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Are You The Author Of Your Life – Or A Character In Someone Else’s Novel?

Richard Smithee, Master of Traditional Oriental Medicine

Research shows us 80% to 90% of heart disease, cancer, and diabetes are due to a poor diet and lifestyle. So
why are we not taught at an early age how to take care of ourselves through nutrition and preventive healthcare?
The instructions that come with many medications state “This medication, along with diet and exercise. . .”.
Well, where do we get our advice on a healthy diet and appropriate exercise? Surveys show that 98% of
patients think their medical doctor is well trained in diet and nutrition and look to the doctor to advise them on
THE REALITY IS: most doctors have little or no training in health and nutrition;
“Most medical schools fail to prepare future physicians for everyday nutrition challenges in clinical practice. It cannot be a realistic
expectation for physicians to effectively address obesity, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, hospital malnutrition, and many other
conditions as long as they are not taught during medical school and residency training how to recognize and treat the nutritional root
causes.” the medical students are taught to diagnose conditions and prescribe medications to treat the symptoms.

In Naturopathic Medicine the focus is on strengthening the immune system which starts in the digestive track
where 70% to 80% of the immune system resides. If we have poor digestion, gas, bloating, weakness, tiredness
or frequent illnesses, chances are very good your intestinal flora (microbiome) is out of balance and/or you may
have parasites, yeasts, or molds that compromise your health.

All the diets in the world will fail to give you healthy lasting results if your digestive and immune systems are
not functioning well. Every-body has cancer cells in their body; the only difference between inactive cancer
cells and active cancer is the state of your immune system.

Consider this;
 One out of two men (50%) and one out of three women (33.33%) will have cancer in their lifetime.
 We are exposed to far more chemicals, pesticides and herbicides than in years past.
 Commercial farming techniques have stripped the minerals and healthy bacteria out of the soil.
 Toxins in air, water and food weaken our immune system. If you run a 10 kilometer race (6.2 miles) in
the city of Los Angeles you will inhale as much toxic particulate as if you smoked a pack of cigarettes.
 Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) Using genetically modified foods raise many questions as to
the safety and health of the consumers. GMO foods have been banned in many countries.
 The United States has 5% of the world’s population, but they consume 75% of the world’s medications.
 Many of the foods we eat are loaded with preservatives, artificial coloring, flavor enhancers, texturizers,
added sugar, salt, and/or fat.

Why wait until you get a diagnosis of a major health risk? Become proactive, strengthen and enhance your
body to meet the challenges of Today! For more information on how to complete a Health Risk Assessment
and develop a personal health and nutritional program call today.

Pasaporte a la Salud, Blvd. Sánchez Taboada, #706, Colonia San Gilberto, Guaymas, Sonora, México 85467
Facebook – Pasaporte a la Salud

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