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Ye mabey ‘ polreres on Mee, Les's #4 stahsh cok dota, wlwch ts esed to. antlyse economic prblew such os ur encploymnent, povelty ete. i "polrares regarding family planning edrablishies, weer inebuatries , inapeingy ned taxed Gre clone on bre bears of dota Planners reywrre Ie Enowleclae jhe frente whch is Lbesecl on dah a OL pest years or recent yer. - rerenl~ fi, = In _ be Fine nist fobal wi( hw Ta neces ony bh tem decide hreve much oil Tuoolra s shoul _imapos in 04" “The cLecigien ven bes Mee expeched _deneshic _procluchon _demmarel in OU, Wilhowk Hoe cul date cannet be determined. gues 2 1 The polis Of on good poeshonnatre a one oy gell owes i — | Not teo long 7 The “apresbionn cue, “should not be feo long Tre no: ef qreshions sheuld be oy naininum | ponible — rae unless bard — Tee question oine should be te understand ancl avoid ambi quous ar aif ewt words - should eneble he _reipondenl- fo arwer qyuilly comedy aurst clearly 771 = | order: in The questions shoul ol be arranged inode, suc Iaak Hoe person jon answering elwould ‘pet vieb le. a aobect be spedfie queshions ~ The sewed Of qurechorrs should move prom yuversl quediors fe rare spect he 7 qesh ors. ae, nee Leaaliny qpoeshions ~ The queso | should not bea ives a clue about He Leading petro Plea ee ee alt rae arywes which Hey trod Lebrere. int ree chowld dso not indicate Beg any | abbernatives fo We orswer, Double negaives ended | ea not be used os well. 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