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Writing in the
Discipline: Article
- A critique is a thorough analysis of an article, a book, or a research
paper. It is not primarily a summary; rather, it analyzes, comments,
and evaluates the work (Jose & Larioque, 2016).

- Moreover, it is an assessment and a critical commentary on what

the article or the book covers and its intended audience, the
author’s purpose in writing, the arguments and the evidences used
to support the main point.

Parts of an Article
1 Introduction

This is where you give an overview of the article by stating

the title of the article or book, name of author, and place of
publication. The thesis statement is also presented in this

2 Summary of the Content

This part is where you explain the important points that

the author makes and the evidences used to support the

3 Analysis and/or Evaluation of the Text
▫ In this part of the critique, you will:
⬝ discuss the writer’s style of writing (whether it is descriptive,
persuasive, narrative, etc.);
⬝ identify the points that you agree or disagree, and support your points
by citing, paraphrasing, or summarizing ideas that support your
⬝ evaluate the usefulness of the article or book to the audience intended
and the evidences used, compare the article to other author’s article
that has the same subject.

4 Conclusion

This is where you wrap up your critique by:

▫ summarizing your argument which includes
refocusing on your opinion, and
▫ giving a general opinion of the article, whether or not
the author’s purpose and points successfully convinced
or affected you as a reader or the readers in general.

4 Conclusion

 Is the article worth reading?

 Would you recommend it to other readers?

Apart from familiarizing the parts presented, it is
necessary to also observe the following tips in order for
you to be able to start drafting your critique:
▫ read and reread the article or book;
▫ break down the article into sections;
▫ as you read different sections, comment or annotate
important points, whether they are agreeable,
convincing, or not, and;
▫ put them all together and begin writing your critique
following the parts discussed.

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