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Kristion Thompson

English 101

October 19, 2018


The phrase "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder" has totally been overlooked in modern
society. Nowadays the expected look in ordered to be considered pretty is clear skin, perfectly
straight white teeth, light eyes, big breasts, a tiny waist and a big butt. Unless you have at least
2 of those characteristics you aren’t considered attractive in societies eye. In doing so society
has made many women feel inferior and caused many women to develop self-esteem issues.

The view on beauty for women is always changing. As of 2018 in order to be considered
pretty females feel as though they have to put on pounds of makeup on their face, have fuller
lips, and a big butt. Most women resort to plastic surgery in order to fulfill society standards.
Thanks to social media the faces of “perfection “are plastered everywhere on televisions and
billboards. As a result, it can sometimes cause depression if someone is maybe bullied or has
low self-confidence, which can lead to self-harm or mental illness such as addiction and
There are more than 100 cases of women that have gotten alterations to their bodies in
order to appease others, to get jobs, or make themselves seem pretty, Amanda Lepore.
Amanda lepore is a transgender woman that is a model, singer/entertainer, and an LGBTQ+
activist. She couldn’t settle for just hormones to alter her body so she began to get plastic
surgery now order to make her body appear more feminine. Soon after the first operations she
became addicted. She’s reportedly had 3 breast augmentations, butt implants, multiple nip
tucks, lip injections, filler, Botox, a forehead lift, a nose job, and she’s also had the hairline
lowered and her floating ribs broken to achieve a smaller waist. Her goal was to emulate a
combination of Jean Harlow, Marilyn Monroe, and Jessica Rabbit. She felt as though if she
didn’t have this silhouette along with makeup and hair she wouldn’t be glamorous.
Women also like to see other women that they admire at the beauty and idolize them
and try to replicate they’re physique on themselves. Sahar Tabar always looked up to Angelina
Jolie and at the age of 19 she took to a doctor in Iran and get lip fillers. As of 2018 Sahar has
had 50 operations such as nose jobs, more lip fillers, Botox, and the lowering of her hairline as
well. She’s also reportedly went on a strict diet to maintain her 40kg weight and seeing that
she’s only 4 feet 8 inches tall she’s dangerously underweight. The Iranian teen has been said
Jolie’s biggest fan and would go to great lengths to look like her. She’s also been documented
to not regret any decisions in becoming “Angelina”. As a result of going under the knife so many
times instead of looking like the star she’s been deemed the “zombified” version of Angelina.

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