Past Tenses

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Past Tenses

1-When Dylan and Winnie_______________________(have) lunch at

school, Felix ______________(sit) with them. His two best friends
______________________(realice) Felix ________________(neg-
bring) anything toe at. They __________________(share their lunch with

Felix _____________________(neg-like) Winnie’s sándwiches but as he

___________________(neg -eat) for almost a week , he
_____________(find) Winnie’s sandwich delicious.

2-After Astrid ______________(tell) me she _________(be) fired , I

was angry .

I couldn’t sleep that night. My mind _________________(drift) from one

thought to the other. I __________________(think) that maybe
we________________________(anger) our tomte. I
______________________(remember) everything my mormor
______________(tell) me about tomtar. The were supposed to protect
their family from harm, but they were also easily insulted. I
___________(guess) I_________________________(neg-pay) enought
attention to Mel lately.

3-At lunchtime Dylan and I _______________(find) a table near the back

of the cafetería. My stomach gurgled. I ____________________(neg-
eat) breakfast. I ___________________(neg.bring) anything for lunch.
And I _______________(neg-have) any money to buy.

4-Astrid finally_______________(get) up from her

slump.We____________(drive) to a community center so we could have a
shower for the first time in six days.But, bad news!!! Our membership

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