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he fear of isolation afflicts all social

creatures. It is more than mere loneli-
ness; it is the fear of being pushed out,
exiled, and never belonging anywhere.
The Reaper sends dreams of isolation
into the minds of sleeping mortals all
over the world. Within them, they stand in a desolate
landscape without a living creature in sight. Their
voices echo back unto them as they wander for
what feels like hours before finally waking.
The Dustlands. The Reaper’s domain is a
desert of gray dunes where getting lost is all
but guaranteed. Illusory images, woven by
minions of the Reaper, trick the minds of
creatures with false hope. Frequent, violent
dust storms separate groups and disorient
their members even further. Reuniting and
finding a way out of the Dustlands is nigh
impossible, and most never manage it.
Despite the numerous mortals lost in
the Dustlands, its cursed nature pre-
vents locating or even perceiving
other groups and individuals with-
out the aid of magic.
Cursed Gateways. Six cursed lanterns
were scattered throughout the world, mimick-
ing the Reaper’s own. When lit, these lanterns
produce an inviting flame, mesmerizing
onlookers. A bitter sense of longing settles on
those who peer at the light for a few minutes,
making it more difficult to look away. If a crea-
ture remains transfixed for an hour, they are
magically transported into the Dustlands.

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Legends speak of ancient spirits born from the essence of
�tans; en��es that dwell in the darkest reaches of the
Spirit Realm, drawing power from the sleeping minds of
mortals throughout the world. The nightmares embody
the deepest anxie�es and unspoken dreads of
humanoids. Murals in god�forsaken temples portray them
as silent watchers and subtle influencers, shaping dreams
into realms of fear, torment, and twisted fascina�on.
Above all, they are a testament to the complex �and o�en
unse�ling� depths of the humanoid psyche.
Trapped Beyond the Veil. Unlike weaker spirits who
can cross into the Material Plane, the nightmares are for-
ever bound to the Spirit Realm. Courts of spirits serve in
their ethereal domains, emula�ng their masters and car-
rying out their plans. While some of their desires are
beyond mortal comprehension, one is clear in its destruc-
�ve poten�al � to tear the veil barring them from the
Material Plane. When a region aligns with a nightmare’s
essence�through collec�ve fear or mys�cal confluence
of energy�a convergence forms, bringing the spiritual
realm into the physical world. In such places, reality inter-
twines with the horrors of the Nightmares’ domains, and
they manifest in the flesh to rule unimpeded.
Design by beyond the screen Art by Yin Zhe
Reaper of Solitude Curse of Isola�on (Recharge 5-6). Each conscious creature
within 120 feet of the Reaper must succeed on a DC 24
Large Elemental Wisdom saving throw, taking 44 (8d10) psychic damage on
a failed save or half as much on a success. On failure, the
Armor Class 23 (natural armor) target becomes cursed. While cursed, the target is
Hit Points 438 (35d10 + 245) frightened of the Reaper. Whenever the cursed target starts
Speed 50 �. its turn without an allied creature within 10 feet of it, it
must choose whether it gets an ac�on or a bonus ac�on; it
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA only gets one of the two.
14 (+2) 28 (+9) 24 (+7) 18 (+4) 20 (+5) 26 (+8)
Saving Throws Str +10, Dex +17, Con +15, Int +12, Wis Mark Of Sleep. The Reaper hexes one creature it can see
+13, Cha +16 with a sleeping hex. The target falls unconscious at the start
Skills Percep�on +13 of its next turn, and experiences terrible nightmares. The
Damage Immuni�es poison; bludgeoning, piercing and creature can try to resist the nightmares to weaken the
slashing damage from nonmagical a�acks Reaper. If it does, it makes a DC 24 Wisdom or Charisma
Condi�on Immuni�es blinded, charmed, frightened, saving throw (its choice). On a success, the next �me the
poisoned, stunned Reaper regains its spent Legendary Ac�ons, it regains 2
Senses truesight 60 �., blindsight 120 �. passive Percep�on ac�ons less.
27 An unconscious target awakens if it takes damage, or if
Languages All, telepathy (120 �.) someone uses an ac�on to wake them. A�er waking up, a
Challenge 28 (120,000 XP) creature becomes immune to the Reaper’s Mark of Sleep
un�l the end of the Reaper’s next turn.
Immutable Form. The Reaper is immune to any spell or effect
that would alter its form. REACTIONS
Displace. Whenever the Reaper takes damage, it can spend
Aura of Loneliness. Whenever a creature within 300 feet of its reac�on to halve that damage. If the source of the
the Reaper starts its turn, it takes 11 (2d10) psychic damage damage is a creature within 300 feet of the Reaper, it is
unless it has another allied creature within 10 feet of it. magically teleported up to 30 feet in any direc�on into an
unoccupied space of the Reaper’s choice.
Forlorn Resistance (3/Day). If the Reaper fails a saving throw,
it can choose to succeed instead. The Reaper immediately
takes 11 (2d10) psychic damage for every other creature LEGENDARY ACTIONS
within 20 feet of it. The Reaper can take legendary ac�ons, choosing from the
op�ons below. It has a number of ac�ons equal to the
Fate of the Abandoned (Mythic Trait; Recharges A�er Short Or number of creatures figh�ng it + 1. Only one legendary
Long Rest). If the Reaper is reduced to 0 hit points, it doesn't ac�on can be used at a �me and only at the end of another
die or fall unconscious. Instead, its hit point total resets to creature's turn. The Reaper regains spent legendary ac�ons
219, and it immediately recharges its Curse of Isola�on. For at the start of its turn.
the next hour, the Reaper can use the op�ons in the “Mythic
Ac�ons” sec�on. Addi�onally, all other creatures within 300 Devour Nightmare. The Reaper moves up to its speed. If it
feet of the Reaper must succeed on a DC 24 Wisdom saving ends its movement within 5 feet of a sleeping creature,
throw or become confused (as with the confusion spell) for 1 the sleeping creature takes 33 (5d12) psychic damage and
minute. A target can make a Wisdom saving throw at the end the Reaper regains the same amount of hit points.
of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. Lantern (Costs 2 Ac�ons). The Reaper makes one Lantern
Strike a�ack or uses its Lantern Glare.
ACTIONS Disband (Costs 2 Ac�ons). The Reaper chooses up to two
Mul�a�ack. The Reaper makes two a�acks with its lantern creatures within 30 feet of it. Each target must succeed
strike. It can replace one of its a�acks with Lantern Glare or on a DC 24 Charisma saving throw, or be teleported up to
Curse of Isola�on if it’s available. 60 feet into an unoccupied space of the Reaper’s choice.

Lantern Strike. Melee Weapon A�ack: +16 to hit, reach 5 �.,

one target. Hit: 25 (3d10 + 9) bludgeoning damage. If the MYTHIC ACTIONS
target is a creature, it takes an addi�onal 16 (3d10) psychic If the Reaper’s Fate of the Abandoned trait has ac�vated in the
damage if it has no allied creatures within 10 feet of it. Then, last hour, it can use the op�ons below as legendary ac�ons.
the creature is telekine�cally shoved 10 feet directly away
from the Reaper. Lantern Trap (Costs 2 Ac�ons). The Reaper casts the maze
spell. Creatures in the maze are affected by the Reaper’s
Lantern Glare. The Reaper’s lantern briefly appears at a point Aura of Loneliness.
that the Reaper can see within 120 feet of it. The lantern
Forsaken Demise (Costs 5 Ac�ons). The Reaper chooses one
spews ghostly flame in a 5-foot radius sphere around it
creature that it can see within 120 feet of it. The target
before telepor�ng back to the Reaper. Each creature in
can immediately move up to its speed. Then, the target
range must succeed on a DC 24 Dexterity saving throw. On
dies if it has no allied creatures within 10 feet of it.
failure, a target takes 22 (4d10) psychic damage or 33
(6d10) psychic damage if it has no allied creatures within 10
feet of it. A target takes half as much damage on a success.

Design by beyond the screen
coming soon to

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