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Bible Study Questions on

the Book of Psalms

by David E. Pratte

A workbook suitable for Bible classes, family studies, or

personal Bible study

Available in print at
Bible Study Questions on the Book of Psalms:
A workbook suitable for Bible classes, family studies, or personal Bible study

© Copyright David E. Pratte, 2023

All rights reserved

ISBN: 9798870439211
Imprint: Independently published

Printed books, booklets, and tracts available at

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Note carefully: No teaching in any of our materials is intended or should ever be

construed to justify or to in any way incite or encourage personal vengeance or
physical violence against any person.

“He who glories, let him glory in the Lord” – 1 Corinthians 1:31

Front Page Photo

David as a Shepherd

The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. – Psalm 23:1

Photo credit: Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Scripture quotations are generally from the New King James Version (NKJV), copyright 1982,
1988 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. used by permission. All rights reserved.

Workbook on Psalms Page #2

Other Books by the Author
Other Books by the Author
Topical Bible Studies
Why Believe in God, Jesus, and the Bible? (evidences)
True Words of God: Bible Inspiration and Preservation
“It Is Written”: The Authority of the Bible
Salvation through Jesus Christ: Basics of Forgiveness
Grace, Faith, and Obedience: The Gospel or Calvinism?
Growing a Godly Marriage & Raising Godly Children
In the Beginning God Created (creation vs. evolution)
The God of the Bible (study of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit)
Kingdom of Christ: Future Millennium or Present Spiritual Reign?
Do Not Sin Against the Child: Abortion, Unborn Life, & the Bible
Marx, Lenin, and Jesus: Communism or the Bible?
Short Bible Talks: Invitations, Lord's Supper and Collection Talks
Commentaries on Bible Books
Genesis Ecclesiastes Romans
Joshua and Ruth Isaiah Galatians
Judges Daniel Ephesians
1 Samuel Hosea – Obadiah Philippians & Colossians
2 Samuel Jonah – Zephaniah 1 & 2 Thessalonians
1 Kings Haggai – Malachi 1 & 2 Timothy
2 Kings Gospel of Matthew Titus & Philemon
Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther Gospel of Mark Hebrews
Job Gospel of Luke James and Jude
Proverbs Gospel of John 1 and 2 Peter
Acts 1,2,3 John

Bible Question Class Books

Genesis Isaiah Romans
Joshua and Ruth Jeremiah & Lamentations 1 Corinthians
Judges Daniel 2 Corinthians and Galatians
1 Samuel Hosea, Joel Amos, Obadiah Ephesians and Philippians
2 Samuel Jonah through Zephaniah Colossians, 1&2
1 Kings Haggai through Malachi Thessalonians
2 Kings Gospel of Matthew 1 & 2 Timothy, Titus,
Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther Gospel of Mark Philemon
Job Gospel of Luke Hebrews
Psalms Gospel of John James – Jude
Proverbs Acts Revelation
Workbooks with Study Notes
Jesus Is Lord: Workbook on the Fundamentals of the Gospel of Christ
Following Jesus: Workbook on Discipleship
God’s Eternal Purpose in Christ: Workbook on the Theme of the Bible
Family Reading Booklist

Visit our website at to see a current list of books in print.

Page #3 Workbook on Psalms

Bible Study Questions on the Book of Psalms
This workbook was designed for Bible class study, family study, or personal study. The class
book is suitable for teens and up. The questions contain minimal human commentary, but instead
urge students to study to understand Scripture.
Enough questions are included for teachers to assign as many questions as they want for each
study session. Studies may proceed at whatever speed and depth will best accomplish the needs
of the students.
Questions labeled “think” are intended to encourage students to apply what they have learned.
When questions refer to a map, students should consult maps in a Bible dictionary or similar
reference work or in the back of their Bibles. (Note: My abbreviation “b/c/v” means “book,
chapter, and verse.”)
For class instruction, I urge teachers to assign the questions as homework so students come
to class prepared. Then let class time consist of discussion that focuses on the Scriptures
themselves. Let the teacher use other Scriptures, questions, applications, and comments to
promote productive discussion, not just reading the questions to see whether they were answered
“correctly.” Please, do not let the class period consist primarily of the following: “Joe, will you
answer number 1?” “Sue, what about number 2?” Etc.
I also urge students to emphasize the Bible teaching. Please, do not become bogged down
over “What did the author mean by question #5?” My meaning is relatively unimportant. The issue
is what the Bible says. Concentrate on the meaning and applications of Scripture. If a question
helps promote Bible understanding, stay with it. If it becomes unproductive, move on.
The questions are intended to accomplish more than just help students understand the
Scriptures. They are also designed to help students learn good principles of Bible study. Good
Bible study requires defining the meaning of keywords, studying parallel passages, explaining the
meaning of the text clearly, making applications, and defending the truth as well as exposing
religious error. I have included questions to encourage students to practice all these study
Note that some questions on this book are more difficult and advanced. The study leader may
want to skip some questions if he/she is teaching a less advanced study.
Finally, I encourage plain applications of the principles studied. God's word is written so souls
may please God and have eternal life. Please study it with the respect and devotion it deserves!
For whatever good this material achieves, to God be the glory.

Bible study commentary and notes to accompany some of our workbooks are
available at

© David E. Pratte, December 28, 2023

Workbooks, commentaries, and topical studies are for sale in print at
To join our mailing list to be informed of new books or special sales, contact the
author at

Workbook on Psalms Page #4

Assignments on Psalm 1
Please read Psalm 1 and answer the following questions.
1. Scan the book of Psalms and summarize its theme.

2. List New Testament passages that state David was an author of psalms.

3. List the names of other inspired men who wrote psalms. (Hint: Note the headings of the

4. Special Assignment: Describe how the poetry of the Psalms differs from what we think
of as poetry today. (Bible reference works may help provide information.)

5. Read the passages below and describe how the psalms are used in different ways:
Ephesians 5:19; Colossians 3:16 –

Luke 20:42; Acts 1:20 –

Acts 4:24-28 –

6. Application: What should the godly man avoid – 1:1? Define “scornful” or “scoffer.” List
other similar passages. Explain what lessons we should learn about harmful influences.

7. Application: What does the godly man value – 1:2? Define “meditate.” List other similar
passages. Explain what we should learn about how we treat God’s word.

8. How does the godly man prosper as a result – 1:3? Describe the fruits a godly person should

9. How does an ungodly man differ from the godly man – 1:4? Explain the illustration.

10. How does the destiny of the ungodly differ from that of the righteous – 1:5,6?

Page #5 Workbook on Psalms

Assignments on Psalm 2
Please read Psalm 2 and answer the following questions.
1. Describe the plot recorded in 2:1-3. Who is involved in the plot, and against whom do they

2. Where is this quoted in the New Testament, and what use is made of it there?

3. Application: To whom does the “anointed” refer? What are some ways people today rebel
against Christ?

4. How did God respond to the people’s rebellion – 2:4-6? How is this explained in Acts 4:25-

5. Case Study: Many premillennialists claim that Jesus and His Father did not expect the
Jews to reject Him. How does this passage relate to this belief?

6. What did the Father declare regarding Jesus in 2:7? Where is this quoted in the New

7. What does John 1:1-3 teach about how long Jesus has existed? List other passages that
Jesus is eternal.

8. Special Assignment: List other passages saying Jesus was begotten or the firstborn of
the Father. Explain the sense in which Jesus was begotten by the Father.

9. What would the Father and Jesus do according to 2:8,9? What does this show about the
efforts of men to rebel against Jesus?

10. Since Jesus will be the victor, instead of rebelling what should people do – 2:10-12?

Workbook on Psalms Page #6

Assignments on Psalms 3,4
Please read Psalms 3,4 and answer the following questions.
1. What does the introduction tell us about the circumstances under which David wrote Psalm
3? Give a Scripture elsewhere about this event.

2. How does David describe the opposition he faced – 3:1,2? What did his enemies say about
him? Why might they say this?

3. Despite the opposition, whom did David trust, and what was the result – 3:3,4?

4. Application: How did David describe his confidence in 3:5,6? List other passages
describing our confidence in God.

5. What did David conclude about God’s care for his people in 3:7,8?

6. What accusations did David make against his enemies in 4:1,2?

7. What had God done for His people according to 4:1,3?

8. Application: What advice did David give in 4:4,5? The first part of verse 4 is similar to
what New Testament verse? What benefit can these practices be in our lives?

9. What problem do some have according to 4:6? How does the last part of the verse help?

10. What confidence did David express as he concluded the psalm – 4:7,8? Explain.

Page #7 Workbook on Psalms

Assignments on Psalms 5,6
Please read Psalms 5,6 and answer the following questions.
1. How does David introduce Psalm 5 in 5:1-3?

2. List things 5:4-6 state about how God views evil.

3. Special Assignment: List other passages that describe God’s view of evil, boasting,
falsehood, and shedding innocent blood.

4. Describe how David compares himself to his enemies in 5:7-9.

5. How should God treat wicked enemies – 5:10? How does this compare to God’s blessings
on the righteous – 5:11,12?

6. What kind of treatment does David request in 6:1,2, and what reason does he give for the

7. How does David describe himself in 6:3,4, and what blessing does he request?

8. Explain the significance of David’s reference to death and the grave – 6:5.

9. How does David describe his grief in 6:6,7.

10. Special Assignment: What assurance does David express regarding his prayer in 6:8-
10? What effect should this have on his enemies?

Workbook on Psalms Page #8

Assignments on Psalms 7,8
Please read Psalms 7,8 and answer the following questions.
1. What did David trust God to do, and what need did he have – 7:1,2?

2. How does David describe the penalty he would deserve if he had treated others cruelly –
7:3-5? What forms of mistreatment does he describe?

3. Special Assignment: Describe the consequences of God’s judgment on the good and evil
according to 7:6-9. List other passages about God’s justice in His judgments.

4. How does God view those who continue in wickedness – 7:10-13? How is His punishment
of the wicked described?

5. Explain the consequence that comes upon the wicked according to 7:14-16. Despite his
troubles, how does David conclude the psalm – 7:17?

6. How does David exalt God in 8:1 and 9? List other passages about God’s glory.

7. How can God silence His enemies according to 8:2? Where is this passage quoted in the
New Testament and how is it used?

8. What position has God given to man according to 8:3-5? Why does David express
amazement at this?

9. Application: What position does man have according to 8:6-8? Where else is this stated
in the Old Testament? What consequence does this have for the doctrine of evolution?

10. Special Assignment: Where is this passage quoted in the New Testament? Explain the
application that is made of it there.

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Assignments on Psalm 9
Please read Psalm 9 and answer the following questions.
1. Describe how David introduces this psalm in 9:1,2.

2. What will happen to his enemies and why will this happen – 9:3-5?

3. What do we learn about God’s judgments in 9:6-8? Explain the significance.

4. In contrast to God’s treatment of the wicked, what assurance is given to the oppressed in

5. Special Assignment: Explain what it means to know God. List similar passages.

6. What does God remember, and what happens as a result – 9:11,12?

7. What request does David make in 9:13,14? What would he do as a result? (Think: How does
this relate to the context?)

8. Application: What does David hope will ironically happen to the enemy nations according
to 9:15,16? What examples can you think of in which this happened?

9. What is forgotten and what is not forgotten in 9:17,18? What consequences follow?

10. Application: What should people learn about men as compared to God in 9:19,20? List
examples in which people need to learn this lesson.

11. How would you summarize the theme of this Psalm?

Workbook on Psalms Page #10

Assignments on Psalms 10,11
Please read Psalms 10,11 and answer the following questions.
1. Special Assignment: As you study psalm 10, list the characteristics and works of the
wicked man. Do all wicked people have all these characteristics? What should we learn?

2. What troubled the psalmist in 10:1,2? What did he hope would happen?

3. How does the wicked man’s pride manifest itself in 10:3,4?

4. How does the wicked man view opposition and adversity – 10:5,6?

5. How is his treatment of others described in 10:7-10?

6. How does the wicked man view God according 10:11-13?

7. What has God done and what does the psalmist hope God will do regarding the wicked man
– 10:14,15?

8. Application: What confidence can oppressed people have and how can we be sure –
10:16-18? What lessons should we learn today?

9. What did people urge David to do and what reasons did they give – 11:1-3?

10. Application: What lessons can we learn from the illustration of the foundation?

11. What confidence can we have in God when facing opposition – 11:4-7? What reasons are

Page #11 Workbook on Psalms

Assignments on Psalms 12,13,14
Please read Psalms 12,13,14 and answer the following questions.
1. What problems did David identify among the people – 12:1,2? Do these problems exist
today? Explain.

2. How did the people’s speech demonstrate pride – 12:3-5? What did God say He would do
about it?

3. Application: Give examples that people today sometimes demonstrate the same kind of
human pride and arrogance described here. Why are these attitudes false?

4. Special Assignment: What does David affirm about the words of God in 12:6,7? Explain
the meaning and give the other related scriptures.

5. What questions did David ask in 13:1,2 that express his troubles? What expression in
particular does he repeat to express his concerns?

6. What request did David make of God in 13:3,4, and what reason did he give?

7. What conclusion did David reach about his troubles in 13:5,6?

8. Application: What lessons should we learn from this Psalm about our problems?

9. How are the evils of men described in 14:1-3? What New Testament passage refers to these
verses, and what lesson does it teach?

10. What do evil people do, and what problems result according to 14:4-6?

11. What deliverance does David seek in 14:7?

Workbook on Psalms Page #12

Assignments on Psalms 15,16
Please read Psalms 15,16 and answer the following questions.
1. Special Assignment: List and explain each of the things David says one must do in order
to have fellowship with God (Psalm 15). What applications should we make?

2. How did David view God and how did he view His saints – 16:1-3?

3. How did David’s attitude toward God contrast to his attitude toward idols – 16:4,5?

4. What blessings did service toward God give according to 16:6,7?

5. Summarize the promise made regarding his flesh and soul in 16:8-11.

6. Special Assignment: Where is this passage quoted in the New Testament? Explain the
use made of it there. How do we know it was not fulfilled in David?

7. Application: Explain how this passage serves as evidence for our faith in the New
Testament claims regarding Jesus.

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Assignments on Psalms 17,18
Please read Psalms 17,18 and answer the following questions.
1. What did David ask of God in 17:1,2?

2. Why did he hope God would answer his request– 17:3-6?

3. For what specific problem did David seek God’s help – 17:7-9?

4. How did David describe his enemies in 17:10-13?

5. How did he compare himself to his enemies in 17:14,15?

6. List the illustrations David uses to describe God in 18:1,2.

7. What problems did he have that caused him to call upon the Lord – 18:3-5?

8. Describe God’s reaction when he heard David’s cry – 18:6-8.

9. How is God’s coming described in 18:9-13?

10. What happened on earth when God spoke – 18:14,15?

11. Special Assignment: Explain how God’s conduct benefited David in response to his
prayer – 18:16-18.

12. What reasons does David give why God delivered him – 18:19-24?

Workbook on Psalms Page #14

13. Application: What lessons should we learn from David’s plea and God’s response?

14. Special Assignment: List how God responds to different kinds of people – 18:25-27.
Explain the significance.

15. What could David do because of God’s blessings – 18:28,29? Explain.

16. What can these things teach us about God and His word – 18:30,31?

17. What did God’s blessings do for David – 18:32-36? Explain the meaning.

18. Application: 18:37-42 describes David as a man-of-war. What war do we fight as

Christians today? What can we learn from David about the war in which we serve?

19. How did these events affect David’s role as a king or ruler – 18:43-45?

20. What praise did David express to God in 18:46-48?

21. Describe the praise David gave to God in 18:49,50.

22. Special Assignment: Where is 18:49 cited in the New Testament? Explain how various
expressions in psalm 18 would fit as prophecies of the Messiah.

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Assignments on Psalms 19,20
Please read Psalms 19,20 and answer the following questions.
1. According to 19:1-4, what message is proclaimed and how is it proclaimed.

2. Explain the illustration regarding the sun in 19:4-6.

3. Special Assignment: What can nature teach us about God? List other similar passages.
Does Scripture conflict with true science? Explain.

4. Application: Compare what we can learn from nature to what we learn from Scripture.
Can nature teach us how to live to please God and be forgiven of sins? Explain.

5. List the characteristics of God’s word according to 19:7-9, then list what blessings we receive
from God’s word.

6. How does David describe the value of Scripture – 19:10,11? Explain the sense in which this
is true.

7. What goals should we pursue since God has revealed Himself to us – 19:12-14?

8. What blessings from God are requested in 20:1-4?

9. What confidence is expressed in God’s blessings according to 20:5,6?

10. In what do some people place their trust and what is the consequence – 20:7-9? In what
should we place our confidence and what is the consequence?

11. Application: What lessons should we learn from Psalm 20?

Workbook on Psalms Page #16

Assignments on Psalms 21,22
Please read Psalms 21,22 and answer the following questions.
1. For what reasons did the king say he had cause to rejoice – 21:1,2?

2. What had God done for the king according to 21:3-6? Explain the meaning.

3. What would happen because the king trusted the Lord – 21:7-9?

4. What would God do to the offspring of His enemies? Why? (21:10-12)

5. How should people respond to God’s blessings – 21:13?

6. Special Assignment: List the verses from Psalm 22 that are quoted in the New
Testament. What can we learn from this?

7. Special Assignment: What troubled the psalmist in 22:1,2? Where is this quoted in the
New Testament? How does the context help explain the meaning?

8. Case Study: Some say that Jesus became guilty of our sins on the cross or that He suffered
torment in hell like sinners after He died. How would you respond? (Note Ezekiel 18:20; 2
Corinthians 5:10; Luke 23:43; Acts 2:31).

9. What did God do for the fathers when they trusted Him – 22:3-5?

10. How would people treat him according to 22:6-8? Where is verse 8 quoted in the New
Testament and what does it mean?

Page #17 Workbook on Psalms

11. How long had He trusted God – 22:9-11? So what request did He make of God?

12. What did animals do according to 22:12,13? Explain the meaning.

13. Explain the illustrations used in 22:14,15 to describe His condition.

14. What happened to Him according to 22:16,17? How was this fulfilled in Jesus?

15. Special Assignment: Where is 22:18 quoted in the New Testament? Explain the

16. What request does He make in 22:19-21?

17. Where is 22:22 quoted in the New Testament? Explain the significance.

18. Special Assignment: Why does God deserve praise according to 22:23-26? How does
this contrast to the message of verses 1-21?

19. Who should worship God and what reason is given according to 22:27-29?

20. How should future generations relate to the events in this psalm – 22:30,31?

Workbook on Psalms Page #18

Assignments on Psalms 23,24
Please read Psalms 23,24 and answer the following questions.
1. Special Assignment: List other passages that describe God or Jesus as a shepherd. List
some ways that God is like a shepherd and His people are like sheep.

2. Application: List the blessings that God as a shepherd provides for His people – 23:1-3.
Explain the significance of each. Why do we need these blessings?

3. What problem does God assist us with according to 23:4? Explain the illustration.

4. What blessings does God provide according to 23:5? Explain the significance and tell how
God provides such blessings.

5. What assurance does 23:6 give us?

6. What belongs to God according to 24:1,2? List other passages that teach this.

7. Application: What should we learn from the fact that everything in creation belongs to

8. Special Assignment: List the qualities we must have in order to stand before the Lord
according to 24:3-6. Give another passage for each one and explain the significance.

9. According to 24:7-10, who should receive glory as He enters? List other passages about
the Lord of hosts.

10. What characteristics does He possess for which He deserves to be honored?

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Assignments on Psalms 25,26
Please read Psalms 25,26 and answer the following questions.
1. Who should be ashamed and who should not be ashamed according to 25:1-3? List other
passages about waiting on the Lord.

2. What guidance did David request in 25:4-6? What did he ask God to remember?

3. Application: What did the psalmist ask God not to remember in 25:7? How is the word
“remember” used here? What should we learn about the sins of our youth?

4. Whom does God guide and teach – 25:8-11? To whom does He show mercy and truth?

5. What blessings does God give to those who fear Him according to 25:12-15?

6. What requests did David make of God in 25:16-18?

7. How did David describe his enemies, and what request did he make regarding them – 25:19-

8. What was David convinced God would find when He examined him – 26:1-3?

9. Application: How did David describe his relationship with evil – 26:4,5? What should we
learn regarding our association with evildoers and evil circumstances? Give examples.

10. How did David describe his innocence, and what was the relationship between this and
his worship to God – 25:6-8?

11. How did David further describe his relationship with sinners in 25:9-12?

Workbook on Psalms Page #20

Assignments on Psalms 27,28
Please read Psalms 27,28 and answer the following questions.
1. What confidence does David express regarding his enemies in 27:1-3? What reasons does
he give for this confidence?

2. Application: List other passages about fear of people. In what sense should we not fear
people? What should we learn?

3. What did David desire according to 27:4,5? How important was this to him? How important
should it be to us?

4. What would David do when he was exalted above his enemies – 27:6,7?

5. What blessing did David desire in 27:8-10? How did he illustrate the assurance of God’s

6. What did David desire God to do regarding his enemies – 27:11,12? What reason does he

7. According to 27:13,14, what did David say would give confidence and strength? List other
passages about waiting on the Lord.

8. How important was it to David for God to answer his prayer – 28:1,2?

9. Application: List the evils of the people in 28:3-5. Give similar modern examples. What
should be done to them as a result?

10. What did David say and do when his prayer was answered – 28:6,7?

11. What did he ask God to do for His people and His anointed – 28:8,9?

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Assignments on Psalms 29,30
Please read Psalms 29,30 and answer the following questions.
1. How is worship to God described in 29:1,2?

2. How is the voice of God described in each of the following verses:

29:3 –

29:4 –

29:7 –

29:8 –

29:9 –

3. Special Assignment: The description here appears to refer to a storm as an illustration

of God’s power. Explain how this would fit the description in 29:3-9. (What is Sirion – see
Deuteronomy 3:9).

4. What is God’s position as described in 29:10,11?

5. What motivated the psalmist to give praise according to 30:1-4?

6. How is God’s anger contrasted to His favor in 30:5? Explain the illustration.

7. What confidence might we have in prosperity – 3:6,7? Yet what should we remember?

8. What reason does the psalmist give why he thought God should spare his life – 30:8-10?
Explain his meaning.

9. How did the psalmist describe his joy in 30:11,12?

Workbook on Psalms Page #22

Assignments on Psalms 31,32
Please read Psalms 31,32 and answer the following questions.
1. What request did David make of God in 31:1-3?

2. What did he trust God to do – 31:4-6? How did he view idol worshipers? (Think: Who else
said, “Into Your hand I commit my spirit”?)

3. Why did David rejoice and why did he grieve in 31:7-10?

4. Application: How did people around David treat him – 31:11-13? Why might God’s people
suffer similar treatment today?

5. What was David’s solution to his problems – 31:14-16? What should we learn?

6. What did David ask God to do regarding those who mistreated him – 31:17-20?

7. What praise does David give God and what encouragement does he give to the saints in

8. Who is blessed according to 32:1,2? According to the New Testament, what must a child of
God do to be forgiven if he sins (give b/c/v)?

9. What problems did David face while he remained in sin, and what did he do to be forgiven
– 32:3-6?

10. What advice and assurance is given to those who need God’s forgiveness in 32:7-11?

11. Case Study: Psalm 32:1,2 is quoted in Romans 4:5-8, and some say it means a Christian’s
sins are not imputed to him even if he meets no conditions. In the context of Psalm 32, did David
teach unconditional forgiveness? What do other Scriptures teach?

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Assignments on Psalms 33,34
Please read Psalms 33,34 and answer the following questions.
1. What did David say should be done (33:1-3), and what reason does he give in 33:4,5? What
should we learn from this about the word of God?

2. Special Assignment: What did God do and how did He do it – 33:6-9? List other
passages about creation. What should we learn about creation and about God’s word?

3. What power does God have over the nations – 33:10-12? What nation does God bless and
what should the people and rulers of a nation learn?

4. What does God see when He looks from heaven – 33:13-15? List other passages showing
God knows everything people do.

5. How are sources of physical strength compared to God’s power in 33:16-19?

6. Summarize the lessons we learn from 33:20-22 and from the whole psalm.

7. What reasons does David give why people should praise the Lord according to 34:1-5?

8. How had God responded to David’s prayer, and how should people respond to the lessons
that can be learned – 34:6-10?

9. Application: List the characteristics those who fear God should possess to live a truly
good life according to 34:11-14. Explain and give other passages about each of them.

10. Explain the contrast between God’s treatment of the righteous compared to the wicked –
34:15-19. List other passages that show whose prayer God will or will not hear.

11. Contrast what happens to the wicked as compared to those who trust God – 34:20-22.
Where is verse 20 quoted in the New Testament? Explain it.

Workbook on Psalms Page #24

Assignments on Psalms 35,36
Please read Psalms 35,36 and answer the following questions.
1. What does David request that God would do for him in 35:1-3?

2. What does he want done to his enemies – 35:4-6? What reason does he give?

3. What should be done to the enemies, and how would David react – 35:7-10?

4. Application: Compare David’s treatment of his enemies to their treatment of him – 35:11-
14. What should we learn? List other passages elsewhere.

5. What else did the enemies do, and how would David react if God would give relief – 35:15-

6. Why should the enemies be punished according to 35:19-21?

7. What did David call upon God to do in 35:22-24?

8. Compare the end result of the wicked to the reaction of the righteous – 35:25-28.

9. Special Assignment: Make a list of the characteristics of the wicked man in 36:1-4. For
some of these characteristics, list other passages elsewhere in Scripture.

10. In contrast to the wicked man, what characteristics does God possess in 36:5-8? How
should righteous people react?

11. If God would heed David’s request, what would the end result be for those who are good
and those who are evil – 36:9-12?

Page #25 Workbook on Psalms

Assignments on Psalms 37
Please read Psalms 37 and answer the following questions.
1. Application: Explain why we should not be troubled by the prosperity of wicked people –
37:1-4. What should we do instead? How does this help us overcome fretting?

2. What will God do if we trust in Him – 37:5-7? How does this help us avoid fretting?

3. Summarize the contrast between evildoers and those who wait on the Lord – 37:8-11.

4. How do wicked people seek to treat the godly – 37:12-15? What is the result?

5. How is the righteous man better off than the wicked man according to 37:16-20?

6. Application: What sin of wicked people is discussed in 37:21,22? List other passages
about this sin and explain what the Bible teaches about it.

7. Describe the ways God blesses the good man according to 37:23-26.

8. What should the righteous do and what will be the result according to 37:27-29?

9. What is in the heart and mouth of the righteous according to 37:30-33? How do evil people
treat him, and what does God do about it?

10. What happens to the wicked, even if he is very powerful, according to 37:34-36?

11. How does 37:37-40 contrast the future of the wicked to the future of the righteous?

Workbook on Psalms Page #26

Assignments on Psalms 38,39
Please read Psalms 38,39 and answer the following questions.
1. What problem does David have in 38:1-4, and what is the cause of the problem? Does he
deny responsibility for his sin? What can we learn?

2. How does he describe his suffering in 38:5-8? Again, what is the cause?

3. What was God aware of – 38:9,10? (Think: Why is this significant in David’s case?)

4. How did people treat him, and how did this affect him – 38:11-14?

5. What gave David hope, and what concerns troubled him – 38:15-17?

6. Application: What did David need to do about his sin – 38:18? List other passages
showing what Christians should do about sin. What yet troubled him – 38:19,20?

7. What request did he make of God regarding his troubles – 38:21,22?

8. Why did David keep quiet – 39:1-3? How did he feel at this time?

9. Special Assignment: What question was bothering David – 39:4,5? List other
passages about this subject.

10. What mistake do many people make with life – 39:6,7? What did David do instead?

11. So what did David hope God would do about all this – 39:8-11?

Page #27 Workbook on Psalms

Assignments on Psalms 40,41
Please read Psalms 40,41 and answer the following questions.
1. What had God done for the psalmist in 40:1-3? What results followed?

2. Who is blessed according to 40:4? How are God’s works described in 40:5?

3. Special Assignment: Where is 40:6-8 quoted in the New Testament? Explain the
meaning of the verses based on the New Testament use of the passage.

4. What had the psalmist done according to 40:9,10? What should we learn?

5. What problem did the psalmist have in 40:11-13? What request did he make of God?

6. What distinction should be made between those who pursue evil and those who seek good
according to 40:14-17?

7. What blessing will God give to those who care for the poor according to 41:1-3?

8. Special Assignment: Contrast what the psalmist requested from God in 41:4 compared
to the treatment he received from evil people in 41:5-8.

9. Where is 41:9 mentioned in the New Testament and how was it used? Explain the meaning.

10. What blessings did the psalmist ask of God in 41:10-13?

Workbook on Psalms Page #28

Assignments on Psalms 42,43,44
Please read Psalms 42,43,44 and answer the following questions.
1. How does the psalmist describe his thirst for God – 42:1,2? What causes his tears and what
does he remember from the past – 42:3,4?

2. What will he do to calm his troubles – 42:5-7? (Think: What is the significance of the
references to places in Canaan?)

3. Application: What does he determine to do when his enemies reproach him – 42:8-11?
What lessons should we learn when we face discouragement in God’s service?

4. What did he hope God would give him strength to accomplish – 43:1-4? (Note the
connection between the 42:11 and 43:5.)

5. What had the people heard about the past – 44:1-3? What power had enabled them to drive
out the nations from the land?

6. Application: What lessons should the people learn from these past victories – 44:4-8?
And what lessons should we learn?

7. What circumstances were the people facing at this time – 44:9-12?

8. How does the psalmist continue to describe their circumstances in 44:13-16?

9. How does the psalmist describe the people’s service to God in 44:17-21?

10. Application: Where is 44:22 quoted in the New Testament and how was it used there?
How does this help us understand the circumstances described in the psalm? What applications
can we make?

11. What does the psalmist call on God to do now – 44:23-26?

Page #29 Workbook on Psalms

Assignments on Psalms 45,46,47
Please read Psalms 45,46,47 and answer the following questions.
1. How does 45:1-5 describe the King? (Think: How might this refer to Christ?)

2. Special Assignment: Where is 45:6,7 quoted in the New Testament? So who is being
described by these verses, and what can we learn about His character and Deity?

3. How is the king’s clothing described and who stands beside him – 45:8,9?

4. How is the queen described in 45:10-13 and what instructions is she given? Who does the
queen represent here? (Hint: Consider the answers to the previous questions.)

5. What happens when she comes before the King and what is the result – 45:14-17? (Think:
What event is being symbolically described here?)

6. How is the theme of Psalm 46 stated in verses 1,7, and 11?

7. How are troubles described and what assurance is there of protection in 46:1-5?

8. How is God’s protection described in 46:6-11? What lessons should we learn?

9. What position does God hold, and what has He done that demonstrates it – 47:1-4?

10. How should we honor God as king according to 47:5-7?

11. How is God’s honor described in 47:8,9?

Workbook on Psalms Page #30

Assignments on Psalms 48,49
Please read Psalms 48,49 and answer the following questions.
1. How is the city of God described in 48:1-3? (Think: What is the significance of Zion or
Jerusalem in the Old Testament?)

2. Describe the effect the city had on kings of other nations when they saw it – 48:4-8.

3. In contrast to the kings, what did God’s people think about the city – 48:9-11?

4. As the people observed the city, what conclusions should they reach and what should they
do with the information – 48:12-14?

5. To whom is Psalm 49 addressed, and what does the psalmist say he intends for the psalm
to accomplish – 49:1-4?

6. What kind of people does the psalmist describe in 49:5-9, and what limits do they face?

7. What do rich people often think about their possessions, but what often happens instead –

8. What happens to rich people at death, and how does this compare to God’s treatment of
His people – 49:14,15?

9. What reasons are given why we should not fear those who become rich – 49:16-20?

10. Application: List other passages about wealth. What are the dangers and problems
created by wealth, and what lessons should we learn?

Page #31 Workbook on Psalms

Assignments on Psalms 50,51
Please read Psalms 50,51 and answer the following questions.
1. How is God’s coming described in 50:1-3?

2. Whom does God call together, and for what purpose does He call them – 50:4-8?

3. Application: What reasons does God give why He does not need man’s gifts – 50:9-13?
What lessons should we learn?

4. What does God want from His people, and what does He promise them – 50:14,15?

5. Application: What accusations does He make against the people, and what should they
not do as a result – 50:16-20? What should we learn about who should teach God’s word? Are
people sometimes guilty of the same errors today? Explain.

6. How had the people reacted to God’s past responses – 50:21-23? What does He require
them to do now?

7. Application: Describe David’s confession of sin in 51:1-4. What should we learn about
what God requires when we sin? (Think: What sin occasioned this request from David?)

8. Case Study: Many people say 51:5 means all people are born totally depraved because
they inherit the guilt of Adam’s sin. Use Scripture to respond. See Ezekiel 18:20; 2 Corinthians
5:10; Matthew 18:3; Psalms 106:37,38; etc. How do you explain 51:5?

9. Describe David’s plea for forgiveness according to 51:6-10.

10. How will David’s circumstances change if God forgives him according to 51:11-15?

11. What sacrifices did David think were more important than animal sacrifices – 51:16-19?
What lessons should we learn?

Workbook on Psalms Page #32

Assignments on Psalms 52,53,54
Please read Psalms 52,53,54 and answer the following questions.
1. Special Assignment: Under what circumstances was Psalm 52 written (see the title).
Find the passage that describes this event and tell the story.

2. List the characteristics of the wicked man according to 52:1-4.

3. What will God do to him and what reasons are given in 52:5-7?

4. What should righteous people do instead of what the wicked do – 52:8,9?

5. Application: List lessons we should learn about trusting in riches and wickedness.

6. What do foolish people think and how does God describe them – 53:1-3? (Think: What
other psalm is almost identical to this one?)

7. How do such people treat God’s people, and what will God do to them – 53:4-6?

8. Special Assignment: In what circumstances was Psalm 54 written (see the title)? Give
Scripture and describe the event that happened.

9. How does David describe the problem in 54:1-3?

10. What does David trust God to do – 54:4,5?

11. What would David do as a result – 54:6,7?

Page #33 Workbook on Psalms

Assignments on Psalms 55,56
Please read Psalms 55,56 and answer the following questions.
1. In 55:1-5, how does David describe the problem that occasioned his plea to God?

2. What did he wish he could do according to 55:6-8? Explain the meaning.

3. How did David describe circumstances in the city in 55:9-11? How does this compare to
modern cities?

4. Application: What especially troubled David about the problem he faced – 55:12-15?
What Bible situations were similar to this? What lessons should we learn?

5. What did David determine to do about his problem – 55:16-18?

6. How else does David describe his opponents in 55:19-21?

7. Contrast God’s treatment of righteous and unrighteous people in 55:22,23.

8. Application: What problem did David face according to 56:1,2 (note the title)? How did
he determine to approach his problem – 56:3,4? Where else are similar statements found in
Scripture? What should we learn when we face fears?

9. How did people treat David according to 56:5-7? List other similar Bible examples.

10. What request did David make and what confidence did he express in 56:8,9?

11. What commitments did David make in 56:10-13?

Workbook on Psalms Page #34

Assignments on Psalms 57,58,59
Please read Psalms 57,58,59 and answer the following questions.
1. What request does David make of God in 57:1-3?

2. How did he describe his need in 57:4-6? According to the title, what was causing his
problem? List a Bible reference describing the event.

3. What commitment did David make and what did he promise to the Lord – 57:7-11?

4. How does David describe the wicked in 58:1-5?

5. Case Study: Verse 3 says they go astray as soon as they are born, so Calvinists say this
proves babies inherit the guilt of Adam’s sin (see notes on 51:5). Does the context say anything
about Adam or Adam’s sin? Does it say people inherit sin or commit sin? Consider other passages
such as Ezekiel 18:20; 2 Corinthians 5:10, and prepare a response.

6. What consequences should they receive for their sins – 58:6-9? Explain the symbols.

7. What response should characterize righteous people – 58:10,11?

8. According to the title, what circumstances did David face in Psalm 59? Give a Scripture
reference. How does he describe the problem in 59:1-4?

9. How else does he describe them in 59:5-10, and what should God do about it?

10. How should they be punished, and what should people learn – 59:11-13?

11. Contrast the conduct of the enemy to David’s response in 59:14-17.

Page #35 Workbook on Psalms

Assignments on Psalms 60,61,62
Please read Psalms 60,61,62 and answer the following questions.
1. How did David describe the way God had treated the nation in 60:1-3?

2. What did God provide and what did David request in 60:4,5? What is a banner and what
would it signify in this case?

3. Special Assignment: Describe the general location of the places in 60:6,7 compared to
the places in verses 8,9. Contrast the way God will treat the different places.

4. What change does David request of God in 60:10-12?

5. Special Assignment: What illustration does David use to describe God in 61:1-3? Where
else is God described as a rock or tower? Explain the illustration.

6. What commitment does David make in 61:4,5? What reasons does he give for being
confident in God’s protection?

7. What blessings does David hope to receive from God in 61:6-8? How would he respond to
God’s blessings?

8. What confidence in God does David describe in 62:1,2? (Note how these verses are
essentially repeated in 62:5,6.)

9. How had enemies treated him according to 62:3,4?

10. What confidence is expressed in God in 62:5-8?

11. Special Assignment: Contrast things that are not worthy of our trust in 62:9,10 to the
importance of trusting God in 62:11,12. Why should we trust in God instead of man or wealth?
List other similar passages.

Workbook on Psalms Page #36

Assignments on Psalms 63,64,65
Please read Psalms 63,64,65 and answer the following questions.
1. If a person is a servant of God, what are some things he should do – 63:1-3?

2. What more should God’s people do – 63:4-6?

3. What blessings do God’s people receive as a result – 63:7,8?

4. How do God’s servants contrast to their enemies according to 63:9-11?

5. Special Assignment: What kind of plots do wicked people plan against the righteous –
64:1-4? List other passages about this.

6. Explain why wicked people think they will succeed in their plots – 64:5,6.

7. What will prevent their success? What will people think when this happens – 64:7-10?

8. What problem does the psalmist have in 65:1-4, and what assistance does he seek?

9. What deeds has God done in the past that give us confidence in Him – 65:5-7?

10. What events in nature give evidence of God’s blessings – 65:8-10?

11. What benefits result from God’s blessings – 65:11-13? (Think: What lessons should we
learn from this?)

Page #37 Workbook on Psalms

Assignments on Psalms 66,67
Please read Psalms 66,67 and answer the following questions.
1. Who should praise and worship God according to 66:1-4? What reasons are given why He
deserves our praise?

2. What events in the history of Israel demonstrated His greatness – 66:5,6?

3. What power does God have according to 66:7? (Think: What is the application to those who
would rebel against God?)

4. Why should God be blessed and praised according to 66:8,9?

5. What were some ways that God tested or refined the people – 66:10-12? Explain the
illustrations of refining silver and the net.

6. List some of the ways that people should show their gratitude to God – 66:13-15. Give other
passages and explain the concept of making and paying vows.

7. What should those who fear God do according to 66:16,17?

8. Application: What may hinder God from hearing prayers – 66:18-20? List other
passages that show the effect of obedience vs. disobedience for God to hear prayers.

9. Special Assignment: What request is made in 67:1? Explain the significance of God’s
face shining on us. Where else is such language used in Scripture?

10. Special Assignment: What should happen or result among the nations or peoples –
67:2-4? Who are these nations or peoples? List other passages describing God’s relationship to

11. What blessings will result from God – 67:5-7? Explain.

Workbook on Psalms Page #38

Assignments on Psalms 68
Please read Psalms 68 and answer the following questions. Note: most students agree this is
one of the most difficult Psalms to understand. Some verses involve difficult translation.
1. Special Assignment: How are God’s enemies treated? How do the righteous react – 68:1-
4? Explain the illustrations. (Think: Why were some nations considered God’s enemies?)

2. What blessings did God provide some people in 68:5,6? List other passages about caring
for the needy.

3. What blessings did God provide for His people in the wilderness – 68:7-10? (Think: When
might this have happened?)

4. What happened when the enemies fled – 68:11,12? (Think: Verse 13 is especially difficult.
What are your thoughts?)

5. 68:14-17 describes some great mountains that envy (symbolically) another mountain. What
mountain do they envy and what reason is given for the envy? Explain.

6. Special Assignment: Where is 68:18 quoted in the New Testament? How is it used
there? How is it used in the context of Psalm 68:18,19? (Think: What is the connection?)

7. What is graphically described in 68:20-23? Explain the meaning.

8. By way of contrast, what is described in 60:24-27? Explain the description.

9. As a result of God’s victory, what will the vanquished enemies do in 68:28-31?

10. What should the power of God lead all kingdoms of the earth do – 68:32-35?

Page #39 Workbook on Psalms

Assignments on Psalms 69,70
Please read Psalms 69,70 and answer the following questions. Psalm 70 is essentially identical
to Psalm 40:14-17. See that psalm for our assignments.
1. How does the psalmist describe his troubles in 69:1-3?

2. Special Assignment: How does he describe his enemies in 69:4? How is he treated
unfairly? What New Testament passage refers to this verse?

3. What confession does he make in 69:5? What concern does he have about the effects of his
conduct – 69:6? What should we learn about our influence on others?

4. Special Assignment: What reasons does he give for his mistreatment – 69:7-9? Where
is verse 9 quoted in the New Testament, and how is it used there?

5. For what actions did people ridicule him in 69:10-12? What kinds of people spoke against
him? (Think: What can we learn from these criticisms?)

6. What help did he seek in his time of trouble – 69:13-17?

7. What help did he receive from other people – 69:18-21? What New Testament passages
are similar to verse 21 regarding Jesus’ crucifixion?

8. What consequences should come upon the enemies – 69:22-24? Where is verse 22 quoted
in the New Testament and how is it used?

9. How else should they be punished according to 69:25-28? Where is verse 25 quoted in the
New Testament and how is it used?

10. What will the psalmist do despite his suffering – 69:29-31? How does he describe how he
thinks God will accept this?

11. How will his service to God affect other people – 69:32-36? What blessing will God bring
upon people?

Workbook on Psalms Page #40

Assignments on Psalm 71
Please read Psalm 71 and answer the following questions.
1. What expressions in 71:1-3 describe the psalmist’s trust in God for protection?

2. From what problems does the author seek protection – 71:4?

3. How long had he trusted God and been blessed by Him – 71:5,6?

4. How did people view him – 71:7,8? (Think: Why might people wonder at those who serve

5. Application: What request did the author make regarding his age – 71:9? What are some
advantages and disadvantages of older age?

6. What did his enemies say about him – 71:10-13? What request did he make as a result?

7. What was the author determined to do despite his problems – 71:14-16? What should we

8. Application: How long had he learned God’s will – 71:17-19? What was he determined to
do as a result? What should we learn about old age?

9. What did the author now hope God can do for him – 71:20,21?

10. What had happened to the author’s enemies – 71:22-24? What did he determine to do as
a result?

Page #41 Workbook on Psalms

Assignments on Psalm 72
Please read Psalm 72 and answer the following questions.
1. What request is made and what will the king do as a result – 72:1,2? (Think: As you study,
consider what king the psalm is primarily about: Solomon? The Messiah? Someone else?)

2. What blessings will result to the people – 72:3,4?

3. How long will the people fear him – 72:5? What illustration describes the blessings the king
brings – 72:6?

4. What blessings will prevail during his reign – 72:7?

5. Special Assignment: Describe the extent of his kingdom – 72:8. (Think: How does this
compare to how other passages describe the extent of Israel? Note Zechariah 9:10.)

6. Who will submit to his reign? How will they demonstrate submission – 72:9-11?

7. What will he do for disadvantaged people – 72:12-14?

8. What blessings or rewards does the king receive – 72:15?

9. How are the people of his kingdom blessed – 72:16?

10. How does this affect the king’s reputation – 72:17?

11. What praise should God receive – 72:18,19? (Think: Explain verse 20. In what sense is this

Workbook on Psalms Page #42

Assignments on Psalms 73
Please read Psalms 73 and answer the following questions.
1. Application: How did the author summarize his problem in 73:1-3? Describe some ways
a servant of God could have a similar problem today.

2. How are the advantages of the wicked described in 73:4-7? Explain.

3. How is their speech described in 73:8-10?

4. What attitude do they express toward God – 73:11,12? How would this attitude affect their

5. How did the author view his own life – 73:13,14? Why would he feel this way?

6. Application: Why did he decide not to express to others the problems he was considering
– 73:15.16? What lessons should we learn about our own problems?

7. Special Assignment: What did he decide was the solution to his problem and how did
he learn it – 73:17-20? What should we learn as a result?

8. Case Study: Suppose someone tells you that death is the end of existence and there is no
reward or punishment afterward. How can this psalm help you respond?

9. After he understood the answer to his problem, how did the author feel about the doubts
he had experienced – 73:21,22?

10. How did the lessons he learned affect his relationship to God – 73:23-26?

11. How did he summarize his conclusions in 73:27,28?

Page #43 Workbook on Psalms

Assignments on Psalms 74,75
Please read Psalms 74,75 and answer the following questions.
1. What reasons does the psalmist give why God should remember His people – 74:1,2?

2. What tragedy concerned the people – 74:3,4?

3. Describe the things the enemies had done – 74:5-8.

4. What questions or requests did the people ask of God in 74:9-11?

5. Special Assignment: What had God done in the past that demonstrated His power –
74:12-15? Explain why these acts of God would give the people hope.

6. How is God’s power described in 74:16,17? Explain.

7. What reasons did the people give in 74:18-20 why they hoped God would act? (Think: What
is the significance of the turtledove?)

8. What final outcome did the people hope for – 74:21-23?

9. What promise did God make in response to the people’s request in 75:1-3? When would He

10. Special Assignment: What warning did God give the wicked in 75:4-6? (Think: What
is the significance of the horn? Why did God mention the various directions?)

11. Special Assignment: What will God do in the end – 75:7-10? Explain the significance
of drinking the cup (check other similar examples in Scripture).

Workbook on Psalms Page #44

Questions should average roughly 3-4 verses per question.

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Page #45 Workbook on Psalms

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