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The Technological Singularity

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The Technological Singularity Explained in Simple Terms

Introduction: The idea of technological singularity is about a time when technology advances so much
that it becomes unstoppable and changes our lives dramatically. One main theory says that as computers
get smarter and can improve themselves, they will eventually become much smarter than humans. This
idea has sparked debates because some worry that super smart machines might become a threat to

Essential Technological Features: To understand technological singularity, we look at supercomputers

and how they can become super smart. This involves combining huge computer networks with super
artificial intelligence and interfaces that connect computers closely with humans. There's also talk about
enhancing human intelligence using biology. While machines have become very advanced, they are still
different from humans because of biological limitations. But the debate continues as AI keeps

How Futurists Think About Technological Singularity: Some experts like Joel Garreau see AI as a
positive force that can make the world better through strong artificial intelligence. Others like Vernor
Vinge believe that AI could surpass humans and take over the world. They talk about whether machines
could ever be considered human-like, which is still a big question.

Current and Future Technologies: Cloud technology and decentralized AI are important technologies
pushing us closer to the singularity. They help computers share data seamlessly and become more
intelligent. Future innovations might even connect our brains to computers, making us super smart.

Obstacles: One big obstacle is that machines can't think like humans with feelings and awareness. They
can do specific tasks well, but they lack true consciousness. This makes them different from humans, no
matter how advanced they seem.

Social Impact: If technological singularity happens, it could affect society in different ways. Some say
it will help us adapt and grow, while others worry about increased inequality and control over

Conclusion: Technological singularity is a fascinating topic that explores how advanced technology
might become. While we can imagine scenarios from science fiction, the reality is still far off. It's a topic
that sparks philosophical debates about what it means to be human and how far technology can go.
singularity. This would be a leap in technology that
would allow machines the ability to become humans
INTRODUCTION by infusing them with human matter (Grout 2018,
The concept of technological singularity is a p.99). This is supported by research in metaphysics
theoretical time point where technological and philosophy, which, in one way looks at the mind
advancement becomes irresistible and uncontrollable, as a spirit or soul that can be detached from the body.
leading to unprecedented changes for human beings. The research known as dualism was largely
The most prominent version of the theory states that perpetuated by Descartes who believed that the mind
an intelligence explosion will occur where an can function independently from the body (SEP)
upgradable intelligent agent will ultimately venture (Grout 2018, p.99). Following this line of thought
into a realm of self-improvement cycles. Each cycle would suggest that machines can then be capable of
will create a novel and more intelligent generation, becoming human. The bodily aspect has been largely
leading to a powerful intelligent entity that surpasses perfected and infused with human memory, which
human intelligence by far. This ideology has led to would be the icing on the cake. This is also supported
wide debate and differing viewpoints due to the by functionalism, which suggests that as long as
apprehension that artificially intelligent machines something functions expectedly, it does not matter
will surpass humans. what it is made of.


TECHNOLOGICAL SINGULARITY (TS) Joel Garreau is one of the first thinkers in
the technological singularity. He delves into positive
There are certain essential technological transcendence through strong artificial intelligence.
features in exploring TS, centered on supercomputers Garreau believes that artificial intelligence is an
and the development of superhuman intelligence. It innovation that is bound to change the world,
entails large computer networks interwoven with hopefully for the better (Soares 2023, p.2023). His
super artificial intelligence and human-computer interest in the positive transcendence of artificial
interfaces that are so closely integrated that they intelligence was derived from an innate need to
might be regarded as superhuman (Soares 2023, defend technological singularity. Garreau states
p.2023). Moreover, it encompasses the aptitude to technological singularity best refers to the state
enhance normal human intelligence by leveraging whereby strong artificial intelligence escalates
biological science. causing the development of a mechanized self-
With the continued rise in machine sustaining civilization (Soares 2023, p.2023).
technology, both in reality and fiction, the Evidently, his vision of transcendence is positive
conversation continues to run over what differentiates since his disposition leans towards portraying the
humans from machines. Machines came into being characteristics of Heaven through artificial
because humans required mechanical assistants that intelligence.
would handle pesky and unwanted tasks (Guliciuc The concepts of Heaven and Hell are
2018, p.309). These machines could run perennially, symbolic of revolutionary global scenarios. Joe
with a consistent output, and never get tired. Garreau’s indispensable contribution to technological
However, as time progressed, people began to dream singularity can be perceived in the Hell and Heaven
bigger in machines. The thought of introducing a chapter of Radical Evolution (Tugui 2023, p.7).
mental aspect to machines has been widely looked Essentially, without darkness, the concept of light
into, and in science fiction, it has been thoroughly becomes unfathomable. Accordingly, the positivity of
explored (Guliciuc 2018, p.309). However, this is yet the vision can only be discerned when the benefits
to be fully done and is not projected to happen soon. are compared with the adverse implications. Skeptic
Realistically, machines can never be fully human scientists such as Stephen Hawking and Elon Musk
because of biological and physical constraints. have argued that the enhancement of artificial
However, debate continues on how close they can get intelligence will be detrimental to humanity,
to achieving this status as artificial intelligence however, Garreau argues otherwise(Tugui 2023, p.7).
continues to break barriers in the technological He takes a persuasive writing approach to convince
industry. readers of the authenticity of my vision of
In the future, the possibility exists that transcendence. By persuading others to promote
people may be able to transfer their consciousness artificial intelligence, more people would embrace
into machine memory, allowing them to live on the true worth of artificial sentience.
forever as AI models in what is known as the
Therefore, despite the prominence of research done by great philosophers worldwide has
negative stereotypes towards artificial intelligence, revealed that machines are getting closer to realistic
the possible benefits should also be appreciated. human-like abilities and senses (O'Brien 2022, p.15).
Regardless, Garreau acknowledges that his The researchers have shown that consciousness
inclination on the topic is not neutral, but leans cannot be generated in machines in fixed time using a
towards enabling technological singularity limited narrow memory. However, a machine may
(Bhattacharjee 2021, p.3). In his opinion, the have some abilities that may lead us to discern that it
singularity event will enable the creation of beings has a human–like mind (O'Brien 2022, p.15). These
that can benefit mankind through advanced abilities include the ability to smell, which a machine
subconscious thought. All in all, Joe Garreau’s can smell, something that is extravagant and
postulation embodies the traits of Heaven through dangerous to human life. For example, it can smell a
revolutionary changes such as technological gas leaking somewhere and be able to notify the ones
singularity. surrounding it. Machines can touch, which may also
Vernor Vinge is another pioneer thinker in lead us to think beyond our uncertainties about
the field of TS. He articulates that technological whether a machine has a conscious mind like that of
singularity is the notion that at one point the human a human being.
population will be taken over by intelligent and The Turing test of intelligence is probably
technologically superior beings (Snooks 2020, one of the best measures of the mental consciousness
p.227). Basically, Vinge argues that technology will of machines and is a true litmus test of their
take over the world. He claims that AI is making humanity. This test was designed by Alan Turin who
machines more conscious. This consciousness of suggested that the ultimate goal of a machine would
machines makes them human. Theoretically, if there be to deceive humans that it is one of them
currently existed a machine that could truly be (Kendiukhov 2020, p.8). On the face of it, it seems
defined as human, then it would be deemed able to do simple enough since machines today can do a lot of
anything a human can do. This involves fully things that humans are able to accomplish. However,
managing all human-human interactions (Snooks the twist is seen in that AI machines rely largely on
2020, p.229). Resultantly, people are challenged to programming logic and not true cognitive ability.
think of whether they would for example get into a Using fallacious statements and manipulation of
relationship with a machine and marry them because words, it becomes nearly impossible to have a
they seem human enough. machine pass the test (Kendiukhov 2020, p.8). This
Vinge’s philosophy of TS is supported by suggests that no machine would ever be able to show
Jay Saussman who asserts that if a machine possesses signs of human-like intelligence fully. To do so
the same contents as the human mind, then that would require critical thinking and the ability to lie
machine is human. This ideology presents an which is beyond the programmable capability of
interesting twist in the debate on the humanity of machine. This means that the debate on the
machines. However, according to the mind-body consciousness of the machine mind continues to rage
problem in philosophy, this does not make machines on.
human. Opposition to Descartes's view on the body's
independence from the mind also exists (Frauen CURRENT, FUTURE AND EMERGING
2021, p.131). A major difference will still exist in the TECHNOLOGIES
fact that the machine will only be able to operate as
far as the programmed logic in them allows. Cloud technology is one of the current
Following and applying this logic in the information technologies that might be pushing humanity toward
presented above, even if the singularity were TS. The technology will be a significant enabler in
achieved, it would not be the same as creating new driving TS and pushing towards attaining super
humans. People are asked to reflect on whether they human-computer intelligence (Shuaib 2020, p.892).
would still consider themselves human if they had no Cloud technology might be a crucial stage that steers
arms, legs, head or torso, just their conscious humanity toward TS as the model enables seamless
thoughts. From another point of view, humans can data sharing between machines.
construct meaning and think beyond what they know Decentralized AI via blockchain networks is
(Frauen 2021, p.132). For machines, the possibility of an emerging technology that might push the drive
mental growth without human manipulation is toward TI. The processes in decentralized AI can be
nonexistent. This essentially makes them machines further automated to enable fairness, transparency,
despite how realistic they seem and operate. and interoperability (Bhattacharjee and Roy 2023,
Despite the strong assertions, Vinge’s p.9). It will also enable the growth of decentralized
ideology of TS is refuted on several grounds. Past
intelligence, a self-governing technology that Unlike the functionalist theory, the conflict
accomplishes contractual duties. theory argues that society is always in constant
Concerning future technologies, many perpetual conflict due to competition for limited
futurists predict that there will be significant resources. According to this theory, civilization is
innovations that will drive the push toward TS. The characterized by inequality in social classes, gender,
most common themes are human-computer and demographics. TS can widen the inequality
integration and super-artificial intelligence. It is between different factions (Antony 2020, p.137). In
forecasted that normal humans will be powered the real world, powerful individuals and institutions
through supercomputers by attaching the brain’s greatly influence technical devices and information
neocortex to the cloud (Bhattacharjee and Roy 2023, flow. Thus, these entities can dictate who has access
p.9). It appears that the future will be marked by to the information and what is accessed by people.
innovations that connect human consciousness with The phenomenon results in a digital divide, which
technology to enable the advent of TS. can be described as a gulf between people with
access to digital information and those without access
(Antony 2020, p.137). The digital divide describes
how conflict theory accurately represents human
OBSTACLES behavior.
The last approach for evaluating social change and
It is vital to consider the obstacles in the technology describes the interactive relationship
drive towards TS. The main obstacle is that machines between human behavior and their environment. The
cannot generate consciousness in a fixed time using a symbolic interactionist approach suggests that
limited narrow memory. However, a machine may people’s actions are guided by the meanings they
have some abilities that may lead us to discern that it derive from associating with their environment and
has a human–like mind (Snooks 2020, p.895). These other people. In the future, TS can act as a symbol for
abilities include the ability to smell, which a machine human mechanisms. Cultural lag exists, and it takes
can smell, which is extravagant and dangerous to time for human culture to adapt to technological
human life. For example, it can smell a gas leaking innovations (Antony 2020, p.139). When people use
somewhere and be able to notify the ones TS, they undergo a cultural lag through which they
surrounding it. Machines can touch, which may also adopt certain behavioral patterns that distinguish their
lead us to think beyond our uncertainties whether a social identity and character.
machine has a conscious mind like a human being.
Otherwise, machines do not have the consciousness CONCLUSION
to be self-aware, and their emotions are the circuit Technological singularity continues to rise
boards and programs written that instruct how a and impress. This has given rise to the conversation
computer should work (Snooks 2020, p.895). A of the consciousness of the computer mind and
machine can only be trained to have the capability to whether they can reach a point where they can be
handle multiple tasks, having been programmed and classified as human. It is an area that has largely been
computerized technically. explored in different science fiction media but has yet
Wider Social Impact to become a reality. Using different philosophical
If TS occurs, there will be ramifications in arguments, different conclusions can be reached on
several social domains. TS can be evaluated from the matter. Those who believe that the mind can be
three social perspectives: the functionalist, conflict, detached from the body i.e. dualism would support
and symbolic interactionist perspectives. From the the theory on machine and humanity. However, those
functionalist perspective, society is assumed to be in who oppose this view come to a different conclusion.
a natural state of equilibrium maintained by a system However, all people can do is speculate since this is
of interconnected parts working together in harmony. still mostly a theoretical argument yet to make
Gradual change is necessary and desirable for groundbreaking developments in practice.
enabling the equilibrium model's growth whereas
sudden change harms the balance (Kukharenko et al.,
2022, p.15). TS will ensure that individuals gradually REFERENCES
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