S&E Asia Geography Crossword

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S&E Asia Geography Crossword

2. This is the tallest mountain peak in the world.
6. This is a religion that originated in Japan.
7. This is the country where the Ganges River is located.
8. The sum effect of one's actions during a lifetime.
10. Many of the rivers in Southern and Eastern Asia are constantly being filled with industrial waste, human waste, and trash which is
contributing to the problem with ________ _______.
11. China's major environmental problem; the ________ _________ causes many respiratory problems for the people who live in China.
13. The goal of this religion is to achieve Nirvana.
14. Buddhists believe that individuals need to follow the ___________.
15. The country in which the Gobi Desert is located.
17. This is the largest desert in Asia.
1. Seasonal winds and very heavy rains.
3. The large number of people living in China and India is contributing to the environmental problems; this is called ___________.
4. This country has the highest population density in Southern and Eastern Asia.
5. This is the largest mountain range in Southern and Eastern Asia located on the border of China and India.
9. This river is also known as China's sorrows because its flooding leads to destruction and the loss of life frequently.
12. This is the longest river in China.
16. Burning this substance is a leading cause of air pollution in China.

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