Infinitives Pix

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[Teaching Strategy: Brainstorming]

[Instructional Materials: Whiteboard, Markers]
Anecdote 1 - Share a Filipino folktale that uses infinitives to set the scene and
engage students in storytelling.
Anecdote 2 - Discuss a famous Filipino historical event where the use of
infinitives could have changed the outcome.
2) Idea - Conduct an interactive quiz where students create sentences on the
spot using infinitives, fostering quick thinking and application of grammar

Activity 1: Infinitive Sentences Construction
[Teaching Strategy: Cooperative Learning]
Materials - Sentence strips, Markers
Significance - Reinforce understanding of infinitives in sentence structure
Instructions -
1) In groups, create sentences using infinitives to express various actions.
2) Discuss the functions of infinitives in each sentence.
3) Present sentences to the class for feedback.
Rubric - Sentence Clarity - 10 pts
Assessment Questions:
1) What is the function of an infinitive in a sentence?
2) How does an infinitive change when used in different contexts?
3) Can you identify the infinitives in the given sentences?

I. Objectives At the end of the lesson, the students should be able

1.) Identify the infinitives in the sentence.
2.) Understand the different usage of infinitives.
3.) Construct a sentence using infinitives.

II. Subject matter

Topic: Infinitives
- Board and chalk
- Manila paper
III. Procedure
A. Preliminaries
1. Prayer
2. Greeting
3. Checking of Attendance

1.) To kiss our parents before we go to school is a Sign of respect.

2.) The place to drive is on the hi way.
3.) Jose Rizal inspires the young generation to write with passion.
4.) That water is too cold to play.
5.) One of my dreams when I was a child was to fly.

In order for them to further understand the infinitives, I’ll show

another examples using “to play” to emphasize the different usage of

Infinitive phrases can function as nouns, adjectives, or adverbs.

Look at these examples:

1 . To play her newly bought game without affecting her studies is
May's only goal as of now.
To play her newly bought game functions as a noun because it is the
subject of the sentence.
2. Lakesha hopes to play the newly bought game of her sister by
doing the dishes for her.
To play the newly bought game functions as a noun because it is the
direct object for the verb hopes.
3. The best way to survive Dr. Peterson's boring history lectures is
to play with your pen.
To survive Dr. Peterson's boring history lectures functions as an
adjective because it modifies way.
I have another example here.
“Lawsuits are useful to punish corporations or to represent
To punish functions as an adjective. The infinitive is to punish and
it was as an adjective because it modifies the adjective useful.
Identify the infinitives and its function.
“To jog a mile every day is my goal.”
To jog functions as a noun. To jog is the infinitive and it serve as a
noun because it is the subject of the sentence.
“We should not allow him to stay.”
To stay functions as an adjective. The infinitive to stay functions
as an adjective modifying the pronoun him.
The students will give an example of infinitives.
To push
To act
To buy
To brush
To clean

Activity: Underline the infinitives and write its usage in the blanks.
_____1.) To become a lawyer is his ambition.
_____2.) This math problem is hard to solve
_____3.) All I want is to help poor people.
_____ 4.) She turned to answer the phone.
_____ 5.) The place to meet is the library.
_____ 6.) She tried to win the speech contest.
_____ 7.) Richard braved the icy rain to throw the Smelly squid
eyeball stew into the apart- Ment dumpster.
_____ 8.) She is the one to call.
_____ 9.) whenever Melissa goes, she always Brings a book to read in
case conversa- tion lags or she has a long wait.
____10.) No matter how fascinating the biology Dissection is, Emmanuel
turns his head And refuses to look.

IV. Evaluation
Rewrite the sentences using infinitive construction.
1.) My sister taught me (declame / how).
2.) They haven’t decided yet (put / the furniture / where).
3.) The trainer was explaining (use / the gadget / how).
4.) She forgot to ask (pick her up /where).
5.) He wondered (address / her / whether) or not.
6.) My companion didn’t tell me (do / what).
7.) We asked an old lady (get/ to the train station / how).
8.) We didn’t know (go / this way or that way / whether).
9.) The students found out (queue /for the tickets /where).
10.) The boys learned (juggle / with five balls / how).

V. Assignment
Construct five sentences on each usage of infinitives.

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