Latest Geg 219 LMS Questions Compiled by Ibra

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10:52AM <4 @ + 9S th Sian oie A APPT He 1 0% sa teetegttqrsie # Clear my choice Question 29 ——sietyetansweree!_Markedautet 1.00 ip Flag question Solve y"-4y' =s0ex Oo. ey teycasx—cysin r+ Dafsec x+ttan a|— xcos x+ (sin 2)Jaleos x] Ob. -e ep conx-e; sin Jnoec x4 tan x|- xe08 x +(s1n x) e083] Oe etecons~a sinx+ also tan a|~xeo2a~ Gin x)ly|cos3] Oe e,teyconxteysin r+ fnlrec x-+tanx|—xcosx+ (sin 2) fnlcosx] Question 30 —Horyetancwered Marked ovt ot .90 1p Flag question A metal bar at a temperature of 100° F is place¢ in a room at a constant temperature of O°F. Ii after 20 minutes the temperature of the bar is 50° F, find (i) the time it will take the bar to reacha temperature of 25° F and (ii) the temperature of the bar after 10 minutes. Select one: Os. (i) 39.6 mins, (i) 50.6°F Ob. (39.6 mins, (il) 70.5°F Oc (9496 mins, Gi) 50.8°F 8. (23.6 mins, (i) 60.5°F =Cassote (ODE Powar Jump to, - Series Method c Mean ee Question 28 Flag question 10:47AM © B + AE | Sil ve AGw aHiall ve OQ @ vlearn.unilag.edung/mo @ : fome > My courses > Gi IN) > General > 2022 GEG 219 mid-semester © Question 22 Notyetansnered Ma cout 100 F Flog question S@)= cost, g¢)=sint Select ons at two functions are linearly dependent ». the bwo functions are lineatly Independent Dependents ) a none of these Question 23 Not yet answered i Flag question Find a recurre formula for the power series solution around x O for the aifferential equation given 9 ~39/ +2y=0 Select one © a None of these bg j= DOD « (a+2) a etn a (n42) GHDe+D Question 24 —otyetanonered —Varked out 1.90 Jr Flan question Evaluate »'-y'—2y=0 Select one: 2a ad 4 ee ae Rreuttets Flag question Question 25 10:45 A®a@e=- Q1O4+ uy Omen MCC ln- c(h came Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 y Flag question certain radioactive material is known to decay at a rate proportional to the amount present. If initially there is 50 milligrams of the material present and after two hours it is observed that the material has lost 10 percent of its original mass, find (i) the mass of the material after four hours, and (ii) the time at which the material has decayed to one half of its initial mass A (i) 47.8 mg, (il) 50 hours lect one (i) 87.6 mg, (ii) 48 hours b. (i) 40.5 mg, (ii) 13 hours c (i) 50.6 mg, (ii) 11 hours Question 29 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 \P Flag question Which of the following is true for the pair of Home » My courses >» GEG219(2021-2022 SESSION) > General > 2022 GEG 219 mid-semester examination Question 28 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 Vv Flag question t Solve x-2%% 4x=% di é Select one: Oa. None of these Ob 4 12 ce? +enf2' +— at 2 2t d. t eo —2ce7 +¢,¢e" +S —ce"* +efe"+ m, with no ext 10:44AM © B - CO Sia 6. Aw OQ @ =) af 4 ® WAHAB OLANREW: OLAYIWOLA - A certain radioactive material is known to decay at a rate proportional to the amount present. If initially there is 50 milligrams of the material present and after two hours it is observed that the material has lost 10 percent of its original mass, find (i) the mass of the material after four hours, and (ij) the time at which the material has decayed to one half of its initial mass. A (i) 47.8 mg, (ii) 50 hours Select one: 2 8. (i) 48 hours ». (40.5 mg, (13 2. Gi) 11 hours Question 20 —exyecanavered Marked na 9.0 Fla avestion oFf2 2 ioyeanaelS aN ordinary differential equation of the -— -- order Select one: 5 o4 10:43AM © B + AO | Sail ff AGal OQ @ vicarn.unilag.edung/mo @) : equation of the ---------- order Select one: a5 On 4 a Clear my choice Question 21 sotjatansnered Marea ey 1p Flag question Which of the following is true for the pair of function y@=s,¢)-«using Wronskian method A. The functions are linearly independent B. The functions are linearly dependent C. The functions are indeterminate D. None of these ANS :B 13. Determine if the following sets of functions are linearly dependent or linearly independent J (8) PeosAnvg(9) = 2e0H (H)-2an%a) Select one: a. the two functions are linearly dependent the two functions are linearly Independent lone of the functions is linearly dependent none of these = Clesssxes ODE Power s Jump to. Memnod -o= G oO 5 sO Par General > 2022 GEG 219 mid-semester examination Question 22 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 Flag question fO cost, gt) = sint a. the two functions are linearly dependent b. the two functions are linearly inde pendent c. Dependents d. none of these Question 23 Neyer tenerpel Marked out of 1.00 Flag question a x2_ 7 =0is an ordinary differential equatio ax of the order a 1 b. 2 3 d. None Question 24 Not yet answered J out of 1.00 i Flag question 2 wt 42% 4 10y= sin 2zis an ordinary ar ix differential equation of tr order order Select one al b. 2 «3 a. None Question 24 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 Flag question 2 FY 49% 4 10y=sin 2x5 an ordinary +2 oe as differential equation of the order 5 b. 4 2 a1 Ne « Classote 8 ODE Power Series Method Jump to. Quiz navigation an ll) il ol i il ial il il il al al hi eee Marked out of 1.00 ¥ Flag question Which of the following is true for the pair of function f(x) = 6, g(x) = 6" using Wronskian method A. The functions are linearly independent B. The functions are linearly dependent Cc. The functions are indeterminate D. None of these ANS :B 13. Determine if the following sets of functions are linearly dependent or linearly independent Ff (x) =9cos(2x), g(x) = 208? (x) -2sin*(x) ct one: a. the two functions are linearly dependent © b. the two functions are linearly independent Oc. one of the functions is linearly dependent Od. none of these Question 29 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 Vv Flag question Which of the following is true for the pair of function (x)= 6, g(x) = 6? using Wronskian method A. The functions are linearly independent B. The functions are linearly dependent C. The functions are indeterminate D. None of these ANS :B 13. Determine if the following sets of functions are linearly dependent or linearly independent F(x) = 9c0s(2x), g(x) = 20s? (x)—2sin?(x) Select one: O a. the two functions are linearly dependent O b. the two functions are linearly independent Oc. one of the functions is linearly dependent O d. none of these en ¥ =1, Perform two iterations of Picard’s metho .d to estimate a value for y when x 1.2 ares ray Pender ei ey kes Wen am Question 19 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 Flag question if and y = 2 when x = ax Perform two iterations of Picard’s method to estimate a value for y when x = 1.2 Question 20 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 i Flag question A certain radioactive material is known to decay at a rate proportional to the amo present. if nitially there is 50 milligrams of the mal rial present and afte wo hours it is ol rved that the material has lost 10 percent of its o al mass, find (i) the mass of the material after four nours, and (ii) the time at which the material has decayed to one half of its initial mass. A (i) 47.8 mg, (li) 50 hours elect one: a. (i) 87.6 mg, (ii) 48 hours (1) 40.5 mg, (ii) 13 hours <. (I) 50.6 mg, (il) 11 hou Ba we ca +) 219 rit semester © Flag question ares bs a. (I) 87.6 mg, (li) 48 hou (i) 40.5 mg, (ii) 13 hours <. (50.6 mg, (i) 11h Question 21 Not yet answered Marked out af 1.00 Flag question Which of the following is true for the pair of function (x) = 6", g(x) = 6 using Wronskian method A. The functions are linearly independent B. The functions are linearly dependent C. The functions are indeterminate D. None of these ANS :B 13. Determin: e if the following sets of functions are linearly dependent or linearly independent f(x) = 9cos(2x), g(x) = 2eos* (x)—2 sin?(2) a. the two functions are linearly dependent b. the two fu tions are linearly independent one of the functions is linearly dependent none of these ODE Power Series Method Jump to. ne ABZ SESSION) > General > 2022 GEG 219 mid-semester exeminaton 1p Flag question lp is x). er--x- Wala) = x- = =1),y3() = x— Question 25 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 Y Flag question The displacement s of a body in a damped mechanical system, with no external forces, satisfies the following differential equation: 2e8 46% 445s = 022% 46% 445s =0 Where t at? dat dr? dt represents time. If initially, when 0, s=0 and & = 4% = 4. Solve the differential equation for at sinterms of t Select one: Oa s= Steet Ob. s= Shae Oc s=4ty-2,-3 Od. s= 4te-t pt Question 26 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 V Flag question Use Picard’s method to solve the differential equation a yte* ax at x = 1, correct to two significant figures, given that y = 0 when x =0 Select one: Oa. y(1)=2.7 Ob. y(1)=1.4 Oc y)=25 Od. y(1)=1.7 att RO Toi Lee PCE TR CTR RTS) 5 Question 30 Nee eeu Econ a ma) Paral cial) Find a recurrence formula for the power series solution around x = 0 for the ella c nl mele LatolaeAhCoay ay +2y 0 Select one a. None of these yn G+ D@4+0 OMCs Classote 8 ODE Power Series Method jump to... 5 4 fol raat asz-la lola 4! rs b oO 4 Cs © Clear my choice ed’ Marked our of 1.0 Question 26 Not yet a Solve x- ie a 2eye +49! Clear my choice Question 27 Not yet ansiverad Marked our of 4.00 Find a recurrence formula for the power SErIES Solution aroun Select one: Question 29 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 r Flag question Solve y' +y' =seex Select one: Oa. e+e,c08x—c, sinx+Jn|sec x+tan x|—xcos x+(sin x)Jn|cos 2 Ob. - +e, cosx—cy sin x+Jn|sec x+tan x|—xcos x+(sin 2)Ja|cos 2| Oc qe, cosx—e, sinx+Jn|sec x+tan 2|—xcos x- (sin x)/n|cos a| Od. q+c, cosx+e;sinx+Jn|secx+tan x|- xcos x+ (sin x)Jn|cos x| Question 30 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 ¥ Flag question Solve y'-7y = Select one: Qa. a2 veglta2s 49 7 Ob. 264 2 ee™ +35 49 7 ®c. None of these O4. —4e,+ 2 +ee" 43x 49 F Clear my choice +e sin 24 1, 0 , ©0522 2 20 i ©4. None of these Question 24 NOtyetansweted Marked curt 00 F Flag question Solve yl) 5, Select one: © None ofthese 2 tertee tars, 1 i tGQr ter tex 4 SoA ested feat Clear my choice 4 ® TAOHEED OLALEKAN AYAND ‘oh 0:24:16 Solve y'-2y'+ y= x Select one: Oa. -ce" +c,0" — xe" +xe"Jn|2| ©) b. ce" +c,e" — xe" +x0"ln|a| Oc None of these Od. 2qe" +c," — xe" +xe"ln|x| Clear my choice 10:36AM© B + A | Stal ce SO OQ @ vlearn.unilag.edung/mo @ : Question 10 —acyetancnored Marked outol 10 order 20 a 03 Clear my choice Question 11 —oxvetonannrad Morksdeacof0 Flog question Use the po ies method to find the gener: jon near x= Oof y'+y =0 » yaqenerte sine None of these a yrqoosx-e, sin Question 12 warye jaca (¢ Flag question Use Variation of parameters to find the general solution »~-sy'+67-a Select one: 2 yi =ey()-ewsl—% 0 ® Screenshot has been saved to Pictures/ Screenshot Question 29 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 v Flag question Solve y'+y' =secx Select one: Oa e+e, cosx—c, sinx+In|secx+tan x|- xcosx+(sin x)/n|cos a| Ob. - e+e, cosx—e, sin x+Jn|sec x+tan x|— xcosx+(sin x)Jz|cos x| Oc e+e, cosx—c,sinx+ZJn|sec x+tan a|- xcos x— (sin x)d2|cos x| Od. e+e, cosx+e,sinx+Jn|secx+tan x|- xcos x+ (sin x)Jn|cos a| Question 30 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 Vv Flag question Solve y'-7y =- Select one: 3 3 Oa et—tee™ +ix 49 Ob. 26+ 2+e,6% ioe 49 @c. None of these O4. 4c, + 2+ eye" +3x 49 Clear my choice the differential equation 22 + ax 2 10:34 ase) Clear my choice Question 30 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 iy Flag question Solve y'—y'-2y=sin 2x Select one: ° yaqete,e™ + fin 2x+ cos2x b. yece’tee™ ste 3 1 =e *—c,e" +—sin 2x+—cos2x Tee ee te 20 oO oO ° a None of these 4 Classote 8 ODE Power Series Method Jump to... Be ol a oa a a occa @ @ Wi i Hh Hi 1033 BAOa: POM Mec cren= Celt re] Question 25 Not yet answered Flag question Marked out of 1.0 Evaluate y'—y'-2y= Select one: 5 lis 2e* ce" +c,2" +-e* 4 — 1 -e¥ ce +e,e™ +38" wre ee teye" +e Oa. None of these Question 26 Not'yét answered 00 \° Flag question Marked out of 1.00 Solve y +y =secx Select one ey +c, cos x—c, sin x+Jn|sec x+tan x|—_xcosx+ 10:32 a Fa © >. (i) 40.5 mg, (ii) 13 hours O- «& (i) 50.6 mg, (ii) 11 hours Clear my choice Question 26 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 \y Flag question Find the general solution near x = 0 of yy +2y=0 Select one: O a None of these O »b- ni) == 2),9,()e xt - 1g : . 6° 120° 1680 c a. lois los 1 2G) = (1-2), 4G) = x- Ex ~ja0* ~Teso O 4 2 Up 4 gy 4G) = 1-2), (a) = x 3 "in aa Question 27 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 p Flag question se di } w 82428 s10y= sin 2x iS an ordinary differential equation of the ---------- order Select one: 2 @ None of these Question 18 Notyer arcwered Marked outof 1.00 Flag question and y = 2 when x =1. Perform two iterations of Picard ipl = a jo functions ane linearly dependent None of these “the:two functions are linearlyin One of the furctions is linearly independent ependent Hoyetaranerc! —Maviedoveof 100 Flog question 10:29 AM © Genera ) mid-semester exan Question 4 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 & Flag question se Picard's method to solve the I equation & ax correct to two decimal places, given that y differe =1whenx=0 d. y(0.5)=0.98 Question 5 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 & Flag question Use the power series method to find the general solution near x = 0 of y'+y=0 qcosxt+e,sinx b. None of these =¢,0osx+c¢, sinx 4. y=¢,c0sx~¢, sinx Question 6 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 & Flag question Use the power series method to find the eneral solution near x= 0 of y'+y=0 Select one a y=qcosx+e,sinx b. None of these c. -y=q,cosx+e,sinx d. y=qcosx-e, sinx Question 6 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 Y Flag question Use Picard's method to solve the 4 x differential equation 2 = y +e’ ax at x = 1, correct to two significant figures, given that y = 0 when x=0 Select one: a yl b. wn=14 Y= 2.5 dea ~ Classote 8 ODE Power Series Method Question 21 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 Y Flag question Find a recurrence formula for the power series solution around x = 0 for the differential equation given y'-2' +2y=0 Select one: O a. None of these © > Bag = (2) ay (n+2)(ntl Oc ___ (+2) Bay | oo aa (2+2)(e+]) Od. (+2) Ba = nr (2+2)(a +1 Daan a ive arn im gl hut Select one: Oa y=qcosxte,sinx © b. None of these Oc Od “Y=, cosx+e, sinx mc028-4.jpg Clear my choice G 219 mid-semester examination & Flag question 10:29 AM | 8.5KB/s i ¥ Gt alll al! F @ OD @ Wear.unilagedungmo © @ O Clear my choice Question 21 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 \¢ Flag question Evaluate y'-y'-2y=e* Select one: Oa 2e* ee" +e,6* tle Od. gree tee oe Of Bee tego 4 Od. None of these + Classote 8 ODE Power Series Method Jump to... Quiz navigation i lt GEG eeeoe 10:28 AM | 2.6KB/s 1 ¥ @ alll tl F@ QO @ Wearnunilagedungmo © @ O (e® SS 4 ® Jeremiah Oluwafemi Ayoade ~ Home > My courses > GEG219(2021-2022 SESSION) General > 2022 GEG 219 mid-semester examination Question 19 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 > Flag question Solve y®)=12 Select one: O a. None of these Ob. eteyxtesx? +2x° Oc -ebegxteyx? +22 Od. By +eyxteyx? +227 Question 20 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 ip Flag question Spa Veer) oe) er th 10:24 A®ag “eT a5 Dc. None of these Question 18 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.60 Vy Flag question e Solve ¥= gta gee dt Select one: None of these ) b. i 1,2 oye beote! +— ot > é c. 4 ;. ae" +efe +— : = 2 Ss —2c,e" + 14# cette = 1 fe 5 Classote 8 ODE Power Series Method Jump to Marked out of 1.00 Solve y'- Select one: oO oO ° oO a A Flag question Ty =-3 3 4 “ote +5 eS eye Ree” +4% None of these Ag+ 3 tee" +3 x @ 10:26 al >) WUE = My YUN aes © GLUE evereves ULUIUIY © GENE! > 2022 GEG 219 mid-semester examination Question 19 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 hd Flag question Solve #Y 54 25y= 2sin£—cos£ ax’ 2 2 Select one: O a2 oye™ cos 4t+c,¢” sindt resin hg Mt 663 2 663 2 oO »b oye cos 4t+cxe* finde sin t 2 ogg! 663 : 663 2 Os ge" cos 4t+e,e” sindt— PB ig bp OO cog 663 2 663" 5 oO d. None of these Question 20 Not yet answered 10:26 a>) O 4. None of these Question 20 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 \y Flag question Solve »' -7y' =-3 Select one’ Oa 3 agin? qt—tee"+ix Ng TT Oo » -24,4 2 +e" 43x 49 7 O © None of these O 4d 3 mx, 3 —4e,+#—+e,e™ +i x ae TF Question 21 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 Yr Flag question Use the power series method to find the general solution near x = 0 of y'+y=0 Select one: Oa. y=e,cosx+e,sinx O db. None of these OQ « -y=eqecosx+e,sinx OQ 4. ysaqcosx-c, sinx @ @ a 10:26 AM | 2.0KB/s ¥ alll ntl F@® ee ee Question 18 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 > Flag question Use the power series method to find the general solution near x = 0 of y'+y=0 Oa y=qcosx+e,sinx O b. None of these Oc -y=ecosx+e, sinx Od. y=eq,cosx-e,sinx ~ Classote 8 ODE Power Series Method Jump to... Quiz navigation ill i Question 30 ve ee COM MAEM lone Mo A) Question 16 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 Y Flag question Find a recurrence formula for the power series solution around x=Of y'+y=0 Select one: a. =i “Beit = ae (e+ 2)(n+1) ) b. None of these 71 =—____4, (+ Dat) 24,9 Yd -1 Gy = 5 ‘Gy (e+ 2) +1) Question 17 Marked out of 7.00 y Flag question Use Picard’'s method to solve the differential &d equation oes +2at x = 0.5, correct to two Ix decimal places, given that y = 1 when x =0 Select one Da, y(0.5)=3.18 ) b. (0.5) =2.22 Yc. y(0.5)= 1.33 )d. yl0.5)=0.98 Question 20 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 2% +10 = sin 2x/S an ordinary differential equ dx Marked out of 1.00 e*=ois an Ordinary differential equation of b. 4 ae d 3 4 Classote 2 ane 1... lear my choice Lea 200IEVEL-uPDATE/mATERIALS rN Question 26 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 ¥ Flag question The displacement s of a body in a damped mechanical system, with no external forces, satisfies the following differential equation: as 4624455 = 0224624455 =0 Where t date dt dt? dt represents time. If initially, when 0, s=0 and < = e = 4. Solve the differential equation for sin terms of t. Select one: OO000 Question 27 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 > Flag question Oo} Lea A CON) 200IEVEL-UPDATE/mATERIALS ph 5 UNILAG-LMS Home > My courses > GEG219(2021-2022 SESSION) > General 2022 GEG 219 mid-semester examination Question 25 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 pv Flag question Solve »' +)’ =secx Select one: Oo a ote, cosa—c, sin x+Jn|secx+tana|—xcos x+( O »b- o +c, cos x—cg sin x+Jn|secx+ tan a|—xcos x+( QO & e+e, cosx—e,sinx+Zn|secx+tan x|-xc0s x—( oO a. e+e, cosx+e,sin x+Jn|sec x+tan x|- xcos x+( Question 26 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 ¥ Flag question The displacement s of a body in a damped o mechanical system, with no external forces, 10:23 AM | 5.0KB/s atl! al + Newtab 3 ree yrs) = ene Oc. y(0.5)=1.33 Od. y(0.5)=0.98 Question 14 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 py Flag question Solve FY _y 4 25y= 2sint—cos4 ae 2 2 Select one: Oa 2 ce" cos At +c,¢* iat PO gat cont 663 2 663 2 Ob. gye* cos dt +e,e* ginde oink 2. cog! 663 2 663 2 Oc ce" cos 4t+c,2* sid ogi fg 2 eget 663 2 663 2 O 4. None of these Question 15 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 y Flag question A metal bar at a temperature of 100° F is placed in a room at a constant temperature of O°F. If after 20 minutes the temperature of the bar is 50° F, find (i) the time It will take the bar to reach a 10:22 AM | 10.3KB/s ™ alll all FD Question 15 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 ¥ Flag question A metal bar at a temperature of 100° F is placed ina room at a constant temperature of O°F. If after 20 minutes the temperature of the bar is 50° F, find (i) the time it will take the bar to reach a temperature of 25° F and (i) the temperature of the bar after 10 minutes. Select one: Oa. (i) 39.6 mins, (il) 50.6 F Ob. (i) 39.6 mins, (il) 70.5°F Oc. (i) 49.6 mins, (ii) 50.8°F Od. (i) 23.6 mins, (il) 60.5°F + Classote 8 ODE Power Series Method Jurnp to... Quiz navigation ll ll ll (0 FT] [42] (FH) Fa FFE) (96) 77 (78) 10:22 AM | 50.4KB/s * atl all & Home > My courses > GEG219(2021-2022 SESSION) General > 2022 GEG 219 mid-semester examination Question 13 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 Flag question Use Picard’s method to solve the differential equation 2. x +Zat x = 0.5, correct to two decimal places, given that y = 1 when x = 0 Select one: Oa. y(0.5)=3.18 Ob. y(0.5)=2.22 Oc. y(0.5)=1.33 Od. y(0.5)=0.98 Question 14 Not yet answered Marked out of 1,00 > Flag question dy , t t Solve —y +25y = 2sin=— cos = Gay + 2Sy= 2an 5 cos 5 Select one: Oa 2 56. t 20 t ce" cos 4t +c,e* sin 4t +—— sin —- ——cos— 663° 2 «663 2 “22 @)—y, @) "> yO=ay,() ton O+y@ Oc %O= ,O+e,y,(0) ANG & OLUFSEN ~ + Not yet answered Mai Fay qerstion vo Two decimal play Mazswtien 10:20AM AO|U Fall 1S Marked out of 1.00 v Flag question Given that we = x+y? and that y=0 when x = 0, determine the value of y When x = 0.3. Correct to four places of decimal. y = 0.0451 Select one: Oa. y=0.0154 O b. y=0.0392 Oc y=0.0139 10:20 AM | 0.3KB/s Bl alll al Question 10 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 & Flag question Find the general solution near x = 0 of yxy +2y=0 Select one: Oa. None of these b. - AG a0-*),y()ex-te-1 Ly... nel 6 120° 1680 : c a 13 1 1a AG) = 0-2"), (x) ex a. "0” Te 2 13 1 1s WG) = (l= x alam amex sen" “yea0* - d. Question 11 Not yet answered Marked out of 1,00 yr Flag question a dx -2,and y =2whenx=1. Perform x two iterations of Picard's method to estimate a value for y when x = 1.2 Select one: Oa y=4.2224 Ob. y= Oc y=1.1122 0332 Od. y=3.1455 je > My courses 19(2021-2022 SES: ination Flag question needed for the ba "Select one Oa. (i) N= 500 Ob: (i) y=3000"""* Oc Wy-mse"™ i) w= 35908" (ii) 6.7 hours Notyet answered Marked out of 1.00 & Flag question Question 30 10:18 AM | 15.1KB/s 1 atl atl SF Oc. Dependents O 4. none of these Question 8 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 yp Flag question Bacteria grow in a culture at a rate proportional to the amount present. Initially, 300 strands of the bacteria are in the culture and after two hours that number has grown by 20 percent. Find (a) an expression for the approximate number of strands in the culture at any time ¢ and (b) the time needed for the bacteria to double its initial size. Select one: Oa. (i) N= 500298, (ji) 5.7 hours Ob. (i) = 300%" (il) 7.6 hours Oc (i) w2425e™*, (ii) 8.4 hours Oa. (i) w=359e9™"" (ii) 6.7 hours Question 9 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 Flag question A particle, initially at origin moves along x-axis according to the rule Sexv+a%= x44, The a on time taken by the particle to traverse a distance of 96 units is Question 23 Question 24 Flag question = Flag question BrCl es PA AV Sie ey Ra ie) 1c) BF Solve y'#) = 5x Select one: ° a. None of these O oO O Dey tegxtegx +eyx? +ig 24 1 ney bey tegx? teyx? eG # 4ey tegxteye +oyx° +e Clear my choice Question 23 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 \v Flag question Solve y'-7y' =-3 Select one: CB a. O »b oO « oO 4 t+ 4 ie yey 3, 159 ee 3 m3 2c, +—+ 0,0 * + cy 4 ce 7" None of these 3 3 —4e,+—+ ee" tix gg TG Question 13 Not yet answe A certain radioactive Material is know, Present and after two hours it is obse hours, and (ii)the time at whi A (i) 47.8 8, (ii) 50 hours n to decay ata ved that the m ch the material has decay, Select one: Oa (i) 87.6 mg, (ii) 48 hours Ob. (i) 40.5 mg, (ii) 13 hours Oc (i506 ™8, (1) 11 hours | [Becton 14 Be BTS CME cl dyes oO OMe MELT Conte R\e} ax 0, determine the value of y When x = 0.3. Correct to four places of decimal y = 0.0451 ject one: ) a. y=0,0154 Ob. y=0.0392 Jc. y=0.0139 Question 3 Not yet answ Marked out of 1.00 vy Flag question Solve y'-y -2y=sin 2x Select one - m4 3 in oxet y=qe"+c,e° +—sin 2x+—cos2x yrq af 5 30 S rye glee ~P yaae’+ee™ +—€ 4 Cs 3 1 4S ysoe*—c,e* +—sin 2x+—cos2x 20 2 Od. None of the Question 10 Not yet answered — Marked out of 1.00 > Flag The oo Sof a body in a need mechanical system, v equation: 246% e+ 45s = 0252 — <4 6= at+4. 5s = 0 Where treprese differential Eccntion for sin oat a t Select one: rT are linearly dependent independe jag question Select one ues Rod Recency Question 28 eee) C erertasP), Dee bd Flag question atl! 9mobile-Stay Safe 4G ** 10:11AM @a6s%@) O a O »62 O «3 O 44 Clear my choice Question 30 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 ¥r Flag question Find the general solution near x = 0 of Yay +2y=0 Select one: Oa. None of these Oo b. - 1 1 1 AG)= A= 2), WO) = x EP To Tae 1 1 1 O © AG) = 1-2), ya) = x Ee Te =a - oO d 3_ 1 5, 1 2 1 W(x) = 1- x), (a) = x rl 07 *Ta0* cum) di Classote 2 ODE Power Seriac Mathad @ © BEVENA SOIUUON NEAL A= ONY VEO) YRo,cosx+c,sinx 'b. None of these © -y=¢,cosx+c,sinx lL =e i A particle, initially at origin moves along x-axis according to the rule = x +4 = x44 The time taken distance of 96 units is Select one: Oa ins Ob. logs elogse Notyetanswered Marked out of 1.00 1p Flag question asic an ordinary differential equation of the order Onm: eae | @ viearn.unilage@ng/n + @ wacked 110 Flag question sin x+ nsec x+tan x|—xco8 x+(sin 2) feo Question 6 et answere ed Flag question Use Variation of parameters to find the » yM=eyt)-%O-»,O it) team +r,O %O Clear my choice NaN ila i Clear my choice x Solve » 2) ey x Select one: @a. -o0" +c,¢" — xe" +20" Inala] Ob. cya" +c,0" 307 +xe"Jn|z| Oc None of these Od. 2cy0" +o0" — xe" 4 nel Clear my choice Ole y=1.4122 Od. y=3.1455 Clear my choice Question 21 Not yet answered Marked our of 1.00 Solve Select one; o x t 2 oye cos dtteye™ singe Se sin 2 2 P ae" cosdt bene indi gin 20,9! Spay? 66s" < Ey © ye" 008 dt bey ™ indi — sin £4 29 og f 663" 2 6632 > d. None of these b Cla Ff e © Type here to search Question 22 Use Flag question = xt4@axt . The time: A partic distance of 96 ur Home > My courses > GEG219(2021-2022 SESSION) > General > 2022 GEG 2191n jee 22 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 F Flag Use Picard’s methad to solve the differential equation a ee a 2 that y= 1 when x=0 Select one: Oa yos)=318 1D by yos)=2.22 Oc yosy=1.23 a! BeSafe Airtel = 10:13 Sa2%i @ 24 Clear my choice Question 23 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 r Flag question Solve y'-Ty =-3 Select one: Oa 3 an 3 +—+e¢"" += Cy 49 Co? 7* b, 3 3 =2e,+—tee" +=Kx ar Oo ° c. None of these O 4 gp Freer a3 ey 49 Ce 7* Clear my choice Question 24 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 > Flag question Let population of country be decreasing at the rate proportional to its population. If the population has decreased to 25% in 10 years, &@ long will it take to be half? 1012AM© B + Oo Wn. OQ @ vlearn.unilag.edung/mo @ Question —nryetansres wanna tr co fp Ran sveston The population of a community is known to increase at a rate proportional to the number of people present at a time t. If the population has doubled in 6 years, how long it will take to triple? Select one; lear my cnace Question? —Naajeranars inayat tc ¢ a avert A particle, initially at origin moves along x- axis according to the rule $=«+#=«+4, The time taken by the particle to traverse a distance of 96 units is Select one: > legerioos® Od Negselogee Question nyo nc ot Fag question Given that -«+» and that y = 0 when x = 0, determine the value of y When x = 0.3. Correct to four places of decimal y=0.0451 ~ @e e + G oO 5 NaN ila i Clear my choice x Solve » 2) ey x Select one: @a. -o0" +c,¢" — xe" +20" Inala] Ob. cya" +c,0" 307 +xe"Jn|z| Oc None of these Od. 2cy0" +o0" — xe" 4 nel Clear my choice Marked out of 1.00 \ Flag question Use the power series method to find the general solution near x = 0 of y'+y=0 Select one: y=aq,cosx+e, sinx None of these -y=,cosx+e, sinx Od y= SX~C, SINX Question 2 Nat yet answered Marked out of 1.00 v Flag question Given that 2 =x+y? and that y = 0 when x = 0, determine the value of y When x = 0.3. Correct to four places of decimal. y= 0.0451 Select one: Oa. y=0.0154 0.0392 0,0139 Question 3 Not yet answered NILAG-LM rae Deere Home > My courses > GEG219(2021-2022 SESSION) ? General > 2022 GEG 219 mid-semester examination Question 25 Notyet.answered Marked out of 1.00 © Flag question is an ordinary differential equation of the — order ct b. 2 Oa 3 Vda Question 26 Notydl answered Marked out of 100 Flag question Let nopiliation of country he decceacing ititha rate neanalinnal em ine nanstnolnn Mea anaiall Question 27 c Flag questi Question 19 Use Picard’s me atx=1 Select correc examination & Flag question ax & Flag question d. None Clear my choice Question 17 Use Picard's method to solve the differential equati hat y = 1 when x Question 18 & Flag question » =x'+2Zat x= 0.5, corre: Gear my choice 7 27 Notyet answered — Marked out of 1.00 & Flag question 1 a recurrence formula for the power series solution around x = of =0 Question 5 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 v Flag question x Solve y'-2y' +y=% x Select one: O a. -e@* +¢,8" — xe" +xe"ln|z| Ob. ae* +e,e" — xe" +xe"In|a| Oc. None of these Od. 2ee" +e,¢" — xe" +xe"Jn|z| Question 15 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 \v Flag question A particle, initially at em moves along x- axis according to the rule = —= “st4oe =x+4 The time taken by the settle to traverse a distance of 96 units is Select one: Oo a Ins OO». tgs elog; e) c 2Ins Od Manatee ehh. neyymnery Vquietattompe Marked cut a 00 ish Fe lees ie Pla + (sin aoa in Bi fsa 4 hoe (sin ayy Sin e+ lniseo.x+tan x] x eds Adal Hdd slot nleeca- tans room (ude ond all glo LTE 10:08 & © 2% TF) SSS Home » My courses > GEG219(2021-2022 SESSION) General > 2022 GEG 219 mid-semester examination Question 16 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 v Flag question Find a recurrence formula for the power series solution around x=Of y'+y=0 Select one: O a 4-1 4 (2+ 2)(2 +1) Oo b. None of these -1 O © 2a =———4, @+2)at) O age a, (2+2)(n+1) Question 17 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 ¥ Flag question wit 422 s10y= sin 2x is an ordinary @ z | : Solve x2 saf Select one: Oa None of ace a BeSafe Airtel > 10:09 @ 2022 GEG 219 mid-semester examination Question 22 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 ¥ Flag question Solve y= 5x Select one: Oa. None of these be 2c, teyxte,x toy t iy 24 -ey tex +e,x7 tax? +s a 0 QO @ Oo 1 4c, toyxtegx toga + nm Question 23 Not yet answered Marked out of 1.00 a Flag question Solve y'-7Ty' =-3 Select one: oO a 3 ax, 3 o+—+e,¢ ° +2=x gy Ob 3 ow 3 —2c,+—+ +2 wr yg FT G* © & None of these Sa2%i Home > My courses > GEG219(2021-2022 SESSION) > General > 2022 GEC | Question 19 Notyet answered Marked out of 1.00 Fk The displacement s of a peas ina Capea mechanical a differential equation: aft 46% +455 = o25= = + 6= a+ 45s = == 4= = = 4. Solve the differential equation at Sin terms of Select one: ste a On. s=5i,-% = Ob. s=3i,2 eae s Oc s=4ty-2r, se Ord, s=4.-23 Be ile ae a File Edit View History Bookmarks Window Home > My Question 28 ‘Question 29 Lenpopulation of country by decreasing at the rare mcrae fee 240% ry 1 yeAeS. eve lor, yi | Help reportion 2 bar rally | Question 20 Notyetanswered — Marked ou x Solve y'-2y'+y=2 x Select one: ® a. -ce" tee" — xe" +22" In|z| Ob. cp" +e,9* — xe" +x2"In|x| Home > Mycou Question 19 Flag question ‘Question 20 Flag question rder ; FB -2E ry aise None of these Od. Qe" toe" — xe" +22" Jn |x| Clear my choice 2 Solve ¥- oe a dt t Select one: © a. None of these Ob. oe +e 42 + a Oc : oe +efe i nA ~ BB a Select one a. -ce" +e,0" — xe" + x0" In| b. ce" +0" — xe" +x0"Jn|z| None of these 1. eye" +eye" — xe" +x0"ln Question 2 Marked out of 1.0¢ > Flag question Solve y’ Select or 3. on 3 ® gt—oteze tix 49 7 d. 43 7 Question 3 Not yet answerec © Flag question known to decay at A certain radioactive material

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