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1. a teacher
2. a doctor
3. a nurse
4. a journalist
5. a waiter
6. a shop assistant
7. a receptonist
8. a policeman
9. a factory worker
10.a taxi driver
What do you do? = What’s your job?

(Forma más habitual de preguntar a alguien por su

profesión = ¿A qué te dedicas?)
I’m a/an + (job)
I’m a teacher.

I work full-tme. • I’m self-employed.

I work part-tme. • I’m a freelancer.
• I’m a housewife/a househusband
Where do you work? Where do you study?
I work… I study…
• at home.
• at university
• at a/the police staton
• in a hospital/in a health centre.
• at Secondary
• in a school.
• in a shop. • at the Ofcial
• in a factory. School of
• in a restaurant/bar/café. Languages.
• in an ofce.
• in the street.
• in a hotel
• in a pharmacy
Make present simple questons. Ask and
answer them.
• What/you/do?
• Where/you/work or study?
• You/like your job or studies?
Your job and/or studies
• What do you do?
– I’m a/an…
– I’m unemployed/retred/self-employed
– I study …
– I work for …
• Where do you work/study?
– I work in/at…
– I study at…
• When do you work/study?
– I work full tme / part tme.
– I work/study in the morning/afernoon/evening/at night.
– I work from Monday to Friday.
– I work at the weekend.
– I work shifs
• Do you like your job/studies?
Examples: for students
• What do you do?
– I’m a student. I study the frst year of non-compulsory
secondary educaton. I study science.
– I’m a student. I study a vocatonal training course.
• Where do you study?
– I study at Carrús secondary school and I study English at the
Ofcial School of Languages.
• When do you study?
– I go to classes in the morning, from Monday to Friday. I have
English classes on Monday and Wednesday in the evening.
• Do you like your studies?
- Yes, I do. I like my studies very much. / No, I don’t . I don’t
like studying.
Examples: JOBS & ENGLISH
• What do you do?
– I’m a receptonist. I work for Huerto del Cura Hotel.
– I’m retred / unemployed / self-employed.
– I study English too.
• Where do you work/study?
– I work in a big hotel in Elche.
– I study at the Ofcial School of Languages.
• When do you work/study?
– I work from Monday to Friday and sometmes I work at the weekend.
– I have English classes on Monday and Wednesday in the
• Do you like your job/studies?
- Yes, I do. I like my job very much. / No, I don’t . I don’t like my job
because it’s not vey interestng.
I work in a big hotel and I welcome people when
they arrive and help them if they have any
problems, with their room or their television or
the WiFi. It’s an interestng job because I meet
people from a lot of diferent countries.
My job is Ok, I work from Monday to Saturday so
I don’t have a lot of free tme. I help people fnd
what they want. Some customers are very
I work at lunchtme and in the evening. I like my
job, but the day is very long and I fnish work
late at night. Saturday is a difcult day because
there are a lot of people in the restaurant.
I don’t like my job because I’m in my car all day. I
take people where they want to go. Some
people talk to me but most of them talk on their
mobile phones.
I work at a diferent tme every week. One week
I work from six o’clock in the morning untl three
o’clock in the afernoon. The next week I work
from ten o’clock in the morning untl seven
o’clock at night. I work for a company that
makes cars. My job isn’t very interestng, but I
really like the people I work with.

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