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Watanabe. v It should be noted, however, that 4The possibility that weak interactions are mediated
some variants of their theory may be found by a boson has been considered by many authors: H.
which cannot be disproved by one negative ex- Yukawa, Proc. Phys. -Math. Soc. Japan 17, 48 (1935);
periment alone. Therefore, it is desirable that J. Schwinger, Ann. Phys. 2, 407 (1957); T. D. Lee
and C. N. Yang, Phys. Rev. 108, 1611 (1957); R. P.
both of these experiments be performed. It
Feynman and M. Gell-Mann, Phys. Rev. 109, 193 (1958);
seems to be rather difficult to invent a theory of Y. Tanikawa, Progr. Theoret. Phys. (Kyoto) 3, 338
the Tanikawa type which does not give a resonance (1948); Y. Tanikawa and S. Watanabe, Phys. Rev. 113,
in any of the processes v+p, v+n, e+p, and 1344 (1959).
e+n, where v and e denote either particles or ~S. L. Glashow, Phys. Rev. (to be published).
antiparticle s. 8Lee and Yang (reference 2) showed that the produc-
We conclude that it is probably worthwhile to tion cross section of such a boson in the neutrino-
search for possible anomalies in electron and nucleus collision is about 10 3~ cm2 for an incident
neutrino energy much greater than 2 Bev. This is
neutrino reactions over the energy range which
more practical than the resonance scattering method
may be covered with the present accelerators as a direct test of the intermediate boson hypothesis.
before looking into weak processes at higher It should be noted that the absence of p, -e+y is not
energies. conclusive evidence against the intermediate-boson
I should like to thank C. R. Schumacher for hypothesis. See G. Feinberg, Phys. Rev. 110, 1482
checking some of the calculations. (1958) .
7Y. Tanikawa and S. Watanabe, Phys. Rev. 113,
1344 (1959).
The theory of Tanikawa and Watanabe leads to the
Supported in part by the joint program of the Office V-A theory only after spinors are rearranged by the
of Naval Research and the U. S. Atomic Energy Com- Fierz transformation. In this theory, therefore, it
mission. is not easy (if not impossible) to find a natural ex-
~R. P. Feynman and M. Gell-Mann, Phys. Rev. 109, planation for the conservation of the vector current
193 (1958); E. C. G. Sudarshan and R. E. Marshak, part of the weak interaction, if it is in fact conserved
Phys. Rev. 109, 1860 (1958). (R. P. Feynman and M. Gell-Mann, reference 1). If
2M. Schwartz, Phys. Rev. Letters 4, 360 (1960); the presence of the weak magnetism [M. Gell-Mann,
T. D. Lee and C. N. Yang, Phys. Rev. Letters 4, Phys. Rev. 111, 362 (1958)J is established experi-
307 (1960). Similar considerations have recently been mentally, it may again be hard to explain by Tanikawa's
made by Y. Yamaguchi (to be published), and N. Cabbibo theory. The experimental result is not conclusive yet.
and R. Gatto (to be published). ~In this case, formulas (8) and (10) must be modified
3It is usually assumed that neutrinos emitted in the slightly to take account of an additional decay mode of
7t. -p, decay and
P decay are of the same kind. There is the 8 particle.
no positive proof for this, however. Obviously, it is OR. Hofstadter, F. Bumiller, and M. R. Yearian,
desirable that this be examined experimentally. Revs. Modern Phys. 30, 482 (1958).


Yoichiro Nambu
Enrico Fermi Institute for Nuclear Studies and Department of Physics
University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois
(Received February 23, 1960)

In analogy to the conserved vector current in- momenta. Such an attempt has some appeal in
teraction in the beta decay suggested by Feynman view of the apparently modest renormalization
and Qell-Mann, some speculations have been effect on the axial vector beta decay constant
made about a possibly conserved axial vector (g&/g& = 1.25), although the second appealing
current. ' ' One can formally construct an axial point, ' namely, the possible forbidding of m-e+ v,
vector nucleon current, which satisfies a con- has now lost its relevance.
tinuity equation, The expression (1), unfortunately, can be
easily ruled out experimentally, as was pointed
r (p', p)=ty y -2M' q /e', e=p'-p, out by Goldberger and Treiman, ' since it intro-
5p, 5p, duces a large admixture of pseudoscalar interac-
where P and P' are the initial and final nucleon tion.


On the other hand, Eq. (1) arouses theoreti- sec as compared with the observed value 2. 56
cal curiosity as to the origin of the second term &&10 ' sec.
if it really exists; according to our conventional Goldberger and Treiman' have arrived at the
field theory, we would have to interpret the de- same relation Eq. (4) (in the limit of their self-
nominator q' as implying a massless, pseudo- energy integral J-
~) from an entirely different
scalar, and charged quantum bridging the nu- approach. In our opinion, this is not a coinci-
cleon and lepton currents. dence, as will be explained elsewhere.
We would like to suggest that there may not be We are tempted to extend this approximate
a strict pseudovector current conservation, but conservation of the axial vector (and naturally
that we may have an approximate conservation also the vector current) to the strangeness-non-
which becomes rigorous in the limit q2»m ', conserving beta decays. We take, for example,
m being the pion mass. Specifically, we pro- the AN axial vector in the form
pose that the axial vector part of the nucleon +M )y q
beta decay vertex has the following form and
properties: p,
A(,N' & ), A 5 p.
N 5p,
(O', P) and attribute the second term to the pseudoscalar
K meson. ' The degree of accuracy of the rela-
2My q tion (5) will be poorer than in the previous case
=gV pe Fl(q') —
., ". F.(q'), in view of the A Nma-ss difference (which de-
stroys vector conservation) and the large K-
meson mass. At any rate, we obtain an analog
F,(o) =g~/g~ =F,(o); of Eq. (4):

F,(q') -F,(q') for q'»m '. A N A KK'

which relates the A beta decay axial vector
The pion is then the analog of the massless quan-
coupling g~', the ANK coupling GK, and the K&
tum mentioned above. This is consistent with
decay coupling gK.
the dispersion relations expected for j. p. With the observed K 2 lifetime 2. 1&10
Namely, E, and E, should have in general the 'G '/4m, we get
and a tentative value GK'/4m= —,
F.(q') =F ( m'). - g '/g =1/10. (7)

This is not inconsistent with the observed beta

p. (m')dm' decay of A which seems an order of magnitude
- (q'+m ') less than predicted from a universal coupling
(q'+ m')(m' - m ') scheme gV' =g~' =gV. ~
We can still go further, though the argument
(i=1, 2), becomes more arbitrary. Let us assume that a
fundamental weak coupling (NNNA) gives rise to
where m0=3m unless there are new particles of an effective V-A interaction (or at least part of
low mass. Thus the F's will be slowly varying
it) of the form
for ~q~ ~«mo'. The conditions in Eq. (2) imply
that F,/F~ = 1 for all q'. If m~ = 0 and F,/F, —
= 1,
then we restore exact current conservation, ' and p,
' A
p. )NA
we also expect F, (0) =g&/g& = 1.
Here 1 V =iy which is approximately con-
If we adopt Eq. (2), the second term of && r served ky itself, and r& stands for Eq. (2) or
immediately gives a relation between gg, the
(5). We see easily that Eq. (8) contains infor-
pion decay (pseudovector) constant g~, and the mation about the A-N+ z decay matrix element:
pion-nucleon (pseudoscalar) coupling Gz.
=2M' (-m ~) =&2G g . (4) (2M~ /v2G z
(r p, -r p,

With g~ =1.25 g&=1.75x10 4' erg cm', 4 Gz'/4n Combined with the assumption of ~T = —,' selec-
=13.5, this gives a z-p, decay life of 2. 7x10 ' tion rule, this gives a lifetime of 2. 5&10 '0 sec


for g" =g~ as compared with the observed value field is not rigorous, possibly because of a small
2. 8 x10-xo sec. bare mass of the order of the pion mass.
It .'.s possible to apply this kind of considera- The above-mentioned model of elementary
tion to other hyperons. Moreover, if the Feyn- particles will be studied in a separate paper.
man — Qell-Mann coupling scheme such as
(zwev) is formally extended to (%me&), etc. as This work was supported by the U. S. Atomic
has been tried by some people, all the observed Energy Commission.
decay processes may be covered. Here we J. C. Taylor, Phys. Rev. 110, 1216 (1958).
would like to point out that if all baryons should J. C. Polkinghorne, Nuovo cimento 8, 179 and 781
satisfy Eqs. (4) and (6), the ratios g~/G and (1958).
3M. L. Goldberger and S. B. Treiman, Phys. Rev.
g~'/GIf must be approximately common constants. 110, 1478 (1958).
Our final remark concerns the theoretical basis 4A. I. Alikhanov, Ninth Annual InternationalCon-
for the assumptions made here. If the baryons ference on High-Energy Physics, Kiev, 1959 (un-
are derived from some fundamental field p which published) .
possesses an invariance under a transformation 5M. L. Goldberger and S. B. Treiman, Phys. Rev.
of the type (- exp(in. fy, )g, ' then there will be a 110, 1178 (1958); M. L. Goldberger, Revs. Modern
conservation of the pseudovector charge-current. Phys. 31, 797 (1959).
It is also possible to associate a scalar E meson
A finite observed mass can be compatible with
with the AN vector current conservation, while leaving
the conservation if the particle is coupled with a the axial vector unaccounted for.
boson as was noted in Eq. (1). YAgain Eq. (5) and the subsequent conclusions are
This situation may be understood by making an essentially the same as those of C. H. Albright, Phys.
analogy to the theory of superconductivity origi- Rev. 114, 1648 (1959) and B. Sakita, Phys. Rev. 114,
nated by Bardeen, Cooper, and Schrieffer, 9 and 1650 (1959), which are based on the Goldberg'ger-
refined by Bogoliubov. ' There gauge invariance, Treiman method. For the A-decay case below, see
the energy gap, and the collective excitations are
L. Tenaglia, Nuovo cimento 14, 499 (1959).
F. Gursey (private communication) has recently
logically related to each other as was shown by
the author. " In the present case we have only to
obtained similar results on the m decay based on this
y5 invariance. We do not here specify the interaction
replace them by y, invariance, baryon mass, of the g field, which may be of the nonlinear Heisen-
and the mesons. In fact, the mathematical me- berg type, or due to an intermediate boson (different
thod used in superconductivity from w or K).
may be taken over
to study the self-energy problem of elementary ~J. Bardeen, L. N. Cooper, and J. R. Schrieffer,
particles. It is interesting that pseudoscalar Phys. Rev. 106, 162 (1957).
~ON. N. Bogoliubov, V. V. Tolmachev, and D. V.
mesons automatically emerge in this theory as Shirkov, A New Method in the Theory of Supercon-
bound states of baryon pairs. The nonzero ductivity (Academy of Sciences of USSR, Moscow,
meson masses and baryon mass splitting would 1958) .
indicate that the y, invariance of the bare baryon Y. Nambu, Phys. Rev. 117, 648 (1960).


HELICITY OF NEGATIVE MUONS FROM PION measurements have yielded an arnend6d result
DECAY. %. A. Love, S. Marder, I. Nadelhaft, for the asymmetry parameter a, a, s defined in
and R. T. Siegel [Phys. Rev. Letters 2, 107 this Letter, of a =(0.64+0. 58)%. It thus appears
(1959)] . that in pentane the 8"
is depolarized by one of
the various interactians (quadrupole coupling,
In this Letter w'e presented preliminary results. multiple electron capture and loss, etc. ) which
of an experiment designed to measure the forward- might cause spin teorientation. Therefore, a
backward asymmetry of p rays emitted fram 8", definite conclusion about the helicity of the neg-
which has been produced by absorption of polar- ative muon cannot be drawn from our results to
ized muons in carbon (in CSH&~). Continuing date.

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