Scicent SQ U2 5-6 SetA Final e

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Set A S1 Science Section Quiz (Sections 2.5–2.

Unit 2: Water Set A

S1 Science
Unit 2 — Section Quiz
Sections 2.5–2.6

Name: ___________________________ ( ) Class: _________ Date: _____________

Total marks: 20 marks

Time allowed: 15 minutes Score: / 20
Answer ALL questions.

Part A True or false (4 marks; 1 mark each)

Write ‘T’ for a true statement and ‘F’ for a false statement.

E 1. The Food and Environmental Hygiene Department is responsible for running

water treatment works in Hong Kong. 
E 2. In Hong Kong, fluoride is added to water to kill microorganisms. 
3. Fresh water is a precious resource and we must conserve it. 
E 4. Waste water should be properly treated before it is discharged into the sea. 

Part B Multiple-choice (3 marks; 1 mark each)

Choose the correct answer for each question.

E 1. Which of the following is closest to the percentage of the fresh water we use that
comes from Dongjiang water?
A. 25%
B. 50%
C. 75%
D. 100% 

2. Which of the following are the sources of fresh water on Earth?

(1) Glaciers (2) Lakes (3) Sea
A. (1) and (2) only
B. (1) and (3) only
C. (2) and (3) only
D. (1), (2) and (3) 
Aristo Science for the New Century
© Aristo Educational Press Ltd. 2019 -1-
S1 Science Section Quiz (Sections 2.5–2.6)
Unit 2: Water Set A

E 3. Chemical wastes from school laboratories are treated in

A. Centre for Health Protection.
B. Chemical Waste Treatment Centre.
C. Environmental Protection Department.
D. Government Laboratory. 

Part C Fill in the blanks (5 marks; 1 mark each)

Fill in each blank with no more than two words.

E Describe the water treatment process in Hong Kong by filling in the blanks below.
 Water is first filtered through (a) to remove large objects.

 Alum is then added to make the (b) impurities in the water stick together.

 The water is passed into a tank for (c) .

 The water is then passed through the (d) tank.

 (e) and fluoride are added to the water.

 

(a) (b)

(c) (d)


Aristo Science for the New Century

© Aristo Educational Press Ltd. 2019 -2-
S1 Science Section Quiz (Sections 2.5–2.6)
Unit 2: Water Set A

Part D Questions (8 marks)

1. (a) Give TWO sources of waste water. In each of the sources, name ONE major
pollutant coming from it. (4 marks)
Source of waste water Major pollutant

(b) The pollutants in waste water may promote the growth of algae. What will
happen to the environment if algae grow rapidly in a short period of time?
(2 marks)

2. Suggest TWO ways to help reduce water pollution. (2 marks)


Aristo Science for the New Century

© Aristo Educational Press Ltd. 2019 -3-
Set A S1 Science Section Quiz (Sections 2.5–2.6)
Unit 2: Water Set A

Unit 2 — Section Quiz
Sections 2.5–2.6

Part A True or false (4 marks; 1 mark each)

1. F 2. F 3. T 4. T

Part B Multiple-choice (3 marks; 1 mark each)

1. C 2. A 3. B

Part C Fill in the blanks (5 marks; 1 mark each)

(a) screens
(b) insoluble / solid
(c) sedimentation
(d) filtration
(e) Chlorine

Part D Questions (8 marks)

1. (a) (1m4)
Source of waste water Major pollutant
home detergents / food waste / human waste
restaurant detergents / food waste / cooking oil
(Or any other reasonable answers)
(b) If algae grow rapidly in a short period of time, they use up the oxygen in
water. (1m)
Fish and other aquatic life may die due to suffocation. (1m)

2 Use only the needed amount of detergent for washing. / Take part in a beach
clean-up campaign. / Dispose of chemical waste properly in laboratories. / Do
not throw rubbish into seas and onto beach. / Do not dispose of solid waste in
toilets or street drains. (Or any other reasonable answers) (1m2)
Aristo Science for the New Century
© Aristo Educational Press Ltd. 2019 -4-

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