Teenage Deaths Word

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Good evening teacher, I am Daniel Cabrera Bazán and this time I will present my Pecha
Kucha presentation on teenage death.
2. The five leading causes of death among teens are accidents, such as homicide, suicide,
cancer, and heart disease.
3. Motor vehicle deaths are the leading cause of death among teens, accounting for
more than one-third of all deaths.
4. Among teens, non-Hispanic black men have the highest mortality rate. This is due to
the racism of the people.
5. The deaths of adolescents aged 12 to 19 years comprise a small fraction of the total
deaths that occur each year in the world.
6. Another cause of adolescent death is due to the bullying that some adolescents suffer
in schools.
7. An unknown cause is depression, this case is mostly in women between 15 and 19
years old.
8. Many series and movies are about these cases, about suicides and depression in
adolescents ending in their deaths.
9. Most of these deaths could be prevented by improving health services, education and
social services.
10. Depression and suicide can be avoided from home, parents should be more attentive
to their children and support them when they are bad or sad.
11. In Peru it is similar, adolescents can die in a nightclub, while buying things, while
walking through the streets or when they leave school.
12. In Peru, security is terrible. This puts teens at risk when they go out at night. The
streets of Peru are full of thieves and bad people.
13. Vehicles are another problem in Peru, many teenagers are killed by cars or
motorcycles, drivers in Peru do not respect the traffic lights and they drive very fast.
14. Another important point is addictions, adolescents are at that stage where they
experience many things, alcohol, cigarettes and drugs.
15. And finally we have the terrible health services in Peru, some hospitals fail to treat
patients on time and this causes the death of adolescents, women, children and men.
16. To prevent more adolescent deaths, schools must train their teachers to instruct
students to make good decisions.
17. In this way we can avoid deaths from addictions and sexual diseases. Schools should
also hire teen help services.
18. Security is the most important thing for everyone, there should be police in all places
such as colleges and universities.
19. And finally, the government must improve the health system, hire more help people
and be available 24 hours a day.
20. Thank you for paying attention to my presentation teacher, that was all.

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