = -------------------
2 α
τ r hydr
ρ o g ( ∇h + S f + Θe ) = 0 (9-63a)
representing friction laws, where v = v ⋅ v , τ is a
friction factor and α ≥ 1 is a constant. As the result, the


ρ o g ( ∇φ + S f – S o + Θe ) = 0 ⎫ It can be easily shown that the velocity v in the rela-

⎬ (9-63b) tionship (9-67) tends to zero if the gradient ∇h van-
S o = – ∇z ⎭ ishes (provided that Θ ≈ 0 )

where fluid density effects are included in the Θe - τr hydr
term. lim v = – lim ------------------- I ∇h = 0 (9-68)
∇h → 0 ∇h → 0 4 2
Equation (9-63a) can be used to derive a diffusion-
type flow equation7,9. Since, exemplified for 2D
VKQKP `çåí~ãáå~åí= ã~ëë= ÅçåëÉêî~J
= u +v =
2 2 2 α
τ r hydr
S fx +
S fy (9-64) íáçå
and with (9-62)
The balance equation for a contaminant mass results
from Eq. (9-6) and Table 9.2 in form of
2 2 2 2
u + v- u + v-
S fx = -------------------- u S fy = -------------------- v (9-65)
2 α
τ r hydr
2 α
τ r hydr ∂------------------
( BεC )
+ ∇ ⋅ ( BεCv ) + ∇ ⋅ ( Bεj c ) = Bεr c (9-69)

we find with (9-63a): S fx = – ( ∂h ⁄ ∂x + Θe x ) ,

which can be employed for all the interesting mass
S fy = – ( ∂h ⁄ ∂y + Θe y )
transport problems when specifying ε and B appropri-
α⁄2 ately. Notice, the reaction term r c includes both inter-
τr hydr ∂h facial and surfacial mass transfer conditions (cf., Eq.
u = – ---------------------------------------- ⎛ ------ + Θe x⎞ (9-66)
2 2 ⎝ ∂x ⎠ (9-5)).
⎛ ∂h⎞
4 ------ + ------
⎛ ∂h⎞
⎝ ∂x⎠ ⎝ ∂y⎠
α⁄2 The reaction term can be splitted into a first-order
τr hydr ∂h-
⎛ -----
v = – ---------------------------------------- + Θe y⎞ reaction rate and a zero-order production term2, respec-
2 2 ⎝ ∂y ⎠
⎛ ∂h⎞
4 ------ + ------
⎛ ∂h⎞ tively,
⎝ ∂x⎠ ⎝ ∂y⎠
r c = – ϑC + Q c (9-70)
or more general
The mass flux j c is expressed by the Fickian law in
v = – K ( ∇h + Θe ) ⎫

form of
τr hydr ⎬ (9-67)
K = ------------------- I ⎪
4 2
⎭ j c = – D ⋅ ∇C ⎫
∇h ⎬ (9-71)
D = Dd I + Dm ⎭

VK= aáëÅêÉíÉ= ÑÉ~íìêÉ= ãçÇÉäáåÖ= çÑ= ÑäçïI= ã~ëë= ~åÇ= ÜÉ~í= íê~åëéçêí= éêçÅÉëëÉë= Äó= ìëáåÖ
ℜ = ε + ( 1 – ε )χ ( C ) ⎫
The hydrodynamic dispersion tensor D consists of the ⎪
molecular diffusion part D d I and the mechanical dis- ℜ d = ε + ( 1 – ε ) d [ χ ( C ) ⋅ C ] ⎬⎪
persion part D m . In a porous medium D m is commonly dC ⎭
described by the Scheidegger-Bear dispersion relation-
ship as in which the sorption function χ ( C ) can be specified
for Henry, Freundlich or Langmuir isotherms2.
D m = ( β T v )I + ( β L – β T ) ------------ (9-72)

In a free fluid flow there is a large variety for D m in

VKQKQ båÉêÖó=ÅçåëÉêî~íáçå
dependence on laminar and turbulent flow conditions.
The energy balance equation is derived basically from
For instance, in a fluid-filled tube under laminar flow
Eq. (9-6) and Table 9.2 under the assumption of a ther-
conditions Dm can by estimated by Taylor’s analysis11
mal equilibrium between fluid (f) and solid (s) phases.
We obtain finally2
⎛ R2 v ⎞ v ⊗ v
D m = ⎜ -------------⎟ ------------ (9-73)
⎝ 48D d ⎠ v ∂
---- f f s s f f
{ B [ ερ E + ( 1 – ε ) ρ E ] } + ∇ ⋅ ( Bερ E v ) (9-77)
f f s s
+ ∇ ⋅ ( Bj T ) = B [ ερ Q T + ( 1 – ε )ρ Q T ]
Using the Fickian law (9-71) and incorporating the
continuity equation (9-30) Eq. (9-69) yields2
which can be applied to all the interesting heat trans-
εB ------- + εBv ⋅ ∇ C – ∇ ⋅ ( BεD ⋅ ∇C ) (9-74) port problems when specifying ε and B appropriately.
∂t f s
Notice, the thermal sink/source terms Q T, Q T include
+ Bε ( Q ρ + ϑ )C = BεQ c both interfacial and surfacial heat transfer conditions
(cf., Eq. (9-5)).
Considering additionally sorption effects in the porous
medium the following contaminant mass transport Using the state relation for the internal energy2
equation can be derived on the basis of Eq. (9-74)2 α α
dE = c dT for α = s, f (9-78)
Bℜ d ------- + εBv ⋅ ∇ C – ∇ ⋅ ( BεD ⋅ ∇C ) (9-75)
∂t and the Fourierian heat flux as
+ B ( εQ ρ + ℜϑ )C = BεQ c

with the retardation relationships


j T = – Λ ⋅ ∇T ⎫

⎬ (9-79)
Λ = Λ

disp f s f f
= [ ελ + ( 1 – ε )λ ]I + ερ c D m ⎪ VKRKO `çåí~ãáå~åí=ã~ëë

The governing contaminant mass transport equation
one yields the following balance equation for the ther- (9-75) can now be specified for the different flow con-
mal energy2 ditions and discrete feature elements. Table 9.6 summa-
rizes the different terms and expressions for both
f f s s ∂T f f porous media and free fluid conditions.
{ B [ ερ c + ( 1 – ε ) ρ c ] } ------ + ερ c Bv ⋅ ∇T
f f
– ∇ ⋅ ( BΛ ⋅ ∇T ) + Bερ c Q ρ ( T – T o ) (9-80)
f f s s
= B [ ερ Q T + ( 1 – ε )ρ Q T ]
The specified terms for the governing heat transport
to be solved for the system temperature T . equation (9-80) are summarized in Table 9.7 for both
porous media and free fluid conditions.

VKR dÉåÉê~äáòÉÇ= jçÇÉä= bèì~J

VKRKN cäçï

The fundamental flow equation represents a combi-

nation of the fluid mass conservation equation (9-34)
and the fluid momentum conservations for porous
media (9-43b), Poiseuille flow (9-56) and overland/
channel flow (9-67). As the result, Table 9.5 summa-
rizes the governing equation for the used discrete fea-
ture elements for 1D, 2D and 3D in dependence on the
problem cases under consideration. For the Poiseuille
flow and overland/channel flow standard geometric
forms of the fractures are implemented in FEFLOW.
Different geometries can be input by means of correc-
tions in the corresponding hydraulic parameters as
thoroughly described in Appendix D.

VK= aáëÅêÉíÉ= ÑÉ~íìêÉ= ãçÇÉäáåÖ= çÑ= ÑäçïI= ã~ëë= ~åÇ= ÜÉ~í= íê~åëéçêí= éêçÅÉëëÉë= Äó= ìëáåÖ
Table 9.5 Flow model equations
L ( h ) = S ------ – ∇ ⋅ ( Kf μ B ⋅ ( ∇h + Θe ) ) – Q = 0
S Kf μ B Q

Case Darcy Poiseuille Overland Darcy Poiseuille Overland Darcy Poiseuille Overland

kρ o g 2 α⁄2
bB -----------
- fμ hydr ρ o gI f μ
bB r----------------------- τr hydr I
1DPP b ( BS o + S s ) b ( Bγ + 1 ) b ( Bγ + 1 ) μo bB ------------------
- fμ bBεQ ρ bBQ ρ bBQ ρ
3μ o 4 2
(1D plane ∇h


phreatic) K K

2 α⁄2
hydr ρ o gI f μ
kρ o g bB r----------------------- τr hydr I
1DPN bB -----------
- fμ bB ------------------
- fμ
bBS o bBγ bBγ μo 3μ o bBεQ ρ bBQ ρ bBQ ρ
4 2
(1D plane non- ∇h


phreatic) K K

2 α⁄2
Ss 2 kρ o g r hydr ρ o gI f 2 τr hydr I
1 1 πR ----------- 2
1DAP πR ⎛⎝ S o + ----⎞⎠ πR ⎛⎝ γ + ---⎞⎠ πR ⎛⎝ γ + ---⎞⎠ - f πR ----------------------- μ
2 2 2 2 2 2
μo μ πR ------------------
- fμ πR εQ ρ πR Q ρ πR Q ρ
B B B 2μ o 4 2
(1D axisym- ∇h


metric phreatic) K K

2 α⁄2
2 kρ o g f r hydr ρ o gI f 2 τr hydr I
1DAN 2
πR S o πR γ
πR γ
πR -----------
- μ πR
----------------------- μ πR ------------------
- fμ 2
πR εQ ρ
πR Q ρ
πR Q ρ
μo 2μ o 4 2
(1D axisym- ∇h

metric non- K K K

2 α⁄2
kρ o g f
B ----------- hydr ρ o gI f μ
B r----------------------- τr hydr I
2DPP BS o + S s Bγ + 1 Bγ + 1 - μ B ------------------
- fμ BεQ ρ BQρ BQ ρ
μo 3μ o 4 2
(2D plane ∇h

phreatic) K K K

2 α⁄2
kρ o g f
B ----------- hydr ρ o gI f μ
B r----------------------- τr hydr I
2DPN BSo Bγ Bγ - μ B ------------------
- fμ BεQ ρ BQρ BQ ρ
μo 3μ o 4 2
(2D plane non- ∇h

phreatic) K K K

3DP 2 α⁄2
(3D phreatic kρ o g f r hydr ρ o gI f τr hydr I
So γ γ ------------ μ ----------------------- μ ------------------
- fμ εQ ρ Qρ Qρ
μo 3μ o
and non- 4

phreatic) K K K


Table 9.6 Contaminant mass transport model equations

L ( C ) = S ------- + q ⋅ ∇C – ∇ ⋅ ( BεD ⋅ ∇C ) + ΦC – Q = 0
S q BεD Φ Q

free free free

Case porous porous porous free fluid porous free fluid porous
fluid fluid fluid

1DPP bBℜ d bB bBεv bBv bBε ( D d I + D m ) bB ( D d I + D m ) bB ( εQ ρ + ℜϑ ) bB ( Q ρ + ϑ ) bBεQ c bBQ c

(1D plane phreatic
and non-phreatic)

1DAP 2
πR ℜ d πR
2 2
πR εv
πR v
πR ε ( D d I + D m )
πR ( D d I + D m )
πR ( εQ ρ + ℜϑ )
πR ( Q ρ + ϑ )
πR εQ c
πR Q c
(1D axisymmetric
phreatic and

2DPP Bℜ d B Bεv Bv Bε ( D d I + D m ) B ( Dd I + Dm ) B ( εQ ρ + ℜϑ ) B ( Qρ + ϑ ) BεQ c BQc

(2D plane phreatic
and non-phreatic)

3DP ℜd 1 εv v ε ( Dd I + Dm ) Dd I + Dm εQ ρ + ℜϑ Qρ + ϑ εQ c Qc
(3D phreatic and

VK= aáëÅêÉíÉ= ÑÉ~íìêÉ= ãçÇÉäáåÖ= çÑ= ÑäçïI= ã~ëë= ~åÇ= ÜÉ~í= íê~åëéçêí= éêçÅÉëëÉë= Äó= ìëáåÖ
Table 9.7 Heat transport model equations
L ( T ) = S ------ + q ⋅ ∇T – ∇ ⋅ ( BΛ ⋅ ∇T ) + Φ ( T – T o ) – Q = 0
S q BΛ Φ Q

Case porous free fluid porous free fluid porous free fluid porous free fluid porous

f f f f f
1DPP bB [ ερ c + f f f f f f bB { [ ελ +
f bB ( λ I + f f f f bB [ ερ Q T + f f
bBρ c bBερ c v bBρ c v f f
bBερ c Q ρ bBρ c Q ρ bBρ Q T
(1D plane ( 1 – ε )ρ c ]
s s s
( 1 – ε )λ ]I + ρ c Dm ) ( 1 – ε )ρ Q T ]
s s

phreatic and f f
ερ c D m }

2 f f 2 f 2 f f
1DAP πR [ ερ c + 2 f πR ( λ I + πR [ ερ Q T +
2 f f
πR ρ c
πR ερ c v
f f 2 f f
πR ρ c v πR { [ ελ + 2 f f
πR ερ c Q ρ
2 f f
πR ρ c Q ρ
2 f
πR ρ Q T
f f
(1D axisym- ( 1 – ε )ρ c ]
s s
s ρ c Dm ) ( 1 – ε )ρ Q T ]
s s
( 1 – ε )λ ]I +
metric phreatic f f
and ερ c D m }

f f f f f
2DPP B [ ερ c + f f f f f f B { [ ελ +
f B(λ I + f f f f B [ ερ Q T + f f
Bρ c Bερ c v Bρ c v f f
Bερ c Q ρ Bρ c Q ρ Bρ Q T
(2D plane ( 1 – ε )ρ c ]
s s s
( 1 – ε )λ ]I + ρ c Dm ) ( 1 – ε )ρ Q T ]
s s

phreatic and f f
ερ c D m }

f f f f f
3DP ερ c + f f f f f f [ ελ + f f f f f f f ερ Q T + f f
ρc ερ c v ρcv λ I + ρ c Dm ερ c Q ρ ρ c Qρ ρ QT
(3D phreatic ( 1 – ε )ρ c
s s
( 1 – ε )λ ]I + ( 1 – ε )ρ Q T
s s

and non- f f
ερ c D m


VKS cáåáíÉ= bäÉãÉåí= cçêãìä~J given. In (9-82) n corresponds to the normal unit vec-
íáçåë tor (positive outward), ψ 1 and ψ 2 are prescribed
boundary values of ψ on Γ 1 and Γ 2 , respectively.
VKSKN j~ëíÉê= Éèì~íáçåI= ÄçìåÇ~êó
The finite element formulation is based on the weak
ÅçåÇáíáçåë=~åÇ=ïÉ~â=ëí~íÉãÉåí form of the basic equation (9-81). Introducing a spatial
weighting function w we get
The governing balance equations as listed in Tables
9.5, 9.6 and 9.7 can be generalized by the following ∂ψ
master equation ∫ w ⎛⎝ S ------
- + q ⋅ ∇ψ⎞ dΩ
⎠ (9-83)
L ( ψ ) = S ------- + q ⋅ ∇ψ – ∇ ⋅ ( D ⋅ ∇ψ ) – Q ψ = 0
= ∫ w [ ∇ ⋅ ( D ⋅ ∇ψ ) + Qψ ] dΩ
(9-81) Ω
Q ψ = – Φψ + Q
Applying partial integration and the divergence theo-
which has to be solved for flow ( ψ = h ), contaminant rem (Green’s theorem) to the weak statement (9-83)
mass ( ψ = C ) and heat ( ψ = T ) for 1D, 2D and 3D and inserting the Robin-type BC (9-82) the following
discrete feature elements. weak form for the finite element method finally results

D ∂ψ
Let Ω ⊂ R and ( 0, T t ) be the spatial and temporal
∫ w ⎛⎝ S ------- + q ⋅ ∇ψ⎞⎠ + ∇w ⋅ ( D ⋅ ∇ψ ) dΩ (9-84)
domain, respectively, where D is the number of space ∂t
dimension (1, 2 or 3) and T t is the final time, and let
∂Ω = Γ 1 ⊗ Γ 2 denote the boundary of Ω , where Γ 1
+ ∫ waψ dΓ = ∫ wQψ dΩ + ∫ w ( aψ2 – b ) dΓ
Γ2 Ω Γ2
and Γ 2 are two disjoint portions of the total boundary,
∂Ω , the following boundary conditions (B.C.’s) have
to be appended to (9-81):
VKSKO pé~íá~ä=ÇáëÅêÉíáò~íáçå
ψ = ψ1 on Γ1 ⎫
⎬ (9-82) In the finite element context a spatial semi-discreti-
– n ⋅ ( D ⋅ ∇ψ ) + a ( ψ 2 – ψ ) = b on Γ2 ⎭ h
zation Ω of the continuum domain Ω is achieved by
the union of a set of non-overlapping subdomains Ω ,
where on Γ 1 we have Dirichlet BC and on Γ 2 it repre- the finite elements, as
sents a more general form of a Robin type BC in which
more specific Neumann and Cauchy type BC’s are h
Ω ≈ Ω ≡ ∪Ω
involved. If a = 0 a Neumann BC of 2nd kind results,
while for b = 0 a common Cauchy BC of 3rd kind is

VK= aáëÅêÉíÉ= ÑÉ~íìêÉ= ãçÇÉäáåÖ= çÑ= ÑäçïI= ã~ëë= ~åÇ= ÜÉ~í= íê~åëéçêí= éêçÅÉëëÉë= Äó= ìëáåÖ
On any finite-element domain Ω , the unknown vari- polynomials that are piecewise-continuously differen-
able ψ (and dependent coefficients) are replaced by a tiable and square integrable (but whose second and
continuous approximation that assumes the separability higher derivatives need not to exist).
of space and time, thus
Using the Galerkin-based finite element method
h where the test function w becomes identical to the trial
ψ ( x, t ) ≈ ψ ( x, t ) = N i ( x )ψ i ( t ) (9-86)
space N , Eq. (9-84) leads to the following global
matrix system of M equations
where i = 1, …, M designates nodal indices, M is the
total number of nodes, Ni is the nodal basis function, ·
O⋅ψ+K⋅ψ–F = 0 (9-87)
called the trial space, and x are the spatial coordinates
(9-11). Note that the summation convention is used for
repeated indices. For the present analysis the basis with its components written in indicial notation
functions N i are based on C 0 (continuous) piece-wise
e ⎫
O ij = ∑ Oij = ∑ ∫ SNi Nj dΩ ⎪

e e Ωe

e ⎪
K ij = ∑ K ij = ∑ ∫ ( N i q ⋅ ∇N j + ∇N i ⋅ ( D ⋅ ∇N j ) + ΦN i N j ) dΩ + ∫ aN i N j dΓ ⎪
⎬ (9-88)
e e Ωe e
Γ2 ⎪

F i = ∑ F i = ∑ ∫ N i Q dΩ + ∫ N i ( aψ 2 – b ) dΓ ⎪

e e Ωe Γ2
e ⎪

where the subscripts i, j = 1, …, M denote nodal indi- cally only solved by numerical schemes. For stability
ces. The superposed dot in (9-87) means differentiation reasons implicit (A-stable) two-step techniques are pre-
with respect to time t , viz., ferred.

· ⎧d ⎫ Considering ψ ( t ) within the finite interval

ψ ( t ) = ⎨ ----- ψ ( t ) ⎬ (9-89) ( t n, t n + Δt n ) , where the subscript n denotes the time
⎩ dt ⎭
plane and Δt n is a variable time step length, the func-
tion ψ ( t ) is defined as
VKSKP qÉãéçê~ä=ÇáëÅêÉíáò~íáçå
ψ = ψ ( tn ) (9-90)
The spatially discretized equation (9-87) as a com-
mon first-order differential equation in time can practi-


at the previous (old) time plane and as O-

⎛ ------- O-
⎞ n + 1 = ⎛ ------- ⎞ n
⎝ Δt n + Kθ⎠ ψ ⎝ Δt n – K ( 1 – θ )⎠ ψ (9-95)
ψ = ψ ( t n + Δt n ) (9-91) + (F
n+1 n
θ + F (1 – θ))

at the new time plane.

VKSKPKO mêÉÇáÅíçêJÅçêêÉÅíçê=ãÉíÜçÇ
VKSKPKN θ JjÉíÜçÇ The predictor-corrector method is thoroughly
described elsewhere3,4,5,6. For the present analysis the
Introducing a weighting coefficient ( 0 ≤ θ ≤ 1 ) , we fully implicit backward Euler (BE) scheme with a first-
can write order accuracy and the semi-implicit nondissipative
trapezoid rule (TR) with a second-order accuracy are
ψ ( t n + θΔt n ) = θψ ( t n + Δt n ) + ( 1 – θ )ψ ( t n ) ⎫
enforced. The time derivatives are approximated, for
F ( t n + θΔt n ) = θF ( t n + Δt n ) + ( 1 – θ )F ( t n ) ⎪⎬ (9-92) the BE scheme, by
· · · ⎪
ψ ( t n + θΔt n ) = θψ ( t n + Δt n ) + ( 1 – θ )ψ ( t n ) ⎭
n+1 n
· n+1 ψ –ψ
ψ = -------------------------- (9-96)
Δt n
Using a backward difference approximation for
· ·
ψ ( t n + Δt n ) and a forward difference for ψ ( t n ) one
obtains and for the TR scheme, by

n+1 n · n+1 2 n+1 n ·n

· ψ –ψ ψ = -------- ( ψ –ψ )–ψ . (9-97)
ψ ( t n + θΔt n ) = -------------------------- (9-93) Δt n
Δt n

Inserting (9-96) and (9-97) into (9-87) results in

Common time stepping schemes result if choosing θ in
an appropriate manner, viz., n
⎛ ---------- ψ 1 ·n
+ K⎞ ψ = O ----------- + ⎛ --- – 1⎞ ψ + F
n+1 n+1
⎝ θΔt n ⎠ θΔt n ⎝ θ ⎠
θ = 0 explicit scheme ⎫

θ = 1⁄2 trapezoid rule (Crank-Nicolson scheme) ⎬ (9-94)
⎪ with θ ∈ ( 1--2-, 1 ) for the TR and BE scheme, respec-
θ = 1 implicit scheme ⎭

Inserting (9-92) into (9-87) the following matrix equa-

tion finally results

VK= aáëÅêÉíÉ= ÑÉ~íìêÉ= ãçÇÉäáåÖ= çÑ= ÑäçïI= ã~ëë= ~åÇ= ÜÉ~í= íê~åëéçêí= éêçÅÉëëÉë= Äó= ìëáåÖ
VKSKQ cáåáíÉJÉäÉãÉåí=Ä~ëáë=çéÉê~íáçåë alized (local) coordinates (see Fig. 9.6). The coordinate
transformation (or mapping) that bridges a computa-
A fundamental aspect of the finite-element method tional (transform) η -space and the Euclidean space R
is the use of master elements where all element-data is
inner products and integrations are performed in gener-

1 x

e e
τe : η → x = x ( η )
(-1,1) (1,1)
2 y

(-1,-1) (1,-1)

(-1,-1,1) (-1,1,1)

R (1,1,1)
(1,-1,1) x
(-1,-1,-1) ξ z

(1,-1,-1) (1,1,-1) y

Figure 9.6 Finite elements with one-to-one mapping onto R ( D = 1,2,3).

τe : η → x = x ( η ) Based on (9-99) it is convenient to express the basis

⎪ functions Ni in local η -coordinates for each element e,
ξ –1 ≤ ξ ≤ 1 ⎪ viz.,
⎬ (9-99)
η = η –1 ≤ η ≤ 1 ⎪

ζ –1 ≤ ζ ≤ 1 ⎭


Ni = Ni ( x ) = ∪ Ni ( η ) (9-100)
with x = ( x 1, x 2, x 3 ) according to (9-11). To evaluate
the flux vector divergence terms in (9-88) the inverse
x = Ni xi Jacobian is required

The mapping τ e is one-to-one and onto its range pro- ⎧ ∂N

--------i ⎫
vided the transformation Jacobian J is nonsingular, ⎪ ∂ξ ⎪
3 ⎪ ⎪
where in the R space – 1 ⎪ ∂N ⎪
∇N i = J ⎨ --------i ⎬ (9-102)
⎪ ∂η ⎪
⎪ ∂N ⎪
⎧∂ ⎫ ⎪ --------i ⎪
⎪ ∂ξ ⎪ ⎩ ∂ζ ⎭
⎪ ⎪ J 11 J 12 J 13
∂x ⎪∂ ⎪
J = ------ = ⎨ ⎬{ x 1, x 2, x 3 } = J 21 J 22 J 23 (9-101)
∂η ⎪∂η ⎪ where
⎪∂ ⎪ J 31 J 32 J 33
⎪ ⎪
⎩ ∂ζ ⎭

∂x 1 ∂x 2 ∂x
-------- -------- -------3-
∂ξ ∂ξ ∂ξ
= ∂x
∂x 2
∂η ∂η ∂η
∂x 1 ∂x 2 ∂x 3
-------- -------- --------
∂ζ ∂ζ ∂ζ

⎪ ( J 22 J 33 – J 32 J 23 ) ( J 13 J 32 – J 12 J 33 ) ( J 12 J 23 – J 13 J 22 )
⎪ 1- 3
⎪ ------ ( J 31 J 23 – J 21 J 33 ) ( J 11 J 33 – J 13 J 31 ) ( J 21 J 13 – J 23 J 11 ) in R
⎪ J
⎪ ( J 21 J 32 – J 31 J 22 ) ( J 12 J 31 – J 32 J 11 ) ( J 11 J 22 – J 12 J 21 )
–1 ∂η ⎪
J = ------ = ⎨ (9-103)
∂x ⎪ 1 - J 22 – J 12 2
⎪ ------ in R
⎪ J –J J
21 11

⎪ 1- 1
⎪ ------ in R
⎩ J

VK= aáëÅêÉíÉ= ÑÉ~íìêÉ= ãçÇÉäáåÖ= çÑ= ÑäçïI= ã~ëë= ~åÇ= ÜÉ~í= íê~åëéçêí= éêçÅÉëëÉë= Äó= ìëáåÖ
with the determinant of J

⎧ 3
⎪ J 11 ( J 22 J 33 – J 32 J 23 ) – J 21 ( J 12 J 33 – J 13 J 32 ) + J 31 ( J 12 J 23 – J 13 J 22 ) in R
⎪ 2
J = ⎨ J J –J J in R (9-104)
⎪ 11 22 21 12
⎪ J in R
⎩ 11

The master element matrices appearing in (9-87) and

(9-88) are to be integrated over element volumes Ω
and surfaces Γ . The integration in local coordinates
becomes for a ’volume’ element

⎧ dx d y d z = J dξ dη dζ ⎫
⎪ ⎪ D
⎪ dxdy = J dξ dη ⎬ Cartesian R ( D = 1, 2, 3 )
⎪ ⎪
dΩ = ⎨ dx = J dξ ⎭ (9-105)

⎩ rdrdωdz = 2π J r dξ dη axisymmetric

and for an ’areal’ element in Cartesian coordinates of

R ( D = 1, 2, 3 ) space:


⎧ ∂x- ∂x
⎪ ----- -------
⎪ ∂ξ ∂η i j k J 12 J 23 – J 13 J 22
⎪ ∂y- dξ dη = det J J J dξ dη =
∂y- × ------
⎪ ----- 11 12 13 J 13 J 21 – J 11 J 23 dξ dη at ζ = ±1
⎪ ∂ξ ∂η
⎪ J 21 J 22 J 23 J 11 J 22 – J 12 J 21
∂z ∂z
⎪ ------ -------
⎪ ∂ξ ∂η

⎪ ∂x ∂x
⎪ ------- ------
⎪ ∂η ∂ζ i j k J 22 J 33 – J 23 J 32
⎪ ∂y ∂y
⎪ ------- × ------ dη dζ = det J 21 J 22 J 23 dη dζ = J 23 J 31 – J 21 J 33 dη dζ at ξ = ±1
⎪ ∂η ∂ζ
⎪ J 31 J 32 J 33 J 21 J 32 – J 22 J 31
⎪ ∂z ∂z
------- ------
⎪ ∂η ∂ζ

⎪ ∂x ∂x
⎪ ------ ------
⎪ ∂ξ ∂ζ i j k J 12 J 33 – J 13 J 32

⎪ ∂y- × -----
∂y- dξ dζ = det J J J dξ dζ = at η = ±1
----- 11 12 13 J 13 J 31 – J 11 J 33 dξ dζ
⎪ ∂ξ ∂ζ
⎨ J 31 J 32 J 33 J 11 J 32 – J 12 J 31
dΓ = ⎪ ∂z
⎪ ∂ξ ∂ζ

⎪ ∂x-
⎪ -----
⎪ ∂ξ dξ = J 11
⎪ dξ =
2 2
J 11 + J 12 dξ at η = ±1
⎪ ∂y J 12
⎪ ∂ξ

⎪ ∂x
⎪ ∂η dη = J 21
⎪ dη =
2 2
J 21 + J 22 dη at ξ = ±1
⎪ ∂y- J 22
⎪ ∂η

⎪ ξ = –1

⎪ …ξ=1

VK= aáëÅêÉíÉ= ÑÉ~íìêÉ= ãçÇÉäáåÖ= çÑ= ÑäçïI= ã~ëë= ~åÇ= ÜÉ~í= íê~åëéçêí= éêçÅÉëëÉë= Äó= ìëáåÖ
and in cylindrical coordinates of R (meridional) space

⎧ ∂r
⎪ ------
⎪ ∂ξ r dξ dω = 2π J 11 rdξ = 2π J 2 + J 2 rdξ at η = ±1
⎪ 11 12
∂z- J 12
⎪ -----
⎪ ∂ξ
dΓ = ⎨ (9-107)
⎪ ∂r
⎪ ------
⎪ ∂η r dη dω = 2π J 21 rdη = 2π J 2 + J 2 rdη at ξ = ±1
⎪ ∂z J 22
21 22
⎪ ------
⎩ ∂η

where r = Ni ( η )r i . Commonly, for 2D and 3D element a Gaussian quadrature rule, e.g.,

entities the volume and area integrals are evaluated via

1 1 1 n Gauss n Gauss n Gauss

∫ f ( x ) dΩ = ∑ ∫ f ( η ) dΩ = ∑ ∫ ∫ ∫ f∗ ( ξ, η, ζ ) dξ dη dζ = ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ wi wj wk f∗ ( ξi, ηj, ζk )
Ω e Ωe e –1 –1 –1 e i=1 j=1k=1
1 1 n Gauss n Gauss

∫ g ( x ) dΓ = ∑ ∫ g ( η ) dΓ = ∑ ∫ ∫ g∗ ( ξ, η ) dξ dη = ∑ ∑ ∑ wi wj g∗ ( ξi, ηj )
Γ e Γe e –1 –1 e i=1 j=1

where the n Gauss is the number of Gauss points, wi are VKSKR ^ëëÉãÄäó= çÑ= íÜÉ= ÇáÑÑÉêÉåí= ÑÉ~J
weighting coefficients and the indices ( i, j, k ) indicate íìêÉ= ÉäÉãÉåíë= íç= íÜÉ= ÖäçÄ~ä= ëóëíÉã
the positions of the evaluation points in their local
coordinates η . The functions f ( . ) and g ( . ) in the inte-
grands are marked by an asterisk if the volume and sur-
face integrals are expressed in the η -coordinates VKSKRKN kÉÉÇë=Ñçê=ÅççêÇáå~íÉ=íê~åëÑçêã~J
according to (9-105), and .
For 1D elements the integrals of (9-88) can easily
The global matrix equations (9-87) written in the
evaluated in a direct analytical manner so as shown in
Appendix B for a channel element with a linear basis
function N .


· conflicts. We take into consideration that all flow and

O ⋅ψ+K⋅ψ– F = 0⎫
⎪ transport processes are invariant with respect to a rota-
O = ∑O
e ⎪ tion (orthogonal transformation) of the global coordi-

e ⎪ nates x . Accordingly, we can arbitrarily rotate x to the
⎪ x′ -coordinates by using a suitable matrix of directional
e ⎬ (9-109)
K = ∑K ⎪ cosines a as
e ⎪

F = ∑F
e ⎪ x′ = a ⋅ x

e ⎭ a 11 a 12 a 13 x
x′ (9-110)
y′ = a 21 a 22 a 23 y
represent the standard discrete system resulting from z′ a 31 a 32 a 33 z
the summation (assembly) of the elemental (e) matrix
contributions. The integrals of the matrices and vectors
e e e
O , K and F for each element e are performed in the Taking an appropriate rotation of the global x – y – z -
local coordinates η for the corresponding Euclidean coordinate system in such a way that the resulting local
space R as stated above. x′ – y′ – z′ -system becomes aligned to the orientation
of the 2D or 1D elements in the R space, there will be
Under normal conditions 1D finite elements are no more an elemental contribution to the z′ -direction
1 2
mapped to the R space, 2D elements to the R space for 2D elements and elemental contributions to the y′ -
and 3D elements to the R space. In such case the map- and z′ -directions for 1D elements (see Fig. 9.7).
ping is strictly one-to-one, that means 3 global coordi-
nates x, y, z are transformed to 3 local coordinates The advantages of this coordinate transformation
ξ, η, ζ in 3D, 2 global coordinates x, y to 2 local coor- are that the corresponding Jacobian J′
dinates ξ, η in 2D and 1 global coordinate x to 1 local
coordinate ξ in 1D. However, when 1D and 2D dis- ∂x′
J′ = -------- (9-111)
crete feature elements are generally mapped onto a 3D ∂η
global space, the number of local coordinates η will be
less than the number of global coordinates x and the becomes again an invertible square matrix and the stan-
Jacobian J (9-101) will not be any more an invertible dard metric procedure can be maintained in the assem-
square matrix (e.g., for the ξ – η -system of a 2D fea- bly process for the global matrix system (9-109). To
ture element mapped into the global x – y – z -system ease the computations the x′ – y′ – z′ -coordinate system
the third row of J contains zeros, may, in fact, be different for every element e.
J 31 = J 32 = J 33 = 0 , because the ζ -coordinate does
not exist in 2D elements).

There is a simple way to overcome this mapping

VK= aáëÅêÉíÉ= ÑÉ~íìêÉ= ãçÇÉäáåÖ= çÑ= ÑäçïI= ã~ëë= ~åÇ= ÜÉ~í= íê~åëéçêí= éêçÅÉëëÉë= Äó= ìëáåÖ

e e
τ′ e : η → x′ = x′ ( η )
z′ 2D element in the R space
y′ η
(-1,1) (1,1)

z x′

(-1,-1) (1,-1)

1D element in the R space


z (+1)

Figure 9.7 Global x – y – z -coordinate system, rotated elemental x′ – y′ – z′ -coordinate system and local ξ – ( η ) -coor-
dinate system for 2D and 1D elements in the R space.

VKSKRKO dÉåÉê~äáòÉÇ=ÇáëÅêÉíÉ=ëóëíÉã ⎫
e Te
x′ = a ⋅ x x=a ⎪⋅ x′
Since the rotation matrix a forms an orthonormal ⎪
e e
ψ′ = T ⋅ ψ
e e Te
ψ = T ⋅ ψ′
e ⎬ (9-112)
basis we can transform between the x - and the x′ -sys- ⎪
F = T ⋅ F′ ⎪⎭
e e e e Te e
tem according to F′ = T ⋅ F


where e
K = T
Te e
⋅ ( K′ ⋅ T )

e e
0 0 …
where q′ and q represent elemental ’flux’ compo-
e e
nents for the local and the global coordinate system,
T = 0 a 0 (9-113) respectively. On inserting (9-112), (9-115a) and (9-
0 0 a 115b), using the same transformation rules for the stor-
… age matrix O and assuming that in general the right-
hand side vector F can also be directionally dependent,
e the global matrix system (9-109) yields finally the form
is a diagonal directional cosines matrix built up of a
matrices in a number equal to that of the nodes in the ·
O⋅ψ+K⋅ψ–F = 0 ⎫
element e ⎪
O = ∑ [ T ⋅ ( O′ ⋅ T ) ] ⎪⎪
Te e e
e ⎪

Te e e ⎬ (9-116)
Te e e e K = ∑ [ T ⋅ ( K′ ⋅ T ) ] ⎪
a 0 0 … a 11 a 21 a 31
Te e ⎪
Te Te ⎪
T = 0 a 0 a = ae ae ae (9-114)
12 22 32 Te e
F = ∑ ( T ⋅ F′ ) ⎪
0 0 a
e e e ⎪
a 13 a 23 a 33 e ⎭

e e
where the rotation matrix T is evaluated at element
are the transposes of matrices T and a , respectively. e
level e. Practically, T is only required for mapping 2D
and 1D feature elements in the general R space, while
We can usually assume that any directional proper- 3D elements need not to rotate to the x′ -system (the
ties of the discrete system (9-109) are available in the e
rotation matrix becomes unity T ≡ I ) and can be
local x′ -coordinates. Then, the local (elemental) sys- directly mapped onto the local η -space via the Jaco-
e e
tem matrix K′ = K x′ is transformed into the global bian J (9-101).
matrix K according to
However, there are important special cases to be
e e e e e e
q′ = K′ ⋅ ψ′ = K′ ⋅ ( T ⋅ ψ ) considered here. Firstly, if the material properties of the
(9-115a) e e
q = T
Te e
⋅ q′ = [ T
Te e e
⋅ ( K′ ⋅ T ) ] ⋅ ψ = K ⋅ ψ
e e e square matrices O′ and K′ are independent of the
coordinate directions (isotropic conditions) then we

VK= aáëÅêÉíÉ= ÑÉ~íìêÉ= ãçÇÉäáåÖ= çÑ= ÑäçïI= ã~ëë= ~åÇ= ÜÉ~í= íê~åëéçêí= éêçÅÉëëÉë= Äó= ìëáåÖ
Te e e
⋅ ( O′ ⋅ T ) ] = O
e tors u 1 and u 2 (Fig. 9.8), which are parallel to the
Te e e e
(9-117) local ξ - and η -axes, respectively. They can be found
[T ⋅ ( K′ ⋅ T ) ] = K by the following shape-derived relationships
Te e
because T ⋅ T = I due to the condition of orthogo- ⎧ ∂x-
e e e e ⎪ -----
nality and accordingly O = O′ , K = K′ . ∂ξ J 11

⎪ ∂y- = J at ζ = ±1
⎪ -----
Secondly, if the sink/source and boundary condition ⎪ ∂ξ 12

terms incorporated in the right-hand side vector F rep- ⎪ ∂z- J 13

⎪ -----
resent direction-independent quantities so as occurred ⎪ ∂ξ
in the balance equations summarized in Tables 9.5, 9.6 ⎪
⎪ ∂x
and 9.7, the vector F consists of nodal scalars and can ⎪ ------
be directly evaluated (no rotation), viz., ⎪ ∂η J 21
⎪ ∂y
u1 = ⎨ ------ = J 22 at ξ = ±1 (9-119)
e ⎪ ∂η
F = ∑ F′ (9-118) ⎪
⎪ ∂z
J 23
⎪ ∂η

⎪ ∂x-
VKSKRKP aÉíÉêãáå~íáçå=çÑ=íÜÉ=ÇáêÉÅíáçå~ä= ⎪ -----
⎪ ∂ζ J 31
e ⎪
ÅçëáåÉë= a =çÑ=ÉäÉãÉåí=É ⎪ ∂y
------ = J 32 at η = ±1
⎪ ∂ζ
⎪ J 33
The directional cosines a are only required for ⎪ ∂z-
3 ⎩ ∂ζ
mapping 2D and 1D discrete feature elements in the R
space. If we commonly assume that the 3D continuum
domain Ω with its boundary ∂Ω is completely filled
by 3D finite elements (e.g., hexahedral or pentahedral
isoparametric elements), the 2D fracture and 1D chan-
nel elements share the nodal points of the 3D mesh and
their geometric extents are aligned to surfaces, edges or
diagonals of the 3D matrix elements (Fig. 9.8).

For 2D fracture elements forming sur-

faces of the 3D matrix element it is convenient to
derive the directional cosines directly from the shape of
the 3D element. We can construct the 2 directional vec-


y′, η y′, ζ
z′, ζ u2

x′, η
x′, ξ
u1 u2

z′, ξ

2D fracture element 2D fracture element

at top surface at a side surface
z z
y y
x′, ζ
n x′
x x

z′, η

u1 u1

y′, ξ

1D channel element 1D channel element

at an edge m through the diagonal

Figure 9.8 Exemplified mapping of 2D fracture elements and 1D channel elements aligned to surfaces, edges and diago-
nals, respectively, for a 3D finite matrix element. Local and global coordinates.

VK= aáëÅêÉíÉ= ÑÉ~íìêÉ= ãçÇÉäáåÖ= çÑ= ÑäçïI= ã~ëë= ~åÇ= ÜÉ~í= íê~åëéçêí= éêçÅÉëëÉë= Äó= ìëáåÖ
Notice, for 2D feature elements (fracs) we need
⎧ ∂x
⎪ ------ only two directional vectors (i = 1,2), the remaining
⎪ ∂η J 21 e
directional cosines a 3j are meaningless.
⎪ ∂y ζ = ±1
⎪ ------ = J 22 at
⎪ ∂η
⎪ J 23 Often we can assume that the 2D feature elements
⎪ ------ are perfectly flat, i.e., they represent noncurved 2D
⎪ ∂η
⎪ geometries which occur for arbitrarily oriented linear
⎪ ∂x- triangles or for vertical linear quadrilaterals in the 3D
⎪ -----
⎪ ∂ζ J 31 space. Instead of using the above shape-derived expres-
⎪ ∂y sions (9-119) and (9-120), in such cases it is convenient
u2 = ⎨ ------ = J 32 at ξ = ±1 (9-120)
⎪ ∂ζ to derive the directional vectors u i in a direct manner
⎪ ∂z- J 33 (see Fig. 9.9).
⎪ -----
⎪ ∂ζ
⎪ We specify the x′ -axis along the edge nm of the 2D
⎪ ∂x-
⎪ ----- feature element. The vector u 1 is accordingly given by
⎪ ∂ξ J 11

⎪ ∂y
------ = J 12 at η = ±1
⎪ ∂ξ xn – xm
⎪ J 13 u1 = yn – ym (9-123)
⎪ ∂z-
⎩ ∂ξ zn – zm

These directional vectors can be easily used to compute

The second directional vector u 2 derived by simple
the directional cosines according to
vector algebra (as summarized in the Appendix C)
T yields
e ui ⋅ ej i = 1, 2
a ij = cos ( u i, e j ) = -------------------------- for (9-121)
ui ej j = 1, 2, 3 q ⋅ u1
u 2 = q – ⎛ ----------------⎞ u 1 (9-124a)
⎝ u 1 ⋅ u 1⎠

= 1

with the auxiliary vector q formed along the adjacent

with the basis (unit) vectors side lm of the 2D element as

1 0 0 xl – xm
e1 = 0 e2 = 1 e3 = 0 (9-122)
q = yl – ym (9-124b)
0 0 1
zl – zm


z l

z′ z′
x′ n
m u1 y′


Figure 9.9 Directional vectors u i (i = 1,2) for a linear triangular element and a vertically-oriented linear quad-
rilateral element.

e ⎫
xn – xm
and the directional cosines a ij (i = 1,2; j = 1,2,3) can be ⎪ Δx
easily computed by using (9-121). u1 = yn – ym ⎪ = Δy

⎬ Δz (9-125a)
zn – zm ⎪
For 1D channel elements the same procedure ⎪
can be applied to determine a ij (for i = 1; j = 1,2,3). u 1 = Δx + Δy + Δz ⎪⎭
2 2 2
Here, only one row a 1j of the rotation matrix is of
interest. Taking into consideration that 1D feature ele-
a 11 = -------------------------------------------- ⎫⎪
ments can be rather arbitrarily placed at mesh nodes
2 2 2
(which are not necessarily connected in one element Δx + Δy + Δz ⎪
and oriented along edges) the following direct evalua- ⎪
a 12 = -------------------------------------------- ⎪
tion procedure can be used to compute a 1j for a 1D lin- 2 2 2⎬
ear channel element spanning between the two nodes n Δx + Δy + Δz ⎪

a 13 = -------------------------------------------- ⎪
and m (cf. Fig. 9.8): e
2 2 2⎪
Δx + Δy + Δz ⎭

VK= aáëÅêÉíÉ= ÑÉ~íìêÉ= ãçÇÉäáåÖ= çÑ= ÑäçïI= ã~ëë= ~åÇ= ÜÉ~í= íê~åëéçêí= éêçÅÉëëÉë= Äó= ìëáåÖ
VKSKRKQ aÉãçåëíê~íáîÉ=Éñ~ãéäÉ

To demonstrate the assembly process for the differ-

ent feature elements let us consider the simple model as
shown in Fig. 9.10 consisting of only one 3D element
(e = 1) connected with both a 2D fracture element (e =
2) and a 1D channel element (e = 3).

= 2) Node
x y z
(e [unit] [unit] [unit]
e nt
e ele
tur 5 1 1. 1. 0.
2 Df
2 11. 1. 0.

3 7. 11. 0.

4 1. 1. 7.

3D matrix element (e = 1) 5 11. 1. 9.
nel el 6 7. 11. 11.

1 2
Figure 9.10 3D prismatic matrix element connected with a 2D fracture element on the top surface and a 1D
channel element through a diagonal.

The assembly of the resulting matrix system has to be

performed according to (9-116), viz.,


O⋅ψ+K⋅ψ–F = 0 ⎫
T1 1 1 T2 2 2 ⎪ T3 3 3
O = [ T ⋅ ( O′ ⋅ T ) ] + [ T ⋅ ( O′ ⋅ T ) ] + [ T ⋅ ( O′ ⋅ T ) ] ⎪
⎬ (9-126)
T1 1 1 T2 2 2 T3 3 3
K = [ T ⋅ ( K′ ⋅ T ) ] + [ T ⋅ ( K′ ⋅ T ) ] + [ T ⋅ ( K′ ⋅ T ) ] ⎪

T1 1 T2 2 T3
F = ( T ⋅ F′ ) + ( T ⋅ F′ ) + ( T ⋅ F′ )
3 ⎭

For the 3D triangular prism (e = 1) it is assumed that for coordinate transformation into the x′ – y′ – z′ -coor-
the elemental material properties can be specified in dinates. Accordingly,
the global coordinates ( x – y – z ). Here, there is no need

1 00 …
1 T1 0 10 1 1 1 1 1 1
T = T = O = O′ K = K′ F = F′ (9-127)
0 01

For the 2D triangular fracture element (e = 2) the direc-

tional vectors are given by

⎛ 10 ⎞
⎜ ⎟
⎜ 6 10 4 ⋅ 0 ⎟
10 6 6 ⎜ 10 – 0.5385
2 ⎟⎟
⎜ ------------------------------------
u1 = 0 q = 10 u 2 = 10 – 0 = 10 (9-128)
⎜ ⎟
2 4 4 ⎜ 10 ⎟ 2 2.6923
⎜ 10 0 2 ⋅ 0 ⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎝ 2 ⎠

t = 0.6538

where the formula (9-124a) is used. We note that

u 1 = 10.198 and u 2 = 10.370 . It leads to the follow-
ing directional cosines (9-121)

VK= aáëÅêÉíÉ= ÑÉ~íìêÉ= ãçÇÉäáåÖ= çÑ= ÑäçïI= ã~ëë= ~åÇ= ÜÉ~í= íê~åëéçêí= éêçÅÉëëÉë= Äó= ìëáåÖ

0.9806 0 0.1961 …
0.9806 0 0.1961
2 2 – 0.0519 0.9843 0.2596
a = – 0.0519 0.9843 0.2596 T = (9-129)
. . .
. . .

and we get the matrices to be assembled for the ele-

ment (e = 2) as

⎪ ⎛ ⎞
⎪ ⎜ 2 2 ⎟
⎪ 0.9806 – 0.0519 . … ⎜ O x′x′ O x′y′ 0 … 0.9806 0 0.1961 … ⎟
⎪ ⎜ ⎟
0 0.9843 . 2 2
⎜ O y′x′ O y′y′ 0 – 0.0519 0.9843 0.2596 ⎟ if anisotropic
T2 2 2 ⎪
[ T ⋅ ( O′ ⋅ T ) ] = ⎨ 0.1961 0.2596 . ⎜ . . . ⎟
⎪ ⎜ 0 0 0 ⎟
⎪ … ⎜ … ⎟
⎪ ⎝ … ⎠

⎪ O2 if isotropic

T2 2 2
similar for [ T ⋅ ( K′ ⋅ T ) ]

⎪ 2
F x′
⎪ 0.9806 – 0.0519 . …
⎪ 0 0.9843 . 2
T2 2 ⎪ F y′ if directional
( T ⋅ F′ ) = ⎨ 0.1961 0.2596 .
⎪ 0
⎪ …
⎪ …
⎪ 2
⎩F if scalar

Taking the u 1 -vector for the 1D channel element u 1 = – 10 u 1 = 14.036 (9-131)
(e = 3)


we obtain

0.2850 – 0.7125 0.6412 …

0.2850 – 0.7125 0.6412
3 3 . . .
a = . . . T = (9-132)
. . .
. . .

and finally the matrices for the element (e = 3) as

⎧ ⎛ ⎞
⎪ ⎜ O3 0 0 …
⎪ 0.2850 . . … ⎜ x′x′
0.2850 – 0.7125 0.6412 … ⎟⎟
⎪ – 0.7125 . . ⎜ . . . ⎟
T3 3 3 ⎪ ⎜ 0 0 0 ⎟ if anisotropic
[ T ⋅ ( O′ ⋅ T ) ] = ⎨ 0.6412 . . ⎜ . . . ⎟
0 0 0
⎪ ⎜ ⎟
⎪ … …
⎝ … ⎠

⎪ 3
⎩O if isotropic
T3 3 3 (9-133)
similar for [ T ⋅ ( K′ ⋅ T ) ]

⎪ 3
⎪ 0.2850 . . … F x′
⎪ – 0.7125 . .
T3 3 ⎪ 0 if directional
( T ⋅ F′ ) = ⎨ 0.6412 . .

⎪ … …

⎪ 3
⎩F if scalar

VK= aáëÅêÉíÉ= ÑÉ~íìêÉ= ãçÇÉäáåÖ= çÑ= ÑäçïI= ã~ëë= ~åÇ= ÜÉ~í= íê~åëéçêí= éêçÅÉëëÉë= Äó= ìëáåÖ
oÉÑÉêÉåÅÉë ^ééÉåÇáñ=^
1. Chandhry, M. H. & M. E. Barber, Open channel flow. In: The kçãÉåÅä~íìêÉ
handbook of fluid dynamics (ed. by R. W. Johnson), CRC Press/
Springer, Chapter 45, 1998.
2. Diersch, H.-J. G., FEFLOW - Reference Manual. WASY Ltd., In the above the symbols have the following meaning:
Berlin, 2002.
3. Diersch, H.-J. G., Modeling and numerical simulation of geohy- Latin symbols
drodynamic transport processes (in German). Reprint, WASY
Ltd. Berlin, 1991. 2
A = flow area, ( L ) ;
4. Diersch, H.-J., Finite element modelling of recirculating density-
driven saltwater intrusion processes in groundwater, Advances in a = coefficient to specify boundary
Water Resources 11 (1988) 1, 25-43. conditions;
5. Diersch, H.-J. G. & O. Kolditz, Coupled groundwater flow and a = rotation matrix;
transport: 2. Thermohaline and 3D convection systems, Advances B = thickness or depth, ( L ) ;
in Water Resources 21 (1998) 5, 401-425.
b = aperture or surface elevation, ( L ) ;
6. Diersch, H.-J. G. & P. Perrochet, On the primary variable switch-
ing technique for simulating unsaturated-saturated flows, b = coefficient to specify boundary
Advances in Warer Resources 23 (1999) 3, 271-301. conditions;
7. Gottardi, G. & M. Venutelli, LANDFLOW: Computer program C = concentration, ( ML ) ;
for the numerical simulation of two-dimensional overland flow. C = Chezy roughness coefficient,
Computers & Geosciences 23 (1997)1, 77-89. 1 ⁄ 2 –1
(L T ) ;
8. Gray, W.G., Derivation of vertically averaged equations describ- f s
ing multiphase flow in porous media. Water Resources Research c,c = specific heat capacity of fluid and
2 –2 –1
18 (1982)6, 1705-1712. solid, respectively, ( L T Θ ) ;
9. Di Giammarco, P., E. Todini & P. Lamberti, A conservative finite D = space dimension, (1, 2 or 3);
elements approach to overland flow: the control volume finite D = tensor of hydrodynamic dispersion,
element formulation. Institute for Hydraulic Construction, Univ. 2 –1
(L T ) ;
Bologna, Italy. 2 –1
10. Panton, R. L., Incompressible flow. 2nd Edition, J. Wiley & Sons,
Dd = molecular diffusion, ( L T ) ;
New York, 1996. Dm = tensor of mechanical dispersion,
2 –1
11. Taylor, G., Dispersion of solute matter in solvent flowing slowly (L T ) ;
through a tube. Proc. R. Soc. London A, 219 (1953), 186-203. d = strain-rate tensor of fluid, ( T ) ;
E = internal (thermal) energy density,
2 –2
(L T ) ;
e = gravitational unit vector, ( 1 ) ;
ei = basis vectors, ( 1 ) ;
F = material surface;
f = specific rate of temporary


f( .) = general function; ℜ = retardation, ( 1 ) ;

fμ = viscosity relation function, ( 1 ) ; ℜd = derivative retardation, ( 1 ) ;
g = gravitational acceleration, ( LT ) ; r = radius, ( L ) ;
g( . ) = general function; rc = homogeneous chemical reaction
–2 –3 –1
g = gravity vector, ( LT ) ; rate, ( ML T ) ;
h = hydraulic head, ( L ) ; r hydr = hydraulic radius, ( L ) ;
I = unit (identity) tensor, ( 1 ) ; S = ( BS o + S s ) , storage term, ( 1 ) ;
J = Jacobian matrix; So = bed slope, inclination of the bottom
j = flux vector; plane to the horizontal x and y
directions, ( 1 ) ;
jc = Fickian mass flux vector, –1
–2 –1
( ML T ) ; So = compressibility, ( L ) ;
jT = Fourierian heat flux vector, Sf = vector of friction slopes at channel
( MT ) ; bottom, ( 1 ) ;
j = surface or interface exchange, Ss = storativity, ( 1 ) ;
–1 –2 T, T o = temperature and reference
( ML T ) ;
K = ( kρ o g ) ⁄ μ o , tensor of hydraulic temperature, respectively, ( Θ ) ;
–1 Tt = final time, ( T ) ;
conductivity, ( LT ) ;
K = tensor function specifying different t = time, ( T ) ;
laws of flow motion, ( LT ) ; x = coordinate vector, ( L ) ;
k = tensor of permeability, ( L ) ; x, y = Cartesian coordinates, ( L ) ;
M = number of nodes; z = axial or vertical coordinate, ( L ) ;
M = Manning roughness coefficient, v = velocity vector of fluid, ( LT ) ;
1 ⁄ 3 –1
(L T ) ; w = velocity vector of surface or
N = basis function; interface, ( LT ) ;
n = outward-directed normal unit vector w = spatial weighting function;
at surface;
n Gauss = number of Gauss points in each local
coordinate direction; Greek symbols
–1 –2
p = fluid pressure, ( ML T ) ;
–3 –1
Qc = mass source term, ( ML T ) α = constant of friction slope
–1 –3
QT = source/sink of heat, ( ML T ) ; relationship, ( 1 ) ;
Qρ = fluid mass sink/source, ( T ) ; β L, β T = longitudinal and transverse
q = flux vector; dispersivity, respectively, ( L ) ;
R = radius of circular tube, ( L ) ; Γi = portions i of boundary ∂Ω ;
D –1
R = space of dimension D ; γ = fluid compressibility, ( L ) ;

VK= aáëÅêÉíÉ= ÑÉ~íìêÉ= ãçÇÉäáåÖ= çÑ= ÑäçïI= ã~ëë= ~åÇ= ÜÉ~í= íê~åëéçêí= éêçÅÉëëÉë= Äó= ìëáåÖ
Δt n = time step length at time plane n, τ = generalized friction factor;
(T) ; ϒ = Newton-Taylor roughness
∂Ω = total boundary; coefficient, ( 1 ) ;
δS = projected area of surface, ( L ) ; φ = pressure head or local water depth,
3 (L) ;
δV = volume of REV, ( L ) ;
ε = porosity (= volume fraction of fluid χ(C) = sorption function, ( 1 ) ;
phase), ( 1 ) ; ψ = balance quantity;
ζ = ( – 1 ≤ ζ ≤ 1 ) , local coordinate, ( 1 ) ; Ω = domain;
η = ( – 1 ≤ η ≤ 1 ) , local coordinate, ω = azimuthal angle, ( ° ) ;
(1) ; –1
∇ = Nabla (vector) operator, ( L ) ;
η = local coordinate vector, ( 1 ) ;
Θ = ( ρ – ρ o ) ⁄ ρ o , density ratio or Subscripts
buoyancy coefficient, ( 1 ) ;
θ = weighting coefficient, ( 0 ≤ θ ≤ 1 ) ; corr corrected;
ϑ = chemical decay rate, ( T ) ; e elemental;
κ = coefficient of skeleton compressibi- n time plane;
lity, ( L ) ;
i, j, k nodal or spatial indices;
Λ = tensor of thermal hydrodynamic
–3 –1 o reference value;
dispersion, ( MLT Θ ) ;
f s
λ,λ = thermal conductivity for fluid and
–3 –1
solid, respectively, ( MLT Θ ) ; Superscripts
μ, μ o = dynamic viscosity and reference
dynamic viscosity of fluid, α phase index;
–1 –1
respectively, ( ML T ) ; D space dimension;
ξ = ( – 1 ≤ ξ ≤ 1 ) , local coordinate, ( 1 ) ; e elemental;
ρ, ρ o = fluid density and reference fluid f fluid (water) phase;
density, respectively, ( ML ) ; n time plane;
σ = viscous stress tensor of fluid, s solid phase;
–1 –2
( ML T ) ;
T transpose of a matrix;
σ' = deviatory stress tensor of fluid,
–1 –2 ν surface index;
( ML T ) ;
σ shear stress at bottom surface,
–2 –2
( ML T ) ;
interface –2 –2
σ interfacial shear stress, ( ML T ) ;
σ = shear stress at top surface,
–2 –2
( ML T ) ;


Furthermore, we have for the element, cf. (9-100),
^å~äóíáÅ=Éî~äì~íáçå=çÑ=ã~íêáñ= ÉäÉãÉåíë
x = N1 x( 1 ) + N2 x( 2 ) (B3)

We consider the following linear 2-node element e and with and (B4)

∂x ∂N 1 ∂N 2 Δx e
J = J 11 = ------ = --------- x ( 1 ) + --------- x ( 2 ) = -------- (B4)
Ni 1 ∂ξ ∂ξ ∂ξ 2

N1 N2
–1 1 2
J = ------- = -------- (B5)
J Δx e

0 Then, the divergence terms (9-102) becomes with (B2)

1 e 2
∂N 1 1
ξ = -1 ξ ξ = +1 x --------- – --------
x = x(1) x = x(2) ∇N 1 –1 ∂ξ = Δx e
Δxe = J (B6)
∇N 2 ∂N 2 1
--------- Δx e

with the basis functions at the nodes 1 and 2

According to (9-105)
N 1 = --- ( 1 – ξ ) Δx e
2 dΩ = dx = J dξ = -------- dξ (B7)
(B1) 2
N 2 = --- ( 1 + ξ )
and its derivatives the matrices (9-88) become for element e

∂N 1
--------- = – 1---
∂ξ 2
∂N 2 1
--------- = ---
∂ξ 2

VK= aáëÅêÉíÉ= ÑÉ~íìêÉ= ãçÇÉäáåÖ= çÑ= ÑäçïI= ã~ëë= ~åÇ= ÜÉ~í= íê~åëéçêí= éêçÅÉëëÉë= Äó= ìëáåÖ

1 e
N1 N1 N1 N2 e 2 2 Δx S Δx e
dΩ = ----- ∫ ( 1 – ξ ) ( 1 – ξ ) -------- dξ = -------------- 2 1
e e S e
O = ∫ S
N2 N1 N2 N2 4 2 2 2 6 12
Ωe –1 ( 1 – ξ ) ( 1 + ξ )

e e e e e
K = K1 + K2 + K3 + K4
N 1 ∇N 1 N 1 ∇N 2 e Δx e e
dΩ = ------------ ∫ – ( 1 – ξ ) ( 1 – ξ ) -------- dξ = ----- – 1 1
e e q q
K1 = ∫ q
N 2 ∇N 1 N 2 ∇N 2 2Δx e – ( 1 + ξ ) ( 1 + ξ ) 2 2 –1 1
Ωe –1
∇N 1 ∇N 1 ∇N 1 ∇N 2
e Δx e D
dΩ = --------2- ∫ 1 – 1 -------- dξ = -------- 1 – 1
e e
K2 = ∫ D
∇N 2 ∇N 1 ∇N 2 ∇N 2 Δx e – 1 1 2 Δx e – 1 1
Ωe –1 (B9)
1 e
N1 N1 N1 N2 e 2 2 Δx Φ Δx e
dΩ = ------ ∫ ( 1 – ξ ) ( 1 – ξ ) -------- dξ = ---------------- 2 1
e e e
K3 = ∫ Φ
N2 N1 N2 N2 4 2 2 2 6 1 2
Ωe –1 ( 1 – ξ ) ( 1 + ξ )
ξ = ξ1 = –1
e 2 2
N1 N1 N1 N2 a ( 1 – ξ1 ) ( 1 – ξ1 )
= a 1 0
e e e
K4 = a = -----
N2 N1 N2 N2 4 2 2 0 1
( 1 – ξ2 ) ( 1 + ξ2 )
ξ = ξ2 = 1

e e e
F = F1 + F2
1 e
N1 e Δx e Q Δx e
dΩ = ------ ∫ ( 1 – ξ ) -------- dξ = --------------- 1
e e Q
F1 = ∫ Q
N2 2 (1 + ξ) 2 2 1
Ωe –1 (B10)
ξ = ξ 1 = –1
e e
N1 ( a ψ2 – b ) 1 – ξ1
= ( a ψ2 – b ) 1
e e e e e
F2 = ( a ψ2 – b ) = ----------------------------
N2 2 1 + ξ2 1
ξ = ξ2 = 1


Finally, the discretized matrix equation (9-88) can be

summarized as

e ⎧ · e⎫ e ⎧ e⎫
⎛ S Δx e 2 1 ⎪ ψ 1 ⎪ ⎛ q e – 1 1 D
e Φ Δx e 2 1 ψ
e 1 0 ⎞ ⎪ 1⎪
1 – 1
∑ ⎜⎝ -------------
- ⋅ ⎨ ⎬ + ⎜ -----
e 2
1 2 ⎪ ψ· ⎪ ⎝ – 1 1
+ --------
Δx e –1 1
+ ----------------
6 1 2
+a ⎟ ⋅⎨ ⎬–
0 1 ⎠ ⎪ ψe ⎪
⎩ 2⎭ ⎩ 2⎭ (B11)
Q Δx e ⎞
– --------------- 1 – ( a ψ 2 – b ) 1 ⎟ = { 0 }
e e
2 1 1⎠

aÉêáî~íáçå= çÑ= íÜÉ= çêíÜçÖçå~ä= ÇáêÉÅJ l
íáçå~ä=îÉÅíçêë= u i =Ñçê=~=Oa=ÛÑä~íÛ=ÉäÉãÉåí n
q q–v p
For a linear 2D ’flat’ element we can find the fol-
lowing vectors for a typical element with the nodes y v
mnl ( k ) : m

xn – xm xl – xm
p ≡ u1 = yn – ym q = yl – ym (C1) the parameter t can be easily found if inserting (C3)
zn – zm zl – zm into (C2)

( q – tp ) ⋅ p = 0 ⎫
Since the vector u 2 ≡ q – v is perpendicular to the vec- ⎪
q⋅p⎬ (C4)
tor p ≡ u 1 the dot product yields t = ---------- ⎪
(q – v) ⋅ p = 0 (C2)
As a result, we get
Using the parametric description of the vector v as
v = ⎛⎝ ----------⎞⎠ p (C5)
v = tp (C3) p⋅p

VK= aáëÅêÉíÉ= ÑÉ~íìêÉ= ãçÇÉäáåÖ= çÑ= ÑäçïI= ã~ëë= ~åÇ= ÜÉ~í= íê~åëéçêí= éêçÅÉëëÉë= Äó= ìëáåÖ
and finally (with p ≡ u 1 ) On the other hand, the friction laws for the Hagen-
Poiseuille flow in form of Eq. (9-56) and for the Man-
q⋅p ⎫ ning-Strickler flow in form of Eq. (9-67) (with Table
u 2 ≡ q – v = q – ⎛⎝ ----------⎞⎠ p ⎪ 9.4) are specified by the hydraulic aperture b and the
p⋅p ⎪
⎬ (C6) friction parameter M , respectively (cf. Table 9.9).
q ⋅ u
u 2 = q – ⎛ ----------------⎞ u 1 ⎪⎪
⎝ u 1 ⋅ u 1⎠ Table 9.9 Frictional input parameter

Law Parameter

Hagen-Poiseuille hydraulic aperture, b

Manning-Strickler roughness, M
fåéìí= çÑ= ÅêçëëJëÉÅíáçå~ä= Ç~í~I= ëí~åÇ~êÇ
áãéäÉãÉåí~íáçåë=çÑ=ÜóÇê~ìäáÅ=ê~Çáá=~åÇ Based on the input parameters b , A or B in
íÜÉáê= êÉä~íáçåë= íç= ÇáÑÑÉêÉåí= íóéÉë= çÑ FEFLOW the following relationships of the hydraulic
radius r hydr are implemented according to the dimen-
Ñê~ÅíìêÉë= Ñçê= íÜÉ= e~ÖÉåJmçáëÉìáääÉ= ~åÇ
sion of the fracture elements. They represent so-called
íÜÉ=j~ååáåÖJpíêáÅâäÉê=ÑêáÅíáçå=ä~ïë standard implementations as summarized in Table 9.10.

In FEFLOW a reduced data set is used to input the Table 9.10 Implemented standard hydraulic radii
geometric relationships of the fractures. There is no
direct input of the hydraulic radii r hydr for the different r hydr
types of fracture elements applied to both the Hagen-
Poiseuille and the Manning-Strickler law of fluid Dimension expressed by appropriate input
motion. Instead, the geometry of the cross-sections is of fracture parameters
input by the flow area A for 1D elements and by the elements
thickness/flow depth B for 2D fracture elements (see Hagen- Manning-
Table 9.8). Poiseuille Strickler

Table 9.8 Geometric input parameter 1D A⁄4

(plane) (submerged qua-
Dimension Fracture type/case Parameter b⁄2 dratic cross-sec-
(Table 9.5) (submerged slit tion)
plane, type B of
2D Table 9.3) B⁄2
1D 1DPP, 1DPN, 1DAP, flow area, A
(plane) (submerged slit
plane, type B of
2D 2DPP, 2DPN thickness, B Table 9.3)

3 –3 2 –1
ρ o = 10 kg m , μ o = 1.3 Pa s , and g = 9.81 m s .
6 –1 –1
As seen from Table 9.10 the input parameter in form It results a factor of f o = ρ o g ⁄ μ o = 7.55 ⋅ 10 m s .
of the hydraulic aperture b for the Hagen-Poiseuille A hydraulic radius which is different from the standard
law and the geometric input parameter in form of the geometry, and parameters, which are different from the
flow area A or thickness B for the Manning-Strickler standard parameter factor f o , can be derived from the
law are used to express r hydr internally in FEFLOW. identity
Accordingly, FEFLOW assumes that in the case of
using a Hagen-Poiseuille law a submerged slit geome- 2 2
r hydr b- ρg
try is standard (both in 1D and 2D). In case of the Man- ----------- f = ----- f with f = ------ (D2)
a 12 o μ
ning-.Strickler law a submerged quadratic cross section
( A = B ) is considered the standard geometry in 1D
A corrected hydraulic aperture b corr can be obtained
and a submerged slit plane geometry is standard in 2D.
from (D2) as
The question arises how is it possible to differ from the
standard geometry types? For example, instead of a
2 3 ⎧3 for plane geometry
quadratic cross-section for a 1D fracture element, a b corr = ---f- ---------- r hydr a = ⎨ (D3)
rectangular plane or an axisymmetric geometry is to be fo a ⎩2 for axisymmetric geometry

where r hydr is the actual (true) hydraulic radius, which
To specify hydraulic radii r hydr which are different can be taken from Table 9.3, and f is the true parameter
to the embodied standard geometries (Table 9.10) one factor, where dynamic viscosity, gravity and density
can input corrections in the hydraulic aperture b for can be specified different from the standard settings in
the Hagen-Poiseuille law and in the Manning rough- f o . Table 9.11 summarizes the corrected hydraulic
ness coefficient M for the Manning-Strickler law. apertures b corr for interesting applications.
These corrected parameters can be derived in the fol-
lowing manner.

The standard hydraulic conductivity K for the

Hagen-Poiseuille law is according to Eq. (9-56) and
Table 9.10:

r hydr ρ o g b ρo g
K = ----------- --------- I = ------ --------- I (D1)
a μo 12 μ o

where a = 3 for plane geometry. Furthermore, the fol-

lowing standard parameters are used here for water:

VK= aáëÅêÉíÉ= ÑÉ~íìêÉ= ãçÇÉäáåÖ= çÑ= ÑäçïI= ã~ëë= ~åÇ= ÜÉ~í= íê~åëéçêí= éêçÅÉëëÉë= Äó= ìëáåÖ
Table 9.11 Corrected apertures b corr for different On the other hand, the standard hydraulic conduc-
applications in the case of Hagen-Poiseuille law for tivity K for the Manning-Strickler law is according to
1D and 2D fracture elements a) Eq. (9-67) with Tables 9.4 and 9.10:

Type b corr A⎞ 2 ⁄ 3 ------------------

⎧ M ⎛ ------- I -
for 1D
⎪ ⎝ 4⎠ 4 2
submerged rectangular cross- 2⁄3 I ⎪ ∇h
section K = Mr hydr ------------------- = ⎨ (D4)
A 4 2 ⎪ ⎛B 2⁄3 I -
∇h ⎞
⎪ M ⎝ --2-⎠ ------------------ for 2D
Bb f ⎩ 4
B ----------------- ----
( b + B ) fo
Accordingly, from (D4) we can find a corrected Man-
submerged slit plane ning coefficient M corr in the following form to input a
B standard-different geometry of the fracture elements in
b ---f- 1D and 2D
no correction is
needed if f = f o ⎧⎛ 4 ⎞ 2 ⁄ 3
⎪ ⎝ -------⎠ for 1D
open rectangular cross-section 2⁄3 ⎪ A
M corr = Mr hydr ⋅ ⎨ (D5)
C ⎪ ⎛ --2-⎞ 2 ⁄ 3
⎪ ⎝ B⎠ for 2D
B 2Bb - f ⎩
--------------- ----
b + 2B f o
where M is the true (physical) Manning roughness
open wide channel (b > 20B) coefficient. Tables 9.12 and 9.13 summarize the correc-
D plane
f tions M corr ⁄ M for the Manning coefficients for 1D and
B 2B ---o- 2D fracture elements, respectively, which are required
b when fracture cross-geometries different to the stan-
dard geometry have to be input.
submerged circular cross-section
E ------3- R ---f- =
R 2 fo
1.224745R ---f-
ρo g ρg
~F μo
- = 7.55 ⋅ 10 6 m – 1 s – 1
fo = -------- f = ------


Table 9.12 Corrected Manning roughness Table 9.13 Corrected Manning roughness
coefficient M corr for different applications in the coefficient M corr for different applications in the
case of Manning-Strickler law for 1D fracture case of Manning-Strickler law for 2D fracture
elements elements

Type M corr ⁄ M Type M corr ⁄ M

submerged rectangular cross- submerged rectangular cross-

A section 2⁄3 A section
2Bb -⎞
⎛ -------------------------
⎝ ( b + B ) A⎠ b -⎞ 2 ⁄ 3
⎛ ------------
⎝ b + B⎠
Note if b = B and b
A = B then
M corr = M , i.e.,
submerged slit plane
no correction is
b 1
submerged slit plane B
B no correction is
2b ⎞ 2 ⁄ 3
⎛ ------- needed
⎝ A⎠
B open rectangular cross-section
open rectangular cross-section
B 2b ⎞ 2 ⁄ 3
⎛ ---------------
4Bb -⎞ 2 ⁄ 3 -
⎛ ---------------------------- ⎝ b + 2B⎠
B ⎝ ( b + 2B ) A⎠ b

b open wide channel (b > 20B)

D plane
open wide channel (b > 20B) 2⁄3
B 2 = 1.5874
D plane
4B ⎞ 2⁄3
⎛ ------- b
B ⎝ A⎠

submerged circular cross-section

R 2R ⎞ 2 ⁄ 3
⎛ -------
⎝ A⎠

VK= aáëÅêÉíÉ= ÑÉ~íìêÉ= ãçÇÉäáåÖ= çÑ= ÑäçïI= ã~ëë= ~åÇ= ÜÉ~í= íê~åëéçêí= éêçÅÉëëÉë= Äó= ìëáåÖ


H.-J. G. Diersch
WASY Institute for Water Resources Planning and Systems Research, Berlin, Germany

Michaelis-Menten mechanism (Monod kinetics)

NM `ÜÉãáÅ~ä=êÉ~Åíáçåë

NMKN fåíêçÇìÅíáçå → AE → P + E
A + E← (10-4)
FEFLOW4 extends the capabilities of modeling
reversible and irreversible chemical reactions for sin- where A, B, … represent chemical species (reactants,
gle-species and multispecies systems of the flow and products), the symbol → identifies the direction of
transport in porous media under variably saturated con- reaction, → ← is used for reversible reactions at chem-
ditions. It encompasses the following types of reac- ical equilibrium.
In the following the basics of the reactive flow and
binary ion exchange reaction between fluid and solid transport used in FEFLOW are summarized. It ends up
phase (adsorption isotherms) with a description of the fundamental transport equa-
tions, options of chemical reactions and related rate
A + B← constants available in FEFLOW.

first-order reaction (decay)

NMKO dçîÉêåáåÖ= íê~åëéçêí
A→P (10-2) Éèì~íáçåë
consecutive reaction (decay chains, serial reaction) NMKOKN _~ä~åÅÉ=ëí~íÉãÉåíë
A→B→C (10-3) The mass conservation of chemical species in the
fluid f and solid s phases of a porous medium can be
concisely written in the following form3,4,6


⎧∂ α α α α α α α = fluid
⎪ ( ε α C k ) – ∇ ⋅ ( D k ⋅ ∇C k ) + ∇ ⋅ ( q C k ) – ε α Q k k = fluid species
α α α α ⎪∂t
ε α ( R hom + I k ) = L k C k = ⎨ (10-5)
⎪ ∂ ( ε Cα ) – ε Qα α = solid
⎪∂t α k α k k = solid species

where each species, labeled by the subscript k , is asso- law can be derived. This forms depend on the type of
ciated with a particular phase α ∈ ( f, s, … ) , where f and reaction and whether the reaction is homogeneous or
s indicate the fluid and the solid phase, respectively. In heterogeneous. While homogenous reactions take place
(10-5) it is only in one phase (f or s), the reaction of species associ-
ated with different phases (e.g., fluid species reacts
Ck = concentration of species k of α -phase; with solid species) are referred to as a heterogeneous
Dk = tensor of hydrodynamic dispersion; reaction.
Ik = diffusive flux of species k across the phase
interfaces; In general, if a species k exists in more than one
k = species indicator, k = 1, …, N ; phase α , for instance the species is exchanged between
Lk = operator as defined by Eq. (10-5); fluid f and solid s phase in an adsorption process, the
N = total number of species; transport equations (10-5) have to be summed over all
q = Darcy flux of α -phase; phases α
Qk = zero-order nonreactive production term of
α -phase; α α α
R hom = homogeneous rate of reaction of species k ∑ ( Lk Ck ) = ∑ εα Rhom k
+ R het
k α α
within the α -phase;
α = phase indicator, α = f, s, … ;
εα = volume fraction of α -phase;
R het =
k ∑ εα Ik (10-7)
NMKOKO oÉ~Åíáçå= ê~íÉë= ~åÇ= ãìäíáéÜ~ëÉ α

is the heterogeneous reaction rate of species k accumu-
The solution of the balance equations (10-5) lated over all its existing phases. Let the bulk rate of
requires knowledge of the reaction rates for kinemati- reaction of species k in all phases be R k as7
cally controlled reactions. Different forms of the rate


α εf
Rk = ∑ εα Rhom k
+ R het
(10-8) s f = ----
( 0 < sf ≤ 1 ) (10-12)

the mass balance equation (10-6) for species k to be For saturated media s f becomes unity and ε f = ε with
solved for a multiphase system becomes εa = 0 .

α α For unsaturated conditions s f < 1 it becomes appar-

∑ ( Lk Ck ) = Rk
(10-9) ent that only a part of the total area of the solid is
exposed to ion-exchange reactions (adsorptions).
k = 1, …, N α = f or s for each k Accordingly, we can subdivide the solid volume frac-
tion ε s into chemically active and inactive parts, viz.,
If a species k exists only in one phase, say phase α ,
then (10-6) is reduced to ε s = ε s active + ε s inactive (10-13)

α α α
L k C k = ε α R hom + R het (10-10) and the phase indicator ranges now
k k
active inactive
α = f , a, s ,s .
The transport processes of interest refer to a fluid
phase f (liquid, water) moving through a porous Obviously, the portion of the total surface of the
medium in which the void space is variably saturated solid that is in contact with the f-phase depends on ε f .
by the f-phase. Conceptually, a variably saturated It can be assumed2 that the ratio of the solid-liquid
media consists, at least, of three phases: water f , air (or interface to the total area of the solid is equal to the
gas) a and solid s . Thus, we find the following volume ratio of active solid volume (i.e., solid participating in
fractions the exchange reactions) to the total volume of solid,
and that each of these ratios, in turn, is equal to the
ratio of the liquid-occupied portion of the void space to
1 = εf + εa + εs (10-11) the total void space volume, i.e., equal to s f . Thus,

ε A sactive ε s active ε
-------------------------------- - = f ( ε f ) ≈ ----f = s f
- = ---------- (10-14)
A s active + A s inactive εs ε
where ε is identified as the porosity (void space) of the
porous media. Since the f-phase occupies only part of
the void space, the saturation s f of the f-phase may be and we obtain
used to define the relative quantity as
ε s active = f ( ε f )ε s ≈ s f ε s = s f ( 1 – ε ) (10-15)


In practical modeling of flow and transport in unsat- α = f, s

urated media, the air-phase a is commonly assumed
stagnant. Focussing on dissolved chemical species k in
Considering now the two-phase system of the fluid
the f-phase for which the exchange to the air phase is
(f) and solid ( s active ) phase, the mass transport equation
negligible and the exchange to the solid phase occurs
(10-6) with (10-5) for a species k can be written in the
exclusively on the chemically active solid surface, the
above transport equations (10-5) have to be considered
only for the f- and s active -phases:
f f s s f s
L k C k + L k C k = ε f R hom + ε sactive R hom + R het
k k k

∂ f s f f f f f s
( ε C + ε s C k ) – ∇ ⋅ ( D k ⋅ ∇C k ) + ∇ ⋅ ( q C k ) – Q k = ε f R hom + ε s active R hom + R het
∂t f k k k k


f s
where Qk = ε f Q k + ε s Q k is introduced as a nonreac-
active Nr = total number of reactions;
tive bulk production term. Nr = number of homogeneous reactions
( Nr ≤ Nr ) ;
For a certain number of serial and parallel reactions rr = rate of reaction r associated with the type
r = 1, …, N r it is useful to develop the reaction rate for of reaction r ;
a species k in dependence on homogeneous and heter- ν kr = stoichiometric number of species k and
ogeneous types of reaction. This can be expressed in reaction r.
the following general form3,6
Note, the number of heterogeneous reactions is
Nr – Nr .
Rk = ∑ εα Rhom k
+ R het
Nr Nr NMKP _~ëáÅ=ÅÜÉãáÅ~ä=âáåÉíáÅë
= ∑ εα ∑ νkr rr + ∑ ν kr r r ( k = 1, …, N )
NMKPKN oÉ~Åíáçå=ëíçáÅÜáçãÉíêó
α r=1 hom
r = Nr +1

The basis of the chemical modeling represents the

where equations of reactions r which can be written in their
general stoichiometric form3


forward reactions k +

k (10-19)
ν 1r A 1 + ν 2r A 2 + … + ν N°r A N° → ν ( N° + 1 )r B ( N° + 1 ) + ν ( N° + 2 )r B ( N° + 2 ) + … + ν Nr B N

backward reactions k -

k (10-20)
ν 1r A 1 + ν 2r A 2 + … + ν N°r A N° ← ν ( N° + 1 )r B ( N° + 1 ) + ν ( N° + 2 )r B ( N° + 2 ) + … + ν Nr B N

for N° < N ( N° = number of reactants)

+ +
and r = 1, …, N r where k and k are rate constants. The square bracket
symbol [ . ] refers to the (chemical) activity of the kth
which is related and quantified by the stoichiometric species. The activity can be replaced by the product of
coefficients ν kr . The algebraic stoichiometric num- the activity coefficient γ k and the concentration Ck ,
bers ν kr behave: e.g.,

ν kr < 0 for 1 ≤ k ≤ N° (reactants) [ Ak ] = γk Ck (10-22)

ν kr > 0 for N° < k ≤ N (products).
The activity coefficients γ k can be determined using
empirical relationships, for example the Debye-
NMKPKO o~íÉ=ä~ïë=~åÇ=ê~íÉ=Åçåëí~åíë Hückel or Davies equations9. For dilute solutions, γ k
approaches unity.
Based on that stoichiometric form the reaction rates
r r for the forward ( r = 1 ) and backward ( r = 2 ) reac-
tions can be expressed by the rate laws NMKPKP `ÜÉãáÅ~ä= ÉèìáäáÄêáìã= ~åÇ= ä~ï

+ + ν k1 ⎫

r1 = k ∏ [ Ak ] ⎪ Chemical equilibrium describes a situation in which
k=1 ⎪ forward and backward reactions are equal. It means
⎬ (10-21)
ν k2

- - ⎪
r2 = k ∏ [ Bk ]

Rk = 0 for all k (10-23)
k = N° + 1 ⎭


or applied to the rate laws (10-21) with (10-18) +

A+B←→ C+D (10-28)
⎧ ε ( ν r + + ν r - ) = 0 if homogeneous -
⎪ α k1 1 k2 2 ka
Rk = ⎨
ν k1 r 1 + ν k2 r 2 = 0 if heterogeneous (10-24)
+ -

the LMA expression is
for all k
ka [C][D]
Since K eq = ------ = ------------------ (10-29)
ka [A ][ B]
ν k1 = – ν k1 for reactants ⎫
⎬ (10-25)
ν k2 = + ν k2 for products ⎭

it is
NMKPKQ qÜÉ=ëíÉ~ÇóJëí~íÉ=~ééêçñáã~íáçå

- + The steady-state approximation1 (SSA) assumes

ν k2 r 2 = ν k1 r 1 (10-26)
that, during the major part of the reaction, the rates of
change of concentrations of all reaction intermediates
and with (10-21) are negligibly small, i.e.,

N R intermediate ≈ 0 (10-30)
ν k2
+ ∏ [ Bk ]
ν k1 k
K eq k = N° + 1
= ----------------- = ---------------------------------------
- (10-27) For example, considering the consecutive reaction of

ν k2 k ν k1 (10-3) in the form
∏ [ Ak ]
k=1 ka kb (10-31)
A → B → C
Expression (10-27) is known as the law of mass action
(LMA), where Keq is the equilibrium constant to be the SSA applied for the species B becomes
known (measurable) for given equilibrium reactions 1
and 2. ka [ A ] – kb [ B ] = 0 (10-32)

For example, considering the more simplified equi-

librium reactions in form of (10-1) in the form NMKPKR mêÉJÉèìáäáÄêá~

Considering the consecutive reactions


ka +
ka ⎫
kb ⎪
A + B ←→ C → P (10-33) →
A + B← C+ D⎪
ka - ⎪
ka ⎬ (10-37)

kb ⎪
the pre-equilibrium arises when the rates of formation A → P ⎭
of the intermediate and its decay back into reactants are
much faster than its rate of formation of products.
can be simplified with the pre-equilibrium assumption.
Applying the SSA scheme to species C of (10-33) it
The reaction rate of A simplifies to
yields (exemplified for a homogeneous reaction in the
α -phase)
+ -
+ - Rk = A = –εα ka [ A ] [ B ] + εα ka [ C ] [ D ] – εα kb [ A ] ≈ –εα kb [ A ] (10-38)
Rk = C = εα ( ka [ A ] [ B ] – ka [ C ] – kb [ C ] ) ≈ 0 (10-34)

k [C][D]
⇒ K eq = ----a-- = ------------------
+ - ka [A][B]
If k a » k b and k a » k b it can be assumed that A, B and C
are in equilibrium. Thus, the k b -term in (10-34) van-
ishes and one gets
NMKQ pÉäÉÅíÉÇ= êÉ~Åíáçå= éêçJ
[C] ÅÉëëÉë
K eq = ------ = ----------------- (10-35)
ka [ A ][B]
NMKQKN fçåJÉñÅÜ~åÖÉ= êÉ~Åíáçåë
Then, the reaction rate for species C takes the form
Consider the reversible binary ion exchange (heter-
R k = C = – ε α k b [ C ] = – ε α k b K eq [ A ] [ B ] (10-36) f
ogeneous) reactions between the fluid species A 1 and
the sorbed (solid) species A 2 in the form
which represents a second-order reaction law.
f s → s f
ν1 A1 + ν2 A2 ← ν1 A1 + ν2 A 2 (10-39)
On the other hand, the following reaction system

At the equilibrium the LMA (10-27) yields


s ν1 f ν2 s ν1 f ν2 adsorption isotherm can be directly derived3 from (10-

[ A1 ] [ A2 ] ( γ1 C1 ) ( γ2 C2 ) 40). It leads to the following adsorption function
K eq = -----------------------------------
ν ν
- = ----------------------------------------------
- (10-40)
f 1 s 2 f ν1 s ν2
[ A1 ] [ A2 ] ( γ1 C1 ) ( γ2 C2 )
f k1
χ 1 ( C 1 ) = --------------------f- (10-44)
s 1 + k2 C1
Introducing the ion exchange capacity CT for the
sorbed species in form of
where k 1 and k 2 are sorption coefficients.
s s Admitting for low concentrations k 2 C 1 « 1 the well-
CT = ∑ Ck (10-41)
know Henry adsorption isotherm results

χ1 = k1 (10-45)
and the total solution normality for the fluid phase f as
1 T γ C
f f - ≈ 1 (see Diersch3).
Note, k 1 = Keq when -----------
CT = ∑ Ck (10-42) f
γ2 CT
In the case of heterovalent equilibrium reactions
s f
ν 1 > 1, ν 2 > 1 a polynomial expression in form of the
Both C T and C T represent constant (measurable) Feundlich adsorption isotherm results3
capacities, so that for the binary ion exchange reaction
s s s f f f
(10-39) with C T = C 1 + C 2 and C T = C 1 + C 2 the f f b2 – 1
LMA relationship (10-40) can be used to explicitly χ1 ( C1 ) = b1 ( C1 ) (10-46)
express the (sorbed) solid species C1 as a function of
the (dissolved) fluid species C 1 , viz. ,
where b 1 is a sorption coefficient and b 2 is a sorption
s f f
C1 = χ1 ( C1 ) ⋅ C1 (10-43)
Considering the species k = 1 in the fluid and
f active solid phase α = f, s the summation transport

where χ1 ( C1 ) is the adsorption function.

equation (10-6) and (10-17) is obtained in the form:
For monovalence ν 1 = ν 2 = 1 the Langmuir

f f s s f s
L 1 C 1 + L 1 C 1 = ε f R hom + ε s active R hom ⎫
1 1⎪
⎬ (10-47)
∂ f f f f f f s
[ ( ε + ε s χ 1 )C 1 ] – ∇ ⋅ ( D 1 ⋅ ∇C 1 ) + ∇ ⋅ ( q C 1 ) – Q 1 = ε f R hom + ε s active R hom ⎪
∂t f 1 1⎭


which represents a single-species transport equation for which will be described next.
the fluid species C 1 . In it is assumed that no further
heterogeneous reactions occur, so that R het1 = 0
according to (10-39). In a more general form it reads NMKQKO cáêëíJçêÇÉê=ÇÉÅ~ó=êÉ~Åíáçåë
∂ Additionally to the reversible heterogeneous reac-
( ε ℜ C ) – ∇ ⋅ ( D ⋅ ∇C k ) + ∇ ⋅ ( qC k ) – Q k (10-48)
∂t f k k
f s
tion (10-39) the species k in the f- and active s-phase
= ε f R hom + ε s active R hom should be subjected to a irreversible homogeneous
k k
first-order decay into products P according to
in introducing the retardation factor ℜ k (by using (10-
f s s f
15) and (10-12)) νk Ak + νj A j →
← νk Ak + νj Aj (10-51a)

ε sactive εs 1–ε
ℜ k = 1 + ----------- χ k = 1 + ---- f ( ε f )χ k ≈ 1 + ----------- χ k (10-49) ka
εf εf ε Ak
→ P (10-51b)

with the adsorption function χ k Ak → P

⎧ k1 Henry
We can assume that the reversible heterogeneous reac-
⎪ k
⎪ 1 tion (10-51a) is much faster than the decay reactions
χ k = ⎨ --------------------
1 + k2 Ck
- Langmuir (10-50) (10-51b). Under such conditions the pre-equilibrium

⎪ b2 – 1 assumption (10-38) becomes applicable. It leads to the
⎩ b1 Ck Freundlich following homogeneous reaction rates for the species k
in the f- and s-phase
where Ck ≡ C k = 1 is defined.
f f
R hom = – k a [ A k ] = – k a γ k C k
f ⎫
The right-hand side of and (10-48) describes irre- k ⎪
⎬ (10-52)
s s s f
versible homogeneous reactions of the species in the R hom = – k a [ A k ] = – k a γ k C k = – k a γ k χC k ⎪
fluid and solid phase. Under exclusive reversible reac-
k ⎭
tions as described by the stoichiometric equation (10-
f s s
39) the homogeneous reaction rates R hom1 and R hom1 of where the solid (sorbed) species Ck is replaced by the
the species in the fluid and solid phase, respectively, fluid species Ck due to the equilibrium relationship
f s
vanishes, i.e., R hom1 = R hom1 = 0 . However, parallel to (10-43).
reversible reaction (10-39), reaction kinetics can occur
for the species k both in the f- and the active s-phase Inserting the reaction rates (10-52) into (10-48) the


following transport equation results It follows

∂ ka + kb
( ε ℜ C ) – ∇ ⋅ ( D ⋅ ∇C k ) + ∇ ⋅ ( qC k ) – Q k (10-53) [A][E]
∂t f k k [ EA ] = ----------------- k m = ---------------- (10-57)
km ka
= –εf ℜk ϑk Ck

Introducing the total concentration of enzyme as

where the first-order decay rate ϑ k is introduced as
[ E T ] = [ E ] + [ EA ] (10-58)
ϑk = ka γk (10-54)

and assuming only a little enzyme is added so that [ A ]

and the retardation factor ℜk is defined as in (10-49).
differs only slightly from its total concentration, then

[ A ] ( [ E T ] – [ EA ] )
NMKQKP jáÅÜ~ÉäáëJjÉåíÉå=ãÉÅÜ~åáëã [ EA ] = ------------------------------------------- (10-59)

The Michaelis-Menten mechanism describes an

enzyme-catalyzed reaction in which a species A is con- which rearranges to
verted into products P in dependence on the concentra-
[ ET ] [ A ]
tion of the enzyme E. The mechanism is the following [ EA ] = --------------------- (10-60)
km + [ A ]
ka kb
A + E ←→ EA → P+E (10-55) The reaction rate for species A in the α -phase is
+ -
R A = – ε α k a [ A ] [ E ] + ε α k a [ EA ] (10-61)
where EA denotes a bound state of the enzyme and its
species. We can analyze the mechanism if assuming a which can be simplified by applying the pre-equilib-
pre-equilibrium for EA. The reaction rate for EA is as rium condition (10-56) as
exemplified of a homogeneous reaction in the α -phase
R A = – ε α k b [ EA ] (10-62)
+ -
ka ka kb
R EA = εα ⎛ rA – r EA – r EA⎞ (10-56)
⎝ ⎠
Inserting (10-60) into (10-62) it yields finally
+ -
= ε α ( k a [ A ] [ E ] – k a [ EA ] – k b [ EA ] ) = 0


kb [ ET ] [ A ] vm CA vm Ck
f ⎫
RA = – ε α ------------------------- = – ε α --------------------α- (10-63) f
R hom = – -------------------f- ⎪
km + [ A ] Km + CA k ⎪
Km + Ck ⎪
⎬ (10-66)
where s f
s vm Ck v m χC k ⎪
R hom = – -------------------s- = – -----------------------f ⎪
vm = kb [ ET ] K m + χC k ⎪
maximum velocity of enzymolysis Km + Ck

km (10-64)
K m = ------ Michaelis (Monod) constant
Inserting the reaction rates (10-66) into (10-48) the fol-
lowing transport equation results
We can generalize the reaction if we assume that the
Michaelis-Menten kinetics is subjected to both the ∂
( ε ℜ C ) – ∇ ⋅ ( D ⋅ ∇C k ) + ∇ ⋅ ( qC k ) – Q k (10-67)
fluid and solid species k of the reversible homogeneous ∂t f k k
reaction according to (10-51a). In doing so, we are = – ε f ( ℜ k + ϕ k )ϑ k C k
interested in the reactions

f s s f with the modifying function

νk Ak + νj Aj →
← νk Ak + νj A j (10-65a)
χk – 1
ϕ k = ----------------- (10-68a)
⎫ Km
+ ⎪ 1 + -------
ka kb ⎪ Ck
A k + E ←→ EA → P + E⎪

ka ⎪ and a specific Michaelis-Menten reaction rate as

⎬ (10-65b)
+ ⎪ m vm
ka kb ⎪ ϑ k = -------------------------- (10-68b)
s ⎪ Km + χk Ck
Ak + E → EA → P + E⎪

- ⎪
ka ⎪
⎭ where the retardation factor ℜ k and the sorption func-
tion χ k are according to (10-49) and (10-50), respec-
which lead to the following reaction rates

NMKQKQ `çåëÉÅìíáîÉ=êÉ~Åíáçåë

Considering consecutive reactions (termed also as


decay chains or serial reactions10, typical in radioactive α ⎫

decay) in the following form R hom = – k a [ A ] ⎪

= k a [ A ] – k b [ B ] ⎪⎪
R hom
ka kb kc (10-69) B
A → B → C → D ⎬ (10-70)
R hom = kb [ B ] – kc [ C ] ⎪
C ⎪
α ⎪
the homogeneous reaction rates for the initial reactant R hom = kc [ C ] ⎪
A, the intermediate species B and C as well as the prod-

uct D in the α -phase can be written as
Additionally, we again assume that such a type of con-
secutive reaction is subjected to both the fluid and solid
species k of the reversible heterogeneous reaction
according to (10-51a). In specifying the decay rates
(10-70) in the right-hand term of the governing trans-
port equation (10-48) we find the following set of bal-
ance equations for the four species:

( ε ℜ C ) – ∇ ⋅ ( D ⋅ ∇C A ) + ∇ ⋅ ( qC A ) – Q A = –εf ℜA ϑ A CA ⎫
∂t f A A ⎪
∂ ⎪
( ε ℜ C ) – ∇ ⋅ ( D ⋅ ∇C B ) + ∇ ⋅ ( qC B ) – Q B = εf ( ℜA ϑA CA – ℜB ϑB CB ) ⎪
∂t f B B ⎪
⎬ (10-71)

( ε ℜ C ) – ∇ ⋅ ( D ⋅ ∇C C ) + ∇ ⋅ ( qC C ) – Q C = εf ( ℜB ϑB CB – ℜC ϑC CC ) ⎪
∂t f C C ⎪

∂ ⎪
( ε ℜ C ) – ∇ ⋅ ( D ⋅ ∇C D ) + ∇ ⋅ ( qC D ) – Q D = εf ℜC ϑC CC ⎭
∂t f D D

In a generalized form the equation system (10-71) can It is to be mentioned that the consecutive reactions are
be written for species k of the fluid phase f as no more a single-species transport process. However,
FEFLOW becomes capable of simulating such type of
∂ multispecies transport equations (10-72) coupled via
( ε ℜ C ) – ∇ ⋅ ( D ⋅ ∇C k ) + ∇ ⋅ ( qC k ) – Q k (10-72)
∂t f k k the consecutive reaction terms by using a specific inter-
= εf ( ℜk – 1 ϑk – 1 Ck – 1 – ℜk ϑk Ck ) k = 1, …, N face (IFM) programming module, where
the equations are consecutively solved for an interme-
diate species k = 2 ( = B) under specific boundary
Notice, in (10-72) it is by definition conditions.
ℜ0 = ϑ0 = C0 ≡ 0 .

NMKR pìãã~êáòÉÇ= Éèì~íáçåë tion of the distribution coefficient can sometimes be
~åÇ= êÉä~íáçåëÜáéë= ìëÉÇ= áå found as
cbcilt= Ñçê= ãçÇÉäáåÖ ρb Kd
êÉ~ÅíáîÉ= íê~åëéçêí= éêçJ ℜ k = 1 + ------------
where ρ b = ( 1 – ε )ρ s is the bulk density of the porous
The reactive transport modeling is based on the fol- media (mass dry media per total volume).
lowing transport equation for species k dissolved in the
fluid phase f (2) Microbiological degradation processes represents
biologically catalyzed reactions8 which can be appro-

( ε ℜ C ) – ∇ ⋅ ( D ⋅ ∇C k ) + ∇ ⋅ ( qC k ) – Q k (10-73) priately modeled by Monod kinetics. A typical applica-
∂t f k k
tion is the oxidation of organic matter by aerobic
= ε f [ ( ℜ k – 1 + ϕ k – 1 )ϑ k – 1 C k – 1 – ( ℜ k + ϕ k )ϑ k C k ]
bacteria. As long as the dissolved oxygen remains
( k = 1, …, N model ) higher than a critical level the oxidation is unbounded.
Below a critical level, the rate of aerobic respiration
decreases with decreasing O 2 concentration, and van-
where the different reactions types and relationships ishes when no O 2 is left. Thus, the limitation of aero-
are summarized in Table 10.1. The corresponding bic respiration by O 2 obeys,
material parameters to be input for the reaction and
sorption types are listed in Table 10.2. [ O2 ]
R O = – v m --------------------------- (10-77)
2 KO + [ O2 ]

(1) The Henry isotherm with an retardation factor of where v m is the maximum rate and [ O 2 ] is the dis-
solved oxygen activity. According to (10-77), when
1–ε [ O 2 ] « K O the availability of oxygen is limiting and
ℜ k = 1 + ----------- k 1 (10-74) 2
the rate of aerobic respiration exhibits a first-order
dependence on [ O 2 ] . When, on the other hand,
if often expressed by the distribution coefficient K d in [ O 2 ] » K O , the aerobic bacteria are functioning at

the form2 maximum capacity, that is, they cannot produce more
enzymes to utilize the excess O 2 .
1–ε k1
ℜ k = 1 + ----------- ρ s K d with K d = ----- (10-75) Monod reaction laws are equivalent to the Michaelis-
ε ρs
Menten mechanism (10-65b) (10-66) with the reaction
rates summed for the fluid and solid phases
where ρs is the density of solid. An alternative defini-

⎛ εf ε s active χ ⎞ m
– ε f ( ℜ k + ϕ k ) ϑ k C k = – ⎜ -------------------- + -----------------------⎟ v m C k(10-78) –εf ( ℜk + ϕk ) ϑk Ck ⇒ –εf ℜk ϑk Ck (10-79)
⎝ K m + C k K m + χC k⎠
with ϑ k = -------
It is a hyperbolic function that simplifies to a first-order
reaction in C k when Ck « Km , i.e.,
Such a simplistic first-order reaction ignore the fact
that active microorganisms must be present to catalyze
the reactions.

Table 10.1 Reaction types and relationships

Reaction type Modifying

Retardation/sorption Decay rate
(reversible and irreversible reactions) Nmodel function
ℜk ϑk
k = 1, …, Nmodel ϕk

exchange reaction with first-order decay

f s ← s f 1
νk Ak + νj Aj → νk Ak + ν j Aj
Ak → P 1–ε
ℜ k = 1 + ----------- χ k ϑ k = const ϕk = 0
Ak → P ε

exchange reaction with Michaelis-Menten
kinetics ϑ k = ------------------------
Km + χk Ck
1 ⎧ k1 Henry
⎪ χk – 1
f s ← s f k1
⎪ -------------------- with ϕ k = ----------------
νk Ak + νj Aj → νk Ak + νj Aj χ k = ⎨ 1 + k C- Langmuir Km
A sk + E ←→ EA → P + E
⎪ 2 k 1 + -------
A k + E ←→ EA → P + E ⎪ b2 – 1 v m = const Ck
⎩ b1 Ck Freundlich
K m = const

exchange reaction with consecutive reaction and

(decay chain)
2 k 1 = const
ϑ k – 1 = const ϕk – 1 = 0
f s ← s f
νk Ak + νj Aj → νk Ak + νj Aj k 2 = const
f f ϑ k = const ϕk = 0
Ak – 1 → Ak → P b 1 = const
s s
Ak – 1 → Ak → P
b 2 = const

Table 10.2 Model input parameter for reactive transport

Retardation/sorption Decay

Henry Langmuir Freundlich Michaelis-Menten Decay chain

Symbol k1 k1 k2 b1 b2 ϑk vm Km ϑk – 1 ϑk

–1 1 – b2
mg mg –1 mg – 1 mg –1 –1
Unit [1] [1] ------- ------- [1] [d ] ------- d ------- [d ] [d ]
l l l l

(3) Nonequilibrium sorption processes can be of The heterogeneous reaction rates for the two species j
importance for in situ bioremediation of contaminated and k in the solid and fluid phases, respectively, are
aquifers5. Typically, if groundwater extraction is
applied the contaminant concentrations show a rapid + f - s
R het = k a [ A k ] – k a [ A j ]
initial decrease followed by a period of a much slower (10-81)
+ f - s
decrease in concentration. One of the reason is that the R het = – k a [ A k ] + k a [ A j ] = – R het
k j
rate of desorption of contaminants from the aquifer sol-
ids to the fluid phase is slow, especially at low concen-
Inserting the quotient of the rate constants as the equi-
trations. While soil-sorbed contaminants have been
librium constant, cf. Eq. (10-29)
shown to be generally unavailable for bioremediation,
only the contaminant concentration of the fluid phase +
can be directly influenced in the remediation process. ----- = K eq (10-82)
When desorption of the contaminant from the solid ka
phase to the fluid phase becomes slow, the performance
we get
of in situ bioremediation is controlled by the desorption
mechanism. This is called rate-limiting desorption, - f s desorp f s
R het = k a ( K eq [ A k ] – [ A j ] ) = ϑ ( K eq C k – C j )
which can be described by the following nonequilib- j
rium reaction of two different species k and j R het = – R het
k j

adsorption k a desorp -
where ϑ = k a γ j at γ j ≈ γ k represents now a first-
f s order desorption rate coefficient.
Ak Aj (10-80)
desorption k a The mass transport equations (10-10) for solid and
fluid species are then


s s s s desorp f s
L j C j = ε s R hom + R het = ε s R hom + ϑ ( K eq C k – C j )
j j j
f f f f s s s
L k C k = ε f R hom – R het = ε f R hom + ε s R hom – L j C j
k j k j

For sake of simplicity, denoting with C = Ck the fluid mass transport equations describing the nonequilibrium
concentration and with S = Cj the sorbed concentra- sorption processes
tion Eq. (10-84) with (10-5) gives the following set of
∂ s s desorp
( ε S ) – ε s Q S = ε s R hom + ϑ ( K eq C – S ) ⎫
∂t s S ⎪
⎬ (10-85)
∂ f s f s ⎪
( ε f C + ε s S ) – ∇ ⋅ ( D ⋅ ∇C ) + ∇ ⋅ ( qC ) – ε f Q C – ε s Q S = ε f R hom + ε s R hom
∂t C S ⎭

which have to be solved for S and C . 7. Nguyen, V.V., Gray, W.G., Pinder, G.F., Botha, J.F. and Crerar,
D.A., A theoretical investigation on the transport of chemicals in
reactive porous media. Water Res. Resour. 18 (1982)4, 1149-
oÉÑÉêÉåÅÉë 8. Rittmann, B.E. and VanBriesen, J.M., Microbiological processes
in reactive modeling. In: Reactive transport in porous media, ed.
1. Atkins, P.W., Physical chemistry. 5th edition. Oxford University by Lichtner et al., Reviews in Mineralogy, Vol. 34, Mineralogical
Press, Oxford, 1994. Soc. Am., Washington DC, 1996, pp. 311-334.
2. Bear, J. and Verruijt, A., Modeling groundwater flow and pollu- 9. Stumm, W. and Morgan, J.J., Aquatic chemistry. Wiley-Inter-
tion. D. Reidel Publ., Dordrecht, 1987. science, New York, 1981.
3. Diersch, H.-J.G., Modeling and numerical simulation of geohy- 10. Sun, Y., Petersen, J.N., Clement, T.P. and Skeen, R.S., Develop-
drodynamic transport processes (in German). Reprint, WASY ment of analytical solutions for multispecies transport with serial
Ltd. Berlin, 1991. and parallel reactions. Water Res. Resour. 35 (1999)1, 185-190.
4. Diersch, H.-J.G. Interactive, graphics-based finite-element simu-
lation system FEFLOW for modeling groundwater flow, contam-
inant mass and heat transport processes. WASY Ltd., Berlin,
5. Fry, V.A. and Istok, J.D., Effects of rate-limited desorption on the
feasibility of in situ bioremediation. Water Res. Resour. 30
(1994)8, 2413-2422.
6. Lichtner, P.C., Continuum formulation of multicomponent-mul-
tiphase reactive transport. In: Reactive transport in porous media,
ed. by Lichtner et al., Reviews in Mineralogy, Vol. 34, Mineral-
ogical Soc. Am., Washington DC, 1996, pp. 1-81.


H.-J. G. Diersch
WASY Institute for Water Resources Planning and Systems Research, Berlin, Germany

p = gas pressure;
NN oÉã~êâë=çå=Ö~ë=Ñäçï=ãçÇÉäáåÖ=Äó=ìëáåÖ=cbcilt

NNKN _~ëáÅ=cäçï=bèì~íáçåë gj = gravitational vector;

t = time;
Starting point for modeling gas flows in porous xi = Cartesian coordinates (Eulerian spatial
media represents the following fundamental balance coordinate vector);
Let us consider a homogeneous compressible gas the
Mass conservation (continuity equation) Darcy equation (11-2) for the gas motion can be simpli-
fied to
∂ ∂
---- ( ερ ) + ------- ( ερv i ) = ερQ (11-1) k ij ∂p
∂t ∂x i εv i = – ----- ------- (11-3)
μ ∂x j

Momentum conservation (Darcy equation)

Introducing (11-3) into (11-1) it yields the following
k ij ∂p general model equation for the flow of a homogeneous
εv i = – ----- ⎛⎝ ------- – ρg j⎞⎠ (11-2)
μ ∂x j compressible gas in a porous medium
∂ρ ∂ε ∂ k ij ρ ∂p
ε ------ + ρ ----- – ------- ⎛⎝ --------- -------⎞⎠ = ερQ (11-4)
∂t ∂t ∂x i μ ∂x j
ε = porosity (= volume fraction of gas phase);
ρ = gas density;
vi = vector of pore velocity; The first two terms of the left-hand side of (11-4) can
Q = sink/source; be expanded with respect to the pressure p as
k ij = permeability tensor;
μ = dynamic viscosity of gas;


1 ∂ε ∂p ∂ ⎛ k ij ρ- ------ ∂p ⎞
ε ⎛ --1- ∂ρ
------⎞ ρ + ρ ⎛ ---- ------⎞ ε s ------ – ------- ⎝ -------- - = ερQ (11-5)
⎝ ρ ∂p⎠ ⎝ ε s ∂p⎠ ∂t ∂x i μ ∂x j⎠ ρ0 = reference density of gas;
g = gravitational acceleration;

βp αp z = elevation above a reference datum.

or Since ∂p ⁄ ∂t = ρ 0 g ( ∂h ⁄ ∂t ) and ∂p ⁄ ∂x j = ρ 0 g ( ∂h ⁄ ∂x j )
the equation (11-8) can be expressed by the piezomet-
∂p ∂ k ij ρ ∂p ric head variable h and leads to
ρ [ εβ p + ( 1 – ε )α p ] ------ – ------- ⎛ --------- -------⎞ = ερQ (11-6)
∂t ∂x i ⎝ μ ∂x j⎠
∂h ∂ μ 0 ∂h
ρρ 0 gS 0p ------ – ------- ⎛⎝ K ij ρ ------ -------⎞⎠ = ερQ (11-10)
∂t ∂x i μ ∂x j

βp = gas compressibility; where

αp = skeleton (matrix) compressibility;
εs = 1 – ε , volume fraction of solid; k ij ρ 0 g
K ij = --------------- , tensor of ’hydraulic’ conductivity;
We introduce the specific storativity S 0p as μ0 = reference viscosity.
S 0p = εβ p + ( 1 – ε )α p (11-7)
Preferring the variable h instead of the pressure p it
is no more convenient to use the pressure-related spe-
which is related to pressure changes. Finally the fol- cific storativity S 0p . Instead the compressibility coeffi-
lowing model equation holds cients can be directly derived by h according to

∂p ∂ k ij ρ ∂p 1 ∂ρ
ρS 0p ------ – ------- ⎛ --------- -------⎞ = ερQ (11-8) β h = --- ------ ⎫
∂t ∂x i ⎝ μ ∂x j⎠ ρ ∂h ⎪
1 ∂ε ⎬
α h = ---- ------ ⎪
written for the gas pressure as primary variable to be ε s ∂h ⎭
which are the standard compressibility coefficients
Alternatively, if introducing the piezometric head used in FEFLOW2. It becomes clear that the p -based
(potential) h as2 and the h -based compressibilities are related as (cf.
also Bear and Verruijt1, p. 59)
h = --------- + z (11-9)
ρ0 g


β h = ρ 0 gβ p • constant viscosity μ = μ 0 , and

α h = ρ 0 gα p • presence of a thermodynamically ideal gas.

The assumption of an ideal gas holds the following

Introducing the h -related specific storativity S 0h
relationship for the gas density ρ :
S 0h = εβ h + ( 1 – ε )α h (11-13)
ρ = ρ 0 ----- (11-17)
where we note that
S 0h = ρ 0 gS 0p (11-14)
ρ0 = reference density of gas;
p0 = reference pressure of gas.
we find from (11-10) the following model equation
Inserting (11-17) into (11-8) it yields
∂h ∂ μ 0 ∂h
ρS 0h ------ – ------- ⎛⎝ K ij ρ ------ -------⎞⎠ = ρQ ρ (11-15)
∂t ∂x i μ ∂x j ∂p ∂ k ij p ∂p
pS 0p ------ – ------- ⎛⎝ --------- -------⎞⎠ = pQ ρ (11-18)
∂t ∂x i μ ∂x j
to be solved for the piezometric head h of the gas. In
(11-15) we introduce the bulk sink/source rate Qρ Using (11-17) it can be easily shown that
defined as
1 ∂ρ 1
β p = --- ------ = --- (11-19)
Q ρ = εQ (11-16) ρ ∂p p

which is the sink/source definition2 commonly used in It can be further assumed for a gas flow that the skele-
FEFLOW. ton compressibility α p is much smaller against the gas
compressibility β p , viz.,

NNKO páãéäáÑáÅ~íáçåë • αp « βp

The general equations (11-8) and (11-15) for the Accordingly, we simplify the storativity term by using
pressure p and the piezometric head h of a gas flow in (11-19) to
the porous media can be simplified for the following
assumptions: ε
S 0p = εβ p + ( 1 – ε )α p ≈ εβ p = --- (11-20)
• isothermal gas flow


and equation (11-18) yields ∂h ∂ ∂h

ε ------ – ------- ⎛⎝ K ij h -------⎞⎠ = hQ ρ (11-25)
∂t ∂x i ∂x j
∂p ∂ k ij p ∂p
ε ------ – ------- ⎛⎝ --------- -------⎞⎠ = pQ ρ (11-21)
∂t ∂x i μ ∂x j 2
Otherwise, introducing the square potential h the
alternative formulation of (11-25) is
which is nonlinear.
2 2
∂h ∂ ⎛ ∂h ⎞ 2
An alternative formulation to (11-21) is often used ε -------- – h ------- ⎜ K ij --------⎟ = 2h Q ρ (11-26)
2 ∂t ∂x i ⎝ ∂x j ⎠
by introducing 2
square pressure p . Since
∂p 1 ∂p ∂p 1 ∂p
p ------- = --- --------, p ------ = --- -------- we obtain from (11-21)
∂xj 2 ∂x
j ∂t 2 ∂t
which becomes only linear for both steady-state and
∂ ⎛ k ij ∂p ⎞
divergence-free (without of sink/sources) conditions as
ε -------- – p ------- ⎜ ----- --------⎟ = 2p Q ρ (11-22) 2
the Laplacian of h , viz.,
∂t ∂x i ⎝ μ ∂x j ⎠

2 ∂ - ⎛ ∂h
which have to be solved for the square pressure p as a ------ ⎜ K ij --------⎟ = 0 (11-27)
∂x i ⎝ ∂x j ⎠
new variable. Consider, however, equation (11-22) is
still nonlinear for transient and sink/source conditions.
Only for a steady-state gas flow and without the sink/
source term Q ρ a linear relationship results4 NNKP rëáåÖ= cbcilt= Ñçê= pçäîáåÖ
íÜÉ= kçåäáåÉ~ê= ~åÇ= iáåÉ~êJ
k ij ∂p 2⎞
∂ - ⎛ -----
------ ⎜ --------⎟ = 0 (11-23) áòÉÇ=d~ë=cäçï=bèì~íáçåë
∂x i ⎝ μ ∂x j ⎠
FEFLOW2 solves balance equations for water flow
Analogously, the h -based formulations can be easily which can also be applicable directly to gas flows.
derived. On this occasion the piezometric head h can Since FEFLOW prefers the piezometric head variable
h as the primary unknown of the flow we find a direct
be simplified for a gas flow as
analogy of the nonlinear gas flow equation (11-25) to
p p the depth-integrated flow equations of unconfined
h = --------- + z ≈ --------- (11-24) aquifers (cf. Eqs. (171) to (175) in2). Accordingly, for
ρ0 g ρ0 g
2D problems the nonlinear gas model (11-25) can be
directly solved by FEFLOW. On the other hand, under
because the density ρ 0 of the gas is significantly steady state and without sink/sources equation (11-27)
smaller than water. Using (11-24) and (11-17) with 2
is linear in h and FEFLOW can immediately applied.
μ = μ 0 , S 0h ≈ ε ⁄ h we obtain from (11-18)


Restrictions exist for the general case in solving

(11-25) (or (11-26)). However, it has been shown3 a lin- where a pseudo-storativity is introduced as
earization of the gas flow equation is suited for a wide
range of practical applications. In the context of ε
S ≈ ----- ( h0 ≠ 0 ) (11-33)
FEFLOW, we consider a linearized version of the gov- h0
erning compressible gas equation (11-25) in the form
For steady-state flow conditions we can solve either the
∂h ∂ ∂h
ε ------ – ------- ⎛⎝ T ij -------⎞⎠ = hQ ρ (11-28) h -based form
∂t ∂x i ∂x j
∂ ∂h
– ------- ⎛⎝ T ij -------⎞⎠ = Q (11-34)
where the product K ij h is approximated by the trans- ∂x i ∂x j
missivity T ij , which can be linearized by the reference
potential h 0 , viz., 2
or the h -based form
T ij = K ij h ≈ K ij h 0 . (11-29)
∂ ⎛ ∂h ⎞
– ------- ⎜ K ij --------⎟ = 2Q (11-35)
∂x i ⎝ ∂x j ⎠
It is often sufficient to approximate the sink/source
expression of (11-28) by

Q = hQ ρ ≈ h 0 Q ρ (11-30) oÉÑÉêÉåÅÉë
and we finally solve the linearized h -based gas flow 1. Bear, J. & Verruijt, A., Modeling groundwater flow and pollution.
Kluwer Academic Publ., Dordrecht, 1987.
equation in the form
2. Diersch, H.-J. G., FEFLOW - Reference Manual. WASY Ltd.,
Berlin, 2002.
∂h ∂ ∂h
ε ------ – ------- ⎛ T ij -------⎞ = Q (11-31) 3. Illman, W. A., Thompson, D. L., Vesselinov, V. V., Chen, G. &
∂t ∂x i ⎝ ∂x j⎠ Neuman, S. P., Single- and cross-hole pneumatic tests in unsatur-
ated fractured tuffs at the Apache Leap Research Site: Phenome-
nology, spatial variability, connectivity and scale. NUREG/CR-
Alternatively, instead of linearizing (11-25) we can also 5559, 187p., U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 1998.
apply (11-26) to solve the gas flow equation by the h 4. Shan, C., Falta, R.W. & Javandel, I., Analytical solutions for
variable. In doing so, we obtain from (11-26) the fol- steady state gas flow to a soil vapor extraction well. Water
lowing linearized h -based gas flow equation, viz., Resour. Res. 28 (1992) 4, 1105-1120.

2 2
∂h ∂ ⎛ ∂h ⎞
S -------- – ------- ⎜ K ij --------⎟ = 2Q (11-32)
∂t ∂x i ⎝ ∂x j ⎠



P. Perrocheta& H.-J. G. Dierschb

aCentre d’Hydrogéologie, Université de Neuchâtel, Switzerland
bWASY Institute for Water Resources Planning and Systems Research, Berlin, Germany
NO píÉ~ÇóJëí~íÉ=äáåÉ~êáòÉÇ=oáÅÜ~êÇë=Éèì~íáçå=Ñçê=Ñ~ëí=ëçäìíáçå=çÑ=ìåë~íìê~íÉÇ=Ñäçï=ëóëíÉãë=EcrpvF

NOKN jçíáî~íáçå The fluid motion (fluid momentum balance) is

described by the Darcy equation written in the form
It is well-know the solution of the nonlinear Rich-
q = – K r ( ψ )K [ ∇ψ + ( 1 + χ )e ] (12-2)
ards equation for unsaturated flow require an increased
numerical effort and convergence difficulties can occur
at dry conditions3. Considering complex field situa- Inserting (12-2) into (12-1) the Richards equation for a
tions and large three-dimensional (3D) applications the steady-state flow results
computational burden can be extremely high. When
there are only interests in steady-state solutions, e.g. – ∇ ⋅ { KK r ( ψ ) [ ∇ψ + ( 1 + χ )e ] } = Q (12-3)
capillary barrier problems3, the standard approach in
form any time-stepping strategy becomes very circum- which has to be solved for ψ . The steady Richards
stantial and inefficient. For large and complicated prob- equation (12-3) is nonlinear due to the dependence of
lems the nonlinearity of the Richards equation the relative hydraulic conductivity Kr on the pressure
represents serious limitations and solution alternatives head ψ . For K r ( ψ ) an appropriate constitutive rela-
are needed. tionship is required.

NOKO _~ëáÅ=_~ä~åÅÉ=bèì~íáçåë NOKP bñéçåÉåíá~ä= i~ï= çÑ= oÉä~J

The mass conservation equation of a fluid in an
íáîÉ= eóÇê~ìäáÅ= `çåÇìÅíáîJ
unsaturated media is for steady-state conditions (sym- áíó
bols are listed in the Appendix A ’Nomenclature’)
There are different constitutive relationships of the
∇⋅q = Q (12-1) relative hydraulic conductivity Kr ( ψ ) . Most common

NOK= píÉ~ÇóJëí~íÉ= äáåÉ~êáòÉÇ= oáÅÜ~êÇë= Éèì~íáçå= Ñçê= Ñ~ëí= ëçäìíáçå= çÑ= ìåë~íìê~íÉÇ= Ñäçï
are the van Genuchten and the Brooks-Corey paramet-
ric models3. An other alternative is the exponential law one gets with the exponential law (12-4)
in the form
ατ 1 ατ 1 αψ 1
Kr ( ψ ) = ⎨
⎧e for ψ < 0
F( ψ) = ∫e dτ = --- e
α –∞
= --- e
= --- K r ( ψ ) (12-6)
⎩1 for ψ ≥ 0

From (12-6) it follows

It can be shown that the exponential law (12-4) for the
relative hydraulic conductivity give results similar to αψ
∇F = e ∇ψ = K r ( ψ )∇ψ (12-7)
the standard van Genuchten and the Brooks-Corey
parametric models. It is to be emphasized that for
steady-state conditions no assumption is required for and
the relationship between pressure head ψ and satura-
tion s . In this context, the ψ -values can be trans- K r ( ψ ) = αF (12-8)
formed into saturations using any curve, like for
example the van Genuchten relationship. Accordingly, Important note: The expression (12-7) is only valid if
kçíáÅÉI= íÜÉ= crpv mixed parametric models can be a promising alterna- assuming a constant α -parameter. This restricts the
~ééêç~ÅÜ= áë= êÉëíêáÅJ tive for solving complex unsaturated flow problems FUSY approach to problems with unsaturated parame-
íÉÇ= íç= ÜçãçÖÉJ under steady-state conditions, where for example the ters α being spatially invariable.
åÉçìë= ëçáäëI= ïÜÉêÉ= íÜÉ= α J exponential law is used for K r ( ψ ) and the van Genu-
é~ê~ãÉíÉê= ~ééÉ~êáåÖ= áå chten law is used to find the saturations s ( ψ ) . Taking the Richards equation (12-3)
NOKQ qê~åëÑçêã~íáçå= çÑ= íÜÉ – ∇ ⋅ K ⋅ K r ( ψ )∇ψ + K ⋅ K r ( ψ ) ( 1 + χ )e = Q (12-9)

píÉ~ÇóJëí~íÉ= oáÅÜ~êÇë

∇F αF
the transformation leads to a steady-state advection-
Introducing the following Kirchhoff integral trans- diffusion equation in the form
form related to the relative hydraulic conductivity in
the form – ∇ ⋅ ( K ⋅ ∇F – vF ) = Q (12-10)

F(ψ ) = ∫ Kr ( τ ) dτ (12-5)
F ∈ ⎛ 0, ---⎞ (12-11)
–∞ ⎝ α⎠


with the advective velocity vector and the resulting Darcy fluxes q are computed by

v = – αK ⋅ ( 1 + χ )e (12-12)
q = – K r ( ψ ) K ( ∇h + χe ) (12-17)

Notice, the advection-diffusion equation (12-10) is lin- αψ
ear in F and represents a divergence-form type1. e

The solution of such a type of linear advection-dif-

fusion equation, in form of a steady-state linearized NOKR _çìåÇ~êó=`çåÇáíáçåë
Richards equation, can be performed very efficiently
and fast by using standard techniques. It is denoted by For the domain Ω boundary conditions (BC) are
the acronym FUSY (fast solution of unsaturated flow imposed on the four disjoint portions of the total
systems). boundary ∂Ω :

After solving (12-10) for F in the domain Ω and ∂Ω = Γ 1 ∪ Γ 2 ∪ Γ 3 ∪ Γ 4 (12-18a)

for given boundary conditions on ∂Ω the pressure head
ψ can be simply obtained. Since
a b
αψ Γ2 = Γ2 ∪ Γ2 (12-18b)
αF = e (12-13)

ln ( αF ) = αψ (12-14) NOKRKN råíê~åëÑçêãÉÇ=ÅçåÇáíáçåë

one uses For the untransformed Richards-type model equa-

tion (12-3) boundary conditions are prescribed by the
1 following types2:
ψ = --- ln ( αF ) (12-15)
Dirichlet 1st kind BC for hydraulic head
for the retransformation. As soon as ψ is known the
h = h1 on Γ1 (12-19)
saturation s can be determined from any s ( ψ ) curve.
Additionally, the hydraulic head (potential) h is given
by Neumann flux-type 2nd kind BC

1 q n = – [ K r ( ψ )K ⋅ ( ∇h + χe ) ] ⋅ n on
Γ2 (12-20)
h = ψ + z = --- ln ( αF ) + z (12-16)

NOK= píÉ~ÇóJëí~íÉ= äáåÉ~êáòÉÇ= oáÅÜ~êÇë= Éèì~íáçå= Ñçê= Ñ~ëí= ëçäìíáçå= çÑ= ìåë~íìê~íÉÇ= Ñäçï
Neumann gradient-type 2nd kind BC q n = – K ⋅ K ( ψ )∇ψ + K ⋅ K ( ψ ) ( 1 + χ )e ⋅ n (12-25)
r r
(a special type for a free drainage at diminishing pres-

sure gradient ∇ψ ≈ 0 ) ∇F αF a
= – ( K ⋅ ∇F – vF ) ⋅ n on Γ2
q n = – [ K ⋅ ( 1 + χ )e ] ⋅ n on Γ2 (12-21)

Neumann gradient-type 2nd kind BC

Cauchy 3rd kind BC (free drainage at diminishing pressure gradient, i.e.,
∇ψ = ∇F ≈ 0 )
qn = –Φ ( h2 – h ) on Γ3 (12-22)
v b
q n = – [ K ⋅ ( 1 + χ )e ] ⋅ n = --- ⋅ n on Γ2 (12-26)
Seepage face BC’s α

(represents a flux-constrained Dirichlet boundary-value –v ⁄ α
Cauchy 3rd kind BC
h = z
at qn > 0 (12-23)
ψ = 0 1
q n = – Φ ( h 2 – h ) = – Φ h 2 – z – --- ln ( αF ) (12-27)
(flux is going outward) on Γ4 α
on Γ3

NOKRKO qê~åëÑçêãÉÇ=ÅçåÇáíáçåë which represents a nonlinear expression in F .

Boundary conditions for the governing advection- Seepage face BC’s

diffusion equation (12-10) can be equivalently found
for (12-19), (12-20), (12-21), (12-22) and (12-23) when 1
F = --- at qn > 0 (12-28)
written by the new F variable: α
(flux is going outward) on Γ4
Dirichlet 1st kind BC for hydraulic head

1 α ( h1 – z )
F = --- e
on Γ1 (12-24) oÉÑÉêÉåÅÉë
1. Diersch, H.-J.G., About the difference between the convective
Neumann flux-type 2nd kind BC and the divergence form of the transport equation, White Papers -
Vol. I, Chapter 6, WASY Ltd., 2002.


2. Diersch, H.-J.G., Treatment of free surfaces in 2D and 3D ground- z = elevation above a reference datum,
water modelling, Math. Geologie 2 (1998), 17-43. (L) ;
3. Diersch, H.-J.G. & Perrochet, P., On the primary variable switch- –1
v = advective velocity vector, ( T ) ;
ing technique for simulating unsaturated-saturated flows,
Advances in Water Resources 23 (1999) 3, 271-301.
Greek symbols

α = sorptive number, ( L ) ;
^ééÉåÇáñ=^ Γ = boundary;
∂Ω = total boundary;
kçãÉåÅä~íìêÉ ε = porosity (= volume fraction of fluid
phase), ( 1 ) ;
In the above the symbols have the following meaning: τ = integration variable, ( L ) ;
Φ = transfer coefficient, ( T ) ;
Latin symbols χ = buoyancy coefficient including fluid
density effects, ( 1 ) ;
e = gravitational unit vector, ( 1 ) ; ψ = pressure head ( L ) ;
F = transform function, ( L ) ; Ω = domain;
h = ψ + z , hydraulic (piezometric) ∇ = Nabla (vector) operator, ( L ) ;
head, ( L ) ;
h 1, h 2 = prescribed boundary values for h , Subscripts
(L) ;
Kr ( s ) = relative hydraulic conductivity e elemental;
( 0 < K r ≤ 1 , K r = 1 if saturated at
i, j, k nodal or spatial indices;
s = 1 ), ( 1 ) ;
o reference value;
K = tensor of hydraulic conductivity for
the saturated medium (anisotropy),
( LT ) ; Superscripts
n = normal unit vector (positive
outward); f fluid (water) phase;
Q = fluid mass sink/source, ( T ) ; s solid phase;
q = Darcy flux vector, ( LT ) ;
qn = normal flux on a boundary (directed
positive outward), ( LT ) ;
s(ψ) = saturation, ( 0 < s ≤ 1 , s = 1 if
medium is saturated), ( 1 ) ;

NOK= píÉ~ÇóJëí~íÉ= äáåÉ~êáòÉÇ= oáÅÜ~êÇë= Éèì~íáçå= Ñçê= Ñ~ëí= ëçäìíáçå= çÑ= ìåë~íìê~íÉÇ= Ñäçï


H.-J. G. Diersch
WASY Institute for Water Resources Planning and Systems Research, Berlin, Germany

The Petrov-Galerkin least square (PGLS) finite-ele-

NP qÜÉ=mÉíêçîJd~äÉêâáå=äÉ~ëí=ëèì~êÉ=ãÉíÜçÇ=EmdipF

NPKN fåíêçÇìÅíáçå ment method appears as a promising technique for

tackling advective-dominant flow and transport pro-
Both in solving the nonlinear Richards equation and cesses at variably saturated conditions. Basic work of
the advective-dispersive transport equations for mass the PGLS was presented by Nguyen and Reynen15. In
and heat the advective part often becomes dominant the context of the finite-element method (FEM) is
and classic numerical techniques can completely fail. based on a Petrov-Galerkin weak formulation where a
Conventionally, for multi-dimensional transport prob- ’modified’ weighting function is derived from the
lems upwind techniques such as streamline-upwind least-squares finite element concept. This procedure is
Petrov-Galerkin (SUPG) or scalar upstream weighting equivalent to the methods developed by Hughes and
are standard to stabilize the solutions. While the classic Brooks10 and by Kelly et al.12 where an artificial diffu-
artificial diffusion method often suffers in a consider- sion is added to the physical parameter. However, in
able smearing of steep fronts the SUPG formulation this method the artificial diffusion can be derived
cannot preclude the presence of overshoots and under- directly from the least-squares finite element concept
shoots in the vicinity of sharp gradients10. More and requires no ’free’ parameter. PGLS is recognized
recently, nonlinear shock-capturing techniques have as a member of more general stabilized finite element
been developed and successfully applied5. Otherwise, methods as described by Codina3.
for unsaturated problems upstream weighting tech-
niques can be helpful to damp out wiggles in the satu-
ration profiles6. Unfortunately, most of these
established techniques reveal over-diffusive properties
and there is a further demand for alternative higher-
order upwind techniques with reduced spurious numer-
ical dispersion.


NPKO qÜÉ=mdip=^ééêç~ÅÜ=_~ëÉÇ the reaction and f is a sink/source term,

çå= ~= póããÉíêáÅ= píêÉ~ãJ
which can be written in the operator-splitted form
äáåÉ= pí~Äáäáò~íáçå= EpPF= îá~
~å= léÉê~íçê= péäáííáåÖ ·
qÉÅÜåáèìÉ ( ε + κ ) C + ( L 1 + L 2 )C = f (13-2)

NPKOKN léÉê~íçê=ëéäáí
Rather independently, a more general solution L1 = –∇ ⋅ ( D ⋅ ∇ ) + λ (13-3a)
approach which is comparable to the PGLS technique
as proposed by Nguyen and Reynen15 has been devel- L 2 = εv ⋅ ∇ (13-3b)
oped by König13 and Wendland18. König13 used the
operator split (OS) technique to solve the transport
equations in a two-pass strategy, where the separate Consider the solution C ( t ) within the finite time
equations for the diffusive and the advective part are interval ( t n, t n + Δt n ) , where Δt n denotes the variable
solved successively. Wendland18 enhanced the OS tech- timestep length and n indicates the time plane. The
nique by introducing a powerful one-pass approach unknown function C ( t ) is defined as
termed as symmetric streamline stabilization (S3),
where the diffusive and advective parts are re-assem- C = C ( tn ) (13-4)
bled in one symmetric matrix system. A detailed dis-
cussion of the S3 approach can be found in at the old time plane, and
Wendland18. In contrast to Nguyen and Reynen’s PGLS
strategy15 the S3 strategy provides a more generalized n+1
C = C ( t n + Δt n ) (13-5)
approach with respect to temporal discretization tech-
niques, where different time stepping schemes, includ-
ing adaptive predictor-corrector strategies typically at the new time plane. Furthermore, we introduce a
used in FEFLOW4 can be easily covered. time weighting factor ( 0 ≤ θ ≤ 1 ) in such a form

Let us start with the following mass transport equa- C ( t n + θΔt n ) = θC ( t n + Δt n ) + ( 1 – θ )C ( t n ) ⎫

⎬ (13-6)
tion n+θ n+1 n

C = θC + ( 1 – θ )C

( ε + κ )C· + εv ⋅ ∇C – ∇ ⋅ ( D ⋅ ∇C ) + λC = f (13-1)
In specifying θ we obtain different time discretization
schemes, viz.,
where ε is the porosity, κ is the adsorption, v is the
pore velocity vector, D is the ’diffusion’ tensor, λ is

θ = 0 explicit scheme ⎫ ε ( C· – C· 1 ) + L 2 C = 0 (13-12)

θ = 1 ⁄ 2 trapezoid rule ⎬ (13-7)
⎪ is the purely advective system. Summing (13-11) and
θ = 1 implicit scheme ⎭
(13-12) we realize the original balance equation (13-2).
The idea of the operator splitting technique is in
Practically, from reasons of numerical stability we approximating the diffusive and advective equations
are only interested in semi-implicit and fully implicit (13-11) and (13-12), respectively, in a separate manner.
schemes that means 1 ⁄ 2 ≤ θ ≤ 1 . After that the total discrete balance equation is
obtained by the assembly of these two parts. In doing
The time derivatives are given as this, we assume that the initial conditions for the diffu-
sive and advective variables are
n+1 n
n+θ C –C
C· = C·
= -------------------------- (13-8)
Δt n
C· 2 = 0 (13-13)
n n n n n
t = t C1 = C C2 = 0

for the backward Euler (BE) fully implicit scheme and

It is to be noted that the diffusive solution C1 can be
considered as an intermediate solution which repre-
C· – C ) – C·
n+1 n+1 n n
= -------- ( C (13-9) sents a temporally discrete interpolation between the
Δt n
old and the new time level as evidenced in Fig. 13.1.

for the trapezoid rule (TR) scheme. The TR expression

can simplified if using a forward difference approxima- L 1, L 2
tion for C· = ( C
n n+1 n
– C ) ⁄ Δt n which leads to the same
expression of Eq. (13-8) for C·
which is used for the
2nd order accurate Crank-Nicolson approximation.

Now, we split the solution C into the diffusive and

the advective part such that

C = C1 + C 2 (13-10)
tn tC1 tn+1 t
εC· 1 + κC· + L 1 C = f (13-11)
Figure 13.1 Temporally discrete interpolation of the
intermediate solution C 1 .
represents the diffusive system while


NPKOKO ^ééêçñáã~íáçå= çÑ= íÜÉ= ÇáÑÑìëáîÉ

é~êí with its components written in indicial notation

In the context of the FEM the unknown variables M IJ = ∫ εNI NJ dΩ (13-18a)

C, C 1 are replaced by a continuous approximation that Ω
assumes the separability of space and time, thus
S IJ = ∫ κNI NJ dΩ (13-18b)
C ( xi, t ) ≈ ∑ N I ( x i )C I ( t ) ⎫⎪ Ω

I ⎪ ∂N I ∂N J
⎬ (13-14)
C 1 ( x i, t ) ≈ ∑ N I ( x i )C 1 I ( t ) ⎪⎪
B IJ = ∫ --------
- D --------- dΩ + ∫ λN I N J dΩ
∂x i ij ∂x j
I ⎭

where the subscript I = 1, ..., M denotes the nodal indi-

PI = ∫ NI f dΩ – ∫ NI qc dΓ (13-18d)
ces and i = 1, ..., D, D ∈ ( 2, 3 ) represents the spatial
indices. where the subscripts I,J = 1, ..., M denote the nodal
indices and i,j = 1, ..., D represent the spatial indices.
For the diffusive part the standard Galerkin approxi- Furthermore, q c corresponds to the outer diffusive flux
mation is used. Thus, the residual ℜ of Eq. (13-11) as on the boundary Γ .
ℜ = εC· 1 + κC· + L 1 C – f (13-15) The time discretization of Eq. (13-17) leads to the
following expression
yields the following weak formulation
M ⋅ C· 1 + S ⋅ C· 1 + S ⋅ C· 2 + B ⋅ C 1
n+θ n+θ n n+θ
⎫ n n+θ
∫ NI ℜ dΩ = 0 ⎪ +B⋅ C2 = P
Ω ⎪
⎬ (13-16)
· ·
∫ NI ( εC1 + κC + L1 C – f ) dΩ = 0 ⎪⎪ With (13-13) we get the solution of the intermediate
(diffusive) part C 1 at the new time plane n+1 as
Ω ⎭

n+1 n
Using the trial space expression (13-14) the following ⎛ C1 – C ⎞ n+1
( M + S ) ⋅ ⎜ ---------------------------⎟ + θ B ⋅ C 1 (13-20)
global matrix system results ⎝ Δt n ⎠
n n+θ
M ⋅ C· 1 + S ⋅ C· + B ⋅ C = P (13-17)
+ (1 – θ)B ⋅ C = P

This is equivalent to the minimization process in using
(M + S) n+1 the weighting (test) function in form of
-------------------- + θ B C 1 (13-21)
Δt n
(M + S) n n+θ ∂ℑ εN I
= -------------------- – ( 1 – θ ) B C + P ψ I = --------- = -------- + θεv ⋅ ∇N I (13-26)
Δt n ∂C I Δt n

For the predictor-corrector strategy based on the BE for the θ -based time marching schemes and
and TR schemes we obtain alternatively
∂ℑ σεN I
σ(M + S) n+1 ψ I = --------- = ------------ + εv ⋅ ∇N I (13-27)
------------------------ + B C 1 (13-22) ∂C I Δt n
Δt n
σ n ·n n+1
= ( M + S ) ⋅ -------- C + ( σ – 1 ) C + P for the BE and TR predictor-corrector approximations.
Δt n

The weak formulation yields


σ = ---
θ ≥ --- (13-23) ∫ ψI ℑ dΩ = 0 (13-28)
θ 2 Ω

and is exemplified for the θ -based time marching

NPKOKP ^ééêçñáã~íáçå=çÑ=íÜÉ=~ÇîÉÅíáîÉ scheme as
· ·
∫ ( NI + θΔtn v ⋅ ∇NI ) [ ε ( C – C1 ) + εv ⋅ ∇C ] dΩ = 0 (13-29)
The residual of the advective part (13-12) in form of Ω

where the residual is weighted by the test function con-

ℑ = ε ( C· – C· 1 ) + L 2 C ⎫
⎬ (13-24) sisting of two parts as displayed in Fig. 13.2.
· ·
ℑ = ε ( C – C ) + εv ⋅ ∇C ⎭

will be handled by the least-square method

∂C I ∫ ( ℑ ⋅ ℑ ) dΩ = 0 (13-25)


or with (13-23)

· ·
∫ ( NI + θΔtn v ⋅ ∇NI ) [ ε ( C – C1 ) + εv ⋅ ∇C ] dΩ = 0 (13-33)
+ =

which is the same as for θ -based time marching

NI θΔt n v ⋅ ∇N I LS upwind weighting scheme which gives the matrix system (13-30).

Figure 13.2 Least-square test function of the operator split The time discretization of Eq. (13-30) leads to the
(modified from 13). following expression

·n+θ n+θ
The least-square weak statement (13-29) leads to ( M + θΔt n V ) ⋅ C + (K + θT ) ⋅ C (13-34)
the following matrix system ·n+θ
= ( M + θΔt n V ) ⋅ C 1

( M + θΔt n V ) ⋅ C + ( K + θT ) ⋅ C (13-30) We get the solution of the advective part at the new
= ( M + θΔt n V ) ⋅ C 1 time plane n+1 as

⎛ C n + 1 – C n⎞ n+1 n
with the components ( M + θΔt n V ) ⋅ ⎜ --------------------------⎟ + θ ( K + θ T ) ⋅ C
Δt n
+ (1 – θ)(K + θT) ⋅ C =
⎝ ⎠
n+1 n
⎛ C1 – C ⎞
V IJ = ∫ ε ( v ⋅ ∇NI )NJ dΩ (13-31a) = ( M + θΔt n V ) ⋅ ⎜ -------------------------
⎝ Δt n


and finally
K IJ = ∫ εNI ( v ⋅ ∇NJ ) dΩ (13-31b)
-------- + θ ( V + K + θ T ) C
Δt n
T IJ = ∫ Δtn ε ( v ⋅ ∇NI ) ⋅ ( v ⋅ ∇NJ ) dΩ (13-31c) M
= ⎛⎝ -------- + θ V⎞⎠ C 1 – ( 1 – θ ) ( K + θ T ) ⋅ C
n+1 n
Ω Δt n

Analogously, for the BE and TR predictor-corrector

Regarding the predictor-corrector strategy based on
technique we have to apply
the BE and TR schemes if taking
· ·
∫ ( σNI + Δtn v ⋅ ∇NI ) [ ε ( C – C1 ) + εv ⋅ ∇C ] dΩ = 0 (13-32)

(M + S) n+1
σ- n + 1
· n + 1 ------- n ·n⎫ -------------------- + θ ( B + V + K + θ T ) C =
C = (C – C ) – (σ – 1)C ⎪ Δt n
Δt n ⎪ (13-40)
⎬ (13-37) (M + S) n n+θ
σ- n + 1
· n + 1 ------- ·n = -------------------- – ( 1 – θ ) ( B + K + θ T ) + θ V C + P
( C1 – C ) – ( σ – 1 ) C ⎪
C1 =
⎪ Δt n
Δt n


and using (13-30) we obtain alternatively for the O n+1

-------- + θ ( B + V + K + θ T ) C (13-41)
advective part the following matrix system Δt n
O n n+θ
= -------- – ( 1 – θ ) ( B + K + θ T ) + θ V C + P
⎛σ M
--------- + V + K + --1- T⎞ C
n+1 σM
= ⎛ --------- + V⎞ C 1
Δt n
⎝ Δt n σ ⎠ ⎝ Δt n ⎠


NPKOKQ ^ëëÉãÄäó= çÑ= íÜÉ= ÇáÑÑìëáîÉ= ~åÇ

~ÇîÉÅíáîÉ=é~êíë O IJ = ∫ Rd NI NJ dΩ ⎪
Ω ⎪
∂N I ∂N J ⎪
Finally, to obtain the matrix system for the total bal-
B IJ = ∫ --------- D ij --------- dΩ + ∫ λN I N J dΩ ⎪⎪
ance equation (13-1) we have to add the diffusive and ∂x i ∂x j
Ω Ω ⎪
advective parts. ⎪
For the θ -based time marching scheme the summation V IJ = ∫ ( q ⋅ ∇N I )N J dΩ ⎪

of (13-36) and (13-21) yields Ω ⎪
⎬ (13-42)
K IJ = ∫ N I ( q ⋅ ∇N J ) dΩ ⎪
-------- + θ ( V + K + θ T ) C
n+1 (M + S) n+1
+ --------------------- + θ B C 1 = ⎪
Δt n Δt n Ω ⎪
(13-39) ⎪
M (M + S)
= ⎛⎝ -------- + θ V⎞⎠ C 1 – ( 1 – θ ) ( K + θ T ) ⋅ C + --------------------- – ( 1 – θ ) B C + P
n+1 n n n+θ Δt n ⎪
Δt n Δt n T IJ = ∫ -------- ( q ⋅ ∇N I ) ⋅ ( q ⋅ ∇N J ) dΩ ⎪
Ω ⎪

M- Cn + 1 can be eliminated from (13-39). The
The term ------- ⎪
Δt n 1 P I = ∫ N I f dΩ – ∫ N I q c dΓ ⎪
remaining terms correlated with the intermediate solu- Ω Γ ⎭
tion C 1 can be transformed in the following way18.
All terms with C 1 on the left-hand side are replaced
by C , while such terms on the right-hand side are where R d = ε + κ is the retardation factor and q = εv
substituted by C . In doing so, the following matrix is the Darcy velocity vector.
system results
Analogously for the BE and TR predictor-corrector


schemes we add (13-38) and (13-22) equation (13-1) represents a convective form which is
standard, where the continuity equation is explicitly
⎛σ M 1
---------- + V + K + --- T⎞ C
n+1 σ(M + S) n+1
used to find a gradient-type relationship εv ⋅ ∇C for the
+ ------------------------- + B C 1 =
⎝ Δt n σ ⎠ Δt n
(13-43) advective term. But basically, the balance equation pos-
σM σ n ·n
= ⎛ ---------- + V⎞ C 1 + ( M + S ) ⋅ -------- C + ( σ – 1 ) C + P
n+1 n+1
⎝ Δt n ⎠ Δt n
sesses a divergence expression ∇ ⋅ ( εvC ) . It reads

( ε + κ )C· + ∇ ⋅ ( εvC ) – ∇ ⋅ ( D ⋅ ∇C ) + λC = f (13-45)

which gives

σO Then, the splitted advective part yields

-------- + B + V + K + --1- T C
Δt n σ
n σ n ·n n+θ ε ( C· – C· 1 ) + L 2 C = 0 (13-46)
= VC + O ⋅ -------- C + ( σ – 1 ) C + P
Δt n
with the advective operator
The final matrix systems (13-41) and (13-44) for the
θ -based time marching scheme and the BE and TR L 2 = εv ⋅ ∇ + ( ∇ ⋅ εv ) (13-47)
predictor-corrector scheme, respectively, are symmet-
ric and positive definite. This results from the fact that The weak statement of the least-square weighting
the advective matrices V and K form a symmetric method is then
contribution as the sum ( V + K ) because K = V is
the transpose as easily seen from (13-42). The symmet- 1
N I + θΔt n --- ∇ ⋅ ( εvN I ) [ ε ( C· – C· 1 ) + ∇ ⋅ ( εvC ) ] dΩ = 0
ric term T can be interpreted as an additional term of
∫ ε

artificial diffusion. This naturally arises from the least-

square weighting procedure (13-25). which leads to the following matrix system

( M + θΔt n V∗ ) ⋅ C + ( K∗ + θ T∗ ) ⋅ C (13-49)
NPKOKR oÉã~êâë= çå= íÜÉ= ~ééäáÅ~íáçå= çÑ ·
= ( M + θΔt V∗ ) ⋅ C 1
çéÉê~íçê= ëéäáí= íç= íÜÉ= ÇáîÉêÖÉåÅÉ= Ñçêã n

with the components
FEFLOW differs between the convective and the
divergence forms in solving the governing transport V IJ∗ = ∫ ε ( v ⋅ ∇NI )NJ dΩ + ∫ NI NJ ∇ ⋅ ( εv ) dΩ (13-50a)
equations. The advantage of the divergence form is in Ω Ω
prescribing a total (advective plus diffusive) boundary
flux on Γ instead of imposing only the diffusive flux
q c (cf. Eq. (13-18d) on the boundary Γ . The balance


a rather inappropriate for the divergence form of the

K IJ∗ = – ∫ εvN J ⋅ ∇N I dΩ + ∫ N I q c dΓ (13-50b)
transport equation.

T IJ∗ = ∫ Δtn --ε- [ ∇ ⋅ ( εvNI ) ] ⋅ [ ∇ ⋅ ( εvNJ ) ] dΩ (13-50c)
NPKP fåíÉÖê~íáçå= çÑ= mdip= áåíç
where we transformed the partial advective matrix
íÜÉ= cbcilt= páãìä~íáçå
K IJ∗ by using the divergence theorem according to m~Åâ~ÖÉ
∫ NI ∇ ⋅ ( εvC ) dΩ = ∫ ∇ ⋅ ( NI εvC ) dΩ (13-51)
a In FEFLOW various numerical schemes are avail-
– ∫ εvC ⋅ ∇N I dΩ = ∫ NI qc dΓ – ∫ εvC ⋅ ∇NI dΩ able for flow and transport processes in variably satu-
Ω Γ Ω rated media. Regarding the 2D and 3D transport
equations for solute and heat it covers:
to get the required description of the advective outer
border flux q c . (1) GFEM-Bubnov-Galerkin FEM (GFEM)
(2) SU-Petrov-Galerkin streamline upwind
The time discretization of (13-49) for the diver- (3) FU-Full upwind technique
gence form of the splitted advective part yields finally (4) SC-Shock-capturing technique.

-------- + θ ( V∗ + K∗ + θ T∗ ) C
With respect to the unsaturated flow equations in
Δt n two and three dimensions FEFLOW is currently capa-
= ⎛ -------- + θ V∗⎞ C 1 – ( 1 – θ ) ( K∗ + θ T∗ ) ⋅ C
n+1 n
ble of performing
⎝ Δt n ⎠

• Standard h-based Richards equation form via

Inspecting Eq. (13-52) with its matrix components (13- either Picard or Newton iteration;
50a) to (13-50c) it reveals the following. The symmet- • Mixed ψ – s -based Richards equation by using
ric property of the matrix system is lost because K∗ is either a modified Picard scheme or the Newton
no more a transpose of V∗ . Furthermore, the evalua- method;
tion of the divergence expressions ∇ ⋅ ( εv ) in (13-50a) • Primary variable switching technique with a full
and ∇ ⋅ ( εvNI ) in (13-50c) causes difficulties if the Newton method;
flow is not solenoidal (divergence-free) at the presence • Upstream weighting based on a Gauss-point-
of compression and sink/sources of fluid. As the sum, it related evaluation technique for the relative con-
becomes apparent that the least-square technique is ductivity.


s ( ψ )εR d ( C ) ------- + q ⋅ ∇C
The PGLS scheme for both transport and unsaturated ∂t
flow processes has been developed and implemented as – ∇ ⋅ [ ( εs ( ψ )D d I + D ) ⋅ ∇C ] (13-55)
the fifth option of numerical schemes in FEFLOW, viz.,
+ [ s ( ψ )εR ( C )ϑ + Q h ]C = s ( ψ )Q C

(5) PGLS-Petrov-Galerkin least square method. f s s ∂T f

[ s ( ψ )ερc + ( 1 – ε )ρ c ] ------ + ρc q ⋅ ∇T
The main advantages of the PGLS can be summarized s
– ∇ ⋅ [ ( Λ + ( 1 – ε )λ I ) ⋅ ∇T ] (13-56)
as follows:
+ ρc Q h ( T – T o ) = Q T ( ψ )
• It is compatible to the existing techniques within
the finite element context.
• It represents a higher-order upwind scheme pro- with the definitions and constitutive relationships
viding an improved temporal and spatial accuracy.
• The scheme provides a built-in upwind character- p
h = --------- + z = ψ + z (13-57a)
ρo g
istics; accordingly, no additional ’free’ parameters
have to be specified by the user.
S o = εγ + ( 1 – ε )φ (13-57b)
• It leads to symmetric matrix systems, which can
be solved effectively and fast. Compared to the
kρ o g
conventional unsymmetric approaches the PGLS K = ------------ (13-57c)
is a cost-effective variant with a significantly
reduced storage demand.
• It can be simply applied both to the transport f μ = ------------------- (13-57d)
equations and to the unsaturated flow equations. μ ( C, T )

ρ = ρo [ 1 + α ( C – Co ) – β ( T – To ) ] (13-57e)

NPKPKO oÉëìã¨=çÑ=Ä~ëáÅ=Éèì~íáçåë (1 – ε)
R ( C ) = 1 + ---------------- χ ( C ) ⎫
ε ⎪
The following nonlinear system is solved in two and ⎬ (13-57f)
1 – ε )- ∂----------------------------
[ χ ( C ) ⋅ C ]-⎪
three dimensions (symbols are listed in Appendix A): Rd ( C ) = 1 +
ε ∂C ⎭

∂ψ ∂s ( ψ ) q⊗q
S o ⋅ s ( ψ ) ------- + ε -------------- + ∇ ⋅ q = Q h (13-53) D = ( β L – β T ) ------------- + β T q I (13-57g)
∂t ∂t q

ρ – ρo f f
q = – K r ( s )Kf μ ∇ψ + ⎛ 1 + ---------------⎞ e (13-54) Λ = ρc D + εs ( ψ )λ I (13-57h)
⎝ ρo ⎠


f s
· ·
Q T ( ψ ) = s ( ψ )εQ T + ( 1 – ε )Q T Oh + S ( h, C, T )h = F ( h, q, C, C, T, T· ) ⎪
(13-57i) ⎫

Aq = B ( h, C, T ) ⎪

To solve the nonlinear equations (13-53) to (13-56) ⎬ (13-58)
for ψ , s , q , C , and T under unsaturated-saturated P ( C )C· + D ( q, C )C = R ( C ) ⎪

conditions constitutive relationships are additionally UT· + L ( q, T )T = W ( T ) ⎪

required for the saturation s as a function of the pres-
sure (capillary) head ψ , with its inverse, the pressure
head ψ as a function of the saturation s , and for the where h = h ( ψ, s ) , q, C and T represent the resulting
relative hydraulic conductivity Kr as a function of the vectors of nodal hydraulic head (alternatively, pressure
pressure head ψ or the saturation s . FEFLOW pro- head or saturation), Darcy fluxes, contaminant concen-
vides the van Genuchten-Mualem, the Brooks-Corey, tration and temperature, respectively. The superposed
the Haverkamp, the exponential and the linear paramet- dot means differentiation with respect to time t. The
ric models. matrices S, A, O, P and U are symmetric and sparse,
while the sparse D and L matrices are only symmetric
The above equations (13-53) to (13-56) are dis- for the PGLS scheme. The remaining vectors F, B, R
cretized by the FEM using bilinear or biquadratic ele- and W encompass the right-hand sides (RHS) of eqns
ments for 2D, and prismatic pentahedral trilinear or (13-53) to (13-56), respectively. The main functional
hexahedral trilinear and triquadratic elements for 3D dependence is shown in parenthesis.
(Fig. 13.3).
REMARK 1. The matrices D and L are unsymmetric for
2D 3D the standard schemes such as Bubnov-Galerkin
(GFEM), streamline upwinding (SUPG) and shock
capturing (SC). The matrix S also becomes unsymmet-
ric for the primary variable switching technique6
applied to unsaturated flow problems based on the
Newton iteration technique.

The most remarkable features of the PGLS scheme

applied to the system (13-58) are summarized for the
Figure 13.3 FEFLOW’s element types. mass transport equation as follows:
In using the different time discretization schemes in
form of both (a) the θ -weighted time marching with
Finally, it yields the following coupled matrix system: fixed step sizes and (b) the predictor-corrector time
stepping of first and second order in time the matrix


· ⎫
P ( C )C + D ( q, C )C = R ( C ) (13-59) P IJ = ∫ s ( ψ )Rd NI NJ dΩ ⎪
Ω ⎪

leads to the temporally discretized matrix relationship
B IJ = ∫ ∇N I ⋅ { [ εs ( ψ )D d δ ij + D ] ⋅ ∇N J } dΩ ⎪⎪
for the θ -weighted scheme as
Ω ⎪

P n+1 + ∫ [ s ( ψ )R ( C )ϑ + Q h ]N I N J dΩ ⎪
-------- + θ ( B + V + K + θ G ) C (13-60) ⎪
Δt n Ω ⎪
P n n+θ ⎪
= -------- – ( 1 – θ ) ( B + K + θ G ) + θ V C + R V IJ = ∫ ( q ⋅ ∇N I )N J dΩ ⎪
Δt n ⎬ (13-63)
Ω ⎪

and for the predictor-corrector scheme as K IJ = ∫ N I ( q ⋅ ∇N J ) dΩ ⎪

Ω ⎪
σP ⎪
-------- + B + V + K + --1- G C Δt n
(13-61) G IJ = ∫ -------------- ( q ⋅ ∇N I ) ⋅ ( q ⋅ ∇N J ) dΩ ⎪
Δt n σ εs ( ψ ) ⎪
n σ n ·n n+1 Ω ⎪
= VC + P ⋅ -------- C + ( σ – 1 ) C + R ⎪
Δt n ⎪
R I = ∫ N I s ( ψ )Q C dΩ – ∫ N I q c dΓ ⎪
Ω Γ ⎭
REMARK 2. The PGLS damping matrix G in (13-63) is
1 1
σ = --- θ ≥ --- (13-62) strongly related to the pore velocity q ⁄ [ εs ( ψ ) ] . For dry
θ 2
unsaturated problems with s ( ψ ) → 0 the matrix G
becomes singular.
The individual matrices for the PGLS scheme of (13-
60) and (13-61) are given by REMARK 3. The used time marching schemes are sec-
ond order accurate in time for θ = 1 ⁄ 2 (Crank Nicol-
son scheme) and σ = 2 (Adams-Bashforth AB/TR
predictor-corrector). They have a first order accuracy
for θ = 1 (fully implicit scheme) and σ = 1 (forward
Euler/backward Euler FE/BE predictor-corrector).

REMARK 4. The PGLS symmetrization is caused by

the fact that the advective matrices V and K form a
symmetric contribution as the sum ( V + K ) because
K = V is the transpose. This is only attainable for a
transport equation which has been written in the so-

called convective form1. Divergence forms of transport It reveals the upwind characteristic of the PGLS is
equations cannot by handled by the PGLS scheme as quite similar to a streamline upwind technique. We
derived in Section 13.2.5. note an equivalent damping parameter β for the
PGLS becomes dependent on the time step size and the
REMARK 5. The right-hand side of the matrix system measure of the pore velocity according to Δt n v .
(13-60) or (13-61) requires the assembly of the advec-
tive matrix V which is unsymmetric. As the conse-
quence, quadrature rules common in the FEM to build NPKQ _ÉåÅÜã~êâë
up the element matrices have to be performed over all
rows and columns of the submatrices, at least for the
NPKQKN qïçJÇáãÉåëáçå~ä= ~ÇîÉÅíáîÉJ
submatrix V .
Ççãáå~åí= íê~åëéçêí= ~í= ~= ÖêáÇJé~ê~ääÉä
REMARK 6. A comparison of the streamline upwind Ñäçï
Petrov-Galerkin (SUPG) scheme with the PGLS tech-
nique leads to the following: The ’balancing tensor dif- This example has been introduced by Wendland18 to
fusivity’ of the SUPG is expressed by the streamline compare the symmetric streamline stabilization
upwind term (termed as S3-scheme) to analytical results, to the oper-
ator split technique proposed by König13 (termed as
num q ⊗q OS-scheme) and to the symmetric scheme developed
∫ ∇NI ⋅ ⎛⎝ β ------------- ⋅ ∇N J⎞ dΩ
q ⎠
(13-64) by Leismann and Frind14 (termed as L-scheme), which
Ω handles the advective term explicitly. The problem is
described in Fig. 13.4.
where β is the numerical (longitudinal) dispersivity
as a free parameter which can be estimated as Δl ⁄ 2 Introducing the grid Peclet number Pg as
and Δl ⁄ 4 for linear and quadratic finite elements,
respectively. If comparing (13-64) of the SUPG with v Δl
Pg = ------------- (13-66)
the PGLS damping matrix G in (13-63) it is obvious D
that both forms of the upwinding terms become identi- and the Courant number Co as
cal if we set
v Δt
Co = ------------- (13-67)
num Δt n Δl
----------- ≈ -------------
- (13-65)
q εs ( ψ )
we study three cases as listed in Table 13.1. Wend-
land’s results18 for the case 1 are presented in Fig 13.5.
1. see Chapter 6: About the difference between the con- The results of the present PGLS scheme compared with
vective form and the divergence form of the transport equa- the standard Galerkin-FEM and the Crank-Nicolson
tion, p. 121 and following.


time stepping scheme are displayed in Fig. 13.6 for the remarkable differences between the different schemes
case 1. As seen in Figs. 13.5 and 13.6 there are no and in comparison with the exact (analytical) solution.

Figure 13.4 The 2D advection-dispersion problem with grid-parallel flow (from18).

Table 13.1 Simulation parameter used 2D advection-dispersion problem at grid-parallel flow

Δt βL βT Δx Δy Pg Co
[s] [m] [m] [m] [m]

1 1.0 2.0 0.2 2.0 2.0 1.0 0.5

2 2.0 0.02 0.002 2.0 2.0 100.0 1.0

3 2.0 0.02 0.002 0.5 0.5 25.0 4.0


a) 20



0 20 40 60 80 100

b) 20



0 20 40 60 80 100

Figure 13.6 Distribution of concentration at 50 s com-

puted by a) the PGLS and b) the standard Galerkin-FEM
for the case 1 with using the Crank-Nicolson time step-
ping scheme θ = 1 ⁄ 2 .

The case 2 represents an advective-dominant prob-

lem with a high grid-Peclet number of 100. Wendland18
found the solutions as shown in Fig. 13.7. As seen its
results are not satisfactory compared to the analytical
solution. The L- and the OS-schemes reveal both oscil-
latory and overdiffusive solutions. Even false cross-
damping effects are apparent. Wendland’s S3-solutions
improve the situation somewhat (see Fig. 13.7), how-
ever, wiggles and numerical dispersion effects, obvi-
ously due to the fully implicit approximation, appear.

The present PGLS strategy obtains better solutions

Figure 13.5 Distribution of concentration at 50 s computed
by Wendland18 for the case 1. which are exhibited in Fig. 13.8. The PGLS with the
Crank-Nicolson scheme (Fig. 13.8a) echoes the best-


sharpest solutions compared to the implicit PGLS (Fig.

13.8b) and the standard SUPG with Crank-Nicolson
(Fig. 13.8c). However, the concentration distribution
for the Crank-Nicolson PGLS is not completely wig-
gle-free (Fig. 13.8a). On the positive side, unlike the L-
and the OS-strategies the present schemes do not suffer
from spurious cross-dispersion effects.

Figure 13.7 Distribution of concentration at 50 s computed

by Wendland18 for the case 2.


the case 3. For the Crank-Nicolson PGLS (Fig. 13.10a)

a) 20
wiggles in the concentration distribution are revealed.
On the other hand, a fully implicit PGLS (Fig. 13.10b)
becomes free of oscillations, but, smearing of the con-

centration indicates false numerical dispersion which is
mainly caused by the implicit technique of first order
-10 accuracy in time. Unlike this, the standard SUPG tech-
nique with a Crank-Nicolson obtains reasonable results
0 20 40 60 80 100
without any wiggles and an acceptable amount of
damping (Fig. 13.10c).



0 20 40 60 80 100

c) 20



0 20 40 60 80 100

Figure 13.8 Distribution of concentration at 50 s com-

puted by a) the PGLS with the Crank-Nicolson scheme,
b) PGLS scheme with the fully implicit time marching,
and c) the standard streamline upwind (SUPG) with the
Crank-Nicolson scheme for the case 2.

The case 3 covers solutions of a refined grid. Wend-

land’s results18 are shown in Fig. 13.9. A certain reduc-
tion of the influence of numerical dispersion could be
achieved (cf. Figs. 13.9 and 13.5). The results of the
present PGLS technique are displayed in Fig. 13.10 for


a) 20






0 20 40 60 80 100

b) 20






0 20 40 60 80 100

c) 20






0 20 40 60 80 100

Figure 13.10 Distribution of concentration at 50 s com-

puted by a) the PGLS with the Crank-Nicolson scheme,
b) PGLS scheme with the fully implicit time marching,
and c) the standard streamline upwind (SUPG) with the
Crank-Nicolson scheme for the case 3.

Figure 13.9 Distribution of concentration at 50 s computed

by Wendland18 for the case 3.


NPKQKO qïçJÇáãÉåëáçå~ä= ~ÇîÉÅíáîÉJ land’s results are rather mixed. Compared to the more
Ççãáå~åí=íê~åëéçêí=~í=~å=çÄäáèìÉ=Ñäçï accurate RG scheme its S3 solutions reveal an
increased amount of numerical dispersion. The OS and
To benchmark the PGLS technique for more general L schemes are also depart from the RG results. We
(non-parallel) flow conditions we consider the example compare these results with our findings as shown in
which was also studied by Wendland18. The problem is Fig. 13.13. There, we display three PGLS applications:
described in Fig 13.11. With the flow boundary condi- one is the Crank-Nicolson PGLS using 20 time steps
tions an oblique flow in induced in the domain. The (Fig. 13.13a), the other is a fully implicit PGLS realiza-
conductivity is assumed to K = 10 m/s. Two different tion (Fig. 13.13b) and the third is the use of the adap-
cases are considered as listed in Table 13.1. tive AB/TR predictor-corrector PGLS (Fig. 13.13c)
with 25 varying time steps. Since there is no analytical
solution for the present problem we run the standard
Galerkin-FEM with the AB/TR scheme on a dense
mesh (25,921 nodes) as depicted in Fig. 13.13d. The
agreement of the present PGLS results is quite well and
provides better solutions as such found by Wendland18
(cf. Fig. 13.12 and Fig. 13.13a-c with Fig. 13.13d).

Table 13.2 Simulation parameter used 2D advection-

dispersion problem at oblique flow

Δt βL βT Δx Δy Pg Co
[s] [m] [m] [m] [m]
4 2.0 2.0 0.2 2.0 2.0 1.0 1.5
Figure 13.11 The 2D advection-dispersion problem with
5 1.0 0.02 0.002 2.0 2.0 100.0 0.75
oblique flow (from18).

Wendland’s results18 for the case 4 are shown in Fig.

13.12, where the standard Ritz-Galerkin method
(termed as RG), the symmetric streamline stabilization
(termed as S3-scheme), the operator split technique
(termed as OS-scheme) and the symmetric scheme
developed by Leismann and Frind14 (termed as L-
scheme) are presented. As seen in Fig. 13.12 Wend-


20 20

10 10

0 0

-10 -10

a) b)
-20 -20
0 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40
20 20

10 10

0 0

-10 -10

c) d)
-20 -20
0 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40

Figure 13.13 Distribution of concentration at 40 s com-

Figure 13.12 Distribution of concentration at 40 s com-
puted by a) the Crank-Nicolson PGLS, b) fully implicit
puted by Wendland18 for the case 4.
PGLS, c) AB/TR PGLS (25 adaptive predictor-corrector
steps, RMS error = 10 ) and d) the standard Galerkin-
FEM with AB/TR predictor-corrector scheme applied to a
dense mesh consisting of 25,921 nodes for the case 4.


20 20

10 10

0 0

-10 -10

a) b)
-20 -20
0 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40
20 20

10 10

0 0

-10 -10

c) d)
-20 -20
0 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40

Figure 13.14 Distribution of concentration at 40 s com- Figure 13.15 Distribution of concentration at 40 s com-
puted by Wendland18 for the case 5. puted by a) the Crank-Nicolson PGLS, b) fully implicit
PGLS, c) Crank-Nicolson SUPG and d) the standard Galer-
kin-FEM with FE/BE predictor-corrector scheme applied to
a dense mesh consisting of 25,921 nodes for the case 5.

The case 5 possesses very strong advection at a

large grid Peclet number of Pg = 100. According to the
formulation of the boundary-value problem the intrud-
ing amount of mass at the boundary is a function of the
transverse dispersivity β L . If holding small a very
sharp boundary layer will be formed. It is to be
expected, at coarse meshes false numerical dispersion


increases artificially the boundary layer which leads to

an unphysically increase of intruding mass. This can be 20 20

clearly seen in the results shown in Figs. 13.14 and

13.15 for case 5. Most important, we recognize that the 10 10

PGLS can stabilize the solution (Fig. 13.14 (S3) and

Fig. 13.15a,b). However, the solutions are not wiggle- 0 0

free. Even in combination with the fully implicit time

marching scheme the oscillations cannot be completely -10 -10

damped out. The PGLS results are comparable to the a) b)

SUPG scheme (Fig. 13.15c). But, if comparing to a -20
0 10 20 30 40
0 10 20 30 40
solution obtained on a dense mesh, we see the signifi- 20 20

cant difference between results computed by the

upwinding techniques (PGLS, SUPG) and the more 10 10

accurate solution for a very fine mesh (Fig. 13.15d).

0 0

The test case 5 gives some insight into the charac-

teristics of the PGLS scheme. Inspecting the matrix G -10 -10

of eqn (13-63) we see a dependence of the stabilization c) d)

term on the time step size Δt . We can expect if using -20
0 10 20 30 40
0 10 20 30 40
smaller time steps the influence of the stabilization
Figure 13.16 Distribution of concentration at 40 s com-
term G reduces (or vanishes). We check this interde- puted by the fully implicit PGLS at different Courant num-
pendence for the case 5 if reducing the constant time bers Co and given grid Peclet number of Pg = 100 (case 5):
step size Δt at the given grid Peclet number Pg = 100. a) Co = 0.75 ( Δt = 1s), b) Co = 0.375 ( Δt = 0.5s), c) Co =
The obtained results are shown in Fig. 13.16 for four 0.12 ( Δt = 0.16s) and d) Co = 0.075 ( Δt = 0.1s).
Co numbers. We note the following behavior. If reduc-
ing Δt somewhat the solution even improves in form of
smaller oscillations in the concentration pattern (cf.
Fig. 13.16a and 13.16b). But, if reducing further the
step size Δt the PGLS produces wiggles again. The
smaller the time step the more oscillations are gener-
ated as shown in Figs. 13.16c and 13.16d. We found at
a sufficiently small Δt the solution becomes com-
pletely instable (Fig. 13.16d).


NPKQKP qÜêÉÉJ~åÇ= íïçJÇáãÉåëáçå~ä

íê~åëéçêí=ãçÇÉäáåÖ=çÑ=íÜÉ=é~íÅÜ=ëçìêÅÉ Table 13.3 Patch-source parameters used in 2D
Domain Rectangle with dimension 200 x 40 in
The patch source problem refers to the transport of a arbitrary units [L]
solute from a boundary source of finite extent into a Source location x = 0, 0 ≤ z ≤ 8
rectangular domain subjected to a uniform, unidirec-
tional velocity field. It has been studied by Leismann Pore velocity 0.1 [L/T] in the x-direction, 0.0 in the
and Frind14 for 2D and Burnett and Frind1,2 in 3D. The
description of the benchmarks can be found in Segol’s Boundary condi- C o = 1 at the source, C = 0 outside
book17. The definition of the 3D problem is given in tions the source at x = 0
Fig. 13.17. The corresponding 2D problem refers to the
Initial conditions C=0
cross-section in the x-z-plane. The parameters used for
the 2D and 3D model are summarized in Table 13.3 Longitudinal dis- 1.0 [L]
and Table 13.4, respectively. persivity, β L

Transverse dis- 1.0 [L]

persivity, β T

Grid characteris- Uniform grid with 2000 quadrilateral

tics elements

Longitudinal 2.0 [L]

spacing, Δx

Transverse spac- 2.0 [L]

ing, Δz

Time increment, 10 [T]

Figure 13.17 Definition of the patch-source problem in 3D
Grid Peclet num- 2
ber, Pg

Courant number, 0.5



scheme are plotted in Fig. 13.19. It becomes evident

the agreement is quite perfect and a high accuracy
Table 13.4 Patch-source parameters used in 3D could be achieved with the PGLS technique.
Domain Parallelepiped of dimensions 60 x 20
x 20 in arbitrary units [L]

Source location on the plane x = 0 in the region

0≤y≤3, 0≤z≤3

Pore velocity 0.1 [L/T] in the x-direction, 0.0 in the

y- and z-directions

Boundary condi- C o = 1 at the source, C = 0 outside

tions the source at x = 0 plane

Initial conditions C=0

Longitudinal dis- 1.0 [L]

persivity, β L Figure 13.18 Concentration profiles along the center of the
plume for the 2D patch-source problem - Analytical and
Transverse dis- 0.25 [L] Leismann and Frind’s results14.
persivity, β T

Grid characteris- Uniform grid with 30 x 20 x 20 hexa- 1.0

tics hedral elements


Nodal spacing in 2.0 [L]

x-direction, Δx


Nodal spacing in 1.0 [L] 0.4

y-direction, Δy 640
0.2 Time 160 320
Nodal spacing in 1.0 [L]
z-direction, Δz 0.0
0 20 40 60 80 100

Longitudinal distance
Time increment, 20 [T]
Δt Figure 13.19 Concentration profiles along the center of the
plume for the 2D patch-source problem - Crank-Nicolson
The analytical solution for the 2D patch-source PGLS results.
problem together with Leismann and Frind’s symmet-
ric matrix solution14 are shown in Fig. 13.18. The The results computed by Burnett and Frind1,2 for the
present results obtained by the Crank-Nicolson PGLS 3D patch-source problem are depicted in Figs. 13.21


and 13.23 for selected concentration profiles. The representative concentration profiles. However, we
shown diagrams also involve analytical solutions note there are slight differences between the standard
which exist for the 3D patch-source problem. Burnett GFEM and the PGLS scheme, where the GFEM gives
and Frind could achieve good agreements with the ana- a better agreement with the analytical solution. The 3D
lytical results and our results obtained for both the view of the obtained PGLS results and the used finite
Crank-Nicolson PGLS and the Crank-Nicolson stan- element mesh are presented in Fig. 13.20.
dard Galerkin-FEM also lead to a satisfactory agree-
ment as exhibited in Figs. 13.22 and 13.24 for

a) b)

Figure 13.20 a) 3D view (from bottom to top) of the plume distribution obtained by the PGLS scheme and b) used finite
element mesh.


Figure 13.21 Longitudinal concentration profiles at y = 0 and z = 0 for the 3D patch-source

problem - Analytical and Burnett and Frind’s results 1,2,17.





t = 20 80 160 240
0.2 320

0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 56 60

Longitudinal distance

Figure 13.22 Longitudinal concentration profiles at y = 0 and z = 0 for the 3D patch-source

problem - Crank-Nicolson PGLS and standard GFEM results.


Figure 13.23 Transverse concentration profiles at y = 0 and z = 0 and at the time stage of 320
for the 3D patch-source problem - Analytical and Burnett and Frind’s results1,2,17.




0.4 24


0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18

Transverse distance

Figure 13.24 Transverse concentration profiles at y = 0 and z = 0 and at the time stage of 320
for the 3D patch-source problem - Crank-Nicolson PGLS and standard GFEM results.


∂C- 2 ⎛ ∂C ∂ C⎞
------ + v ⎜ ------- + D ---------2-⎟ = 0 (13-69)
∂t ⎝ ∂Φ ∂Φ ⎠
NPKQKQ eççéÉë= ~åÇ= e~êäÉã~ååÛë= íïçJ
and is now one-dimensional with the symbols taken
Hoopes and Harlemann performed a lab-scale
8 from Appendix A. From our assumptions on the nature
experiment in a semi-cylinder filled with sand (Fig. of the transport process we obtain the dispersion coeffi-
13.25). They measured the distribution of a solute cient D = β L v + D d .
between a recharge and a pumping well. For an analyti-
cal solution they set up a conceptual model of a two-
dimensional horizontal confined aquifer which is
homogeneous and isotropic. The flow between the well
doublette at a distance, 2d = 0.61 m, is isothermal and
in a steady state. The solute transport is advective, dis-
persive along streamlines and has a molecular diffu-
sion. Comparisons of the analytical result with
experiments and various numerical solution schemes
have already been performed elsewhere8,11,17. For the
present benchmark calcula-tions we focus on the newly
introduced PGLS scheme and check the results against
the analytical results, the standard Galerkin (GFEM)
and the streamline upwinding (SUPG) schemes of
Figure 13.25 Plane view of Hoopes and Harlemann’s sand-
One obtains the analytical solution in terms of the filled semi-cylinder.
velocity potential Φ and the streamline function Ψ .
They are related to the original x,y-coordinates via the
The pore velocity v at a flux rate Q of the recharge
conformal transformation
well is
Φ + iΨ = Ln ( z + d ) ⁄ ( z – d ) (13-68)
with z = x + iy q Q
v = --- = ------------------ ( cosh ( Φ D ) + cos ( Ψ D ) ) (13-70)
ε 2πMεd
This transformation maps the area of the half circle
with radius r ≤ d onto a strip of infinite length and with the dimensionless quantities
width π ⁄ 2 . The transport equation transforms to


2 2
1 (x + d) + y -
Φ D = --- ln ------------------------------ and (13-71) We did the numerical FEM analysis on the mesh of
2 ( x – d )2 + y2
Fig. 13.26 which has been refined in the half circle
– 2yd with r ≤ d where high Darcy fluxes occur. This mea-
Ψ D = atan ----------------------------
2 2 2
x +y –d sure lowers the grid Peclet number there. For the time
step control we employed the forward Euler/backward
The velocity potential Φ ( x, y ) and the streamline func- Euler (FE/BE) predictor-corrector method. Hoopes and
tion Ψ ( x, y ) are obtained after multiplication with Harlemann8 assumed no dispersion across streamlines
Q ⁄ 2πM . The initial and boundary conditions are in their formulation of Eq. (13-69). The longitudinal
dispersivity β L = 0.0015 m is very small and gives rise
C ( 0, Φ, Ψ ) = 0 and (13-72) to a steep concentration front. Hence, the transport is
C ( t, Φ ( – d, 0 ), Ψ ( – d, 0 ) ) = C 0 dominated by advection as shown in Fig. 13.27 for
breakthrough curves at two observation points along
The dimensionless concentration at arbitrary time is the symmetry line between the wells. The analytical
given by curve with the steepest slope can only be approximated
by numerical schemes due to finite lattice element
⎛ I D – t D⎞ sizes. Furthermore, well-known problems of oscillating
C 1
C D = ------ = --- erfc ⎜ ----------------⎟ (13-73) numerical solutions appear. The SUPG scheme has
C0 2 ⎝2 J ⎠ D been employed to dampen the oscillations but intro-
duces in turn additional non-physical dispersion. The
with the dimensionless time t D = Q ⁄ ( 2πεMd ) ⋅ t .
2 GFEM scheme without upwinding techniques shows
Owing to the properties of the conformal transforma- slight oscillations only for high concentrations at the
tion (13-68) the concentration can only be calculated second observation point y = 0.305 m which may be
for spatial points with r ≤ d . attributed to the coarser mesh in that region. The dis-
persion is reasonably low. Large wiggles occur for the
The integrals PGLS scheme for high concentrations at both points.
Even the onset of the breakthrough curves is not wig-
ΦD ΦD gle-free. For intermediate concentrations the PGLS
dΦ' D DD
front matches the analytical solution quite close.
ID = ∫ ------------
and JD = ∫ -------
dΦ' D (13-74)
–∞ –∞ D

with v D = cosh ( Φ D ) + cos ( ΨD ) and D D = 2πMεD ⁄ Q

are likewise dimensionless and have been integrated
numerically. A complete analytical solution is possible
but cumbersome.


three numerical schemes is depicted in Fig. 13.28. The

Table 13.5 Parameter of the FEFLOW for Hoopes analytical solution has been omitted here since it is
and Harlemann’s two-well problem only available in the half circle with r ≤ d . The center
of the concentration front at C ⁄ C0 = 0.5 is the same in
Name Symbol Value
the whole region for all schemes. The SUPG scheme
Steady flow again exhibits the expected additional dispersion.
flow boundaries
Almost wiggle-free appears the GFEM scheme with an
flux at recharge well Q 6.4327 m ⁄ d
exception at some distance above the recharge well.
hydraulic head at pumping well h 0m
The PCG solution oscillates considerably along the
flow materials
–4 2
concentration fringe of C ⁄ C0 = 1. Larger oscillations
aquifer transmissivity T 1 ⋅ 10 m ⁄s
appear left of the region between the wells. But wiggles
Transient transport can also be observed in the direction of the pumping
transport initials
well. This asymmetry is again due to the finer mesh
homogeneous concentration C ( t = 0, x, y ) 0 mg/l
between the wells.
transport boundaries
concentration at recharge well C0 1 mg/l
transport materials
aquifer thickness M 0.089 m
porosity ε 0.374
adsorption χ 0
–9 2
molecular diffusion Dd 0 ⋅ 10 m ⁄s
longitudinal dispersivity βL 0.0015 m
transverse dispersivity βT 0m
decay rate ϑ 0 ⋅ 10 ⁄s
wellbore radius rB 0.05 m
outer boundary radius R 1.45 m Figure 13.26 Finite element grid used.
mesh: 3-noded triangle elements
number of nodes np 1554
number of elements ne 2950
time stepping regime: automatic time step control
initial time step Δt 0 10 d
simulation time period T 0.2 d
solver: direct Gauss elimination

The concentration distribution at t = 0.05 d for all



1.00 y=0.145m

concentration [mg/l]


0.40 recharge well

GFEM 0.0
0.20 SUPG -0.7 -0.6 -0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2

0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20
time [d] 0.3

Figure 13.27 Breakthrough of the concentration at two

points y = 0.145 m (left) and 0.305 m (right) on the symme-
try line x = 0 between the wells.
recharge well

In this benchmark calculation the GFEM scheme is 0.0

-0.7 -0.6 -0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2

the method of first choice with reasonable dispersion 0.5

and very few oscillations. The PGLS scheme has not PGLS

performed sufficiently well due to the appearance of

wiggles with unacceptable amplitudes both for small 0.3

and high concentrations.


recharge well

-0.7 -0.6 -0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2

Figure 13.28 Distribution of concentration computed by

GFEM, SUPG and PGLS at t = 0.05 d.


NPKQKR eáÖÜäó= ~ÇîÉÅíáîÉ= ëçäìíÉ= íê~åëJ flow direction can be forced almost entirely into the x-
éçêí=áå=~=ëíÉ~ÇóJëí~íÉ direction by making the aquifer very anisotropic with a
factor of 10 . We did the calculations for steady-state
This benchmark is taken from Nguyen’s technical flow and transient transport with the PGLS scheme. All
note16. Nguyen employed a two-dimensional flow field FEFLOW parameters for this benchmark are listed in
of the form Table 13.6. Their values can be derived from Nguyen's
original problem if one sets the dimensionless edge
1 length to 1 m and introduces a concentration unit of 1
q x = --- ( 3z – 1 ) and qz = 0 (13-75)
2 mg/l.

to compare his PGLS scheme with the Taylor-Galerkin

finite element splitting-up method of Donea et al.7 in
the case of advective-diffusive solute transport in a
steady state. He found the PGLS scheme superior in
situations where advection severely dominates the sol-
ute transport.

Nguyen16 introduced the flow field (13-75) in a

square cavity of unit edge length as shown in Fig.
13.29. He performed his calculations on a mesh with
20 x 20 bilinear elements. For the transport problem he
studied the concentration distribution in the advection- Figure 13.29 Square cavity with flow field and concentra-
dominated regime for two different grid Peclet num- tion boundary conditions.
bers Pg = qx Δz ⁄ 2D . He used Pg = 1.25 and Pg = 5
which lead to diffusivities of 0.02 and 0.005, respec-
tively, in arbitrary units. The initial concentration and The comparison of the concentration distribution at
the concentration flow across the horizontal boundaries steady-state for Pg = 1.25 (Fig. 13.30) and Pg = 5 (Fig.
were zero. A concentration gradient of unity is given 13.31) between Nguyen’s16 and the present FEFLOW
by the right and left boundary concentrations. calculations shows almost identical results in both
cases. However, we found it very difficult to choose
The FEFLOW calculations were done for a two- appropriate time stepping regimes. For the smaller
dimensional horizontal confined aquifer of thickness 1 Peclet number we used constant time steps at Δt = 0.01
m. Setting up the simulation model within FEFLOW is d which means a maximal Courant number Co = 0.2 for
not straightforward since the curl of the flow field (13- a grid element. For the larger Peclet number we took a
75) does not vanish, i.e. ∇ × q ≠ 0 . Such fields do not time step of Δt = 0.035 (Co = 0.7). In this case of high
occur for groundwater flow problems. However, the advection the PGLS results react sensitively to a


change of the Courant number. Lower Courant num-

bers produce wiggles in the critical regions next to the
horizontal boundaries. Higher Courant numbers (or Table 13.6 Parameter for highly advective solute
time steps) render concentration distributions with too transport in a steady-state
much dispersion. Name Symbol Value
Steady flow
Obviously there exists only an interval of time step flow boundaries
lengths where the PGLS scheme remains stable. We flux at right/left boundary qx ± --12- ( 3z – 1 )
have already observed a similar behavior in the test m ⁄d
flow materials
case 5 of benchmark 3.2. With this test case we found –4
aquifer transmissivity T 1 ⋅ 10
that the main reason lies in the time step dependence of 2
m ⁄s
the stabilization matrix G in Eq. (13-63). aquifer anisotropy 10

Transient transport
To complete our analysis of this benchmark we transport initials
show the FEFLOW concentration distribution of a homogeneous concentration C ( t = 0, x, z ) 0 mg/l
steady-state flow and transport calculation with a dense transport boundaries
mesh of 6561 nodes and 12800 3-noded-triangle ele- concentration along right/left C r, l 1 mg/l; 0 mg/l
ments for the dimensionless diffusivity D = 0.005 in
transport materials
Fig. 13.32. The grid Peclet number is now reduced aquifer thickness 1m
from Pg = 5 to Pg ≈ 1 . Here the dispersion at the porosity ε 1
upper right and the lower left boundaries both of adsorption χ 0
Nguyen's and the FEFLOW results has been removed molecular diffusion for Pg = 1.25 Dd 231.482 ⋅ 10

by a high lattice resolution. m ⁄s
molecular diffusion for Pg = 5 Dd 57.8704 ⋅ 10
m ⁄s
longitudinal dispersivity βL 0m
transverse dispersivity βT 0m
decay rate ϑ 0 ⁄s
edge length of square l 1m
mesh: 4-noded quadrilateral ele-
number of nodes np 441
number of elements ne 400
time stepping regime: constant time steps
Δt = 0.01 d for Pg = 1.25; Δt = 0.035 d for Pg = 5
simulation time period T 10 d
solver: direct Gauss elimination


Figure 13.30 Concentration distribution at steady-state and Pg = 1.25, Nguyen16 (left) and FEFLOW (right).

Figure 13.31 Concentration distribution at steady-state and Pg = 5, Nguyen16 (left) and FEFLOW (right).


1 m in the top half of the slab. Then it increases linearly

to -0.01 m at the bottom. Since the hydraulic head h is
related to the pressure head ψ by adding the elevation
z, namely h = ψ + z , the initial flow will be completely
downward from the top half to the bottom half even if
the latter is more saturated. We expect the top half of
the column to fall dry except at the right where a top
inflow provides enough water to prevent this process.

Figure 13.32 Concentration distribution at steady-state and

Figure 13.33 Problem measure, flow and transport condi-
D = 0.005 for a dense mesh.
tions for a vertical rectangular slab of Kent soil .

NPKQKS qïçJÇáãÉåëáçå~ä= ìåë~íìê~íÉÇ Nguyen used a soil moisture retention curve

Ñäçï=~åÇ=íê~åëéçêí a
s = ---------------------c- (13-76)
Nguyen16 has set up a flow and transport model of
an unsaturated soil slab as shown in Fig. 13.33. He con-
sidered a vertical rectangle of 5 m width and 2 m depth. and a relative conductivity relationship K r ( s )
Then he applied a small Darcy flux of 5.52 ⋅ 10 m/d
across 1 m at the top in the right edge of the slab. The s – sr d
K r = ⎛ -------------⎞ (13-77)
bottom of the slab is held at a small negative hydraulic ⎝ 1 – s r⎠
pressure ψ of -0.01 m which corresponds to a high
water content of a capillary fringe in the vicinity of a with parameters which are typical for a very imperme-
water table. The initial vertical pressure head is set to - able clay of the North Kent marshes in England. The


symbols are explained in Appendix A and the parame- Haverkamp’s parameters A, B to match Nguyen's rela-
ters are listed in Table 13.7. tion (13-77). The fitting process is difficult because sat-
isfactory results for the whole region of Kr which
Table 13.7 Parameters for unsaturated flow in Kent
stretches over many orders of magnitude cannot be
soil from Nguyen16
obtained. This is due to the nature of the relation (13-
77) which decays algebraically with no inherent scal-
Name Symbol Value
ing conductivity. We therefore choose to fit the relation
saturated conductivity Ks 5 ⋅ 10
m/s for a soil water saturation s ≥ 0.6 because in the soil
slab relatively wet conditions prevail. Figure 13.34
porosity ε 0.42
shows the comparison of the fitted curve and Nguyen's
residual saturation sr 0.02 original curve. The fitted curve matches sufficiently
well for s ≥ 0.6 but cannot be applied in dry conditions.
a 5.30
The resulting values for Haverkamp’s parameters A, B
b 2.10 m
are listed in Table 13.7.

c 0.39 Table 13.8 Parameters for unsaturated flow in Kent

soil in the FEFLOW model
d 18.8

Name Symbol Value

The relationships (13-76) and (13-77) do not match
both together any of FEFLOW’s parametric models for saturated conductivity Ks 5 ⋅ 10 m/s
unsaturated flow. Only the soil moisture curve (13-76) porosity 0.42
corresponds to Haverkamp’s relation
residual saturation sr 0.0
α ( ss – sr )
s = s r + ----------------------
- (13-78) maximum saturation ss 1.0
α+ ψ
α = a⁄b 2.5238

if we choose the parameters appropriately. The choice β = c 0.39

is straightforward with the parameters listed in Table 0.01744
13.8. For the relative conductivity we are now forced to
use B 0.6548

K r = -------------------B- (13-79)
A+ ψ

from the Haverkamp model. Thus, we must fit


mation of the propagation of the solute front by multi-

1.0 plying the top boundary flux which determines the
0.9 velocity in the system by the simulation time. One can
divide this number by the pore velocity and obtains a
displacement of ca. 1 m after 10,000 days. Around this
time a concentration front should be well visible in the
rel. conductivity Kr


original For the FEFLOW computation we used the trans-
0.3 fitted port parameter of Table 13.9. A boundary concentra-
0.2 tion of 1 mg/l has been imposed along the boundary
flux line at the top as shown in Fig. 13.33. The parame-
ters correspond to those of Nguyen except that we did
0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 not allow for decay and adsorption. Therefore our con-
saturation s
centration contours should have a larger extent than
Figure 13.34 Relative conductivity relation for Kent soil as those of Nguyen at a given time step. Unfortunately,
used in Nguyen16 and in the present FEFLOW model. we were unable to reproduce this behavior for the
transport calculation. According to our estimation from
The numerical calculations have been carried out on above a sizeable concentration distribution should
a 50x20 mesh of bilinear square elements. We appear at some thousand days. This in contrast to
employed the forward Euler/backward Euler predictor- Nguyen's findings whose results suggest that the front
corrector time stepping technique (FE/BE) for the flow reaches the half depth after some hundred days. We do
and transport calculation. Figure 13.35 compares the not show his results here but this discrepancy of an
results of Nguyen and the present calculation after t = order of magnitude in the time of equal solute displace-
400 d for the pressure head ψ . They agree very well ment still needs to be clarified.
despite the slightly different relationships for the rela-
tive conductivity. We now proceed to the comparison of the GFEM,
SUPG and PGLS schemes of FEFLOW for the concen-
At t = 400 d the wetting front has not yet reached tration distributions at 5000 days (Fig. 13.37) and
the bottom of the slab. This is the case in Fig. 13.36 10,000 days (Fig. 13.38). First we state that our estima-
after 10,000 days but the steady state is not yet reached. tion made a reasonable prediction for the extent of the
In this state the whole region is (almost) saturated since concentration front. Before 5000 days all three
water is continuously infiltrated at the top but cannot schemes render wiggle-free solutions. From then on
leave the slab via the bottom boundary. wiggles appear with the GFEM scheme but the PGLS
scheme remains stable.
For the transport problem one can do a rough esti-


0 1 2 3 4 5

Figure 13.35 Pressure head ψ distribution after 400 days from Nguyen (top) and the present FEFLOW computa-

tion (bottom), contour line units are [kPa].

At 10,000 days the PGLS scheme creates smaller oscil- concentration front in an unphysical way. The wiggles
lations as well but for the GFEM scheme they extend are not caused by the mesh which is homogeneous in
over the whole concentration front. The SUPG scheme the whole region. They emanate from the boundary
remains wiggle-free as expected but smoothens the point with the coordinates (4 m, 2 m) where the bound-


ary flux jumps from a finite value to zero. High flux mark calculation. It is noteworthy, though, that even for
gradients occur in the vicinity of this point and are the moderate conditions of a slow flow in a relatively
most difficult to reproduce by the GFEM scheme wet soil wiggles still cannot be suppressed by this
whereas the PGLS scheme is more successful. scheme.

We therefore prefer the PGLS scheme in this bench-


0 1 2 3 4 5
Figure 13.36 Pressure head ψ distribution after 10,000 days for the present FEFLOW computation, contour line
units are [kPa].

Table 13.9 Transport parameters for Kent soil in the FEFLOW model

Name Symbol Value

longitudinal dispersivity βL 10 m

transverse dispersivity βT 0m
– 11 2
molecular diffusion Dd 1.1574 ⋅ 10 m ⁄d

porosity ε 0.42

decay rate ϑ 0.0

adsorption χ 0.0

boundary condition C0 1 mg/l


2 2


1 1

0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5

2 2


1 1

0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5

2 2


1 1

0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5

Figure 13.37 Concentration distribution after 5000 days for Figure 13.38 Concentration distribution after 10,000 days
the GFEM, SUPG and PGLS schemes of FEFLOW. for the GFEM, SUPG and PGLS schemes of FEFLOW.


ated problems with s ( ψ ) → 0 the matrix G becomes

singular (cf. remark 2).
NPKR `çåÅäìëáçåë
(6) The PGLS is not applicable to the divergence form
We benchmarked the PGLS technique which has of the governing transport equation. On the other hand,
been implemented into the FEFLOW package for tran- the maintenance of PGLS’s symmetric matrix property
sient 2D and 3D problems. The features and results we forces to drop any other techniques than simple Picard-
found give rise to the following conclusions: iteration-based procedures for nonlinear problems.
Here, Newton iteration would not be applicable for the
(1) The PGLS represents an alternative numerical PGLS (unless the symmetry is given up in favor of a
scheme to solve transient advection-dispersion trans- better convergence of the Newton scheme).
port problems. In contrast to standard techniques PGLS
leads to symmetric matrix systems and possesses a From the practical point of view, the PGLS provides
built-in streamline-like upwind characteristics without an additional alternative in modeling advection-disper-
any free parameter. sion equations. The advantage coming with the PGLS
is in form of a symmetric matrix system.
(2) The PGLS produces results which are comparable
to the standard techniques if the processes are charac-
terized by low to moderate advection.
(3) For advection-dominant problems (high Pg num-
bers) the PGLS cannot become wiggle-free. 1. Burnett, R. D. & Frind, E O., Simulation of contaminant transport
in three dimensions, 1. The alternating direction Galerkin tech-
nique. Water Resour. Res. 23 (1987)4, 683-694.
(4) At high Pg numbers (coarse mesh) and small Co
2. Burnett, R. D. & Frind, E O., Simulation of contaminant transport
numbers (small time steps) the PGLS can run into diffi- in three dimensions, 2. Dimensionality effects. Water Resour. Res.
culties. This seems to be a ’natural’ property of the 23 (1987)4, 695-705.
PGLS, because the damping matrix G in (13-63) is 3. Codina, R., On stabilized finite element methods for linear sys-
weighted by the time step size. If decreasing Δt the tems of convection-diffusion-reaction equations. Comput. Meth-
damping matrix G reduces with a quadratic descending ods Appl. Mech. Engrg. 188 (2000), 61-82.
4. Diersch, H.-J. G. Interactive, graphics-based finite-element simu-
rate, while the other matrix terms in (13-60) or (13-61)
lation system FEFLOW for modeling groundwater flow, contam-
possesses only a linear or an independent descends of inant mass and heat transport processes. WASY Ltd., Berlin,
Δt . As the result, the PGLS scheme must become 2002.
instable for sufficiently small Δt . 5. Diersch, H.-J, G. A shock-capturing finite-element technique for
unsaturated-saturated flow and transport problems. in: V. N. Bur-
(5) The PGLS damping matrix G in (13-63) is strongly ganos et al. (Eds.), Computational Methods in Water Resources
XII, vol. 1, Computational Mechanics Publications, Southampton,
related to the pore velocity q ⁄ [ εs ( ψ ) ] . For dry unsatur- 1998, 207-214.


6. Diersch H.-J. G. & Perrochet, P. On the primary variable switch- 18. Wendland, E. C., Numerische Simulation von Strömung und
ing technique for simulating unsaturated-saturated flows. Adv. hochadvektivem Stofftransport in geklüftetem, porösem Medium.
Water Resour. 23 (1999), 25-55. Dissertation, Mitteilung Nr. 96-6, Ruhr-Universität Bochum,
7. Donea, J., Guiliani, S., Laval, H. & Quartapelle, L., Time-accu- 1996.
rate solution of advection-diffusion problems by finite elements.
Comput. Methods in Appl. Mech. and Engrg. 45 (1984), 123-145.
8. Hoopes,J. A. & Harlemann, D. R. F., Wastewater recharge and
dispersion in porous media. ASCE J. Hydr. Division 93 (1967) ^ééÉåÇáñ=^
HY5, 51-71.
9. Hughes, T. J. R. & Brooks, A. N., A multi-dimensional upwind kçãÉåÅä~íìêÉ
crosswind diffusion. in Finite Element Methods for Convection
Dominated Flows, AMD Vol 34, ASME, Hughes T. J. R. ed.,
New York, 1979
Latin symbols
10. Hughes, T. J. R., Mallet, M. & Mizukami, A., A new finite ele-
ment formulation for computational fluid dynamics: II. Beyond C, C o ML concentration and reference
SUPG. Comput. Meths. Appl. Mech. Engrg. 54 (1986), 341-355. concentration of a miscible chemical
11. Huyakorn, P. S., Andersen, P. F., Güven, P. F. & Molz, F. J., A species, respectively;
curvi-linear finite element model for simulating two-well tracer f s 2 –2 –1
c,c L T Θ specific heat capacity of fluid and
tests and transport in stratified aquifers. Water Resour. Res. 22
solid, respectively;
(1986)5, 663-678. 2 –1
12. Kelly, D. W., Nakazawa, S., Zienkiewicz, O. C. & Heinrich, J. C., D L T tensor of mechanical dispersion;
2 –1
A note on upwinding and anisotropic balancing in finite element Dd L T molecular diffusion in the porous
convective-diffusion problems. Int. Num. Meth. Engng. 15 medium;
(1980), 1705-1711. e 1 gravitational unit vector;
13. König, C., Operator split for three dimensional mass transport –2
equation. Proceedings of the Tenth Intern. Conf. on Computa-
g LT gravitational acceleration;
tional Methods in Water Resources, Peters A.., Wittum G., Her- h L hydraulic (piezometric) head;
rling B., Meissner U., Brebbia C.A., Gray W.G, Pinder, G.F, Vol. I 1 unit tensor;
1, Kluwer Academic Publ., Dordrecht 1994, 309-316. –1
K LT tensor of hydraulic conductivity for
14. Leismann, H. M. & Frind, E. O., A symmetric-matrix time inte-
the saturated medium (anisotropy);
gration scheme for the efficient solution of advection-dispersion 2
problems. Water Resour. Res. 25 (1989)6, 1133-1139. k L tensor of permeability for the
15. Nguyen, H. & Reynen, J., A Space-time least-squares finite saturated medium (anisotropy);
advection-diffusion equations. Comput. Methods in Appl. Mech. Kr 1 relative hydraulic conductivity
and Engrg. 42 (1984), 331-342. ( 0 < K r ≤ 1 , K r = 1 if saturated at
16. Nguyen, H., A two-dimensional Petrov-Galerkin finite element s = 1 );
model for the analysis of contaminant transport in saturated-
Ni finite element shape function at node
unsaturated porous media. Technical Note, N I.97.94, JRC Ispra,
June 1997.
–1 –2
17. Segol, G., Classic groundwater simulations - Proving and p ML T fluid pressure;
improving numerical models. PTR Prentice Hall, Englewood Qh T fluid flow sink/source;
Cliffs, NJ, 1994. –3 –1
QC ML T bulk mass sink/source;

–1 –3
QT ML T bulk thermal sink/source; solid, respectively;
f s –1 –3 –1 –2
Q T, Q T ML T fluid and solid thermal sink/source, μ, μ o ML T dynamic viscosity and reference
respectively; dynamic viscosity of fluid,
–1 respectively;
q LT Darcy flux vector;
qn normal flux on a boundary (positive ρ, ρ o ML fluid density and reference fluid
outward); density, respectively;
s –3
R, Rd 1 retardation and derivative ρ ML solid density;
retardation, respectively; φ L skeleton compressibility;
So L storage coefficient; χ adsorption function to describe
s 1 saturation of the fluid phase Henry, Freundlich and Langmuir
( 0 < s ≤ 1 , s = 1 if medium is isotherms;
saturated); ψ L pressure head ( ψ > 0 saturated
sr 1 residual saturation; medium, ψ≤0 unsaturated
ss 1 maximum saturation; medium);
T, T o Θ temperature and reference Ω domain;
temperature, respectively;
v LT q ⁄ ( εs ) pore velocity; Subscripts
v LT q ⁄ ( εs ) pore velocity vector;
z L elevation above a reference datum; i, j, k nodal indices;
o reference value;
Greek symbols
3 –1
α L M solutal expansion coefficient;
–1 e element;
β Θ thermal expansion coefficient;
β L, β T L longitudinal and transverse f fluid (water) phase;
dispersivity, respectively; n time level;
Γ boundary; s solid phase;
γ L fluid compressibility;
Δl L characteristic element length; Abbreviations
Δt n T time increment at level n;
ε 1 porosity ( 0 < ε ≤ 1 ); AB/TR Adams-Bashforth/trapezoid rule
–1 predictor-corrector technique;
ϑ T chemical decay rate;
–3 –1 Co Courant number;
Λ MLT Θ tensor of thermal hydrodynamic
dispersion of fluid phase; FE/BE forward Euler/backward Euler
f s –3 –1 predictor-corrector technique;
λ,λ MLT Θ thermal conductivity for fluid and


GFEM Galerkin-based finite element

Pg grid Peclet number;
PGLS Petrov-Galerkin least-square;
SUPG streamline-upwind Petrov-Galerkin


H.-J. G. Diersch
WASY Institute for Water Resources Planning and Systems Research, Berlin, Germany

NQ bñíÉåÇÉÇ=Ñçêãìä~íáçåë=çÑ=Åçåëíê~áåíë=Ñçê=`~ìÅÜóJíóéÉ=EPêÇ=âáåÇF=ÄçìåÇ~êó=ÅçåÇáíáçåë=áå=cbcilt

q n ( x, t ) = – Φ ( h – h ) (14-1a)
NQKN _~ëáÅ= cçêãìä~íáçå= çÑ= PêÇ with
in R
⎧Φ for h >h
FEFLOW provides alternative formulations of con- Φ = ⎨ (14-1b)
straints for Cauchy-type (3rd kind) flow boundary con- ⎩ Φ out for
h ≤h
ditions (BC’s). Cauchy-type BC’s are commonly used
to describe river and other surface water boundaries in where the parameters and variables can be temporarily
groundwater modeling. Their mathematical formula- and spatially dependent:
tion is given by the following expression1 written for
groundwater flow (cf. Fig. 14.1)

a) b)


d Γ Ω
d h
Γ h
R h Ω h

Figure 14.1 Transfer through a clogged river bed for a) infiltrating and b) exfiltrating conditions.

in in
= Φ ( x, t ) ⎫ NQKO léíáçå~ä= `çåëíê~áåíë= Ñçê
out out

= Φ ( x, t ) ⎪
h = h ( x, t ) ⎪
⎬ (14-1c) íáçåë

h = h ( x, t ) ⎭ NQKOKN qÜÉ=ëí~åÇ~êÇ=Ñçêã

in which The formulation of constraints is based on the for-

malism of complementary conditions for a type of BC1.
d = thickness of the clogged river bed Cauchy BC’s are related to a potential condition which
(’colmation’ zone), [ L ] ; has to be prescribed on the boundary Γ in form of the
h = hydraulic head, [ L ] ; reference hydraulic head h . Naturally, such type of
= reference hydraulic head (e.g., water BC is to be constrained by maximum and minimum
max min
level of the river), [ L ] ; fluxes, Q , Q . The following standard form of
qn = normal Darcy flux going through the constraints for 3rd kind BC’s is used:
boundary (positive outward),
[ LT ] ; R
h ( t ) is valid if the flux is in the bounds: (14-2)
t = time, [ T ] ;
x = { x, y, z } space coordinates, [ L ] ; R max R max
⎧ Max: Q < Q ( t ) else Q = Q (t)
Γ = boundary of groundwater domain ⎨
Ω; ⎩ Min: Q R > Q min ( t ) else Q
= Q
Φ = transfer coefficient (colmation,
–1 R 3 –1
leakage), [ T ] ; where Q = – ∫ q n dV [ L T ] represents the summed-
Φ = directional in-transfer coefficient, up, called lumped balance fluxes at nodal points to
[T ] ; which the Cauchy-type boundary values are related. A
Φ = directional out-transfer coefficient, typical example of a flux-limiting infiltration from a
[T ] ; river bed is shown in the sketch of Fig. 14.2. If the
Ω = groundwater modeling domain; groundwater table decreases below the location of the
river bed a specific situation in form of a ’flow separa-
tion’ occurs. Physically, the zone between the river bed
and the water table becomes unsaturated and the linear
relationship (14-1a) for the infiltrating water as a func-
tion of the difference Δh between the reference (river)
water head h and the groundwater head h cannot be
maintained anymore. It requires the prescription of the
maximum bound Q .


FEFLOW provides the standard form of constraints

for Cauchy-type BC’s, where the bounds Q and/or
infiltrating exfiltrating Q are directly input as shown in Fig. 14.3a. This
Δh(t) = hR- h formulation is termed as flux-constrained transfer BC.
surface Such a limitation by fluxes represents a quite gen-
eral formulation. The min-max fluxes are user-speci-
fied input parameters, which can be quantified by user-
Q max(t) own rules and data. However, the disadvantage is here
le that the determination of the constraint fluxes requires
r tab
wate geometric information of the boundaries (e.g., transfer
hR h areas) at a given mesh. The new formulation of con-
straints to be described next overcomes this drawback
and is more useful in practice.

Figure 14.2 Flux-limiting infiltration from a river bed for-

mulated by a maximum flux constraint Qmax ( t ) .

a) b)
Instead of prescribing the constraint fluxes directly
the new form allows the input of maximum and mini-
max min
mum head values, h , h , which are used to derive
the constrained min-max fluxes for Cauchy-type BC’s.
This form is termed head-constrained transfer BC and
can be optionally selected in the input menu for trans-
fer constraint conditions of flow boundaries (Fig.
14.3b). In contrast to Eq. (14-2) the mathematical for-
mulation of the new head-constrained transfer BC is as

h ( t ) is valid if the head is in the bounds: (14-3)
⎧ max max R max
Figure 14.3Input menu for prescribing a) flux-constrained ⎪ Max: h < h ( t ) else qn = qn = –Φ ( h – h )

and b) head-constrained transfer conditions for Cauchy-type ⎪ Min: h > h min ( t ) else qn =
= –Φ ( h – h
BC’s. ⎩

col Δh
The advantage of this constraint formulation is that the qn = –K ------- = – K
--------- ( h R – h min ) (14-4)
max min Δz d
limiting (constraint) fluxes q n , q n are rates (no
more discharges!), which are computed from the input col
max min where K is the saturated hydraulic conductivity of
head constraints h , h . The physical meaning of
the colmation zone. It can be easily seen that Eq. (14-4)
the head constraints is explained for the minimum head min
min is equivalent to the constraint flux q n in Eq. (14-3)
h limit as illustrated in Fig. 14.4. min
derived from the minimum head limit h , where the
transfer coefficient is simply given by
qn col
Φ = --------- (14-5)
saturated colmation zone d
Γ REMARK 1: The directional in-transfer and out-trans-
in out
fer coefficients Φ , Φ are assigned according to the
minimum and maximum head constraints, viz.,
min unsaturated zone
⎧ in min R min
⎪Φ for h since h >h
Φ = ⎨ (14-6)
⎪ Φ out for h
since h ≤ h
h h
R Ω ⎩
saturated zone (groundwater)
REMARK 2: The new head-constrained transfer BC is
very efficient. It need not a switching of BC’s if con-
Figure 14.4 New head-constrained transfer BC for a flux-
limiting infiltration from a river bed. straints are set and reset during a simulation run.

REMARK 3: Time-dependent head-constraints are

The river bed is clogged by a colmation zone with a appropriate to prescribe intermediate flux conditions
thickness d . A perched water situation occurs, where along a boundary (e.g., at certain times no flux condi-
the groundwater table has no more a direct hydraulic tions should occur as applied to temporarily moving
contact with the surface water. An unsaturated zone BC’s). Since h = h ( t ) a temporal no flux condition
forms below the river bed. Typically, in the colmation is automatically satisfied if the reference head h
zone the subsurface water remains saturated (Fig. becomes identical to the constrained head h (or
14.4). Assuming the validity of Darcy’s law for the col- h ) in time, that means written for the minimum con-
mation zone, the normal flux from the river entering straint
the unsaturated zone can be assessed as


qn = qn ≡0 for (14-7)
R min min
h (t) = h (t) and h(t) < h (t)

To force a temporal no flux conditions independent of

the groundwater head h , the maximum head constraint
has to be set additionally to the reference head. It

qn = qn ≡0 for (14-8)
R min max
h (t) = h (t) = h ( t ) and arbitrary h ( t )

1. Diersch, H.-J.G. Interactive, graphics-based finite-element simu-
lation system FEFLOW for modeling groundwater flow, contam-
inant mass and heat transport processes. WASY, Berlin, 2002.


kçåäáåÉ~ê= ÇáëéÉêëáçå= áå= ÇÉåëáíóJÇÉéÉåÇÉåí= ã~ëë

H.-J. G. Diersch
WASY Institute for Water Resources Planning and Systems Research, Berlin, Germany

property of the porous medium and should not be

NR kçåäáåÉ~ê=ÇáëéÉêëáçå=áå=ÇÉåëáíóJÇÉéÉåÇÉåí=ã~ëë=íê~åëéçêí

NRKN fåíêçÇìÅíáçå dependent on the physicochemical property of the fluid

flowing through the voids.
In modeling density-dependent flow and mass
transport problems an increasing interest has been Hassanizadeh & Leijnse2 and Hassanizadeh3 have
cases where high-concentration differences in the sys- proposed extensions of the dispersion theory in form of
tem occur, e.g., applications to hazardous waste dis- a non-Fickian law. In using such a nonlinear dispersion
posal in salt formations or brine transport in deep theory the laboratory experiments could be explained
aquifers. Traditionally, density-dependent mass trans- and fit reasonably. New experiments have confirmed
port is modeled on the basis of the classic Darcy law these theoretical findings4. Furthermore, from the theo-
and the linear Fickian dispersion equation. But, in one- retical point of view the non-Fickian dispersion is con-
dimensional laboratory experiments 2,4 with high-con- sistent with the classic approach and theoretically well
centration gradients it was found that the dispersivity founded.
does not seem to be a property of the porous medium
alone. It was observed that the mixing process of salt- The nonlinear (non-Fickian) dispersion law has
water is dependent on the concentration gradient and been implemented in FEFLOW1 both for 2D and 3D
the dispersivity had to be changed from case to case to mass transport processes. It represents an extension to
get a sufficient fit to the measurements. Using same the classic linear Bear-Scheidegger dispersion law and
porous media the dispersivity had to be decreased as can be optionally selected. In the following the theoret-
the difference in concentration of the resident and dis- ical basis of the nonlinear dispersion theory will be
placing fluids increased. In past, various attempts were described in some detail. Then the implementation in
made to explain this phenomenon. A formal depen- FEFLOW and the numerical solution of the nonlinear
dence of dispersivities on the salt concentration has mass fluxes will be discussed. Finally, an example is
shown an inappropriate and a theoretically contrary presented which benchmarks the implemented rules.
approach because the dispersivities are a geometric

where β is a new high-concentration (HC) dispersion

coefficient and D is still the known Bear-Scheidegger
NRKO _~ëáÅ=bèì~íáçåë dispersion tensor given by Eq. (15-3) with longitudinal
and transverse dispersivities considered to be (con-
The starting point forms the mass conservation stant) properties of the porous medium and indepen-
equation written as dent of the fluid properties and transport processes.

( εC ) High concentration-gradient experiments2,4 have
+ ∇ ⋅ ( Cq + J ) = r (15-1)
∂t shown that the nonlinear dispersion law (15-4) gives
very good fits to measured breakthrough curves. It is
where the symbols are summarized below in the sec- found that the HC dispersion coefficient β varies
tion ’Notation’. The dispersive mass flux vector J is inversely with the flow velocity q . Schotting et al.4
commonly expressed by the linear Fickian type equa- have summarized their fitted experiments in the fol-
tion, viz., lowing approximate expression for β = β ( q ) as

J = – D ⋅ ∇C (15-2) 0.0125 2
β ( q ) = ---------------
- [ s m / kg ] for (15-5)
–5 –3
The hydrodynamic dispersion tensor D is assumed to 9 ⋅ 10 < q < 3 ⋅ 10 [ m / s ]
be independent of the concentration C and its gradient.
It is, however, considered to be a function of the flow
velocity q and is commonly described by the Bear-
Scheidegger dispersion relationship for a porous NRKP fãéäÉãÉåí~íáçå= áå
medium according to cbcilt
D = ( εD d + β T q )I + ( β L – β T ) -------------
(15-3) NRKPKN pÉäÉÅíáçå=çÑ=ÇáëéÉêëáçå=ä~ïë

In FEFLOW the modeler can use either the standard

For the linear Fickian law (15-2) the dispersive mass
linear Fickian dispersion law (15-2) or the nonlinear
flux of a solute is proportional to the solute concentra-
non-Fickian dispersion law (15-4). Both options can be
tion gradient. But, if large concentration gradients
set in the Problem Editor for the mass material data.
exist, nonlinear effects become important and J has to
Figure 15.1 exhibits this part of the editor, where the
be replaced by an extended nonlinear (non-Fickian)
both dispersion laws can be chosen and the additional
dispersion law2
HC- β -parameter is input in the case of the nonlinear
J ( β J + 1 ) = – D ⋅ ∇C (15-4)


0. initial J0 = 0 ⎫

D ⎪
1. step J 1 = – ----------------------- ⋅ ∇C 1 ⎪
β J0 + 1

D ⎪
2. step J 2 = – ----------------------- ⋅ ∇C 2 ⎬ (15-6)
β J1 + 1 ⎪

… ⎪

D ⎪
τ. step J τ = – ----------------------------- ⋅ ∇C τ
β Jτ – 1 + 1 ⎭

where τ represents an iteration counter. The iteration

(15-6) is performed at each time step in dependence on
the selected time stepping strategy: (1) For fixed (pre-
option HC dispersion coefficient β
defined) time steps it is iterated at each time level. The
procedure is terminated if the convergence criterion is
satisfied. (2) For the adaptive predictor-corrector time
marching the nonlinear solution is fully controlled by
Figure 15.1 FEFLOW’s mass material data editor menu to the time step itself, where the nonlinear dispersion is
choose the mass dispersion law option and to input the HC linearized in time according to
dispersion coefficient in the case of nonlinear dispersion.
J n + 1 = – ----------------------- ⋅ ∇C n + 1 (15-7)
β Jn + 1

NRKPKO kìãÉêáÅ~ä= ëçäìíáçå= Ñçê= åçåäáåJ

É~ê=ÇáëéÉêëáçå where n corresponds to the time level.

The numerical solution of the governing balance

equation (15-1) with the nonlinear dispersion law (15- NRKQ bñ~ãéäÉ
4) requires a specific iterative strategy. A recursive
scheme is preferred which is performed by the follow- Schotting et al.4 have derived analytical solutions in
ing iteration procedure: 1D, which will be used to benchmark FEFLOW with
the nonlinear dispersion law. We consider the displace-
ment of a high concentration through a column with
constant properties. The data are summarized in Tab.

adaptive time stepping (error tolerance 10 ) is used. It
requires 144 time steps to simulate the displacement
Table 15.1 Data of the displacement experiment process for a dimensionless time ϒ defined as
Quantity Symbol Magnitude Unit 2
qo tq o
Length of column 4.5 m ϒ = t ------------ → --------- (15-9)
L ε D εβ L
( – 0.5m ≤ z ≤ 4.0m )
–5 –1
Flow rate qo 3.209 ⋅ 10 ms
–1 up to ϒ = 1.0 . The numerical results are in a very good
2.772576 md
agreement with the analytical results obtained by
Porosity ε 0.2 1 Schotting et al.4 in form of a semi-explicit solution as
Boundary concentration Cs 2.85714 ⋅ 10
mg l
–1 shown in Fig. 15.2.
(brine input)
2 –1
Molecular diffusion Dd 0.0 m s

Longitudinal dispersiv- βL 1.0 m

4 2 –1
HC-dispersion coeffi- β 10 m s kg
–4 2 –1
cient 1.1574 ⋅ 10 m dg

The column is initially filled with freshwater ρ o ,

C = 0 . At t = 0 brine ρ s = ρ s ( C s ) starts entering the
column with uniform specific discharge q o . This
implies the following initial condition

⎧ C s for z < 0
C ( z, 0 ) = ⎨ (15-8)
⎩ 0 for z ≥ 0

In FEFLOW’s numerical simulation the outflowing

boundary is imposed with a natural gradient boundary
condition ∇C z = 4m ≈ 0 . The column is discretized by
900 linear quadrilateral elements resulting an spatial
increment of Δz = 0.005 m . For the temporal approxi-
mation the default forward Adams-Bashforth/back-
ward-trapezoid rule predictor-corrector scheme with




Density, ρ/ρs


0.5 0.75 1.0
ϒ = 0.25

-0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
Depth, z

Figure 15.2 Numerical density profiles simulated by FEFLOW at selected dimen-

sionless times ϒ in comparison with the semi-explicit analytical solutions given by
Schotting et al.4 for a brine displacement in a column at nonlinear dispersion.

kçí~íáçå qo = uniform specific discharge, ( LT ) ;
–3 –1
rc = chemical reaction rate, ( ML T ) ;
C = salinity, saltwater concentration, t = time, ( T ) ;
( ML ) ; β = high-concentration (HC) dispersion
–3 –1 2
Cs = brine input concentration, ( ML ) ; coefficient, ( M L T ) ;
D = tensor of hydrodynamic dispersion, β L, β T = longitudinal and transverse
2 –1
(L T ) ; dispersivity, respectively, ( L ) ;
Dd = effective molecular diffusion, ε = porosity, ( 1 ) ;
2 –1 –3
(L T ) ; ρo = density of freshwater, ( ML ) ;
I = unit (identity) tensor, ( 1 ) ; –3
ρs = brine density, ( ML ) ;
J = dispersive mass flux vector, τ = iteration counter;
–2 –1
( ML T ) ; ϒ = dimensionless time, ( 1 ) ;
n = time level; ∇ =
Nabla (vector) operator, ( L ) ;
q = Darcy velocity vector, ( LT ) ;


1. Diersch, H.-J. G., Interactive, graphics-based finite-element simu-
lation system FEFLOW for modeling groundwater flow, contam-
inant mass and heat transport processes. WASY Ltd., Berlin,
2. Hassanizadeh, S.M. & Leijnse, A., A non-linear theory of high-
concentration-gradient dispersion in porous media. Adv. Water
Resources 18 (1995) 4, 203-215.
3. Hassanizadeh, S.M., On the transient non-Fickian dispersion the-
ory. Transport in Porous Media 23 (1996), 107-124.
4. Schotting, R.J., Moser, H. & Hassanizadeh, S.M., High-concen-
tration-gradient dispersion in porous media: experiments, analy-
sis and approximations. Adv. Water Resources 22 (1999) 7, 665-

`çåëáëíÉåí= îÉäçÅáíó= ~ééêçñáã~íáçå= áå= íÜÉ= ÑáåáíÉJ
ÉäÉãÉåí= ëáãìä~íáçå= çÑ= ÇÉåëáíóJÇÉéÉåÇÉåí= ã~ëë
H.-J. G. Diersch
WASY Institute for Water Resources Planning and Systems Research, Berlin, Germany

of the same form as that used for the basis functions.

NS `çåëáëíÉåí=îÉäçÅáíó=~ééêçñáã~íáçå=áå=íÜÉ=ÑáåáíÉJÉäÉãÉåí=ëáãìä~íáçå=çÑ=ÇÉåëáíóJÇÉéÉåÇÉåí=ã~ëë=~åÇ=ÜÉ~í=íê~åëéçêí=éêçÅÉëëÉë

NSKN fåíêçÇìÅíáçå Such kind of projections are considered as consistent

finite element derivatives. FEFLOW uses these tech-
To compute the derivatives (velocities) from a finite niques which are described in Diersch and Kolditz6 in
element approximation, the obvious and self-consistent the context of coupled flow and transport simulation,
approach is that of directly differentiating the finite ele- which are summarized in the Appendix B. In practical
ment solution at points of interests. In groundwater finite element computations and numerous benchmark
flow simulation local Darcy velocities are calculated tests3,4,6,14 it has been shown that continuous deriva-
by differentiating the hydraulic head h (or pressure p ) tives by using the velocity smoothing techniques give
solution and using the appropriate constitutive rela- accurate solutions.
tions. This direct computation results in lower order,
discontinues derivatives with inferior accuracy at the In density-dependent flow and transport processes a
boundary of the elements and at the interelement nodes proper care should be taken in the derivation of the
where accurate values of fluxes are usually desired. To velocities. This has to do with the lower-order approxi-
achieve accurate derivatives different techniques are mation attainable for the pressure (or head) gradients
practiced. ∇p which can conflict the high-order spatial variability
in the gravity (buoyancy) term ρg . The problem has
In the finite element method local and global been addressed by Voss20, Voss and Souza21, Herbert et
smoothing (projection) techniques are commonly al.11 and Leijnse17, who proposed modified schemes in
applied where the derivatives are computed at optimal evaluation the discontinuous derivatives termed as con-
sampling (Gauss) points. The local projection proce- sistent velocity approximation. In Voss and Souza’s
dure consists of an extrapolation from the superconver- approach the spatial variation in the gravity term is
gent points and a subsequent averaging at nodes to reduced to the same spatial functionality occurred for
obtain accurate nodal velocity values. Global smooth- the pressure gradient, i.e., for linear finite elements the
ing assume a continues interpolation of the derivatives pressure gradient is constant (piecewise constant per

NSK= `çåëáëíÉåí= îÉäçÅáíó= ~ééêçñáã~íáçå= áå= íÜÉ= ÑáåáíÉJÉäÉãÉåí= ëáãìä~íáçå= çÑ= ÇÉåëáíóJ
element) and accordingly the gravity term should be
also piecewise constant. Leijnse extends this procedure Oswald18 performed a series of three-dimensional
and prefers averages of the buoyancy term only in the laboratory experiments termed as the saltpool problem
appropriate gravity direction. While Voss and Souza21 which involves stable layering of saltwater below
and Leijnse17 tried to overcome the problem of consis- freshwater. A discharge of water causes a transient
tency by precision reduction, Herbert et al.11 solved it upconing of saltwater. In varying the density contrast in
by introducing a second-order approximation for the the upconing process the measured quantities for
pressure (quadratic shape functions) and a linear-order instance in form of the salinity breakthrough at the out-
approximation for the salinity (linear shape functions). let have shown a significant influence due to gravity
Herbert et al.’s mixed approach is more natural in the effects. Oswald et al.19 tried to recompute the saltpool
finite element method (weighted Galerkin statements), processes by using different codes (for more see18).
but, it results in additional computational costs. While at a lower salinity (1% salt mass fraction) a good
agreement was found, at high salinity (10% salt mass
The smoothing techniques6 (local and global projec- fraction) the computed saltwater concentration at the
tions) for the velocities which are derived in the ele- outlet became generally too large and often quite depart
ments without modifying the spatial variability in the from the measurements. This discrepancies gave rise to
gravity term (no precision reduction) are an efficient numerous investigations and the development of
alternative for deriving consistent velocity fields. It improved numerical schemes.
results in a continuous representation of the nodal
velocities. The derivatives are used on an element Ackerer et al.2 applied a new numerical code
patch surrounding the nodes. In this way the technique TVDV-3D which is based on mixed and discontinuous
is consistent with an integral evaluation of the flux finite elements (for more details see Ackerer et al.1).
terms and the patch-related nodal velocities represents Their results are satisfactory, however, the simulation
averaged quantities in the weighted sense. overestimates the saltwater mixing concentration for
the lower density case and underestimates the saltwater
The question arises now whether the projection breakthrough at the outlet for the high density case.
(smoothing) techniques for deriving patch-related Most recently, Johannsen et al.16 presented improved
nodal velocities are sufficiently consistent for density- results and achieved a good agreement with the mea-
dependent problems. Indeed, we can confirm it in all surements for both cases of low and high densities.
previous tests and applications. The benchmark tests in Some parameters, particularly the permeability, the
form of the Henry problem4,14, the Elder problem6,14, porosity and the transverse dispersivity were adjusted
salt dome problem6,14 and others5,7,13 revealed good within accepted bounds in order to fully match the
agreements with the other solutions available. More results of the physical experiment. From numerical
recently, however, an obvious counter-example of a point of view, their results are simulated with the new
high-contrast density problem gives rise to a critical code d3f (for more, see Frolkovic9) in which improved
review of the used velocity derivation procedures. techniques for computing consistent velocities under


strong density effects are incorporated. These tech- ρ – ρo

niques were substantially responsible for the success of ρ̃ = --------------- (16-3)
the difficult simulations of the saltpool problem at high
salinity contrast.
which is written in the two equivalent formulations in
As a consequence from the saltpool simulations the accordance with the chosen primary variable in form of
techniques for approximating the consistent velocities the pressure p or the hydraulic head h , where the fol-
were also revised for the FEFLOW code. In the follow- lowing relationships hold4
ing a new improved technique is described and tested
p ⎫
which is implemented in the FEFLOW code. h = --------- + z
ρo g ⎪

g = – ge ⎪

μo ⎪

NSKO _~ëáÅ=bèì~íáçåë fμ = -----
μ ⎪

kρ o g ⎪
K = ------------ ⎪
For simulating density-coupled flow and transport ⎪
f f s s ⎪
processes the following equations have to be solved E = E ( T ), E = E ( T ) ⎬ (16-4)
μ = μ ( C, T ) ⎪
(symbols are listed in Appendix A): ⎪
α ⎪
ρ = ρ ( C, T ) = ρ 0 1 + ------------------ ( C – C o ) – β ( T – T o ) ⎪
Cs – Co ⎪
∂ ( ερ -) ⎫ ⎪
------------- + ∇ ⋅ ( ρv ) = Q ρ ⎪ JC = – ( εD d I + D ) ⋅ ∇C ⎪
∂t ⎪
⎪ JE =
f s
– [ ( ελ + ( 1 – ε )λ )I + ρcD ] ⋅ ∇T ⎪
( εC ) ⎪ ⎪
+ ∇ ⋅ ( Cv + J C ) = Q C ⎬ (16-1) v⊗v
( β L – β T ) ------------ + β T v I

∂t ⎪
D =

∂ f s s f ⎪
---- [ ερE + ( 1 – ε )ρ E ] + ∇ ⋅ ( ρE v + J E ) = Q E ⎪
∂t ⎭
The velocity v in (16-2) is coupled with the conserva-
tion equations (16-1) through the dependence of fluid
where the fluid velocity (Darcy flux) v is explicitly density ρ = ρ ( C, T ) on the concentration C and tem-
given by perature T and, additionally, the dependence of fluid
viscosity μ = μ ( C, T ) on the concentration C and tem-
k ⎫ perature T .
v = – --- ⋅ ( ∇p – ρg ) ⎪
μ (16-2)

v = – Kf μ ⋅ ( ∇h + ρ̃e ) ⎪⎭

introducing the relative density ρ̃

NSK= `çåëáëíÉåí= îÉäçÅáíó= ~ééêçñáã~íáçå= áå= íÜÉ= ÑáåáíÉJÉäÉãÉåí= ëáãìä~íáçå= çÑ= ÇÉåëáíóJ
ρ = ρ o + ( ρ 1 – ρ o )z z ∈ [ 0, 1 ] (16-5)

NSKP qÜÉ=eóÇêçëí~íáÅ=`çåÇáíáçå For the simple vertical problem the Darcy velocity is

NSKPKN bèìáäáÄêáìã= êÉèìáêÉãÉåíW= qÜÉ k xx ⎫

v x = – ------- ∂ x p
êÉèìáêÉãÉåí=çÑ=ÅçåëáëíÉåÅó μ ⎪

k yy ⎪
Consider the following hydrostatic situation12 for a v y = – ------- ∂ y p ⎬ (16-6)
μ ⎪
finite element as shown in Fig. 16.1. For simplicity, the k zz ⎪
interval Δz is [0,1]. v z = – ------ ( ∂ z p + ρg ) ⎪⎭
We assume the density ρ is varying linearly in the z-
direction of gravity, viz.,
ρ1 p1

vz ≠ 0

Δz = 1

vz = 0

vz ≠ 0
z density ρ pressure p

ρo po
Figure 16.1 Hydrostatic conditions in a finite element of length Δz = 1 under a linear density gra-
dient ρ = ρ o + ( ρ 1 – ρ o )z ; spurious vertical velocities v z caused by an inexact pressure

Under a hydrostatic equilibrium the velocity vector v For the above example (Fig. 16.1) with a vertical den-
is (must be) zero everywhere. This is termed as the sity gradient we have to require
requirement of consistency:
∂x p = ∂y p = 0 ; ∂ z p = – ρg ∂ z h = – ρ̃e z (16-8)
v ≡ 0; ∇p = ρg ∇h = – ρ̃e (16-7)


above. But, the pressure p (or alternatively the head h )

and the pressure p has to satisfy the following relation- is also approximated by a linear function in an element.
ship This is (in the example of Fig. 16.1)12

p → p̃ = p o + ( p 1 – p o )z z ∈ [ 0, 1 ] (16-13)
p = p ( z ) = – g ∫ ρ ( θ ) dθ (16-9)
Inserting (16-13) in the Darcy equation (16-2) or (16-6)
which yields and using the exact nodal values p o and
p 1 = p o – g ( ρ o + ρ 1 ) ⁄ 2 from (16-10) we get for the z-
ρ1 – ρo 2 component of the approximated velocity
p = p 0 – g ⎛ ρ o z + ----------------- z ⎞ (16-10)
⎝ 2 ⎠
k zz 1
v z = – ------ g ( ρ o – ρ 1 ) ⎛ --- – z⎞ z ∈ [ 0, 1 ] (16-14)
Similar expression can be derived for the hydraulic μ ⎝2 ⎠
head h :
It clearly indicates that the approximated velocity
only vanishes at the middle point (z = 1/2) while at the
h = h ( z ) = – e z ∫ ρ̃ ( θ ) dθ (16-11) other points artificial nonzero quantities occurs which
zo take maximum values with opposite signs at the left
and right point (cf. Fig. 16.1). Such spurious noncon-
ρ̃ 1 – ρ̃ o 2 sistent velocities can waste the computational results in
h = h 0 – e z ⎛ ρ̃ o z + ----------------- z ⎞ (16-12)
⎝ 2 ⎠ form of an overestimation of the mixing processes at
strong density coupling. In the advective terms of the
Equation (16-10) indicates that for a linear density ρ a governing transport equations (16-1) it will often not
quadratic shape of the pressure p is required to main- have a large effect, since the integration over elements
tain a hydrostatic equilibrium for all z in the interval. and the assembly of adjacent elements averages out the
nonconsistent velocities. However, if such spurious
velocities are used to evaluate the dispersion tensor at
NSKPKO qÜÉ= ~êíáÑ~ÅíW= péìêáçìë= åçåÅçåJ element level an artificial increase of hydrodynamic
dispersion (mixing) can result17.
çîÉêÅçãÉ The most important way to overcome the problem is
in reducing the spatial variability in the gravity term.
Typically, in a discretization algorithm the concen- Commonly, the gravity term is averaged in the appro-
tration C and/or the temperature T is linearly approxi- priate direction so as proposed by Voss20, Voss and
mated in a finite element. This leads to a corresponding Souza21 and Leijnse17. In the above example we have to
linear relationship for the density ρ as considered
NSK= `çåëáëíÉåí= îÉäçÅáíó= ~ééêçñáã~íáçå= áå= íÜÉ= ÑáåáíÉJÉäÉãÉåí= ëáãìä~íáçå= çÑ= ÇÉåëáíóJ
use now ρ = ( ρ o + ρ 1 ) ⁄ 2 and find with the exact nodal On other possibility is in averaging the nonconsis-
values p o and p 1 = p o – g ( ρ o + ρ 1 ) ⁄ 2 : tent velocities at nodal points by local or global projec-
tion (smoothing) techniques as mentioned above and
⎛ ⎞ thoroughly described in Appendix B. It smooths out the
k zz ⎜ ( ρo + ρ1 ) ⎟
v z = – -----
ρo + ρ1 )
- ⎜ p – g (---------------------
- – p o + g ---------------------- ⎟ = 0 (16-15) spurious velocities. Let us consider the following
μ⎜ o 2 2 ⎟
⎝ ⎠ examples as shown in Fig. 16.2, where a node k is con-

∂z p ρg
sidered which is shared by two elements.

which satisfies the equilibrium at all points.

case 1 case 2
ρ2 ρ2

v zz ≠ 0
nonconsistent velocities

k ρ1

density ρ density ρ

ρo ρo

Figure 16.2 Continuous nodal velocity by averaging (smoothing) nonconsistent

velocities for two cases of vertical density profiles.

The smoothing procedure for the nonconsistent veloc-

ity (16-14) leads to a velocity at the node k as If we can assume that the density ρ 1 at the node k is an
average of the upper and lower density values, i.e.,
k zz 1 ( ρ o + ρ 2 ) ρ 1 = ( ρ o + ρ 2 ) ⁄ 2 , then the nodal velocity (16-16)
v z = ------ g --- ---------------------- – ρ 1 (16-16)
μ 2 2 becomes consistent v z = 0 . Obviously, this is true (or


approximately true) for typical density profiles as tion applied to density-dependent mass and heat trans-
shown as case 1 in Fig. 16.2. However, if the density port problems.
profile is strongly variable over a short distance (e.g., a
saltwater-freshwater interface with a high density con-
trast) the nonconsistent velocities do not average out. NSKQ kÉï= cçêãìä~íáçå= çÑ= `çåJ
This can be seen for the case 2 in Fig. 16.2 at the node k ëáëíÉåí=sÉäçÅáíó
where an upgoing spurious velocity remains in order of

k zz 1 ( ρ o – ρ 1 )
NSKQKN qÜÉ= áãéêçîÉÇ= cêçäâçîáÅ= ~åÇ
v z = ------ g --- ----------------------
μ 2 2
(16-17) hå~ÄåÉê=~äÖçêáíÜã

Frolkovic8,9 and Knabner and Frolkovic12 proposed

and the consistency is not satisfied at the node under an new algorithm for approximating consistent veloci-
such conditions. ties in two- and three-dimensional finite elements.
We can summarize and conclude the following:
(1) Consistency is the requirement to a zero velocity NSKQKNKN qê~åëÑçêã~íáçåë=áå=äçÅ~ä=ÅççêÇáJ
under hydrostatic conditions for an arbitrary stable å~íÉë
density gradient. A consistent velocity approximation
satisfies the relationship (16-7) at the local evaluation The algorithm is described for affine and isopara-
points. metric families of elements, where the computations
are realized on generalized (local) coordinates
(2) Averaging of the gravity term for each element ( ξ, η, ζ ) . The mapping from the local coordinates
yields a consistent velocity approximation, however, ( ξ, η, ζ ) to the global ones ( x, y, z ) is given by
the accuracy in the spatial variability is reduced.

(3) Smoothing of nonconsistent velocities derived at x = x ( ξ, η, ζ ) = ∑ xm Nm ( ξ, η, ζ ) ⎪
the Gaussian evaluation points averages out spurious m ⎪

velocities in the most cases. However, if the density y = y ( ξ, η, ζ ) = ∑ y m N m ( ξ, η, ζ ) ⎪⎬ (16-18)
gradients become very large spurious velocities at local ⎪
points can remain. Accordingly, smoothing is a proce- ⎪
dure to derive continuous nodal velocities which are z = z ( ξ, η, ζ ) = ∑ z m N m ( ξ, η, ζ ) ⎪

often, but not always consistent in the sense of the m ⎭
statement (16-7).
where x m, y m, z m , m = 1, 2, … are the coordinates of
(4) There is a desire to a more general, accurate and the vertices (nodes m ) of the element and N m are the
robust procedure for a consistent velocity approxima-

NSK= `çåëáëíÉåí= îÉäçÅáíó= ~ééêçñáã~íáçå= áå= íÜÉ= ÑáåáíÉJÉäÉãÉåí= ëáãìä~íáçå= çÑ= ÇÉåëáíóJ
finite element shape functions. The mapping requires v = – Kf μ ⋅ J
⋅ ( ∇ ( ξ, η, ζ ) h + ρ̃J ⋅ e ) (16-22a)
that the transformation Jacobian J is nonsingular,
where J is given by or

v = – Kf μ ⋅ J ⋅ ( ∇ ( ξ, η, ζ ) h + ρ̃e ( ξ, η, ζ ) ) (16-22b)
⎧ ∂ξ ⎫ ∂ξ x ∂ξ y ∂ξ z
⎪ ⎪
J = ⎨ ∂ η ⎬{ x, y, z } = ∂ η x ∂ η y ∂ η z (16-19)
⎪ ⎪
⎩ ∂ζ ⎭ ∂ζ x ∂ζ y ∂ζ z NSKQKNKO =qÜÉ=åÉï=Ñçêãìä~íáçå
( xm ∂ξ Nm ) ( y m ∂ξ Nm ) ( zm ∂ξ Nm ) Introducing the following integral functions
= ∑ ( xm ∂η Nm ) ( ym ∂η Nm ) ( zm ∂η Nm )
( xm ∂ζ Nm ) ( ym ∂ζ Nm ) ( zm ∂ζ Nm ) ξ ⎫

H ξ = H ξ ( ξ, η , ζ ) =
ρ̃ ( θ , η , ζ )e ξ ( θ, η , ζ ) dθ ⎪

0 ⎪
Using the transformation we obtain η ⎪

H η = H η ( ξ, η, ζ ) = ∫ ρ̃ ( ξ, θ, ζ )e η ( ξ, θ, ζ ) dθ ⎬ (16-23)
⎧ ∂ξ N ⎫ ⎪
⎪ ⎪ 0 ⎪
∇ ( ξ, η, ζ ) N = ⎨ ∂ η N ⎬ = J ⋅ ∇N (16-20) ζ ⎪
⎪ ⎪ ⎪
⎩ ∂ζ N ⎭ H ζ = H ζ ( ξ, η, ζ ) = ∫ ρ̃ ( ξ, η, θ )e ζ ( ξ, η, θ ) dθ ⎪

0 ⎭
∇N = J ⋅ ∇ ( ξ, η, ζ ) N

for the derivatives and ⎧ ∂ξ Hξ ⎫

⎪ ⎪
⎨ ∂ η H η ⎬ = ρ̃e ( ξ, η, ζ ) (16-24)
⎧ eξ ⎫ ⎪ ⎪
⎪ ⎪ ⎩ ∂ζ Hζ ⎭
e ( ξ, η , ζ ) = ⎨ eη ⎬ = J ⋅ e e = J ⋅ e ( ξ, η, ζ ) (16-21)
⎪ ⎪
⎩ eζ ⎭ we can write the Darcy velocity (16-22b) in an equiva-
lent form
for the gravity vector, where J is the inverse Jaco-
bian. Using these relationships the equivalent formula-
tion of the Darcy velocity (16-2) in local coordinates is
given by


⎧ ∂ξ ( h + Hξ ) ⎫ ⎫
v = – Kf μ ⋅ J
–1 ⎪ ⎪
⋅ ⎨ ∂η ( h + Hη ) ⎬ (16-25)
h = ∑ h m N m ( ξ, η , ζ )

m ⎪
⎪ ⎪ ⎪
⎩ ∂ζ ( h + Hζ ) ⎭ H ξ = ∑ H ξm N m ( ξ, η, ζ ) ⎪⎪
m ⎪
⎬ (16-27)
These new integral functions H ξ, H η, H ζ allows us to
H η = ∑ H ηm N m ( ξ, η, ζ ) ⎪⎪
obtain the same spatial variability for both the head (h)-
m ⎪
term and the gravity term. ⎪
H ζ = ∑ H ζm N m ( ξ, η, ζ ) ⎪

The consistency of (16-25) in the definition of (16- m ⎭
7) can be proved. Assuming the gravity acts in the z -
direction, i.e., ρ̃ ( x, y, z ) = ρ̃ ( x o, y o, z ) we can write
and we obtain the velocity (16-25) in the discretized
ξ formulation
Hξ = ∫ ρ̃ ( xo, yo, z ( θ, η, ζ ) )eξ dθ (16-26)
⎧ ( h m + H ξm )∂ ξ N m ( ξ, η, ζ ) ⎫
0 –1 ⎪ ⎪
z ( ξ, η, ζ ) v = – Kf μ ⋅ J ⋅ ∑ ⎨ ( h m + H ηm )∂ η N m ( ξ, η, ζ ) ⎬ (16-28)
⎪ ⎪
= ez ∫ ρ̃ ( x o, y o, θ ) dθ m ( h + H )∂ N ( ξ, η, ζ )
⎩ m ζm ζ m ⎭

which represents a fully consistent approximation of

where ( x 0, y 0, z0 ) = ( x ( 0, 0, 0 ), y ( 0, 0, 0 ), z ( 0, 0, 0 ) ) and the Darcy velocities. We solve (16-28) for given heads
similarly for H η and H ζ . h and the values of the H ξ, H η, H ζ -functions at the
nodes m . The nodal quantities H ξm, H ηm, H ζm are
In the finite element method the functions dependent on the finite element types and will be eval-
h, H ξ, H η, H ζ are interpolated by their nodal basis func- uated next for linear elements in two and three dimen-
tions: sions. In doing this, the relative density ρ̃ in the gravity
term is interpolated according to

ρ̃ = ∑ ρ̃m Nm ( ξ, η, ζ ) (16-29)

where ρ̃ m are the density values at the node m . In

FEFLOW the following constitutive relationship is
used for the density ρ

NSK= `çåëáëíÉåí= îÉäçÅáíó= ~ééêçñáã~íáçå= áå= íÜÉ= ÑáåáíÉJÉäÉãÉåí= ëáãìä~íáçå= çÑ= ÇÉåëáíóJ
α α
ρ = ρ 0 1 + ------------------ ( C – C o ) – β ( T – T o ) (16-30) ρ̃ m = ------------------ ( C m – C o ) – β ( T m – T o ) (16-33)
Cs – Co Cs – Co

as a function of the concentration C and the tempera- in relation to the expansion (16-29).
ture T . Accordingly, the relative density ρ̃ (16-3) is
given by

ρ̃ = ------------------ ( C – C o ) – β ( T – T o ) (16-31)
Cs – Co NSKQKNKP =qÜÉ=åçÇ~ä=èì~åíáíáÉë=Hξm, Hηm, H ζm =
and the finite element expansion (16-29) can alterna-
tively be written as Linear triangular element in two dimensions
For a triangle we use the local coordinates as indicated
α in Fig. 16.3.
ρ̃ = ------------------ ∑ N m ( C m – C o ) – β ∑ N m ( T m – T o ) (16-32)
Cs – Co
m m


η N1 = 1 – ξ – η ∂ξ N 1 = – 1 ∂η N1 = –1
(0,1) N2 = ξ ∂ξ N 2 = 1 ∂η N2 = 0
N3 = η ∂ξ N 3 = 0 ∂η N3 = 1

1 2

(0,0) (1,0) ξ

Figure 16.3 Local coordinates, shape functions and local derivatives for the
linear triangular element.

The Jacobian J (16-19) appears independent of the

local coordinates ( ξ, η ) and the gravity ( e ξ, e η ) in
the local coordinates from (16-21) is a constant vector.
Accordingly, we can write


ξ ξ
⎧ ∂ξ Hξ ⎫
Hξ = ∫ ρ̃ ( θ, η )eξ ( θ, η ) dθ = e ξ ∫ ρ̃ ( θ, η ) dθ
ρ̃e ( ξ, η ) = ⎨ ⎬
0 0 ⎩ ∂η Hη ⎭
ξ 3
⎛ ⎞ ⎧ ∂ ξ N 1 H ξ1 + ∂ ξ N 2 H ξ2 + ∂ ξ N 3 H ξ3 ⎫
= e ξ ∫ ⎜⎜ ∑ N m ( θ, η )ρ̃ m⎟⎟ dθ = ⎨ ⎬ (16-36)
⎩ ∂ η N 1 H η1 + ∂ η N 2 H η2 + ∂ η N 3 H η3 ⎭
0 ⎝m = 1 ⎠ (16-34)
ξ 1 ⎧ e ξ ( ρ̃ 1 + ρ̃ 2 ) ⎫
= --- ⎨
= e ξ ∫ [ ( 1 – θ – η )ρ̃ 1 + θρ̃ 2 + ηρ̃ 3 ] dθ 2 ⎩ e ( ρ̃ + ρ̃ ) ⎬⎭
η 1 3
2 2
ξ ξ
= e ξ ⎛ ξ – ----- – ξη⎞ ρ̃ 1 + ----- ρ̃ 2 + ξηρ̃ 3 representing a consistent approximation in which the
⎝ 2 ⎠ 2
density is appropriately averaged in the gravitational
and similarly for H η . From the integrals we find the
nodal values for H ξ and H η as

H ξ ( 0, 0 ) = H ξ1 = 0 ⎫

1--- ⎪
H ξ ( 1, 0 ) = H ξ2 = e ξ ( ρ̃ 1 + ρ̃ 2 ) ⎬ (16-35a)
2 ⎪
H ξ ( 0, 1 ) = H ξ3 = 0 ⎪

H η ( 0, 0 ) = H η1 = 0 ⎫

H η ( 1, 0 ) = H η2 = 0 ⎪
⎬ (16-35b)
1 ⎪
H η ( 0, 1 ) = H η3 = --- e η ( ρ̃ 1 + ρ̃ 3 ) ⎪
2 ⎭

Now we can express the gravity term (16-24) in local

coordinates as

NSK= `çåëáëíÉåí= îÉäçÅáíó= ~ééêçñáã~íáçå= áå= íÜÉ= ÑáåáíÉJÉäÉãÉåí= ëáãìä~íáçå= çÑ= ÇÉåëáíóJ

η 1 1
(-1,1) (1,1) 1 ∂ ξ N 1 = – --- ( 1 – η ) ∂ η N 1 = – --- ( 1 – ξ )
N 1 = --- ( 1 – ξ ) ( 1 – η )
3 4 4 4
1 1 1
N 2 = --- ( 1 + ξ ) ( 1 – η ) ∂ ξ N 2 = --- ( 1 – η ) ∂ η N 2 = – --- ( 1 + ξ )
4 4 4
ξ 1
N 3 = --- ( 1 + ξ ) ( 1 + η )
∂ ξ N 3 = --- ( 1 + η )
∂ η N 3 = --- ( 1 + ξ )
1 2 4 4 4
1 1 1
(-1,-1) (1,-1) N 4 = --- ( 1 – ξ ) ( 1 + η ) ∂ ξ N 4 = – --- ( 1 + η ) ∂ η N 4 = --- ( 1 – ξ )
4 4 4

Figure 16.4 Local coordinates, shape functions and local derivatives for the linear quadrilateral

Linear quadrilateral element in two dimensions 1

H η ( – 1, – 1 ) = H η1 = – --- e η ( – 1 ) ( 3ρ̃ 1 + ρ̃ 4 ) ⎫
4 ⎪
The local coordinates, the related shape functions and ⎪
the local derivatives are shown in Fig. 16.4 for the lin- H η ( 1, – 1 ) = H η2 = – --- e η ( 1 ) ( 3ρ̃ 2 + ρ̃ 3 ) ⎪
4 ⎪
ear quadrilateral element. While for this element the ⎬ (16-38b)
H η ( 1, 1 ) = H η3 = e η ( 1 ) ( ρ̃ 2 + 3ρ̃ 3 ) ⎪
Jacobian J (16-19) is in general space-dependent, the 4 ⎪

H η ( – 1, 1 ) = H η4 = --- e η ( – 1 ) ( ρ̃ 1 + 3ρ̃ 4 ) ⎪⎭
gravity vector (16-21) in local coordinates takes the 1
special form
The gravity term (16-24) written in local coordinates
⎧ eξ ⎫ ⎧ eξ ( η ) ⎫
⎨ ⎬ = ⎨ ⎬ (16-37) yields
⎩ eη ⎭ ⎩ eη ( ξ ) ⎭
⎧ ∂ξ Hξ ⎫
ρ̃e ( ξ, η ) = ⎨ ⎬
Similarly to the above triangular element, we can com- ⎩ ∂η Hη ⎭

pute the integral functions H ξ, H η at the corner nodes ⎧ ∂ ξ N 1 H ξ1 + ∂ ξ N 2 H ξ2 + ∂ ξ N 3 H ξ3 + ∂ ξ N 4 H ξ4 ⎫

= ⎨ ⎬ (16-39)
m for the linear quadrilateral element as ⎩ ∂ η N 1 H η1 + ∂ η N 2 H η2 + ∂ η N 3 H η3 + ∂ η N 4 H η4 ⎭

1 ⎧ e ξ ( – 1 ) ( 1 – η ) ( ρ̃ 1 + ρ̃ 2 ) + e ξ ( 1 ) ( 1 + η ) ( ρ̃ 3 + ρ̃ 4 ) ⎫
1 = --- ⎨
H ξ ( – 1, – 1 ) = H ξ1 = – --- e ξ ( – 1 ) ( 3ρ̃ 1 + ρ̃ 2 ) ⎫ 4 ⎩ e ( – 1 ) ( 1 – ξ ) ( ρ̃ + ρ̃ ) + e ( 1 ) ( 1 + ξ ) ( ρ̃ + ρ̃ ) ⎬⎭
4 ⎪ η 1 4 η 2 3

1 ⎪
H ξ ( 1, – 1 ) = H ξ2 = e ξ ( – 1 ) ( ρ̃ 1 + 3ρ̃ 2 ) ⎪
4 ⎪
⎬ (16-38a) For the linear quadrilateral element the consistent
H ξ ( 1, 1 ) = H ξ3 = --- e ξ ( 1 ) ( 3ρ̃ 3 + ρ̃ 4 ) ⎪
4 ⎪ approximation (16-39) can be in recognized as the con-

H ξ ( – 1, 1 ) = H ξ4 = – --- e ξ ( 1 ) ( ρ̃ 3 + 3ρ̃ 4 ) ⎪⎭
1 sistent formulation previously introduced by Voss20,
where the gravity term is averaged in a directional


manner, so for instance

1 ⎧ e ξ ( 1 ) ( ρ̃ 3 + ρ̃ 4 ) ⎫
ρ̃e ( ξ = 1, η = 1 ) = --- ⎨ (16-40)
2 ⎩ e ( 1 ) ( ρ̃ + ρ̃ ) ⎬⎭
η 2 3

1 1 1 1
N 1 = --- ( 1 – ξ – η ) ( 1 + ζ ) ∂ ξ N 1 = – --- ( 1 + ζ ) ∂ η N 1 = – --- ( 1 + ζ ) ∂ ζ N 1 = --- ( 1 – ξ – η )
ζ 2 2 2 2
1 1 ∂η N2 = 0 1
N 2 = --- ξ ( 1 + ζ ) ∂ ξ N 2 = --- ( 1 + ζ ) ∂ ζ N 2 = --- ξ
3 2 2 2
1 η 2
N 3 = --- η ( 1 + ζ ) ∂ξ N3 = 0 ∂ η N 3 = --- ( 1 + ζ )
2 1
∂ ζ N 3 = --- η
(1,0,1) 2 2
1 1
1 ∂ ξ N 4 = – --- ( 1 – ζ ) ∂ η N 4 = – --- ( 1 – ζ ) 1
(0,1,-1) N 4 = --- ( 1 – ξ – η ) ( 1 – ζ ) 2 2 ∂ ζ N 4 = – --- ( 1 – ξ – η )
2 2
6 1 ∂η N5 = 0
ξ 1 ∂ ξ N 5 = --- ( 1 – ζ ) 1
4 N 5 = --- ξ ( 1 – ζ ) 2
1 ∂ ζ N 5 = – --- ξ
(0,0,-1) 5 2 ∂ η N 6 = --- ( 1 – ζ ) 2
(1,0,-1) ∂ξ N6 = 0 2
1 1
N 6 = --- η ( 1 – ζ ) ∂ ζ N 6 = – --- η
2 2

Figure 16.5 Local coordinates, shape functions and local derivatives for the linear pentahedral element.

H ξ ( 0, 0, 1 ) = H ξ1 = 0 ⎫
Linear pentahedral (triangular prismatic) element 1 ⎪
H ξ ( 1, 0, 1 ) = H ξ2 = --- e ξ ( 1 ) ( ρ̃ 1 + ρ̃ 2 ) ⎪
in three dimensions 2 ⎪

H ξ ( 0, 1, 1 ) = H ξ3 = 0 ⎪
The pentahedral element and its local functions are ⎬ (16-42a)
H ξ ( 0, 0, – 1 ) = H ξ4 = 0 ⎪
shown in Fig. 16.5. Specifying the Jacobian J (16-19) ⎪
the gravity vector (16-21) is in local coordinates H ξ ( 1, 0, – 1 ) = H ξ5 = --- e ξ ( – 1 ) ( ρ̃ 4 + ρ̃ 5 ) ⎪
2 ⎪

H ξ ( 0, 1, – 1 ) = H ξ6 = 0 ⎭
⎧ eξ ⎫ ⎧ eξ ( ζ ) ⎫
⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ H η ( 0, 0, 1 ) = H η1 = 0
⎨ eη ⎬ = ⎨ eη ( ζ ) ⎬ (16-41) ⎫

⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ H η ( 1, 0, 1 ) = H η2 = 0 ⎪
⎩ eζ ⎭ ⎩ e ζ ( ξ, η ) ⎭ 1 ⎪
H η ( 0, 1, 1 ) = H η3 = --- e η ( 1 ) ( ρ̃ 1 + ρ̃ 3 ) ⎪
2 ⎪
⎬ (16-42b)
H η ( 0, 0, – 1 ) = H η4 = 0 ⎪
The integral functions H ξ, H η, H ζ at the corner nodes H η ( 1, 0, – 1 ) = H η5 = 0

m for the linear pentahedral element are then ⎪
--- e η ( – 1 ) ( ρ̃ 4 + ρ̃ 6 ) ⎪
H η ( 0, 1, – 1 ) = H η6 =
2 ⎭

NSK= `çåëáëíÉåí= îÉäçÅáíó= ~ééêçñáã~íáçå= áå= íÜÉ= ÑáåáíÉJÉäÉãÉåí= ëáãìä~íáçå= çÑ= ÇÉåëáíóJ
1 ⎫
H ζ ( 0, 0, 1 ) = H ζ1 = --- e ζ ( 0, 0 ) ( 3ρ̃ 1 + ρ̃ 4 ) ⎪
4 ⎪
1 ⎪
H ζ ( 1, 0, 1 ) = H ζ2 = --- e ζ ( 1, 0 ) ( 3ρ̃ 2 + ρ̃ 5 ) ⎪
4 ⎪
1 ⎪
H ζ ( 0, 1, 1 ) = H ζ3 = --- e ζ ( 0, 1 ) ( 3ρ̃ 3 + ρ̃ 6 ) ⎪
4 ⎪
⎬ (16-42c)
H ζ ( 0, 0, – 1 ) = H ζ4 = – --- e ζ ( 0, 0 ) ( ρ̃ 1 + 3ρ̃ 4 ) ⎪
4 ⎪

H ζ ( 1, 0, – 1 ) = H ζ5 = – e ζ ( 1, 0 ) ( ρ̃ 2 + 3ρ̃ 5 ) ⎪⎪

1 ⎪
H ζ ( 0, 1, – 1 ) = H ζ6 = – --- e ζ ( 0, 1 ) ( ρ̃ 3 + 3ρ̃ 6 ) ⎪
4 ⎭

1 1 1 1
N 1 = --- ( 1 – ξ ) ( 1 – η ) ( 1 + ζ ) ∂ ξ N 1 = – --- ( 1 – η ) ( 1 + ζ ) ∂ η N 1 = – --- ( 1 – ξ ) ( 1 + ζ ) ∂ ζ N 1 = --- ( 1 – ξ ) ( 1 – η )
8 8 8 8
ζ 1
N 2 = --- ( 1 + ξ ) ( 1 – η ) ( 1 + ζ )
∂ ξ N 2 = --- ( 1 – η ) ( 1 + ζ )
∂ η N 2 = – --- ( 1 + ξ ) ( 1 + ζ )
∂ ζ N 2 = --- ( 1 + ξ ) ( 1 – η )
(-1,-1,1) (-1,1,1) 8 8 8 8
1 4 1 1 1 1
(1,1,1) N 3 = --- ( 1 + ξ ) ( 1 + η ) ( 1 + ζ ) ∂ ξ N 3 = --- ( 1 + η ) ( 1 + ζ ) ∂ η N 3 = --- ( 1 + ξ ) ( 1 + ζ ) ∂ ζ N 3 = --- ( 1 + ξ ) ( 1 + η )
8 8 8 8
2 3
(1,-1,1) 1 1 1 1
N 4 = --- ( 1 – ξ ) ( 1 + η ) ( 1 + ζ ) ∂ ξ N 4 = – --- ( 1 + η ) ( 1 + ζ ) ∂ η N 4 = --- ( 1 – ξ ) ( 1 + ζ ) ∂ ζ N 4 = --- ( 1 – ξ ) ( 1 + η )
η 8 8 8 8
1 1 1 1
5 8 ξ N 5 = --- ( 1 – ξ ) ( 1 – η ) ( 1 – ζ )
∂ ξ N 5 = – --- ( 1 – η ) ( 1 – ζ )
∂ η N 5 = – --- ( 1 – ξ ) ( 1 – ζ )
∂ ζ N 5 = – --- ( 1 – ξ ) ( 1 – η )
(-1,-1,-1) (-1,1,-1)
6 7 1 1 1 1
N 6 = --- ( 1 + ξ ) ( 1 – η ) ( 1 – ζ ) ∂ ξ N 6 = --- ( 1 – η ) ( 1 – ζ ) ∂ η N 6 = – --- ( 1 + ξ ) ( 1 – ζ ) ∂ ζ N 6 = – --- ( 1 + ξ ) ( 1 – η )
(1,-1,-1) 8 8 8 8
1 1 1 1
N 7 = --- ( 1 + ξ ) ( 1 + η ) ( 1 – ζ ) ∂ ξ N 7 = --- ( 1 + η ) ( 1 – ζ ) ∂ η N 7 = --- ( 1 + ξ ) ( 1 – ζ ) ∂ ζ N 7 = – --- ( 1 + ξ ) ( 1 + η )
8 8 8 8
1 1 1 1
N 8 = --- ( 1 – ξ ) ( 1 + η ) ( 1 – ζ ) ∂ ξ N 8 = – --- ( 1 + η ) ( 1 – ζ ) ∂ η N 8 = --- ( 1 – ξ ) ( 1 – ζ ) ∂ ζ N 8 = – --- ( 1 – ξ ) ( 1 + η )
8 8 8 8

Figure 16.6 Local coordinates, shape functions and local derivatives for the linear hexahedral element.

⎧ eξ ⎫ ⎧ e ξ ( η, ζ ) ⎫
⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪
Linear hexahedral (brick) element in three dimen- ⎨ e η ⎬ = ⎨ e η ( ξ, ζ ) ⎬ (16-43)
⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪
sions ⎩ eζ ⎭ ⎩ e ζ ( ξ, η ) ⎭
The hexahedral element and its local functions are dis-
played in Fig. 16.6. The integral functions H ξ, Hη, Hζ at the corner nodes
The gravity vector (16-21) for this element is in local m for the linear hexahedral element can be derived as


1 ⎫ 1 ⎫
H ξ ( – 1, – 1, 1 ) = H ξ1 = – --- e ξ ( – 1, 1 ) ( 3ρ̃ 1 + ρ̃ 2 ) ⎪ H ζ ( – 1, – 1, 1 ) = H ζ1 = --- e ζ ( – 1, – 1 ) ( 3ρ̃ 1 + ρ̃ 5 ) ⎪
4 ⎪ 4 ⎪
1 ⎪ 1 ⎪
H ξ ( 1, – 1, 1 ) = H ξ2 = --- e ξ ( – 1, 1 ) ( ρ̃ 1 + 3ρ̃ 2 ) ⎪ H ζ ( 1, – 1, 1 ) = H ζ2 = --- e ζ ( 1, – 1 ) ( 3ρ̃ 2 + ρ̃ 6 ) ⎪
4 ⎪ 4 ⎪
1 ⎪ 1 ⎪
H ξ ( 1, 1, 1 ) = H ξ3 = --- e ξ ( 1, 1 ) ( 3ρ̃ 3 + ρ̃ 4 ) ⎪ H ζ ( 1, 1, 1 ) = H ζ3 = --- e ζ ( 1, 1 ) ( 3ρ̃ 3 + ρ̃ 7 ) ⎪
4 ⎪ 4 ⎪
1 ⎪ 1 ⎪
H ξ ( – 1, 1, 1 ) = H ξ4 = – e ξ ( 1, 1 ) ( ρ̃ 3 + 3ρ̃ 4 ) ⎪
- H ζ ( – 1, 1, 1 ) = H ζ4 = e ζ ( – 1, 1 ) ( 3ρ̃ 4 + ρ̃ 8 ) ⎪
4 ⎪ 4 ⎪
⎬ (16-44a) ⎬ (16-44c)
1 1
H ξ ( – 1, – 1, – 1 ) = H ξ5 = – --- e ξ ( – 1, – 1 ) ( 3ρ̃ 5 + ρ̃ 6 ) ⎪ H ζ ( – 1, – 1, – 1 ) = H ζ5 = – --- e ζ ( – 1, – 1 ) ( ρ̃ 1 + 3ρ̃ 5 ) ⎪
4 ⎪ 4 ⎪
⎪ ⎪
H ξ ( 1, – 1, – 1 ) = H ξ6 = --- e ξ ( – 1, – 1 ) ( ρ̃ 5 + 3ρ̃ 6 ) ⎪⎪ H ζ ( 1, – 1, – 1 ) = H ζ6 = – --- e ζ ( 1, – 1 ) ( ρ̃ 2 + 3ρ̃ 6 ) ⎪⎪
1 1
4 4
⎪ ⎪
1 ⎪ 1 ⎪
H ξ ( 1, 1, – 1 ) = H ξ7 = --- e ξ ( 1, – 1 ) ( 3ρ̃ 7 + ρ̃ 8 ) ⎪ H ζ ( 1, 1, – 1 ) = H ζ7 = – --- e ζ ( 1, 1 ) ( ρ̃ 3 + 3ρ̃ 7 ) ⎪
4 ⎪ 4 ⎪
1 ⎪ 1 ⎪
H ξ ( – 1, 1, – 1 ) = H ξ8 = – --- e ξ ( 1, – 1 ) ( ρ̃ 7 + 3ρ̃ 8 ) ⎪ H ζ ( – 1, 1, – 1 ) = H ζ8 = – --- e ζ ( – 1, 1 ) ( ρ̃ 4 + 3ρ̃ 8 ) ⎪
4 ⎭ 4 ⎭

For the hexahedral (brick) element the consistent for-

H η ( – 1, – 1, 1 ) = H η1
= – --- e η ( – 1, 1 ) ( 3ρ̃ 1 + ρ̃ 4 ) ⎪
⎫ mulation of the gravity term in form of the integral
4 ⎪ functions H ξ, H η, H ζ (cf. (16-44a), (16-44b) and (16-
1 ⎪
H η ( 1, – 1, 1 ) = H η2 = – --- e η ( 1, 1 ) ( 3ρ̃ 2 + ρ̃ 3 ) ⎪
44c), respectively), is equivalent to the formulation

1 ⎪ given by Leijnse17. This should be exemplified for the
H η ( 1, 1, 1 ) = H η3 = --- e η ( 1, 1 ) ( ρ̃ 2 + 3ρ̃ 3 ) ⎪
4 ⎪ ρ̃e ξ -component of the gravity term:
1--- ⎪
H η ( – 1, 1, 1 ) = H η4 = e η ( – 1, 1 ) ( ρ̃ 1 + 3ρ̃ 4 ) ⎪
4 ⎪
⎬ (16-44b) ⎫
1 8
H η ( – 1, – 1, – 1 ) = H η5 = – --- e η ( – 1, – 1 ) ( 3ρ̃ 5 + ρ̃ 8 ) ⎪ 1

⎪ = --- [ e ξ ( – 1, 1 ) ( 1 – η ) ( 1 + ζ ) ( ρ̃ 1 + ρ̃ 2 ) + ⎪⎪
⎪ ρ̃e ξ = ∑ ∂ξ Nm Hξm 8
= – e η ( 1, – 1 ) ( 3ρ̃ 6 + ρ̃ 7 ) ⎪⎪ ⎪
H η ( 1, – 1, – 1 ) = H η6 m=1
⎬ (16-45)
4 + e ξ ( 1, 1 ) ( 1 + η ) ( 1 + ζ ) ( ρ̃ 3 + ρ̃ 4 ) +
⎪ ⎪
1 ⎪ + e ξ ( – 1, – 1 ) ( 1 – η ) ( 1 – ζ ) ( ρ̃ 5 + ρ̃ 6 ) + ⎪⎪
H η ( 1, 1, – 1 ) = H η7 = --- e η ( 1, – 1 ) ( ρ̃ 6 + 3ρ̃ 7 ) ⎪
4 ⎪ ⎪
1 ⎪ + e ξ ( 1, – 1 ) ( 1 + η ) ( 1 – ζ ) ( ρ̃ 7 + ρ̃ 8 ) ] ⎭
H η ( – 1, 1, – 1 ) = H η8 = --- e η ( – 1, – 1 ) ( ρ̃ 5 + 3ρ̃ 8 ) ⎪
4 ⎭

NSKQKO `çåíáåìçìë= ÅçåëáëíÉåí= îÉäçÅáJ


The computation of the consistent velocities (16-28)

is performed elementwise in a standard manner, i.e.,

NSK= `çåëáëíÉåí= îÉäçÅáíó= ~ééêçñáã~íáçå= áå= íÜÉ= ÑáåáíÉJÉäÉãÉåí= ëáãìä~íáçå= çÑ= ÇÉåëáíóJ
⎧ ( h m + H ξm )∂ N m ( ξ ep, η ep, ζ ep ) ⎫ NSKR bñ~ãéäÉë
⎪ ξ ⎪
e e e –1 ⎪ e e e ⎪
v p = – K f μ ⋅ J ⋅ ∑ ⎨ ( h m + H ηm )∂ η N m ( ξ p, η p, ζ p ) ⎬ (16-46) NSKRKN eóÇêçëí~íáÅ= ÅçåÇáíáçå= áå= ~
⎪ ⎪
⎪ ( h + H )∂ N ( ξ e , η e , ζ e ) ⎪ ÅäçëÉÇ=éçêçìë=Äçñ
⎩ m ζm ζ m p p p ⎭

Let us consider a rectangular closed domain as

by using (16-21) shown in Fig. 16.7. At initial time a stable saltwater
layer with a salinity (concentration) of C = Cs exists
e ( ξ, η, ζ ) = J ⋅ e (16-47) below freshwater with C = C0 = 0 separated by a hor-
izontal sharp interface in the middle of the domain. The
domain is impervious with respect to both the flow and
for the local gravity component in evaluating the nodal
the mass transport. The fluid density contrast α
integral functions H ξm, Hηm, Hζm according to (16-
defined by
35a)-(16-35b), (16-38a)-(16-38b), (16-42a)-(16-42c)
and (16-44a)-(16-44c). In (16-47) and (16-46) the Jaco- ρs – ρo
bian J and the global derivatives α = ----------------- with ρ s = ρ ( C s ), ρ o = ρ ( C o ) (16-48)
–1 ρo
∇ ( . ) = J ⋅ ∇ ( ξ, η, ζ ) ( . ) are evaluated at the Gauss
points p for each element e .
amounts to a value of 0.03.
The element-by-element technique (16-46) leads
naturally to a consistent velocity field, which is in gen-
eral discontinuous at the nodes m . To obtain continu-
ous velocities a local smoothing technique such as
described in the Appendix B can be easily applied.
Obviously, the smoothing procedure has no effect on
the consistency of the velocity. Since the velocities
v p → m for each element e are always consistent at the
node m an element-patch-averaged velocity
v m = ∑ v m ⁄ n p must be consistent too.


the density effect. Accordingly, we have to compare the

results of the saltwater interface spreading for the case
without density coupling against the cases, where den-
sity effects are included. As a reference solution we
compute the problem for α ≡ 0 based on a fine tempo-
g ral and spatial discretization.
We simulated the density-dependent problem for quad-
–4 –1
K = 10 ms rilateral and triangular meshes both in two and three
C = Co = 0
dimensions by using the different velocity approxima-
tions. The findings are practically the same to that
z depicted in Fig. 16.8 for the two-dimensional quadrilat-
y eral elements.
40 m

initial saltwater interface

The new formulation for the consistent velocity
α = 0.03
approximation by the Frolkovic-Knabner method
C = Cs agrees very well with the reference solution. We tested
–8 2 –1 both without dispersion ( β L = β T = 0 ) and with dis-
D d = 10 m s
20 m

persion effects ( βL = 5m, βT = 0.5m ). The results are

ε = 0.3
identical. In contrast, the old formulation which is
based on a locally smoothed nonconsistent velocity
approximation gives erroneous results in form of a
smeared density profile depart from the reference solu-
tion. Expectedly, this effects increases if dispersion
( β L = 5m, β T = 0.5m ) is taken into account.
20 m
It is obvious the old formulation computes spurious
Figure 16.7 Cross-sectional view of the initially strat- local velocities at the interface nodes which lead to an
ified saltwater below freshwater problem in a closed
artificially increased spreading of the salinity which
porous box.
has an effect similar to numerical dispersion. It
becomes clear if we magnify the local velocities of the
The problem is hydrostatic over all times and the interface node at beginning of the simulation as illus-
fluid motion within the box should be zero or, in the trated in Fig. 16.9. The old formulation gives spurious
numerical sense, negligibly small. Due to the molecu- velocities at the local points of the interface in the order
–2 –1
lar diffusion D d the saltwater mixes and the initially of about 10 md , while outside the interface the
sharp saltwater interface (narrow transition zone) nodal velocities are very small in order of only
–7 –1
spreads in time. This process must be independent of 10 md . In contrast, the velocities for the new for-

NSK= `çåëáëíÉåí= îÉäçÅáíó= ~ééêçñáã~íáçå= áå= íÜÉ= ÑáåáíÉJÉäÉãÉåí= ëáãìä~íáçå= çÑ= ÇÉåëáíóJ
mulation remain generally small in all points of the type of problem.
–7 –1
domain in the order of about 10 md , which repre-
sents the numerical noise in the velocity field for this



relative densityρ̃


reference solution
(no density coupling, α = 0)
new formulation
(without and with dispersion)
0.2 old formulation without
old formulation with

20 10 0 -10 -20
z [m]

Figure 16.8 Computed density profiles ρ̃ ( x, z ), x = 10m, 20m ≤ z ≤ -20m at time t = 10 days
for different solutions using quadrilateral elements: Reference solution is obtained without density
effects for a fine vertical mesh; the other solutions are simulated on an uniform 32x64 mesh of
quadrilateral elements: new formulation represents the Frolkovic-Knabner algorithm for consis-
tent velocities combined with local smoothing, old formulation is the local smoothing of the basi-
cally nonconsistent velocities.


old formulation new formulation

Figure 16.9 Local velocities at the saltwater interface computed by the old versus the new formulation.

300 m
NSKRKO qÜÉ=bäÇÉê=éêçÄäÉã=êÉîáëáíÉÇ C = Cs

d = 150 m
The Elder problem describes a free convection pro- symmetric half
model domain
cess in a vertical cross-section which is extensively z
studied in past by various authors in using different C = Co x
numerical methods1,5,6,10,11,21. It is defined in Fig. 16.10
with respect to a saline problem type so as basically 600 m
proposed by Voss and Souza21.
Figure 16.10 Definition of the two-dimensional Elder prob-
lem and the used symmetric half model domain.

The Elder problem is studied for a (solutal) Rayleigh

NSK= `çåëáëíÉåí= îÉäçÅáíó= ~ééêçñáã~íáçå= áå= íÜÉ= ÑáåáíÉJÉäÉãÉåí= ëáãìä~íáçå= çÑ= ÇÉåëáíóJ
number Ra = 400, where Ra is defined as
old formulation new formulation

α⋅K⋅d t = 2.5y
Ra = ------------------- (16-49)
ε ⋅ Dd

(for more details see for instance6,14).

Recently, Frolkovic and De Schepper10 presented

new results for the Elder problem. They achieved grid
convergence by a systematical refinement of the mesh t = 5y
for the symmetric half of the domain (Fig. 16.10) using
a grid level l in the range of 4 to 8. For an uniform dis-
cretization by quadrilateral elements the number of ele-
ments of the half domain is given by

ne = 2 ⋅ 4 (16-50)

Frolkovic and De Schepper’s findings have been con- t = 10y

firmed by FEFLOW computations, however, based on

the old formulation of the velocity approximation,
where grid levels between 4 and 9 were applied. Now,
it is interesting to see the effect of the new formulation
of the consistent velocity approximation on these
results. A comparison between the two formulations is
shown in Fig. 16.11 for the Elder problem at a grid
t = 20y
level l = 7 . As seen there are only slight differences in
the salinity and streamline patterns which have practi-
cally no effect on the history of the cellular convection
process. This means the numerical quality of the veloc-
ity field for the old and the new formulation is effi-
ciently the same for a problem where the density
contrast (say Rayleigh number Ra) is moderate.
Figure 16.11 Old versus new formulation of the velocity
approximation for the Elder problem at grid level l = 7 :
salinities (0.2, 0.4, 0.6 and 0.8 isolines) and streamline pat-
terns for different times t .


outflow Q

NSKRKP qÜÉ=ë~äíéççä=éêçÄäÉã inflow -Q a


The saltpool problem has been introduced by a

Oswald18. It represents a three-dimensional saltwater a

H = 0.2 m
upconing process in a cubic laboratory box under the ρo

H1 = 0.14 m
influence on density and hydrodynamic dispersion. A
stable layering of saltwater below freshwater is consid-
ered in time for two cases of density: (1) low density of
1% mass fraction and (2) high density of 10% mass

H2 = 0.06 m
fraction. The problem is defined in Fig. 16.12 and the saltwater ρs
parameters are listed in Tab. 16.1. A cube of side length 0.2
0.2 m is filled with a homogeneous porous medium of
porosity ε . At initial time saltwater is layered below B = 0.2 m

freshwater forming a horizontal narrow transition zone. Figure 16.12 Definition of the saltpool problem.
The cubic box is recharged with freshwater through a
single inflow hole at a constant rate Q . Through the
outflow hole water discharges with a variable salinity. The saltpool problem has been modeled by various
An important outcome of the laboratory experiments authors2,16,19 with different success. The best agree-
are the breakthrough curves of salinity at the outflow ments with the measurements have been recently
hole. It is a challenging task2 to model these break- achieved by Johannsen et al.16, who used the above
through behavior. new formulation for the consistent velocity approxima-
tion in the d3f code, and additionally, however, adjusted
The problem is difficult caused by very small dis- some parameters within accepted bounds. It was shown
persivities β L, β T and a high density contrast particu- that very fine meshes (up to about 17 million nodal
larly for the high density case with a 10% mass fraction points) are required to model the high density case with
of saltwater. Salinity-dependent viscosity effects4 have a sufficient accuracy. A hierarchy of regular meshes
to be taken into account too. The mixing concentration consisting of hexahedral elements up to grid level
at the outflow is measured at a small magnitude l = 8 has been studied, where the number of elements
1 1 is
amounting in the order to --------
- and ------------ related to maxi-
mum salinity C s for the low and the high density case,
respectively. ne = 8 (16-51)

In the present simulation we employ meshes of only

moderate sizes as listed in Tab. 16.2. Both a structured
NSK= `çåëáëíÉåí= îÉäçÅáíó= ~ééêçñáã~íáçå= áå= íÜÉ= ÑáåáíÉJÉäÉãÉåí= ëáãìä~íáçå= çÑ= ÇÉåëáíóJ
mesh of hexahedral elements with a grid level of 6 and trapezoid rule with adaptive time stepping and one-step
an unstructured mesh of pentahedral elements for only Newton are applied, that means the numerical results
the symmetric half which is partially refined at the out- will be second order accurate both spatially and tempo-
let are simulated. For the computations the Galerkin- rarily.
FEM without any upwind and the Adams-Bashforth/
Table 16.1 Parameters of the saltpool problem

quantity symbol low density high density unit

cell height H 0.2 m

cell width B 0.2 m
cell depth D 0.2 m
opening width a 10 m
initial freshwater height H1 0.14 m
initial saltwater height H2 0.06 m

kρ o g –4 –1
hydraulic conductivity K = ------------ 97.73 ⋅ 10 ms

ρs – ρo –4 –4
solute expansion coefficient (relative α = ----------------- 76.0 ⋅ 10 735.0 ⋅ 10 1
density difference)
–9 2 –1
diffusion coefficient Dd 1.0 ⋅ 10 m s
longitudinal dispersivity βL 1.2 ⋅ 10 m
transverse dispersivity βT 1.2 ⋅ 10 m
porosity ε 0.372 1
fluid compressibility So 0.0 m
–6 –6 3 –1
inflow/outflow rate Q 1.89 ⋅ 10 1.83 ⋅ 10 m s
3 –1
0.163296 0.158112 m d
variable fluid viscosity4 μ = μ o ( 1 + 1.85ω – 4.1ω + 44.5ω )
2 3

ω = C ⁄ ρ o mass fraction


Table 16.2 Used meshes for the saltpool problem

type view close-up at the outlet mesh characteristic

regular mesh, hexahedral elements,

2D-view, level l = 6 nea = 262,144
npb = 274,625
A h c c = 3.125 mm
h d d = 3.125 mm
h z e = 3.125 mm


NSK= `çåëáëíÉåí= îÉäçÅáíó= ~ééêçñáã~íáçå= áå= íÜÉ= ÑáåáíÉJÉäÉãÉåí= ëáãìä~íáçå= çÑ= ÇÉåëáíóJ
Table 16.2 Used meshes for the saltpool problem (continued)

type view close-up at the outlet mesh characteristic

Irregular mesh, pentahedral elements,

2D-view, symmetric half ne = 262,912
np = 140,010
B h c = 3.125 mm
h d = 0.552 mm
h z = 3.125 mm


a. total number of elements

b. total number of nodes
c. characteristic horizontal element length in the central region
d. characteristic horizontal element length at outflow/inflow boundaries
e. characteristic vertical element length

The old formulation of the velocity approximation mation of more than 20 times with respect to the exper-
(local smoothing of nonconsistent velocities) com- imental salinity for the high density case at the outlet if
pletely failed in the saltpool problem for the high den- using the old formulation with the mesh A. On the
sity case. This was already observed by Oswald et al.19 other hand, the low density case agrees quite well with
where the saltwater mixing concentration at the outlet the experiments if using the old formulation as seen in
was significantly overestimated in this case. Such a bad Fig. 16.13.
behavior is depicted in Fig. 16.13 showing an overesti-


0.6 0.06

experiment, high density experiment

0.5 0.05
simulated, high density mesh A, quad., level 6
experiment, low density mesh B, trian., halfspace
simulated, low density

salt mass fraction [%]

salt mass fraction [%]

0.3 0.03

0.2 0.02


0.0 0 50 100 150
0 50 100 150
time [min] time [min]
Figure 16.14 Salinity breakthrough curves at the outlet for
Figure 16.13 Salinity breakthrough curves at the outlet for
the low density case: Measured versus simulated salinities
the high and low density cases: Measured versus simulated
for mesh A and B based on the new formulation of the con-
salinities for mesh A based on the old formulation of the
sistent velocity approximation.
velocity approximation.

In using the new consistent velocity approximation 0.05

the computed breakthrough curves are now in reason-
able agreement with the experiments as shown in Figs. 0.04 mesh A, quad., level 6
salt mass fraction [%]

16.14 and 16.15 for both the low and the high density mesh B, trian., halfspace

case. We note that the parameters are not adjusted dur- 0.03
ing the present simulations. Apparently, an adjustment
of the parameters, particularly the transverse dispersiv- 0.02
ity β T , porosity ε and conductivity K , is required to
attain a better match with the experiments so as per- 0.01
formed by Johannsen et al.16. Otherwise, for the high
density case more refined meshes seem to be necessary 0.00
to improve the breakthrough behavior at the outlet. 0 50
time [min]
100 150

Figure 16.15 Salinity breakthrough curves at the outlet for

the high density case: Measured versus simulated salinities
for mesh A and B based on the new formulation of the con-
sistent velocity approximation.

NSK= `çåëáëíÉåí= îÉäçÅáíó= ~ééêçñáã~íáçå= áå= íÜÉ= ÑáåáíÉJÉäÉãÉåí= ëáãìä~íáçå= çÑ= ÇÉåëáíóJ
Figure 16.16 illustrates the salinity distributions
computed by using the new consistent velocity approx-
imation for the low and the high density cases. It
reveals the role of the density effects in the mixing and
dilution of saltwater controlled mainly by hydrody-
namic dispersion. If the case of the high density the
transition zone between saline and fresh water is signif-
icantly widened forming a ’diffusive upcone’ below the
outlet, however, at very low concentrations. This mix-
ing process is significantly influenced by the advective
and dispersive forces acting locally at the saltwater-
freshwater interface which is initially very narrow. A
highly accurate and a fully consistent velocity approxi-
mation has proven a fundamental requirement for a
successful solution of the saltpool problem at high den-
sity. Small local inconsistencies in the velocity field
would have dramatic consequences on the computa-
tional results.


low density high density

Figure 16.16 Cross-sectional salinity (above) and 50% salinity isosurface (below) at t = 160 min for the low and high
density case simulated by the new formulation of the consistent velocity approximation (mesh A).

NSK= `çåëáëíÉåí= îÉäçÅáíó= ~ééêçñáã~íáçå= áå= íÜÉ= ÑáåáíÉJÉäÉãÉåí= ëáãìä~íáçå= çÑ= ÇÉåëáíóJ
NSKS `äçëìêÉ lations with the recent findings presented by Frolkovic
and De Schepper10. However, if the density contrasts
For density-dependent flow and transport processes are much higher and mixing processes over stable nar-
a new formulation of a consistent velocity approxima- row saltwater-freshwater transition zones are important
tions developed by Frolkovic8 and Knabner12 is incor- only the new formulation of an exact local consistency
porated in the FEFLOW code. This became necessary can guarantee a quantitatively (and physically) correct
to eliminate errors for high density contrasts arising solution.
distinctly in simulating the saltpool problem. The old
formulation which is based on a smoothing technique
of basically nonconsistent velocities can give lacks in oÉÑÉêÉåÅÉë
the consistency of velocities at locations of high den-
sity gradients. For the saltpool problem at high density 1. Ackerer, P., Younes, A. & Mose, R., Modeling variable density
it has shown dramatic consequences in the results. flow and solute transport in porous medium: 1. Numerical model
and verfication, Transport in Porous Media 35 (1999) 3, 345-
Though the saltpool problem is somewhat specific and 373.
extreme the new technique is to be recommended (and 2. Ackerer, P., Younes, A., Oswald, S.E. & Kinzelbach, W., On
actually now the default option) for all further density- modelling of density driven flow, Calibration and Reliability in
dependent problems. Groundwater Modelling, (Proceedings of the ModelCARE 99
Conference held at Zürich, Switzerland, September 20-23, 1999),
ed. by F. Stauffer et al., IAHS Publ. no. 265, 2000, 377-384.
The question arises why the lack in the old formula-
3. Diersch, H.-J., Finite element modelling of recirculating density-
tion was not noticed in previous studies (cf.,3-8). The driven saltwater intrusion processes in groundwater, Adv. Water
answer becomes clear in the light of the above compar- Res. 11 (1988) 1, 25-43.
isons made between the old and the new formulation: 4. Diersch, H.-J.G., Interactive, graphics-based finite-element simu-
Most of the previous studies focussed on moderate lation system FEFLOW for modeling groundwater flow, contam-
density effects and flow situations which are different inant mass and heat transport processes. WASY Ltd., Berlin,
to that of the saltpool problem where a dispersion-con-
5. Diersch, H.-J.G. & Kolditz, O., On finite-element analysis of spa-
trolled flushing over a narrow transition zone is domi- tio-temporal buoyancy-driven convection processes in porous
nant. Otherwise we should mention that reliable media, Calibration and Reliability in Groundwater Modelling,
quantitative results for a saltwater mixing process (Proceedings of the ModelCARE 96 Conference held at Golden,
under density effects were not available before Colorado, September 25-27, 1996), ed. by K. Kovar & P. van der
Oswald’s work18. Heijde, IAHS Publ. no. 237, 407-415.
6. Diersch, H.-J.G. & Kolditz, O., Coupled groundwater flow and
transport: 2. Thermohaline and 3D convection systems, Adv.
The recomputation of density-dependent problems Water Res. 21 (1998), 401-425.
gives under moderate parameter conditions no remark- 7. Diersch, H.-J.G., Note to the opposing flow regime at mixed con-
able differences between the old and the new formula- vection around a heated cylinder in a porous medium, Transport
tions so as exemplified above for the Elder problem in Porous Media 38 (2000) 3, 345-352.
where the results are in close agreement in both formu-


8. Frolkovic, P., Consistent velocity approximation for density 19. Oswald, S.E., Scheidegger, M.B. & Kinzelbach, W., A three-
driven flow and transport. in: R. Van Keer et al. (eds.), Advanced dimensional physical benchmark test for verification of variable-
Computational Methods in Engineering, Part 2, Shaker Publish- density flow models, submitted to Water Resour. Res. June 2000.
ing, Maastrich, 1998, 603-611. 20. Voss, C.I., A finite-element simulation model for saturated-unsat-
9. Frolkovic, P., d3f documentation - the discretization. in: User’s urated, fluid-density-dependent groundwater flow with energy
manual (compiled by E. Fein), Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und transport or chemically reactive single-species solute transport,
Reaktorsicherheit mbH, Braumschweig, 1998. SUTRA documentation, USGS, Report 84-4369, 1984.
10. Frolkovic, P. & De Schepper, H., Numerical modelling of convec- 21. Voss, C.I. & Souza, W.R., Variable density flow and solute trans-
tion dominated transport with density driven flow in porous port simulation of regional aquifers containing a narrow freshwa-
media, Adv. Water Res. 24 (2000) 1, 63-72. ter-saltwater transition zone. Water Resour. Res. 23 (1987), 1851-
11. Herbert, A.W., Jackson, C.P. & Lever, D.A., Coupled groundwa- 1866.
ter flow and solute transport with fluid density strongly depen- 22. Yeh, G.T., On the computation of Darcian velocity and mass bal-
dent on concentration, Water Resour. Res. 24 (1988), 1781-1795. ance in the finite element modeling of groundwater flow. Water
12. Knabner, P. & Frolkovic, P., Consistent velocity approximation Resour. Res. 17 (1981) 1529-1534.
for finite volume or element discretizations of density driven flow
in porous media. in: A.A. Aldama et al. (eds.), Computational
Methods in Water Resources XI, Vol. 1 - Computational Methods
in Subsurface Flow and Transport Problems, Computational ^ééÉåÇáñ=^
Mechanics Publications, Southampton, 1996, 93-100.
13. Kolditz, O. & Diersch, H.-J., Quasi-steady-state strategy for kçãÉåÅä~íìêÉ
numerical simulation of geothermal circulation processes in hot
dry rock fractures, Int. J. Non-Linear Mechanics 28 (1993) 4,
467-481. Latin symbols
14. Kolditz, O., Ratke, R., Diersch, H.-J.G. & Zielke, W., Coupled
groundwater flow and transport: 1. Verification of density vari- C, C o ML concentration and reference
able flow and transport models, Adv. Water Res. 21 (1998), 27-46. concentration (salinity),
15. Lee, R.L., Gresho, P.M. & Sani, R.L., Numerical smoothing tech- respectively;
niques applied to some finite element solutions of the Navier- –3
Cs ML maximum concentration;
Stokes equations. Proc. 1st Int. Conf. Finite Elements in Water 2 –2 –1
Resources, (ed. Gray, W. G. et al.) Princeton Univ., July 1976, c L T Θ specific heat capacity of fluid;
2 –1
Pentech Press, London, 1977, 4.127-4.145. D L T tensor of mechanical dispersion;
16. Johannsen, K., Kinzelbach, W., Oswald, S. & Wittum, G., The 2 –1
Dd L T molecular diffusion in the porous
saltpool benchmark problem - numerical simulation of saltwater medium;
upconing in a porous medium, Adv. Water Res. 25 (2002) 3, 335- f s 2 –2
348. E,E L T internal (thermal) energy density for
17. Leijnse, A., Three-dimensional modeling of coupled flow and fluid and solid, respectively;
transport in porous media. PhD thesis, University of Notre e 1 gravitational unit vector with respect
Dame, Indiana, 1992. to global coordinates;
18. Oswald, S.E., Dichteströmungen in porösen Medien: Dreidimen- e ( ξ, η, ζ ) 1 gravitational unit vector with respect
sionale Experimente und Modellierung. PhD thesis, ETH Zürich, to local coordinates;
Switzerland, 1998.
fμ 1 fluid viscosity relation function;

NSK= `çåëáëíÉåí= îÉäçÅáíó= ~ééêçñáã~íáçå= áå= íÜÉ= ÑáåáíÉJÉäÉãÉåí= ëáãìä~íáçå= çÑ= ÇÉåëáíóJ
g LT gravity vector in global coordinate Zm RHS vector;
directions; z L elevation above a reference datum;
g LT gravitational acceleration;
H ξ, H η , H ζ L integral functions related to local Greek symbols
h L hydraulic (piezometric) head; α 1 solutal expansion coefficient;
I 1 unit vector; β Θ
thermal expansion coefficient;
J Jacobian transformation matrix; β L, β T L longitudinal and transverse
–2 –1
JC ML T Fickian mass flux vector; dispersivity, respectively;
JE MT Fourierian thermal energy flux ε 1 porosity;
vector; θ variable;
K LT tensor of hydraulic conductivity; Λ
–3 –1
MLT Θ tensor of thermal hydrodynamic
k L tensor of permeability for the porous dispersion of fluid phase;
medium; f
s –3 –1
MLT Θ thermal conductivity for fluid and
l grid level; solid, respectively;
M mn mass matrix; –1 –2
μ, μ o ML T dynamic viscosity and reference
N finite element shape function; dynamic viscosity of fluid,
Nm finite element shape function at node respectively;
m; ρ, ρ o ML fluid density and reference fluid
ne number of elements; density, respectively;
np number of nodes (points); ρ̃ 1 relative fluid density ( = ( ρ – ρo ) ⁄ ρ o ) ;
s –3
np number of nodal contributions at an ρ ML solid density;
element patch; ξ, η, ζ L local coordinates;
–1 –2
p ML T fluid pressure; Φ functional;
3 –1
Q L T fluid discharge; Ω domain;
–3 –1
Qρ ML T bulk fluid flow sink/source; ω 1 mass fraction;
–3 –1 –1
QC ML T bulk mass sink/source; ∂z L partial differentiation with respect to
–1 –3
bulk thermal sink/source; the global z -coordinate ⎛⎝ = ∂ ⎞⎠ ;
–1 ∂z
–1 ∂ξ L partial differentiation with respect to
So L storage coefficient;
T, T o Θ temperature and reference the local ξ -coordinate ⎛⎝ = ∂ ⎞⎠ ;
–1 ∂ξ
temperature, respectively; ∇ L Nabla (vector) operator with respect
t T time; to global coordinates;
v LT
Darcy velocity (flux) vector; ∇ ( ξ, η, ζ ) L Nabla (vector) operator with respect
to local coordinates;
x, y, z L global Cartesian coordinates;


Subscripts 2
Φ = ∫ ( v – v∗ ) ⇒ Min (B2)
m, n nodal indices;
The minimization procedure
o reference value;
p Gauss-point related; ∂Φ- ∂v
x, y, z global coordinate directions;
∂v m
= ∫ 2 ( v – v∗ ) --------
∂v m
- = 0 for m = 1, 2, ... (B3)
ξ, η, ζ local coordinate directions;


e element; ∫ N m ( v – v∗ ) = 0 (B4)
f fluid (water) phase;
s solid phase;
results in a system of linear equations to solve the
smoothed (continuous) velocities v , viz.,
∑ Mmn vn = Zm (B5)
däçÄ~ä= ëãççíÜáåÖ= EéêçàÉÅíáçåF= çÑ= ÇáëJ n

where M mn represents the mass matrix and Z m is the
RHS involving the unsmoothed relations. They are
A global approximation of the smoothed Darcy
formed in the finite element assembling procedure as
velocities can be written as

v ( x, y, z ) = ∑ Nm vm (B1)
M mn = ∫ Nm Nn (B6)

and, by inserting the Darcy velocity components writ-

Assume that we have an unsmoothed (discontinuous)
ten for the hydraulic head h from (16-2), as
velocity field v∗ ( x, y, z ) , where either nonconsistent or
consistent velocities occur. Then the smooth function
which provides a best fit in the least squares sense over Zm = ∫ Nm v∗ = – ∫ N m [ Kf μ ⋅ ( ∇h + ρ̃e ) ] (B7)
the domain Ω can be obtained from a minimization of Ω Ω
the functional
Note, the least square approximation of global smooth-
ing (B7) is equivalent to a Galerkin weighting

NSK= `çåëáëíÉåí= îÉäçÅáíó= ~ééêçñáã~íáçå= áå= íÜÉ= ÑáåáíÉJÉäÉãÉåí= ëáãìä~íáçå= çÑ= ÇÉåëáíóJ
procedure22. above (cf. (16-46)).

A cost-effective alternative appears if the mass (Step 2) The values at the Gauss points are assigned to
matrix M mn is lumped by an row-sum or diagonal scal- the nearest corner node p → m . Each nodal contribu-
ing tion is summed up and, at the end, the nodal values are
averaged by their number of nodal contributions n p
⎧ N ( N ) from the patch sharing the node m
⎪∫ m ∑ n m = n
M mn = ⎨Ω (B8)
⎪ m ≠ n ⎛ patch ⎞
⎩ 0
= ⎜ ∑ v m⎟ ⁄ n p
vm (B10)
⎜ ⎟
⎝ e ⎠
without need to solve the linear equation system (B5).
Mass lumping can be shown to be equivalent to an
area-weighted averaging for nodal values.

içÅ~ä= ëãççíÜáåÖ= EéêçàÉÅíáçåF= çÑ= ÇáëJ


Unlike global smoothing, there is an efficient way

to smooth velocity fields by using only individual ele-
ment information. This is termed as local smoothing15
and provides a simple nodal averaging based on the
number of elements joined at a given node of an ele-
ment patch. Among several approaches suggested
FEFLOW employs following two-step local technique:

(Step 1) The discontinuous velocity in each element e

e e e
v p = – K f μ ⋅ ( ∇h + ρ̃e ) (B9)

is computed at the Gauss points p with given approxi-

mations for the head h and density ρ̃ = ρ̃ ( C, T ) at ele-
ment level e . Note, the velocity (B9) can also be
computed in a consistent approximation as described

`çìéäÉÇ= ÖêçìåÇï~íÉê= Ñäçï= ~åÇ= íê~åëéçêíW= qÜÉêJ

H.-J. G. Dierscha & O. Kolditzb

WASY Institute for Water Resources Planning and Systems Research, Berlin, Germany
Institute of Fluid Mechanics & Computer Applications in Civil Engineering, University of Hannover, Germany
NT `çìéäÉÇ=ÖêçìåÇï~íÉê=Ñäçï=~åÇ=íê~åëéçêíW=qÜÉêãçÜ~äáåÉ=~åÇ=Pa=ÅçåîÉÅíáçå=ëóëíÉãë

ABSTRACT A 1 L ⁄ d aspect ratio.

This work continues the analysis of variable density flow in B 1 buoyancy ratio (Turner number).
groundwater systems. It focuses on both thermohaline (dou- –3
ble-diffusive) and 3D buoyancy-driven convection pro-
C, C o ML concentration and reference
cesses. The finite-element method is utilized to tackle these concentration, respectively.
complex nonlinear problems in two and three dimensions. Cs ML maximum concentration.
The preferred numerical approaches are discussed regarding f s 2 –2 –1
c,c L T Θ specific heat capacity of fluid and
appropriate basic formulations, balance-consistent discreti- solid, respectively.
zation techniques for derivative quantities, extension of the 2 –1
Boussinesq approximation, proper constraint conditions, Dd L T medium molecular diffusion
time marching schemes, and computational strategies for coefficient of fluid.
2 –1
solving large systems. Applications are presented for the D ij L T tensor of hydrodynamic dispersion.
thermohaline Elder and salt dome problem as well as for the d L thickness (height).
3D extension of the Elder problem with and without thermo-
haline effects and a 3D Bénard convection process. The sim- e L extent.
ulations are performed by using the package FEFLOW. ej 1 components of the gravitational unit
Conclusions are drawn with respect to numerical efforts and vector.
the appropriateness for practical needs. fμ 1 constitutive viscosity relation
Key words: porous media, variable density flow, finite ele- –2
ment method, double-diffusive convection, thermohaline g LT gravitational acceleration.
convec-tion, three-dimensional Bénard convection h L hydraulic head.
I 1 e ⁄ L symmetric intrusion ratio.
K LT isotropic hydraulic conductivity
kçãÉåÅä~íìêÉ constant.
K ij LT tensor of hydraulic conductivity.
Latin symbols 2
k ij L tensor of permeability.

NTK= `çìéäÉÇ= ÖêçìåÇï~íÉê= Ñäçï= ~åÇ= íê~åëéçêíW= qÜÉêãçÜ~äáåÉ= ~åÇ= Pa= ÅçåîÉÅíáçå= ëóëJ
L L length. T, T o Θ temperature and reference
Le 1 Lewis number. temperature, respectively.
f –1 f f
Nm 1 basis (shape) function at node m. Vq LT q i q i absolute specific Darcy fluid
ni 1 normal unit vector (positive flux.
outward). w, w m spatial weighting function and
–1 –2
fluid pressure. weighting function at node m,
–3 –1 respectively.
QC ML T sink/source of contaminant mass.
R –1 xi L Cartesian coordinates, Eulerian
QC MT lumped balance flux of solute
spatial coordinate vector.
(positive inward).
Q EB T extended Boussinesq approximation
term. Greek symbols
–1 –3
QT ML T sink/source of heat.
2 –3
ML T lumped balance flux of heat α 1 fluid density difference ratio.
(positive inward). α L, α T L longitudinal and transverse
–1 thermodispersivity, respectively.
Qρ T sink/source of fluid.
–2 –1
ML T prescribed normal boundary mass β Θ fluid expansion coefficient.
flux (positive outward). β L, β T L coefficients of longitudinal and
f –1 transverse dispersivity of solute,
qi LT Darcy flux of fluid.
cond –3 respectively.
qn MT normal component of the conductive
part of the heat flux (positive Γ boundary.
outward). γ 1 error tolerance measure.
disp –2 –1 –3
qn ML T normal component of the dispersive ΔC ML concentration difference.
part of the mass flux (positive ΔT Θ temperature difference.
outward). Δt n T time step width at time plane n.
total –2 –1
qn ML T normal component of the convective ε 1 porosity.
plus dispersive part of the mass flux –1
ϑ T chemical decay rate.
(positive outward). 2 –1
–1 Λ L T thermal diffusivity.
qn LT normal component of the Darcy –3 –1
fluid flux (positive outward). λ ij MLT Θ tensor of hydrodynamic
R, R d 1 specific retardation factor and its cond –3 –1
time derivative, respectively. λ ij MLT Θ tensor of thermal conductivity.
disp –3 –1
Ra s, Ra t 1 solutal and thermal Rayleigh λ ij MLT Θ tensor of mechanical
number, respectively. thermodispersion.
f s –3 –1
Ra c 1 critical Rayleigh number. λ,λ MLT Θ thermal conductivity for fluid and
–1 solid, respectively.
So L specific storage coefficient f f –1 –2
(compressibility). μ , μo ML T dynamic fluid viscosity and


f f –3
reference viscosity, respectively. NTKN fåíêçÇìÅíáçå
ρ, ρo ML fluid density and reference density,
respectively. Thermohaline (or double-diffusive) convection pro-
s –3
ρ ML solid density. cesses are connected with the presence of heteroge-
ς 1 ( T – 150 ) ⁄ 100 normalized neous temperature and concentration fields. Thus,
temperature, T in °C . convective currents can arise from heat and salinity
χ(C ) linear (Henry) or nonlinear gradients acting simultaneously (e.g., Nield53, Rubin59,
(Freundlich, Langmuir) sorptivity Rubin and Roth60, Tyvand73, Trevisan and Bejan72,
function. Murray and Chen52, Shen67, Angirasa and Srinivasan2,
ω 1 C ⁄ ρ mass fraction. Nield and Bejan54, Brandt and Fernando7). Geophysical
Ω domain. applications of thermohaline models can be found for
instance in the field of geothermics and waste disposal
Subscripts in salt formations (Evans and Nunn24). Thermohaline
effects are important for the production of mineralized
i, j spatial Eulerian coordinate thermal water, the reinjection of cooled brine into
(Einstein’s summation convention). heated deep aquifers connected with geothermal supply
l direction of gravity in the Cartesian technologies, and groundwater movement near salt
coordinate system. domes.
m ,n, k nodal points (Einstein’s summation
convention). Usually, the phenomena of double-diffusive con-
n time plane or normal direction. vection (DDC) are related to the presence of both (1) at
least, two properties (substances, thermal energy) strat-
o reference value.
ifying the fluid and having different diffusivities and
p Gauss point.
(2) opposing effects on the vertical density gradient7.
Accordingly, different regimes can be distinguished: A
Superscripts diffusive regime occurs if the destabilizing potential
comes from the property with the larger diffusivity,
e finite element. e.g., a stable salinity gradient is heated from below. On
f fluid phase. the other hand, a finger regime exists if the driving
p predictor value. (destabilizing) forces are caused by the more slowly
R prescribed boundary value. diffusing property, e.g. hot saline fluid on top of a sta-
s solid phase. ble temperature gradient. Both regimes can also appear
in a differentiated form referred here to as a mixed
DDC regime if both properties can destabilize and
affect the fluid during the temporal development, e.g., a
heavy cool solute sinks down to a region which is

NTK= `çìéäÉÇ= ÖêçìåÇï~íÉê= Ñäçï= ~åÇ= íê~åëéçêíW= qÜÉêãçÜ~äáåÉ= ~åÇ= Pa= ÅçåîÉÅíáçå= ëóëJ
heated from below, so a finger regime at the beginning forward type appears if constrained boundary condi-
converges more to a diffusive regime over time. tions for the salt dome interface are applied (allowing
only dispersive release of brine and precluding any
The first part of the paper by Kolditz et al.43 mainly convective release of brine). While the study by Koni-
focused on the verification of numerical schemes kow et al.44 is more physically motivated it also gives
against available benchmarks for density-coupled con- an indication of the importance of a mathematically
vection processes. Established test examples (e.g., the (numerically) correct handling of boundary conditions
Henry problem, Elder problem, and salt dome prob- for this type of problems, independently of their physi-
lem) are only 2D and single-diffusive (either mass or cal appropriateness or not.
heat-driven) convection processes. But even for these
academic, seemingly simplistic 2D problems a number In the past, Galerkin methods, finite differences
of discrepancies appear, still for most recent findings55. (FDM) and finite element methods (FEM) have been
It has been shown43 that numerical schemes with their employed to solve the nonlinear coupled balance equa-
spatial and temporal resolutions can essentially influ- tions for variable density groundwater problems in 2D.
ence computational results. Figure 17.1 recalls the con- Pinder and Cooper57 used the method of characteristics.
tradictory results for the Elder problem as well as the Finite elements based on a primitive u-v-p-variable for-
salt dome test case obtained by different authors. While mulation are utilized by Segol et al.66, Huyakorn and
Elder23 and the recomputation done by Voss and Taylor38 and Diersch12,14,15. However, the subsequent
Souza75 used obviously overdiffusive schemes on rela- works desisted from primitive variable approaches
tively coarse grids, newer findings43,55 with refined because their increased accuracy was shown to be in
spatial and temporal discretizations reveal convection disproportion to the increased numerical effort and
pattern which are distinctly different from former inherent restrictions in formulating boundary condi-
work. The flow field indicates now a central upwelling tions. Accordingly, standard formulations succeeded
rather than downwelling. More dramatically, Olden- which are based on substituting the Darcy law in the
burg and Pruess55 recently presented new results for the primary balance equations. Recent works devoted to
salt dome problem (HYDROCOIN level 1 case 5). this subject are presented, among others, by Frind26,
They believed to achieve much more accurate solutions Diersch et al.16, Voss and Souza75, Diersch17, Hassani-
for this example. But, their results are fully outside of zadeh and Leijnse31, Herbert et al.32, Galeati et al.26,
all results known to date (Fig. 17.1b). All the more, Schincariol et al.63, Fan and Kahawita25, Oldenburg
their ’swept forward-type’ solutions are suspiciously and Pruess55, Croucher and O’Sullivan12, Zhang and
very near to the pure freshwater case without any den- Schwartz79, and Kolditz42. On the other hand, three-
sity coupling, so TOUGH2’s results become widely dimensional applications are related to field problems
questionable for problems involving velocity-depen- as given by Huyakorn et al.39, Kakinuma et al.40 and
dent dispersion effects. A possible reason for this dis- Xue et al.76 and do not consider rigorously the density
crepancy is recently indicated by the work of Konikow coupling mechanisms. However, there are prior theo-
et al.44. They showed that a salinity pattern of a swept retical and numerical works in three-dimensional free


convection problems mostly focused on the (cavity) rone et al.9, Chan and Banerjee9, and Beukema and
Horton-Rogers-Lapwood (HRL) problem54 presented Bruin6.
by Holst and Aziz34, Zebib and Kassoy78, Straus and
Schubert69,70, Horne36, Schubert and Straus64, Caltagi-


Figure 17.1 a) Simulated concentration pattern at 20 years for the Elder problem with a Rayleigh number of 400:
(left) results obtained by the SUTRA simulator (Voss and Souza75), (solid curves) and by Elder23 (dashed curves),
and (right) computed by the FEFLOW simulator in agreement with the results attained by ROCKFLOW and
TOUGH2 as discussed by Kolditz et al.43, and b) salt dome test case: (left) TOUGH2 results55 against (right)
FEFLOW (and ROCKFLOW) findings43 for steady-state with results55 against (right) FEFLOW (and ROCK-
FLOW) findings43 for steady-state with mechanical dispersion of β L = 20 m and β T = 2 m.

It is obvious from the above that the extension to In the following, relevant numerical aspects are dis-
thermohaline and/or 3D density-coupled convection cussed in the context of the FEM. The developed solu-
problems will significantly increase the importance of tion strategies are implemented in the 3D finite-
both getting a physically equivalent process description element simulator FEFLOW20. FEFLOW is employed
in the discretized models and overcoming the numeri- to study 2D and 3D, thermohaline and buoyancy-
cal burden, particularly if aiming at practical problems. driven convection problems from various perspectives.

NTK= `çìéäÉÇ= ÖêçìåÇï~íÉê= Ñäçï= ~åÇ= íê~åëéçêíW= qÜÉêãçÜ~äáåÉ= ~åÇ= Pa= ÅçåîÉÅíáçå= ëóëJ
First, we expand the 2D Elder and salt dome problems
to thermohaline processes in order to study thermal ∂C-⎞
∂ ( RC ) + ∂ ⎛ q f C – D ------
ij ∂x ⎠ + RϑC = Q C ⎫
influences on groundwater-brine flow systems. Second, ∂t ∂ xi ⎝ i j ⎪

we extend the original Elder problem to 3D for both divergent form ⎪
single-diffusive (solutal) and double-diffusive (thermo- ⎬ (17-3)
∂C f ∂C ∂C
R d ------ + q i ------- – ∂ ⎛⎝ D ij -------⎞⎠ + ( Rϑ + Q ρ )C = Q C ⎪⎪
haline) convection processes to analyze the evolution ∂t ∂x i ∂ x i ∂x j

of 3D pattern formations in comparison with the 2D
convective form ⎭
counterparts. Finally, we devote to a Bénard problem as
an example of more complex 3D multicellular convec-
tion in a porous layer. The presented results for thermo- f f s s ∂T f f f ∂T ∂T-⎞
∂ ⎛ λ ------
[ ερ c + ( 1 – ε )ρ c ] ------ + ρ c q i ------- – (17-4)
haline and solutal convection systems may provide ∂t ∂x i ∂ x i ⎝ ij ∂x j⎠
examples for a comparison analysis in 2D and 3D by = QT
using alternative approaches.

To close the set of balance equations the following con-

NTKO _~ëáÅ=bèì~íáçåë stitutive formulations are additionally needed:

The governing equations for the coupled mass and f f α

ρ = ρ o 1 + ----------------------- ( C – C o ) – β ( T – T o )
( Cs – Co )
heat transport in groundwater (saturated porous f
f k ij ρ o g
medium) are derived from the basic conservation prin- h = --------
+ xl K ij = --------------
- f
α = [ ρ ( Cs ) – ρo ] ⁄ ρo
f f

ρo g μo
ciples for mass, linear momentum, and energy43. The
following nonlinear system finally results20,22 which
f μ = -------------------
has to be solved in two and three dimensions μ ( C, T )

f qi qj
f f
D ij = ( εD d + β T V q )δ ij + ( β L – β T ) ---------
f f
∂h ∂q i Vq
S o ----- + ------- = Q ρ + Q EB ( C, T ) (17-1) ∂[ χ ( C ) ⋅ C ]
∂t ∂x i R = ε + ( 1 – ε )χ ( C ) R d = ε + ( 1 – ε ) ----------------------------
cond disp f f s s
λ ij = λ ij + λ ij Q T = ερ Q T + ( 1 – ε )ρ Q T
f f
f ⎛ ∂h ρ – ρo ⎞ f f
q i = – K ij f μ ⎜ ------- + ---------------
- e j⎟ (17-2) cond
λ ij
= [ ελ + ( 1 – ε )λ ]δ ij
s disp
λ ij
f f f qi qj
= ρ c α T V q δ ij + ( α L – α T ) ---------

⎝ j x ρo
⎠ Vq

As seen a hydraulic-head-conductivity-(h-K)-form
of the Darcy equation (17-2), instead of the pressure-
permeability-(p-k)-form, is preferred in FEFLOW
which usually permits more convenient formulations of
boundary conditions and parameter relations for appli-

cations in subsurface hydrology. As the result, the ten- with a high accuracy and to satisfy the zero condition
sor of hydraulic conductivity K ij refers to the reference (density anomaly) at 4 °C . For more details see
f f
density ρ o and the reference viscosity μ o , which are, Diersch22.
on the other hand, related to the proper reference condi-
tions for the concentration Co and the temperature T o . The divergent form and the convective form of the
For such a formulation a viscosity relation function f μ , contaminant mass transport equation (17-3) (the energy
in eqn (17-5), appears to include viscosity effects in balance equation (17-4) has already been led to a con-
Darcy’s law (17-2). The following constitutive polyno- vective form after introducing the temperature) are
mial expression is used physically equivalent. Commonly, the convective form
of the transport equation is preferred for numerical
f approximations because simpler boundary-value prob-
f μ = -------------------
- = lems are accessible.
μ ( C, T )
2 3
1 + 1.85ω ( C = C ) – 4.1ω ( C = C ) + 44.5ω ( C = C ) It is known28,43 the Boussinesq approximation
o o
- (17-6)
= --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
becomes insufficient for large density variations (e.g.,
2 3
1 + 1.85ω – 4.1ω + 44.5ω
at high-concentration brines or high-temperature gradi-
1 + 0.7063ς – 0.04832ς
× ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ents). The main difference between the Boussinesq
3 approximation and the actual balance quantities is
1 + 0.7063ς ( T = T ) – 0.04832ς ( T = T )
o o
expressed by the additional term Q EB ( C, T ) in the con-
tinuity equation (17-1) according to
which is a combination of empirical relationships given
by Lever and Jackson48 for high-concentration saltwa-
ter and by Mercer and Pinder49 for geothermal pro- α - ∂------ C ∂-----T-⎞
Q EB ( C, T ) = – ε ⎛ ----------------------
cesses in the range between 0 and 300 °C . In practice, ⎝ ( C s – C o ) ∂t – β ∂t ⎠
the expansion coefficients α and β of eqn (17-5) are in

the most cases considered as constant54. For the present 1
investigations we shall also use this assumption to α
– q f ⎛ ---------------------- ∂C ∂T
i ⎝ ( C – C -) ------
- – β -------⎞
maintain an unified parameter basis for comparison s o ∂x i ∂x i⎠
purposes. However, it should be mentioned in a geo-

thermal context where large temperature variations ⎩ 2
occur and buoyancy forces are dominant, this approach
is often not appropriate56. Based on the theoretical which is neglected if the Boussinesq approximation is
framework done by Perrochet56 FEFLOW is also capa- assumed. The first term in eqn (17-7) can be omitted if
ble of handling a nonlinear variable thermal expansion the temporal changes in concentration and/or tempera-
β ( T ) in form of a 5th order polynomial to match the ture vanish. However, even the evolving features of a
fluid density variation over a wide temperature range convection process may be thoroughly affected at

NTK= `çìéäÉÇ= ÖêçìåÇï~íÉê= Ñäçï= ~åÇ= íê~åëéçêíW= qÜÉêãçÜ~äáåÉ= ~åÇ= Pa= ÅçåîÉÅíáçå= ëóëJ
higher density contrasts (problems of bifurcation, phys- marized in Appendix A. Note, different formulations
ical instability and hydrodynamic pattern formation). result for the divergent and the convective forms of the
The second term of eqn (17-7) can be ignored if the transport equations. Though physically equivalent,
density gradient is essentially orthogonal to the veloc- they can deliver different numerical solutions due to
ity vector. This is quite often not a tolerable assump- their different boundary-value formulations.
tion. Note, the expression (17-7) has to be modified in
the case a nonlinear variable thermal expansion β ( T ) 22. Another point of view is related to the numerical
evaluation of the Darcy fluxes q for a given discretiza-
tion. The success of a numerical solution for variable
NTKP pé~íá~ä=aáëÅêÉíáò~íáçå density flow problems is essentially dependent on an
appropriate choice of suitable schemes for computing
The above equations (17-1) to (17-4) are discretized derivative quantities from the Darcy equation.
by the FEM using bilinear or biquadratic elements for
2D, and prismatic pentahedral trilinear or hexahedral
trilinear and triquadratic elements for 3D. Finally, it NTKQ `çåíáåìçìë= ^ééêçñáã~J
yields the following coupled matrix system: íáçå=çÑ=sÉäçÅáíó=cáÉäÇë
Oh· + S ( h, C, T )h = F ( h, q, C, C· , T, T· ) The substitution of Darcy fluxes (17-2) in the conti-
nuity equation (17-1) gives immediately an equation to
Aq = B ( h, C, T )
(17-8) determine the unknown hydraulic head h according to
P ( C )C + D ( q, C )C = R ( C ) the weak formulation (A3) in Appendix A. If h is
UT· + L ( q, T )T = W ( T ) known and assuming initial C and T distributions, the
fluxes q can be directly computed via Darcy’s equation
(17-2). However, a careful handling of derivative quan-
where h, q, C and T represent the resulting vectors of tities is required. As normally done in FEM, piecewise
nodal hydraulic head, Darcy fluxes, contaminant con- continuous ( C° ) basis functions N m (Appendix A) for
centration and temperature, respectively. The super- the hydraulic head h generate velocity fields q (using
posed dot means differentiation with respect to time t. derivatives of hydraulic head) that exhibit discontinui-
The matrices S, A, O, P and U are symmetric and ties across element boundaries. It results in nonunique
sparse, while D and L are unsymmetric and sparse. The values at nodal points. Particularly for buoyancy-influ-
remaining vectors F, B, R and W encompass the right- enced flows, discontinuous (nonunique) velocities can
hand sides (RHS) of eqns (17-1) to (17-4), respectively. cause difficulties (spurious vertical velocities) in the
The main functional dependence is shown in parenthe- numerical solution due to inappropriate balance
sis. approximation of the lower order term ∂h ⁄ ∂x j , behav-
The individual finite-element formulations of the ing constantly in an element for the case of linear basis
matrix system (17-8) as realized in FEFLOW are sum- functions, and the higher order gravitational term

f f f
[ ρ ( C, T ) – ρ o ] ⁄ ρ o , varying linearly in an element for points. This principle is consequently applied also to
linear basis functions, of the RHS of Darcy equation the velocity evaluation and leads to approaches
(17-2). This has already been addressed in previous referred to as smoothing techniques used in FEFLOW
works29,32,75 and different numerical schemes were pro- for the present analysis. Lee et al.45 thoroughly dis-
posed to overcome these problems. cussed both global and local smoothing techniques for
derivative quantities. In this light, the weak form of the
Voss and Souza75 preferred for the SUTRA code in Darcy equation (A4) in Appendix A can be recognized
2D a reduced order approximation of the buoyancy as a global smoothing procedure which was introduced
term, actually the concentration is averaged in every in the water resources literature by Yeh77. Today,
element, therefore, the pressure gradient and the con- smoothing techniques have an additional meaning for
centration distribution have the same spatial variability, adaptive methods to compute higher order solutions for
practically constant (for linear basis functions). This is an error estimation21. Appendix B summarizes the
called a consistent velocity evaluation. Leijnse46 smoothing techniques available in FEFLOW and
showed that such a consistent velocity approximation appropriate for the present simulations of coupled phe-
can be interpreted as an average of the local gravity nomena. While global derivative smoothing schemes
component in the local directions of a finite element. A with a consistent mass matrix require a higher numeri-
generalization of this spatial averaging has been cal effort, lumped mass smoothing algorithms as well
recently presented by Knabner and Frolkovic41. as simpler local smoothing schemes are the most cost-
Instead of reducing the approximations Herbert et al.32 effective approaches and have shown to be well-suited
introduced a mixed interpolation strategy in NAMMU for the present class of problems. The latter is to be rec-
for 2D, where the pressure is approximated by qua- ommended for large 3D problems.
dratic elements to obtain a linearly distributed pressure
gradient which becomes consistent with a linear distri- Smoothed velocities of a higher-order approxima-
bution of the concentration-dependent buoyancy term. tion lead to a continuous distribution of all velocity
Clearly, quadratic basis functions increase the compu- components in a mesh. As a consequence, continuous
tational expense and, especially for 3D, an alternative fields also exist along material interfaces, e.g., between
approach is preferable. media with different hydraulic conductivities, where an
interfacial nodal point shares these different media and,
Taking into consideration that the discretized bal- naturally, a weighted average of the flux quantities
ance terms of the conservation equations provide gen- results. Leijnse46 pointed out that physically unrealistic
erally a different spatial variability (compare the results can be obtained for cases where the conductiv-
’diffusion’ term against the ’convective’ term or a ity in adjacent elements differ by more than two orders
’reactive’ term), a consistent approximation by the of magnitude. Indeed, if utilizing such continuous
FEM means that all terms have to be rigorously velocity fields from a mesh having an insufficiently
weighted at nodal points. As the result, unique values adapted interface discretization particle tracking proce-
of even discontinuous variables are generated at nodal dures can lead to poor results if starting pathlines near

NTK= `çìéäÉÇ= ÖêçìåÇï~íÉê= Ñäçï= ~åÇ= íê~åëéçêíW= qÜÉêãçÜ~äáåÉ= ~åÇ= Pa= ÅçåîÉÅíáçå= ëóëJ
such an interface location (a particle may effectively be
propagated into media with low hydraulic conductiv- R
entering freshwater C = C1 = 0 effluent water with unknown concentration C
ity). On the other hand, a discontinuous velocity field
approximation often gives significant problems when a QC
particle crosses an element. Then, particle can be

’caught’ in the interface due to components which have


opposite directions across an element edge as indicated
by Sauter and Beusen62, who introduced special transi-
tion elements with interpolated (smoothed) velocity salt dome
properties to overcome these difficulties. As the sum,
the higher-order approximation of continuous veloci- Figure 17.2 Application of transport constraints for saltwa-
ties is the most natural approach in the finite element ter intrusion in flowing groundwater over a salt dome.
method and need not any ad-hoc techniques in adapt-
ing interface conditions, provided, however, the inter-
face is appropriately discretized. The necessity for a Alternating boundary concentrations appear on the
continuous flow field approximation also in the context top boundary depending on the dynamic process. As
of modeling heterogeneous media is thoroughly dis- long as water enters the domain it should have a pre-
cussed in the work about mixed hybrid finite element scribed concentration of freshwater. However, if the
techniques presented by Mosé et al.51 followed by water leaves the domain (along the same upper bound-
recent discussions given by Cordes and Kinzelbach11 ary) the concentration on this boundary is unknown
and Ackerer et al.. and should be computed. Such a description can be eas-
ily realized if the entire boundary section is assigned by
a freshwater boundary condition of 1st kind ( C = C1 ),
and at the same time, the boundary will be imposed by
NTKR `çåëíê~áåíë= ~åÇ= oÉä~íÉÇ a constraint condition in form of a null minimum mass
_ìÇÖÉí=^å~äóëáë min
flux Q C 1 ≡ 0 . Such an arrangement guarantees that
the freshwater condition remains valid as long as the
Constraints of boundary conditions can play an convective mass flux, being concentration-dependent
important role in practical modeling of variable density due to the density variation, points into the domain.
transport. Typically in saltwater enroachment prob-
lems, the boundary conditions of freshwater and salt- A rigorous handling of such constraints is permitted
water are dependent on the in/outflowing by a prescription of complementary conditions for each
characteristics essential to a correct mathematical for- boundary type20,22. For instance, the minimum and
mulation. However, most prior works26,32,38,44,55,66,75 did maximum constraints of a Dirichlet-type concentration
not consider such conditions in a rigorous manner. To will lead to additional conditions in the following form
identify the problem let us consider, for instance, the R
(it reads: the imposed boundary condition C = C1 ( t ) is
salt dome flow problem as schematized in Fig. 17.2.

accepted only if the related mass balance flux Q C (and
the related hydraulic head h ) is within given min-max The computed fluxes Q C represent lumped
bounds, if not, these bounds have to be used as new (summed-up) mass balance fluxes at nodal points
boundary conditions, where the boundary type has to
be changed from a 1st kind into a flux-type boundary R
QC = – ∫ qC
condition of a point sink/source Q C ) Γ

⎧ Q R < Q max 1 ( t ) ⎫ ⎫
⎪ C C ⎪ ⎪ Note, the balance quantities are defined positive
⎪ ⎪ ⎪ R
⎪ and ⎪ ⎪ inward on Γ . Actually, the specific balance fluxes q C
⎪ ⎪ ⎪
R min
1st kind C 1 ( t ) only if ⎨ Q R > Q 1 ( t ) ⎬ ⎪ are composed by their convective and dispersive parts
⎪ C C
⎪ ⎪
⎪ and ⎪ ⎪ according to
⎪ ⎪ ⎪
⎪ min 1 R max ⎪ ⎪
⎩h ≤ h ≤ h 1⎭ ⎪

else set Q C as an intermediate flux-type condition according to: ⎬ (17-9) R R R ∂C
⎪ qC = C qn – D ij ------- n i (17-11)

⎪ h ∂x j
⎧ ⎫ ⎪

⎜ Q 1 ( t ) if ⎨ Q ≥ Q
max R 1
( )



t and h 1
h h 1

⎜ C ⎩
⎭ ⎪ convective
⎜ ⎪ dispersive
Q C = ⎜⎜ ⎪
min 1 ⎧ R min 1 min 1 R max 1 ⎫ ⎪
⎜ Q C ( t ) if ⎨ Q C ≤ Q C ( t ) and h ≤h ≤h ⎬⎪

⎩ ⎭⎪ In practice, it has been shown to be inappropriate to
min max ⎪
⎝0 R R
if { h < h 1 or h > h 1 } ⎭ include the total (convective plus dispersive) flux into
the procedure of controlling the constraint conditions
where Q C is the mass balance flux at the boundary because the direction of dispersive fluxes is ambiguous
point to be computed while the C1 condition is (e.g., the dispersive spreading also occurs against the
imposed, Q C
max 1 min 1
and Q C denote the prescribed time- flow direction). Accordingly, the balance-based evalua-
dependent maximum and minimum bounds, respec- tion of fluxes is exclusively related to the convective
tively, and QC represents a singular mass sink/source mass fluxes:
to be set at the boundary point (node) instead of the
original 1st kind boundary condition. Similar expres- QC = – ∫ qC ≈ – ∫ ( C qn ) (17-12)
sions exist for the other types of boundary conditions. Γ Γ
This procedure allows the control of concentration at
the boundary in dependence on both the balanced flow giving unambiguously directional balance quantities.
conditions through the boundary (e.g., Q C 1 ≡ 0 ) and Similar expressions can be obtained for the balance of
the location of possible free-surface conditions within convective heat flux, viz.,
min max
the bounds h , h . The latter is very important for
complex mine flooding processes as studied by Diersch
et al.19.

NTK= `çìéäÉÇ= ÖêçìåÇï~íÉê= Ñäçï= ~åÇ= íê~åëéçêíW= qÜÉêãçÜ~äáåÉ= ~åÇ= Pa= ÅçåîÉÅíáçå= ëóëJ
f f R R
for the present tasks. Note, a full Newton method is
QT ≈ – ∫ ⎛ ρ c T qn ⎞
(17-13) embedded into the AB/TR and FE/BE predictor-correc-
⎝ h⎠
Γ tor methods. The overall adaptive solution process is
outlined in Fig. 17.3.
The computation of the convective part of balance
fluxes at each controlling (nodal) point is performed
via a budget analysis in a postprocessing step. The
basic formulation used for computing the above bal- Rosetten all intermediate constraint conditions
ance quantities is derived in Appendix C. Constraint loop
Solving flow equations

Does flow violate constraints?

NTKS qÉãéçê~ä= aáëÅêÉíáò~íáçå
~åÇ= fíÉê~íáîÉ= pçäìíáçå Adapting 3D finite element mesh

mêçÅÉëë Restart
Time step control for flow errors

In general, for more complex flow processes it can-

Solving contaminant transport equations
not be predicted which time steps are allowable with

Time loop
respect to the accuracy requirements. Accordingly, a
Does contaminant transport violate constraints?
predefined time step marching strategy is often inap-
propriate and inefficient. Alternatively, stable fully Time step control for contaminant transport errors
implicit and semi-implicit two-step techniques known
as the GLS-(Gresho-Lee-Sani) predictor-corrector time Solving heat transport equations
integrator6,30 with automatically controlled time step-
ping of first order by the Forward Euler/Backward Does heat transport violate constraints?
Euler (FE/BE) and of second order by the Adams-
Bashforth/Trapezoid Rule (AB/TR) have proven to be Time step control for heat transport errors

powerful and accurate strategies, especially for strong

nonlinearities and complex situations. At each time
step, the convergence tolerance γ directly governs the
Figure 17.3 Adaptive strategy for coupled transient flow,
time-step size. It provides a cost-effective method in mass and heat transport.
that the step size is increased whenever possible and
decreased only when necessary due to the error esti-
mates. The GLS scheme is thoroughly described Denoting the time plane by the subscript n and the
elsewhere6,17,18,30. Here, we will only address modified variable time step width by Δt n the coupled matrix sys-
features which are important in the context of the mul- tem (17-8) is solved in the following 22 raw working
tiple coupling of equations and constraint computation steps:


· ⎛ 2O p p p ⎞
⎝ Δt n + S ( h n + 1, C n + 1, T n + 1 )⎠ h n + 1
(Step 0) Compute the initial acceleration vectors h n , -------- (17-16a)
· and · for
Cn Tn n = 0 (once per problem) 2 · · ·
= O ⎛⎝ -------- h n + h n⎞⎠ + F ( h n + 1, C n + 1, T n + 1, q n, C n, T n )
p p p
Δt n
Oh n = F ( h n, C n, T n ) – S ( h n, C n, T n ) h n
· O-
⎛ ------- p p p ⎞
P ( C n ) C n = R ( C n ) – D ( h n, C n, T n ) C n (17-14) ⎝ Δt n + S ( h n + 1, C n + 1, T n + 1 )⎠ h n + 1
UT n = W ( T n ) – L ( h n, C n, T n ) T n O p p p · ·
= -------- h n + F ( h n + 1, C n + 1, T n + 1, q n, C n, T n )
Δt n

and guess an initial time step Δt 0 .

(Step 3) If constraint conditions are violated update the
matrix system (17-16a), (17-16b) for the new flow
(Step 1) Perform explicit predictor solutions by using
boundary values and restart the flow solution with step
the AB and FE algorithm, respectively:
2. If all constraint limits are satisfied continue with step
h n + 1 = f AB ( Δt n, Δt n – 1, h· n, h· n – 1 ) ⎫⎪

· · ⎪ (Step 4) Solve Darcy equation:

= f ( Δt , Δt )
C n+1 AB n ,C ,C
n–1 n n–1 ⎬ (17-15a)

Tn + 1 · ·
= f AB ( Δt n, Δt n – 1, T n, T n – 1 ) ⎪⎭ Aq n + 1 = B ( h n + 1, C pn + 1, T pn + 1 ) (17-17)

h n + 1 = f BE ( Δt n, h· n ) ⎫⎪ (Step 5) Update the new accelerations vectors by

’inverting’ the TR and BE, respectively:
= f ( Δt , C )
· ⎪ (17-15b)
n+1 BE n n ⎬

· ⎫
= f BE ( Δt n, T n ) ⎪⎭ h· n + 1 = -------- ( h n + 1 – h n ) – h· n⎪
Tn + 1
Δt n ⎪
⎬ (17-18)
h· n + 1 = -------- ( h n + 1 – h n )
1 ⎪
The detailed description of the functions f AB ( ) and Δt n ⎪
f BE ( ) can be found in Gresho et al.30, Bixler6, and ⎭
(Step 6) Compute the local truncation error of the
(Step 2) Do corrector solution for the flow equation approximate flow equation for the AB/TR and FE/BE
achieved by the TR and BE scheme, respectively: scheme, respectively:

NTK= `çìéäÉÇ= ÖêçìåÇï~íÉê= Ñäçï= ~åÇ= íê~åëéçêíW= qÜÉêãçÜ~äáåÉ= ~åÇ= Pa= ÅçåîÉÅíáçå= ëóëJ
p ⎫
flow hn + 1 – hn + 1 ⎪ or, alternatively, as the maximum norm
d n + 1 = --------------------------------
⎪ -
⎛ Δt n – 1⎞
3 ⎝ 1 + ---------------⎠ ⎪
Δt n ⎬ (17-19) flow max h i(n + 1) –h i(n)
⎪ d n + 1 = --------------------------------------------------
i (17-22)
⎪ h max
flow 1--- p
dn + 1 = ( hn + 1 – hn + 1 ) ⎪
2 ⎭
in which NP is the total number of points and h max
corresponds to the maximum value of the hydraulic
(Step 7) Predict the potential new time step length from
the error estimates of the flow equation:
(Step 8) Tactics for acceptance of the predicted new
flow ⎛ γ ⎞1 ⁄ κ
Δt n + 1 = Δt n ⎜ -----------------⎟ (17-20) time step: If the flow solution does not satisfy the pre-
⎝ d flown+1
⎠ scribed accuracy the time step is reduced by using
appropriate formulae17,18 and the flow solution is
restarted with step 2. Otherwise, if the accuracy is sat-
where κ is 3 for the AB/TR and 2 for the FE/BE
isfied the solution process is continued with step 9.
scheme, γ is a user-specified error tolerance
–4 –3
( γ = 10 – 10 is typical), and . is a norm to be
(Step 9) Perform corrector solution for the mass trans-
chosen as the weighted RMS
port equation achieved by the TR and BE scheme,
1⁄2 respectively:
flow 1 ⎛1 ⎞
d n + 1 = -------- ⎜ ----------- ∑ ( h i ( n + 1 ) – h i ( n ) ) ⎟ (17-21)
NP ⎝ h max ⎠

⎛ 2P ( C n + 1 )
p p ⎞ p ⎛ 2- · ⎞ + J ( Cp ) Cp + R ( Cp ) ⎪
⎜ ---------------------------- + D ( q n+1 , C n+1 ) + J p ( C )
n+1 ⎟ n+1C = P ( C n + 1 ⎝ Δt ) ------- C n + C n⎠ p n+1 n+1 n+1 ⎪
⎝ Δt n ⎠ n ⎪
⎬ (17-23)
⎛ P ( C
n+1 ) p p ⎞ P ( C
n+1 ) p p p

⎜ ------------------------- + D ( q n + 1, C n + 1 ) + J p ( C n + 1 )⎟ C n + 1 = ----------------------- C n + J p ( C n + 1 ) C n + 1 + R ( C n + 1 )
⎝ Δt n ⎠ Δt n ⎪

where J p ( C n + 1 ) is the partial (tangential) Jacobian
matrix based on the predictor which results from the (Step 10) If mass constraint conditions are violated
embodied full Newton approach. Its specific expres- update the matrix system (17-23) for the new mass
sions depend on the divergent and convective form of boundary values and restart the mass solution with step
the used transport equation as given by Diersch17. 9. Otherwise, continue with step 11.


(Step 11) Update the new acceleration vectors C n + 1 (Step 14) Accuracy check of mass transport: reject the
for the concentration similar to step 5. current mass transport solution and restart at step 2
with a reduced time width Δt n if the required accuracy
(Step 12) Equivalently to step 6 compute the local trun- could not be satisfied. Otherwise, continue with the
cation error of mass transport d n + 1 based on heat transport solution at step 15.
( Cn + 1 – Cn + 1 ) .
(Step 15) Perform corrector solution for the heat trans-
(Step 13) Estimate the potential new time step from the port equation accomplished by the TR and BE scheme,
mass transport computation Δt n + 1 , similar to step 7 by respectively:
using the error d n + 1 .

⎛ 2U p p ⎞ 2
⎛ ------- · ⎞ p p p ⎫
⎝ Δt n + L ( q n + 1, T n + 1 ) + J p ( T n + 1 )⎠ T n + 1 = U ⎝ Δt n T n + T n⎠ + J p ( T n + 1 ) T n + 1 + W ( T n + 1 ) ⎪⎪
-------- -
⎬ (17-24)
⎛ ------- U ⎪
+ L ( q n + 1, T n + 1 ) + J p ( T n + 1 )⎞ T n + 1 = -------- T n + J p ( T n + 1 ) T n + 1 + W ( T n + 1 )
p p p p p
⎝ Δt n ⎠ Δt n ⎪

(Step 16) If heat constraint conditions are violated for a reduced time step if the required accuracy could
update the matrix system (17-24) for the new heat not be satisfied. Otherwise, continue with step 21.
boundary values and restart the heat transport solution
with step 15. Otherwise, continue with step 17. (Step 21) Determine the new time step length

(Step 17) Update the new accelerations vectors T· n + 1 flow mass heat
Δt n + 1 = min ( Δt n + 1, Δt n + 1 , Δt n + 1 ) (17-25)
for the temperature similar to step 5.

(Step 18) Compute the local truncation error of heat and restart the time loop with step 1 as long as the final
heat p
transport d n + 1 based on ( T n + 1 – T n + 1 ) . time is not reached.

(Step 19) Estimate the potential new time step from the As seen above a constraint violation can lead to
heat transport computation Δt n + 1 , similar to step 7 by recycling steps around the matrix solution process for
employing the error d n + 1 . flow, mass and heat transport. The matrix updating
gains efficiency if a total reassembly can be avoided.
(Step 20) Accuracy check of heat transport: reject the Such a procedure of constraint feedback is generally
current heat transport solution and restart with step 2 not restricted in the number of loops. Normally, if con-
straint conditions are raised two recycles become suffi-

NTK= `çìéäÉÇ= ÖêçìåÇï~íÉê= Ñäçï= ~åÇ= íê~åëéçêíW= qÜÉêãçÜ~äáåÉ= ~åÇ= Pa= ÅçåîÉÅíáçå= ëóëJ
cient. solutal Rayleigh number Ras :

To solve the resulting large sparse matrix systems α -

---------------------- ⋅ ΔC ⋅ K ⋅ d
((17-14), (17-16a), (17-16b), (17-17), (17-23), (17-24)) ( Cs – Co )
Ra s = ---------------------------------------------------- (17-26)
appropriate iterative solvers for symmetric and unsym- ε ⋅ Dd
metric equations have to be applied3. For the symmet-
ric positive definite flow equations the conjugate
thermal Rayleigh number Rat :
gradient (CG) method33 is successful provided a useful
preconditioning is applied. Standard preconditioner f s
β ⋅ ΔT ⋅ K ⋅ d ελ + ( 1 – ε )λ-
such as the incomplete factorization (IF) technique49 Ra t = ------------------------------- Λ = ----------------------------------- (17-27)
Λ ρc
f f
and alternatively a modified incomplete factorization
(MIF) technique4 based on the Gustafsson algorithm
are used. Different alternatives are available for the Lewis number Le :
CG-like solution of the unsymmetric transport equa-
tions: a restarted ORTHOMIN5 (orthogonalization- Λ
Le = -------------- (17-28)
minimization) method, a restarted GMRES61 (general- ε ⋅ Dd
ized minimal residual) technique and Lanczos-type
methods47,71, such as CGS68 (conjugate gradient Buoyancy ratio (Turner number) B :
square), BiCGSTAB74 (bi-conjugate gradient stable)
and BiCGSTABP74 (postconditioned bi-conjugate gra- α -
dient stable). For preconditioning an incomplete Crout ---------------------- ⋅ ΔC
( Cs – Co )
decomposition scheme is currently applied. Com- B = ------------------------------------ (17-29)
β ⋅ ΔT
monly, BiCGSTABP is the first choice in our practical
simulation of large problems.
Accordingly, the relation between the solutal and ther-
mal Rayleigh number is given by
NTKT bñ~ãéäÉë= çÑ= Oa= qÜÉêãçJ Ras = B ⋅ Le ⋅ Ra t (17-30)
From perturbation analysis along the thermohaline
NTKTKN aáãÉåëáçåäÉëë=é~ê~ãÉíÉêë
Horton-Rogers-Lapwood (HRL) problem54 the critical
Rayleigh number Rac is composed of solutal and ther-
From a dimensional analysis of the governing bal-
mal influences. It can be shown for the HRL problem
ance equations one can derive the following dimen-
that boundary between stable and instable convection
sionless parameters54 to characterize the convection
possesses a straight line, viz.,


Ra c = Ra s + Ra t (17-31) the other hand, the top and bottom boundaries are held
at constant temperatures as indicated in Fig. 17.4. Oth-
erwise, all remaining boundary portions are considered
The critical Rayleigh number Rac depends on bound-
impervious for solute and adiabatic (insulated) for heat.
ary conditions, geometry and anisotropy. A first critical
All boundaries are impervious for fluid flow. As a ref-
number Rac1 describes the onset of convection in the
erence for the hydraulic head a single boundary value
form of stable stationary rolls which is normally given
2 of h = 0 has to be set at one node (normally in the cen-
by 4π . Further increase of the Rayleigh number leads
tre of the mesh). The used model parameters are sum-
to a second critical stage characterized by Rac2 . For
marized in Tab.17.1.
this regime no more stationary conditions exist and
fluctuating (oscillatory) transient convective patterns
As stated above, such a formulation of the thermo-
appear. Rac2 is only known from numerical
haline Elder problem can be considered as a mixed
studies35,37,58,65, where a value of about 390 is reported.
DDC regime where a finger regime dominates at the
For 3D cases it has been found the final convective
beginning (cool salinity sinks down) and later a more
structures are dependent on the initial conditions. Sta-
diffusive regime occurs (downsunk salinity is heated
ble convection could be recognized only if raised as 2D
from below).
roll cells. Otherwise, the 3D state has found to be insta-
ble from the beginning78 as soon above criticality.
∂C = 0 e = 300 m ∂C
= 0
∂x 3 C=1 ∂x 3

= 0
= 0

T=0 T=0 T=0

NTKTKO qÜÉ= Oa= íÜÉêãçÜ~äáåÉ= bäÇÉê
d = 150 m

∂ x1
∂ x1




∂ x1
∂ x1



NTKTKOKN aÉÑáåáíáçå=çÑ=íÜÉ=éêçÄäÉã x1
L = 600 m

Figure 17.4 Definition of the 2D thermohaline Elder prob-

The 2D saline Elder problem43 is expanded to a lem (modified from Voss and Souza75).
thermohaline convection process if the salinity field is
augmented by a thermal distribution as defined in Fig.
17.4. The geometry is given by the aspect ratio
A = L ⁄ d of 4 and a so-called intrusion ratio I = e ⁄ L
of 0.5. While the homogeneous aquifer is permanently
heated from below, the salinity gradient acts from
above. The normalized concentration on the top of the
aquifer is greater than zero in the central section. On
the bottom of the aquifer the salinity is held at zero. On

NTK= `çìéäÉÇ= ÖêçìåÇï~íÉê= Ñäçï= ~åÇ= íê~åëéçêíW= qÜÉêãçÜ~äáåÉ= ~åÇ= Pa= ÅçåîÉÅíáçå= ëóëJ
Table 17.1 Simulation parameters for the 2D
thermohaline Elder problem (continued)
Table 17.1 Simulation parameters for the 2D
thermohaline Elder problem Symbol Quantity Value Unit

Symbol Quantity Value Unit ΔT temperature differ- 400, 200, K

ence 133.3, 100,
A aspect ratio 4. 1 80
B buoyancy ratio 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 1 αL longitudinal ther- 0. m
(Turner number) modispersivity
C0 reference concen- 0. g l-1 αT transverse thermo- 0. m
tration dispersivity
f f
cρ thermal capacity of 4.2 . 106 J m-3 K-1 α ⁄ Cs density ratio 0.2 1
βL longitudinal disper- 0. m
Dd molecular diffusion 3.565 . 10-6 m2 s-1 sivity of solute
βT transverse disper- 0. m
d thickness (height) 150 m sivity of solute
e extent of intrusion 300 m β thermal expansion 5 . 10-4 K-1
fμ viscosity relation 1 1 coefficient
function ε porosity 0.1 1
I symmetric intru- 0.5 1 Λ thermal diffusivity 3.565 . 10-7 m2 s-1
sion ratio
f thermal conductiv- 0.65 J m-1 s-1 K-1
K hydraulic conduc- 4.753 . 10-6 m s-1 ity of fluid
s thermal conductiv- 1.591 J m-1 s-1 K-1
L length 600 m ity of solid
Le Lewis number 1 1
Ra s solutal Rayleigh 400 1
Ra t thermal Rayleigh 400, 200, 1
number 133.3, 100,
T0 reference tempera- 0. K


mesh A mesh B

Figure 17.5 Finite element meshes used: mesh A consisting of 4400 element and 4539 nodes, refined mesh B
with 9900 elements and 10108 nodes.

ratios B = ∞ , 5, 4, 3, 2 as exhibited in a series of Fig.

The finite element meshes as shown in Fig. 17.5 17.6. While the results for B = 5 (Fig. 17.6b) are still
which have proven to be capable of attaining conver- rather similar to the pure (asymptotic) saline convec-
gent solutions for the Elder problem43 are also used for tion at B = ∞ (Fig. 17.6a), beginning with B = 4 the
following investigations. influence of the superimposing thermal convection on
the salinity distribution becomes apparent (Figs. 17.6c-
e). There are no more monotonic changes in the salinity
NTKTKOKO oÉëìäíë=~åÇ=ÇáëÅìëëáçå pattern. Surprisingly, salinity distributions reveal asym-
metric characteristics at longer times when the influ-
The basis for comparison is the thermohaline simu- ence of thermal convection becomes stronger as seen at
lation for the pure saline free convection, i.e. Rat = 0 B = 2 in Fig. 17.6e.
and B = ∞ , as presented in the first part of this paper43.
It meets the best numerical approximation available for To check the influence of spatial resolution the
this case: divergent formulation of the mass transport computations are repeated with the refined mesh B.
equation, extended Boussinesq approximation, Galer- The long-term salinity pattern for small buoyancy
kin-FEM, and predictor-corrector AB/TR time integra- ratios are illustrated in Fig. 17.7. Now, symmetric
tor. As the convergence tolerance γ a value of 10 is salinity distributions appear for B = 4 (Fig. 17.7a) and
used both for head h , salinity C and temperature T B = 2 (Fig. 17.7b). A comparison with the coarser mesh
based on a RMS error norm (cf. eqn (17-21)). counterparts of Fig. 17.6 reveals further qualitative
changes in the pattern evolution. The case with an equi-
To study the growing influence of thermohaline librium of solutal and thermal buoyancy effects for B =
convection more in detail we consider the computa- 1 (Fig. 17.7c) gives again asymmetric distributions of
tional results using mesh A for decreasing buoyancy salinity. Note, the effective Rayleigh number is here

NTK= `çìéäÉÇ= ÖêçìåÇï~íÉê= Ñäçï= ~åÇ= íê~åëéçêíW= qÜÉêãçÜ~äáåÉ= ~åÇ= Pa= ÅçåîÉÅíáçå= ëóëJ
already 800 ( Ra = Ra s + Ra t ) where transient distur-
bances should take influence. However, there is appar- a)
ently no physical reason for a broken symmetry and
mesh effects are likely responsible for such an asym-
metric evolution. It is obvious, at sufficiently high Ray-
leigh numbers each initially small disturbance which is
not perfectly symmetric can evoke asymmetry which
grows over a longer period. Moreover, in the numerical b)

solution process such disturbances can be caused, e.g.,

by inappropriate spatial discretizations, remaining
errors in solving the matrix systems by iterative tech-
niques or roundoff errors arising in computing the
physically instable process. On the other hand, in a
physical experiment or in real sites the trigger of asym-
metry may be an initially disturbed distribution or due
to nonhomogeneous materials.

It seems that the numerical solutions reflect the

physical instabilities which is most apparent for the d)
thermohaline system if the solutal and thermal effects
are nearly equilibrated (B = 1). It becomes obvious that
modeling of such unstable thermohaline systems will
be very expensive, especially in 3D.

Finally, Fig. 17.8 presents both the simulated tem- e)

perature and salinity distributions for the case of B = 4.

It demonstrates how the salinity evolution in a thermo-
haline convection process is related to specific pattern
formations of the temperature field.

Figure 17.6 Influence of thermohaline convection: com-

puted salinity distributions of 0.2 and 0.6 normalized
isochlors at 1, 2, 4, 10, 15, and 20 years (from left to
right) for different buoyancy ratios (a) B = ∞ , (b) B = 5,
(c) B = 4, (d) B = 3, and (e) B = 2 by using mesh A.


salinity t temperature





Figure 17.8 Computed distributions of salinity and temper-

ature at several times for B = 4 using mesh A.

Figure 17.7 Mesh effects: computed salinity distributions

of 0.2 and 0.6 normalized isochlors at 10, 15, and 20 years
(from left to right) for different buoyancy ratios (a) B = 4,
(b) B = 2, and (c) B = 1 by using mesh B.

NTK= `çìéäÉÇ= ÖêçìåÇï~íÉê= Ñäçï= ~åÇ= íê~åëéçêíW= qÜÉêãçÜ~äáåÉ= ~åÇ= Pa= ÅçåîÉÅíáçå= ëóëJ
NTKTKP qÜÉ=Oa=íÜÉêãçÜ~äáåÉ=ë~äí=ÇçãÉ as stated above, the formulation of the thermohaline
éêçÄäÉã salt dome problem is one of a diffusive regime where
the buoyancy force is caused by heat, which has a
larger diffusivity than salt.
NTKTKPKN aÉÑáåáíáçå=çÑ=íÜÉ=éêçÄäÉã
h = ha h = hb
The considered test case is an idealization of the
flow over a salt dome32,43,44,55, where the geometry is a
T=C=0 constrained by QCmin1 = Qmin

= q1 = 0
greatly simplified. The geometry and boundary condi-

= q1 = 0
inflow: C = 0 outflow: ∂C = 0
tions used are shown in Fig. 17.9. The cross section of ∂ x3

d = 300 m
the model extends horizontally 900 m and vertically

∂ x1

∂ x1
300 m having an aspect ratio A of 3. The aquifer is

∂ x1
considered to be homogeneous and isotropic. The

∂ x1
T=1 C = 1, T = 1 T=1

hydraulic head varies linearly on the top of the aquifer. x3
Salt Dome
= q3 = 0 = q3 = 0
All remaining boundaries are impervious to flow. The x1 ∂ x3 e = 300 m ∂ x3
salinity on the top is taken equal to zero (freshwater) L = 900 m

over the entire boundary. Additionally, a minimum

min Figure 17.9 Definition of the 2D thermohaline salt dome
mass flux constraint condition of Q C 1 ≡ 0 is imposed.
problem (modified from Herbert et al.32).
It controls that the freshwater condition is only valid if
the flow enters the domain. The middle section of the
aquifer base represents the cap of the salt dome having
a relative salt concentration equal to unity. The thermo- Table 17.2 Simulation parameters for the 2D
haline extension of the salt dome problem concerns a thermohaline salt dome problem
superimposition of a thermal gradient acting upward
Symbol Quantity Value Unit
and it tends to destabilize the brine pool due to the aris-
ing buoyant forces. Accordingly, the bottom of the A aspect ratio 3 1
aquifer is assigned by a constant normalized tempera- B buoyancy ratio 2, 3, 5 1
ture of T = 1 , while the top boundary is imposed by a (Turner number)
normalized temperature of zero ( T = 0 ). Again, the
C0 reference concen- 0. g l-1
upper boundary is additionally constrained by a mini-
min tration
mum heat flux of zero Q T 1 ≡ 0 which permits a con- f f
trol of the boundary conditions for inflowing and cρ thermal capacity of 4.2 . 106 J m-3 K-1
outflowing situations. The side walls of the domain are fluid
s s
regarded as impervious for solute mass and adiabatic c ρ thermal capacity of 2.52 . 106 J m-3 K-1
(insulated) for heat. The model parameters are summa- solid
rized in Tab. 17.2. According to the DDC classification


Table 17.2 Simulation parameters for the 2D Table 17.2 Simulation parameters for the 2D
thermohaline salt dome problem (continued) thermohaline salt dome problem (continued)

Symbol Quantity Value Unit Symbol Quantity Value Unit

Dd molecular diffusion 1.39 . 10 -8 2 -1

m s β thermal expansion 5 . 10 -4
coefficient coefficient
d thickness (height) 300 m ε porosity 0.2 1
e extent of intrusion 300 m Λ thermal diffusivity 6.024 . 10-7 2 -1
m s
fμ viscosity relation 1 1 λ thermal conductiv- 0.65 J m-1 s-1 K-1
function ity of fluid
ha hydraulic head at 10.228 m λ thermal conductiv- 3. J m-1 s-1 K-1
point a ity of solid
hb hydraulic head at 0. m
point b
The finite element mesh as shown in Fig. 17.10 is used
K hydraulic conduc- 1.0985252 . m s-1 for the simulations of the thermohaline salt dome prob-
tivity 10-5 lem. The predictor-corrector AB/TR time integrator
Le Lewis number 217 1 with a RMS-based convergence tolerance γ of 10 is
Ra s solutal Rayleigh 2.4 . 105 1 applied.
Ra t thermal Rayleigh 547, 365, 219 1
T0 reference tempera- 1. K
αL longitudinal ther- 20. m
αT transverse thermo- 2. m Figure 17.10 Finite element mesh used for 2D thermoha-
dispersivity line salt dome problem consisting of 1920 elements and
α ⁄ Cs density ratio 0.2036108 1 2013 nodes.

βL longitudinal disper- 20. m

sivity of solute
βT transverse disper- 2. m
sivity of solute

NTK= `çìéäÉÇ= ÖêçìåÇï~íÉê= Ñäçï= ~åÇ= íê~åëéçêíW= qÜÉêãçÜ~äáåÉ= ~åÇ= Pa= ÅçåîÉÅíáçå= ëóëJ
NTKTKPKO oÉëìäíë=~åÇ=ÇáëÅìëëáçå compared with the single-diffusive results43 at higher
buoyancy ratios B. As seen for B = 2, however, if the
Simulated results of the salt dome problem at a time buoyancy ratio becomes smaller vigorous temperature
of 100 years for different buoyancy ratios B are shown influences on the brine pattern result in form of a
in Fig. 17.11. It reveals the temperature effect on the ’wavy’ salinity field caused by the thermal buoyancy.
saltwater distribution remains negligible or small if

salinity B temperature



Figure 17.11 Evolution of the thermohaline convection system: computed salinity and temperature distributions at 100
years for different buoyancy ratios (a) B = 5, (b) B = 3, and (c) B = 2.


To illustrate how such a thermal effect on the brine extreme situation. It should be mentioned that for the
flow is evolved a series of salinity and temperature pat- real site behind the present salt dome problem such
terns are outlined in Fig. 17.12 for the case of B = 2. high temperatures corresponding to B = 2 may be
The ’wavy’ salinity characteristics is triggered in front unlikely to occur in practice. However, the variants can
of the salt wedge by thermally driven eddies. As be valuable as test cases to study the effects of higher
expected, it leads to an increased saltwater effluent on temperatures, which may, for instance, arise in the
top of the aquifer. Note, a buoyancy ratio of 2 implies vicinity of a disposal facility for heat-emitting waste.
an already large temperature difference for a high-con-
centration brine and, accordingly, corresponds to an

salinity t temperature





Figure 17.12 Evolution of the thermohaline convection system: computed salin-

ity and temperature distributions at several times for a buoyancy ratio of B = 2.

NTK= `çìéäÉÇ= ÖêçìåÇï~íÉê= Ñäçï= ~åÇ= íê~åëéçêíW= qÜÉêãçÜ~äáåÉ= ~åÇ= Pa= ÅçåîÉÅíáçå= ëóëJ
chosen spatial resolution the second-order AB/TR
scheme with a full Newton method becomes sensitive
NTKU bñ~ãéäÉë= çÑ= Pa= `Éääìä~ê and produces oscillations at later simulation times. On
`çåîÉÅíáçå the other hand, the first-order FE/BE scheme with full
Newton method has proven to be more stable and
robust and, therefore, it is preferred for present 3D sim-
NTKUKN qÜÉ= Pa= bäÇÉê= éêçÄäÉã= Ñçê= ëáåJ
ulations. Generally, Galerkin-FEM (i.e. no upwinding)
ÖäÉJÇáÑÑìëáîÉ=Eëçäìí~äF=~åÇ=ÇçìÄäÉJÇáÑÑìJ is used. To simulate the convection process over a
ëáîÉ=EíÜÉêãçÜ~äáåÉF=ÅçåîÉÅíáçå period of 100 years the FE/BE scheme takes 641 time
steps for the single-diffusive problem and 965 time
steps for the double-diffusive (thermohaline) problem
NTKUKNKN aÉÑáåáíáçå=çÑ=íÜÉ=éêçÄäÉã (excluding restarted steps).

Originally, the Elder problem23 refers to a 2D cross-

sectional convection process in a fluid-saturated porous
layer. As a result, only 2D roll cells can appear. Now,
the interest is focussed on adequate 3D situations. For
this purpose the Elder problem is expanded for both the
single-diffusive and double-diffusive applications in a
porous box consisting of a square base ( L × L ) and a
height d. This box has the same cross sections along the
Cartesian axes as defined in Fig. 17.4 for the 2D
sketch. Boundary conditions and measures are identical simulated mesh quarter
to the 2D case shown in Fig. 17.4. Now, salinity is held
constant in an areal extent on top and bottom of the
porous box. The used parameters correspond to those
Figure 17.13 Total finite element mesh for the 3D Elder
given in Tab. 17.1.
problem: only a quarter of the mesh is actually used in the
computation. This quarter consists of 48,000 hexahedral
The box is discretized by hexahedral trilinear finite elements and 51,701 nodes.
elements as displayed in Fig. 17.13. To reduce the com-
putation effort only a quarter of the discretized domain
is actually simulated. It is based on the assumption that
symmetric planes occur for the studied range of Ray- NTKUKNKO oÉëìäíë=~åÇ=ÇáëÅìëëáçå
leigh numbers. Both AB/TR and FE/BR time marching
–3 The 3D free convection process is similar to the 2D
with a RMS-based convergence tolerance γ of 10
have been tested. For the long-term simulations and the counterpart, with some interesting new features. To
give more insight into the physics of the 3D convection

process Fig. 17.14 shows the evolution of salinity from

different views. The 3D cut-away images (left column
of Fig. 17.14) display the progressing fingering charac-
teristics in the 3D space. Similar to the 2D case we find
also an upwelling salinity pattern in the centre of the
box at the given time stages. The 3D influence
becomes also apparent in the two horizontal views at
an upper elevation of 0.9 ⋅ d (135 m) and the middle
horizon of 0.5 ⋅ d (75 m) as shown in Fig. 17.14. At the
beginning the quadratic geometry of the intrusion area
on top is visible in the convection pattern. Fingers
appear around the border of the intrusion area and
’blobs’ grow down at the four corners. The quadratic
pattern evolves into more complicated multicellular
formations via a number of characteristic stages. More
’blobs’ appear up to the time when the salinity reaches
the bottom. Then, the structures begin to fuse and the
pattern is completely reformed. After this phase a con-
vection pattern remains which has a characteristic diag-
onal ’star’ form. This ’star’ is a result of the geometry
of the square intrusion area. It becomes clear that the
final formations have a strong dependency on the geo-
metric relations.

An illustration of the pattern evolution in 3D space

is given in Fig. 17.15 where isosurfaces of the 50%
salinity are shown at characteristic time stages. Up to a
time of about 4 years the salinity primarily sinks down
and forms a dissected finger formation. At later time
the upper part contracts and forms the typical diagonal
’star’, while larger ’blobs’ are getting fused below.

NTK= `çìéäÉÇ= ÖêçìåÇï~íÉê= Ñäçï= ~åÇ= íê~åëéçêíW= qÜÉêãçÜ~äáåÉ= ~åÇ= Pa= ÅçåîÉÅíáçå= ëóëJ
cut-away 3D view upper horizon at 0.9 d middle horizon at 0.5 d





Figure 17.14 Computed salinity patterns of the 3D Elder problem at times of

(a) 1, (b) 2, (c) 4, (d) 10, and (e) 20 years.


a) b) c)

d) e) f)

Figure 17.15 Computed 3D isosurfaces of 50% salinity for the 3D Elder problem (viewing into the box from bottom to
top) at times of (a) 1, (b) 2, (c) 4, (d) 10, (e) 15, and (f) 20 years.

The 3D thermohaline Elder problem has been simu- provides still an upwelling flow in the centre, the ther-
lated for a buoyancy ratio of B = 5, where the solutal mohaline convection process reveals a single down-
Rayleigh number Ras is again 400. The 3D distribu- welling characteristics for the salinity (see Figs. 17.15
tions of the computed salinities and temperatures up to and 17.17). As seen, the most heated water is buoyantly
20 years are displayed in Fig. 17.16. In contrast to the affected outside and around the denser salinity core,
single-diffusive formation (cf. Fig. 17.14) the salinity where the isotherms come to the upper locations. These
pattern appears more diffusive at later times when the mutual influences between salinity and temperature are
temperature field affects the convection system. Then, more apparent in Figs. 17.17 and 17.18 for the com-
the thermally buoyant forces accelerate the contraction puted isosurfaces of salinity and temperature, respec-
process of the sinking salinity plume in the centre. At tively.
the final stage, while the single-diffusive convection
NTK= `çìéäÉÇ= ÖêçìåÇï~íÉê= Ñäçï= ~åÇ= íê~åëéçêíW= qÜÉêãçÜ~äáåÉ= ~åÇ= Pa= ÅçåîÉÅíáçå= ëóëJ
salinity temperature




Figure 17.16 Cut-away views of simulated salinity (left) and temperature

(right) distributions for the 3D thermohaline Elder problem at buoyancy
ratio of B = 5 and times of (a) 2, (b) 4, (c) 10, and (d) 20 years.


a) b) c)

d) e) f)

Figure 17.17 Computed 3D isosurfaces of 50% salinity for the 3D thermohaline Elder problem (viewing from bottom to
top) at B = 5 and times of (a) 1, (b) 2, (c) 4, (d) 10, (e) 15, and (f) 20 years.

NTK= `çìéäÉÇ= ÖêçìåÇï~íÉê= Ñäçï= ~åÇ= íê~åëéçêíW= qÜÉêãçÜ~äáåÉ= ~åÇ= Pa= ÅçåîÉÅíáçå= ëóëJ

a) b) c)

d) e) f)

Figure 17.18 Computed 3D isosurfaces of 50% temperature for the 3D thermohaline Elder problem (viewing from top to
bottom) at B = 5 and times of (a) 1, (b) 2, (c) 4, (d) 10, (e) 15, and (f) 20 years.

NTKUKO qÜÉ=Pa=_¨å~êÇ=ÅçåîÉÅíáçå equivalent of Bénard convection. As Elder23 studied

such a problem in 2D referred to as the ’long-heater
problem’ for a Rayleigh number of 200, an aspect ratio
NTKUKOKN aÉÑáåáíáçå=çÑ=íÜÉ=éêçÄäÉã A of 10, and an intrusion ratio I of 0.8. We extend this
’long-heater problem’ to 3D similar to the above Elder
Three-dimensional convective pattern formations in problem. The remaining simulation parameters corre-
domains representing a thin porous layer, i.e., for large spond to that of the original Elder problem described in
aspect ratios A, can be considered as a porous medium the first part of this paper43. Due to the multicellular


convection process in the porous layer a more refined water systems. The described solution strategies as
spatial discretization is needed compared with the 3D implemented in the simulator FEFLOW are more gen-
Elder problem above. Moreover, no assumptions of eral and are primarily developed to tackle complex
symmetry are made and, accordingly, the domain has to practical applications where solutal and/or thermal
be fully discretized. The finite element mesh for the density effects play an important role. However, before
problem consists of 220,000 (100 x 100 x 22) hexahe- more complex field situations can be studied the cho-
dral trilinear elements containing 234,623 (101 x 101 x sen methods and codings have to be extensively tested
23) nodes. Again, for the temporal discretization the over a wider spectrum of this important class of nonlin-
FE/BE predictor-corrector scheme with the full New- ear problems. In this context the aim of the present
ton method and a RMS-based convergence tolerance γ paper is mainly the proving and benchmarking of the
of 10 is applied to the simulation. simulations along examples where comparable results
are available, or if not, the obtained results are to be
supposed as a comparison basis for further studies. We
NTKUKOKO oÉëìäíë=~åÇ=ÇáëÅìëëáçå have chosen the Elder and salt dome problem
(HYDROCOIN case 5 level 1) as well suited and rep-
The striking features of 3D Bénard convection resentative examples. They allow us both to participate
development are shown in Fig. 17.19. The initial in the process of resolving partly contradictory results
motion is characterized by a rectangular string of end- given in the literature and to expand (or generalize) the
cells, where at the four corner points the most intensive 2D solutions to three dimensions and additional cou-
growths of ’blobs’ can be observed. It is followed by a pling phenomena from a well-documented and
growth of cells starting from the ends of the intrusion accepted source. The extensions concern thermohaline
area on top. At these times a remarkable feature of the and multicellular convection processes in 2D and 3D.
3D convection process is the annular roll pattern for- Unfortunately, to date both numerical and experimental
mation. At smaller times the cell structures are rather results of 3D and thermohaline convection are rare and
complex (Fig. 17.19b) showing the birth of subcellular we are mostly dependent on an incremental procedure
eddies both across and along the annular structure. Due in comparing and interpreting the results among one
to the smaller Rayleigh number the nonroll-like pertur- another. In this context we found similarities and also
bations are smoothed at larger times and the convection interesting new features regarding the pattern forma-
process results in a highly regular pattern of ring struc- tions of the buoyancy-driven convection processes.

NTKV `äçëìêÉ
The finite-element method is applied to simulate
variable density flow processes in 2D and 3D ground-

NTK= `çìéäÉÇ= ÖêçìåÇï~íÉê= Ñäçï= ~åÇ= íê~åëéçêíW= qÜÉêãçÜ~äáåÉ= ~åÇ= Pa= ÅçåîÉÅíáçå= ëóëJ

vertical distributions at fences 50% salinity isosurface horizon at 0.9 d

viewing from bottom to top




Figure 17.19 Computed salinity patterns for the 3D Bénard convection problem at Rayleigh number of
200 and dimensionless times of (a) 0.013, (b) 0.026, and (c) 0.078.

γ of 10 .
The interaction between solutal and thermal con-
vection is studied by varying the buoyancy ratio B, It becomes clear that a long-term analysis of 3D free
which expresses the relationship between buoyancy or thermohaline convection takes a large numerical
forces due to solutal and thermal convection. Differ- effort and is normally a time-consuming task. While a
ences between (pure) saline convection and thermoha- 2D simulation is still on the order of hours of CPU
line convection become apparent for buoyancy ratios time, a 3D problem can take days of runtime on a
B ≤ 5 . We found asymmetric convection patterns for workstation. However, by using a high-speed worksta-
buoyancy ratios near to unity. In this situation, the tion available today the 3D Elder problems and the
hydrodynamic system becomes strongly unstable Bénard convection could be solved in one day and two
because the solutal and thermal buoyancy effects are days of runtime, respectively. It should be taken into
nearly equilibrated. As a result, very small vertical consideration that the FEFLOW code is general and
velocities trigger the convection process. Grid effects not streamlined, for instance, for special cases of free
indicate the physical instability. The numerical solution convection in rectangular domains with homogeneous
of thermohaline convection systems with buoyancy parameters. That means the impact and the found
ratios near to unity requires extremely fine spatial dis- efforts are representative for general problems having
cretizations. an arbitrary geometry and permitting such parametric
and boundary conditions which are required in actual
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∂h ∂w f f f
ρ – ρo
∫ wSo -----
∂t ∫ ∂x i i
– ------- q = – ∫ wq i n i + ∫ w ( Q ρ + Q EB ) (A1) α -
---------------- = ---------------------- ( C – Co ) – β ( T – To ) (A2)
Ω Ω Γ Ω ρo
f ( C s – Co )

Introducing the Darcy equation (17-2) into eqn (17-1)

by using the fluid density equation of state (17-5), fol-
and taking into account that the buoyancy term leads to
lowing final weighted residual formulation of the con-
tinuity equation results

∂h ∂w ∂h ∂w α
∫ wSo -----
∂t ∫ ∂x i ij μ ∂x j
+ ------- K f ------- = – ∫ ------- K ij f μ ----------------------- ( C – C o ) – β ( T – T o ) e j
∂x i ( Cs – Co )
α ∂C ∂T α ∂C ∂T
wq i ⎛⎝ ----------------------- ------- – β -------⎞⎠ – ∫ wε ⎛ ----------------------- ------ – β ------⎞ – ∫ w q i n i + ∫ wQ ρ
f f
( C s – C o ) ∂x i ∂x i ⎝ ( C s – C o ) ∂t ∂t ⎠


where the extended Boussinesq approximation term tÉ~â=Ñçêã=çÑ=íÜÉ=ã~ëë=íê~åëéçêí=Éèì~J

(17-7) is incorporated. Equation (A3) represents the íáçåë=ENTJPF
standard weak form of the substitution formulation to
solve the hydraulic head h. The weak formulations for the divergent and con-
vective forms of the contaminant mass conservation
equations differ from the fact that for the former the
tÉ~â= Ñçêã= çÑ= íÜÉ= a~êÅó= Éèì~íáçå= ENTJ divergence theorem is applied both to the convective
OF and the dispersive terms

Formally, a weak form of the Darcy equation can ∂ ∂C ∂w f ∂C

= – ∫ ------- ⎛ q i C – D ij -------⎞
easily be derived as ∫ w ∂ xi(qi C – Dij ------
∂x j
∂x i ⎝ ∂x j⎠
f ∂h
∫ wqi = – ∫ wK ij f μ -------
∂x j
+ ∫ w ⎛ Cq i – D ij -------⎞ n i
α - ⎝ ∂x j⎠
– ∫ wK ij f μ ---------------------- ( C – Co ) – β ( T – To ) ej Γ
( Cs – Co )

Ω total
to solve the vector of Darcy fluxes q i at given h, C and
T. while the conventional convective form applies the

NTK= `çìéäÉÇ= ÖêçìåÇï~íÉê= Ñäçï= ~åÇ= íê~åëéçêíW= qÜÉêãçÜ~äáåÉ= ~åÇ= Pa= ÅçåîÉÅíáçå= ëóëJ
divergence theorem only to the dispersive (2nd order) f f s s ∂T f f f ∂T
term ∫ w [ ερ c + ( 1 – ε )ρ c ] ------ + ∫ wρ c q i -------
∂t ∂x i
∂w ∂T cond
+ ∫ ------- λ ij ------- = ∫ wQT – ∫ wq n
∂x i ∂x j T

∂ ∂C ∂w ∂C Ω Ω Γ
∫ w ∂ xi ⎛⎝ Dij ------
∂x j⎠
-⎞ = – ∫ ------- D ij ------- + ∫ w D ij ------
∂x i ∂x j ∂x j i
n (A6)
for solving the temperature T.


Finally, it yields the following weak formulations

∂C ∂w f ∂w ∂C Employing the Galerkin version of the FEM

∫ wRd ------
∂t ∫ ∂x i i
– ------- q C + ∫ ------- D ij ------- + ∫ wRϑC
∂x i ∂x j
(A7) (GFEM), w m = N m , for the above weak formulations
Ω Ω Ω Ω and replacing the h, q i , C and T variables by their trial
= ∫ wQC – ∫ wqn C

h ( x i, t ) ≅ hˆ ( x i, t ) = ⎫
for the divergent form and ∑ Nm ( xi )hm ( t ) ⎪
m ⎪

q i ( x i, t ) ≅ q̂ i ( x i, t ) = ∑ N m ( x i )q im ( t ) ⎪⎪
∂C f ∂C ∂w ∂C f f f
∫ wRd ------
∂t ∫ i ∂x i ∫ ∂x i ij ∂x j ∫
+ wq ------- + ------- D ------- + w ( Rϑ + Q ρ )C (A8)
m ⎪
Ω Ω Ω Ω ⎬ (A10)
= ∫ wQC – ∫ wqn C
C ( x i, t ) ≅ Ĉ ( x i, t ) = ∑ N m ( x i )C m ( t ) ⎪⎪
Ω Γ m ⎪

T ( x i, t ) ≅ T̂ ( x i, t ) = ∑ N m ( x i )T m ( t ) ⎪
for the convective form, respectively, to solve the con- ⎪
m ⎭
centration C.

the matrix coefficients of eqn (17-8) are as follows:

íáçå=ENTJQF O mn = ∫ So Nm Nn A mn = ∫ Nm Nn P mn = ∫ Rd Nm Nn ⎫⎪
Ω Ω Ω ⎪
⎬ (A11)

f f s s
Similar to the above, the weak formulation of the U mn = [ ερ c + ( 1 – ε )ρ c ]N m N n ⎪

convective form of the heat transport equation is given Ω

by ∂N m ∂N n
S mn = ∫ Kij fμ ---------
- ---------
∂x i ∂x j


∂N f ∂N ∂N f f
D mn = ∫ – ---------m- q̂ i N n + D ij ---------m- --------n- + RϑN m N n
∂x i ∂x i ∂x j
divergent form qi ( xi ) = ∑ Nm ( xi )qim (B1)
(A13) m
f ∂N n ∂N m ∂N n
D mn = ∫ N m q̂ i --------- + D ij ---------- --------- + ( Rϑ + Q ρ )N m N n convective form
∂x i ∂x i ∂x j
Assume that we have an unsmoothed (discontinuous)
velocity field q i∗ ( x i ) , then the smooth function which
f f f ∂N n ∂N ∂N
L mn = ∫ N m ρ c q̂ i ---------
∂x i
+ λ ij ---------m- --------n-
∂x i ∂x j
provides a best fit in the least squares sense over the
domain Ω can be obtained from a minimization of the
∂N α
∂x i ∫
F m = – ---------m- K ij f μ ----------------------- ( Ĉ – C o ) – β ( T̂ – T o ) e j
( Cs – Co )
f∗ 2
∫ ( qi – qi )
α ∂Ĉ ∂T̂ J = ⇒ Min (B2)
– N m q̂ i ⎛⎝ ----------------------- ------- – β -------⎞⎠

( C s – C o ) ∂x i ∂x i (A15)
α ∂Ĉ ∂T̂
– N m ε ⎛ ----------------------- ------ – β ------⎞ – N m q n h + N m Q ρ
∫ ∫ ∫
⎝ ( C s – C o ) ∂t ∂t ⎠
Ω Γ Ω The minimalization procedure

∂hˆ α ∂J - f∗ ∂q i
∫ ∂x j ∫
B im = – N m K ij f μ ------- – N m K ij f μ ----------------------- ( Ĉ – C o ) – β ( T̂ – T o ) e j
( Cs – Co )
(A16) ----------
= ∫
2 ( qi – qi ) f -
---------- = 0 for m = 1, 2, ... (B3)
∂q im Ω ∂q im

∫ Nm QC – ∫ Nm qn divergent form ⎫⎪
Rm = C or
Ω Γ ⎪
⎬ (A17)
∫ Nm QC – ∫ Nm qn convective form ⎪⎪
Rm = f∗
∫ Nm ( qi – qi )
⎭ = 0 (B4)

∫ Nm QT – ∫ Nm qn
Wm = (A18)
results in a system of linear equations to solve the
smoothed velocities q i , viz.,

^ééÉåÇáñ=_ ∑ Mmn qin = Z im (B5)

däçÄ~ä= ëãççíÜáåÖ= çÑ= ÇáëÅçåíáåìçìë

îÉäçÅáíó=ÑáÉäÇë where M mn represents the mass matrix and Z im is the
RHS involving the unsmoothed relations. They are
A global approximation of the smoothed Darcy formed in the finite element assembling procedure as
velocities can be written as

NTK= `çìéäÉÇ= ÖêçìåÇï~íÉê= Ñäçï= ~åÇ= íê~åëéçêíW= qÜÉêãçÜ~äáåÉ= ~åÇ= Pa= ÅçåîÉÅíáçå= ëóëJ
number of elements joined at a given node (element
M mn = ∫ Nm Nn (B6)
patch). Among several approaches suggested
FEFLOW employs following two-step local technique:

and, by inserting the Darcy velocity components, as (Step 1) The discontinuous velocity in each element e

Z im = ∫ Nm qi (B7) f
q ip
∗e ⎛ ∂hˆ e
= – K ij f μ ⎜ -------- (B9)
Ω ⎝ ∂x j
∂hˆ α
= – ∫ Nm K ij f μ ⎛⎝ ------- + ----------------------- ( Ĉ – C o ) – β ( T̂ – T o ) e j⎞⎠ ⎞
∂x j ( Cs – Co ) α e e
Ω + ----------------------- ( Ĉ – C o ) – β ( T̂ – T o ) e j⎟
( Cs – Co ) ⎠

Note, the least square approximation of global smooth-

ing (B7) is equivalent to the Galerkin weighting proce- is computed at the Gauss points p (2 x 2 (x 2) for linear
dure (A16) in Appendix A. and 3 x 3 (x 3) for quadratic elements) with given
approximations of the hydraulic head hˆ , concentration
e e
A cost-effective alternative appears if the mass Ĉ , and temperature T̂ for element e from previous
matrix M mn is lumped by an row-sum or diagonal scal- solutions.
(Step 2) The values at the Gauss points are assigned to
⎧ N ( N )
the nearest corner node p → m . Each nodal contribu-
⎪∫ m ∑ n m = n tion is summed up and, at the end, the nodal values are
M mn = ⎨ Ω (B8)
⎪ m ≠ n averaged by their number of nodal contributions n p
⎩ 0 from the patch sharing the node m

without need to solve the linear equation system (B5). ⎛ patch ⎞

f ∗e
= ⎜ ∑ q im ⎟ ⁄ n p
Mass lumping can be shown to be equivalent to an q im (B10)
⎜ ⎟
area-weighted averaging for nodal values. ⎝ e ⎠

içÅ~ä= ëãççíÜáåÖ= çÑ= ÇáëÅçåíáåìçìë


Unlike global smoothing, there is an efficient way

to smooth velocity fields by using only individual ele-
ment information. This is termed as local smoothing45
and provides a simple nodal averaging based on the


^mmbkafu=` computation. The LHS surface integral describes

already the desired convective mass flux along the
^ìñáäá~êó=éêçÄäÉã=Ñçêãìä~íáçå=ìëÉÇ=Ñçê boundary portion Γ , where qRn = q fi ni R is the normal h

fluid flux and q Rn = Cqfi n i R = Cq n R is the normal convec-

ÄìÇÖÉí= Ñäìñ= Åçãéìí~íáçå= çÑ= íÜÉ= ÅçåJ C h

tive mass flux through the boundary.

Finally, following finite element formulation results
The budget analysis aims at the computation of the to compute the normal convective mass flux from
normal convective mass (or heat) fluxes given solutions (A10) of hydraulic head hˆ , Darcy flux
QC = ∑ ∫ (C
q nh ) . Multiplying each term of the continuity q̂ i , concentration Ĉ , and temperature T̂

equation (17-1) by concentration C we get the weak R ∂N m ∂N n

form ∫ Nm qn C
= – ∫ K ij f μ ---------- --------- ( N k C k )h n
∂x i ∂x j
∂q i ∂N m α
∂h – ∫ K ij f μ ---------- ( N k C k ) ----------------------- ( Ĉ – C o ) – β ( T̂ – T o ) e j
∫ wC ------
∂x i
- = ∫ wC ( Qρ + QEB ) – ∫ wCSo -----
∂x i ( Cs – Co )
Ω Ω Ω (C4)
∂N n
+ ∫ N m ⎛ --------- C n⎞ ( N k q ik ) + ∫ N m ( N n C n ) ( Q ρ + Q EB )
⎝ ∂x i ⎠
It is further Ω Ω
∂h k
∂ ( wCq i )
f – ∫ N m ( N n C n )S o ⎛⎝ N k --------⎞⎠
f ∂w f ∂C ∂t
- + wC -------i + wq i ------
--------------------- = Cq i ------ - (C2) Ω
∂x i ∂x i ∂x i ∂x i

All contributions of mass flux are summed up at node

Employing the divergence theorem on the LHS of R
m to obtain the lumped nodal balance mass flux Q C in
identity (C2) we obtain from (C1) and (C2)
the form
f ∂w f ∂C f
∫ wCqi ni = ∫ C ------
∂x i i ∫ ∂x i i
- q + w ------- q (C3) R R
QC = – ∫ qC = –∑ ∫ Nm qn

∂h Γ e Γ e
+ ∫ wC ( Q ρ + Q EB ) – ∫ wCS o -----
which is defined positive inward and will be used for
It has been found to evaluate the individual terms of the boundary constraint control (see Section 17.6).
eqn (C3) in different ways. While the velocity q i in the Similar expressions to (C4) and (C5) can be derived for
f f
first term of the RHS is expressed by the Darcy law, the heat balance fluxes if ρ c T is used as multiplier.
second RHS term uses explicitly the velocity from the

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