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cCOm 1302 Database Management Systems Ln troduction to Database Systems Data «ok representation of facts, concepts or Instructions tn a formaltsed manner suttable for communtcation, interpretation or processing by human betngs or by automatic means + Raw dota which 1S unprocessed text | coloulS, symbols, shapes eek Etc. or Other factS and figures are _datasuitable for processing | Egi- Person or Employee Customer Nome address, phone, dob, designation Information - Knoweledge derived from data : Processed or organized { dato Egi- Process DOB 5 Age or summarised ProcesS Salary —» Wigest paid employee Why we use Database ? We can keep track of a collection is to create database Why database Technology ? The need to manipulate large collection Of data tor Frequent used data queries ang Yeports, Equa collednions soGea meet T 4 O° Ibrary Books | Examples for Database A Vcations. OO s34>$eae Aplications. 9 Purchase from the Super market D Purchase using your credit card. 3) Booking a holiday Cticuer hotel) 4) Using internet 5) Studying at University The solu tion ee 5 Unique and centratised admintstration o4 data in a given company | Whot 1s 0 Database ? Ai database ta. qscotertiop.ot related data *. It feprentS some aapects of the real world © TH £3 a coherent colection of data © TH 18 designed Cor specific purpose and intended users » 4 an bE varuin Size and complextt c 4 J Tt can be generated maintain mannuatly Types of Database Applications © Traditiona) Applications - - merical and Textual Database © Recent Application pay e “Hultimedia Databases - a +__Geographic To formation mer stem is (G38) Data ware house = * Real-time active databese _ _ | ee ed _ Some part of the real world about which data ip Sabobete (57 _and transcripts at @ Uni tore _\v “Student gre 1 , Database Managemen t System vt to factlitate A software package / system _the creation and maintarnance of a computerized database. 7 a Database System ‘ _| The DBMS software Fogether nity data itself Sometime the application ore also included Database Systeno = ~ | Appiication - t 9 | programs Stored e DBMS Databa s- S| Appiication Dehoitioy D 2 ograrn > #b e to 3 t 4a") Ef Progra Softwar Software to | Cmetadata’ ——_} process Access — 2 Applicaton. quiries Stored data Stored a 4 | pro gran Database Components of Database System Environmen Hard ware 5 Machine Sottwore ; Data 7 Bridge “Procedure 4 Buman People Hacd ware Set of prysical devices resides. Can network sn Which databey ronge From o PC to of Com puters. a Software eure Database Managemens S yshero Seemating Sy stem OPP lication Programs |. \ User interface Datq \ Dote is used by the Organization and 7 description of she — data schema.’ Procedure Tostructions ond rules that should be applied to the design and use of the database . People Enrolled with didferend activities on database, Ty pi call gaMS metionals + ot) Defining paticuion database io terms af iis datatypes | gtructurS and constraints ConStructing or Joading the intial database contents on a secondasy Storage medium 5 Manipulating the database Ret rseval Querying 5 generading, reports Modi ficaton ! Tnsertons Deletions updates Accessing the — dasavase through Heb Dpplicuss + Processin ond Shar\n by 9 set of Concurreng Users and ap Pic atsoo Programs 2. Database System Concepts and Accht tecture OOD OECD S SSE A ae Dato Model A Set of concepts to &eScribe the structure ot a database the operations for manipulating these structures and certain constrains ¢ that the database Should Obey. Data Mode] Structure and Con s traints Construcis are used to define the daka base Struct. they are £Y Pically timed include elements aS well aS groups of elements egt- entity, record, table and relationship such groups Constraints specit some restrictions _ OM valid data. Must be enfosed at al) time Data Model Operations Operations are used for Specifying datas retrievals and updates by re Hering tO the constructs oF the data mode} @g:- 9 msert, delete, update and user defined -eperations. compute. Student =P Categories of Data Model Dd _ Physical Clow- level , internal) data models The concept 18 how data is Stored tn the computer. These ore usually spect fied in an ad-hoc manner through DBMS design and admintstration manuals, D Conceptual C high-level semantic) Thee concept that ore close to the wa many, user (perceive data C entity. - based 2 object based) 3) Implementation Crepresen tational ) Fall between the above two, many commeriedal DBMS eg'- relational data models used by implementations. Database § Sch ema the description of a database indluge Structure, datatypes the database. Schema Diagram and constraints oo An itustrative display of ( most aspect a +) Qa dotabase ~echema- Schema Construct A component of the schema oar an obyect with in the gchema, egt- Student, course + Instances : The actual ‘data stored in a, database ata partir moment in time, This includ es Ahe collection of all the data inthe datobas. + Also called database iagtonce eg'- veeord instance | table instance. State Database State Refers the contend of a database at moment in time Toitial Gatabase State When it ts \natally loaded into the Syste Nalid State, A state that saris fies the structure ond constraints oF the database. Schema Vs. State The database Sctheme chang es ver ty frequen ty C An tension) 3 The State chan: aes every Hime the databe, ts updated. nies Three Level Architecture = D use e+ of a catalog to store the database ges criptlon 2) Program - data independence _ Sermon OGIMNIp le Views or ive doe. 2 ~ Not ex plicity used a] S09 commercial DBMS ae Products | but Shas been useful in explaining database Systerm organization. _Detines DBMS Schemas at three levels DQ Internal schemas 7 At the interval level @o describe physical Storage structures and. accesS, path: | eg:- Indexes = 2) Conceptual schema a A+ the conceptual level describe the Structure and __conStraints for the database for a whole commun tig Of users 3) External schema PtH Extermal bevel describe the Various Views, user ct End Users External External Level View Conceptuc) ~ Level Tnterna) Level snserad )- xe Ex ternal View Schema Schema Stored @atabase Mapping mmong schema levels are needed ko tran S fovm reques tS and dbta. Program refers to an external scheme and are internal mapped by Schema for Dato extracted dron DMS revel ¢5 the users ex tema) the the vebormaetta to meteh) the DBMS to the execution interne) views, Data Independence D Logial Data Todependence _ i THe capacity to change the conceptual schema without | having to change the ex ternal schemas and their associated applicahion Progran _ D__ Physical Data Independence = = ihe: —capasity to Change the toternal | Schema__without having “change the conceptual _ schema, r 1 Pa. fet kewl aye may be changed wihen certain file Structure Gre wzeesq reorganized oy new ‘indexes are created _to improve’ databas e performance. ——-DAMS__Languages 8 thterface E D Data De Fini tion Lenguage CD) 9) Dota Man apa lation Language COn1) Data Definition Language : ODL ts used for Speci tying the database _ echema. In mapy DBMS, the DDL is also used to define ftnternal and external schemas Data Manipulation Longuage COML) + Used %0 Specify database redrtevals. .and updates DML commond det canbe general purpose Prog ramming Coser | Gee has, A NVbren Funetivg can also be provided 45 DEMS trom a preg ramming Language embedded in a language such as Qecess the + Stand alone DML commands con he SPP directly C called query language) igh -~ Level 9, Non ~ procedural Lenguaye r example, the S@L_ relational Language Also callad — geclarative languages low- Level or Procedural Language Retrieve data one record at oa time. DBMS totter faces : D. Stand- alone quer Language . toter faces SQL queries ot the ams in Fenactive SQL interfaces. D Programmer Toter faces for em bedding OML tn Bragramming language 3) User- friendiy Thterfoces Menu based form - based graphics — based etc Programmer In ter faces Embedded Approach :. Embedded car sat Co, Crt etc) » SALT for save Procedure gall Approach JDBC for Tava, OP BC for oiner progron" languages. Database Programming Lenguege Ppproach: Oracle has PL/SQL programming languege based on Sar. Janquage incorporates SQL and its data ty pes aS integral component, User-friendly Tn ter facey Menu - based Form based Graphics ~ based Natural Language Combination of the above DEMS Tnterfacos _ Speech as Inpus and Output Wel browses _ - Parametric woter faces eg: bank tellers Inter faces for the 989 creating user accounts granting authorization ' Setting system | porameiers MOMS Utsirties Programs that add functlona lity to your DMS or help your DSMS to perform better: Jo perform certeig fbunctions such as, DY _boading data stored to files into a daltabse D> Bacning up the database Periodically on tac a) Recon Re organizing database file structure D Re port geveration utilities 5) Per formance monitoring Udy Data dictdonary A Fepositor i Used to Store Schema descriptions Other information such as design APPlication Program descriptions | user usage, Standards ett decis * Ong ‘7 Formas; Active data dictdonary Tt is aceessed by DBMS sottware and users / gay Passive Data ictionar TM 18 accessed by “users / 986A only DEMS Architecture A rechi tecture — DOMS Architecture t- 4ter at cee noc Architecture Archt tecture Arch latier Archi tecture * The datohase to the user. " Any changes done by the user will Atrectly be done on the database itself + The \- archi tecture : development 04 the local Programmer can direct database fa, will be directly avai lable Tier 1S used for the app lication, where Ccommurmicate with the a quick Yespons e. a2- Ther Archi tecture Same as asic client - server, Database at the server side. OM 6¢, 3DBc Will create the connection The userfoce interface and application programy are run on the cltent Side. The cerver Side %4 responsible to provide the functionalities like = query processing and transaction management To communicate with the O8MS cient side application establishes a-connectioo with the ss server side Database Systen - GerveY > OY 3 - tier Archi tecture ie “This contairS ano ther layer between the Client and the server, The cliert 58 reeds communi Cate mith the server. L S cumeal ve! application On the client- end 1 teres with on Opplication server which further Communicate wi the the database sygtem. e End user has nO tdeqd avau} The existe, of the database bey ond the applicaton Server <0 The.cse +ter archi tecture 's used ty case of large web application. Application Server Server Client e Data Modelling Using Entity _ Relationship Database Design Process D_ Requirement onaly sis 2) Conceptual 2 database design 3) choosing Deus 4) Logteal Design 5) 9 Requtrement Gathering and Analysis Purpose -~ To document the data requirement of the user. Functional Requirement - Are the operation s that will be applied to the database, including queries and update. Conceptual Design Two Parallel activities )_ Schema Design DQ Transaction estan Conceptal Scheme Design \6ok at the data requiremen tS resulting Srom the analysts and Produce a concep tual Schema jo BMS, _ Transaction Design Pur pose a to produce a design of the transactiong that will Tun on the dototas, Yetrieval . vetrieve dota tor display. Or 14%; Part; at ° Yeport. update + enter new dato or amend exits tlag data mixed : more complex applications 80, do both retrieval and update” why 2 a need to be sure to include {0 the conceptual schema all to forma ti 20 required by transaction s i Relative importance . and Frequenc of ue of transactions well ipiblun nce Physical database destgn. ~The ‘sottwore needs tO be destgned a met! a3 the dota 3. Choosing og DMS Purpose = @ectding the best framework For implementing ke the produced chen choice made on the basis of Technical factor The BMS has to support the yequired task. 4 Economte Factor ] Goftware acquisition / maintain once, hard ware acquisttion , creation / conversion , training of staff | Organizatton Factor plat form supported , avotlobility of vendor Services. Legical Design to transform the genertc, DBMS indepen dent |_conceptual schema’ ts the gata model o+ “the choosen M3 Cdata model mapping) , Two stages * | + System wndependen t mapping» No consfderation ot any spectf#rc charactertstic that may apply to: ‘the spect ttc DBMS package. (+ Ydy Totloring +o DEMS dtffierent DBMSs may implement the same data model i> slightly different ways. vesult ¢6 9 Set of Data Description Language CODE) statements i the language of the choosen DBMS, 3) ON Phystcal Destgo to choose tne specttic Storoge Structures gad aceess paths for the databage Cates. ~ attention to Performances Some relevant rt terias ' 2 response time ¢ may want tO minimize database Access ime for dota items reterenced by frequently used transactions, Space uti lations less Frequently used data and queries may archteved tran sactfon throughput : Average number of transactions that can be processed. per minute. Tmplementatiod To create the database. Comptie ond. execute mar statements Populote the datobase Manvally / Automatically C May need to comer data from previous formats) Implement Application ~ programs J Programs ore Written with em beddet QML Statements analysis and c Used _routicely for system __ design - : : Simple enough to learn and understand the. bastc concepts. Conceptual desig?S using the €R model are called ER schemas Entity - Relationship Model Concepts D Notations for ER Drogrom _ 2) Relationships 2 3) Entities and Artriputes , eo ~ _ The Ore spect Fic objects or thing s tn the mot - world that ore represen ted in the = oe. j — Eg'- EMPLOYEE Jono Gmitb | Atavibutes ¢ They _are properties used to describe an enti be Employee - Nome | S3N.. Address gex; 908 Tyree of AAdviwutes’, ‘) _Stmple Boch entity has o sing te atomic value Cor the attyibule: : ‘ eg'- SSN or sex a Composite - The attelpube may be Composed of several co PONEAK, address ( Ne, cy, zip code, Country) Eat- 3 Rlieme (CPs a mome. Cagtname) Mul4t valued Ao enkKty may hove for thot — attribute Eg! - Color of a Car Telephore number mult! ple. values Entity Types and Key Attributes Eotittes with the game basic Ot4+ ri buts are grouped or typed 19to an entity ty pe: Employee - SSN of employee . Runique value = key ott, A Mey ottvibute may be composite License plate number ¢6 a key OF the Cor entity type: eelhe com entity tyPe may heave two nena VIN Eidenge| (Giole number “Calumbe; prove) J Boch key {8 undet lined. composite multi-value. peouej = seus = — - Each ent type will have a collection of entives otore in the OB called cok tty sets Relattonshies —— . The intial design is typically ‘nor complete _ Some aSpec*S to the reg will be represented oS relationships | | +) A relattomshyp relates 400 or more dis tinct __ entities with a gpecific ae ees Hh : Relationships of the ee type are grouped or ty ped into O rela torship ty Pe: The degree of @ relationship type is ‘the number of participating entity types ___ Both Manages aed / WoRXS om are btaary + relationships, | Week Lotity Tyees | 44 thot + ve A ki + An entity oF does no have ey _ attribute A week entisy rus + Par tictpate io an __Adeoti ing re latton ship, type with an owner or iden Fy ing aa) type . Enrities ore \dentist ed by the cor binatoO oF : ® parttetal key of the vieok sents type The poticular enrtt they ore relate tO to he ‘dent’ bying ently ryPe OY Congtroing $s Cord inalit SPec! Fes axl mun porticipation, TONO COnSp¥aly . Roatto also | Soe to one CVD, one - to - mony Crain) Mary to - many Cen) Ex iStence DePendenc Spect sies mioalmans participation, Cc Portid Patten constraint oO. 2erO Coptional par tip adi on) one or mor ie mandatory POrtclpad Constraint - ‘0n) Attributes ‘ Relationship types A: ¥ela Honship type For example |. M45 value for de Scribes of can House Per Week eouh Tebation ship the num be ot thot an EMP loyee orks A yalue of Patteular Mos+ M:N hove Ottributes of Works _on inS tance hours, ana House Per Week: Cemployee > Pros ect’) relationship aleribures relationships One ee cd relation ships, the can be drans ferred fo the anti eh ee oo ene WN atde o+ the *elador Ship- per week Prosect - depends On a combination Ore used. wil)

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