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Business Model of financial analytics services

Group Members

Shahzaib Manzoor (2211035)

Hasnanin Ali Agro (2212034)

Haji Muhammad Irfan (2212045)

Class: BBA VI (B)

Business Model Canvas
Key Partners Key Activities Value Propositions Customer Relationships Customer
- A. Data Collection and - A. Comprehensive - A. Dedicated Account - A. Large E
- A. Technology Integration Financial Insights Management - B. Mid-Si
Partners - B. Financial Data - B. Predictive - B. Customer Success Businesses
- B. Financial Data Analysis and Modeling Financial Modeling Management - C. Small B
Sources - C. Development of - C. Real-Time - C. Regular Reporting
- C. Business Financial Analytics Financial Monitoring and Analytics
Consulting Firms Solutions - D. Customizable - D. User-Friendly
- D. Industry - D. Visualization and Financial Analytics Analytics Platforms
Associations Reporting Solutions - E. Proactive
- E. Consulting and - E. Expert Financial Communication and
Support Analytics Consulting Support

Key Resources Channels

- A. Data Scientists and - A. Direct Sales
Financial Analysts - B. Partnerships
- B. Financial Data - C. Online Presence
Management - D. Industry Events
Infrastructure - E. Referral Programs
- C. Advanced Analytics
Tools and Technologies
- D. Financial Data
Security Expertise
- E. Continuous Learning
and Development

Cost Structure Revenue Streams

- A. Personnel Costs - A. Subscription Fees
- B. Technology Costs - B. Project-Based Fees
- C. Marketing and Sales Costs - C. Value-Based Pricing
- D. Customer Support Costs - D. Data Analytics Training and Workshops
- E. General and Administrative Costs - E. Partnerships and Reselling
Business Model of financial analytics services

Customer Segments
 Large Enterprises: Large corporations with complex financial operations and a
need for in-depth financial insights to improve decision-making.
 Mid-Sized Businesses: Growing companies seeking to enhance their financial
performance and gain a competitive edge through data-driven strategies.
 Small Businesses: Entrepreneurs and startup businesses looking to optimize
their financial resources and make informed decisions for sustainable growth.

Value Propositions
 Comprehensive Financial Insights: We will provide actionable insights from
financial data to improve financial performance, risk management, and strategic
 Predictive Financial Modeling: We will develop predictive models to forecast
future financial trends, identify potential risks, and optimize resource allocation.
 Real-Time Financial Monitoring: We will offer real-time monitoring of financial
indicators to identify anomalies, make immediate adjustments, and seize
 Customizable Financial Analytics Solutions: We will tailor financial analytics
solutions to specific industry requirements and business objectives.
 Expert Financial Analytics Consulting: We will provide expert guidance and
support in interpreting financial data, implementing financial analytics strategies,
and making data-driven decisions.

Customer Relationships
 Dedicated Account Management: We will assign dedicated account managers to
provide personalized service, address customer concerns, and build long-term
 Customer Success Management: We will Implement customer success
strategies to ensure customers achieve their desired outcomes from financial
analytics services.
 Regular Reporting and Analytics: We will provide regular reports and data
visualizations to keep customers informed about their financial performance and
the impact of analytics initiatives.
 User-Friendly Analytics Platforms: We will offer user-friendly analytics platforms
and dashboards to enable customers to access and interpret financial insights
 Proactive Communication and Support: We will maintain proactive
communication with customers, address their queries promptly, and provide
ongoing support to maximize their experience.

 Direct Sales: We will establish a direct sales force to reach out to potential
customers and build relationships.
 Partnerships: We will collaborate with technology providers, financial institutions,
and industry consultants to expand market reach and enhance service offerings.
 Online Presence: We will develop a strong online presence through a
professional website, active social media engagement, and informative content
 Industry Events: We will participate in industry conferences, trade shows, and
seminars to showcase expertise and network with potential clients.
 Referral Programs: We will Implement referral programs to incentivize existing
customers to recommend services to their network.

Key Activities
 Data Collection and Integration: We will collect, integrate, and manage financial
data from various sources to ensure data quality and consistency.
 Financial Data Analysis and Modeling: We will apply statistical techniques,
machine learning algorithms, and financial modeling expertise to extract
meaningful insights from financial data.
 Development of Financial Analytics Solutions: We will design and develop
customized financial analytics solutions tailored to specific business needs and
 Visualization and Reporting: We will create insightful visualizations, dashboards,
and reports to communicate financial data and insights effectively.
 Consulting and Support: We will Provide expert consulting services to guide
clients in implementing financial analytics strategies and interpreting data-driven

Key Resources
 Data Scientists and Financial Analysts: We will hire skilled data scientists and
financial analysts with expertise in data analysis, statistical modeling, and
financial concepts.
 Financial Data Management Infrastructure: We will Invest in robust financial data
management infrastructure to handle large volumes of complex financial data
 Advanced Analytics Tools and Technologies: We will utilize advanced analytics
tools and technologies, including machine learning libraries, data visualization
software, and cloud-based platforms.
 Financial Data Security Expertise: We will Implement stringent data security
measures to protect sensitive financial data and comply with industry regulations.
 Continuous Learning and Development: We will encourage continuous learning
and development among employees to stay updated on emerging financial
analytics trends and technologies.

Key Partnerships
 Technology Partners: We will collaborate with technology providers to integrate
financial analytics solutions with existing IT systems and enhance
 Financial Data Sources: We will establish partnerships with financial data
providers to access real-time market data, industry benchmarks, and other
relevant financial information.
 Business Consulting Firms: We will partner with business consulting firms to offer
comprehensive business transformation services that integrate financial analytics
into strategic planning and decision-making.
 Industry Associations: We will engage with industry associations to stay informed
about regulatory changes, market trends, and emerging financial analytics
Cost Structure
 Personnel Costs: Salaries and benefits for data scientists, financial analysts, and
other employees.
 Technology Costs: Licenses and maintenance fees for advanced analytics tools
and technologies, cloud computing costs, and data storage costs.
 Marketing and Sales Costs: Costs associated with marketing and sales activities,
such as advertising, trade show participation, and direct sales commissions.
 Customer Support Costs: Costs associated with providing customer support,
such as dedicated account management and technical support.
 General and Administrative Costs: Other overhead costs, such as rent, utilities,
and insurance.

Revenue Streams
 Subscription Fees: We will offer tiered subscription plans based on the
complexity of financial analytics services and the volume of data processed.
 Project-Based Fees: We will charge project-specific fees for customized financial
analytics solutions and in-depth consulting engagements.
 Value-Based Pricing: We will negotiate value-based pricing agreements where
fees are tied to the tangible improvements in financial performance achieved
through analytics.
 Data Analytics Training and Workshops: We will offer data analytics training and
workshops to generate additional revenue and enhance customer expertise.
 Partnerships and Reselling: We will establish partnerships and resell third-party
financial analytics tools and software to expand revenue streams.

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