A01347756 Del Mundo - BSCI 9000 Assignment #2

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Michael Caleb del Mundo


Building Science 1- Assignment #2 Envelope Heat Transfer

Due date : September 27, 2022

1. Calculate the roof surface temperature of the following two roofs: 1) roof 1: solar reflectance = 0.81,
long-wave absorptance = 0.87, 2) roof 2: solar reflectance= 0.23, long-wave absorptance = 0.91. The
boundary conditions for the calculations are the following: solar lrradlance on the roof= 870 W/m 2,
outdoor air temperature = 2o•c, cloudy sky condition, Indoor air temperature = 22°C. The outdoor
convective heat transfer coefficient is he= 12 W/m 2-K. The roof effective thermal resistance is R-40
(surface-to-surface). Note that you will need to obtain the Indoor film coefficient from a table.

2. Determine the heat flux through an R-20 wall (surface-to-surface) under the following boundary
conditions. Outdoor air temperature = -l"C, indoor air temperature = 21°C, solar irradiance on the
wall = 850 W/m 2 • The Indoor film coefficient is 8.2 W/m2-K, and the outdoor film coefficient is 18
W/m2-K. b) determine the outdoor surface temperature of the wall. c) determine the outdoor surface
temperature of the wall without considering the solar irradiance on the wall.

3. Calculate the overall envelope heat loss coefficient (U0 , W/K), air to air, for a building in a table like
the one shown below. The building is estimated to leak 0.6 ACH under normal conditions and the
volume of the building is 16,000 m3. Assume air density p = 1.2 k9/m 3 , and specific heat capacity
of air Cp = 1000]/kg · K .
Envelope Component Area (m2) U-value (W/m2-K) Q/T(W/K) % heat loss
Opaque walls 1,300 0.40 S-1-0 \D . 3.S-
Roofs 2,500 0.36 ~ b-> ~ .c\J
Doors 100 1.00 Io-t> I, ~~

Curtain Wall 150 2.00 31>l> s-. C\T

Air leakage: Vpep '3204 (e!?,.:J-=t
Overall building heat loss coefficient U0 (W/K): St>'l.4 100%

4. Ignoring the effects of the solar radiation and the heat losses through the floor, find the heating
requirements (kW) when the outdoor temperature is -10 2c and the indoor temperature is 22 2c.

5. If the building is located in Vancouver (3000 HDD), use the HDD method to estimate the approximate
space heating energy required (kWh/year).
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